
The STORY you NEED to KNOW before The War Within - SPOILER FREE! [Lore] 

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@clockworkcookie 2 месяца назад
Two times WoW cutscenes made me genuinely cry: Ysera's death in Legion, and in SL when Anduin is almost lost and Varian says "my son" 😭
@vahdoom 2 месяца назад
Yeah even as a hordie, Ysera's death made me shed a tear
@silviuvisan505 2 месяца назад
Valor and honor.
@nitrorabbit 2 месяца назад
@nitrorabbit 2 месяца назад
+varian.. Uff I'm a crybaby 😂
@quantumjourney1 Месяц назад
Woah i didnt know people got into the story like that
@GazingTrandoshan 2 месяца назад
Id love if they def bring Anduins arc up during the expansion to finally get him his strength in himself and the alliance , its gonna be neat seeing this expac fully dedicated with Metzen involved
@celuiquipeut6527 2 месяца назад
I am praying that Metzen influence bring back Masculinity in this game. It lacks manliness. I have been catching up in the stories recently, i just came bck from a VERY l9ng brake. The amount of time when i heard 2 female bonding togrther in an overly smooth voice saying "together we will prevail" Oh yesss "Together"...made me puke. Nurturing fucking dragons like a nanny....that kind of shit should be kept for side quest. I am playing WORLD OF WARCRAFT. Not the fucking sims. I want war, steife, machination and murder 9n the menu. Not women crying and bonding together. I hope Metzen bring that back.
@podrickfookinpayne2329 2 месяца назад
What a badass video. Nobbel has always been an incredibly powerful youtuber, but he's become an incredibly powerful story teller over time. Badass.
@miriamweller812 2 месяца назад
Meh, he ruined his image when he joined the crybaby crowd just throwing ridiculous shit around and partly still can't let this go. Hard to take anyone seriously (as far as you can and should do this regarding a game anyway), when he walked that pathetic path. Shadowland was easy to understand, Jailer was simlpy a realistic written villain who wasn't all the typical story writing cliches of big revealing speeches, which explain everything even to the most stupid idiot or an annyoing focus on the hero while then never doing anything to actually just get rid of them. It was absolutely clear tha he: a) wanted to free himself. b) take revenge in one form or another. c) take over and then change the system in the way he wants it to be. Sylvanas is even more clear - hell, she does not really stop to explaing it to the player since beginning of the addon. a) End the tyrannic system of the Realm of Death. b) reaplace it with a just one, where every soul got a free choice. c) as usual does not care, what brutal means she has to use to reach this goal (what is nothing new for her - or pretty much in general, look at wars in RL, doing MUCH worse for MUCH less). d) for lack of choice (she DID need the power of a god like him for that) believed in the idea, that her goals align with jailer's C and that the new system to be created woul fulfill her B. There is really nothing badly written about that at all, it's surprisingly well fitting and believeable, the main reason why the Jailer being a bad guy simply a "he doesn't care for mortals", what again is one of the most realistic reasons for being evil, not that you like to be evil, but that you simply give a f*ck about the victims of your deeds. There was also never a "master plan" as all the crybabies love to yell. It was just manipulation and it rarely succeeded in the way it was planed to, but, since in general unrevealed, still brought them step by step closer and opened new ways to reach their goal. No master plan, just taking chances. Anyone with a brain can understand this. Sad enough, most people lack a brain. And I wish that would only be a problem for games, but of course someone who is not even able to understand such simple things a mentioned above, will be easily manipulated for real while understanding shit in RL. The same people who yell "YOU ALWAYS SERVED!!!" to Sylvanas' confrontation of the Jailer's revealed plans, they constantly follow actual manipulators and shoot themselves in the head day by day, because the manipulators told them so.
@Darkrampager 2 месяца назад
The "humans together strong" got me good 😂
@0Rhia0 2 месяца назад
Thank you Nobbel, always especially look forward to these recap videos to catch me up! The audiobook readings were amazing too!
@lary6420 2 месяца назад
I remember when everyone hated Anduin for being whiny. Seeing him grow as a person, thrust into the role of King/Leader, and then forced to do such horrid deeds. He's been the most consistent in character growth throught a time where the overall story wasn't very good. I love it when WoW goes big, but love it even more when the scale it down to a personal level and give us a character story like Anduin's.
@PimpofChaos 2 месяца назад
He still a crybaby, that is not in a position to lead Alliance.
@lary6420 2 месяца назад
@@PimpofChaos That's more ptsd than anything. Knowing what you're doing and not being able to stop it would traumatize anyone.
@LodvarDude 2 месяца назад
Nah. Still whiny.
@PimpofChaos 2 месяца назад
@@lary6420 still punk ass bozo. This is World of Warcraft, not World of Feelcraft.
@apacalypsagon3758 2 месяца назад
Yeah he's still kind of a loser. Who wants to log in being forced to interact with this wet blanket?
@Mister_Hermit 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this. I love wow lore, but sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything. I like watching your videos cause you are able to bring it together
@buser.nalcakan9182 2 месяца назад
You are an immeasurable treasure to Wow community, thank you for your great work! Always a pleasure to hear your voice! May life treat you and your loved ones well!
@andrijabujanovic1213 2 месяца назад
Video idea, do a storytime video discussing wow's expansions and the lore speculations as they were then, expectations vs what we got in the end, that sort of thing
@lo-life1577 23 дня назад
Just returned to wow from the middle of BFA, this video was amazing. Thank you Nobbel and Wowhead for your work!
@garrettrieger7544 2 месяца назад
This was a really great rundown. I played a little of Legion and of Shadowlands, missed BFA altogther, and am currently catching up on Dragonflight, this video really helped fill in some of the gaps of the story. Appreciate it!
@klonvomhaus 2 месяца назад
You always manage to reignite my love for this world. No matter how poor the writing becomes.
@AwayFromTheWorld 2 месяца назад
A good TL:DR thanks for sharing. I've enjoyed every expansion I even mained a warrior is vanilla. These lore videos are really enjoyable.
@deku6123 2 месяца назад
i feel like xalatath is talking to azeroth about her delusions and fury
@marcedmonson 2 месяца назад
Typical woman. Am I right 😅
@kingocoffee6354 2 месяца назад
Gosh, it's so cool just seeing all the different places across expansion packs with story tidbits. Recognizing certain ones that felt like little fetch quests and then now, tying into the next expansion. I think Blizzard gets dunked on a lot for writing (sometimes rightly so), but there's some things that only a long-lived franchise like WoW can do.
@RunicSoulEater 22 дня назад
Whenever I see stuff about the Old Gods a thought pops in my head, "Sad they just abandoned like half of Vash'ir"
@SpammytheHedgehog 2 месяца назад
It's hard to imagine Anduin growing a beard.
@EnderGoku9001 2 месяца назад
and class swapping again
@AszkalonOfVerra 2 месяца назад
It is also hard to imagine that Ashes of Creation will be completely superior to WoW Engine-wise, yet here we are.
@shinji200489 2 месяца назад
Our boy is growing up
@amartian2 2 месяца назад
@@EnderGoku9001 they're just setting up the lore for free class swaps in game. edit to say: that was a joke.
@soapgaming4903 2 месяца назад
@@AszkalonOfVerra??? Game engines have nothing to do with anything. Some random ping pong game made in 2002, runs on the same engine that RDR2 runs on.
@peterka4440 2 месяца назад
I would also recommend finishing ALL the Klaaxi quests in MOP right now, there are a few little lore drops about the origins of the instectoids and their beef with the old gods and the titans
@ungulatemanalpha 2 месяца назад
The War Within feels like a direct continuation from 7.3 in a lot of ways. It's not that everything in between didn't happen, it's just been quietly moved to the sidelines so that we can stop asking "sword? what sword?" like we have for ~5 years now.
@miriamweller812 2 месяца назад
WoW is ONE story. You got some stuff that you could be cut out or stand on its own like the Mist of Pandaria stuff without changing the overall story too much, but in general it all hangs together by the cosmic war and its impact or man smaller things. And the reason the sword didn't play a bigger role for some time is, that there wasn't really anything anyone could do about it and it was also not needed after the bleeding was stopped.
@rellikx7519 25 дней назад
In my opinion that's because wow continues storylines from 2-3 expansions ago, it helps avoid treading ground that people don't like. Pandaria, WoD and Legion were odd cases where they kept the closely connected and even overlapped a lot of dev time. However even there, the story of Legion doesn't 100% require WoD, and the plots of all 3 diverge in the major struggle tremendously. I think they show a clear attempt from Blizzard at trying to do this new saga form of delivery. Getting us a more linear story.
@Ativan_Halen 2 месяца назад
Do you think they're being cheeky since it's about "the void" cause that beginning artwork is exactly like Star Wars
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Haaa yea someone on twitter actually turned it into a proper starwars poster. Looked sick
@miriamweller812 2 месяца назад
Such artworks neither started nor ended with Star Wars.
@hocuspocus6129 2 месяца назад
So, technically, Sylvanas was the first who had own war within :)
@Gladyse13 2 месяца назад
Thanks sweet Nobbel, it was very clear.
@coffeedime1807 2 месяца назад
15:05 Everytime I see a clip from this, I just have to rewatch the entire cutscene.
@teria7835 2 месяца назад
"Fury" well that bit reminds me strongly of the Sha.... I have played too much of Remix lately :D
@BuzzzdLightyear Месяц назад
I just can’t bring myself to give a shit about anything lore related after the Shadowlands. They effectively retconned the entirety of Warcraft lore trying to pull off a budget version of Thanos, and I’m pretty sure they’re dumb enough to try it again.
@gie5834 2 месяца назад
Magni linking up with certain characters will be interesting going forward 🤔
@GoatMcGoatShoes Месяц назад
If anything this confuses me more, all was told was how a handful of characters are loosely related to the expansion but nothing about the story itself or what happened before
@Squallcloud95 2 месяца назад
Exactly what i needed! I did not play since BFA and I'm completely and utterly lost on the story and gameplay additions. This will fix the story part at least!
@小鹿-p8f 2 месяца назад
ugh this whole anduin storyline is just a rehashed Darion Mograine story which just makes me roll my eyes at it. Darion's story of breaking free from the Lich King with the help of the Ashbringer and his father is one of my favorite in all of wow and now they just took and copy/pasted it onto anduin.
@genHawkeye 2 месяца назад
Personal Theory - World Souls are not inherently from the domain of Order - i think Aman'Thul is like the equivalent of an old god (like the naru are for the Light) except for the domain of Order. He was the "first" titan but i don't think he is a world soul- i think he was sent to the plane of reality much like the old gods were to influence reality. regarding World Souls - i think these are just beings that are capable of absorbing and transforming based on the type of magic/energy they are exposed to, so Aman'thul went around infusing several of them with Order magic creating the pantheon, World souls being able to absorb the energy and transform would explain why Sargeras was turned from his Order self into the Fel infused demon we know and love, this also sort of explains why Argus turned into a "titan of death" having been pumped full of fel and death magic (the death magic being the reason he got sent to the shadowlands and blue-screened the Arbiter). Edit: forgot to mention Eonar and how she is infused with Life magic (we don't know how she got infused with it) So that begs the question- wtf is happening to Azeroth? Having been exposed to tons of Void....Order Magic...now Death magic...maybe some Light and Life?
@chrypko 2 месяца назад
Great content! I'm truly impressed to still find some quality WoW videos around.
@charlottefletcher9992 2 месяца назад
✨Daddy anduin 💕✨
@markienl 2 месяца назад
the first two sentences of the youtube subtitles had me in tears xD
@Anudorini-Talah 2 месяца назад
I miss the times when WoW Lore was mysterious and good and you could speculate with Nobbel
@summonsays2610 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the catchup!
@pauldenhelder Месяц назад
Dank voor de video! Jij houdt het overzichtelijk.
@Chamiie.12 Месяц назад
Great video man, thank you a lot for this story that I needed before TWW!!
@Lupinemancer87 2 месяца назад
Speaking of newer generations taking over. Jaina is approaching 40, if she hasn't already passed that age, and is still single. And since she is the current ruler of Kul Tiras, you'd think she'd want an heir to take over after her unless her brother gets one first, since there will be no one to take over that position if either of them were to die. Also, it has yet to be confirmed, but seems likely that Baine and Mayla is also a couple, so we'd like to see where that leads as well.
@squirrelcamera5282 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this catch up. I’m a very casual player, I mostly log in for the story and I get so little time to play I can normally only get time to go past a ?.1 or ?.1.5 patch before the expansion is ‘over’. And with the way a lot of the story is locked behind renown I just haven’t been able to get through it all in order. I log in and suddenly I’ve automatically got these patch quests and I’ve no idea which ones are jumping me ahead in the story and which ones I should be working through so I’ve been jumping back and forth between each patch by accident and haven’t been able to keep track of it in the slightest.
@HatTrkPatrk 2 месяца назад
I've always been an Alliance main, but I have to say that if TWW focuses all of its "internal wars" on Alliance characters and not a single Horde icon - not even Thrall himself after what happened with him and Garrosh - I will be disappointed Anduin, Alleria, Jaina... It's exciting to see those developments, but the horde needs some too. That, or they need to introduce new ones, which could also be an exciting path for the other "half" of the game, provided those characters and their stories are compelling. But if Horde players end up having to help/witness Anduin Wrynn through his mental trauma it's not gonna feel right lol
@soapgaming4903 2 месяца назад
There seems to be none of that in the Beta. But it could be explained more in the other two major patches.
@morgorot73 2 месяца назад
Well the pin in the CE of TWW has Thrall, Anduin and Alleria
@SticksAandstonesBozo Месяц назад
Dracula really killed this video.
@RavensWolves Месяц назад
This feels like it's just a bunch of alliance character building stories with Thrall just kinda wedged in there. I understand why that is, there is not a lot of Horde characters left. But from a mostly horde player perspective, this xpac feels like there is just not a lot to be excited about, again.
@derryberry7991 2 месяца назад
I’ll be the one to say it. World Soul Saga is going to be Marvel Infinity War and Marvel Endgame. We are gonna fight the big bad, we are gonna lose, and then we need to find a way to fix it
@null_.. Месяц назад
Perhaps that would be a good lore basis for doing a "reset", cleaning up all of the unneeded clutter and systems that have built up over the years to make the game more approachable to new players and in general
@ganjarulez009 Месяц назад
Leading up to world of Warcraft 2. I can feel it
@jozinztalinnx8829 2 месяца назад
I'm amazed how you're capable of constantly saying the phrase "accidentally summon Ragnaros" without any sign of chuckle or sth :)
@godtvradio8254 Месяц назад
Thrall never asked Garrosh to pick up the pieces. >Three expansions later
@MasterKain2053 2 месяца назад
@DarbiusMaximus Месяц назад
Awesome stuff. Thank you.
@Kemaaaaa Месяц назад
What the hell did I just watch? Where is all this lore coming from? Books?
@monkeybeasts 2 месяца назад
you must have a big to do list of class lore and quest
@ThePa1riot 2 месяца назад
I . . . . clearly missed a lot of good shit when I stopped playing at Legion.
@Kemosune 2 месяца назад
At this point I’m only in WoW to see how Anduin’s story ends.
@gie5834 2 месяца назад
Wild how underrated the SL cinematic of Anduin breaking free of domination is when you think about all the details involved.
@lytherael2309 2 месяца назад
It was kinda weird how he had like 3 conversations in total with Saurfang and then Saurfang was equally as important to him as his dad. Either Varian really fucked up parenting or Varok had overwhelming dad energy.
@ruscanugelu5995 2 месяца назад
No, it is not wierd at all. SL really was not that good in terms of the story.
@gie5834 2 месяца назад
@@lytherael2309 Overwhelming dad energy + helped unite the Horde and Alliance for a period of peace while things got sorted out. Fought bravely against raid boss Sylvanas using Shalamayne. Saurfang was important to Zappy boi too
@lytherael2309 2 месяца назад
@@gie5834 I was half joking, but whatever writer put that scene together must have had a horrid childhood if they legitimately think that that's enough to equal your actual father. I think it's just plain strange that Varok's there with Varian tbh, the scale of emotional attachment from Anduin's side is weighed so heavily in Varian's favour it feels like Varok is just butting in and semi-ruining a father-son moment. Anduin never even mentioned Saurfang to Sylvanas afterwards and they talked *a lot* in SL and she was the one who killed him, so Anduin clearly wasn't that bothered. In contrast, he brought up Sylvanas leaving Varian behind at the Broken Shore plenty.
@nednedelchev1394 2 месяца назад
02:16 wtf... are we playing WoW + StarWars + Battlestar Galactica + Stargate now...?
@CuriousZenWayfarer 2 месяца назад
Nobbe you rock! What are your thoughts about the Warcraft movie? Is it al cannon? Do you have videos explaining the connections to the game and history?
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Warcraft movie is canon, but not for the main/game universe. They've very specificly set up the movie universe with new books and what not. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-RLRZsKRu8Dc.htmlsi=KtfOMSPbW9SMTqBJ
@quangbach9049 2 месяца назад
My boi Anduin is going through his midlife crisis.
@klonvomhaus 2 месяца назад
Where do the Eredar come from? Why did the Na'aru help them? Why did Sargeras seek them out? Are they the only race that isn't a secret Titan Creation? All other species we've found seem to come from the Titans plus the Curse of Flesh and I've discussed this topic with a friend... What were the Eredar 26.000 years ago, and before that?
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
No specific origin given so atm they popped into existence similar to trolls for example. Naaru aid could be an interesting hook, especially considering we don't know all the story behind the atamal crystal. Sargeras looked for them caus they were super smart and he needed super smart people to lead his demonic forces. No, a lot of races that are not titan in origin.
@klonvomhaus 2 месяца назад
@@Nobbel87 We've been argueing what makes sentient life possible. Some of the races we have are only possible for the mixture of Curse of Flesh and Titan Creation, so I'm wondering if you need two or more universal / elemental forces to make life possible on a planet. Then again, OG Draenor was just overflowing with Life, right? So Aggramar created a Titanspawn to combat the Megafauna and bring order to the planet.
@arturjanus5651 2 месяца назад
Great material lore !🔥💪
@TheBjartulf 2 месяца назад
30 min flew by
@KoaFidCZ 2 месяца назад
what is this cinematic with Elune 5:55 and that titan forge dwarg pulling chain few minutes before that?
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Elune: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hqZILgqGyI8.htmlsi=Wuwcrakmnj8KAyjs Dwarf: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tBBEt8gfXks.htmlsi=irQyHjq-VTma9M_b
@fv3009 Месяц назад
Hi, Thanks for the video, really nicely told. There's just one thing that drives me a little crazy. Im from your neck of the woods but spent my life in an American school before moving back here. I'd say the rolling R is used on some and not all pieces which makes it come off a little forced and disingenuous. It's a little touchy to a native ear. Either way keep making videos, just thought id give a little constructive feedback.
@Momoka7 24 дня назад
18:44 I am curious as to why the Lothar we have in the game... is black. When Anmduin Lothar clearly is white.
@d3w3yd3c1m4l 2 месяца назад
Be nice to have Anduin find love.
@shlk7 Месяц назад
Wait is the world tree the 5th old God? But one from the light instead of the void? The picture of the mysterious fifth had leaves on it no?
@scientistforscience 2 месяца назад
History of the world, I guess... Azeroth edition.
@thebeginning2901 Месяц назад
Sor sure in this trilogy will be multivers
@nesto2947 Месяц назад
You know what's funny? "Domination" put simply is mind control and if you remember back in mists of pandaria anduin was adventuring on his own when he was found by a rescue squad of alliance soldiers who was sent by his father but he didn't want to go home to stormwind. So what did anduin the priest do to escape from them? Well he dominates the mind of one of them and gets away. Then in shadow lands everyone acts like domination magic is some unheard-of new unstoppable thing thats never been seen before. Ok anduin ok
@LetsPlayDrew 2 месяца назад
Do you roll your R's on everything because thats how theyre actually pronounced or because of your accent?
@TheRaimundis Месяц назад
fReaky Deaky Dutch accent
@juliancueto7822 Месяц назад
ooh i'm bout to make a name for myself
@junaidwhatyon3172 2 месяца назад
Thank you again!!
@tirsolouisegaccion4419 2 месяца назад
After all this... What they did to Arthas in the Shadowlands was unacceptable...
@davidgorey12 Месяц назад
First time we heard or at least i did Xalath was mop getting the gorehowl that would whisper to you time to time? wasnt that called something with xalataths name in it?
@Nobbel87 Месяц назад
close but not the same! that wasss Xal'atoh, Desecrated Image of Gorehowl
@davidgorey12 Месяц назад
@@Nobbel87 Yep i been watching you for years and after my inital comment I thought, Im hardly correct on such a major point, searched up, saw i was wrong then didnt delete, haha big fan of yours, spam your vids when i come back to wow and need a lore catch up, enjoy launch tonight Nobbel.
@JacobPeacock-vu9xp Месяц назад
Can you do a new story on gaslow?
@tipep 2 месяца назад
Nice Timestamps.
@vitorNook 2 месяца назад
Anduin looking like stephen amell
@AH-bf4md Месяц назад
I am still on the fence… after shadowlands plus all the retconing … I am not the biggest fan of the lore in the last few xpacs
@FatGamerDad 25 дней назад
I can't believe this game is still going. The last one I actually played was cataclysm but I started losing interest after Lynch King
@LaSpookyPR 19 дней назад
This so confusing I left in the beginning of legion and everyone tells Emma. Different story of what I must know but this one was less confusing just story feels like their something missing maybe wow did it like that on purpose
@RunicSoulEater 22 дня назад
28:35 Garrosh did nothing wrong
@WorldlyBudget 2 месяца назад
28:29 Thrall cheated in a Mak'gora. No magic allowed.
@JvdBos 2 месяца назад
These little in-game cinematics where Xal'atath whispers to Thrall and others... Are they part of the expansion? Hadn't seen them before 🤔
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Official Trailer - Shadow and Fury ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-HKDfdX9qeYM.htmlsi=f73jsgy0KHJOOUxs
@JvdBos 2 месяца назад
Huh. Thought I had seen all trailers and teasers and whatnot, but I guess I missed that one. Thanks!
@mrrex1616 2 месяца назад
Gotta give it to Nobbel for teaching me WoW lore all these years even as the game's gone down the tubes. Kudos!
@htetnanda6469 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the ketchup
@grennbalze 2 месяца назад
I hope you no longer feel left be heinz
@patmoore3505 Месяц назад
So what this is a therapy expansiom for the characters in the game? Not really sure I can even see this as an expansion plot. There is no one to fight but what? Depression? Or bad choices over the years? Doesn't really feel like a major threat or something that needs an expansion to explain just side quests.
@Rodrigox333 2 месяца назад
So... nothing happened in the last expansion? I'm curious about that.
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Here;s the story of dragonflight: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Aipy19Xt45U.htmlsi=KYzhLAqbFrAr39k0
@tomislavpuklin1676 Месяц назад
With all the retconing, does the Warcraft Universe even have 'lore' any more?
@Gromkar-gu5ft 2 месяца назад
Do you plan on covering the troll and dreine heritage quests;
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
yus on the to do list!
@Gromkar-gu5ft 2 месяца назад
@@Nobbel87 cant wait to see your opinion on those stories
@felpal2935 2 месяца назад
where is the story u need to know with spoilers video?
@andrewszabo3277 Месяц назад
Zelot, Alyria, Endwin lmao
@justin9744 Месяц назад
Man, whoever wrote shadowlands should be fired. Actually terrible.
@Gorkev82 2 месяца назад
I think Sylvanas gone safe the day , she must be super powerful now and has a new owl pet fully trained with mass shadow purge on it
@cupcaketyrantdar2483 2 месяца назад
Hard to swallow that the 'new' narrative is that the Light is basically just as bad as the Void, and that the Titans are just as bad as the Void. Feels so forced and I haven't seen a single piece of lore to support that being the case. Obviously all factions/forces have their own wielders who have questionable motives but how the fuck are you going to say Naaru dudes who send people with magic cancer to Paradise are the same as fleshy masses with eyes for mouth whose blood destroys your soul, or that the robots trying to stop said fleshblobs are somehow evil when these planets have shown that they are INCAPABLE of fending off the void without Titan interference. Madness.
@Silly_Illidan 2 месяца назад
0:57 is that the heart of azeroth in her hand?
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Nahhh that's the dark heart!
@Silly_Illidan 2 месяца назад
@@Nobbel87 😅 man too many one of a kind artefacts lately.... Sha cloaks, artefact weapons, pillars of creation, heart of azeroth, timerunner cloak, now this....
@rvds2040 2 месяца назад
nobbel what is the difference between the warcraft chronicle books and the exploring azeroth books ?
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Warcraft chronicles used to be to give 1 answer to different stories build up over the years that conflicted with eachother. Now it's a summary of events from titans point of view. Exploring Azeroth is a ground floor look at the world of azeroth, for example how is northrend doing after we left it.
@rvds2040 2 месяца назад
@@Nobbel87 thank you nobbel :)
@YTLGames 2 месяца назад
“Spoiler free” instantly has spoilers ☠️
@Nobbel87 2 месяца назад
Hmm? What was spoiled?
@Dreamlink91 2 месяца назад
Xal has such a good taste in body type. I would
@Styder111 2 месяца назад
bait with void mommy smirk
@soapgaming4903 2 месяца назад
Got me to click…
@ChrisBear1989 2 месяца назад
Still not liking all the Anti Titan rhetoric we're getting. Arcane or Order isn't inheritely bad It'd make more sense if one Titan doing all the plans and the others are just following along but not necessarily in agreement(It explains why Eonar did the whole Life thing). worst fear is Azeroth is secretly a First One.
@Artivle 2 месяца назад
Good shit
@Iehovv 2 месяца назад
Is sylvanas dead? Ressubed yesterday after like 5 years
@rikyandrean4697 2 месяца назад
Not dead but close to, she is currently on serve for her crime in The Maw (afterlife). Definitely will come back after some time, probably her story will still be connected to Alleria in the future.
@Iehovv 2 месяца назад
Thanks, she was sentenced by who? for everything she did wrong in shadowlands, the good guys wouldnt have her locked in the maw- also - who runs the shadowlands now? Cause i guess the jailer was killed in some raid or so
@PiTyy1010 2 месяца назад
​@@Iehovvpart of the story of shadowlands was that the impartial "arbiter" that sorts souls into their respective afterlives was corrupted. A new arbiter emerged from one of the souls we as the players bound to. As for Sylvanas, I think it was something along the lines of her being like: "I want to atone for my sins if you (speaking to all the relevant characters involved) let me." Probably is covered better in nobbels video to Sylvanas which I think is up-to-date.
@scientistforscience 2 месяца назад
@@Iehovv Tyrande. The Shadowlands appointed a new executive.
@Iehovv 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the updates guys, im leveling in voldun atm, im curious anout the nzoth aszhara part aswell
@spidertheateo4344 2 месяца назад
I think you got the blade wrong that lead was to the warlocks I know I run a warlock and that played used to talk to me all the time
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