
The Rich Man and Lazarus - What They did NOT tell you! 

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In this video, we look into the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, one of the most powerful and enigmatic stories in the Bible. Join us as we explore the historical and cultural context of this story, examine the lives and fates of its two main characters, and uncover the profound lessons it teaches us about wealth, compassion, and eternal destiny.
Through careful analysis and insightful commentary, we'll unpack the significance of key details in the story, such as the meaning of Lazarus's name and the symbolism of the great chasm separating the rich man and Lazarus in the afterlife. We'll also explore how this parable fits into the broader teachings of Jesus and the New Testament, and how it challenges us to live lives of faith, love, and justice.
Whether you're a long-time student of the Bible or exploring its stories for the first time, this video will provide you with a rich and nuanced understanding of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. You'll come away with a deeper appreciation for the wisdom and challenge of Jesus' teachings, and a renewed commitment to living a life that reflects God's mercy and compassion.
So join us on this journey of discovery, as we uncover the timeless truths and transformative power of this unforgettable story. Like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth explorations of the Bible's most fascinating and influential stories.



27 июл 2024




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@bryanlouie2836 23 дня назад
This story is an excellent insight into how God teaches us to love and help one another in terms of money. No matter how much money a person has, a person must understand how a person helps others while on earth, especially those who are weak and suffering. One example is a contestant who won a million dollars on Survivor and donated the entire prize money to help veteran soldiers in need. Mike Gabler was the contestant who won Survivor season 43.
@Meks- 23 дня назад
*Jesus❤ ✝is the way the truth and the life*
@WolfRhymesEntertainment 23 дня назад
yes he is and his way will come in moments of happiness and the worst times ... i believe in punishment but i do not believe in eternal punishment that's ridiculous all have fallen short scribes and pharisees shall have more damnation because the end wont happend the way they percieved GOD's judgement to come . they too will go through trials and tibulations, promised land, heaven and then hell as i believe the LORD made infinite alternate realities after we die and he wipes the memory of our deaths bringing us closer to heaven and once there it will last a very long time and greek aramaic forever could mean a very long time, before that person goes to hell thinking he is all righteous and deserving to stay in heaven forever, even jesus went to hell and said i am not good only GOD he came to represent us both pharisees and sinners as he prefered the sinners.
@zonqoba 23 дня назад
Amen. Please do the one about Cherubim and Seraphim 🥺🙌
@princeowusu4347 23 дня назад
God bless you abundantly
@ayishaeddins8022 20 дней назад
It is not a sin to be rich. It's a sin to let pride take over.
@thespiritofwisdomandrevela9047 21 день назад
The rich man represents the Jews, who have the prophets and scribes etc. The 5 brothers pointing to the Torah. They have everything, the truth. In John 1 Yashua says that his own did not receive him. When He told the parable saying that even if one rises from the dead, He was referring to His own resurrection, even of Lazarus rising from the dead in John 11. The Gentiles, grafted in, is Lazarus in this parable. Lazarus is poor, dogs also a refrrence to Gentiles, is truly helped by God as his name implies. Where the rich man looked at his wealth, not just money, but knowledge the Torah etc, Lazarus looked to God. Paul makes it clear that the children of Abraham are those who live by faith. We full of the leprosay of sin are saved by grace through faith. We have no riches, but are dead poor and dead in our sins, purchased with His blood. Love your channel. Blessings!
@Fraevo10 22 дня назад
I think we should consider that the rich man lived a life of plenty and a life of good fortune and health yet was not grateful, and did not steward his blessings befitting a child of God. He took his life of plenty for granted and absorbed it all in complete self-centeredness. He was oblivious to the beggar at his gate because of his pride of possessions and love of luxury. Note Abraham’s rebuke, “Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things…” He could have loved Lazarus as himself but instead was so selfish it never occurred to him to invite Lazarus in for meals or to finance some health care for him. Dogs could eat the rich man’s crumbs but a fellow human being was ignored.
@jesuslovers888 22 дня назад
@FaithChroniclesInspirational 18 часов назад
@EllieEllie26 11 часов назад
Amen. Please do the one about Cherubim and Seraphim
@jamieSp69 22 дня назад
I like around people like the rich man. No way you are convincing them to do anything they dont want to do. Seeing a ghost definately wouldnt change them.
@marilyndaniels9562 22 дня назад
The rich of today denies there is a God just like that rich man. The rich thinks their money is all they need and they feel they either need or want jesus or God or the holy spirit which they dont believe in exist to guide them.
@archieriverdale769 22 дня назад
But you can take this story literally! Yes indeed.
@randylear8264 20 дней назад
Actually you cannot take it literally. If you do then you are saying that Yeshua did not need to die on a cross and HIS precious blood is not needed to receive eternal life. Yeshua told this parable to expose the Pharacese and accept the gentiles as part of GOD’s plan. Yeshua had not died on the cross or spilled HIS blood on Galgotha. So there is no way for Abraham or Lazareth to be in the paradise so many want to relate to. It is a parable to teach. Just like all the other parables that Messiah spoke to the people. As written spoke to us. So no Heaven and Hell is being revealed in this parable. But that GOD will accept all people who put their faith in HIM.
@archieriverdale769 19 дней назад
@randylear8264 actually sir, you can take this literally because when a person dies under the old Covenant, the blood of bulls, goats and lambs cover your sin, the animal sacrifices was a type of Jesus but it could not take away sin, so you would go into Sheol, the underworld, technically hell BUT, you will be in the PARADISE section of hell. Not until Jesus death and resurrection could you go UP to heaven when a beliver dies
@randylear8264 19 дней назад
@@archieriverdale769 Please tell me you are not serious? There are chambers and there is divide. But according to the Bible and The Book of Enoch the dead are asleep and not aware. They have no consciousness. They sleep the sleep of death. The wages of sin is death. And on the trump of the Archangel the dead in Christ shall rise and those who are alive will be changed. They meet Yeshua in air. 1 Thessalonians 16. The Lord himself will descend from Heaven. Then the completion of Revelation and GOD’s wrath on earth. The 1000 year reign of Yeshua ruling on earth. Then Revelation 21 after the brief season of Satan. GOD has HIS dwelling among men. GOD himself will be among them. So no living in Heaven. But there is a New Heaven and a New Earth. And GOD dwells with us on this New Earth. Please read Revelation 21. When you die you are no longer aware. You sleep the sleep of death until awakened some to everlasting life. Others to everlasting contempt in the Great White Throne judgement. The New Jerusalem was prepared in Heaven and will be placed on earth. This is a brief description. Read Rev. 21 and see for yourself.
@randylear8264 19 дней назад
@@archieriverdale769 It is a parable. It is not a literal teaching on Heaven and hell. The Bible teaches that the dead know nothing. They sleep the sleep of death. They have nothing else to do under the Sun. Ecclesiastes 9:5. Many quotes in Psalms refers to this. John 3:13. You are correct in the place of Sheol. And the separation described by Enoch. 1Thessalonians 4:13-18. Pay close attention to Christ descending from Heaven. Christian dead will rise. And those that are alive will change. Both will put on I mortality. So you are moving in the right direction. Revelation 19:11-15. Revelation 21:1-27. Paying attention to verse 3. We do not go to Heaven. We sleep until we are called forth from our abode with in the earth. We gather ourselves together with him. He along with us return as a conquering army. Yeshua rules 1000 years on earth. Satan is released for a season to stir up the nations of Gog and Magog. They are destroyed and the great white throne judgement is convened. Then Revelation 21 ever will we be with The Father and Messiah. The King of Kings. The New Jerusalem that was not built by the hands of Man is now coming down out of Heaven. I would ask you to read Revelation 19-22 completely. That is the truth. You have a great day and May GOD bless you and myself with all truths that he has written for our discernment. Peace to you brother.
@randylear8264 19 дней назад
@@archieriverdale769 looks like someone does not like my replies. I have replied twice and both were removed.
@albatjay6841 20 дней назад
Nice story , father Abraham.
@FaithChroniclesInspirational 18 часов назад
@annieoakslee 21 день назад
Choose your life wisely.....no second chances
@Biblewonders-o1m 9 дней назад
Câu chuyện về sự tha thứ trong Kinh Thánh là minh chứng cho sức mạnh của lòng nhân từ và lòng bao dung
@mmccurry9 21 день назад
This is Not a discription of Hell. This is a story about Charity. Helping who You Can. Love?
@Hindsight360 18 дней назад
The Lord God sees and hears all things. He knows our thoughts. I pray that we may all be counted worthy.
@claudinebernadettejimdar1681 20 дней назад
Very Interesting story from the Bible.
@FaithChroniclesInspirational 18 часов назад
@timhaley3459 15 дней назад
The illustration of "The Rich Man and Lazarus" at Luke 16:19-31, is Jesus response to the Pharisees taunting him after he had given another illustration of a steward who was accused of wasting his master's goods and then said "to make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches (or make wise use of money that pleases God), so that when such fail (at Armageddon, Rev 16:16; see also Isa 2:10-12, 20, 21), they (God, whose personal name is Jehovah, Isa 12:2; 26:4, and Jesus) may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places".(Luke 16:1-8) Then Jesus continues his explanation of the wise use of money by saying: "Therefore, if you have not proved yourselves faithful in connection with the unrighteous riches (having a love of money, 1 Tim 6:9, 10), who will entrust you with what is true (or be entrusted with "Kingdom interests", see Matt 25:14-30) ?" "And if you have not proved yourselves faithful in connection with what belongs to another (such as managing another person's monies or goods without "dipping into the till", taking money or goods for personal use), who will give you something for yourselves (because this person showed greed instead of loyalty) ?".(Luke 16:11, 12) Now Jesus brings this "to a head", by saying: "No servant can be a slave to two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot be slaves to God and to Riches".(Luke 16:13) But at Luke 16:14, it states: "Now the Pharisees, who were money lovers, were listening to all these things, and they began to sneer at him". The Jewish Pharisees were "money lovers" rather than lovers of Jehovah God, though in a covenant relationship with him (Ex 19:5, 6), so that Jesus now says: "You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men (see Matt 6:1, 2; 23:1-7), but God knows your hearts. For what is considered exalted by men is a disgusting thing ("abomination", KJV) in God's sight".(Luke 16:15) Jesus now shows that a transition is in place, from the Mosaic Law covenant that will soon become "obsolete" (Heb 8:13) to the one that will replace it (the ' new covenant for a kingdom ', Luke 22:29), telling his Jewish audience (that includes the greedy Pharisees): "The Law and the Prophets were until John (the Baptist, that marked a "new era" or change)." "From then on, the Kingdom of God is being declared as good news, and every sort of person is pressing forward toward it. Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter (or inferred "iota" (KJV reads as "tittle"), see Matt 5:18, or the smallest of Greek letters, that looks like a tiny " L " and is translated as an " i " in English) to go unfulfilled".(Luke 16:16, 17) Now Jesus gives some "new" instructions concerning marriage, that the Pharisees had contested before, asking: "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife on every sort of ground ?".(Matt 19:3-9; see also Deut 24:1) He says: "Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery (restoring the original marital arrangement of one husband with one wife, so that they work together as "one flesh", with no divorce allowed on frivolous grounds, Gen 2:24) So Jesus now gives an illustration exposing the Jewish religious leaders for who they really are, saying: "There was a rich man (the Jewish religious leaders, especially the Pharisees, which means "separated ones") who used to dress himself in purple and linen (or the finest material, with purple being a color of royalty, loving money), enjoying himself day after day with magnificence." "But a beggar named Lazarus (or the common Jewish people who began to accept Jesus, and called by Pharisees the Hebrew term of ‛am-ha·’a´rets, that literally means "the people of the land", but used by them contemptuously and looked down the common Jew, calling them "accursed people", see John 7:47-49) used to to be put at his gate, covered with ulcers and desiring to be filled with the things ("crumbs", KJV) dropping from the table of the rich man (or Jewish religious leaders)." "Now in the course of time, the beggar died (or died with respect to their former spiritually deprived condition, receiving "true food" from Jesus, see John 6:55, and many came into a position of divine favor, see Matt 21:28-32) and was carried off by the angels to Abraham's side (that pictures being in Jehovah God's favor)".(Luke 16:19-22) "Also the rich man died (or died with respect to their favor with God, a change in status, and now came under divine disfavor because of their consistent failure to provide any spiritual food at all, just "crumbs" or really nothing at all spiritually) and was buried (or lost all their spiritual privileges, due to being totally negligent, and wanting to be "somebody" in the common people's view, sticking their noses in the air and looking down on the common Jew, see John 9:34, and refusing Jesus Kingdom message)".(Luke 16:22b) "And in the Grave ("hell", KJV) he lifted up his eyes, being in torments (from the scathing judgments pronounced against the Jewish religious leaders by Jesus, see Matt 16:5-12; chapter 23, causing them "pain"), and he saw Abraham (that pictured Jehovah God) from afar and Lazarus by his side (or "in his bosom")." "So he called and said, ' Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus (the common Jews who accepted Jesus mesaage about God's Kingdom) to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue (or give the Jewish religious leaders some "relief " by letting up just a little on the scathing judgment messages against them), for I am in anguish in this blazing fire".(Luke 16:23, 24) "But Abraham said, ' Child, remember that you had your fill of good things in your lifetime, but Lazarus for his part, received bad things (or "crumbs" from the Jewish religious leaders, so that the common people were spiritually sick, malnourished, see Mark 1:22)." "Now, however, he is being comforted here (being in Jehovah's favor, accepting Jesus Kingdom message that truly nourished them and taught them "the truth", see John 18:37), but you are in anguish (or tormented by Jesus strong judgment messages against them, se Matt 23)".(Luke 16:25) How just and proper for such a dramatic reversal take place between the Jewish religious leaders ("the rich man") who despised Jesus and the common Jewish people ("Lazarus") who now looked to Jesus for "true food" instead of the "crumbs" from the Jewish religious leaders. This reversal or change was accomplished on Pentecost 33 C.E., when the old Law covenant was replaced by the "new covenant".(see Jer 31:31-34) The Jewish religious system with the Mosaic Law was now "obsolete" (Heb 8:13), being replaced by Christianity with its "new covenant for a kingdom".(Luke 22:29) Jesus establishes that there would be a "great chasm" or divide between the soon-to-be obsolete Jewish false religious system and that of true Christianity, so that the two cannot be crossed or mixed together, such as what is called "interfaith" is wrong.(Luke 16:26; see also Matt 9:16, 17) The "rich man" now asks for "Abraham" to send someone to the ' house of his five brothers ' in order to "give them a thorough witness so that they will not come into this place of torment". But "Abraham" tells the "rich man", that ' they have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to these".(Luke 16:27-29) But the "rich man" replies: "No, indeed, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent". But "Abraham" responds: 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead".(Luke 16:30, 31) Jesus establishes that Jehovah God will not provide special signs or miracles to convince people. They must read, grasp and apply the Holy Scriptures if they want his favor, going to "the mountain of the house of Jehovah".(Isa 2:2-4)
@sarahs4759 22 дня назад
Resurrection connected to this story was uniqueness. Amen
@themoonissquare323 22 дня назад
The rich man still thinks he can order Lazarus to do what he want.
@GENESISR_RRANCH 15 дней назад
@lyn9549 22 дня назад
@animewind9909 21 день назад
The concept is good but these are graven images, not very Christian. Its just some random images generated by AI, narrated by AI, text generated by AI.
@Critic-qn3hg 21 день назад
There was no Lazarus and Rich Man symbolic,,, about day of judgment you need to change to come over to the other side, of the city in Revelation chapter 14
@charleyjr.iriarte7428 21 день назад
This is the spirit of our faith in Jesus! Not a podium faith.
@Jeremysjones73 18 дней назад
This is not a parable but a true account. When Jesus told a parable he would say " what shall we liken the kingdom of heaven unto" or " the kingdom of heaven is liken unto " that is a parable. Not everything Jesus taught was a parable.
@RodneyRobbins-xh6dm 19 дней назад
The story of Lazarus was not a parable.. It was told by Jesus as an actual event. I think it's an important distinction.
@tongakhan230 18 дней назад
Actually Jesus targeted two groups who were alive.
@tongakhan230 18 дней назад
Jesus showed what happened after he came to the Jews. The tables were turned. The Rich Man picturing the Priests got preached to by the Beggar who pictured the common people. And that too with words of condemnation. Cf John 8:44. No one takes any trips and has conversations after he dies.
@user-fk8rb8ue5h 23 дня назад
God of love and mercy a God who hardened the heart of the pharaoh leading to all those children being murdered on the night of Passover...well you can keep your loving God
@Jeremiah17seven 22 дня назад
God hardened Pharaoh's heart after Pharaoh had harden his own heart for many years. God will let you harden your own heart toward Him if you choose to do so. But don't blame God for your evil mindset. Or the horrific judgment that follows.
@Samuel_Gerner698 22 дня назад
God is loving but he is holy and no filthiness enters his presence. If that is to much to understand then keep on living your life in sin but eternity will open your eyes but then it will be to late. Also Praise God for destroying the wicked. He has also destroyed Satan when Christ rose from the dead and will destroy all the demons and sinners and devil for all eternity because our God is holy and just and praise be to him for his judgment. His gift is eternal life thru Jesus. No greater love than that.
@KristineMarieTxSPI 22 дня назад
God is the Creator of everything there ever was, is and what's to come. Who are we, His creation, to tell Him what to do? He is pure love, but if you make yourself your own God, you will end up in hell for all eternity. You can tell us to "keep our God", but we need Him, He doesn't need us, although He loves us so, so much. With a contrite heart, ask Him to show you He's real. You'll find out the truth. Unless you truly don't care. That would be horrifying for you, however.
@pamelamorrisonn 19 дней назад
Was already planning to keep Him..
@chosenonpurpose489 14 дней назад
👼JULY 13, 2024👼 “I WANT YOU TO EXPERIENCE THE RICHES OF YOUR SALVATION: the Joy of being loved constantly and perfectly. You make a practice of judging yourself, based on how you look or behave or feel. If you like what you see in the mirror, you feel a bit more worthy of My Love. When things are going smoothly and your performance seems adequate, you find it easier to believe you are My beloved child. When you feel discouraged, you tend to look inward so you can correct whatever is wrong. Instead of trying to "fix" yourself, fix your gaze on Me, the Lover of your soul. Rather than using your energy to judge yourself, redirect it to praising Me. Remember that I see you clothed in My righteousness, radiant in My perfect Love.” (JESUS CALLING)
@abundantgrace540 23 дня назад
The video does not match the word. Over done. Weird.
@Samuel_Gerner698 22 дня назад
Jesus bless you, although I can tell you you have a spirit of un thank-fullness, envy and are someone who burdens people who are proclaiming the new life in Christ. Such Pharisees do not enter the kingdom as per Mathew 5, 20. Perhaps a written version of that is better than visual. In Jesus name I pray that he bless you.
@Louise-pv4cw 22 дня назад
@@Samuel_Gerner698 You seem to be judgmental Samuel.
@Samuel_Gerner698 22 дня назад
Jesus was also judgemental in the temple. It just sad to see people trying to degrade the work that the person put into proclaiming the gospel in this video.
@Louise-pv4cw 21 день назад
@@Samuel_Gerner698 Samuel, I agree that it is difficult to see people view something that we believe is an excellent presentation and then they find fault with it. I have another channel that I watch, and people do the same to his presentations sometimes. We are all learning, all growing and Jesus is patient, loving , forgiving and He understands us. We are at different stages of our Christian growth. Perhaps "abundatGrace" just didn't like the style of the presentation?? God Bless you brother. 🙏
@vanillacreem816 18 дней назад
The Rich man did not go Hell for being rich no more than Lazarus went to paradise for being poor.. they both went where they were spiritually prepared to go. Lazarus opened his heart to God’s salvation while the rich man rejected it. One also does not go to hell for refusing to give money to the poor. If that is what this video is inferring, they are preaching a false Gospel of works. When narrator quoted Matt 25:35-40, Jesus was referring to those who were ALREADY saved. It was because they were already in Christ that they’re granted entrance into the Kingdom of God by our Lord. And Jesus was referring to “saved” people during the tribulation who ministered to the Jews and gentile Christians being persecuted during that time. We need to use discernment and make sure the narrator of these videos are quoting God’s Word in its proper hermeneutical context.
@Jeremiah17seven 22 дня назад
Some good stuff in this video but also some very wrong stuff. You should have just stuck with the written word and not turned to the left or right.
@Samuel_Gerner698 22 дня назад
There is no left or right. Its just a review of the account that Jesus teaches us in a visual sense. If its wrong for you then don't watch it but please do not hinder people who are proclaiming the new life in Christ. That is what Pharisees do. God bless you. Also it is not kind to discredit hard work because of your opinion. Jesus bless you.
@jolo5816 22 дня назад
@@Samuel_Gerner698Thank you! Thought the same thing!
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