
The Struggles of Modern Dating for a Shy Romantic 

Myra West
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Unloading some of the pressing thoughts swirling around in my head lately, about dating as a romantic person, and searching for my one. I have issues with the way people are expected to date and don't feel very hopeful about dating as a very shy person.
What a difficult thing dating is to navigate!
I am so curious what you all will have to say.
Insta: www.instagram....



26 сен 2024




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@bertclements 9 дней назад
The world is shifting beneath our feet. Love is dying. The landscape of relationships, not just between men and women, have undeniably shifted, with modern technology and social changes redefining how people connect. The longing for a deep, lasting love and a stable family life is still as real as it has always been for thousands of years, even if it feels harder to find. To a beautiful young woman such as yourself seeking that old-fashioned love, I would say this: True love still exists, even in an age where it seems rare. The qualities that make for a lasting, meaningful relationship; loyalty, trust, and a shared vision for life are timeless. These values are not bound by trends or fleeting cultural shifts. What matters most is focusing on what you truly value and remaining authentic to that vision. There are people, men included, who yearn for the same deep connection and meaningful partnership, but the journey might take patience, courage, and an open heart. Don’t let the noise of modern dating culture drown out the possibility of REAL love. While it may seem that many are caught up in shallow connections, the core of human longing for companionship, intimacy, and family remains unchanged. While it’s easy to feel cynical, I encourage you to hold onto hope and trust that authentic love comes when you least expect it, even if it's not wrapped in the package you expected. Be open to the unexpected, be brave and continue to put yourself out there. Focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled and surround yourself with people who lift you up. Love has a way of finding us when we are truly at peace with ourselves and when we're committed to creating a meaningful life, with or without a partner. Remember that you are worthy of love, and it's not about perfection. It's about finding someone who complements your journey and is willing to walk beside you, through thick and thin. It might take time, but that doesn't make it impossible. The greatest love often comes when we least expect iy but when we're most ready to embrace it.
@myrawest 9 дней назад
Thank you so much. This was beautifully written and spoke to me so much. 🙏 You meet me where I'm at while also offering hope.
@Jimmyisaplayer 9 дней назад
@@myrawestI don’t know what to say, first time watching your video. As a guy, and I’m sure many other guys that are romantic and look for something simple, it does not exist. Is hard as hell to break the shyness…I don’t know what’s happening we are all becoming retarded, I feel heartbroken all the time because is like you don’t match any where . Is impossible to have a damn f*** conversation, it always looks like you are trying to flirt. Shit. A fucking conversation for the love of God. Guys need to bit of confort these days. I can even write here because is so many things to explain that are very true as your video
@kiwioffgrid2437 8 дней назад
Such a heart felt, honest and wonderful comment. Much appreciated.
@Dehydrated_H20 8 дней назад
​@@myrawestDon't give up. Just wait. Take it from someone who used to be exactly like you and has been ruined for it. Stay protected, keep your hope.
@johnschewe6358 4 дня назад
Certainly the world would not exist without REAL love. And while there are those who are trying to kill it for whatever reason, I would not say it is dying, because they will not succeed in killing it. @bertclements, thanks for sharing the powerful vision of hope.
@doingisking8814 17 дней назад
"Dating feels worse than a job interview" So true! And you don't even get paid!
@animal79thecat 17 дней назад
You don't get paid for an interview either
@TheSpeakeasyStudio 17 дней назад
@@animal79thecat if you get paid for an interview, please get the job and recruit me!
@YS_Production 17 дней назад
Well, choosing who to spend life with is kinda more serious than choosing a job.
@t.m.2415 17 дней назад
Might sound like bad advise if you just want to get laid, but try being yourself. Unlike in a job interview you don't have to get "the job".
@fgtrhwu2 16 дней назад
@@animal79thecat Well you do if you are the employer
@nathanielstephenson7932 14 дней назад
It may help to look at this from the guy's perspective. You don't flirt, you don't show physical affection, and you want to spend an indeterminate amount of time as basically just friends. A guy will read this as "she's just not in to me," or as being immediately put in the friend zone; the good ones will stop pursuing you either out of respect for you or themselves. That said, you do flirt in your own way (we're all human). Flirting is just how two people gauge mutual interest. It can look vastly different depending on the individuals and circumstances. If you are interested in someone you need to communicate that somehow and it needs to be on a regular basis. Ditch the idea that you don't flirt and learn to recognize when and how you flirt (and also what you're feeling in the moment considering the negative connotation you have of it). This is coming from a good place, though I'm not sure it will be well received. Anyways, best of luck out there!
@myrawest 9 дней назад
Thanks for this. I've never understood flirting. It's interesting to hear it explained.
@GillesSimonify 6 дней назад
Best comment ever. Flirting is necessary to show interest. As a man, we're spending time together regularly and you don't flirt with me (it can be subtle or not, find your style), I'm gonna think you're not into me. It's that simple. I have self respect, like everybody else, I'll find someone who shows interest in me. I'm French by the way 😆. Best regards.
@bsanta3089 5 дней назад
Very well said, you have to show some form of interest. Although she is right about the fact that so many people are into the "hook up for fun phase" for lack of better words more so than long term relationships. I can relate with that 100%. I get more women interested in a quick hookup more than actually getting to know one another or even go on a date at all. Sadly it seems sex is so easy to come by now but a date is rare as hell for me anyway. I'm not even on dating apps, just happens through out my normal day interacting with people.
@petekutheis3822 4 дня назад
@@myrawest i think of a smile as a flirt. Different than a laugh.... And you said you like smiles.... So think of the smiles you share as a harmless form of flirting. As Nathaniel says there has to be an indication of a romantic spark---and even you say on several dates you texted the guy you just didnt feel it. Yet apparently with one or two guys you have---so you have to let him see it/feel it.....
@mathewyoungblood2357 17 дней назад
Next time I smile at a woman and she turns away I'm just going to tell myself she's probably shy. Instead of I must be hideous 😂
@DTOLL9000 10 дней назад
@@Svistization Based and blackpilled
@myrawest 6 дней назад
@@mathewyoungblood2357 there is a major shortage of smiles in the world. I Always appreciate a smile vs an empty cold stare (which is what men do most of the time). Keep smiling
@tipfertool5457 3 дня назад
Typically looking down would be shy. Looking away, general disinterest. Avoiding outright is busy/focused or on the spectrum.
@RealSiViX 17 дней назад
I relate to this way too hard... Growing up, I really wanted to find a woman and have just a normal relationship - in love, facing life together as a team and just living a happy, normal life but it feels like the older I get, the less other people seem to want that... It feels like everyone today wants immediate gratification, relationships based on financial contributions and as little attachment as possible... It's refreshing to know there are still classic romantics out there...
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I love this comment. At the same time, I have been so shocked to find out that most(?) people are not like us?? I can't believe the way people date. I can't believe people don't seem to value LOVE. I honestly think everyone is trying to protect themselves and, like you said, looking for less attachment, not more. It's so sad.
@RealSiViX 17 дней назад
@@myrawest - It seems like attachment is a turnoff for a lot of people, lol... I don't think it's so much that people don't value love. I think deep down we all want to be loved and to find someone we love in return, but I also think you are 100% right that people are doing whatever it takes to protect themselves from being hurt because when you let yourself be vulnerable and someone hurts you, it's a special kind of pain that makes you feel worthless and many people don't know how to handle or come back from that kind of blow to their ego... My self-image used to be heavily influenced by what I thought others were thinking and feeling about me, so I totally understand how crushing it can be when you put yourself out there and the person you put yourself out there for doesn't feel the same way back. It can definitely be discouraging to say the least. At the same time, the feeling of having found someone who gets you and who you can relate to back and share in each other's victories and stories and who just completes you is such an amazing feeling, I would take the risk of heartbreak over and over and over again...
@myrawest 17 дней назад
​@@Corn_Fed_BeefI think good for you. Some people are meant to be single and it's great you're honest with yourself and others that you just want to live for you. Relationships are not for everyone and not everyone needs to be in one.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
​@@RealSiViXI've had my heart shattered into tiny little pieces and been in the darkest days of my life because of heartbreak and I still believe with everything I have that to love and be loved is a beautiful worthwhile thing, to be vulnerable and open and love someone with your entire being is the bravest thing one can do. And I wish people would not view pain as the enemy, pain is an inevitable part of life, and we are built to heal. We will always get through heartbreak and be left with the memories of love. People who choose to be closed off miss out on the greatest gift in life, the most beautiful human experience.
@wolfgangsprenger3700 14 дней назад
@@myrawest Paul McCartney: "Love is the one thing that money can't buy..."
@kevinp.6748 14 дней назад
I'm a 43 year old man, and I was married to an amazing woman for 14 years and we had dated for 5 before that, a total togetherness of 19 years. She passed away due to cancer about a year and a half ago and I have been alone ever since. Seeing the way that men and women are nowadays, I don't even want to look again, I would rather stay solo. The dating market and peoples' values have gone out the window and it's really sad. However, you should definitely keep your head up and stay positive though, there is someone out there for you and it may take time to find them, but even in this cruel uncaring world, there is someone out there with similar values, hopes, and dreams to yours and when it's meant to be, your paths will cross, and it will truly be the most amazing thing you will ever experience. Good luck
@youngxmama2804 14 дней назад
You sound like an amazing man. I am very sorry for your loss. 🕊️
@kevinp.6748 14 дней назад
@youngxmama2804 thank you 😊
@Jimmyisaplayer 9 дней назад
Take care mate, just hang out with friends, go to some concerts or festivals, and enjoy life. My respects.
@spadebrodie47 5 дней назад
Thank you so much! I lost my fiancé of 11 years to auto accident. It’s been 6 months and I have the ability to actually communicate again, but it’s hard to put it lightly. I’m 26 and don’t know if I’ll ever find a person like me again. I’ve decided to start trying again. Reading this makes me realize that love isn’t lost or destroyed it’s turned into new love. So thank you!
@DarkTenka 15 дней назад
Don't not be "flirty" on your first date. You don't have to be the most bubbly sunshine whatever, but you have to make sure he knows you see him as more than a friend. If you don't want to be "flirty" you have to give him something. Hell even if you deadpan say "I am enjoying this and I like you" he would take it. There is nothing more painful than trying to impress a girl and having them only see you platonically. If a guy sees that he's going to move on.
@myrawest 9 дней назад
This is helpful, thank you. I do think I make it clear
@woffordwolf2071 7 дней назад
​@@myrawestyou think 🤔 or do you actually tell him that 'you want to see where this is going' or something like that?
@Lifeandblessings888 17 дней назад
I love your video Myra. I'm a guy in exactly the same situation as yourself and it feels so isolating and lonely in this world that values vanity and glorifies hookup culture. The dating world is broken and there seems to be a massive divide between men and women unless it's just for hookups, which im not a fan of either. It's so refreshing to see that there are decent girls out there like you, it truly brings me hope. People like you are rare nowadays and are exactly what this world needs. There are guys out there who will value you for who you are, and I know that for a fact because I'm one of those kinds of guys. Look after yourself and you will find the one. Wishing you all the best Myra.
@RaffieFaffie 17 дней назад
I was about to post a similar comment so instead I'm just going to concur with you under yours, there's hope for us man
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Awww thank you for this 😭🙏 and I agree with the comment above. There is hope for all of us. We've gathered in the comments of this video, there are many others like us.
@Lifeandblessings888 16 дней назад
Thank you @myrawest and @RaffieFaffie . Your replies have brightened my day and I truly appreciate it 😊🙏
@Profbaatz235 14 дней назад
@messybluesboy371 14 дней назад
You said the words for me, thanks. 🎉
@JephPlaysGames 14 дней назад
For fellow shy/introverted people, I'd recommend trying to find connections through groups that focus on shared interests and/or values instead of through dating apps, blind dates, dating games, etc. I am an extreme introvert and am very shy as well. Not only that, but I have very nerdy interests and my faith is a priority. I've found that most nerds tend to make fun of religion, and most religious people seem to stay away from nerdy/geeky hobbies. So finding a woman who was a good match for me felt impossible. I've always struggled with dating apps and always found them to be more frustrating and harmful than actually beneficial. After enough attempts, I finally gave up. Shortly after, I met my now girlfriend through an online group that focuses on members of our faith who like the same nerdy interests. She fits me like a glove and our relationship is wonderful. We have also been talking about steps we need to take in order to get married.
@notafraidofchange 6 дней назад
Are you me? Jk, I don't have a gf right now. What kind of online group did you stumble across? I feel the same way about religion and "geek" culture - they seem to clash a lot. I'm AuDHD and also 31, so dating seems like it's basically come and gone for me (I dated someone for three years in college who ended up leaving me for a friend of ours, and haven't had luck since then), and it seems a lot of female AuDHDers/neurodivergents don't have an interest in God AT ALL, whatsoever (possibly from trauma, maybe religious trauma, that hardened their hearts?). I refuse to do online dating ever again - if I ever even attempt to date, it will be organic and in-person. Although, I suppose that defeats the purpose of an online group, lol. 😅
@JephPlaysGames 5 дней назад
@@notafraidofchange I'm sorry to hear that your experiences haven't been great. If it gives you any comfort at all, I'm also AuDHD, and my girlfriend is as well. At some point, I recognized that I have a very difficult time connecting with most neurotypical people, and so I lost pretty much all interested in NT women as well. I agree that AuDHD people usually have a hard time with faith because 1. Faith puts such an emphasis on relationship and community, which we struggle with, and 2. If we don't recognize the WHY/logic behind the faith, it's difficult for us to start believing. To answer your question - there are many groups online. Idk what your interests or religion/denomination are, but I'm Catholic and like video games, anime, fantasy, etc. so I just searched Facebook and Discord for pages/channels such as "Christian gamers", "Catholic gamers", "Catholic geeks", and so on.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Wowowow!! I have gotten quite the response!! I really, truly value your imput and perspective. I'm asking you to share. So many times in the past your comments have helped me change my mind and impact my worldview. I feel so lucky to have access to so many people and get to pick your brains! These videos and these discussions help us all to understand people and the world so much better.
@wolfgangsprenger3700 17 дней назад
@kolberggermany2847 Whow! What a name! My mother comes from Kolberg. It's at the river Riga. Very romantic. She grew up and spent her youth there. Must have been wonderful in those days. She dreamed the same dreams Myra does. She got them realized in every respect. And she definitely is German. She became a refugy and she was welcome.....
@LukeDavisAuthor 17 дней назад
1st. If a mans attracted to you he will be looking at you sexually. Your ick comes from men you aren't attracked to. I won't defend some mens behaviour, they can be outright weird, but I have no solution for this, its something you will have to accept unless you have a way of undoing 1 billion years of biology. You are pretty and men will be attracted to you, the opposite is to be 50 and invisible to men, there is no middle ground. 2. The men you say you want vs the men you date are probably different people. Again i have no solution, its something you will have to reconcile, but my guess the guy at the gas station who didn't ask you is probably closer to the guys you want and you passed him by because of fear. 3. See an assertiveness coach. Please. Forget the psychobable mob, see someone who can teach you how to be assertive. As I tell my female friends drop the damn handkercheif with men you like. Your fellow females can be down right mean and nasty when it comes to rejecting men. A good man won't approach unless he thinks there is a chance of acceptance, and a bad man won't give a crap. As Matthew Hussey says. "I'm not telling you to be easy, but for 5 seconds be the easiest person in the world to approach." Last two bits of advice. Good men aren't at bars and on the prowl. They are out doing hobbies and the things they enjoy. If you want to find them you will have to join those hobbies. Lastly be forgiving. I'm older but I still remember being 20. Guys don't know everything, they are scared, awkward and most can't read minds or female signals. The hiking guy could likely be in the awkward scared category. If you take my advice and do assertiveness training you could have headed that off and been clear about your expectations.
@ramrod0209 17 дней назад
Myra you emote as an old-fashion romantic -- it's admirable & attractive to self-respecting respectful guys. Your conventional physical or superficial beauty can lead shallow guys to objectify you in their warped minds and you're sensitive enough to perceive this. Feeling that a fellow is looking at you (either before you've met or after some dates) like a Barbie doll toy (object) is naturally distasteful to you when you prefer authentic attentive depth. Your social anxiety is good safety for a sensitive traditional romantic -- stay prudent. An effective way to adjust better at meeting your preferred better men is to join clubs or groups where (over time) you can interact with numbers of varying people who apparently share a common gosl. The perfect guy match for you may well be the brother or friend of a person you befriend out of platonic companionship in one of these club or group outings. When you are genuine & authentic with just plain people (i.e., guys & gals) during these shared endeavors you might find some pal say: "Myra you seem sweet & caring & open -- I have a friend who you might really fit; could I introduce you?" That kind of connection synchronicity. Moreover these club or group activities should permit a chance to interact casually but closely with other people who are also likely romantics & anxious. You are helping them mutually. Clubs like locsl dayhiking organizations (e.g., the Sierra Club), or groups that teach & learn like dancing or cooking or skating activities, or playing card groups -- gaming like bridge or poker, or chess. By getting out there socially you are making connections and they are living networks that exert effort for you -- like an investment they expand. Bear in mind that America is over-populated with lower-intelligence guys who are less capable of the patient sincerity you prefer. So taking one college class a year will invigorate opportunities to meet people who are struggling to grow their self-awareness through education. College campuses are great places to find clubs & groups of great varieties. It would be hopeful fun for all. You are a fascinating human who values proper mental intellectual intimacy as a precursor to physical expressions of it. When you show genuine interest in learning about other people, they will receive your expressions of angst such as in this video, and the powers of the gods will exploit the connection networks built-up to nuture love. Even just being out with a group might permit a random meeting with a total stranger who is perfect -- but you two otherwise would not mesh comfortably because when you are each all-alone your terrors of the other gender would prevent communication from getting started. Being part of a small group will boost your courage over some fears. Lastly, the longer you get experience interacting with guys in platonic groups, the more comfortable & practiced you'll become -- a worthy skill generally or for job interviews! ♡♡
@anyusernamewilldo100 17 дней назад
True love waits, it somehow finds you when you least expect it. I found my ride or die at 33 and I love her. I count my lucky stars my shyness and protective instincts brushed off them random gas station encounters and degenerate flirts. No one has ever met the love of their lives at the gas station. It's beautiful to see you enjoy moments like seeing birds fly or meeting a cute dog. It's so amazing to see you articulate thoughts where every word used is like magic to instil connection. 🍕 The person that matters most is you, and we're lucky to have you exist.
@abg7750 17 дней назад
I think you have a wonderful, refreshing attitude. Not compromising your core principles for the sake of finding someone "good enough" while recognizing that it's not realistic that there's only "one person" for you. I'm quite shy and introverted myself and have been doing a lot of researching on how to break out of this shell. Something I've noticed is a lot of the advice I've found is relatively cookie-cutter. While the advice for personal growth is good, the advice that's out there is more for finding *a* partner rather than *my* partner. If you follow cookie-cutter advice and use cookie-cutter steps, you'll find a cookie-cutter person. That may not be your person, because you weren't being you, you were being a gingerbread man. I think a lot of people do this (or maybe they're naturally gingerbread men). However, having higher *internal* standards and wanting to ensure the person is on the same wavelength as you is so rewarding. Frustrating because it feels so much harder to find that connection, but far more rewarding when that connection does happen. I spent 5 years between relationships before finding someone I gelled with in that way. After another 5 years, we realized we weren't as compatible and happy together as we initially were, and it was crushing to have to start all over again. It really does feel like starting from that high school state of mind of being super shy about making the first move, because I've been out of it for so long. Having said that, I think a lot of guys are ahead of you on their desire for physical intimacy in part because we are told that there's a "natural" progression to these sorts of things, instead of recognizing our unique wants and needs. Yes, absolutely, guys tend to place their desire for sexual compatibility ahead of emotional compatibility, and for some of them it is natural. I myself am guilty in the past of this mindset of 'this is how it should be' and have "rushed" physical steps even when it didn't quite feel right, just because I thought it was "expected" to have happened by now. And this was months into dating! With the cookie-cutter advice, we're told over and over again that you *need* to signal sexual interest early on, or she'll treat you like a friend and you'll be a friend-zoned loser who never gets a girl. I have to imagine that with women seeking advice, they feel a very similar pressure when it comes to guys, in that guys want sex and while you don't *have* to give it, if you don't at least signal interest they'll think of you as a friend or a tease or a prude and will move on. It's so deflating to see that time and time again and have that expectation drilled into you. I'll tell you there are guys out there, scarce as they may seem, that do want to take things slow because they want the sex to be special. We want the sex to be the final connection, after all the others have been made, while still viewing that compatibility as important as the others. Of course, it doesn't make it any less frustrating that it just feels like it comes down to luck, as an introverted person with this kind of mindset, to cast a wide enough net to catch the right fish. I would say chin up, keep up hope, because these people are out there. And it's scary to make the first move, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I hope it's not just the algorithms talking, but I see far too many people (not just women) with a disconnected, surface-level view of love and partnership and their wants in a relationship. I'm glad women like you do, in fact, still exist. Your thoughts resonated so much more with me than just about any other video I've seen on modern dating. 10/10 would go rollerblading with.
@doubtful8262 17 дней назад
Based on the descriptions, you may want to search for & join a local group or club that falls into something fun and artsy. Cooking group, dance lessons group, adults painting class, book clubs. Attend the group with a friend if you feel anxious. Recurring and frequent meeting is absolutely key for building rapport and birthing new relationships through things such as shared goals, challenges, and learning experiences. In my opinion these kinds of activities help naturally spring people into a slow-grow position rather than the modern “meet & sleep” from a dating app. You’re not alone. I agree that it feels hard to dig through the foam in the current dating market when you have standards and preferences which don’t match the mainstream.
@MrRecorder1 17 дней назад
Second that. I am out of the dating pool for 15 years though, but I do not get why people dismiss the friendship route so much today. My relation has grown out of a friend clique. Admittedly, at some point one needs to jump over the "exciting hurdle" and decide/ask for a relationship in some way, which still is as exciting as meeting a new person, I imagine. But one advantage is that you already know the person you ask/are being asked by at that point so that there is some report to fall back on..
@Lucysmom26 16 дней назад
I was going to suggest some sort of club or activity-based situation as well. Online dating is total hell for people like Myra, and the type of person she's looking to meet is vanishingly rare on dating apps.
@TheTeelions 13 дней назад
Bike club: fitness + social sizing.
@samirahmane3630 17 дней назад
I am shy as a guy but I would have definitely approached you especially that you can be that honest as I have been watching you since your first video. You still have courage that most of us don't to admit your deepest wants as concisely as this.
@jacobmundy3420 17 дней назад
I definitely resonate with what you're saying I think from my perspective we live in a culture to entrenched in instant gratification and getting things now. The idea that we've lost all vision about the beauty of slow or gradual connection is sadly lost on most people. Yet there is afew of us out there that yearn for that type of connection. Hopefully everyone can find that one day!
@myrawest 17 дней назад
This is horribly sad to me and has honestly been a huge shock to me to realise the past couple years.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Also, this is so well said. It feels you're right on the mark
@Sirshort123 10 дней назад
I’m at home. At home; watching RU-vid; making the same dinner for myself, that I make every night; then going to work in the morning; working until 7pm; going back home; watching RU-vid; making dinner; going to work in the morning; getting home at 8pm; making dinner; work; eat; sleep; work; eat; sleep; work; eat; sleep; weekend bike ride; getting chores done; mowing the yard; fixing things around the house; cleaning the house; doing laundry; eating; sleeping; working; going to one social event a month with the 2 or 3 former coworkers I can *sometimes get to show up; eating; sleeping; working; eating; sleeping; working; learning more about how to start the business I want to start; eating; sleeping; working… You’re never gonna “stumble upon” me. So if you see me, interact. Otherwise, you won’t be listed in the things going on in my life.
@augustusSPQR 10 дней назад
RU-vid recommended me this video , didnt know why but then i remember watching you a good couple of years ago talking about having no friends (which is my situation due to asperger) and felt the same. Good to see you have now some girlfriends next to you. Dont feel bad about not having a couple now, you are a EXTRAORDINARY person i have no doubts. You are not alone feeling the same.
@gustavmarcus7737 17 дней назад
I love the gradual onset of twilight and night as this video progresses.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Yeah I thought that was pretty cool!
@squ34ky 3 дня назад
Metaphorical. The night is coming.
@jeffreysherman8224 17 дней назад
Myra needs to be protected at all costs! She's such a pure heart! 💙
@handlemonium 17 дней назад
A "Pure Romantic" if you ask me 😁
@myrawest 17 дней назад
​@@senfschmadeit's a figure of speech, and this doesn't bother me. It's a sweet comment. But I understand amd appreciate the sentiment, often people blow way past normal boundaries and leave comments that are extremely uncomfortable. But not this one :)
@myrawest 17 дней назад
@senfschmade 17 дней назад
Alright, sorry for policing without being asked in that case 😅 And all the best :) ​@@myrawest
@neosugus 17 дней назад
She doesnt need protection. She is strong enough to deal with any emotional process. All she needs is to live and understand whats going on. Expereience is the best teacher. Maybe she needs help on understanding whay things happen the way they do and to look at love from another perspective. To me she is kind of stuck and she wont evolve untill she opens her mind and heart to other ways of looking and feeling
@vitoSVK 14 дней назад
Hello from Switzerland Myra! I waged the same shyness/anxiety battle (as a man; in early 20s my vision would get blurred just seeing my crush), and simply never gave up. And this perseverance really works, I promise. It is very slow (took me many years), and very uncomfortable. But even the bad and uncomfortable experience makes you improve in the long run. The stronger the discomfort, the more I focused in my head on why I keep trying, what my goals in life are, and that they are worth pushing through. Specific thing that helped me a lot - dancing and sports clubs, where I meet the same people (girls) regularly and thus get to build real friendships with them. There's so many (very attractive) men wanting the same in life and love as you (I think many of them are not on dating apps though). The better you get with the anxiety, the more opportunities you'll keep having in life meeting them :) I really wish you the best, as hard as I can wish.
@ORION2180 17 дней назад
That "perfect match" you describe, you best believe that each partner in the "perfect" relationship worked their ass off and made tremendous sacrifices for each other. In relationships, perfection requires work, lots of it....but well worth it. Also, there's shyness and there's paralyzing fear, not the same.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Yes relationships require effort. I was talking about the fact, that you can find someone who is more compatible with you naturally. That is a thing. Some relationships will require far more work, therapy, patience and trying to give each other grace, while other relationships can feel more effortless and natural. As I said in the beginning of the video, I don't care how "perfect" of a match it is or how much work it requires as long as the other person values love as their number one value in life. That's the one thing we need to have in common. It's so incredibly triggering when people tell me relationships require work and effort, as if I don't know that. People assume things about me. I am always the one who is researching, reading, learning about relationships and putting in WAY MORE EFFORT into the relationship than my partner.
@ORION2180 17 дней назад
@@myrawest well, I would guess that all your relationships started on a basis of compatibility, yes? How did those go? What happened?
@Geo-FaFa 16 дней назад
I don't know about that. I've been married for 20 years and it's not that hard. As long as each person embraces selflessness, a compatable relationship doesn't take much work.
@matsu820 14 дней назад
@@ORION2180 you are not that intelligent, are you
@Hlbkomer 17 дней назад
This is like an alien doing an investigation into human relationships. I love it.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Hahahaha honestly so true. But we all go through this phase of learning and discovery. Learning that the world is different than we thought
@Hlbkomer 17 дней назад
@@myrawest It’s tougher for autistic people, the things that come naturally to others are like some alien rituals to us. And you are extremely smart too, which means your brain needs to be stimulated too. But don’t worry, you are not the problem, you are awesome! The guy is out there, going through the same dilemma as you :) . But it takes time. Don’t force it too much. It will come when you least expect it.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
​@@HlbkomerI think you are assuming I'm autistic.. I don't know why I rub people this way. I don't get it. But it could be my homeschool energy
@Hlbkomer 17 дней назад
@@myrawest Sorry, didn’t want to step over any boundaries. But you know, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s most likely a duck. It’s a spectrum anyway, we are all a little autistic so who cares. But your experiences align with those of other autistic people trying to navigate the neurotypical world. Maybe look into it a bit? It might help you understand some things about yourself.
@InvaderSyd 17 дней назад
@@Hlbkomer she is not remotely autistic, what are you smoking?
@thewhizbang 17 дней назад
American culture is pretty rough, especially the Midwest, I feel you. I’m from Montana and moved out East because I needed more culture. If they are the ONE, then you most likely will be friends with them first. That’s how me and my wife were. Just friends and I had no idea or intentions of dating her, I just genuinely fell in love with her as a person and friend, it was only till we confessed our love for each other did we start our romantic relationship. Marrying your best friend is key!
@alexh.4068 17 дней назад
I get what you're saying about flirting. But it can be done in a genuine way. Like giving compliments, saying you're having a good time. That is a form of genuine flirting.
@alexh.4068 17 дней назад
Guys that lose interest if you aren't ultra flirty, or immediately intimate physically with them have no intent of ever pursuing an actual relationship. Remember this 100%
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Gosh I love this. This feels like an exhale to me. THIS feels so much more natural and honest to me. I think I do do this. And also. I said in a different comment that the more fun, lively flirtatious, playful side of me comes out when I am in a relationshop and feel comfortable with the person
@whitemakesright2177 10 дней назад
@@alexh.4068 Yes and no. I'm a man, looking for a real relationship, but also, my time is valuable. If I get the sense that a woman is not enthusiastic about spending time with me, then I'm going to move on. In my experience, women that have been "on the fence" about me have never worked out. So I've learned that "maybe" actually means "no," and if I get a "maybe," I move on to try to find a "yes."
@alexh.4068 10 дней назад
@@whitemakesright2177 I’m a guy too. In a relationship currently. I don’t see how not being extremely flirty or not being immediately physically intimate are red flags to you. If those requirements are metrics you use to measure interest/“not being on the fence”, I don’t know what to say to you. No one, male or female, should need to meet those metrics to show interest. Neither are they good indicators of relationship potential.
@nicholassankar9103 15 дней назад
Courage is not the absence of fear but to do things regardless of fear. It's natural for us to be shy. Confidence is a skill that I would say everyone need to work on to improve our life and interaction between on another. Myra I pray that you will gain more confidence each day and you will no longer be afraid rejection from men. God bless.
@poeskey 17 дней назад
My problem is that I am shy but that I dont think too highly of myself so I wind up not approaching people that I find attractive. I think that I overthink it instead of just taking chances.
@VintageCR 17 дней назад
you are not alone, there are many people shy but also have very low self esteem that these people rather avoid the confrontation then (like you mentioned) take a chance. and the solution really is in the 'take the chance' bit. ask yourself, what could hurt you other then stupid feelings if you get turned down. these feelings go away eventually and you try again.. and if you are lucky on the first try, consider your goal complete. you did it!
@chryssdale5747 15 дней назад
Yeah because when I think highly of myself I might end up having an inflated ego or pride 😂
@VintageCR 15 дней назад
@@mediocreman2 its not value its his actions (or lack of) that aren't aligned with what he wants. he's basically letting his brain control his action meanwhile his heart desires something else. if he wants something he should pursue at least try something.
@TitaniusAnglesmith 12 дней назад
As an autistic man, I relate so hard to "not knowing what the other person expects." The one real time I ever had reciprocated feelings for someone, they eventually lost interest, and said it was because I made it seem like I just wanted to stay platonic friends. Despite me telling them I have feelings for them lol. Like, how do I hang out "romantically," ignoring the obvious things like physical intimacy?
@BG-me3pc 17 дней назад
Many of us Men tryied the slow thoughtful path with your fellow sitters and we either got rage screemed at for not being proactive enough or locked permanently in the friend zone .
@myrawest 17 дней назад
You know. A few years ago I'd have a different reaction. But i have a couple guy friends who i love, and they told me the same thing in their experience. That girls wanted them to be more forward and physical. I can tell these exoerienes with women hurt them and shaped them. All I can say to that is that, just like men, all women are different. Obviously I'm different in that I want it slow. And there are many women like me. The friend zone isn't a thing. If she likes you, you won't be in the friend zone, if she doesn't like you/isn't attracted to you, you will be in the friend zone.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Either a woman is attracted to you or she isn't. Nothing you "do" will change that. If she's not attracted to you, she isn't. Also, don't ever be a woman's "friend" in hopes you'll sleep with her. If you can't be friends with a woman and care about her as a person, don't be friends with women
@Lucysmom26 16 дней назад
@@Scotty_Bo0m Oh shut up about Chad for god's sake. It's not 2015 anymore, and if you've ever actually watched one of this woman's videos you'll know she's not about 'friendzoning' men.
@woffordwolf2071 7 дней назад
​@@myrawestGood to hear that. but not always true, a woman that was attracted to me rejected me after I didn't behave the way she wanted. And I heard from other men that a woman who found a guy attractive rejected him after she found out he didn't have a high paying job.
@BG-me3pc 4 дня назад
I just saw your post , I didn't know who the men are in your area but I suspect your overly Romancing what's just over the hill and not saying not to explore just do it slowly and with emotionally sober eyes . Besides that try looking at guys that are studying accounting .🤓
@monicagutierrez6964 17 дней назад
Thank you for this. You remind me that I'm not alone in the struggle. I've been trying so hard to put myself out there with dating. People just seem impatient and rushed and I simply can't make out with someone on the first date or be bubbly and flirtatious. I have had to become accepting of myself because I can't change to please others. Even if it means I'll end up alone at least I am honoring my own values and boundaries.
@monicagutierrez6964 17 дней назад
@myrawest 17 дней назад
@@monicagutierrez6964 wow. You have no idea how much this means to me. Honestly the most meaningful comment to me. To know that I connected with you and can validate you in the struggle. Especially the forced to be bubbly/flirty. I will always have faith that our person IS out there. There are people like us, who are searching for meaningful connection and will love and respect YOU.
@monicagutierrez6964 17 дней назад
Thank you Myra! I will also keep the faith that there is someone out there for me. Keep up the great work!
@This_World_Aint_For_The_Weak 12 дней назад
​@@myrawest Hi Myra, do you know if a guy likes you?🤣. Just asking. Also, do women really like it when guys talk to them? And by the way, it's hard too for men but we just have man up and approach women🤣. I am single too and I love the single life to be honest. I really do. Single life is so fun bc you don't have to worry about a child or something. I would say most of my friends are married now and I am you do that🤣🤣. The only reason why I would want to get married is bc I am a Christian and as a Christian I am not supposed to live with a woman outside marriage. Marriage is too much to say the least 🤣😎
@silverian 17 дней назад
I feel that man you met in the gas station was also shy and when you turned away he might taught that you were not interested about him. But I also feel that life is a lot and full of misunderstandings and misinterpretations of events.
@MrVex123 17 дней назад
I'm the male version of you. Literally. It's almost as if I was watching myself talk. Don't give up! And.. I know.. Easier said than done.
@Bacon7666 16 дней назад
Beta simp.😂
@Zenith-r7h 16 дней назад
Wow, girl, where do I start? This video showed up in my recommendations last night, and it resonated with me on so many levels. Every word you said stirred something within me. Today, I spent the whole day watching videos on your channel while working. There’s so much I have to say. Let's say I came into this world with a perspective on love very similar to yours. I say I came with it because I remember myself at a very young age, 6 years old, in first grade, looking at the girls and “searching for her,” if you know what I mean. My entire life and much of what I’ve done or haven’t done has largely revolved around the idea of being ready when she appears. In recent years, however, my hope has almost vanished. Many circumstances, including my personal history, the current state of the relationship landscape, women, the world, myself... many things have made me lose faith more and more in finding that person. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let my heart become bitter, and although I try to avoid that, I have lost my hope, or at least I’ve shifted the focus of my attention to other things. I’ve always told myself: if I can’t find an adequate partner, I’m not going to participate in hook-up culture either; I’d rather opt for celibacy. And that’s what I’ve done so far. I broke with my last girlfriend three years ago, I believed she was the one. Before that my faith went downhill like never before. You know, perhaps the most important paradigm shift in these past few years is that I’ve changed my definition of the "perfect partner" based on idealizations... I think, before anything else, one need to have a well-defined purpose and start working on it. The perfect partner is the one who aligns with that vision, who understands it, and who moves in the same direction as you. That might be more important than anything else. At least that’s my theory. I have many theories, the craziest ones, for example: what if romanticism is a mental illness that some of us are born with? And what if the human race is evolving to no longer need relationships as we knew them and we, the romantics, just stop evolving? Or what if the whole world is devolving, and we're the only ones who aren't? In any case, listen to you shook me deeply because I have felt exactly what you describe. That feeling you describe of looking at the big picture and thinking, "It’s highly likely that I’ll die and never find the love of my life," haunts me frequently. I don’t know if it’s normal for a man to feel the way I do... I guess I was born with a much more developed feminine side than usual. Although I still like typically masculine things... I often struggle to fit in with groups of other men because of this romantic side of mine that no one understands. At 36, my focus has changed a lot, but this burning desire to have a deep lifelong connection with someone hasn’t completely left me. The most curious thing is that last night, when I found your video, I was just seriously thinking about this, and how depression has affected me by giving up all hope, and how maybe I should start believing again and not stop searching, because I have to admit, it’s a very central part of my existence and what I feel I’m here to do. Greetings from Colombia.
@Valenthior 17 дней назад
Fun fact : I am French and I feel related to everything you have said in this video... To a point that it is almost embarrassing. We exist, thank you.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
❤ Ughhhhh I need to live in France 😭
@handlemonium 17 дней назад
​@@myrawest Any plans to start taking French classes or immerse yourself in French culture?
@Valenthior 8 дней назад
@@myrawest maybe some day, it is just one ocean away afteralll.
@joelharris4399 17 дней назад
Myra rollerskating: taking me back to the 90s girl. Take care of yourself💗
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Haha rollerblading to be exact 😉 Inline
@joelharris4399 17 дней назад
@@myrawest Charging up to go again to I see? 3 years since your viral video on RU-vid. Time flies
@ekaterinabulanova1530 17 дней назад
I'm waiting for a beautiful, pure, slow love too..I thank you from the bottom of my heart Myra! Take good care and you deserve someone who will love you to pieces.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
@tolkienfan10 17 дней назад
I think, in some respects, it is easier for women. But I think also that as far as dating is concerned, there are two schools of thought. There is the aggressive approach and there is the cautious approach and I think that for introverts, the cautious approach is usually the favoured approach. As an introvert, I think it is easier for women because, in the interests of avoiding weird scenarios where intentions and words are misread, I tend to leave it up to the woman which is often misread as indifference. Of course, the reverse side to that is, the aggressive guys are not always the good guys and they cop a feel or worse. Still, I'd rather be lonely than subject some girl to a situation we'd both rather avoid. May you find your someone, Myra! May we all find our someones!
@Nickel_Coin 15 дней назад
Same. I'm an introvert and I'm only really into introverted women and I don't want to bother them, but a lot of them just stare and then do nothing expecting me to do all the work like its the 1950s... I don't want them to feel rejected or like I'm indifferent (I'm not) but it's freaking 2024 and I'm not gonna risk getting me too'ed or making them uncomfortable if they don't like me enough to say hi when they don't have the same constraints. This puts things at an indefinite standstill which is frustrating.
@LiamBrady_AFC 16 дней назад
Myra, you've got to remember you can't hurry love, you just have to wait, love don't come easy, it's a game of give and take ...
@tipfertool5457 3 дня назад
Its a very different world since Diana Ross brought those words in 1966.
@LoveZelda3 13 дней назад
From a "former" very shy guy's perspective I'd say it's even worse for shy guys/men. We cannot even expect at all to wait for her, since it's not in our culture for her to chase us down - we either change at some point or need to accept that we maybe end up alone. We get to hear that we aren't "manly enough" and that no woman wants a man like that. Then I'm dating now at 33, finally gotten more confidence - but I still feel that personality-wise - I'm not what most women want. Women WANT men to be more sexual with them sooner and to "be a real man"... One without being allowed to display weakness at all and must be strong and powerful at all times. I also do understand that men want sexual intimacy sooner and it's a way for us to feel validated and wanted - I am a little against this "don't want to be viewed sexually" - because you ARE viewed sexually; that's how men works and a reason for us to pursue you is indeed the want for sex; but that's not everything we see in you and yes you shouldn't give it away too soon. I would happily date a woman like you, that appreciates a man with purer, kinder personality traits - and I am glad that they are out there somewhere at least.
@philm5380 11 дней назад
I'm so glad I'm not alone.
@Desolate_Soul_1992 11 дней назад
I believe it's harder for men because we are expected to initiate the conversation, ask women out, etc
@gaab_mac 13 дней назад
Hey, Myra. I'd like to let you know your videos are really sweet. I'm very fond of them. Thanks for giving us hope romantic women like you exist. I as a man relate a lot to what you're looking for in a relationship, and I wish this finds hope in your heart as well. I think the movie "500 Days of Summer" might be really helpful for you in this situation, since it showcases "hopeless romance" from a male perspective (since you look somewhat interested in understanding men), but it's very good for women too.
@aaronsosnoski1017 3 дня назад
Most people are compatible with most people if the situation is desperate enough. The problem is that life is too easy, survival is too certain, and time is not short. At least, that’s our perception. That’s why no one is getting together. It’s just not that important to survival at the moment. It will be in the future. But all of the young people aren’t thinking that far ahead. Women are picky because they can afford to be. Men aren’t trying because they don’t have to. If you take away the safe world we live in, things will change. We are rats in a cage more than we think.
@appeljuicesurf 13 дней назад
Dont think less of yourself, think about yourself less ;) I get your points. The thing is, if you dont signal the guy, that you want to continue seeing him and want to explore further, most men stop interacting, because its just a waste of time and money.
@marko.ur.groovin 17 дней назад
myra stay the way you are, i m straight, and normal people want what you want. what you said, this is what normal men and woman want!
@stephaniesmith6880 17 дней назад
Love you Myra. I'm 29 and I got engaged earlier this year to "the man" I met at 27. If it matters, I met him on the apps after tons and tons of ding dongs. You're awesome. Keep living the life and going after what you want.
@varun.shenoy10 17 дней назад
Congrats sis, I wish you and your husband all the best and special blessings for the two of you 💖🙏🏻
@PhilipMarcYT 17 дней назад
I went through a lot until I found my girl, I'm 34 and she's 23, I can't wait for 2025 as that's when we'll meet in person. Last Sunday we watched a movie "together" (at the same time, then shared our thoughts) and it was very nice. Honestly thought I'd never meet someone as genuine and incredible as her.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
This is so sweet 😭😭😭 I love hearing the "how we met" stories ❤️ thank you for sharing, it give me and others so much hope. And congratulations!!
Lovely post...my dog Layla..sends love🎉🎉
@wolfgangsprenger3700 14 дней назад
@@PhilipMarcYT This is so sweet. Much luck to the two of you. I wish you all the best❣️🙋🏻‍♂️
@Wookinpanub235 7 дней назад
I met the perfect match in the 9th grade- love at first sight. Married at 19. 33 years married . Other couples used to tell us how jealous they were of our relationship. She was truly an amazing woman and I was her amazing man. Cancer took her from me 6 months ago and everything flipped upside down. The only good thing I can say is that I truly had a one in a billion woman that most men could only dream of having.
@Tristan_de_Kermadec 17 дней назад
I love your comment about France. I am French, met my American wife in the Mid West (Chicago), we had one in a billion chance to meet, at a party where she was not supposed to be. And yes, we kissed less than an hour after we met... But it was very romantic. Life is strange sometimes. There is a good chance you will meet the right person when you least expect it.
@varun.shenoy10 17 дней назад
This is so beautiful brother! I hope you and your lucky wife are doing well and staying strong 💪🏼❤️ have you been to Quebec in Canada?
@Tristan_de_Kermadec 17 дней назад
@@varun.shenoy10 I love Quebec. I lived in Canada, in Toronto and Ottawa. Beautiful cities, but definitely missing the French touch of Montreal or Quebec City.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Awww I love this story!! It sounds so romantic 😭❤ I love the one in a billion chance of meeting, that makes it so special. I believe people should kiss whenever it feels right, it doesn't matter at all when that is :) :)
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Where in France are you from?
@Tristan_de_Kermadec 17 дней назад
@@myrawest I was born near Geneva (Switzerland) and spent my young years in France. But my goal was to travel the world, which I did. I lived and worked on 5 continents, we have 3 children, including 2 boys around your age. They have dual citizenship (US/France) and I can tell you that my wife and I put a lot of emphasis on how important it is to be gentlemen and respectful of women. They sure got the message. Now we live in beautiful South California.
@ShadeCandle 17 дней назад
You've got a lot of comments, so not sure of you'll see this, but I just want to give a little reassurance. It feels like you're describing my experience to a tee, except with the sexes reversed. I'm an introverted man who's a hopeless romantic, always searching for the one, wants to move slowly, and would rather just talk openly rather than put on the whole "fun and flirty" mask. I totally get how it can feel like all men are the same, and even to sometimes feel hopeless and bitter - honestly, I often feel like all women want to just date casually, are polyamorous, shallow, selfish, etc, which is obviously not true. And thank you for acknowledging your generalizations, even amidst the big feelings. I promise you, the kind of man you're dreaming of does exist. We're out here, and feeling just as jaded and sick of dating culture as you are! But true romantics, and people who take the idea of partnership seriously, who can communicate well, are sadly pretty rare. And get rarer, the older we get... Oops, I said I was trying to reassure you, didn't I?
@myrawest 17 дней назад
This is reassuring and beautiful in a way. I love that you acknowledge the bitterness and disappointment but also the hope. We can never allow ourselves to forget that their are genuine romantic people in the world, both man and women
@jtwk3400 15 дней назад
I turned 21 a month ago and have never been in a long term relationship. I have tried apps a couple of times, and have gotten some dates from it, but I agree about finding "the one". Something that has been growing increasingly common is the idea of an open relationship, and I have really never understood the appeal. I am looking for a life partner, and if you want to see other guys while dating me that is just not going to fly. I find it crazy that someone as beautiful as you with such an infectious personality struggles in the dating world, but that is just the reality of how things go today. It is hard to find someone that wants the same thing as you, especially on dating apps where hookup culture is so prominent. I really wish you the best of luck out there, because I feel like I am in a very similar situation to you and I can sympathize with you to an extent!
@appeljuicesurf 13 дней назад
Dating Apps make wom3n full of themselves and men insecure, best to avoid them.
@StonesShelf 17 дней назад
Keeping your authenticity and intentions where you need them will mean they will be reciprocated by worthy individuals. Fighting through the mire, the hordes, while daunting and tiresomely insane, will yield your rewards. Thank you for sharing your personal struggles many of us experience in relative silence.
@stephensalay1275 17 дней назад
Don't be too tough on yourself or your situation. It's difficult for a lot of us out there. It can be really frustrating for shy people. And I agree with you. Kissing on the first date is weird unless I've known the girl for a long time beforehand as friends and even then it's usually a no for me. Same with flirting. It feels disingenuous and fake if it's someone you just met.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Yeah!! The funny thing is everything I talked about is how I act when I'm IN a relationship and comfortable. I am extremely fun, bubbly, lively, giddy, flirtatious, playful etc, when I KNOOW the person! But people expect it all in a very specific timeline.
@stephensalay1275 17 дней назад
So true! And I always thought most people felt the same way about that stuff, but apparently not. Not good news for shy people
@joshuaharrell13 11 дней назад
I've been getting videos like this, and I'm convinced that the algorithm is just reading my mind at this point.
@nic-zoom-n6r 17 дней назад
I relate to what you are saying about flirting feeling fake and the lack of authenticity. Some of what are you talk about reminds me of the book "The Art of Seduction"; the whole book basically gives historical examples with how flirting and seduction are used to gain power over others, with the author even referring to the seduced as "Victims". While the book talks a lot about Power dynamics and methods of deception, it is interesting how the other breaks down different types of seducers into categories, you may learn something about yourself or you may understand why you find certain types of people alluring, but maybe not good partners in the long run. Part of the problem I have is as a shy person is putting myself in new situations, and anxiety either prevents me from making steps, or makes it that much harder. This makes me more prone to craving connection and can lead to what you were saying about accepting breadcrumbs. My only advice here and to myself is to try to do something outside of your comfort zone at least once a day. Know what you need out of relationship and accept no less. It may take some time to meet your person, but that's better than accepting something that isn't right for you long term. I'm wishing the best for you, myself and everyone who relates to this video.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
That book has been on my reading list for a while!
@leet8017 5 дней назад
Met my wife online more than 20 years ago. Living in different countries, now we are married with 2 kids. Because we were physically separated, we had to take it slow and communicate over a period of time. Taking it slow, not everyone is willing to do that, wether online or IRL. I don't know what people would do today, but I wouldn't marry most people, its too terrifying
@anthony0358 17 дней назад
I am trying to absorb all the information from this video, and I am hoping that it will help me in my own life. I think you did have a breakthrough at the 24-minute mark. I can report that my older brother found his wife at age 55. He never gave up. He had ended a 10 year relationship from age 40 to age 50 . He has been happily married for 15 years. I have total confidence that you will find him. I love that moment when you said there has to be match out there somewhere. Thank you, Myra, for trying to help me and everyone else. This video gives me a lot to think about.
@wolfgangsprenger3700 17 дней назад
I like your comment very much, Anthony. It is exactly to the point, highly qualified and instructive. After all, you're one of Myra's most faithful subscribers. Small wonder then that you get her message. Best wishes and thank you.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I appreciate you sharing hope. I've heard a lot of stories of people finding their love later in life. It's a hopeful message but I still have my fingers crossed that I'll meet him sooner than later. I do hope this helps others in the struggle to feel seen or have hope that there are other romantics out there. Everyone in the comments seems to be a very genuine person. I like our community
@TheKillaShow 17 дней назад
Flirting is part of the game. How will a man know youre interested in them back if you dont give them basic flirtatious feedback? And no this doesnt mean always sexual in nature. The same way you want positive feedback from someone youre romantically interested in, they look for the same. And not every man is only into only sexual lenses. If you want some super wholesome romance novel type love where sexuality only comes into play at the perfect fairytale moment, you will be searching for a while. Especially from your generation.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I can say "I like you." You absolutely do not have to play games or give cues. I would LOVE if a man was straight forward and direct with me in the same way. Like an adult
@TheKillaShow 17 дней назад
@@myrawest I fear you only like when a man is direct in the exact way you want them to be. When a man directly only wants you for a fun time, you dislike that. Youve said as much. What youre looking for is 100% out there. But it aint easy to find in this age. Where you are looking now, is not working for you. Regroup and restrategize. "I like you" means absolutely nothing in this age. Romance is more complicated than that. We're not on the playground in 4th grade anymore. The faster we accept that the better our odds are at love. I do wish you well in your love journey tho.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I would LOVE if a man told me directly he just wanted me for a good time. Instead of leading me on or lying to me to try to get what he wants. That way I can get the heck away from him. Interesting that you think clear direct communication is "childish" and indirect game playing is somehow more adult
@jnarical 17 дней назад
@@myrawest "direct communication" doesn't work well for men. To be honest, it doesn't work to such extent, that we even don't bother ourselves to try
@maxyazhbin826 17 дней назад
@handlemonium 17 дней назад
Maybe I not an "average dude", but I just enjoy good, fun company from another gal. A genuine exchange of significant interests, acknowledgement of bids for connection, and showing-up loving encouraging care when sharing from deep down. Initial physical attraction does play a role for me. On the other hand sex is definitely not out of the conversation, but for me that comes after regarding someone among the best of my friends. A great resource "to understand men" (myself I guess?) and the ecosystem of relational dynamics that completes the compliment with women is *Alison Armstrong.* Go check out her videos! You're not alone in these wants. Not by a long shot. Nor am I. Keep it rollin!
@nordicnugz 14 дней назад
I feel like you and I have a lot in common. Sitting and over analyzing and over thinking why dating never really evolves into a real and meaningful relationship. I always feel like women are expecting a man who's fun and exciting. I'm also shy and more reserved, so I feel like that quality isn't immediately apparent in myself. Some of my favorite dates have been the ones where the other person and I can just sit and talk for long periods of time and really get to know each other. Dating is definitely when you're shy, reserved and more of a romantic. Especially when you have a very specific idea of what you want your relationship to be like, or the type of person you'd like to date. It just closes that gate a little more. You're very charming, and I really hope someone realizes your worth. You really deserve it.
@jasomon2115 17 дней назад
What you are saying sent shivers down my spine. As long as I've been alive, I've always wanted to get married. And everything in life is good except for dating. Like what honestly scares me is that I will lose my heart in the search for a woman because of what I am told by friends and what I see and hear from dating coaches here on RU-vid. I didn't think there was anyone out there who felt similar to how I did about love. My name is Jase. I'm 41 and also from the Midwest. I'm not shy, though😂
@myrawest 17 дней назад
PLEASE DONT LISTEN TO DATING COACHES. Unless you are extremely selective and discerning. Most and I mean 99.9% of dating coaches for men are absolute garbage! I have listened to them and disagree with everything they say, as in, what they teach about women and how to get them is the opposite of who I am and what I want. And true for many other women. These people are toxic. And it's the same for dating coaches for women. Toxic garbage that ends up making you feel like you suck and you're doing everything wrong. Anywho. Sorry for the rant. There are good people out there! There are romantics out there! You can still find one.
@LexxAKonn 6 дней назад
After listening to everything you've said, It sounds like you need a friend that you end up falling in love with.
@wolfgangsprenger3700 17 дней назад
A very good video. Raw. Honest. Natural. And you are asking the right questions. You are definitely very romantic. But you're not asking for too much. You're asking for the right things you should have and get. Your words are like a magic spell that will attract the O N E . Many subscribers will relate and cry out loudly "it's me, it's me..." - But that, of course is a misunderstanding and not the purpose of this video. Next Sunday I will go on a walking tour with a group of French people living around here. If you like the French, Myra, and can't go to France right now, maybe you might find some French people in the Midwest, too. Might be fun. Could be nice. Best wishes from Europe and all the best to you.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Awww this was such a nice, thoughtful comment! Thank you! And you're completely right. I really appreciate this. Thanks for being here 🙏
@wolfgangsprenger3700 17 дней назад
​​@@myrawestOh, thank you so much, Myra. You are totally justified in all your dreams and wishes. You get such a wildfire of comments for this video not because people want to "change your mind" but because they relate. If they are really honest to themselves deep down in their hearts all women want e x a c t l y what you describe in your video. It's a legitimate dream. You're not asking for the world. You just want true love. And if men were really honest to themselves they would readily admit that they are just as disgusted by the superficiality of "modern dating" as you are. Deep down in our hearts we all want true love. You are not only describing the daily life of a Midwestern girl in the twenty first century. You are drawing the portrait of a young woman in our Western society today, with all her anxieties, unfulfilled wishes and shattered dreams crying out for help "hello out there! Is there anybody out there?" - You are crying it out on your roller scates right into the night. And your community echoes: "Yes, we're here, Myra. We're here for you. We relate. And we will follow. We follow you with pleasure, desire and despair. Wherever your scates take you."
@johnschewe6358 10 дней назад
You're a poet and a scholar, Wolfgang.
@wolfgangsprenger3700 10 дней назад
@@johnschewe6358 Oh, thank you, John. Your appreciation really means a lot to me. Especially because I know you as one of Myra's most faithful followers. You were here right from the start, always supportive and over the years we had several most encouraging encounters. You're a warm heart and an honest soul fighting for the good cause right at Myra's side.
@slaintenito 12 дней назад
As a man that watched it all I will say this: "Take care of the garden, instead of chasing the butterfly"
@KatanaKamisama 17 дней назад
I'm 37, and still a virgin. I have been in love 3 times, and only briefly dated one of them long distance. I cannot comprehend being that vulnerable with relative strangers. I was raised Christian, and still am, which I'm sure influenced my views on sex and marriage. But beliefs aside, my heart can only entertain one at a time, and there's years in-between where it's painfully lonely. Even so, I've never wanted to be intimate with someone that I wasn't in love with. Like, to the point where I get really uncomfortable when women touch me or sand near me. Even shaking hands is s slight dread. At this point, I'm unsure if I'll ever find someone, but I'm willing to wait incase I do. Because if I give it away now, what was the point of hanging onto it for the last 37 years. I'm "kinda basic" looking, which I'm given to understand isn't what most women are looking for, but the up-side is I've had some time to thing about life, love, and what I think is actually important. I prefer the Biblical definitions and parameters for love; partly I'm sure because that's what I was taught, but also because they're actually defined. And unlike modern concepts of love, they hold up to the rigors of actual relationships, not so the wishful fictitious portrayals of love in modern media. Love is patient, kind, slow to anger, long suffering and sacrificial. THAT is love. Yes I know that's 3 different ways of saying patient, that's because it's proportionally that important. If you add romance on-top that's fine, but it's more like icing. If you only get icing it makes you nauseas after a while, so you need that dense moist cake layer, otherwise it doesn't work. What's hard for some people to understand, is that you have to return love, in at least equal measure. Both parties have to pour into each other, and fill up the other person's life bar, otherwise it will fail. There's a lot of selfish people out there these days, that are totally willing to absorb all your love, but not feed you back, and it's disgusting to me. It's like buying a car to drive but never changing the oil/fluids. Yea... it'll run for a bit, but what the hell are you trying to prove? That's why it's so important to take note of the indications of investment from the other person when dating. If you're texting him books, but only getting a few words back, dial it back to see if they show interest, and if they don't then they're probably not interested, and therefore not worth the investment of time and energy. Something to consider for yourself is which qualities are requirements, and which are preferences, and how strong each preference is. Because the more requirement filters you place on any given search the fewer the results returned will be. And just to give you an example of what I'm talking about, men with this personality type you're looking for account for ~0.9% of the population. Multiply that by .15 because the single men in your age range (generously guessing) is 15%. That's 2 filters, and we're down to .135% of the population approximately statistically. Now, that's still 450k men in the US, BUT we haven't even filtered for height, looks, education level, financial stability, smoking, does he have kids, does he want kids, etc. I'm not saying this to discourage you. I'm saying this because I genuinely want you to find someone that will make you happy. But IF that guy happens to be a "kinda basic" mid-westerner that lives an un-exciting life, but he has exactly the personality and interests you want... would it be enough for you? Standards are a good thing to have, but if you have too many or too strict of standards, then no one will be able to live up to them. Speaking as a man, none of us are perfect. So if you're looking for perfection, you won't find us. The other half of the problem, is even if you do find him, what if you're not what he wants? As we all know not all love is reciprocated. The first girl I was in love with could have been the one, but she wasn't interested in me, so... here we are.
@isaacsac5 16 дней назад
I am still a virgin, too. I have no interest in losing it. This is not important to me in a relationship.
@WHISPERomero 17 дней назад
Myra you give me hope that there still is good in this world full of sin, hate, war. I’m always glad to see your videos when I sometimes lose hope if there truly is good in people’s hearts. Which I agree in everything you said. People nowadays don’t appreciate or value other people, time, effort, love especially, & especially attributes & virtues. It’s about what someone can receive & have to show off in social media. Rather it be materialistic, physical, or partner wise. Lastly, I also appreciate taking things slow. It shows effort, someone is actually taking their time in getting to know me, as much as I would like to get to know them. But, for some people they can take things quick & they will last, but it’s rare to see & find. It’s good to be alone to find out who you are & what you like/dislike, but also good to have that one person, even if that’s the ONLY person you will ever interact & socialize, fills in the gap in your life, helps, jokes & annoys you, also, relate with & what not. Which I’m the same as you on the end, I can’t do kiss on the first day or date (anxiety), btw, I’m a guy… But holding hands, arm around shoulder or maybe a hug is good & far I will go. Later, will be the more intimate stuff which makes it more special because of the effort. It’s hard on both sides rather or not someone is genuinely into you. One is difficult than the other, when a guy wants something, they will show it in an instant because they want to have it at that very second & quickly leave.
@WHISPERomero 17 дней назад
Oh, I’m sorry for the book I just typed…. Happy reading, I guess?😂
@ronbronb 16 дней назад
The foundation for relationships is no longer, it used to be basic survival needs. Placing love at the forefront is understandable, but, love alone is insufficient in most cases. In the past, your fear of hunger would've taken over the fear of men. You, we are still wired for relationships, but, today's modern world has no need for it. Welcome to humanity's victory.
@ormark3006 17 дней назад
I really think you will meet your guy just not yet.. it is good for a girl to be shy just like you and you have a right mindset. Good luck!
@ormark3006 17 дней назад
Oh and you are looking very good so don't worry just wait and enjoy life it will be Awesome!
@diogocaiado5161 10 дней назад
I just watched this video and the short one you posted recently and i must say that im impressed. impressed to see how genuine and pure you are. im 19 and im realizing that the more i live this “life” the more i distance myself from what ive always also wanted: find true love, only one, no need for more. i know our age gap it’s different but it feels nice to see someone of the opposite gender that also pursues a real genuine connection with someone. the more we live, feels like the more we lose hope in love. its good that you’re so optimistic, sometimes i just wonder how are we gonna find that person, under what circumstances? because it feels like every circumstance is the same, well, most of the times. anyways, hope you find what you’re looking for because you deserve it and lucky the guy that ends up with you, i only hope he treats you the right way :)
@dianamary6170 17 дней назад
I agree with you on so much Myra!
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Aw 🥲🙏
@dianamary6170 17 дней назад
@@myrawest You're most definitely not alone. I don't want to make out on first date either, much less send nudes. LOL It's a crazy world when ppl expect so much from you and yet have such low standards. Despite all that basic insanity, we can still have lots of positive interactions with men and I like to in a sense collect them, like beautiful baubles. I say, keep your eyes on the horizon and make your own fun. Much Love to you Myra!
@myrawest 17 дней назад
@johnflippin5792 3 дня назад
Based on a few videos I have watched about your sharing about men and dating, I believe there is a beautiful person inside of you, Myra, for the respectable gentleman to discover. I am shy too. It is not easy dating. Be sensual when you feel ready to be sensual with the person you feel comfortable and safe with. We cannot allow others to force sensuality readiness on us. I do not think that is a real phrase,but I will stick with it. Inviting someone into our home is a vulnerable intimate thing. Inviting someone into our bedroom is a very vulnerable and intimate thing. The same can be said about our personal space. You are right; each couple has their ways of what makes their relationship work. I understand and admire how you want to have long interesting conversations, take hikes or roller blade, go bowling, attend a concert, or even enjoy a movie together for the sake of enjoying time together without the physical expectations of men. You are not the only one to share such stories about men on dates wanting to "get physical" on the first date. Scary indeed. As some have pointed out, be yourself. If a guy does not value or respect that, then that is his loss, not yours, Myra. He does not deserve you. Maybe some of the most romantic things couples can do is to take a dance class or paint or pottery class together. Yes, there are still men who believe in "LOVE" and "ROMANCE", but I agree that it can be challenging. Although there are days and weeks when you feel hopeless about men, I admire your mindset to keep looking and believing that love is still out there. By the way, I think it is romantic and fine to watch romance movies with a love interest. Thank you, THE NOTEBOOK, HOLIDAY, and Hallmark! With a friendly smile, I wishy ou the best on your journey, Myra.
@maransoftware 17 дней назад
Made me a little teary, I'm an old guy wanting the same sort of connection.
@FreemanLaFleur 5 дней назад
Dating in 2024 is a mental minefield. I’ve become very apathetic to it all but videos like this give me hope. I too yearn for just one deeper relationship beyond the physical that satisfies my need for mental and emotional stimulation. The man you’re looking for is somewhere out there in the sea of 8 billion humans, and there’s probably a few of them. 😉
@myrawest 5 дней назад
@@FreemanLaFleur I checked out your channel, you seem like a cool person. Best of luck to you, don't give up hope.
@J.E.W.S1967 17 дней назад
Hello, I’m watching the video. I love it. I’m 57. I’ve been with my wife for 35 years. I married someone before her. We were together three years we were young. I married my wife now we were both 30 so I was with her when she was 21 just out of college and I was just out of the Navy And we are still together but she’s my second wife so she’s my forever person give it time. Don’t try to make it happen. Let it happen naturally believe it or not. She’s a friends sister. I never thought I would marry someone I knew there sister it just happened naturally, so that’s all I’m saying let it happen naturally don’t beat yourself up looking for it. It will happen naturally when the time is right I love the videos. I just wanted to let you know this so hopefully I’ll give you some peace.I am 57 with my wife for 35 years, have a great day and stay safe. Can’t wait till next video John .
@PhilipMarcYT 17 дней назад
That's a wonderful story. I've been online dating a girl I've been talking since July thus year and already she has changed my life so much, and we agree on nearly everything I never thought I'd find someone like her. She honestly leaves me speechless. We're going to meet in person around 2025 as we've got stuff in our lives and want to get it out of the way before meeting her, want to spend sometime with her, and if all goes well as it should, we'll get married. Dang, she's one of a kind and I'm gonna do whatever sacrifices I have to for her and for our children. I don't want to be like my useless brother in law who stays home doin nothing while his wife (my sister) works hard, sometimes too hard. Don't know what she saw in that worthless man who comes up with an excuse every time he gets offered a job (from help of our family, but no more).
@J.E.W.S1967 17 дней назад
Hey Maya, I’m watching the video again. I’m listening to what you’re saying you’re trying to hard to find someone you’re beating yourself up please don’t like I said in my first post just let it happen. Naturally you are a beautiful, intelligent young lady. You do not have to go out and find love love will find you like I said just let it happen naturally I don’t know if you’re into bars or doing social events and just go out and put yourself out there. I used to be shy until I join the military and that snapped the shyness out of me very quickly, I was able to go and talk to them and even at 57 my wife and daughter can’t I can talk to anybody about anything I could become friends with them instantly. They always tell me that I feel like they’ve known me their whole life so I loved the videos. I can’t wait till the next one, but please don’t beat yourself up love will find you there’s always somebody out there for somebody no matter how quirky weird anything you are and I’m not saying you are quirky or weird I’m saying anybody in general there’s always someone out there for someone there’s over 8 billion of us in this world there is someone out there Maya for you, just let it happen naturally and you will be the happiest person you’ve ever been and I hope you keep this post and let me know one day that I was correct because that’s what I did. I wanted a girlfriend so bad when I was in high school, but I was poor, my clothes weren’t that good so I got up off my ass got started making money started buying nice clothes and then girls started coming up to me talking to me showing me attention. I never did get a girlfriend in high school because since I was working, I gave a lot of my money to my mother to help pay bills and buy food, which wasn’t more important to me than a girlfriend at that time but when I join the Navy believer or not, I have several girlfriends none of them were serious, but then I was out in town one day and that’s when I saw my first wifeI said my other post didn’t last a couple years but at least I had that experience so when I met my wife, I was more prepared to be the perfect man for her. Thank you for the video you’ve touched my heart. Thank you for that John .
@whitemakesright2177 10 дней назад
Sorry, but your experience 35 years ago really isn't relevant to any young person today. You might as well have met your wife on another planet.
@SaironDeus 14 дней назад
Sweetheart, don't overthink it, don't overanalyze it. There's nothing wrong with you. You're beautiful inside out. If meeting the ONE is what you really want, just relax, be yourself, don't change who you are. He will approach you the exact right way, the way that will resonate with you and you'll be comfortable with. And you will instantly know it's him. Stand by what you want, who you want, let go and let it happen. ❤ I'm subscribing, as I wanna see update when it happens. 😉
@Bob31415 17 дней назад
Honestly, you really are a rare sort of woman in a very good way. You most definitely give off vibes of great sincerity, genuineness and unpretentiousness. I know, what a mouthful. You remind me of the pretty girl on the playground in elementary school who I dreamed of having as my lifelong companion (wife) back when life was so much simpler and innocent. A breath of fresh air.
@jayrome80 13 дней назад
Enjoyed your perspective, it put some pieces together in my head from past dating experiences. When I was on the dating apps it always felt like a battle royale with other dudes for a matches attention. Feeling that pressure/fear, I would push the pace in dates because i thought that was what was expected, and it only turned into a relationship twice. Pesky insecurities, yo
@NocturnalMissSoLostInSpace 17 дней назад
Hang in there, hon. The one main thing I've learned about dating (when I still dated years ago), is the more dysfunctional we are, that's what we artract. We have to work on ourselves, especially old trauma. Only then do we start attracting better folks into our lives. The more functional we become, the more functional folks we artract, and that includes friends. As a survivor myself, ya gotta tackle the old trauma with therapy. It helps.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I really feel like, for the most part, I have healed and worked through most things and become a healthier person. I felt like I was the healthier partner in both of my relationships.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I agree with you though!
@Xhris57 6 дней назад
You are truly a gem Myra. The fact that people like you exist in this world, warms my heart and gives me hope. Ephesians chapter 5
@rumblethis2023 17 дней назад
I love a woman that respects herself enough to keep herself until the time is right! It show great strength and inteligence! Keep it up.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I feel uncomfortable with the "a woman who respects herself." As I believe women can choose to have sex whenever they want as long as it doesn't hurt them. It's not about "self respect." (Would you say the same thing about a man?) A woman who chooses to have sex sooner, doesn't nessesarily mean she has lower self respect. To me it is simply about what I'm comfortable with and what I enjoy. I don't like the idea of casual sex and I know I would hate it/feel deeply uncomfortable.
@GangdamStyle20 6 дней назад
So many men feeling exactly the same. Funny how than men and women still can't match!!!!!
@InternetJunkHuman 14 дней назад
1) Avoids eye contact with men, I am guessing it feels too intense and invasive? 2) Does not understand the purpose of flirting and dislikes it. 3) Describes self as shy. 4) Often has men during dates misread her social cues, when in fact she may have not been aware of giving off any signals and certainly did not intend to. You might have undiagnosed high functioning Autism? I know because I am one of them. It was a great relief to find out there were other people in the world like me. Not saying that you are, but it might be worth checking out.
@marzzzuq 12 дней назад
i relate with her desires and behaviors in the dating landscape. 1) i avoid eye contact with women easily because of the intensity 2) im not good at flirting, get my tongue tied or blush easily when a woman is trying to flirt with me yet i don't reciprocate it, and i personally dont like it as much as most people do 3) i do describe myself as shy, especially in front of attractive women, because believe me when i say that i can't go up and approach a woman unless it was about a specific, non-sexual reason like work or class or any variant of, "excuse me, do you know where i can find the elevator?". i have tried the approach once and i dont think i will again because i was not as confident as i wanted to be. 4) (i havent had dates but) ive been around women who think im into them when really im just being nice for the sake of courtesy, human decency, and the moral code that ive been raised to adhere by, regardless of whether im around a man or woman. ive been to a doctor, yet i dont have high functioning autism. i think what she is describing is pretty understandable stuff, even if the dating landscape has become such that people like her or like me are becoming the minority while the majority are more... direct and forward for the hook-ups. some people want a slow burn relationship and are not into hook-up culture. that doesnt make them high-functioning autistic, dude.
@InternetJunkHuman 12 дней назад
@@marzzzuq When someone first tried to tell me that I had autism, well into my adult life, I thought they were not that smart. If only I had listened. Then found out my mom and doctors knew, but decided it was better to not tell me. With some people it is not obvious. Myra may have some of these traits or not.
@marzzzuq 12 дней назад
@@InternetJunkHuman alright, fair enough 🫡
@marzzzuq 11 дней назад
@@InternetJunkHuman alright, fair enough 🫡
@marzzzuq 5 дней назад
@@InternetJunkHuman fair enough 🫡
@creativechannel6148 5 дней назад
Finding the one is a lot of work, for both that are looking for it.
@Timilou94 17 дней назад
Hi from Sweden. I do not believe the place has a large role in the love finding. So stay close to family and friends, but keep an open heart for possible suitors. I'm in my early 30's and single too.
@Rick_Cleland 17 дней назад
Any grenade attacks recently?
@smiles7631 6 дней назад
I caught your video and wanted to comment. There was a video where you say you hate dating a year ago. I thought well, did she find someone yet? So here I am. Just wanted to let you know that there are guys like me out here that have been trying to get a least one date in years. Dating apps were soul destroying. I'm shy until I get comfortable around someone, so it's very hard for me to stop a random girl on the street. Although, I am working on this, and I think I'm almost able to do it. I go to the park when I can and practice saying hello to everyone. I've seen a lot of single ladies but It's hard to judge if they want to be bothered. I have gotten the green light a couple times and just chickened out and kept walking by. Meaning they deliberately are staring at me with a smile as we walk by each other. I wish I could catch a girl like you rollerblading or just sitting at a park bench. It just doesn't happen. I don't get to go to the park as often as I would like because I'm working and when I'm not working I'm resting or fixing something. I just want you to know that there is someone out here that is wanting something meaningful but is having a hard time finding it also, as a man. Have a good day, I hope the right person comes along!
@mickvogt7977 17 дней назад
I dont think that it helps to fight fears. Can you say to someone " You know I looked at you and felt an desire to meet you, but when I have that feeling with men I also freeze up inside. Would you like to have a conversation anyway?" The man that you are looking will carry a wound, just as you do, just as most of us do, and in barring your truth, he may open up his truth, his hurts, his authenticity, to you as well. That is the beginning of intimacy.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
This is so beautiful 😭😭😭 it's so true. I was thinking about similar ideas. I started to believe I can only date a man who is also shy and has social anxiety, because he would know what it feels like to struggle in that way. But your idea is better. Talk about radical honesty and openness. I do tell each man that I am shy and that I am nervous on first dates and they are usually understanding. But even so, I still think it's one of the reasons they don't pursue me further. I think they want something easier...
@myrawest 17 дней назад
​@@TheCanyon1000this is actually super cool! Can you tell me the dream?? I am a huge dream person. I have extremely vivid, real dreams. And I often meet people in my dreams I've never met in real life, but they feel SO real. And our conversations are sometimes life changing. I like to pretend and tell myself that the dreamworld is a real place where our souls go and connect with other souls in the world.
@mickvogt7977 17 дней назад
Yes dear, carry your wound like a badge of honor. Rumi said "the wound is where the light enters". It will make you more beautiful to those interested in soul and soul making. Others will be of little use to you anyway.
@mickvogt7977 17 дней назад
@@myrawest Myra: We often think of healing as getting rid of things, problematic feelings, perhaps replacing them with better things, but there is another perspective. What if we just embrace it all, accept it all without resistance? A Quaker artist friend of mine used to say “you have to make friends with your dragons”. There is a book you might like, a fiction, entitled “The Wanderer” by Alain Fournier. It is too lengthy to explain the allegory here, but it is really about the unquenched longing that some people can carry throughout their lives. You may believe that your ache, your longing, will be ameliorated if you find someone, but that exists only as a thought right now, not a reality. It is an unknown, and longing, once set afire, becomes a lifetime companion for many of us. Many find that this ache evolves into a longing for something other than another, for something else other than what is first imagined. Some might call that God, some would have other names for it. We are born incomplete and our quest to become whole is part of the challenge of our nature.
@prototyp3strik3r 8 дней назад
When I met THE ONE in 2018, everything changed. And to this day, we are growing closer and closer together. We don't lie or cheat on each other, but appreciate, love and respect each other. I only dreamed of this all those years before, and now this beautiful relationship is reality! Never say never, young Lady ;-)
@mar99kt61 15 дней назад
I really think that it's not about trying to get rid of the shyness and the fear but accepting that it is there and putting yourself out there and talking to people anyways and accepting that your face might turn red or your voice might be a little shaky but everytime you push your self to do something that scares you your brain starts to realize that the fear that you have is unfounded and talking to men that you like becomes easier over time and you'll still have off days but with every attempt you will gain more confidence and this really is a process that takes time so be patient with yourself.Look within yourself to find the root cause of these fears.Accept that this is a part of who you are and that's okay and the right person for you will love and accept it too.I wish you luck and I promise you things get better ❤
@matt7621 7 дней назад
Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.
@OblivionBones 17 дней назад
You just want Chad
@myrawest 17 дней назад
This is HILAROUSSS because I JUST read a comment saying "you're looking for your beta." 😂 You guys have to at least agree on the script!
@truthtelleranon 4 дня назад
@@myrawestboth are true which is why you’re in this situation. you’re not attracted to the beta. but that’s what you’re looking for based on your description of your future husband. yet your instincts want chad. hence why you haven’t paired up with the infinite amount of dudes that are exactly what you describe. it’s the easiest thing to find. but these guys don’t turn you on 😂 it’s called cognitive dissonance btw. once you accept this reality you’ll be married next week.
@ShanobyKin 16 дней назад
Interesting thoughts. Made me think how I lost the romantic side and hope for love at this point. Nowdays dating market is very strange... feels transactional. I hate it... I remember when I was teen, I used to have crushes. I bought flowers, wrote poems and had 4-5 experiences with girls where it almost took off... but being a shy dude myself, the fear got best of me. Eventually girls either broke my heart or lost interest. The only way for me to cope with it, was write more poems and songs. I did not understand what I was doing wrong, I loved romantic movies and saw couples forming around me, thinking why can I not have that? By the time I got to my 20s and went to university I gave up on love. I got overweight and thought to myself... "Im fine just sitting here playing videogames and be alone for the rest of my life..." which was another coping mechanism. Deep down I still yearned for love, but being overweight I lost all the confidence I had in myself (the little I still had left in me). At age of 28 I moved city got I job and started fresh. Being still virgin I started to examine what am I doing wrong. It is not like girls did not like me before, they did... it is just I never (even now) felt I was the right person for anyone. But at the age of 32 I started to focus on myself. Worked out, lost the weight, got fit and felt better than ever. Doing now dating apps I did go out on couple of dates but even on the mens side... I felt most women did not look for serious relationships just casual things and most girls ended up being also single mothers. Now that scared me. I had not even kissed a girl let alone thinking about getting into a relationship with a woman who has already a child. But at the age of 33 I went asked out a girl who I knew from my 20s (my sisters friend circle) and we went out. She flipped a date on me and made it into a 12 hour picnic in park. BEST date I ever had. Like movie type of romance. I was lifted and amazed... sadly it lasted for few weeks and things did not work out too well. Had my first experiences with her and I am thankful for everything she made me feel. After which a year later I met this wonderful woman from the internet. She was a influencer and content creator. We started by chatting and eventually she invited me out. Had no idea it was a date 😅 and at one point turned out we both like eachother. But I did not expect an offer of fwb type of deal. Cause I was never that type of a guy. But at that age 34... I decided why not... lifes experience I go with the flow. Did not work out sadly either. The thing I learned about that is, even though she was amazing, we are not on same life phases or looking for same things. Now at the age of 35, having had 2 girls invite me out and neither of them working out too well, I am starting to question again. What am I doing wrong. Where is that woman, who I can connect, speak deep things about for hours and actually feel love again. Because, honestly as much as these few experiences I had... neither of them were love, it was infatuations that started fast and ended as fast as it had begun. I do not understand dating apps either, lot of the times it feels like a game. I do not know how to flirt either and have set ever since a boundary with any type of relationship. No matter if friendship or something romantic. We have to be open and honest which each other. Lets just get to know each other. There is no need to rush into things and hopefully when time comes... we have formed a deep connection of caring and understanding towards eachother. Which might blossom into love. I might be delusional, honestly started to question if I understand these things anymore, considering all the things I see and read on internet. But I remain hopeful. So I think I understand to a degree what you might be going through and wish you luck and fortune! Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Made me reflect on myself a little as well.
@CourtneyBoling 15 дней назад
Thank you for sharing all of this. It makes me feel better about how I feel about love/relationships and that I'm not alone. I've been kinda in the same boat, it's something I've realized I've always wanted as well recently. It's scary when you get older or take brakes for yourself. I'm almost 33 now and the anxiety just keeps being higher. I thought in my recent relationship I had found my person. I dumped a lot into that, it went fast. It was scary but I tried to trust the process. In the end I didn't get the respect or treatment I wanted/needed and couldn't continue. I blame myself a lot still, but I'm reminded by my close friends how toxic it actually was. It has been one of the hardest things to overcome recently. And you're reminding me to remain genuine to myself and keep looking. I know that fear you talk about, paradoxical but I think it's just being that vulnerable. Working on my attachment style helped a bit. But I also understand the fear of not finding that person. Genuinely terrifying. You just can't let it stop you. We all deserve the love we need. Again, thank you for sharing. It makes me feel I'm not alone with you and the others in the comments. I'm hopeful for all of us.
@IronDBZ 15 дней назад
13:40 @myrawest To the whole section about the future husband. The foundation of a longstanding relationship is familiarity and consistency. If you are starting any relationship from a place of suspicion, aversion, just having all your walls up, then there is no foundation for a longstanding relationship being put in place. You're just dancing around uncomfortable implications with a stranger you're not on the same page with. If you're not comfortable at least showing that you are attracted to this person, they have nothing to go off of except that you don't want to touch them and expect them to just persist in the absence of positive feedback. Dry glue doesn't stick. People need a reason to keep going. You don't have to tongue kiss anybody, but that's why people flirt, it shows that there is mutual investment. But if you're unwilling to flirt, then you have to get comfortable telling people what you feel about them in a very clear way because leaving it to implications will just leave them confused at best and sure that you're uninterested at usual.
@talkingtochapri 17 дней назад
The amount of sexism and misogyny i see on a daily basis online and offline, i have completely lost interested in males at all. But, i genuinely hope you end up finding your one ✨
@josephjoy2245 17 дней назад
The amount of misandry has made me lose all interest in females 💯
@myrawest 17 дней назад
I totally, totally totally get that. I became nearly hopeless and so angry a few years ago. But. The thing that changed everything for me was looking for the positive examples of men in the world. I searched for them. I even made a list of them. There are men out there who are fighting against misogyny, fighting against toxic masculinity, there are men who are feminists, who truly care about and love women, support women, and want women to be powerful. There are loving, devoted husband's, loving fathers, loving brothers. ... I know it's so hard to see and believe when the voices of trash men are so louuuuud. They drowned out all hope for me for a while. But that's what they want!!! They want women to feel low and worthless. Don't let those men win. Search out the good ones. (I have found them on social media, romantic men in couples, husband's. And a great example is Robert Irwin. Whenever I'm thinking how disappointed I am in men, I think of Robert Irwin lol, seriously. He is such a sweet, warm, kind soul. Pro tip, look for left leaning men. And remind yourself that you would never want to be with or near a man who spewed hateful misogynistic garbage, so whyyyyyy would you ever value what they had to say?? It helped me so much to find men who disagreed with, spoke out about and were equally DISGUSTED by such ideologies spread by horrible men.
@Rick_Cleland 17 дней назад
@@josephjoy2245 Flagrant, full-blown misandry is socially acceptable these days though, it's literally everywhere. Yet third and fourth-wave feminists say that misandry isn't real and doesn't even exist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Madeadumbasstriggered 17 дней назад
​​@@Rick_ClelandRicky boy, meanwhile full-blown misogyny and bitter jealous males have existed way before that. Feminist are giving exactly what they have been receiving from many year, as they should. What goes around, comes around.
@Madeadumbasstriggered 17 дней назад
​@@recabitejehonadab2654right leaning males are leftover redpill jealous incels and most of them look like Ben and Matt, left leaning are still somewhat better than them.
@GodMowsMyLawn 17 дней назад
Dating apps are a disaster. Even as a guy looking for short term or long term on dating apps is terrible and weird. I'm focusing on IRL meetings which helps me socialize better as well. Also it's funny you say no men are interested in LTR because I feel the same way about all the women in my area. None of them are in LTRs all of them just have casual/FWB relationships and go through a rolodex of guys on dating apps. Also, us guys do like to feel affection from a girl to know that she likes us which puts us at ease and makes us feel warm and comfortable so even just smiling and being nice and interested can light up a guys eyes like you don't have to even be flirting heavy and acting slutty like that. But if you were kind of deadpan or whatever I might think hmm I feel like I'm not good enough for this girl and Im seem uninteresting to her which hurts my confidence and I might not wanna put myself through that again because It takes a ton of courage to ask a girl out and set up a date so I don't want to feel like I'm an insufficient man for her. Feels awful. Also, it's nice that you're looking for a man with a good heart/job because the women around me literally say they like toxic guys and it really turns me off because I hate toxic trashy guys and women in my family have married or dated them and they hurt the women and their children but the women go with them because they think the guy is cute and funny and overlook his bad traits, instead of going for a nice guy with a good job. I really do think you should move around to different cities until you find someone because I'm also in the post college situation and it's so so hard to meet people especially in 1 area. In my area it's impossible all my friends are single. I'm trying to move to the city near me and then travel to different places. Really challenging for a lot of us. Never stop exercising and take care of yourself physically, steel yourself against the cruel callous people in dating/keep your head up and move on, and socialize as much as you can constantly. Also, fyi I am also terrified of women due to lack of experience and being awful at small talk but im pushing myself.I go to bars alone and sometimes just sit there and don't speak to any girls cause it's so unnatural to me. I literally can't flirt or don't know what to say to them. It sucks. But I realize I want it so bad that I need to keep seeking and overcome and transform myself or I'll not be trying at all and stay even more miserable. Atleast I want to try and fail and improve than not try at all but even finding opportunities is so logistically difficult like for most guys I know dating apps don't work at all.
@theresa_s 17 дней назад
I agree, there are way too many "options" and it just doesn't feel organic, I would love to meet someone in person !
@abg7750 16 дней назад
The paradox of choice is hurting us in the dating market, especially if you're steadfast in your principles and have that "old school" mentality. It feels so much harder to find that someone because authentic connections have become so much harder. Simultaneously, social media comparison is robbing us of joys in life. The pressure to fit in is definitely on, which amplifies that anxiety if you're someone that has to build the confidence muscle just to have a chance at making that connection.
@That_Dude_91 17 дней назад
Intelligence is a blessing and a curse, and i know exactly what you are trying to say, but most people will misinterpret your words anyway.
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Lots of assumptions are made, which is sad. But the people who get it, get it. And they are my people. I appreciate you
@Stoigniew666 2 дня назад
Hello Myra. Nothing, nothing, nothing "just happens". Ever. If you want to meet somebody, you cannot close off. If you "are afraid" of men, then you will die alone. So it's actually simple - a matter of priorities. And yes, I understand about being shy. I was shy back in the day. But I actually put in effort to work on my extrovertion. Nothing will solve itself, without effort.
@worldbystorm90 17 дней назад
The comment section on a Myra West video is always a pretty accurate snapshot of gender relations atm!
@myrawest 17 дней назад
What do you mean? Is it bad?
@worldbystorm90 17 дней назад
@@myrawest Nothing bad directed at you. Just a bunch of comments of people being bewildered by the dating experience. (both men and women)
@myrawest 17 дней назад
Well, so we're connected :) we all don't know what the flip is going on 😅
@worldbystorm90 14 дней назад
​@@myrawest That’s right Mis. Myra: we all don’t know what the flip is going on. There is no rulebook to modern, online dating and no one really knows how to handle it. There is no part of our biology or psychology that has evolved to make sense of it. It’s all so new and unnatural. Because of this, I think you are 100% normal to find it frustrating and perplexing. That said, he also doesn’t know what the flip is going on. He very well just received some garbage, unfounded advice over the internet, that he misapplied in a disastrous way. I wasn’t there and don’t want to make excuses for him if he was truly offal. If the rest of the date went well and you can find a way to not be permanently set off, it might be worth writing something to him explaining where you’re coming from and what your boundaries are. Maybe make something of it, if you otherwise liked him. What is the likelihood two strangers that just met will know the other’s boundaries and exactly how to act? After all, there is no rulebook, so you can make your own. You don’t have to do what everyone else does. I wish you the best in romance and life. I hope you find what you are looking for.
@user-wq1nc4jf6d 9 дней назад
You’re too good and raw and creative for 99% of men. Nothing wrong with you at all.
@kiddtuffnuff 17 дней назад
I believe in love
@fpaltenhoff86 15 дней назад
I actually forgot about your channel. Good to see you’re still active.
@Billy-bc8pk 12 дней назад
13 minutes in and I can already spot the major red flags and problems you've run into that you yourself do not see, and you're not going to like the solution: you keep choosing the wrong men based on the wrong factors. You're probably going by who gives you the "feelz", but every guy you described on the dating apps fits what we colloquially call "Chad/Tyrone". These are guys -- who as you described -- just want someone fun to be around. They have ZERO intentions of marriage. A guy who has intentions of marriage in mind isn't going on a hike for your first date -- he's going to want to sit down somewhere and talk thoroughly about who you are, who he is, and what your future aspirations are and whether you both align politically/religiously/financially/morally. If a man is not designating his intentions through those four aforementioned categories on your first date, then he is NOT serious about anything long term. He is with you for fun. Full stop. If he has to "figure things out". He has no intentions of marrying you. If he has to "gauge the situation". He has no intentions of marrying you. If he has to "find out if he likes you". He has no intentions of marrying you. Because men who are looking to eventually marry are going to scrutinise whether you are compatible and whether you will make a good wife/mother. That's it. If he's not doing that, then he's not going to marry you. Also, you have to make your intentions known. It doesn't sound like you set boundaries right away (and again, maybe you address this later in the video, but I figured I would get this off before going further). Make it known that you do not kiss on the first date; no intimacy on the first date; etc., etc. Be strict in weeding out who you DO NOT want to entertain in your life. It's not about being overly picky, but it is about making sure you're not even entertaining men who only want you for fun. But again, this goes back to who you choose to entertain in your dating life. And it sounds like the men you find attractive are the typical top 20% who have multiple options on rotation. If you don't want those people in your dating life, you have to choose not to entertain them and change your standards based on principles, not simply attraction.
@themoon69420 12 дней назад
As I've gotten older, the whole concept of finding "the one" has become very alien to me. I honestly don't get the appeal of relationships anymore, especially for men.
@hanzitrismegistus3018 2 дня назад
you'll be fine. You have many options. Remember. The love that you withhold from yourself and others is the pain that you carry.
@Bat_Boy 17 дней назад
90% of people dont know what "love" means. 90% of them, never thought to look up the definition.
@mozpogson3639 6 дней назад
Attitude is key. The highest value women are traditional and friendly. Keep yourself for your husband, not the boyfriend. Flirting can be valuable, but it can also be a problem if inappropriate.
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