
The Science of Spanking | Sci Guys Podcast  

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Is it good to make children scared and violent? This is a debate people are having somehow... Anyway let's see what science has to say
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@thefrickin5509 Год назад
Being in the states, let’s talk about the emotional trauma of going to school in fear that you might not come back. That having been said, I’m a gen xer. My father and his brother were beaten by my grandfather. (He was a horrible person) My father vowed to break the chain of violence. Dad was a big man and was terrified to put his hands on us. So he let my mother handle the punishment. We were urged to talk about it, I never realized at the time just how progressive they were. To this day I can still go to my mother and talk about anything. Even when I came out as gay they only said “This is new to us so I guess we’ll learn together.” Mom and Dad, you were trailblazers and didn’t even know it!❤
@fenixfox4366 Год назад
Im so happy to hear of people with such great sounding parents im v v happy for you❤🎉
@ismolatham4393 Год назад
TW: physical abuse from parents I'm autistic and 24 and I was smacked almost daily as a child. Mainly because I was 'ungrateful' and didn't eat food given to me. The most horrible thing is that in meltdowns I'd sometimes start hurting myself, I would be smacked for this and so I would fight back and then I'd be smacked more for hurting my parents. And of course I'd sometimes have meltdowns off the back of being smacked in the first place. It was a horrible cycle that only eased up around age 10 when I was finally diagnosed because its not okay to hit an autistic child when you know, but its perfectly fine when you don't know what's 'wrong' with your child(sarcasm) -_- Luckily now I'm in therapy to work through the massive backlog of trauma I have from this but its hard going work that I just wish wasn't a thing that me or anyone else had to work through to feel like a somewhat functioning adult. Edit: I remember a shit doctor once tried to get me from hitting my parents back by saying I would go to jail but my parents are allowed. I, being autistic, pointed out this made no sense. He said that I deserve punishment but my parents have done nothing wrong so I am just assaulting them so I need to go to jail. Being seven and told this was terrifying.
@fenixfox4366 Год назад
Im so sorry youve had to deal with that ī wish ū the best
@avathegryffinclaw Год назад
This minds of what my parents and my 26 year old sister did to me for years until a few months ago
@Stargirl_7272 Год назад
I'm from Brazil, I'm also autistic with giftedness, I'm 15 years old, I don't remember being spanked, I don't think I've ever been blow with slipper or spankings (here in Brazil the "corrective" is slipper), there's a law here in Brazil since 1990 which prohibits children and adolescents from suffering physical punishment and also any abuse or degrading treatment, in accordance with one of the paragraphs of the Statute for Children and Adolescents (ECA), but I watch videos like this to improve my English, because I am in the intermediate course and I need to to improve my listening and my speaking in English and also to know what it was about because it will be in the third or fourth chapter of my book from the ninth grade history school, it is interesting to know that people from outside Brazil, the parents also had this tradition, also because here in Brazil, the Europeans who brought the tradition to the indigenous peoples and also to the Afro-descendants here in Brazil say that if you hit your parents, I live on the coast of Brazil, it's almost a peninsula, so it's very likely that this happens in areas and neighborhoods without many financial conditions,in my neighborhood don't happen, I don't know how it is where you live
@foxboyuwu Год назад
you know, i think this is the first time sci guys has legitimately changed my mind about something, usually im listening to an episode and learning the science supports opinions that i already have but this one is different, i used to think that situationally spanking could be a useful method but the science doesn’t support that so… im changing my mind. i didnt turn out alright, and this episode helped me see that
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
I really appreciate you changing you mind.
@AVartist2023 Год назад
Another point no one talks about is the effect spanking has on the spanker. Case in point: My dad. He fought in WWII, landed at Normandy and helped liberate Paris. He saw so much violence, death, and bloodshed that when he came home from the war, he never wantede to see one more act of violence ever. Nonethess, whenever my sibling and I misbehaved, my mom would say "Wait till your father comes home." And when he did, the poor guy wanted nothing more than just sit, have 1 beer, and read the papers in peace. But it never failed (because my sibling and I just never got along) that almost as soon as he walked in the door, my mom would read off a list of our transgressions and cast him in the Bad Guy role of having to punsih us. She'd call us into the kitchen to receive our spankings. I only figured out years later how much my dad hated that. As a result of that, we only saw my dad as the grumpy guy who came home and spanked us, never as a loving parent. He was gone at work all day, so we never got a chance for many positive interactions with him, just the twice weekly spankings called for by mom. I didn't get to know my father as a person until my late 30's, and I learned how guilt-ridden he was over it all.
@Meeko4eve39 Год назад
Corry mentioned somewhat early in the episode that Sweden was one of the first countries to make spanking kids/using corporal punishment on kids illegal. Here's a fun fact about that: One of the major advocates for making it illegal was Swedish author of children's books Astrid Lindgren. Some of her best known works include the Bullerbü novels, Pippi Longstocking and Emil i Lönneberga/Emil from Lönneberga (better known to us Germans as Michel aus Lönneberga - the name of the protagonist was changed because at the same time Emil i Lönneberga was published in Germany they also published Emil und die Detektive, a novel targetting the same age group by German author Erich Kästner). Astrid Lindgren was a big proponent of children's rights and having compassion for kids in general. In Germany it is especially the Bullerbü books that have become synonymous with an idyllic, carefree childhood/life, which is why we say that "You're/We're not in Bullerbü." to tell someone to basically get back to reality. As a kid I read all of the Bullerbü books and there wasn't a single instance of a kid being hit in them. Not at home. Not at school. These books are set in the late 1920s and/or early 1930s iirc. The most violent thing in there is an old, grumpy shoemaker who is gruff and once or twice throws a shoe after the kids without hitting any of them after they give a false alarm that they're in danger. He also has a dog that he keeps on a chain. And the dog growls at everyone. But one of the main kid chatacters befriends the dog & eventually takes him from the shoemaker. So even the dog gets a happy end. The other most violent thing in the Lindgren novels is probably how Emil/Michel is punished for his mischief and troublemaking. But even he doesn't get spanked even just once. That novel must also be set somewhere around late 1800s to maybe 1930s, I believe. And Pippi Longstocking is ... Well, if you don't know, you gotta read the books (or about the books) for yourself^^ So yeah. Astrid Lindgren's attitude towards children, children's rights and corporal punishment free childhood are definitely evident in her writings.
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether Год назад
I remember my mum telling me that when children become teenagers they get closer with adults because the relationship between them is no longer adult and child, it’s adult and human being. I think the reason children are treated so badly is because they’re not treated like or seen as people.
@Mr.Goodkat Год назад
That's a chilling thing to say, I could never look at my Mom the same way again if she said something so disturbing. It's ironic because "children" are actually the only ones are real human beings, uncoerced and un-indoctrinated, everyone you're seeing over a certain age has been moulded and changed so much by their culture/environment, they aren't their natural selves anymore and are merely a product/mutation of their time and place, more often than not the moral sensibilities/indoctrination is a very negative one and looked back on in a few generations as utterly appalling over and over again. In trying to turn people into social caricatures like an "adult" we're making them less human and merely a product/collection of ideas, we just inherited not discovered. Dehumanising someone makes them less human. We dehumanise the young all the time. Which means we are dehumanising **everyone**. That's why it's ironic before we dehumanise these people, we're seeing what people/humans are actually like in their natural state and it's not bigoted and always waging wars and looking to fight, it's a lust for fun and connection with others and joy. Children are the only real humans but of course some can be dehumanised so much so early by age 5 or 6 they could already be less than human now due to all the dehumanisation.
@AVartist2023 Год назад
That's true, and it's one of the reasons I was so successful in my teaching career. I recognized this fact, and always treated children as people in my classroom. They in turn caught on to the fact that I was the one adult that spoke to them respectfully, and (for the most part anyway) behaved well and were open to what I had to teach them.
@Mr.Goodkat Год назад
@@AVartist2023 Would you have respect for any males if they all treated females horribly? or respect for straight people if they were all awful to gays? local's if awful towards foreigners? if you treat someone with less respect (no matter how small the disrespect) than any other non-content of character group in society you get labelled a bigot and ostracised if you do it to the young it's never considered bigotry even if it's went to the point of murdering them which can does and will continue to happen as every year lot's of people are mutilated and die from the act with their bodies flesh being severed against their will, also are denied life saving operations because it's against parent's wishes, if done against *anybody* else, even a vile, remorseless criminal we'd consider this murder and they'd be arrested but we do it only to the people we claim we care about protecting most? assault, theft, vandalism, false confinement, torture, being sentenced without trail, aggravated assault with a weapon, character defamation, slavery, kidnapping and murder are some of the words/terms/criminal charges we use if committing acts against all of us when more than 6700 days old but when done to any of us sooner than that and we drop those terms and replace them with euphemistic alternatives that don't sound as harsh but leave the actions remaining the same. Please consider either not looking down on anyone who would do any of the above to any other group or looking down on those who do it to kids, the fact you said you were the only adult even treated them like "people" should be just as concerning as "only straight treated them like people" if referring to gays or "only man treated them like people" if talking about women, (I'd argue most so) you wouldn't respect those men in that scenario (I bet) so shouldn't in this one either.
@pokemonfanthings4444 Год назад
I’m against all punishment. Children can be disciplined (taught) about consequences. It’s teaching them right from wrong and the reasons why, not just punishment for the sake of punishment. Like if a kid spills juice. Have them clean it up themselves. Don’t yell or hit them Edit: lol you brought up almost this exact example
@Mr.Goodkat Год назад
Punishments exclusively reserved only for one social group and no one else, even though everyone else commits those same offences and much worse is disgusting hypocrisy/bigotry and if it was against *anyone* else we'd be hearing discrimination/bigotry/hate crime constantly even if it was done hundreds or thousands of years ago, when it's children being targeted unfairly you never hear a peep, it's often meet with laughter and immature mocking actually. It's disturbing.
@TheLaughingDove Год назад
I'm 30 and I was born in south africa, I was spanked by my parents but also by at least one teacher as far as I can recall. My relationship with my family is a complicated one of abuse in general, but my parents spanked me, and did not spank my younger sister. I was always more afraid of them, and that's... Not a good thing. An ironic wrinkle is that my mother was a vet nurse who taught me just how ineffective and inappropriate corporeal punishment is for training or teaching animals, and had enormous disdain for people who privileged their anger over another creature's pain. Same woman also dragged me around the house by the ear on occasion when I was 19 over her thinking I didn't do a petty house chore. I think the biggest problem with spanking is just that. The act of choosing that violence too easily comes from a place of anger, too easily is twisted, and the thing it communicates is fear or resentment of the encounter itself, not often whatever behaviour you're trying to correct. It makes violence an option. On a lighter note, from bdsm experience, buttocks are one of the "safer" places to hit with more force. On a sourer note, this is part of why the buttocks are chosen, because you can hit harder, without risking as many kinds of severe injuries. So if someone is striking in anger, or wants to strike hard to create fear, the buttocks are a prime target. Another large target that isn't used much in modern days outside of kink contexts is the middle of the upper back, over the ribcage if you avoid the spine and shoulders. This is usually done with flogging or caning, and is traditionally where "stripes" of punishment for whipping were done (iirc). You can't apply as much blunt force to the back as easily or safely. The things I was warned make for risky targets are especially joints, nerves, and anywhere organs are close to the surface.
@raydientSkeleton Год назад
25, recently diagnosed as autistic, my parents spanked me alot growing up. And it didn't matter where. At home for a perceived slight, out in public for back talking, home again for not getting chores done at a certain time. And then when I got into highschool they tried giving me "birthday spanking" and i had a complete meltdown that confused my parents. They couldn't have any idea why I wouldn't want fun little birthday spanks. I will never have kids, but i still wouldn't hit any kid. I would never teach any child that their care giver is going to inflict pain because the caregiver is angry. Parents and care givers need to learn how to control and manage their own emotions before trying to raise kid going through their own big emotions in a little body
@thosefroggyfolks2004 Год назад
The public spankings are the worst. I think my view on spanking changed from “it’s okay in certain situations” to “it’s never okay” when I was 16 and my mom threatened to spank me in public. I swear the situation got worse after she said it because my mental state went back to 1st grade.
@anonym5621 Год назад
I'm a teenager and talked with my friends about spanking today and we all got spanked, especiallywhen we were younger. None of us would spank our kids tho
@anonym5621 Год назад
I live in germany btw
@Meeko4eve39 Год назад
If you're a teenager in Germany now you absolutely should not have been spanked in any context/anywhere. It's been illegal for about at least 2 decades now. If I remember correctly, it was made illegal for parents to do that the year I was born & I'm in my mid 20s now. And it's been illegal in schools a good chunk of time before I was born.
@fenixfox4366 Год назад
⁠@@Meeko4eve39 people abuse others no matter what the law says 🫤
@Meeko4eve39 Год назад
@@fenixfox4366 That is true, unfortunately. But given how rare it was that people had that experience in my social circles growing up when the law (and thus the social attitudes with it) was that much fresher I was genuinely surprised that it was that common in this person's social circle, I suppose.
@albanewest2361 Год назад
I live in France, and I'm 19. I have been spanked occasionnaly when I was between 3 years old and (maybe ?) 7 years old. Like, it probably happened more than once in my life, but I'm pretty sure it's less than 5. My parents are convinced that they didn't have a choice, but my mom also abused me verbally so... -.- yeah she totally had a choice, she just never wants to admit when she's morally wrong, because she can say sorry when she makes a mistake, but absolutely refuses to aknowledge that she has to apologize when something that she intended to do is wrong. Because she can handle apologizing for hurting someone by mistake, but not apologizing for hurting someone with the intent of hurting them, because then, that means she's not a good person, and she can't handle the idea of not being a good person. So obviously the ones she hurt are overreacting either because they are the kind of person who overreacts to a lot of things, or because it's a rebellious phase. (that's not my opinion, I'm just describing what she thinks). And everytime I think she's on the right path, every time I think she's changed she proves me wrong. I think she's finally starting to aknowledge that some things she did really hurt me and that I was not faking it, and said she will not do it again, but she still thinks that it's something that hurts me specifically, and that if she did this to anyone else they would turn out okay. It's a first step (I think) but it's still not enough, and I keep thinking she's going hurt me again everytime she raises her voice. Even if she's not mad at me. Even if she's not mad at all and raised her voice to call us. Sometimes even being in the same room as her makes me nervous (especially something bad happened there). (Also, I just checked, and apparently corporeal punishments are illegal since 2019 in France. And by that, I mean it was already illegal for schools to punish students before 2019, but it was still legal for a parent to hit their child before 2019). It's really weird that, for a long time, I thought that, even if I considered it wrong, hitting your child was commonplace, and that if it happened only twice in your life you couldn't complain. Then I mention it at one point when I'm thirteen and my classmates look at me with a "WTF" expression. But I also do know people who have been physically abused, so Idk how common it is.
@darasimpson1539 Год назад
I'd be interested to see if there are higher rates of S/H in people who were hit as kids. Thinking that pain is an appropriate absolution for a mistake is messed up on so many levels, and once that has been internalized it's easy to see how it could be perpetuated in a self-inflicted way 💔
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
CW: Abuse, S/H (obviously lol). I can draw a very direct line between the two things in my experience. S/H would elicit mercy from my parent, so I did it before an episode of violence. "See? I'm sorry!" I'd pull out my hair. Now when I'm having the emotional dysregulation I developed as a consequence, I do the same thing. It sucks.
@darasimpson1539 Год назад
@@user-ws8zb1ss3e ugh, I'm so sorry this happened to you, that's horrific 💔
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
@@darasimpson1539 Thank you - not to worry, though! My story has a good ending (or at least a good middle). At 18 I got away and got safe. Now I receive excellent mental healthcare and I'm almost done with college. I'm healing and pretty happy!
@darasimpson1539 Год назад
@@user-ws8zb1ss3e that's fantastic 😊 good luck in the future x
@brandyhickman9787 Год назад
I’m 18, I’m from the U.S. and I was spanked as a kid.I wasn’t severely physically abused but I will say that spanking gives way to further actions. I was punched in the arm once and my hair was pulled up to the age of 15. Keep in mind that these actions were done by my mom. These things can be done by anyone. And no, I wouldn’t hit my kid.
@ynthegoblin2664 Год назад
I was spanked as a child in Sweden even though it was already illegal at that point. I grew up in a high control Christian group though wich meant you could get spanked not only by your parents but also by your friends parents. I don't remember it being painful just humiliating so thankfully I guess the weren't hitting me super hard. I used to believe I turned out fine but than I realized it actually tought me that I couldn't trust any adults. I would never hit a child, I think it's always damaging no matter how "mild" it is.
@JasonWatkins-cn7bw 6 месяцев назад
That was creepy for a stranger to hit a child should have been arrested hope they pay a price for that you yourself should not have been spanked either look up Tom Johnson the sexual dangers of spanking.
@rhys-pect_4536 Год назад
I grew up in the 90’s in US and spanking was an everyday occurrence. It was not gentle spanking. I’m not ok. I’m not well adjusted. I have anxiety all the time. Therapy is helping.
@jaedavies458 Год назад
i completely agree with your points on school. Im 16 now and will be leaving school soon (thank god) but calling our school a prison is an on going thing in my friend group. If i described a place where, you have to wear the same thing everyday, you cant express any individuality, there are 8 foot fences around you at all times, there are set meal times and set times for you to be outside, when your outside you cant go out of a specific area, the food you eat is the same everyday, they make you line up outside every morning for an inspection (we call it prison lineup), their are cameras everywhere you go (including the bathrooms, which dont have doors anymore by the way), and you get punished for speaking out of turn, you would assume i was talking about a prison. and yet im talking about my school. I think its unfair that all children are treated as if were "bad" and irresponsible all the time, i understand that some are, but some adults are too. i dont think our age should fully dictate the amount of freedom we have. Of course safety is a concern but treating children like prisoners doesnt make them well rounded adults, it makes us feel like the only way well survive in adult life is to conform to what others want of us, which of course is exactly how society wants us to feel. Treating children as prisoners isnt keeping them safe, its limiting their ability to create a well rounded identity for themselves.
@ritadpt Год назад
I am 30, from Portugal. Despite legality/illegality (it IS illegal) this is somehow one of the topics that even within my bubble often causes friction, with a surprising amount of my friends seeing it as "sometimes necessary". Also, I personally did not experience any corporal punishment in school but I know plenty of friends my age that regularly did (again, despite it being illegal).
@liz5100 Год назад
55:55 I don't know how to break this to you guys but as an American that's most American jobs :/ most jobs I've worked have strict dress codes/uniforms, you have to have permission to use a restroom, food choices are restricted or you're not allowed to eat/drink at work AT ALL, and every second is dictated to you and micromanaged.
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
I'm 22. I received a lot of corporeal punishment. It was severe and ongoing. My mother and I have a zero-contact relationship now. I could talk about what it did to me, but the best way I can put it is that going through that sort of chronic terror killed parts of me that I now just have to find a way to live without. If I have children I will never raise a hand against them. Please know that when you chat with another parent about using spanking, you have no idea what level of violence you are actually condoning. Spanking is not just one thing. It's hubris to think that you could use a tool like violence and avoid causing lasting harm, even if you think you're using a very small degree of it.
@deadlymelody27 Год назад
I know people who still smack their kid on the hand for being naughty and their kid is the same age as mine. Millenials were hit and so they think its fine to hit their kids still. I had an argument with friends my age ish (im 30) about it. Luckily neither have kids but they thought it was fine that they were hit because they deserved it. Its sad honestly. I can literally feel how hard it is not to resort to it with my child when she is having a full on tantrum or has just smacked me in the face or continually kicks me. But thats only because i was raised being smacked. Its part of breaking the cycle.
@thiel_spencer Год назад
I'm Gen Z, I grew up in the U.S. and I was not spanked as a kid--I was not bad enough of a child to be spanked, apparently. I saw my older siblings receive corporal punishment, though. Also, on this topic, I remember when my Dad (who's been a high school teacher for 40+ years) mentioned that when he started teaching he was still allowed to hit kids with rulers and shit if he so chose, too. Yikes.
@bdhesse Год назад
I am a parent to two young kids and I would never spank them or use any form of corporal punishment. I do think gentle parenting is the best way to parent kids and I try to do so with my own kids.
@Mr.Goodkat Год назад
Any other kind of punishment isn't somehow better than corporal, it conditions all the same major issues and is negative for mental health and is not treating other's how you would like to be treated and in this instance is discriminating based on age so a bigotry too.
@SaintShion Год назад
My dad spanked us but he was also physically abusive. He made a thick wood paddle with holes so it would hurt more. He was drunk a lot so he'd end up hitting me in the kidneys, I remember peeing blood or not being able to sit down. He'd also threaten "spanking" on us when our mom wouldn't do what he wanted. I later found out the paddle he used on us was similar to the 1s slave owners used on slaves, and everyone made excuses for him cause the church told him to do it. The thing is he thought hitting us was funny. I remember watching Sparticus as a kid and begged for mercy and my dad belly laughed. He still tells the story like it's a funny memory, he than proceeded to hit me so hard it broke the paddle than tell me he did it because he cares for us. It was a twisted show of love. I usually took my brother's spankings too cause he is a gentle soul. (Most of the time he got hit for being too feminine). 🙄 Severe spankings can register in a child's brain as abuse and cause PTSD. I'd never hit my child. I think spanking is lazy parenting, redirecting a child attention to things more positive, waiting out tantrums and a child be frustrated cause they can't speak or process an emotion takes a lot more work. Our dad never took the time to listen to us or talk it over. He just didn't like something than beat us. When I saw my daughter giggle for the first time at 5 months I knew I could never hurt such a vulnerable being. I can barely spank my pets I think abuse is cruel.
@bdhesse Год назад
@@Mr.Goodkat I'm sorry, but what?
@bdhesse Год назад
@@SaintShion Yeah, it can be really hard to break the cycle of abuse. I come from a very angry family. I grew up around a lot of fighting and yelling and hitting. Adult temper tantrums were just brushed off as normal, and of course kids were spanked for doing the same. I don't have nearly as bad of a temper as my parents, but I do find myself struggling to not yell at times. Luckily, I will say that I succeed more than not, and I have learned to remove myself from the situation when it's getting to be too much. I'm not a perfect parent by any means, but learning about gentle/responsive parenting has helped a lot.
@SaintShion Год назад
@@bdhesse I'm really happy for you, and hope that you're always a thriver, not just a survivor. And yes I am quick tempered I completely understand coming from an angry family with adult tantrums. It's hard to reconcile the loss you feel when you realize you didn't have a childhood because you were too busy surviving or being a parent aka Adult-Children syndrome to yourself or others. Were never going to have the perfect temperament growing up like that but the fact you're introspective and working on yourself is a huge leap. I wish you lots of luck!
@courtneymaria56 Год назад
Here from Spotify 🤠 I was smacked on the bum when I was very young before my mum realised that it wasn't good - it was still very volatile in the house after that, with no relevant consequences and instead just emotionally charged reactions from everyone all of the time, and even those weren't consistent. My parents now admire the way I parent my 3-year-old (or try my best!), with patience and the best consistency I can bring myself to provide. I struggle a lot but am getting all the help I need. Looking forward to the gentle parenting episode (no pressure, I have other resources 😅)!
@courtneymaria56 Год назад
And no, I don't spank! I'm a parent of a person, not an owner of an object. Gentle/responsive parenting and emotional literacy all the way ❤
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
@@courtneymaria56 I'm so happy for your kid, dude
@solveigelisabethhenne1739 Год назад
Norwegian here, born in 86 with two older sisters born in 78 and 81 respectivly. Corporal punishment became illegal here in 1987 - but our father used corporal punishment on us when we were quite young. In my case, being born last it had already become illegal by the time I was considered old enough to receive physical punishment, but he clearly didn`t get the memo. (He was born in 46 and raised in a very strict and oldfashioned household who used harsh corporal punishment, so I guess my sisters and I should be glad he wasn`t harder on us). My oldest sister is the only one of us who have had children, she has two sons and although her husband grew up with an abusive mother they have both agreed to never lay a hand on their boys. So glad they are breaking the cycle.
@JasonWatkins-cn7bw 6 месяцев назад
Good glad your breaking the cycle it wasn’t your fault you were abused their is healing corporal punishment is wrong and sexual abuse look up Tom Johnson the sexual dangers of corporal punishment. And hope you heal!
@amerlinh Год назад
I was spanked as a child, and I do not spank my children. And when I was a child in the '90s in the southern US it was ok in my county for teachers to spank kids as long as you told the parents about it. One county over teachers could spank kids and didn't have to tell the parents. And then when I was in abstinence only sex ed in high school I over heard one girl telling another that since she was pregnant her mom couldn't 'whup' her when she found out because if you were pregnant you counted as an adult and your parents couldn't hit you.
@user-ws8zb1ss3e Год назад
So grateful to you guys for talking about this. I really, really hope the public discourse starts actually examining this issue. It's always hurt and outraged me so much the way it's considered acceptable to treat children. This is such a weight off my heart. I've never encountered any conversation about this that I didn't have to start.
@nab267 Год назад
It seems like children are more reasonable than people expect and adults are less reasonable than people expect.
@Mr.Goodkat Год назад
Both are extreme, *extreme* understatements.
@smolgiant Год назад
i'm 22 and i used to be smacked by my mother on a regular basis for bad marks, not doing what i was told, general misbehavior and silly shit you do as a child basically. the act itself and the rage she often displayed quickly made me terrified of her and specifically of making her mad. which i can guess has resulted in me now being anxious about upsetting people and afraid of mistakes in general. needless to say, that corporal punishment routine has (among other things) made me lose any trust for my mother. also i sometimes caught myself wanting to hurt her in return, which is to be expected, if you ask me i'm from eastern Europe and i guess in my country it's still more or less normal to hit your kids, although i'm not sure about the modern parents' perspective. it's definitely not illegal though, you only pay a small fine for hitting any family member. and then you can happily continue spreading fear at your home - how fun! i remember how fucked-up it was to sit in pedagogy class at uni and listen to the lecturer going off topic saying "well although it's wrong to hit a child, i think a small slap on the bum is sometimes necessary". it was a couple years ago.. so yeah, apparently the world is still to learn that hitting children is pretty damn detrimental to them and just plain wrong. so thanks for talking about it! i'm happy to hear that the idea of corporal punishment for children sounds obviously abhorrent to younger people in the West. hope the rest of the world and the laws keep up meanwhile you keep up making the podcast. it's fucking gold in every aspect, right up my alley! thank you guys💚
@itsashenn9725 Год назад
What's horrible about this is whenever I say I don't want to spank my kids, some parent who has done it says to me "youll change your mind when you actually have them". I would hope that I love my real children more, not less when they're actually here, what the fuck.
@madhatterline Год назад
What they mean is you may be heavily tempted on one of those days when your child has you at your wits end, as its possible that no one will ever make you as mad as your child at times, they are so important yet can be so frustrating, and because you learnt by being hit as a child to react in that way. The other parents may have given in to the temptation, as Cory says, it's the easy option, the lazy option, but you don't have to, you can break the cycle through love like so many others.
@brandontweedy2577 Год назад
I am 41 and recently diagnosed with Autism. I was spanked with belts or whatever was easiest to reach (wire hangers, sandals, etc) for things as small as making too much noise while playing. I was also diagnosed with ADHD in Kindergarten; my mother chose to not treat me or even tell me about the diagnosis until I became an adult, and almost everything I was spanked for was directly caused by my ADHD which, again, my mother refused to treat...
@kevinhodgson2990 Год назад
I was hoping the sciguys would delve deeper into the reason people spank but the discussion was less than neutral. I still enjoyed it but a quick search found an article of why African Americans are twice as likely to use corporal punishment: "Underlying black parents' attachment to spanking is a very real fear, based on black suffering and random violence at the hands of white people. Blacks are quick to defend the need to spank and feel misunderstood when criticised in a society where the consequences for stepping out of line are much harsher for black children than white ones." Though the threat may be less today than in the 1950s, the Black Lives Matter movement is here for a reason. Growing up my siblings and I were spanked occasionally by mom, but dad, an academic, would give us hour long lectures. Halfway through it we were all thinking "just spank us, please!" It was far more effective than a spanking.
@sunnyquinn3888 Год назад
It is mind-blowing how often science has to prove the blindingly obvious, and people STILL don't get these most basic things.
@baileewray5866 Год назад
I was smacked as a kid, i don’t want children but I would never hit them. If you don’t want children to hit others, why would you hit them?
@ashH-B Год назад
I'm 18 (UK) and out of my friends only me and 1 other person was never hit by our parent. I was so shocked when my friends talked about being hit as kids like it was normal.
@jonathanheim5842 Год назад
US state of Pennsylvania here, corporal punishment in schools is still allowed here with 3 requirements being met. 1: A 24 hour cool down period. 2: a witness present. 3: Parental consent. source - my mother is a teacher. it doesn't really happen, but it's definitely legal. I'm not sure if there's been any somewhere in my state, but there wasn't any in my schools growing up. I had it threatened once though, teacher had a paddle for that reason.
@Helenoula Год назад
Hi, my friend & I have been fans of your podcast for over a year now. We just ran the junior Edinburgh marathon together listening to the bullying episode. Highly entertaining, keep up the good work!
@smallgoosey Год назад
Haha not a matt walsh ad on this video. 'Matt Walsh's Documentary, the documentary they don't want you to see.' so funny
@DeclanSocial Год назад
I was spanked once when I was like four for running out into traffic and never again cause I apparently just laughed at my mom like a demon and went on about my day. I wasn’t easy to “punish” as a kid. Timeout was quiet time to stare at a wall without responsibility. Being grounded was a good reason to not have to hang out with people. But I agree. Parents shouldn’t hit their kids even if it’s just “spanking”. If you can’t explain to the child that what they did was wrong without scaring them, then you aren’t meant to be a parent 🤷🏻
@Meeko4eve39 Год назад
I have not been spanked and I wouldn't spank my children. And I'm not just saying that because I do not plan to or care to have kids.
@widmawod Год назад
I've been hit as a child, and where I'm from every single person I know has been hit. Attitudes are changing, but I think more so among the children than the parents, so parents still spank their children. People laugh at jokes about abusing minors. There's absolutely hope things will change but apparently people in power are not interested, well especially not now. One of our ministers said humiliation is most important for the development of a child, so no change is coming any time soon. I am GenZ, I don't come from a country that you would say is "woke" or that is famous for being open-minded about human rights, but I do come from Western Europe. I don't know that we find spanking "abhorrent", I think we are still in that transitional phase wherein people affected will change things in the future, but it's not in the public consciousness yet.
@NotTooStraight Год назад
I got spanked a lot as a child, and these were not “love taps.” It was real punishment that hurt. Worse was that I never understood what was spanking behavior, lying? Stealing? Nope! Kissing a girl? Yep! I legit got spanked because my Christian parents got upset that I kissed a girl. I have so much anxiety as an adult now, spanking kids should definitely be illegal. Also any right-wing people, just know I turned out to be a pan, nonbinary, marxist who dislikes religion. So maybe don’t spank your kids or they may turn out like me
@KathrynsRavens Год назад
I'm a Canadian raised by boomers who would spank my brothers and I. It's still legal in Canada too with similar conditions to that of England, probably partly a result of where the laws came from due to colonialism. I have heard so many people say they turned out fine and I would argue that those of us who were hit didn't turn out fine. Like you both, I also don't have kids but have a lot of kids in my life and those that are the most well adjusted were the ones whose parents reasoned with them and treated them like they were worth the time to talk to. These parents are the people I have learned from so that I can have great interactions with those kids.
@digitaldevilsaga Год назад
aw so sad that you didn’t include encanto in one of the generational trauma movies because it touches on what it’s like to grow up in latino families.
@danielroach5415 6 месяцев назад
As a uk Gen-xer I got an occasional smack on the bottom, enough for a few minutes of pain, but nothing more than that. (maybe up to 10 in total), I grew up ok. Until I reached mid 20s, I'd have answered "yes I would smack my kids", but then I totally changed my mind. The first time I heard that there were some people against spanking was in my first year at uni- on a TV debate show called central weekend(when ITV franchises meant something), And My thoughts were "how daft, everyone needs a smack or two, most kids deserve it, never did me any harm etc.. the first argument that changed my mind was that it makes kids "Sneaky" - and I remembered that I'd never own up to anything if I was scared I might get smacked for it, and it did make me really defensive about making mistakes. It also gave me the belief that it was a good way to treat kids (ANd I was probably going to be a bit meaner about it with my kids) , It was quite an eye opener when I realised I was prepared to put a child through the same pain.(Sometimes after a smack, I'd console myself with the fact that one day I'd be the one doing the smacking, and I'd "practise" by giving my teddies a good slapped arse when they were "naughty") I have a few other thoughts on why some people who were smacked are still so eager to defend it 1 - They are afraid of offending their parents (I have a good relationship with my mum and dad, because they did a lot of other great stuff with me, and I can forgive them because there wasn't as much research back then. 2 - They've normalised the idea that children deserve that treatment 3 - they want "Their turn" There are other "defenses of spanking" which i dislike too.
@KageKatze 3 месяца назад
Assaulting a child should be illegal.
@persistenturge Год назад
Hello Corry and Luke I am a gen z who is about a decade younger than you and I and my siblings were hit as a child. I do not believe in corporal punishment period, and I believe that will be as varied a stance in my age group as it is in yours.
@broke6785 Год назад
When I was young my parents were alot more angry then they are now, but they did spank and hit sometimes over the smallest things like spilling milk. When I do eventually have kids I think I'll find other ways of punishment or learning.
@SirSoup44 Год назад
My parents spanked me as a kid. It was reserved for when i was really going off the rails and directly saying hurtful stuff to be hurtful. It was never hard enough to hurt just sting for a second, but what it did do was humiliate me. I mean, i stopped doing the behaviour, but as i got older, I'd just swing back harder, so they realised and changed tactics. Im 23 now, and we've talked, and they said that they know now that it was wrong and that they didn't know how else to parent in those moments. Thats how they were raised. They said that they realised it wasn't working and that i wasn't ok, so they stopped. I dont resent them, but i dont condone it, and i won't do it. We're very close, and im glad that it never went further than it did and that they reflected on their actions
@matteot2810 Год назад
I agree on the whole line, just Luke the phrasing of "it's incredible that it is practiced in some of the most developed and POWERFUL countries", it is not that incredible that happens in imperialist countries or in countries that where colonized with force by them, not super incredible
@alexandradevorak3901 Год назад
I’m so surprised that my sister turned out fine. Me and my brother are disasters because we were spanked. She was also spanked, but I was always the bad kid. My brother was more or less neglected (yeah he was fed and given shelter, but he was an iPad baby and it shows).
@aliceallgrown Год назад
You would think it should be obvious but I've had some pretty eye-opening arguments with people I used to think highly of but now cannot because they refuse to give up the idea that it's okay to beat their children. And I've had that person's children defend them to me saying they were a great parent and they also hit their kids so there's nothing wrong with it.
@johnussaising9948 Год назад
I'm a teenager, and my mom used to spank me and my sister ,where she got the worst of it until she got a nose bleed when she spoke out of term. I got chase around with a broom, a chair in some cases, and a knife until I apologize ,Asian mom parenting. 😅
@albanewest2361 Год назад
A knife ? What. What the fuck. Did she try to kill you or something ? Did you call the police ? You should call the police if you can.
@AlatheD Год назад
I got spanked several times. I have often said I didn't get a spank I didn't deserve. However, I believe in other punishments first. But I have no (did not want, glad I never had) children, so it's really not a thing I've thought much about. And I do believe different children react differently to different punishments. I'm an "old" I graduated high school (age 18) in the early 90s in the US. I remember being taken to the principal's office more than once for a spanking. Since the principal and I were not the same gender, my special ed teacher had to observe. So it wasn't just "misbehaving means pain" it also meant "misbehaving means humiliation". I think I only gol called in for spanking twice. This was a grade-school thing (so mid-80s or so) and it sure put the fear of *something* into me. Interestingly, though, I'm not convinced any of my bullies ever got spanked, even the one who kicked me in the throat (pretty sure he DIDN'T, actually. Not even sure he went to the principal's office for that.) Since you bring up the "can I go to the bathroom" issue: I often needed to go during the same class in the afternoon (high school, i was probably between 16 and18 at this time) and one day the teacher refused to let me leave. So I sat in my seat and did what could not be avoided. Then I asked to go change into my gym sweats, since I'd peed in my pants (and the chair, and on the floor). The teacher was horrified and said I should also go get stuff to clean up from the janitor. The school janitor happened to be my uncle (it was a very small town). He told me he'd take care of it. That teacher never refused me again, but she gave me dirty looks every time I made my presence known (which wasn't much more than it had been before, she never liked me). Side note: even as an adult, I have bladder issues, so I'm sure that was part of what was going on. (Sometimes during an 8 hour shift, I'll have to go the the bathroom 10 times, I'm not yet 50 years old.) Corry's confused "Bye?" at the end was perfect.
@PugalshishOfficial Год назад
As a 17 year-old, I kind of like your assessment that children should be seen as people, but at the same time I don't. This is because if the overall consensus is that children are just little people, then companies and corporations will start to view children as smaller, more limber adults that can be taken advantage of. Such a notice would then embolden them to role back on child labor laws, which is something already beginning to happen here in America.
@citricsapph Год назад
for me getting hit was pretty much normal throughout my childhood as someone who's genz with brown parents but honestly i do not think it is okay in any way and it was definitely somewhat traumatic and definitely "left a mark " in my mental state tbh i just don't get why parents are so angry because i think about myself as a child and the things i went through and i WOULD NEVER. do that to a kid its genuinely somewhat terrifying that they think its alright, recently my class was talking abt sweden's ban and how the parents get taken away and thrown in jail for hitting their kid and most of my classmates were really shocked because it really is normalized in our culture like at least a little hit or two that would probably not hurt after a few seconds is what i think they've gone through. idk its a really difficult topic but in my opinion it isn't okay and wasn't okay but its a culture thing, i just don't think our parents knew any better when the same ting happened to them
@citricsapph Год назад
(i am only 15 so i dont know that well )
@citricsapph Год назад
ALSO i never got hit in the butt thats a bit weird tbh just the arm or face most of the time
@AB-qt6uw Год назад
You referenced younger Gen Zs and as a 16 year old I thought I’d add my experience: When I was young my parents hit me and my siblings on occasion, most of the time they just threatened us with it, but once my mom threw a full cartoon of vinegar at me. When I’ve talked with my friends, most of them experienced similar things, some more, some less, but in general all of us don’t agree with spanking kids ourselves, but have been normalised to the idea of our parents doing it, so aren’t really appalled by it if it isn’t extreme.
@AB-qt6uw Год назад
Edit: I’d say I have similar views as you guys but you were saying you weren’t sure how familiar younger Gen Z was with the idea so I was just saying most of us are familiar with it in some capacity
@thosefroggyfolks2004 Год назад
Yes I was spanked, no I will never do it to my own kids. I haven’t been spanked in like 15 years but I still flinch anytime my mom walks towards me with her hand raised.
@FrozEnbyWolf150 Год назад
Yes and I hope not. I say it that way because no, I did not turn out all right with regards to my relationship with violence. I cognitively know that it's wrong to deliberately inflict harm on others, but because I was taught by adults that the use of force determines right from wrong, I can't stop the feeling that I should threaten harm to enforce right from wrong. But since I don't want to harm others, I instead turned it on myself or inanimate objects. To make matters worse, the schools I went to did not know about or accommodate my medical needs, which meant they treated it as a disciplinary issue instead. This is part of the reason I never want to have kids of my own. There is no other way to break the cycle.
@oliviawolcott8351 Год назад
I was spanked and no it's not something I'd do to a child. I got bare bottom spanked with a paint stick when I was little. and I had spanking into my teen years. my proudest memory was when I said no to a spanking and my dad broke the paddle while trying to intimidate me.
I was spanking, smacking, and other forms corporal punishment. I will NEVER do it to my kids because it is VERY abusive it has traumatized me greatly and I don't want to go through what I went through.
@TC-8789 Год назад
Oh im 36. My elementary school would spank us for all kinds of reasons. They literally still do, I've looked them up since. The only thing that has changed is that now the teachers have to bring the kid to the office so there's a witness and also the kid gets hit by the same sex adult. They're also a charter school now and i suspect part of the reason is so they can keep spanking kids.
@BaddeGrasse Год назад
When i was old enough to tell my parents that physical abuse is physical abuse, theyd pull out the "but an open hand on the bum is legal" (Australia, years ago, i dunno if thats still the case)
@barclaycork-ys5wz 4 месяца назад
I was "spanked" but those events weren't the things that caused me trauma. Mental and emotional punishment always hurt so much worse.
@user-dt9ng4ec1n Год назад
I was spanked as a child, usually by my mum, because she had really intense anger issues. And I would never hit a child. What I find baffling about spanking children is that if you did that to adults, if you actually hit adults over mistakes they did, that would just be called assault. And I absolutely agree that children are not considered to be full human beings, that people don't understand that their psychology is just like that of adults, is just that they understand less.
@PaleBlueTHOT Год назад
American here: so many Americans are proudly pro-spanking. Based on personal conversations I've engaged in, and televised discourse on the subject, I don't get the impression that most Americans think it's abuse.
@kittenslikestars Год назад
Gen z here. In kindergarten, my step-dad would spank me pretty often. I never knew why he spanked me, since he never communicated what I was doing wrong. I have a really low pain tolerance, and when he hit me I would end up crying on the couch for two hours and eventually passing out. It definitely wasn't as bad as it could've been, and my mom and step-dad divorced after I got out of first grade, but it still had a negative effect on my outview on people and life.
@packman2321 Год назад
Honestly, thought this was a really good episode. I especially think the way we cast children as property causes issues. Children end up stranded in this position where they're denied access to resources, but also invested with all this alleged sentimental responsibility as being 'the future' (incidentally sentimental power obviously isn't useable, it's just a way to invest more power in the adults who surround them). If you're interested there's actually quite a literature on how this stuff operates. Off the top of my head Edelman's 'The Future is Kid's stuff' deals with the tendency to appeal to 'The children' to discriminate against LGBT people (and includes the only cluster f-bomb I've seen in an academic essay, which renders it quite memorable) and I think Intro to critical childhood studies has at least one essay that looks at the way women and children are folded into the domestic sphere to deny them access to public space historically. Certainly Burman addresses this in Deconstructing Development, when she talks about the way child work in middle class families is often downgraded as 'not really work' either by the work/chore, or work/play dyads (which render child work 'non-hard' or 'non-serious' to ignore the way households often rely on it) or through the idea that school exists outside society, which hides the way the amount of schoolwork has expanded over the last 100 years (homework, originally was considered a problem, caused by over expansion of testing, now it's just an assumed part of schooling). There's also some stuff on how children are exiled from public and political spaces, but I have literally hundreds of essays on childhood (I'm writing a masters on the ideologies surrounding popular notions of 'development' and how they disenfranchise young people) so I'll leave it here. Really excellent though.
@pokemonfanthings4444 Год назад
This is so important
@rachelross1046 Год назад
My mum is only in her early sixties and when she started working as a teacher, about 40 years ago, corporal punishment was still allowed in schools! It’s crazy to think how recently that was.
@thecatmangaming5503 Год назад
I was really curious about the After Dark episode on children being an opressed class so I subbed to the Patreon, I can see all the After Dark episodes but not that one - has it been released yet? Does anyone know where it is? (I'd ask in the discord but despite being a Patreon with discord benefits, discord won't let me access it)!
@SciGuys Год назад
It should be out by the end of the month! We'll contact you with regards to Discord
@AnxiousChazz Год назад
I was spanked fairly often. I do not spank my child. He’s 8. I’ve never done the timeout (just neglect them) thing either. I talk to him. I live in MO and overwhelmingly people tel me spanking is good. They also tell me I’m just lucky. No, I do the work.
@oliviawolcott8351 Год назад
on the pledge to the flag, the funny thing is if you said that about north korea to an american they would be like that's horrible. point out that we do the same thing, there'd be a good chance that they'd defend it.
@landmarkfilly54 Год назад
slight correction in regards to the Equality Act 2010, it may seem late but it was a consolidation and updating of laws going back to the 70s, thus discrimination against certain groups was illegal prior to its passing
@SaintShion Год назад
My dad spanked us but he was also physically abusive. He made a thick wood paddle with holes so it would hurt more. He was drunk a lot so he'd end up hitting me in the kidneys, I remember peeing blood or not being able to sit down. He'd also threaten "spanking" on us when our mom wouldn't do what he wanted. I later found out the paddle he used on us was similar to the 1s slave owners used on slaves, and everyone made excuses for him cause the church told him to do it. The thing is he thought hitting us was funny. I remember watching Sparticus as a kid and begged for mercy and my dad belly laughed. He still tells the story like it's a funny memory, he than proceeded to hit me so hard it broke the paddle than tell me he did it because he cares for us. It was a twisted show of love. I usually took my brother's spankings too cause he is a gentle soul. (Most of the time he got hit for being too feminine). 🙄 Severe spankings can register in a child's brain as abuse and cause PTSD. I'd never hit my child. I think spanking is lazy parenting, redirecting a child attention to things more positive, waiting out tantrums and a child be frustrated cause they can't speak or process an emotion takes a lot more work. Our dad never took the time to listen to us or talk it over. He just didn't like something than beat us. When I saw my daughter giggle for the first time at 5 months I knew I could never hurt such a vulnerable being. I can barely spank my pets I think abuse is cruel.
@Johnny_T779 Год назад
Doesn't being spanked by your parents foster masochistic adults, in the sense that it makes people equate love to physical pain?
@AlatheD Год назад
I may or may not be the exception, but I was spanked, I do not equate love and physical pain. I have had a few traumatic (adult) relationships, and that did not change. Though occasionally (due to those adult relationships) I have difficulty with *emotional* pain and love being intermingled. However, I also practice BDSM, and will not willingly give physical or (intentional) emotional pain unless it is requested and agreed upon. What you say may be true for some, but please do not assume it is true for all.
@danielroach5415 6 месяцев назад
I'd have started school (uk) in the late 70s, in primary school I can't remember anyone getting smacked, but I can remember the head coming round all classes and telling us about 2 areas in the school buildings which were deemed unsafe and that anyone caught around them would "Get a walloping", I saw someone called to his office from one of those areas, but I don't know if he got the promised walloping.. I can also remember hearing a rumour that one of the teachers had a slipper which he used on the naughty kids. We moved in about 1984, and I can remember one occasion at the new school, when someone was being cheeky to the teacher, and the teacher just lost it and grabbed him and smacked his bum about 6 times, saying something like "If your parents aren't going to do this, I will!" - thing is he didn't flinch! This would have been 86 or 87 - so it may have been after the ban. Shame it wasnt reported, no one liked that teacher! As a side fact - the first country to ban CP in schools was Poland who did it way back in 1783!
@danielroach5415 6 месяцев назад
Oh - and schools banning kids from going to the toilet during lessons is disgusting. Can't think of one good reason for it.
@pigeondance687 Год назад
i'm gen z, i was spanked but i was so young that i can't even remember. which is the messed up part. after that my mom just slapped me on my shoulders or threw my toys at me. no i would never hit my kid
@nikolettafr Год назад
I am 25 and when I was in early elementary there was still corporal punishment in school. Granted, it was pretty rare, but it happened to me and almost all my classmates.
@AJ.ly7 Год назад
My parents always tried to do gentel parenting im 17 so genZ I think. I can count on one hand when i was hit .I dont think my parents did it because they wanted to punish us ,more like from helplessness .I don’t think parenting is easy so i can understand why you don’t now what to do especially if you are taught by your parents that it’s right to hit your kid . I’m not excusing it but yah .I also think that many children are still hit today maybe not as many and often and not in public but still.Also if someone actually reads this English is not my first language so yah sorry.But i wanted to voice my opinion.😅
@staches_ Год назад
Honestly some countries their government act like parents who think punishment and instilling fear is the best way to teach a child to their ppl Like the Islamic republic when they murdered women for showing their hair
@lexiibattwitch 6 месяцев назад
So yeah, hitting kids bad. However, that supreme court ruling doesn't say what you think it says. What they rule on, in terms of the constitution is the INTENT of their forefathers. Which is to say, they ruled that the INTENT of the original constitutional amendment was SPECIFICALLY considering prisoners. The forefathers were short sighted. That's the ruling.
@Dariusissocool Год назад
I remember once in elementary school I was hit the night before and it hurt so bad to sit and get up again. This was the early 2000’s
@Susan-jr3ld Год назад
If you though this was horrific, don't look into blanket training, or Pearls and IBLP. You will lose all hope for humanity.
@nelsonkaiowa4347 Год назад
I´ve seen a dad telling his kid "touch that again" and it was a warning, but of course the kid didn´t understand and just did what the fatjer wanted and touched it agian and he smacked heras punishment. so confusing for a kid.. And we are talking about a toddler that could just walk.
@Canelemon768 Год назад
im gen z and live in a pretty conservative place in the US. I was spanked as a kid and its really common for people here to still agree with spanking. all of the people i am friends with agree spanking is bad, people more on the conservative side are way more likely to agree with it. its seen as normal and insignificant unfortunately.
@rita.sotero Год назад
My parents were bitten in school and they are born in 1975 and 1973
@briannamanchester5919 Год назад
I was spanked very rarely as a child
@planetaryg0 Год назад
as a gen z i've been hit/strangled by my parents and i have some friends who've been done much worse, so yeah i think a lot of us hate corporal punishment haha
@Kai_Non-Binary_Queen Год назад
I haven't been(yet) but I've been threatened with it in many occasions so my dad will probably follow through with it eventually cause I've got four long years left of my childhood Edit:I'd only do it to my own children if they did something extremely wrong
@imaniware4944 Год назад
Yes and no are my answers. What really made me realise it was wrong was I think Cory saying previously why would a child grow out of corporal punishment? Like how could hitting a smaller weaker person be okay? Not that I supported it but I hadnt thought about it since growing up. Also surprised that it isnt illegal in schools in the US though I suspect it is in the states I grew up. I have never seen it and would expect it to have a heavy consequence for the teacher. However, I have recently learned how trash the supreme court truly is so not surprising for them
@miashinbrot8388 Год назад
Now I think it's time to work on an episode about the science of hitting adults consensually -- which is, yes, what I thought this video was going to be about.
@karinelfwing9095 Год назад
No, I wasn´t and I would not do my children.
@randimorris8307 Год назад
My mom never spanked me as punishment but if she lost her temper she would beat me. But she did spank the siblings and the siblings are 13, 17, and 20 years older than me
@charliev4156 Год назад
If I was born 50+ years ago(caning in school was banned in the 80s in most of Australia) I may have been/would have been caned in school for being left handed. According to my nanna, my great grandfather was caned for being left handed in school which would have been in the 1910/1920s ish I think
@EefIronclad-zz4vm Год назад
It is I the stupid one wanting to learn something.
@twinksintrees Год назад
no and no
@ArdenOnyx Год назад
you cant just say limp wristed and not have it mean gay smh
@charliebuxton5020 Год назад
Nah and nah
@BestFriendsWhoLiveTogether Год назад
This was uploaded at 11pm on Sunday. I thought this podcast was on Mondays…
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