
The Science of Precognition | Dr. Julia Mossbridge 

Essentia Foundation
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@_WeDontKnow_ 5 дней назад
I love the experiments where they're able to show precognition by completely bypassing the attention and going straight to the subconscious, I think it's genius. Our rational thinking is very useful, but tends to get in the way when we're trying to access our more subtle ways of perceiving.
@JuliaMossbridge 2 дня назад
I love your username! Says it all.
@lucyhanks500 День назад
@@JuliaMossbridgep recognition by meta-tagging Armitage Shanks? A lady in B&M today offered me a screwdriver… how did she know my dog had only a few days before chewed the wire on my drill charger? She must have been be psychic in some sense. Mind the 18 stone man on the till wearing lipstick & makeup whilst stretching his shoulders for a fight, was rather shocking…I suppose I should have taken the dendrite que and offered him a screwdriver for his requirements. I don’t think the labelling system of quantum physics & quantum mechanics appears to recognise notions correctly; it’s like the electrical dendrite activity is covertly pointing to where pathogens need to aim an attack. The process isn’t quite as magical as the skills of telekinesis Matilda can notion & actualize, but I suppose some people get a sense of status & office when they’ve got something to doo.
@lucyhanks500 День назад
I’ve learned that the mean of the populace does not have the ability to weigh & measure fact and reason, from emotion, selfishness and projection of their shadow self. It’s considered a local norm for members of the general public to appoint themselves in the role of judge & juror, measuring any available information from any source and consequently mitring out their notions for punishments and uptaking the role of decisive slave owner over the circumstances & future of their slave; this is all done under the title ‘helping a lowly person’, or ‘marginalising a lowly person’, dependent on how much their help is appreciated or welcome as a community of ‘we’s’, which seemingly appear to grow socially & epiphyticly from their communal power to make decisions over someone else’s life & circumstances. It’s almost like magic…the slave doesn’t even need to be conferred with directly at any point in life during this process and can even find itself thrown into a hole of the abyss when the demand for power & social skills has waned, or the supply has been rendered obsolete by over consumption, commonality or out of date-ness. And of course without help of the powerful it would find itself in destitutional dependency, maybe even Stockholm syndrome to abusers who violate its psychological boundaries and human respect on a daily basis and allow its selfish self to be violated on demand and even dispense compliments for the generosity and altruism it’s received throughout its lifetime in earth, exposed to elemental forces, notions, values & beliefs. You could even be lucky enough to be offered the role of servicing their husband, after doing the cleaning, ironing and before taking up their children’s dirty laundry. I suppose I’m lucky I can’t drive, or I might be asked to supply a chauffeur experience to and from their visits to the pub and the shopping centre department store changing rooms. After all them required skills to fit the role, there might even be opportunities as a personal stylist and counsellor to the whole family, to help negate all the damages they’ve sustained throughout their life & history.
@javadhashtroudian5740 3 дня назад
Any cognitive scientist experiencing psychedelics understands notamal consciousness is highly filtered. As to why: Ultimate Reality is so full of bliss that life would be impossible unfiltered. On my second acidvtrip I cut a peach and looked at it. It was so beautiful I could never eat it.
@Soma_3046 5 дней назад
Maybe we should think of time as a river. From far above there is a standstill. But if you descend and look closer, you will see that the river is in motion and flows in one direction. Perhaps you can imagine every single moment as a drop in this river that is both a wave and a particle.
@Littlewing. 4 дня назад
And no matter how you look at it, you can’t push a river….✨✨
@epicchannel4724 3 дня назад
This life isn't real. It's an artificial game played by the actual living beings. They actually like being frustrated that they cannot remember the core until they go back.
@darkmatter6714 2 дня назад
It’s a good analogy but it’s still rooted in linearity. The most cutting-edge thinking on time is that it’s non-linear. To try and use your water analogy, imagine time is more like a still lake than a flowing river. Everything that ever was, is and will be are all there in the form of the water in the lake. The notion of past, present and future then becomes an abstract concept because, it’s all already there. Then imagine you’re a fish in the middle of the lake (the present), but a special kind of fish that can only swim forward. You can’t experience the water ahead of you because you haven’t got there yet, but that doesn’t mean that the water ahead doesn’t exist - you just can’t see it. And you remember the water behind you, but you can’t swim back to it because you’re not built that way, so for you it’s in the past, but that water behind you is still there. I believe the key to it all lies in consciousness. Like the fish in the lake, our consciousness can only tap into the present. I believe a higher level of consciousness - or an unshackled consciousness - would be like a fish that can swim forward, backward and jump out of the water to get an aerial view of the lake ahead and behind at the same time.
@Soma_3046 2 дня назад
@@darkmatter6714 That's basically what I want to express. We are the drops and at the same time wave and particle. That means there has to be a way to see the bigger picture since we belong to both. Viewed from a great height, the situation is as stagnant as in a lake. Where does the river originate? ;) A drop from the ocean.
@darkmatter6714 2 дня назад
@@Soma_3046 Yes. And the ocean is what’s fundamental - it’s what spawns the river/lake. And It’s looking as if consciousness is what’s fundamental - spawning the universe and all the matter within it.
@Meditation409 5 дней назад
This video is an AWESOME way to start my weekend!!! 👊👊😃😃❤️
@luluwebdesign7854 4 дня назад
Fabulous conversation - thank you!
@basirbita 5 дней назад
I cannot understand why do people (basically scientists) call the capability of seeing the "future" a "pre"cognition, which means prior to something, while in ancient Persian and ancient Egypt, it was an advanced method. Given the time is a spectrum of perception, observation within human cognitive capacity, in this context, "pre" might also indicate seeing another point of spectrum before others can see that point. A form of magical and shamanistic potential that gets unfold. As usual, a heart uplifting, thought-inducing, and mind-buggling video. Thank you
@brulsmurf 5 дней назад
Prove that it exist. Collect nobel price.
@seditt5146 5 дней назад
The reason is because all attempts to prove it fail miserably. MAYBE she finally found a way but these sorts of studies always come to the forefront with great fan fair only to age like spoiled milk and all other researchers always fail at replication. Hope this helps you understand why its frowned on. When your hopes are shattered over and over and over with null results you start to feel perhaps it really does not exist.
@goldwhitedragon 4 дня назад
@@seditt5146 Failed to SCIENTIFICALLY prove it.
@davecros4887 22 часа назад
@@basirbita relative to how the human mind perceives time, pre would just signify that the mind’s awareness of an event in the relative future is perceived. But yes, time is a perception and the mind of god perceives all time, forward and backward and all things in the Universe as now.
@beherenowspace1863 4 дня назад
Wonderful. Loved this. More from Julia please.
@alexbalistreya 3 дня назад
I appreciated Dr. Julia's talk and her insightful theories. However, I would challenge her view on free will and the idea that "we are the universe," which suggests we are indistinct entities. This interpretation may lead to overly simplistic theorizing about a "theory of everything" and a metaphysical reality where we are merely small "parts" of a greater whole. This model is deeply embedded in religious and spiritual concepts, along with the hierarchies implied in myths and stories that often become foundational for how "agents" perceive reality. I believe these myths and beliefs are influencing much of the current direction in physics, particularly the popularity of oneness and theory of everything models. However, these models often overlook significant elements of distinction implicit in the "bridge" of "love" that Dr. Julia mentions earlier. I argue that culturally influenced god-paradigms and oneness beliefs have distorted our interpretation of individuality and levels of distinctiveness, consequently muddling our perceptions and postulations. Instead, I would suggest that we could possibly consider that we are each our own universe, meaning we have unique access to fields and foundational substrates that can be actualized to form the deeper aspects of our singular composition when we form those bridges using our consciousness. There are subtle distinctions at deeper levels that form the backdrop of our composition, consciousness, and personal sensitivity and the words we use to articulate these distinctions, I believe, matters and affects how we engage with them. Dr. Julia's perspective seems to emphasize indistinction, which might oversimplify the interpretation of pre-energy, pre-matter substances, and existing fields that precede us. I theorize that we can learn to connect with these elements to understand, identify, and realize our existence in distinct relation to them when those "bridges" are formed and further actualized into our complex human state. Many philosophers and theorists often miss crucial distinctiveness at fundamental levels when their beliefs and interpretations misrepresent what they are sensing, seeing, and coming to know through observation. I appreciate that Dr. Julia admitted her inability to be fully objective, acknowledging that her insights reflect her personal perceptions, beliefs, and ideologies. A final note: the kinetic nature of our particles and matter base seems very human-specific and related to the context of matter and energy we are born into in relation to time. I believe there is a way to engage with our own pre-temporal awareness, which is linked to much of what Dr. Julia suggests regarding precognition. I think a lot of what she shared around this is significant, and that these are more advanced developments of human capacity and awareness that may be innate to us. While Dr. Julia's presentation speaks to aspects of reality, I don't believe it offers a conclusive theory of everything or a complete explanation of the functions of reality as they truly may be. I wanted to add these notes for those who might interpret her talk as such.
@innerlight617 4 дня назад
Very interesting interview! 1.07.16: "Yes, the Universe has free will.." I am struggling with this. To me, the Universe doesn't have a will. It behaves how it behaves, because it is what it is.
@Thurnishaley6969 4 дня назад
Its will is free precisely because it is what it is and acts only upon a predetermined set of ways which express this consistency of self. Bernardo says free will and determinism are the same thing
@innerlight617 3 дня назад
@@Thurnishaley6969 yes it is true, he has said that...
@Freer07 3 дня назад
The hedge behind you is indeed a great visual, and deepened my attention at a certain point. Enjoying this video, so insightful , thank you ❤
@inedex 4 дня назад
Fascinating. I am familiar with Robert Sapolsky's work showing that there is no free will. I am sure to certain degree that's true. There is mechanistic part to the choices we make, including biochemical factors. On the other hand, I do not think that is one only truth, it is not absolute. I am familiar with NDE cases where higher beings consistently refer to both #1 future events (i.e. world has already been calculated) and #2 free will of human beings which seems to be sacred. It is consistently shown that those beings limit knowledge about future events for a soul in order to allow true free choice. Now, they might give a hint about several possible "timelines" (again, those events have already been calculated) which are the result of choices of this particular or other souls. If a choice is made hugely due to subconscious motivations, and those in fact are connected to the life plan goals of particular soul, then it becomes question of definition of free will (conscious vs subconscious).
@moormanjean5636 3 дня назад
Robert's work does not prove their is no free will, he simply points out that brain activity occurs prior to choice, which if you think about it is self-evident yet insufficient to prove the existence or lack of free will. Sapolsky clearly has a reductionist world view, which leads him to presuppose the lack of free will, and so this colors his interpretation of the workings of the brain. His work does not preclude that the actual computation that this preemptive neural activity represents is itself radically open-ended, which recent work on quantum effects in neuron microtubules suggests.
@inedex 3 дня назад
@@moormanjean5636 you probably know his work better than I do. Yeah I agree. Thanks for mentioning microtubules, that might be missing link between physical matter and quantum effects/soul.
@moormanjean5636 3 дня назад
I have personally built up an in-depth and intuitive understanding of the brain from the neuron to the circuit to the systems level. I understand why neurons generalize, how circuits are organized, and how attention, memory, and abstraction operate. It does in fact let you know a lot, actually kinda makes you go a little crazy once you start to self-analyze. Still i agree that a reductionist mindset is limited and i do not discount so called supernatural phenomena. Most importantly I think, the hard problem of consciousness CAN be answered by neuroscience. Specifically, the problem at hand is whether the brain can be responsible for consciousness, which unlike our mechanistic descriptions of the brain is in actuality a very cohesive experience wherein we possess free will, something which should be impossible in a reductionistic worldview. The reality is we do have free will, we are not simple automatons instead we are beings whose functioning contains a radical open-endedness, an irreducible freedom built-in to us at the deepest level. How can seemingly disjoint neural regions perfectly coordinate together to allow for a cohesive experience throughout life? How can we have free will in a mechanistic universe? The answer to both questions is the same phenomena. Individual neurons self-align their behavior with frequencies of quantum field corresponding to you, i.e., your soul. Like iron atoms in a magnet, neurons across the brain can align along quantum frequencies, enabling a cohesive experience while allowing for radical freedom in the nondeterministic quantum computations. The way neurons actually align quantum mechanically has to do with harmonic benzene rings, which recent research shows can occur in biophysical conditions. Roger penrose and others have advocated this quantum theory of consciousness if you are interested.
@anika_h 2 дня назад
We have free will? We chose our ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, parents, birth order, the socioeconomic stances we were born into etc?
@gingerhipster 2 дня назад
Great chat. It sure looks like there's something like an undiscovered antenna paradigm where the physical forms of conscious life intersect with an undiscovered system of reality where some of the energy and information of mind exists.
@sosalty701 4 дня назад
Dr. Ray Peat (biologist) talked about the brain as a filter, serotonin being the key component, and the explanation of why psychedelics lower the filter by reducing the action of serotonin when the they plug into/hog up its receptors.
@judygreenwell334 3 дня назад
The ‘observer’ can be an ‘unseen entity’ present along side a human - or, it can be the ‘consciousness’ of an entity or entities who reside ‘within’ a human or ‘outside’ the human acting as a ‘puppeteer’.
@ElmoKnowsWhereYouLive5150 2 дня назад
@262ivanh День назад
That makes sense
@seaoceanme 3 дня назад
Fascinating talk by amazing people. Many thanks.
@donnied6151 3 дня назад
The interview was great and just loved the host.
@morphixnm 3 дня назад
This is a mechanistic idea about free will, as if it comes down to acting in the moment on binary choices. When we deliberate and think things through and make moral choices, the comparisons and evaluations are where we especially make our own determinations.
@rioapril7045 3 дня назад
A truly independent thinker. Super interesting person!
@Haruchemy 2 дня назад
If a common human with no physical tech augmentation can, then everyone can, regardless of tech being used or not. Super interesting
@darkmatter6714 2 дня назад
Imagine time is more like a still lake than a flowing river. Everything that ever was, is and will be are all there in the form of the water in the lake. The notion of past, present and future as well as the notion of what is, was and will be then becomes an abstract concept because, it’s already physically all there. Then imagine you’re a fish in the middle of the lake (the present), but a special kind of fish that can only swim forward. You can’t experience the water ahead of you because you haven’t got there yet, but that doesn’t mean that the water ahead doesn’t exist - you just can’t see it. And you remember the water behind you, but you can’t swim back to it because you’re not built that way, so for you it’s in the past, but that water behind you is still there. I believe the key to it all lies in consciousness. Like the fish in the lake, our consciousness can only tap into the present. I believe a higher level of consciousness - or an unshackled version of our current consciousness - would be like a fish that can swim forward, backward and jump out of the water to get an aerial view of the lake ahead as well as the lake behind at the same time.
@javadhashtroudian5740 3 дня назад
My academic background is chemistry, biochemistry, neurochemistry, clinical hypnotherapy. I have been a software engineer including AI for many years. I have practiced altered states of consciousness research for 57 years using psychedlics, meditation, hypnosis, active imagination and similar techniques. I have personally experienced a few psi phenomena including precognition. I think time may have more than one dimension (equivalent to multiverse). What I don't know is if my few very strong recognizing events have been the present affecting the future or the future affecting the past. Altogether since Ultimate Reality is One everythingvrhat is was will be is already there as the canvas described. Thank you for a wonderful talk.
@jimmykelly2809 3 дня назад
I’ve had precognition multiple times in my life. I know it’s real but it’s hard to get actual provable data except the last time it happened. I had 3 witnesses and I described the place with details BEFORE we set out to the place. It was so compelling to the 2 that were there that it freaked them out. The other person was my fiancé and she knew of my precognition. It is real there is no doubt about it. I’d like to be a part of a study but my precognition is random and always comes in forms of dreams. My dreams a lot of the times including last night are seeing life through someone else’s eyes and feelings but other times it’s me in the future.
@RebeccaFoster-r4k 2 дня назад
Hello, please can you provide links to the research and patient papers discussed during the interview? For example the work by Morris Freedman on stroke patients, and the precognition research by Dr Mossbridge. Many thanks
@fobef 3 дня назад
I choose to believe in free will
@aclearlight 13 часов назад
A marvelous interview with a very original thinker. Thank you!
@fromlasttofirst1 2 дня назад
This whole random number generator business doesn't work. It's been tested repeatedly and it doesn't work. I've seen data and tests showing it fail over and over again when it comes to linking consciousness to an RNG.
@sykniss 3 дня назад
Free will stops after you select the experience, and begins again once that PoV was completed
@begie666 5 дней назад
If proven Point excludes Future Action effectiveness shall We stop doing or proving?
@donaldanderson6578 5 дней назад
@leuleshetu4508 2 дня назад
Time is memory. If we didn't have memory, then time would also seize to exist.
@leuleshetu4508 День назад
But then, it won't exist only for us and for those without memory. Those who have memory would still be able to experience it. Therefore, time simply just exists. It is only a matter of who would and wouldn't be able to be aware of its existence. I had to improve upon my analysis~ 😊
@leuleshetu4508 День назад
In light of this thought, time then must be Change. Even the slightest change in the physical or spiritual realm would give one proof of time's existence and a reference to what has passed in relation to now.
@judygreenwell334 3 дня назад
Psychokinesis is NOT a human capability. It’s entirely attributable to the actions of ‘unseen entities’ standing along side the person ‘demonstrating’ this ability. Or, it can be attributable to the ‘consciousness’ of an unseen entity who’s entered the human for the demonstration, and ‘he’ moves the object(s) using his mind. The same is true with precognition - the information comes from unseen entities connected to humans with this ability.
@justme-wh5li 4 дня назад
If Aliens ever land on earth, this is the person they should talk to.
@stevenverrall4527 5 дней назад
Try telling someone who overcame a drug addiction that it didn't require extreme will power because there is no free will! People with very similar genetics and upbringing can turn out radically different--because they made very different choices. This implies free will. Free will is as fundamental as conciousness. Neither are emergent.
@goodwill8750 4 дня назад
Well said 👋🏻
@tagtraumhoch2 4 дня назад
How do you know that it wasn't in their script to overcome addiction?
@yanbibiya 4 дня назад
I overcame an addiction, but I used absolutely no willpower
@rawrisimo 4 дня назад
Free will and destiny aren’t opposite. They’re complementary. We chase after our destiny.
@Kaa864 4 дня назад
Well in addiction did you overcome first time or did you relapse every now and again ?
@kevinroberts781 2 дня назад
Quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement. Everything knows everything all at the same time.
@eppbot 5 дней назад
She should talk t Michael Levine thinking this when she’s talking on fixing brain after stroke.
@JulieTasker 3 дня назад
Free Will - yes we have whikst also we may give our Free Will Up To Enable God’s Will 🙏💖🙏
@afterceasetoexist 4 дня назад
Why was this unlisted?
@doloresabernathy9809 5 дней назад
Thanks for this video. what was the intro with scarlett johannesen?
@uxdnk 5 дней назад
@laurakelly631 5 дней назад
Fantastic movie! "Lucy"
@doloresabernathy9809 5 дней назад
@@laurakelly631 thanks
@TheWayofFairness 2 дня назад
I have this stuff going on. Therefor do not do me wrong. Those that make changes to the past are responsible for those changes. Evil is condemned. Evil means to do wrong to others. Let's chat.
@marcusferderber5789 День назад
A lot of talk, nothing said... It is funny how some people think they got it all and envelop it in a mystical frame. Dr Mossbridge says that "time or 'everything' is calculated and that there aren't other timelines, free will etc". But on the other hand she says how she managed to change some of her life situations thanks to premonitions. So, this begs the question - What is the use of premonitions if everything is already defined? By her logic premonitions are just illusions.
@ibrahimtoorabally2418 2 дня назад
29:64 (Chapter 29, paragraph 64 of the Qur'an): This worldly life is no more than play and amusement. But the Hereafter is indeed the real life, if only they knew. Reflecting on this paragraph: (1) The worldly life is not real; (2) The afterlife is real; and (3) If only they (humans) knew, they would be using their free will to pass their 'tests of life' during their worldly lives in order to reap the huge rewards during the afterlife, but unfortunately most of them use their free will to fail their 'tests of life', and will on this basis reap very very very severe punishments in their afterlives.
@-OB-1 3 дня назад
😂 free will.
@foolish415 3 дня назад
Threw my hair 🧏🏿💆🏿
@MikkoAPenttila 3 дня назад
Uhh, why do you even need to ask?
@JoelCash-p8e 3 дня назад
Lee Joseph Clark Deborah Garcia Paul
@LemonHelmmet 2 дня назад
Laplase demon activate 😅
@MalachiSpring-s1t 3 дня назад
Johnson Anthony Rodriguez Kevin Rodriguez William
@martinw245 3 дня назад
She may be misunderstanding what physicists mean by "observation" They mean "measure" and when you measure you interfere. It's not related to human beings consciously observing.
@ClarkeZona-t8w 3 дня назад
Jones John Davis Joseph Martinez Betty
@SamCheryl-s6q 3 дня назад
Martinez Daniel Hall Karen Jackson Gary
@MK-nv8sl 3 дня назад
When a speaker seats in front of a bright sunny outdoor scene the camera lowers its gain to bring the average image brightness into normal range and as the result the speaker’s face which is not lit becomes very dark and no detail visible whatsoever. This is called wide dynamic range. It doesn’t take precognition or neuroscience to notice that her face is impossible to see, very annoying.
@Void-Dreaming 5 дней назад
There is No Free Will.
@rossmcleod7983 5 дней назад
Robert Sapolsky makes a pretty convincing case for just that.
@someone-w9n 4 дня назад
Dennis Noble makes a very convincing argument and complex one that we have free will ​@@rossmcleod7983
@goldwhitedragon 4 дня назад
There is, founded on a deterministic framework.
@Void-Dreaming 4 дня назад
@@goldwhitedragon But Where, in the determininistic framework? No where, Right?
@goldwhitedragon 4 дня назад
@@Void-Dreaming Out of it.
@heatherwall9571 3 дня назад
The past cannot be changed and the future is always unknown. It’s not rocket science
@morphixnm 3 дня назад
Well, truly, it is not rocket science because this is not about launching things into space. It surely does involve physics, metaphysics, philosophy and consciousness.
@sRockstarHQ 4 дня назад
what does it mean to see the future ,are we not seeing the future already ,you know you will go to work tomorrow you know when your going on holiday you know when is the bus coming you know you know that the planet is going to get hotter then an ice age we know that the sun is going to burn out and consume out solar system, I recon seeing the future is just a matter of accuracy based on probability
@tomjensen618 3 дня назад
Why don't you ask AI "what is it like to be an AI? The answer will be revealing ,I predict.
@heywayhighway 3 дня назад
You can literally do it yourself right now for free
@surrendertoflow78 23 часа назад
I absolutely loved this interview. I’m so glad you are looking at this evidence. It’s maddening to me when it’s ignored (in almost all other cases). I feel like we’re wasting our time when all of this evidence isn’t included in our models first and foremost! Bravo again!
@mountainpeakcreations2964 18 часов назад
Yes, it's one conciouuseness and everything is connected. I know it as past present and future all happen in the present. I know it in mathmatics and physics.. it is in the words as sound. It's transending the senses or going beyond the mind and body. As she mentions, it's a precocetion state or prior to birth.
@gillyrcgilmore3742 20 часов назад
Very interesting, do you think if thousands of people were prompted to think the same intention at the same time ( like on a live stream) would get a result?
@mountainpeakcreations2964 18 часов назад
Seeking truth beyond human experience. 3 dometions of space and one of time. Time and spase are not fundamental, but consciousness is. Its metaphysics.
@surrendertoflow78 23 часа назад
Oh I left my comment before getting to the end. PLEASE interview Heinrich Päs regarding Everett and the so-called many worlds interpretation. Apparently we’re almost all wrong about what Everett was actually trying to say (someone else coined his theory as “many-worlds”, not him). His work before he was pressured to change it to please the dogma of his mentors was *really* about a unified entangled whole. The many worlds part of it has more to do with our limited perception than with the reality. Please please please please have him on to explain this misunderstanding and the history of how it came to be. Please read his book “The One” about the unified whole.
@seth956 День назад
We have free will. We just aren't aware of who we are fully. Uncoucious is just as much me as what we call consciousness. We are a system of cooperating "intelligences." We already know the information we are attempting to gather, but it's as if the RAM of the computer is asking the hardrive for more information than it can handle. Hardrive(unconscious) will not intentionally cause the computer(body) to crash(seize). When you look for something that isn't lost, give up, and it is found. When we split our identity and environment into pieces to understand due to our limitations, we must remember to put the pieces back together after we're finished. The universe doesn't share our limitations.
@traianliviudanciu8665 День назад
@QuickCanon 16 часов назад
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