
The Real Nephilim? 

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@Lemola8 День назад
Wrong on this Corey. These offsprings were actual giants (size wise). Why would the human line of seth (sons of God according to you) and the human line of Cain produce 15-30 foot tall beings whenever they reproduced? For anyone reading this comment Corey minor is a sound teacher and someone I recommend on many subjects...on THIS particular subject I'd recommend Dr Michael Heiser "Unseen realm". He (Dr Heiser) also has many other videos explaining other biblical enigmas. Thank me later.
@christopherbird8458 День назад
Then I would ask why don’t angels still have sex with humans? Why were there Anakim in David’s day?
@roybookman7603 День назад
Why don't we have giants today?​@@christopherbird8458
@apexone5502 День назад
​@@christopherbird8458 those angels saw what happened to the ones who did choose to disobey. They would have seen where God is holding the disobedient ones and I'm sure they want no parts of that. Even the demons (spirits of the nephilim) were terrified of being punished before the time).
@J0nathanNZ 22 часа назад
​@@apexone5502Exactly, as stupid as these spiritual beings are in disobeying God the first time during the great fall, them having seen God pour His wrath on those angels who "left there first estate" was enough to absolutely terrify them beyond human comprehension and make it so that no other fallen one would ever do that again...
@madsaez 20 часов назад
@@christopherbird8458 Who says they aren’t? In fact they try when they get the opportunity. Tower of Babel men trying to bridge that gap. Genesis 19:5 KJVS [5] And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. Make no mistake, God does not lie. He tells us they will come back. Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that,
@tronm9435 23 часа назад
The term Nephilim is mentioned only a few times in the Bible. Nowhere else in Scripture does it describe humans having relations with other humans as resulting in Nephilim. That interpretation doesn’t align with the text. It specifically says “daughters of men,” not “daughters of Cain,” as you often suggest. Adding that detail is an interpretation beyond what Scripture actually states.
@cowel8734 23 часа назад
@apexone5502 21 час назад
@@tronm9435 agreed. We can even look at it from a common sense aspect. Like, why would Scripture say the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful if the sons of God were mere men? There's absolutely no good reason to have those kinds of distinctions for human men taking human women as wives Why specify that the daughters were of mankind if the sons of God were men? We would naturally assume the women were the daughters of men if the sons of God were humans as well. It makes more sense to have those specificities if the sons of God are other types of beings instead of men.
@CephasRock-ml7gs 10 часов назад
You got it. Corey tripping lol
@JPGola-n9w День назад
🌺🌸🌼🌺🌼🌺🌸🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼please pray for salvation for, My husband Pete, and two sons, Chris and Nick.
@alainm6070 21 час назад
Corey, The lack of mention of the punishment of the angels in Gen 6 is only a problem when we fail to take the Bible as a unified book where the truth is progressively revealed. 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 speak of fallen angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling and are now kept in eternal chain until the final judgment. This is not a reference to the original fall of Satan who was cast out of heaven but is still free to roam the earth with his demons. No, this is a subsequent event after the initial rebellion where the angels who sin are now bound in Tartarus. Only Gen 6:4 fits the bill and explains what was their sin. This is not the first time, events in the first five books of the Bible and given a further explanation of what was happening in the Spiritual realm. The same book of Jude (verse 9) also explains what the chief of the fallen angels, Satan did after what seemed in Deut 34:1-8 to be a pretty natural event. Jude and Peter bring Gen 6:4 full circle.
@theleastofthese5369 16 часов назад
The problem with this is Satan wasn't cast out from a separate realm. Satan is part of the creation story. He is a created being. We have to correct this part to correct the rest.
@theleastofthese5369 15 часов назад
Genesis 3 Now the serpent was more subtil than *any beast of the field which the Lord God had made* And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
@BermudaGrass Час назад
@@theleastofthese5369 Unclean spirits can possess animals. Like when Legion asked Christ to be cast into the 2,000 pigs. The serpent (revealed to be likened unto a dragon in Revelation 12) was possessed by Lucifer/Azazel (hence, The Mark of The Beast).
@newrainmusic День назад
Peter says that angels who did not keep their first estate are chained below the earth the Bible says that we gotta deal with that
@christopherbird8458 День назад
Go back and look WHEN. That was after Gen 6 so that can’t be referring to the Nephilim
@newrainmusic День назад
@@christopherbird8458 what we know is that giants were the offspring of Genesis 6….. godly people having sex with ungodly doesn’t create giants but those angels didn’t keep their first estate and transgressed a law given to them , their judgment was severe for that ….. the flood was also dealing with this problem when it says Noah was “Perfect” go look at the original language and tell me what it says
@kingspeech2240 23 часа назад
@@newrainmusicagreed and it’s really simple the Seth theory does not hold ip
@billsmith2815 20 часов назад
​@@christopherbird8458 Peter actually tell you when, before Noah's flood. Jude began with Moses and ended with Sodom so he clearly wasn't being chronological. You're welcome.
@tronm9435 23 часа назад
You say the "sons of God" refers to the sons of Seth. But if that were the case, why isn’t Seth himself called a "son of God"? The only way that interpretation would make sense is if Seth were God, which clearly isn’t the case. Show me in the Bible where it calls Seth’s descendants "sons of God"-you won’t find it because it’s not there. Be cautious about adding to or taking away from what the Bible actually says.
@phillipbenjamin6920 День назад
Angels aren't given or taken in marriage that's why them leaving their first estate to do what they did was such an issue to God
@patetarr День назад
Jesus said “angels IN HEAVEN”
@holy-eradication7058 18 часов назад
How does a change of location change their ability to do something?...
@phillipbenjamin6920 11 часов назад
@@holy-eradication7058 if they were where they were supposed to be they wouldn't have been able to do wrong cause they would have been at their post where God placed them doing what God had them doing rebellion starts when you move from where you're told to be and to God rebellion is as witchcraft
9 часов назад
Exactly and the fact that they created a corrupted bloodline through that act. Abomination.
9 часов назад
​@@holy-eradication7058different dimensions bring forth different natural laws Also the Bible is clear angels can come in the form of humans.
@1012latrice 21 час назад
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬ They were already on the earth and afterwards… they weren’t a byproduct of the two.
@syoung2333 День назад
Cory, I have rock with you and disagreed, but i've never I feel this if I needed to unsubscribe or leave you alone because you stay interesting and at least to a point of view. This is one of those moments where I do not agree, sir. I have to say that. I don't believe your point of view is correct. And that actual corrupted angels lay down with human woman.These women gave birth to monsters. This, amongst other things that the angels were doing amongst men, is one of the reasons why Jehovah, wiped the Earth clean, except for Noah and 5 more.
@TheologyStuff 22 часа назад
Corey is wrong on this one but its cool to hear his perspective
@jeffgray6291 17 часов назад
He's absolutely wrong and what good is anyone's perception/opinion he has not done his homework. It'd be different if he had at least searched the Scriptures on this.
@tronm9435 День назад
When has Yahweh ever been a God of confusion? If "sons of God" referred to angels in the Old Testament, then it would consistently mean angels throughout every instance. Yahweh would not switch between meanings, as that would create confusion. For example, in Job 1:6, we read, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them.” Here, “sons of God” clearly refers to angels. So, in every mention within the Old Testament, "sons of God" points to angels. Yahweh is not a God of confusion. Only with the arrival of Yeshua in the New Testament did the term "sons of God" begin to apply to humanity, referring to those who are led by the Spirit of God.
@holy-eradication7058 19 часов назад
When did God ever call one of His angels Son? You are called sons of God when we are grafted into His branch but angels cannot be. How do you reconcile the verse stating that?
@tronm9435 18 часов назад
@@holy-eradication7058 Job 1:6, we read, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before YAHWEH, and Satan also came among them.” Here, “sons of God” clearly refers to angels. This happened in heaven, where no human was. Read Job 1:6 - 7
@tronm9435 48 минут назад
@@holy-eradication7058 When has Yahweh ever been a God of confusion? If "sons of God" referred to angels in the Old Testament, then it would consistently mean angels throughout every instance. Yahweh would not switch between meanings, as that would create confusion. For example, in Job 1:6, we read, “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them.” Here, “sons of God” clearly refers to angels. So, in every mention within the Old Testament, "sons of God" points to angels. Yahweh is not a God of confusion. Only with the arrival of Yeshua in the New Testament did the term "sons of God" begin to apply to humanity, referring to those who are led by the Spirit of God.
@RobertMartinez-nd7il 21 час назад
You are wrong, Goliath was a nephilim.
@tronm9435 День назад
Yes, in the Old Testament, every instance of "sons of God" refers to divine beings or heavenly hosts rather than humans. The clearest examples are found in: 1. Genesis 6:2, 4 - "The sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took wives of all that they chose." This passage is generally interpreted as describing heavenly beings interacting with humans. 2. Job 1:6 - "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them." Here, the "sons of God" are presented as spiritual beings in the heavenly realm. 3. Job 2:1 - Similarly, "sons of God" again gather in heaven before God, affirming their role as part of the divine council. 4. Job 38:7 - "When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." This occurs during the creation event, suggesting the "sons of God" were present as witnesses to God’s creative work, which wouldn’t apply to human beings. In all these cases, "sons of God" indeed refers exclusively to heavenly beings, reinforcing that in the Old Testament context, the term is tied to God's divine assembly rather than humanity.
@truthseeker73able День назад
I definitely have a different view then you do on this. Why would men taking human wives lead to there children being a line of giants? I do agree we can agree to disagree though. I think Paul wouldn't have taken your view.
@wayne1698 День назад
This was really disingenuous. You reaching with this one. How are the “sons of God” in the “old T” humans in Gen 6 ? but switch back and means angles in Job 1 and Job 38. You’re reaching. You left out how it said “Satan came among them. 7 And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth. So these sinful Humans presenting themselves with Satan? In heaven? People can’t Handle the truth on this subject, their minds won’t allow them to believe It says what it says.
@J0nathanNZ 21 час назад
Unfortunately that appears to be the case... A lot of People appear to get either uncomfortable or scared when it comes to the supernatural and as a result try to write it off....I'm curious as to how those very same people will react when the veil is completely taken down and we witness these beings with our own carnel eyes... I guess that's what scripture means by people hearts failing by what is coming upon the earth... 🤷
@BermudaGrass 21 час назад
@@J0nathanNZ that’s exactly what it means. They won’t be able to recognize what’s before them.
@apexone5502 Час назад
@@J0nathanNZ it's crazy how the idea of rogue angels putting on flesh to mate with human women and create ungodly fleshly beings is too much for them to believe even though it's from the same Book that tells us Jesus walked on water and that Moses's staff turned into a snake.
@hollywoodelpaso1982 19 часов назад
This is against the understanding of Jewish scholars centuries before the birth of Christ. It's against the views of Jude. It's against extra biblical stories like Enoch. It's against the Jewish Talmid. I'd like to follow this logic Corey but this is an interpretation starting recently and not the views of early church or pre Christian temple priests. I agree with once saved always saved, but how can I say the reiterated negative is important but the word 'giants' are not. Wouldn't the Angels marry? Isn't that how God wants flesh to be joined? I'm seeing a lot of hoops to jump through.
@chillwill9227 13 часов назад
Wow Corey you super missed it on this one bro. Ur tone is very demeaning to people on the other side of the debate too. What is the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3? THAT narrative lines up so many strange passages in the Bible sir.... God bless u r still doing a good thing
9 часов назад
Yes!!! This was the exact point I brought up
@madsaez 23 часа назад
Bad hermeneutics. A lot of assuming implied to the text and a horrible dividing of scripture on Corey's part. Believe what the bible says not what you think it says.
@holy-eradication7058 18 часов назад
You have a horrible hermeneutic if you take the bible literally without any cultural context of who the text was written for.
@cowel8734 23 часа назад
Adam was the son of God because he was the first man. If it was normal to call humans the sons of God, then why did they hate Jesus for that claim. Also where did the giants come from and why were they always on the side of evil. Theres a prophecy in Daniel that says "they wiĺl mingle themselves with the seed of man." We see many times where angels can be human and wrestle, fight, or touch humans. Also we have different sets of DNA in different people which shows there was different types of beings which people come from. The only way sons of God could fit humans is if they were all created by God without parents like Adam.
@lakisha1235 12 часов назад
Corey brother, make it make sense.
@patetarr День назад
Why then, was Noah not called a son of God in genesis 6?
@holy-eradication7058 18 часов назад
That's begging the question fallacy, why wasn't Paul called a son of God? Idnt need to because we knew their lives and their works through the text.
@patetarr 3 часа назад
@@holy-eradication7058 That’s a “because I said so” fallacy. You just can’t read the scriptures properly.
@tronm9435 День назад
In the Old Testament, the phrase "sons of God" is often used to refer to beings with a direct relationship to God that stand apart from humanity. This is seen in Genesis 6:2-4, Job 1:6, and Job 2:1, where "sons of God" refers to spiritual beings or angels in the heavenly realm. This usage implies a kind of divine or heavenly nature, distinct from humans. In the New Testament, however, the term "sons of God" expands to include believers in Yeshua (Jesus) who have a close, reconciled relationship with God. For example, in John 1:12, believers in Christ are given the authority to become "children of God." Similarly, Romans 8:14-17 explains that those led by the Spirit of God are the "sons of God" and are seen as heirs with Christ. This shift in terminology reflects the idea that, through faith and adoption, humans are brought into a special relationship with God, similar to that of children to a Father. The "change" can be understood as a progression of God's plan, where, through Yeshua, the relationship with God becomes accessible to humanity in a deeper, familial sense. This is a central theme in the New Testament: believers are adopted as children of God, heirs in the kingdom, brought closer to Him through Christ and the Spirit. So, while the Old Testament often referred to “sons of God” as divine beings, the New Testament emphasizes the transformation of believers into children of God through faith.
@sronce87 5 часов назад
Appreciate the breakdown on this passage. Thank you Cory.
@TheRevelationWatchman 21 час назад
This is 1000000000000000% incorrect, respectfully. #1 ANGELS ARE NOT HUMANS to have "sex" and create a offspring. They are spiritual beings who understand how to fertilize a human egg and create a human hybrid aka nephilm/giant. JUST AS GOD (A SPIRITUAL BEING) FERTILIZE MARY'S EGG, to create Jesus in her womb. Where do you think the fallen angels got the idea to have children...because they wanted to be like God from what He said to Eve in the garden. #2 From Genesis to Jude it's been clear scriptures tells us angels procreated a race of Giants which is why 2 Peter2:4 tells us why these Genesis 6 angels were chained in darkness "BECAUSE THEY SINNED". Since Genesis to our modern time, it's only recently this truth has been rejected. Why? because Jesus said His return will be like the "days of Noah" where human hybrids were created and populated the earth and will happen again. But satan has now convinced Christians that fallen angels didn't create a race of hybrids human giants, that this didn't happen. now Christians won't know what to look for. PS don't say sin because sin has existed since Noah's time to today. Human hybrids were exclusive to Noah's days #3 Genesis 6 indicated the nephilm were GIANTS and all throughout the world are megalithic stones, temples,giant footprints, giant idols carved into mountains, eye witnesses account of giants, skeleton giants, giant mounds, giant bones with 6 fingers & 6 toes (just like the biblical accounts), SPECIFIC biblical references(the giant Goliath vs David & Goliath's brother, Og King of the giants of Bashan). All the evidence proves the giants existed. Genesis tells us their origins. Fallen Angels did create a world of giant humans (nephilm) AND giant animal (aka dinosaurs ) and "there was evil continously which is why God had to flood the world and save Noah & his family preserving the seed of Messiah.
@Theevangelist7 19 часов назад
They can take on a form but they also can manipulate the genetics/Genesis/ Genes. Noah was perfect ( untainted) in his generation (genes) he and his family were the only ones that have not become genetically tainted
@TheRevelationWatchman 18 часов назад
@Theevangelist7 exactly! It astounds me how this has been the truth since the time of Genesis to Jude to the King James era and only recently (in the last days) Christians believe this didn't happen when Jesus said His return will be like the days of Noah, where an event happen in his time that will ONLY happen again during thr time of Jesus return.
@joshuascott3428 11 часов назад
You are almost correct spirti back then didnt mean immaterial it meant that which was beyond material so yes they had scientific knowledger to make humans threw genetic manipulation but they also could take human bodies as a form of shapeshifting so actually they could do both.These also were unfallen angels (at least at the time )Shamyaza and otheres were actually a order of angels called Watchers that were sent by God to teach mankind
@camden7488 11 часов назад
Nephilim actually means "earth born" not giants. Those of God are born of spirit those not of God are born of earth. Dont be foolish. Earlier in Genesis God tells us only those after their kind can multiply. Its unequal yoking. Earth born men had daughters and godly men saw them as prizes to marry. So they mixed. Ungodly to godly. Yes it still happens to this day. And does no good for everyone else
@joshuascott3428 9 часов назад
@@camden7488 I’m not foolish lol I have studied this for over 20 years and I actually know what earth born means I also don’t believe in a only 66 book Protestant false canon
@ninjaman5389 19 часов назад
Corey is 100% wrong on this one
@CephasRock-ml7gs 10 часов назад
I'm glad people in the comment section see what's I see in regards to the Nephilim. No disrespect to Cory this is where we differ
12 часов назад
Jude 1:6 - And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling-these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others..." (2 Peter 2:4-5, NIV)
@currensigur5719 20 часов назад
I agree with you on pretty much everything but on this topic we have a different perspective
@cowel8734 23 часа назад
Chuck Missler has the best in depth explanation of this
@yom4yem 14 часов назад
".......and if that's the case, are they still doing it now ?" That intro was hard .
@margaretj7852 19 часов назад
Yes I will pray for salvation for your husband and sons that they repent from their sins and except Jesus to take control of their life. God Bless you.
@unknown36187 День назад
Jude, like Peter, provides three Old Testament examples of God’s judgment (Jude 5-7). Unlike Peter, he doesn’t mention the flood and doesn’t place them in chronological order. Still, Jude 6 parallels 2 Peter 2:4 and appears to be an allusion to Genesis 6:1-4. These angels demonstrated sinful pride by abandoning their position of authority and leaving their proper dwelling. They’re now being “kept in eternal chains” until the Day of Judgment. The comparison with the men of Sodom and Gomorrah in Jude 7 (“just as Sodom and Gomorrah . . . likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire”) implies that this was also the angels’ sin in Jude 6. How Is This Possible? Admittedly, these passages don’t provide a definitive answer as to how spiritual beings could have sexual relations with women. But in light of examples we see in the New Testament, it seems best to assume that these evil spirits took possession of the bodies of wicked men and used them for their own sinful purposes. The New Testament gives us clear examples of demons-and even Satan himself-indwelling human beings and causing them to act in horrific ways. For instance, the Gadarene demoniac behaves in an uncontrollable manner with superhuman strength (Mark 5:1-20). Separating the actions of the man from the actions of the demons is, in such cases, nearly impossible. Judas also behaved in a manner that made him culpable for his sin, though John makes it clear that Satan had entered him (John 13:27). Of course, I may be wrong, and the Sethite interpretation may be correct after all. I certainly grant that the ancient view seems strange to our modern ears. But since Peter and Jude both appear to have held it, it seems to me the best interpretation of Genesis 6:1-4. Regardless of which interpretation is correct, though, the main point is plain: humanity was falling deeper and deeper into sin and running farther and farther away from God.
@roybookman7603 День назад
Why would God refer to an Ungodly line of Men as SONS OF GOD. And if when we are saved we are goven the right to be called SONS OF GOD how then would ungodly men be called by that while Not following God? Also how wicked or how much sin must one commit for their DNA to change in a way that they now produces giants? Sorry brother Corey, I love your teaching's but on this one your math ain't mathin😅
@MrFleago День назад
What did Enoch had to say about this? He was shown all these things and knew about it so he wrote about it.
@holy-eradication7058 19 часов назад
The book of Enoch was historically disproved. Also it's a heretical text because Enoch names himself the messiah in his own book.
@MrFleago 9 часов назад
@@holy-eradication7058 and what do you have to say about the Book of Jasher?
@chillwill9227 13 часов назад
A saint n an unbeliever doesn't create a GIANT in a sexual union. Common sense
@kdjohnson1926 День назад
If the scriptures say we can entertain angels unaware, that means angels can take on human characteristics. Otherwise, we would easily be able to identify them as angels. Thus! Hebrews 13:2
@christopherbird8458 День назад
Entertain angels means in the company or presence of angels, not sleeping with them.
@kdjohnson1926 4 часа назад
@@christopherbird8458 Since you don't understand that my comment was just giving an example of angels can take on the ship of a humans, which means they can also surely have the actual organs of a human. That's cause using logic. What human man you've heard of have actually produced a human child that grew over 12-18 feet tall, with six fingers, six toes, and a double row of teeth? NONE!
@apexone5502 Час назад
@@kdjohnson1926 exactly. Why would two sets of humans have a specific set of children that are different from any other human offspring? Why weren't any other set of humans having nephilim. Folks who are in denial, with their claim of the sons of God being men, are reaching extra hard.
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
He said he is also flesh, also mean there's something else
@someleelpreemo1239 День назад
"the sons of God, saw that the daughters of men we beautiful" in this passage 'sons' is also plural, so is men and daughters. in your logic Mr Corey was is supposed to say the son, and daughters. I think the use of plural in this passage has been consistent to show that it's talking about many sons and many daughters.
@ietsdichterbijfer День назад
Disagree. Bible also don’t say, Angels can’t marry or can’t become human. Think; the helpers in Sodom & Gomorra
@apexone5502 20 часов назад
@@ietsdichterbijfer exactly. They appeared in the flesh and were assumed to be men.
@holy-eradication7058 18 часов назад
Get to know your bible a bit more. Matthew 22:30 NKJV [30] For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.
@ietsdichterbijfer 18 часов назад
@@holy-eradication7058 ‘Like’ doesn’t include or exclude anything else that’s claimed. It encompasses something, in this case; In heaven (After resurrection) nobody is married like the Angels. Please don’t assume i don’t know what I’am reading. And a whole leap you’ve made with this verse. Unkind.
12 часов назад
@@holy-eradication7058 That simply means there's no marriage ceremony where you need to pay to the family of the woman to marry her. When the angels came, they took the women. Look at animals and see how they behave. Among us all, the animals have maintained the order of God. Animals multiply themselves whenever they can. We're the only ones who don't want to multiply
@DarkQuiet День назад
You’re so wrong on this it’s not even funny. Just embarrassingly wrong.
@morghe321 8 часов назад
Yes, most of the people here think Corey is wrong on this one, thankfully. I don't know how he came up with this strange interpretation.
@BermudaGrass Час назад
@@morghe321 the same way humans always have…leaning on our own understanding.
@sheilapearsonreflections 11 часов назад
Thanks for sharing your perspective. I’ll take a deeper look at the scriptures associated with the sons of God, sons of man and daughters of man.
@gizmetdoralopez6806 День назад
Corey, I have a problem with the 'Sons of God' who came to present themselves before God and Satan also came too {Job 1 and 2}, those 'Sons of God' being seen as humans. I assumed that they were presenting themselves before God in the Heavenly Realms. If that is so, flesh cannot be in Heaven, so how could those Sons of God be humans? Please explain.
@apexone5502 56 минут назад
@@gizmetdoralopez6806 there's also the passage that the sons of God were joyous when they saw the Most High laying the cornerstone for the earth. (Job 38: 6-7) No way does that refer to men since Adam and Eve were still a concept in the mind of the Creator before the 6th day.
@Pv_sMediatrics 12 часов назад
I disagree with this one Mr Corey. ‘Nephillim’ (‘im’) refers to God state doesn’t it? Elohim for instance! How can men bear giants?
@kyledavis4040 20 часов назад
Brother Cory respectfully I think you are wrong about this one bro .
@adaboy4z 23 часа назад
What about the Book of Enoch as it relates to the fallen Angels and Man? Can you talk about that!?
@eclipsesonic 22 часа назад
His response would be that it's not scripture, so therefore, it's irrelevant to the discussion. Now of course, I would agree with Corey that the Book of Enoch isn't part of the biblical canon, but with that said, because it's ancient, pre-New Testament Jewish commentary on Genesis 6, I think it at least gives some weight to the view that the Sons of God were angels.
@brisadelcastillo2840 20 часов назад
@@eclipsesonic The book of Enoch is in the Ethiopian canon and it used to be in the KJV but was later removed. Believers should read it for themselves and make up their own mind. "The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed." Enoch 1:1
@eclipsesonic 19 часов назад
@@brisadelcastillo2840 You are right about the Ethiopian canon, although the book of Enoch was never part of the KJV. The Apocryphal books were, but not Enoch. I have a facsimile of the original 1611 KJV and Enoch is 100% not there. Btw, I have read the whole book and it's definitely an interesting read.
@brisadelcastillo2840 8 часов назад
@@eclipsesonic Thank you for correcting me on the KJV point. The book of Enoch is being rediscovered and many are finding it relevant for our times. It also exposes what is perhaps the devil's biggest lie, heliocentrism.
@tangelabedford8083 4 часа назад
I have grown to respect your very strong perspectives on all things bible related, until this video. This is why it’s important to read the word for yourself. Please people we can all agree to disagree but make sure you are asking for divine discernment for yourselves as you read the word!
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
Who were the sons of God, in the story of Job
@Wise_Son 6 часов назад
To me it just doesn't make sense why in Job men would be referred to as the sons of God and why Satan would come among them to hold counsel. It reads as a counsel held between God and angelic beings.
@1012latrice 21 час назад
Yea I struggled with the angel thing for a while but heard it for so long until I started heard RC Sproul teachings the same thing. He said the exact thing Bro Corey. The sons of God being Seth’s line and men being that of Cain bc he explained how the two lines were shown one behind the other right before chapter 6. And there were two of the same names a couple times. So you have righteous line and an unrighteous line. Like the video you posted the other day… chapter 6 comes after all that happened in chapter 5,4,3.. and so on. Those lines are not mentioned for nothing. Great video! And I agree not a heaven or hell issue. But it’s so much better to understand His Word the way He inspired it and not how we wanna see it.
12 часов назад
hahahaha Since when did Seth become God?
@aaroncoles2433 День назад
I strongly disagree. Adam was THE Son of God (NOT begotten BUT Created) because he WAS NOT born of the seed of man and he was not born in sin and shaped in iniquity. But because of Adam’s sin, Everyone after Adam (which includes ALL of his children) were also born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Therefore, Seth and his offspring WERE NOT Sons of God. The only ones God called His son (outside of Adam) was the nation of Israel and angels. Why? Because they were all created/born OF GOD, without human intervention. Like Adam. Israel did not enter this world by way of a womb but Israel was given. Jacob was born but Israel was given. Just like Isaiah prophesied about Christ. That the child was born but the Son was given. It was only until Jesus came and gave us power, that humans could once again be called sons of God since the fall of Adam. These angels were able to sleep with humans because they were in human form. Paul talked about them in the Book of Jude. These were the angels who left their first estate These were the angels that caused the Giants to come forth. This is why God sent the flood. These Nephilim perverted humanity in every way possible. I’ve been talking about Nephilim all week. And I’m had a discussion this morning and just finished watch a video from over a year ago on this and now you’re speaking about it 😅
@cowel8734 23 часа назад
@theIII День назад
ANGELS CAN REPRODUCE???? Angels are not made in the Image of God too btw
@curiositychroniclesx 7 часов назад
That’s what I’m wondering, they weren’t made to reproduce from my understanding so how do they have any reproductive organs to get a woman pregnant But I’m torn as many teachers teach this but it doesn’t make sense to me
@mariakincaid-u8s 21 час назад
Corey, could you do more teaching on this? I’m so curious about the Nephilin, giants, & this knowledge that they taught men (tower of Babel)?? I know I’m probably confused, & thats ok because I seek God Continually. Even if on Patreon, I’ll join, that way it would minimize the nay sayers. Keep teaching because it’s people like me that you’ll meet in Heaven, and see the true fruit of your labor. I TRUST your teaching. To God be the glory. I was initially more than skeptical because of your past. May God continue to Bless & keep you. Amen
@madsaez 20 часов назад
@@mariakincaid-u8s Corey is obviously lost on this topic. It’s a shame that he but his own interpretation into the text. Anyone who can read 6th grade English can see what God is telling us in Genesis 6.
9 часов назад
This is really incorrect teachings on this. You will be led astray. I love this channel in general But this particular subject is something I study at length and he's very very wrong.
@tonywandajackson9943 10 часов назад
How did you get off track with your explanation. You are doing what you accuse others of doing, "Misinterpreting the scripture."
@ciscocamero3587 День назад
Psalms 82:1-8 pretty clear Sons of God can be principalities and powers. Michael Heiser covers ir well.
@LolaTea-38 11 дней назад
I strongly disagree. Seth had a lot of offspring's just like Canaan had a lot offspring's. The son's of God were the heavenly angels. They were before the throne of God, not any human at that time. Seth offspring's marrying other humans will NOT create giants. Every human being was destroyed except for Noah and his family. That means many descendants of Seth as well were wicked and destroyed in the flood. The angels took on the form of men and took wives. That's why the fallen angels that left heaven were lock up until the end when they will be loosen in the last days. It is clear that the Word says, as it were in the days of Noah so shall it be again in the last days. Human beings can interbred all they want and will never birth 9-16 feet or taller giants on the earth. The fallen angels corrupted everything and teaches man evil ways and corrupted the whole earth. They are doing it again in these last days with altering and mixing human and animal DNA along with other high-tech interventions to corrupt mankind again with the help of Satan himself this time. I have personally saw many UFO's in the skies up close. Close enough to throw a rock at the bottom. The governments have some of these crafts and reversed engineered them getting even more technology. I prayed to the Most High God why am I seeing these things (UFO's), I know they are real. He answered me, that the Anti-Christ will come from these things. Wow! The spirit world is always coming in and out of our natural world, and they control most, if not all those in high places that are in control over our nations. The end is near. Come Jesus, come!
@jenthomas345 11 дней назад
That's your experience that's fine sister.
@theIII День назад
@tmdx6345 День назад
Please create your own space for what you think. Bible is found here . Praying for you.
@smooth1234ish День назад
My area of study. You receive a B plus.
@Gerard-t3r День назад
I had a dream few years back ufo landing on the ground and when it landed it turned into a Rock which was flashing over the ufo. This happened 3 times. I thought maybe the anti-christ this way. Interesting the Lord told you that the anti-christ would come on a ufo
@phillipbenjamin6920 День назад
The angels that fell are bound they can't physically affect us anymore they can only affect us spiritually
@J0nathanNZ 21 час назад
That's not true, nowhere in scripture does it state that all fallen angels are bound... It only says that the group of angels who left there first estate, took human woman and procreated with them were chained (bound) and cast into a very dark pit. It is safe to assume that the other fallen ones that did not sin in that manor are still on earth along with lucifer and it shall be that way until The Lord Yeshua comes back at the appointed time and sentences them (they've already been judged).
@phillipbenjamin6920 21 час назад
@@J0nathanNZ you may be right but it's not a point to argue we will find out when Jesus gets back all I know is they will be brought before us in chains
@toml.3544 День назад
Understnding begins with Gen 3:15 a duel prophecy concrning the seed of the woman and the seed of the Nacash(seepent). Thus begins the seed war that can be seen throughout history, even up to the birth of the Messiah and Herod's attempt to wipe out all the Hebrew children 2 and under. At which time Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled to Egypt. The Sethite view is a relatively new view developed in the 3rd century. This was not the view of the Jews nor most of the World. Ancient writings of the Summarians, Accadians, Indians, Chinese, Native American, Greek, Norse all refer to Giants and other cryptids. Jude and 2Peter illuminate two distinct points: 1 they were both familiar with the writings in the book if Enoch; and 2 that there was a distinct difference in the position of the fallen Angels and the holy Angels of God. Suggesting that Angels can't procreate because they dont in Heaven is not definitive proof they are incapable, especially if they have left their first estate. This is not a complete rebuttal of the Sethite view, I've merely scratched the surface. But when you start to ask why God would advocate for a Genocide of various groups of people in the Holy land, turn back to Gen 6, and review why you hold the Sethite view.
@TheCrucifixFishTestifies 21 час назад
When we understand who the Nephilim were and where they came from, we can solve some of the perplexing questions many people have about God and the Bible. Two of those difficult questions are: “If God loved the world, why did He cause the Flood and kill everyone?” And, “If God is a loving God, why did He command the Israelites to totally destroy the inhabitants of the Promised Land, including the children?” (Deut. 7:1-6; 20:16-18). The answer is that God had to protect the human race from Satan’s race of “Fallen Ones” that were not genetically like God’s original humans. The problem was in the genetics of the Nephilim, so their “race” had to be killed off. REV online Bible Genesis 6:4 commentary.
@alainm6070 22 часа назад
Corey, I am afraid that the angelic view was not given a fair shake. It is always a good idea to begin with the case for the view you are refuting, this would show that not only do you fully understand the view in question but you are also treating it fairly by presenting its best arguments while also interacting with the best arguments against your own view. You fell short in that respect, thus giving an incomplete picture of the discussion. There are actually four main views: (1) the sons of God are angels; (2) they are demon-possessed tyrants; (3) they are human rulers; (4) they are from the line of Seth. About the Sons of God. We get the correct meaning by exploring, in order of relevance, how Moses uses the expression elsewhere, how it was used by his contemporaries, and then the rest of the Bible and the New Testament Chronologically and in context. In Deut 32:8 Moses uses the Sons of God to refer to supernatural beings whose number was used to fix the number of nations. The nations surrounding Israel in the Ancient Near East also had a similar understanding of “Sons of God” but put it in a polytheistic (multiple gods) context. The Canaanites, Ugarit, and the Phoenicians believed in a “Divine Council” with lesser divine beings presided over by a supreme god. We also have Sons of God in Job 1:6 and 2:1 as part of something that resembles the idea of a divine council that the pagan had copied, with the Sons of God presenting themselves to the Lord. These are surely angelic beings, which makes more sense than a meeting (where?). with God, believers, and Satan. Job 38:7 has the same sons of God rejoicing when God created the heavens and the earth. Since the rest of the Old Testament uses “sons of God” for angelic beings, the more natural reading is to understand the expression in Genesis 6:4 in the same way-the same way Moses understands it elsewhere, the same way his contemporary used it, and the same way the rest of the Old Testament used it. However, In the New Testament, “sons of God” takes a different and new meaning in a new context to refer to those who became so because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and the faith that they placed in Christ. The mistake you make Corey is to take the New Testament meaning and read it back into texts of the Old Testament written more than 1400 years before and ignoring both the Old and New Testament contexts. The most natural interpretation even if it offends our modern minds must be always preferred.
@anesiathomas6076 21 час назад
Question, wouldn't the statement, "the sons of men" are talking about angels being the sons and taking upon the forms of men, "humans"?
@holy-eradication7058 18 часов назад
No, just because angels can take the form of man, doesn't mean they can have the same ability as man. The angels were not made in the image of God, humans were. Angels cannot procreate
@CarmellaD День назад
It’s *funny* how most people who read the Bible want to be right with their own interpretations. BUT those who are saved read scripture with THE Holy Spirit! Therefore we let scripture interpret itself. How God intended it to be written! We do not lean on our own understandings!! The truth of the LORD is not debatable !!! I believe this is how Corey reads the Holy Scriptures ! He teaches sound doctrine. ❤
@jeffgray6291 17 часов назад
Wow, you guys are on the job; Corey hasn't done his homework on this subject. Great job in the comments. Elsewhere in the Bible It speaks of these giants as tall as the oak tree and broad. This is bad.
@ThePip 11 часов назад
I disagree with corey here. Micheal Heiser got the best take.
@BermudaGrass День назад
Giants being the product of fallen angels and human women consummating is irrefutably expressed in *Genesis 6:1-4* . Even Cain was a product of the consummation between Lucifer/Azazel and Eve in *Genesis 3:15-16* . The biblical proof of that is provided below. *Jude **1:14**a* Enoch, the 7th from Adam. *Genesis 4:1* The 1st _from Eve_ is Cain (hence Genesis 3:20 ) *Genesis 4:2* But the 1st _from Adam_ is Abel (not Cain, Eve was still deceived) *Genesis 4:25* Because of Cain, Abel is _replaced_ with Seth. *Genesis 5:3-18* 2nd Seth, 3rd Enosh, 4th Kenan, 5th Mahalalel, 6th Jared, and 7th Enoch. If Cain is the 1st from Adam, then that would nullify the reasoning of Genesis 4:25. If both Cain AND Abel are 1st from Adam, then that would nullify Jude 1:14a. The only thing that affirms both Genesis 4:25 and Jude 1:14a alike…is if Cain is the 1st from Eve ( *John 8:44* , *Genesis 4:6-9* ) while Abel is the 1st from Adam.
@stevencavin 19 часов назад
You're wrong on this one Sir.
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 2 часа назад
Then where did the Giants come from? IM TORN ON THIS ONE....I CAN SEE BOTH WAYS
@Mommy2636 19 часов назад
This is totally incorrect. Makes me wonder if you create this whole thing In your mind what else have you made up
@BermudaGrass День назад
Sure, we won’t forfeit our salvation since our names will not be blotted out of The Book of Life _based_ on whether we believe or do not believe in how The Nephilim existed - yes. Nevertheless, it is a theological issue that many atheists have in regard to the reason for The Great Flood (and one of the main factors many of them do not wish to be saved). While it is not a salvational issue for us, it is a salvation hindrance for them. Giants being the product of fallen angels and human women consummating is irrefutably expressed in *Genesis 6:1-8* . Even Cain was a product of the consummation between Lucifer/Azazel and Eve in *Genesis 3:15-16* . The biblical proof of that is provided below. *Jude **1:14**a* _Enoch, the 7th from Adam._ *Genesis 4:1* The 1st _from Eve_ is Cain (hence *Genesis 3:20* ) *Genesis 4:2* But the 1st _from Adam_ is Abel (not Cain, Eve was still deceived) *Genesis 2:25* Because of Cain, Abel is _replaced_ with Seth. *Genesis 5:3-18* 2nd Seth, 3rd Enosh, 4th Kenan, 5th Mahalalel, 6th Jared, and 7th Enoch. If Cain is the 1st from Adam, then that would nullify the reasoning of Genesis 2:25. If both Cain AND Abel are 1st from Adam, then that would nullify Jude 1:14a. The only thing that affirms both Genesis 2:25 and Jude 1:14a alike…is if Cain is the 1st from Eve ( *John 8:44* , *Genesis 4:6-9* ) while Abel is the 1st from Adam.
@BermudaGrass День назад
EDIT: *Genesis 4:25* , not Genesis 2:25.
@erichpengel1528 День назад
It is clearly written in Job that Sons of God are angels in Genesis 6 it is clearly written that the Sons of God had sex with women earthly women and they gave birth to giants. You can clearly read in God's word its clearly written they are not people but are spiritual being the Sons of God. smart christians channel I didn't see this coming because it is clearly written in the Bible that the Sons of God are angels.
@christopherbird8458 День назад
So every other place wheee Sons of God or Sons of the mighty God is written and it clearly means men, then we should ignore that?
@erichpengel1528 День назад
@@christopherbird8458 It is clearly written in the bible the Sons of God are angels what is also written in the bible is that we the Christians who are saved in the name of Jesus are also Sons of God can you answer me why??
@alainm6070 21 час назад
At timestamp 23:18, Corey made a mistake which further weakens his argument for the line of Cain as sons of God, The Kenites of Numbers 24:22 have nothing to do with the Cain of Genesis. Corey got the Hebrew spelling right but ignored the context which is key here. Having the same name with the same spelling does not prove they are the same. Just like Corey recognized that the Enoch of Gen 4 (son of Cain) is not the same Enoch of Gen 5 who was taken by God, we are dealing with different Cains. In the same way, the seven people called Judas in the New Testament are not the same person. There is Judas Iscariot, Judas the Galilean (Acts 5:37); Judas who hosted Paul at his house (Acts 9:11); Judas called Barsabbas (Acts 15:22); Judas (not Iscariot) Thaddaeus, one of the Twelve Disciples of Jesus (John 14:22); and even Jude, the Brother of Jesus and author of… Jude, whose name is really Judas, and spelled the same in Greek. Back to the Kenites, there is no genealogy that link them to the Cain of Genesis. There is actually a problem with seeing them as the wicked line of Cain since Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law was a Kenite himself (Judges 1:16; 4:11); his kin settled with the Israelites in Canaan after the Exodus. Furthermore, Bebra and Barak celebrated the Kenites (Judges), calling one of them, Jael, most blessed of women because she killed Sisera for Barak (Judges 5:24-27). This does not jive well with the deeds of the wicked line of Cain. And there is more… The Kenites’ descendants were involved in the post-exilic reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem as Kenite descendants of Hammath, father of the Rechabites were given credit when Malchijah, ruler of the district of Beth-haccherem, rebuilt the Dung Gate of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s time (Neh. 3:14).
@blazing4Christ 11 дней назад
I strongly agree. I did a bible study on Gen 6 a while back and proposed both views. Were the sons of God fallen angels, or were they the Godly line of people. We came up with the following outcomes: 1. Gen 4 shows Cain's genealogy 2. Gen 5 shows Seth's geneology There are two bloodlines which exist, one follows the way of man the other follows God. This is a crude summary, but when we look at what is the consistent theme in scripture it's not angels interacting with humans sexually
@BalikAlistane День назад
Why can't it be angels falling for human women?
@ovaloffice8899 День назад
WOW! great job sis
@BermudaGrass День назад
*Genesis 4* shows ‘The Serpent’s’ genealogy as mentioned in *Genesis 3:15* , confirmed by *Genesis 3:16* , and recognized by Adam in *Genesis 3:20* . *Genesis 5* shows God’s genealogy, which is literally how the chapter begins ( *Genesis 1:27* , *Genesis 5:2* ).
@mrdavid239 18 часов назад
Cory read Enoch and Jasher also Jubilees for further instruction in the word the Bible mentions all three books.
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
I'm sorry Corey Enoch explains it better
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
Three different books says that there were angels
@926paaja 12 часов назад
Genesis 6 and psalm 82 are scriptures when people should be humble enough to say “I am studying this difficult topic and this is what I have found and where I think the scripture is leading me , because it has been debated by people for centuries and we may never really know … what do you all think” To present this topic as if you have figured it out 100% is just Pride and foolish. There is one thing we know without doubt: human beings Are NOT angels!! In addition; there are 5 common interpretations of “sons of god” One being the descendants of Seth that were in high authority positions; like rules or kings and judges. (Psalm 82 would support) This is a non salvation conversation and should be approached with curiosity instead of this “I know all” attitude. A great resource would be to talk to a Messianic Rabbi.
@nadanalia3000 19 часов назад
I agree with you Corey. The Hebrew name for “giants” is Nephilim, which comes from the verb naphal, meaning “to fall.” Therefore, these may have been people who had apostatized or fallen away from the true religion, not necessarily angels.
@BermudaGrass 13 часов назад
That’s even more proof, then, considering the fact what happened in Gen 6:1-4 also happened in Gen 3. See verses 15, 16, and 20.
@aprilechols184 День назад
👋🏾 Everyone 💙💗🙏🏽
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
The Book of Enoch explains it differently, The Book of Giants say different John 10:27-28
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 2 часа назад
For they cannot die like angels
@ChristsSheep 11 часов назад
Great teaching Corey. Makes a lot of sense aligning with not going beyond what is written.
@madsaez 6 часов назад
He is definitely going beyond what is written. Just read your Bible. It’s the reason God commanded his people to completely annihilate them. Deuteronomy 3:11 KJVS [11] For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. Why did David measure them? To make sure he was killing off the remnant? 2 Samuel 8:2 KJVS [2] And he smote Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the ground; even with two lines measured he to put to death, and with one full line to keep alive. And so the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts. It’s all in there all we have to do is believe what we are reading in the Bible.
@k.b.edwards7071 23 часа назад
Thank you brother Corey, good stuff God bless love you.
@WendieRenee 9 часов назад
Thank you Corey for helping us think this interpretation dilemma through biblically, biologically, and logically. I've never accepted this illogical belief of humans and angels procreating as it goes against biblical creation teaching and God's character. Human women cannot procreate with angelic beings who have no male human reproductive system. To me this is just common sense. And we can't just surmise the fallen angels possessed a man's body. Let's think it through. Possession may affect humans mentally, emotionally, spiritually and behaviorally. But angels can't change the nature of male sperm nor have sperm of their own as they weren't created to procreate. We see in nature that God naturally aborts cross breeding between women and animals or between animals of completely different specie families (i.e. Felidae can't breed with primates). In His perfect wisdom, God has divinely placed certain procreation barriers so as NOT to create monsters. The bible is clear - creation only allows for procreation between kinds. I feel the interpretation of angelic-human breeding doesn't logically consider the sovereignty and wisdom of God.
@BermudaGrass 8 часов назад
This is TallGlass, do you remember me? The guy being narcissistic gangstalked in Lawrence, KS? I’ve been hoping for the chance to see you in the comment section at some point on another Christian channel. I’m just giving you a warning that Rob and Jaden on The Love Agenda episode I was on actually took me to a backstage type of feature following that livestream and began mocking conversations I had in my living room with my roommate. They are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing and are apart of the stalking that’s been happening to me across multiple cities and states for 7yrs now. I understand you will most likely not believe me, but it is the truth and I wanted to communicate this to you since you were the only one in the chat being sympathetic towards what I was going through. God bless.
@BermudaGrass 8 часов назад
I even recently decided to address both Rob and Jaden in my living room about being lukewarm or false Christians, because I can’t find the hidden cameras. This is why he has a recently uploaded live about “ ‘Lukewarm’ Christians in Context “ using Voddie Baucham’s sermon as an attempt to respond to the sermon I preached toward him and Jaden in my living room. Again, I expect you not to believe this…but they are wolves in sheep’s’ clothing, and I am just giving you a warning.
@curiositychroniclesx 7 часов назад
I agree with you
@theleastofthese5369 23 часа назад
Paul too differentiates between believers and non, when he is addressing a crowd and not the Church directly... He says "MEN and brethren."
@theleastofthese5369 22 часа назад
1 Corinthians 13 1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. No babble, this means believers and non... There went charismatics And tongues will cease when Christ takes us home .. no more language barriers.
@theleastofthese5369 21 час назад
2 Thessalonians 2 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. What's the lie? This is the lie... They will give this to the world when we are gone. These other worldly beings.
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 2 часа назад
I've heard some say angels came back and did it again
@Theevangelist7 18 часов назад
This is incorrect cause we think it’s impossible,
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 2 часа назад
I've always thought DNA from the sons wives
12 часов назад
if the one after gave birth to the one before here, then is it really hard for you to understand that JESUS is that SON of God who created Adam? Look at it again. Enoch gave birth to Methuselah, Jared gave birth to Enoch, .... Adam gave birth to Seth, and Jesus the son of God created Adam: 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, 38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. ["He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not." (John 1:10-11, KJV)]
@theleastofthese5369 День назад
Catholics taught it the wrong way... Like gum we have carried it with us. No angel higher than you or your brothers and sisters ... COLLECTIVE US... exist Thank you Corey! Biblical!
@theleastofthese5369 19 часов назад
Matthew 22 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. Personally this is why I read the KJV. See that word as.... Not like but as. Not a new or separate being but AS IS. Mortal to immortal. Believers do not die.
@mrdavid239 18 часов назад
God did not call us his people Christian’s just think about that and I’ll get back at you.
@-amosc.presley-7192 День назад
If you Read the Book of Enoch? That book speaks on it more.
@CarmellaD День назад
The book of Enoch is false
@-amosc.presley-7192 23 часа назад
@@CarmellaD it could be… Who knows? Only God knows.
@CarmellaD 23 часа назад
@@-amosc.presley-7192 well God has given us truth to know what is true and what is false. The devil likes given truth mixed with lies. That’s how he can deceive us so well.
@cowel8734 23 часа назад
The Bible quotes Enoch( I believe Jude and another place), so they at least saw it as scripture worth quoting
@-amosc.presley-7192 23 часа назад
@@cowel8734 Amén
@DonovanLockington-mr2cf 5 минут назад
It is ridiculous to think angels have sperm and a penis like human men !!!.
@theleastofthese5369 2 часа назад
1 Corinthians 15 ... Start in verse 35 and keep reading. He explains the different "bodies" created by God. Including all the hosts of heaven... Sun, moon, stars, planets etc .. but in the beginning GOD and He alone created the Heavens and the Earth. We do not add anything to the Bible that is not there... Including extra beings called angels. The Angels of today are YOU. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Satan fell somewhere... He did not FALL from the sky ... He is part of Creation which began on Earth. (Genesis 3)
@BermudaGrass Час назад
Have you ever heard of The Law of Double Reference? Revelation 12 is exactly that! The 3rd Heaven and The Angels of Light were created in Genesis One on Day One. Lucifer/Azazel fell by the morning of Day Three - which is the end of the day (according to God).
@theleastofthese5369 Час назад
@@BermudaGrass I will be censored if I try to explain that chapter to you. They will not allow me to Say certain things. But the entirety of that chapter will play out in the physical world. It will not be a fairytale but very very real. And it is all about TODAYS Israel. I believe some of this has already played out once before ... When 1/3 of all Jews fell
@theleastofthese5369 Час назад
@@BermudaGrass 2 types of people .. believers and non/ Angels and Men
@theleastofthese5369 Час назад
@@BermudaGrass The dragon... Man 6 The beast.. Man 6... The False Prophet... Man 6
@BermudaGrass 39 минут назад
I understand. Nevertheless you actually don’t need to explain the chapter to me because I don’t disagree with you. I’ll ask again…have you ever heard of The Law of Double Reference? There is a dual meaning to Revelation 12. It happened spiritually during Genesis One, and will happen physically in the future (yes). For another example of the scriptures exercising this method of revelation (coined The Law of Double Reference), read Ezekiel 28 - it references what happened in Genesis Three, as a prophecy of God’s judgment on The King of Tyre.
@rontwyman9286 12 часов назад
I'm not buying that Corey that's not what the Book of Enoch teaches
@holy-eradication7058 19 часов назад
Im glad to see you exposing and detailing the secondary and maybe even tertairy issue within text of the old testament. Many fail to see that most bibles we have today are extensions from kjv and not translated directly from the early manuscripts. I state this because even the kjv writers stated that their translation is not perfect and could be chaned with better evidence of the cultural language which we have today.
@gilbertcammarn874 13 часов назад
The sons of God were the first creation beings .. Angels. More than the book of Enoch tell the story of these giants or Watchers. These watchers decided to watch what was going on and desired the same thing. These watchers also taught women how to put highlights in the eyebrows, and lots more things. Interesting stuff.
@dnettewakefield8686 23 часа назад
Corey, Corey, Corey smh
@madsaez 6 часов назад
Corey"s Hebrew ain't Hebrewing on this one!!!!
@BPierce777 23 часа назад
Good show but your opening music is horrible … with all due respect sir.
@cherry-picker23 День назад
Book of Nehemiah and Hagar's son Ishmael
@DaddyKratosOfTheShire 2 часа назад
There was talk of the kandahar giant
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