
The Rise of the Two Witnesses: God's Final Word in a World of Chaos | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj 

Jesus Ministries
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This video titled "The Rise of the Two Witnesses: God's Final Word in a World of Chaos" was recorded at the Remember Moses conference in 2018. Specifically, the video delves into the symbolism and significance of the two witnesses described in the book of Revelation, and how their message is relevant for us today. Drawing from biblical texts and contemporary events, the speaker argues that we are living in a time of great upheaval and uncertainty, but that God's ultimate plan for humanity is one of restoration and reconciliation.



6 сен 2024




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@ivebeenredeemed379 Год назад
I am afraid I don't do very well. I am by myself, disabled, in pain a lot, and a fairly new believer. I pray He forgive me and strengthen me. I need a new heart, and Godly character.
@Blackcatjulia Год назад
He will heal you , pray in tongue, holy spiritual will strengthen you!
@setttingoursails 9 месяцев назад
I remember being a new believer. Keep you walk simple my friend. Look to Jesus the Author & The Finisher of your faith . Faith will come by hearing and learning the word of God. The New Testament in 90 Days The New Testament has 260 chapters, so if you read an average of three chapters of it a day, you can easily finish it within three months, even if you miss a few days. Get a journal, right down your questions and revelations as you ask The Holy Spirit to help you 🙏💕🙏
@reptalien_music 9 месяцев назад
Remember, all doubt comes from the enemy. God bless you.
@Christine.Colbert 5 месяцев назад
*Your humility is dear to the Lord. Be assured that He dearly loves you. My understanding from prophet Sadhu is that our Lord will take those who are too old or weak to survive the rugged last days "home" early. God bless you!!!*
@bertsteensma6066 Год назад
@myrna3882 Год назад
Very enlightening sermon concerning the difference between still fallowing the Ten Commandments and the ceremonial law 41:26
@sandrareyes987 Год назад
Jesus Jesus Jesus ty Sadhu for truth Gods obedience for us 2 understand 2 witnesses! Way to be ready preparing the way HOLY Spirit teach us!!!
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@sandrareyes987 Год назад
Heavenly Father show us by your HOLY SPIRIT TY JESUS
@richardtetteh4617 Год назад
ELIJAH and Moses company on the rise. Amen
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
Amen Sundahar You areso correct brother. These passages scriptures are reserved for the last days. Daniel 7-12 reserved for lastdays also Revelation 4 onward also the last books of the O.T. Prophets words will come to pass known as the minor O.T. prophets. They are not so minor however. Their words are for this generation. Very excellent word Sundahar annointed of the Lord. You have been given the understanding. Blessings to you brother!
@manikandan-gl8zx 11 месяцев назад
I got confused by your teaching. But God didn't talk to me about that, but i used to think about that. I know the difference between my thinking and God's conversation with me.
@parimalasamuel5945 Год назад
Truly I learnt today the differences between 2 Laws!Praise you Lord! ✝️🕎❤️
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
The Law ofMoses will be instituted again. Thank you brother Sundahar for this message! During tribulation and during the millenial reign.
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
Yes during the tribulation and During the millenial kingdom Reign.
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
Noahide Laws?
@smash200896 Год назад
Applying the TWO GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST can explain the LAW OF MOSES in the New Testament… Godspeed
@shardanorman Год назад
Wow what a poignant message for for living life in the end time, REMEMBER THE LAW OF MOSES!! Thank you❤
@user-rw9ev3jc6e Год назад
@mrsreyes2828 Год назад
Yes its true because i watch the movie ten commantment its true many hardship in egypt
@lovelyrose981 Год назад
You have made me understand the commandment of the Sabbath. May the Lord enables me to feel full the law.
@NTZCh7 Год назад
Keeping the Sabbath?
Malachi 4:4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Romans 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
@willyborn6642 Год назад
Thank you Lord Jesus that you will pour out anointing to your children all over the world.
@sandrareyes987 Год назад
Edge of the promise Land, moses. God is our King Jesus help us to know sabbath day
@melldicray2806 Год назад
thanks man of God ,watching from phols.
@777durban Год назад
@33 min The Law of Moses was not done away with, eliminated and annulled, but it was perfectly fulfilled through our Lord Jesus Christ.Who was nailed to the cross, and raised from the dead, and now through our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ the hope and glory in us, all Christians fulfill the law of Moses perfectly. Malachi1:1 tells us specifically that the book of Malachi is: “The burden of the Word of The Lord to Israel by Malachi.” Malachi 4:4 and 5 assures the Jews who remember the law of Moses with the statutes and the judgments: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Only the spirit of Elijah can turn the heart of consecrated and dedicated Jews who keep the law of Moses as instructed. Paul the Apostle also assures us that God alone can turn the heart. 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 states this clearly. “Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech. And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished. But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament; which vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.” When the heart shall turn to the Lord the Old Testament vail shall be taken away. The heart of the children will turn to their fathers when the heart of the Jewish children are turned to their true fathers who were born again at Pentecost The Pentecostal Children are the Pentecostal Fathers. Christ in them the hope and glory on the day of Pentecost.
@Vtoryfti 10 месяцев назад
Anyone else notice how there's two shadows on each side of the the prophet Sahdu when he stands behind the pulpit! Wow so prophetic!😭
@GetReady4LiftOff 14 дней назад
no didnt notice
@ktwarshunggeorgeanal4691 Год назад
Today in this modern generation every one wants to become Preacher , pastor, Prophet , so GOD have given us wisdom knowledge freedom,,,, that's why today more than 50 thousand Denomination churches are there... So be carefull
@bertsteensma6066 Год назад
@priyamendis8312 Год назад
Amen thank you Jesus
@DianaLee1966 Год назад
This was a good, informative message. Thank you. Lots and lots of commercials, though.
@johnnybladez3359 Год назад
We need to get into scripture and confirm what he is saying and he is not even talking out of the Bible Lord have mercy on us and help us in these end times.
@user-rw9ev3jc6e Год назад
@satyayehai-ij8se Год назад
Billians views should be for this video
@ujwalsinchuri7948 Год назад
Jai mashi 🙏🙏
@KrishnarajendraKaranthN1984 2 месяца назад
Watching from Mumbai India on July 1, 2024, Monday
@joeGuizan Год назад
With all due respect, I believe the tithe is the net pay. Whatever is deducted is imposed by the system. One should not be held accountable for that. For example, in the US, some people get tax returns and also draw Social Security (defucted from pay) at certain age. Only then tithe should be offered. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Law of inheritance in the Torah --- example, the son pay tithe not on the inheritance, but from the proceeds from it as life goes on. (Even govt. does not levy tax on inheritance). In ancient Israel every fourth year, the tithe portion can be enjoyed with the poor in the community --- need not go to Temple treasury. Here in modern times --- this is just my personal conviction --- tithe portion can be prayerfully and occasionally given to help the real needy, such as struggling to pay rent, minister of the Gospel, widows with meager income, family with children in malnutrition, etc etc etc. Need not be every fourth year, but occasionally as the Holy Spirit sensitise you to the needy and destitute around you.🙏🙏🙏 Offering can be anything beyond tithe, for such as promotion in job, newborn baby, getting a new car, passing exam, etc etc.
@robinsonrs6354 Год назад
Waiting for the PART - 2
@romsel4987 Год назад
Same. I am waiting....too
@thankammageorge4373 Год назад
Remember the Law of Moses.
@alicepillay4184 Год назад
Amen 🙏🙌
@Cornerstone10 Год назад
I remember the law of Jesus Christ.
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@GetReady4LiftOff 14 дней назад
This was 2018, 6yrs ago he said two witnesses will be soon.
@richmanruler7457 Год назад
@mtwseneca Год назад
This guy always struck me as bogus. Especially the unusual garb to attract attention.
@keithlemos5398 Год назад
@bettymitchell4349 6 месяцев назад
The animals on the sheet. Was not representing animals it was representing people❤
@SusanthaHewage-kg9yj Год назад
Amen ❤
@rowenadapang2029 Год назад
Thank you Lord for this message to learn
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@justmarie6257 Год назад
The Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments. The Laws of God......without knowing these Laws we can Not be saved...
@0judi0bartel74 Год назад
The dead in Christ rise first. Before we are caught up.
@mrsreyes2828 Год назад
Yes i read that in the of revelation there are two witness i dont know who are they but there two
@mrsreyes2828 Год назад
Yes alway remember moses beause he is the one who vision the lord he is the one who talk to the lord god father
@chandramakhemrajsingh-vw3fz 11 месяцев назад
God bless! Bro Sadhu l would like u to specify in your preaching the exact year this preaching is done.
@haddishm5367 Год назад
I like the song❤
@mrsreyes2828 Год назад
Yes true i saw all of that in the bible daniel malachi hosea and many more
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@mrsreyes2828 Год назад
@@jonashassel5404 yes some people cannot enter the kingdom of god true because some people i dont know
@SusanthaHewage-kg9yj Год назад
@jonathanuchechukwu539 Год назад
Thank Lord Jesus Christ for your Servant our father.
@P.RATHABAN-zt6ib Год назад
@florencekehinde1068 Год назад
Amen Amen Amen
@florencekehinde1068 Год назад
Amin Jesu
@delphinj93 10 месяцев назад
Which time pre or post tribulations that two witness are come?
@richmanruler7457 Год назад
Am surprised prophet, that you don’t know the Lord changed the Covenant and also the commandments by giving us a new covenant and new commandments. Jeremiah 31:31 Luke 22:20 John 13:34
Psalms 28:1 (A Psalm of David.) Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Matthew 12:32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. 2 Corinthians Chapter 11 13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
@bettymitchell4349 7 месяцев назад
The only law done away with was The Temple laws. and the. priesthood Because he became our highpriest There was no more need for a Temple and sacrifices.this also includes tithes
@charlesbecerra4005 Год назад
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@Samjr77 Год назад
Link of part 2 of this sermon?... Plz
@maximojrcollado1968 Год назад
Malachi 4:4 The Revival of the Covenant with the Ahlahayam at the end times. The Torah, the Constitution of the Ahlahayam's people. The Revival period!
@justinelobo5112 Год назад
Please pray to get Blessed child for Muslim guy.
@madelyn10 Год назад
हिन्दी में traslet kare plz
@gemmacamarines4481 Год назад
But in the Bible all those who believe in Christ will not experience tribulation meaning even the tribulation, only those who didn't believe the Messiah will suffer because God is still giving them the chance to follow Christ
@johnnybladez3359 Год назад
I was thinking the same thing what happened to the rapture,,idk if I can except this.
@clintonugo209 Год назад
Please Don't argue what you do not understand There are people that God has revealed deep mysteries to. The bible says "the secret things are revealed to them that fear him" To get to that level you must pay the price
@heavenmyhome3272 Год назад
You were deceived dear, read Jesus word in Matthew 24: and Daniel 7:, be ready for great tribulation
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@johnnybladez3359 Год назад
@@clintonugo209 also says false prophets will come
@sonjamoore4735 Год назад
How many REMEMBER THE SABBATH it is the 4th Commandment.
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "is a great last day that He will save man" (God clarity about, "Not everyone who calls me, Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who obey the will of my Father in heaven." Mat. 7:21-23) Almighty God said TRUE ACCEPTANCE of GOD REQUIRES your DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, YOU have in your THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS and ACTIONS the REALITY of the TRUTH and YOU LIVE IT. Let's look at what the Lord Jesus said, "MANY WILL SAY to ME in that DAY, LORD, LORD, DID WE NOT PROPHESY in YOUR NAME, and in YOUR NAME CAST OUT DEMONS, and in YOUR NAME WE DID MANY MIGHTY WORKS? and IF SO I WILL TELL THEM, WHEN I DON'T KNOW YOU. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS on INJUSTICE, " The true acceptance of God, God's scrutiny is that He CORRECTS YOUR HEART. 🙏 THOSE who are CAPABLE of PRACTICING the TRUTH and CAN ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY of DOING THINGS. When you ACCEPT GOD'S SCRUTINY, YOU are CORRECTED YOUR HEART. ☀️ If you only do things for others to see and do not accept God's scrutiny, then do you still have God in your heart? A PERSON LIKE THIS HAS NO RESPECT TO GOD. DON'T DO THINGS FOR YOURSELF AND NEVER CONSIDER YOUR OWN INTERESTS, DON'T THINK OF YOUR OWN CONDITION, FAME, OR REPUTATION. Don't even consider people's interests. You have to think of the interests of God's house first, and put those first. ☀️ YOU must CONSIDER the WILL of GOD and BEGIN by MEDITATING WHETHER you have been PURE or NOT in FULFILLING your DUTY, whether YOU have DONE your BEST to be HONEST, done your BEST to FULFILL your RESPONSIBILITIES, and GIVEN your ALL, as well as whether or not you have been MINDFUL of your DUTY and the WORK of GOD'S HOUSE . YOU NEED to CONSIDER these THINGS. THINK of THESE THINGS, and IT WILL BE MORE EASY to PERFORM YOUR DUTY WHEN YOUR DUTY is in ORDER. ☀️ If your ability is weak, your experience is shallow, or you are not skilled in your professional tasks, then there may be some mistakes or deficiencies in your work, and the results may not be very good----but you have poured that is your full effort. WHEN YOU DON'T THINK of YOUR SELFISH DESIRES CONSIDER YOUR SELF-INTEREST in THINGS that YOU DO, and INSTEAD GIVE CONSTANT CONSIDERATION to the WORK of the HOUSE of GOD, HAVING its INTERESTS in MIND, and PERFORMING YOUR DUTY WELL, YOU WILL EARN, THEN, of GOOD WORKS before GOD. The PEOPLE who PERFORM these GOOD WORKS are THOSE WHO own TRUE REALITY, THEREFORE, THEY HAVE TESTIMONY, if YOU ALWAYS LIVE ACCORDING to the FLESH, YOU are ALWAYS GIVEN---SATISFY YOUR SELFISH DESIRES, then YOU HAVE NO REALITY LIFE such PEOPLE, this is the MARK THAT WILL BRING SHAME to GOD. ☀️ You say, "I'm not doing anything, how can I bring shame to God?" In your THOUGHTS and IDEAS, in the INTENTIONS, GOALS and MOTIVES BEHIND your ACTIONS, and in the CONSEQUENCES of what you HAVE DONE----in EVERY WAY you GIVE--you SATISFY SATAN, his HUMOR, and LETTING it get BAD INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. 😪 YOU ARE FAR FROM THE TESTIMONY YOU SHOULD HAVE AS A CHRISTIAN. YOU are BLASPHEMING GOD'S NAME in EVERY THING and YOU HAVE NO TRUE TESTIMONY. ☀️ DOES GOD REMEMBER THINGS YOU HAVE DONE? FINALLY, WHAT CONCLUSION is FORMED of GOD ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS and ROLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? SHOULDN'T that HAVE an OUTPUT, SOME KIND of STATEMENT? In the BIBLE, the LORD JESUS says, "Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do we many mighty works? And then I will reveal to them, When did I not recognize you? Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, " 😪 WHY SAID the LORD JESUS? WHY BECAME a DOOR of EVIL those WHO HEAL the SICK and CAST OUT DEMONS in the NAME of the LORD, those WHO TRAVEL to PREACH in the NAME of the LORD? Are they the ones who don't believe in God? THEY ALL BELIEVE and OBEY GOD. They ALSO AVOID THINGS for GOD, SPEND THEMSELVES for GOD, and FULFILL THEIR DUTY. ☀️ HOWEVER, in the PERFORMANCE of their DUTY, they LACKED DEVOTION and TESTIMONY, so it ENDED up DOING EVIL. THIS is WHY the LORD JESUS says, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WRITER OF INJURY." What is the standard by which a person's actions are judged as good or bad? It DEPENDS on WHETHER or NOT YOU HAVE, in YOUR THOUGHTS, EXPRESSIONS, and ACTIONS, the TESTIMONY of the PERFORMANCE of TRUTH and LIVING TRUE REALITY. If you don't have this reality or you don't live it, no doubt you are a bad person. WHAT DOES GOD THINK of BAD PEOPLE? YOUR THOUGHTS and ACTIONS do NOT BEAR WITNESS to GOD, nor DO they HUMILIATE or DEFEAT SATAN, INSTEAD, they HUMILIATE GOD, and FULL of MARKS that DISHONOR GOD. YOU are NOT WITNESSING for GOD, YOU are NOT SPENDING YOURSELF for GOD, NOR are YOU FULFILLING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES and OBLIGATIONS to GOD, INSTEAD, YOU are ACTING for YOUR OWN WELLNESS. What does the " FOR YOUR OWN SANE?" for SATAN. 😪 THEREFORE, at the LATEST, GOD WILL SAY, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." In the EYES of GOD, YOU HAVE NOT DONE GOOD WORKS, INSTEAD, YOUR BEHAVIOR has BEEN BAD. 😪 GOD WILL NOT REWARD YOU and WILL NOT REMEMBER YOU. Isn't it completely pointless? 😪 For EACH ONE of YOU WHO is FULFILLING your DUTY, NO MATTER how DEEPLY you UNDERSTAND the TRUTH, IF you WANT to ENTER the TRUE REALITY, the SIMPLEST WAY to DO it is to THINK of the INTERESTS of GOD'S HOUSEHOLD in EVERYTHING you DO, and LET GO of your SELFISH DESIRES, INDIVIDUAL GOALS, MOTIVES, HONOR, and STATUS. PUT the INTERESTS of the HOUSE of GOD FIRST---this is the LEAST YOU SHOULD DO. ☀️🙏 If a person performing his duty cannot do this, how can it be said that he has performed his duty? It is NOT PERFORMANCE of the PERSON in HIS DUTIES. YOU MUST FIRST CONSIDER the INTERESTS of GOD'S LIFE, CONSIDER His WORK, and PUT these THINGS FIRST, AFTER that, ONLY then YOU can THINK ABOUT the STABILITY of YOUR STATUS or WHAT OTHERS THINK of YOU. Don't you feel a little more rushed when you break it down into these steps and make some compromises. If you do this for a while, you will feel that it is not difficult to please God. In addition to that, if you are able to fulfill responsibilities, fulfill your obligations and duties, put aside your selfish desires, put aside your own goals and motives, you have consideration for God's will, and you put the interests and of His household, then after experiencing it for a while, you will feel that this lifestyle is good. It is LIVING FRANKLY and HONESTLY, WITHOUT BECOMING a MEAN and USELESS PERSON, and LIVING JUSTLY and HONORABLY RATHER than BEING NARROW-MINDED or SAVAGE. You FEEL this is HOW a PERSON SHOULD LIVE and ACT. ☀️ GRADUALLY, the DESIRE in YOUR HEART to SATISFY YOUR OWN INTERESTS WILL BE REDUCED. "give your true heart to God, and you will attain the truth." 🙏☀️ From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "But you are a chosen race, a company of royal priests, a a nation dedicated to God, a people belonging to God to declare the wonderful things he has done. He is the one who calls you out of darkness into wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9). ... and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " 💌📨
@bertsteensma6066 Год назад
@gemmacamarines4481 Год назад
Kaso hindi lahat ng sinasabi nito nangyayari, I been listening to his prophetic before about the Philippines specially the past president.
@iefataiata5349 Год назад
@ryantracy8156 Год назад
I know my savior's voice and I know The Message Bible does not include his voice so why did Sadhu go to that 'not bible' at all?
@deneenfountain9066 Год назад
@pk9977 Год назад
😂 World wide company's name is coco cola 😂😂😂
@reginaboakye4736 Год назад
@4883rita Год назад
Could be me - my hair looks like I just flew in from the desert 😅
@MattCantu76 Год назад
"Psst" - I love you brother, but the real Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. Ron Wyatt discovered it. Jabal Al laws
@davidmayhall3719 Год назад
The 2 witnesses will be the 2 olive trees 🌳 🌳 the jews and the Gentiles. They will preach in the streets
@bertsteensma6066 Год назад
@markservantofyeshua Год назад
Its not Elijah and Moses, its Elijah and Enoch
@michaelselmo2435 Год назад
Any evidence brother?
@markservantofyeshua Год назад
@@michaelselmo2435 1. Moses has died and the Bible says that a person can only die once. The only 2 people who have never died are Elijah and Enoch 2. Read or listen to the book of Nicodemus (also on youtube? 3. The late evangelist DGS Dinakaran, who was a friend of Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj was taken to heaven and was told by Yeshua that the 2 witnesses are Elijah and Enoch
@markservantofyeshua Год назад
@@michaelselmo2435 does that make sense my brother? I got to know Sadhu personally and he is a wonderful person, he has incredible revelation from the Lord, a true servant of the Lord!
@ryantracy8156 Год назад
Scripture says it is the two trees, the two trees in Zechariah. Jeremiah speaks on the Tribes as one tree, 11:16 I beleive. The other is the Church. In Romans being grafted in, one wild one cultivated. Gentiles - wild Tribes - cultivated Zachariah 4:12 & 14 Two candlesticks, same idea if you go into it. 7 churches, seven candlesticks in Revelations, other places. The actual 2 sticks takes some reading to determine which 2 of those 7 or another one for the tribes. Which actual if they are represented by 2 specific prophets. Dunno yet.
@e-max5828 Год назад
​@@markservantofyeshua The problem with your first point is that people have been revived from death before in the Bible. The rest is from sources outside the Bible so its harder to verify
@sonjamoore4735 Год назад
Kinda of like today's people.. Living VERY UNHOLY LIVES...
@dexteradventure7438 Год назад
Its been half hour i watching and still no sign of the two witteness. Not even close to it. Its not about the two witteness but only about the ten commandments
@MerPH868 3 месяца назад
Its Moses and Elijah sir❤
@zerojohn1001 Год назад
How to contact prophet sadhu?
@nandumaharjan7471 Год назад
angel tv is official channel of sadhu sundar selvaraj
@zerojohn1001 Год назад
@@nandumaharjan7471 are u part of a team of prophet sadhu?
@jesusministries-sss Год назад
@@nandumaharjan7471 Yes...
@jesusministries-sss Год назад
@zerojohn1001, You can write an email to jmchennai@jesusministries.org & For more information visit our website www.jesusministries.org
@zerojohn1001 Год назад
@@jesusministries-sss I've already wrote a letter to him a couple of months ago but I didn't receive any reply from him. Can you please tell him when you meet? About me? I really need god's word or revelation about myself this is very important to me please brother
@Judeade 18 дней назад
You are teaching the same thing son of David is teaching.
@dexteradventure7438 Год назад
At 21:23..... The interpretation dosent seems biblical. The preacher is filling up gaps between the Bible verse. Its convencing b8 not able to be digested. No net can stop lord's way. He speaks intellectually but is it also spiritual. Cause intellectually u need to convience but spiritully u feel the word alive and this makes you feel the lord's presence. Please pray before giving your self to any new teachings. Because even the devil convinced EVE in the garden of Edan by manipulating the very command of god.
@zachmariadover2515 Год назад
@rajansathya9865 Год назад
Dont say God's plan, or God's final word this is all created by men.. in the name of God, why God has no any other duty only to watch over Christian/ hindu/muslim and other religions . Is it the way you fool people, if you are truly love humanity teach people the way to find God...by doing good and love...
@bobbywhittemore5205 Год назад
"Many false prophets will appear and deceive many "
@kebeimeh4544 Год назад
We Christians are absolutely gullible and ignorant about the scripture This man preach absolute heresy and he is almost void of the sound and true gospel of our saviour Christ So pathetic 😢
So will point to what he is saying as heresy? I'd like to know what your thought are. Ty
@clintonugo209 Год назад
Your problem is religious spirit I'm sorry to say it
@michellehoman6503 Год назад
Not sure whose gods is speaking to this man.
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
As scripture declares in the book of Revelation. Blessings. Sundahar knows thescripture scripture.
@cherylcook6837 Год назад
During the millenial reign the law of Moses will be followed. This man is telling thetruth. Noahide Laws will be instituted during the last 7years of Tribulation. Thetwo witnesses will testify at this time. The 2 witnesses. Enoch and Elijah were translated they will be on the scene in Isreal witnessing in Power and miraculous signs from the Lords annointing upon them. It surely will come to pass.Sundahar knows the scripture.Blessings to you.
@rubytoledo4613 Год назад
The Two Witnesses is Russi Yah and China.
@jesusjesus9859 Год назад
சாது மனம் திரும்பு
@jesusjesus9859 Год назад
சாது போய் சொல்லாதே கல்லு செய்யாதே
@milannbantawa4396 Год назад
@SusanthaHewage-kg9yj Год назад
Amen ❤
@kuang1213 Год назад
@SusanthaHewage-kg9yj Год назад
Amen ❤
@SusanthaHewage-kg9yj Год назад
@susheelaramasamy8704 Год назад
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