
The SURPRISING Truth About the Tower of Babel! 

Answers in Genesis
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All Christians need to know THIS about the tower of Babel. In this presentation, Bodie Hodge debunks common Babel myths and shows us how the tower of Babel reveals the origin of ethnicities.
This is an edited version of a longer video on the tower of Babel:
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26 сен 2024




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@shaccooper4828 Год назад
As a Black Christian, it’s some times been difficult to listen to answers in Genesis and especially the Discovery Institute because of a type of politicalized Christianity of “us against ‘them’ trying to take our country.” There are also on both sides of the aisle that seemed to be only concerned with self preservation through politics. Anyway, I appreciate it when hearing you guys lately simply stating racism exists, it shouldn’t, we are one race, end of story. There’s really no discrepancy. What God says is the main topic. We need more no nonsense ministers like this. I love Stephen Meyers and Michael Behe because they never get side tracked with all the divisive motives like many who are tied up with the institute. I also have taken noticed to Ken Ham who I think often is on this platform who is consistently stating the oblivious: we are one race. Ppl need to get that through their heads. I identify with Black from my cultural experiences. However, I consider myself 100% Christian. My allegiance is with Heaven before anything else. And my allegiance is with my fellow Christian sister and brother before anyone else. I love when Jesus said these are my brothers and sisters right here, as to say, not even blood make us family.
@v1e1r1g1e1 Год назад
Like you, I despise racism. However, it seems to me that most people aren't able to distinguish between ''race'' and ''species''. They have conflated the two in some misguided attempt to eliminate any scientific foundation for racism. [There isn't any scientific foundation - but not because the words mean the same]. Muddling words doesn't serve the purpose. It only confuses. I have it that there is only one SPECIES of human - all descended from Adam and Eve. However, there are certain ''breeds'' of human - just like there are of dogs and cats. No one breed is any better than any other; they're just different. With humans, ALL humans are made in the likeness of God. Therefore, all humans are indeed ''of one blood''.
@shaccooper4828 Год назад
@@v1e1r1g1e1 I agree but race is a fairly new invented construct. Race is identified by the color of one’s skin. This is something that was solidified through the Atlantic Slave trade. This concept did not exist in antiquity. So, yes, there is just one race. On the other hand, even the concept of ppl groups are different today that in antiquity. You can even see in the Bible that no such thing existed. People were discriminated against or despised but not in sense as some Whites and Blacks do today. In fact, their were groups of even common lineages that saw each other as different ppl groups. This had nothing to do with complexion on any physical features. They discriminated based on what the group believed, warring, etc. we see this all throughout the Bible. Conflict between ppl groups based on what they believed or simply in some type of conquest to take their possessions. There are cases when physical features are mentioned of different groups but that was never why they saw them as being a part of a distinct group. Today, is clear that classifying a group by the amount of melanin in their skin is nonsensical even culturally speaking.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
It is a sin to vote democrat. Anyone doing that and calling themselves Christian needs to take a long hard look
@lauramann8275 Год назад
They are trying to take our country. It might be hard to listen to, but everyone needs to know the truth. They're trying to take God out of everything, brainwash and pervert our kids and our society. A lot of our politicians have lost God or never had Him in the first place. We need to vote in more God fearing Christians.
@zerosteel0123 Год назад
I agree with you on the race thing and who I identify with but I don't go for Discovery institute. I like some of their stuff but their old Earth creationism bugs me.
@jonathanbaker4361 Год назад
And now we know where we get the phrase, "what are you babbling about."
@the.doubting.thomas.256 6 месяцев назад
@the.doubting.thomas.256 6 месяцев назад
Bro, what's his point
@johnwashington3648 Месяц назад
So true!
@gphilipc2031 Месяц назад
Oh yeah, that's riiiight.
@rociolevito 7 дней назад
Yes, that is where the English word babble comes from etymologically.
@roberttrough6439 Год назад
We’re all one race.
Yes we are. The human race. Our only differences are ethnicity and cultural differences. But they push the “different races” Iie to cause hatred between mankind. It’s very eviI.
@RCSNIPER34 Год назад
​@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christit's all about causing hatred and division. If we all are united, then the world powers wouldn't be able to control us.
@salvia506 Год назад
That's why racism is so weird. They're supposed to say discrimination. Or it's because they believe they are monkeys like in darwinism. Then it's another race😂
@samuelguzman5348 Год назад
​@@salvia506just as Darwin believed that black folks (such as Australian Aborigines) were somehow "less evolved" than his own. Crazy!!
@JesusistheonetrueGod Год назад
The devil has a lot of lies circulating the world, one of which is that we are different races and some are superior to others.
@Me2Lancer Год назад
Thank you Answers in Genesis for presenting the biblical world view and proclaiming faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. God bless you.
@danielclingen34 Год назад
they are not proclaiming christ, they proclaim their love of money and their love of deception and pushing people away from christianity
@MichelleTwo4 Год назад
Rhe word of God, what's that. The bible is written by anonymous bronze aged goat jherders, it has been translated and edited through multiple languages amd its full of errors and contradictions. If ypu god wanted a message passed on shouldn't he have created a perfect bok in an instant, a book that could never be destroyed and created in a way so that it would never be misunderstood or misinterpreted. But alas he seemingly though it was best to allow a bunch of illerate sheperds to do that job for him
@BobSmith-ew5oi Год назад
All they need to do now is admit to the scientific evidence of a 4.6 billion year old planet and the impossibility of a world wide flood ever happening.Genetics,historical,practical impossibility how so few people can look after millions of species when takes an army of zoo keepers to look after a hand full of animals.Were did they store the tons of water and food needed and how did they dispose of waste in there toxic unventilated coffin with one small window.
@metapolitikgedanken612 Год назад
Race Denial isn't a 'biblical world view'. It's universalist humanism that it stems from and that uses slogans like "One Race, The Human Race" to promote itself. Very clever to get Christians first by that ideology and then use them to sell it.
@starlight4130 6 месяцев назад
And thank you Santa in Stories for presenting the magical worldview and proclaiming faith in Kris Kringle our Lore. Santa bless you. I believe a worldview that stems from stories (and toss in some historical facts to make it easier to lie to yourself that the entire book is a historical document. I like stories but not ones that have an evil sky daddy that loves to murder, degrade women, and convince people that they were born with sin.
@naamansmaid2kings5kjv48 Год назад
It was very gratifying to hear you link "ancestor worship" to the Tower Of Babel. Being a black, Christian American woman, I've been waiting to hear someone of your expertise & scholarship in handling the WORD OF GOD, bring this forward. I believe the Bible itself, reasonably supports the idea that the race narrative is a fundamental pillar of ancestor worship, which is idolatry, (Col 3:5). The seeds of what could readily become ancestor worship, are seen in the Genesis 9, the events in Noah's vineyard. (Gen 9 20-29). It is not a stretch to explore within the context of Scripture alone, this account as a story of a son's resistance, to his father's authority, Ham, and what could later builds over time into that son's settled resentment towards his brothers, Shem & Japheth. That the devil would've taken maximum advantage in a situation of family discord like this seems self-evident to me from Scripture. Genesis 9, ( See Jacob & Esau in the womb, the LORD describing them as two-nations, two manner of people, twin brothers...) Noah's vineyard is about character & conduct...in relationship to three blood brothers, sons of the same mother & father...Eight souls saved, the LORD"S ARK of SAFETY, picturing the ultimate giving of His Son: One God, One Mediator, the Man, Christ Jesus our LORD!!! It is satan that has erected the racism -libel & blasphemy against the Bible, using Noah's disciplining of a rebellious son. The lineage of Ham, listed in the Table of Nations, frankly speaks for itself in terms of human history's vigor for opposing GOD. ( Cush the father of Nimrod..."let us rebel"...Canaan, Mizraim, just to name a few.) It is what it is, until Genesis 9 is brought forth, 4-square in its self-evident call & provision for human renewal in the post flood world, using the three sons of Noah, blood brothers, Shem, Ham & Japheth, there is simply no adequate, truly substantive response to the idea of "races", which is a diabolical scourg, distorting reality & mankind in his God given nature: "MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD...MALE & FEMALE CREATED HE THEM." Satan's chief aim against the LORD, the worship of mankind, using the family as the platform for his altar. vvarnado
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
Highly recommend "Irreconcilable views of reconciliation Voddie Baucham" life changing, show to any racist black family members you have
@naamansmaid2kings5kjv48 Год назад
​@@cosmictreason2242 Thanks I appreciate his work. The idea of "race" and its political & social spawn cannot be squared with the Bible's account of human origins, and the LORD's redemptive program. Thoroughly evil & deceptive...diabolical. I pray the LORD will open eyes, "I once was blind and now I see." AMEN.
@zoftazkid5331 Год назад
from a racist perspective, God told the jews to be separate. people left to their own devises typically go with their race. just normal.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@zoftazkid5331 that was religious separation. Foreigners could join the Israelite nation by converting to their religion. Rahab, Ruth, and so on
@zoftazkid5331 Год назад
well, it was deeper than that. he told them not to take foreign wives as well.@@cosmictreason2242 1When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; 2And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: 3Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. 4For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly. 5But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. 6For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
@hrgirl26 Год назад
I'm Jewish....but I LOVE this channel! I learn so much. Thank you for defending scripture and showing how historical it is!
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
My comments urging you to consider the Gospel are being censored by youtube. Please read Romans and Hebrews all the way through
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
And let's put this in a separate comment: look for what is the heart of the Gospel
@quadrasaurus-rex8809 Год назад
@@cosmictreason2242Hebrews is a beautiful book of scripture.
@valerieprice1745 Год назад
Jesus Christ is also Jewish. Gentiles are wild olives, grafted in, but Messianic Jews are the root of the tree.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@valerieprice1745 that's not true at all. Jesus is the root
@32Brandonp Год назад
Thank you for revealing all of this from our Bible. Outstanding presentation!
@madddog7 Год назад
why do these things need to be revealed? Aren't they, as written, the inerrant, infallible, accurate word of your god?
@feetyeet8538 Год назад
Jesus is the only way to heaven Being a good person won’t get you there. “but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness-for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭4‬:‭24‬-‭25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ if you put your faith in Jesus, repent of your sin, and follow God. God will judge you based off of Jesus’s sinless, perfect life, rather than your own sinful life making it so that God will accept you into Heaven.(
@madddog7 Год назад
@@feetyeet8538 Is there any way you can see what is wrong with that? That a severe life criminal or a pastor that is a pedo can ask for forgiveness at their last breath and be saved and someone who follows JCs path but is not 'saved' will go to hell !!! It is obvious that your god does not give a rats behind for us while we are here. Your gott just needs fodder to wash his feet, fill the choir and sing his praises.
@JesusistheonetrueGod Год назад
@@madddog7 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ESV [3] And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. [4] In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
@madddog7 Год назад
@@JesusistheonetrueGod Doesn't mater what your bible says. I could write a book that is self-affirming and it wouldn't mean squat. Be brave enough to answer my question
@simply3141592654 Год назад
Babel as it was called later, was the first version of the New World Order thinking
@freethebirds3578 Год назад
When people say "diversity is our strength" I am reminded of Babel. Diversity of languages and cultures was a judgment on people who did not obey God and decided to build themselves up to His level. People still want to do that, only now they deny God's existence and just want to call themselves gods.
@tylersoto7465 Год назад
Exactly that tower was a symbolic metaphor for Nimrod and his people of pride, humanism and power without the need of God . Basically ically a giant middle finger to God we don't need nor want you etc. besides there " new world order " sucked and wasn't going anywhere you can't rule the world with just a few hundred thousand people with primitive tools and a giant eyesore of a tower , unless you have a entire armada of fleets of naval ships , aircraft and soldiers or a big space fleet to back you up it ain't happening lol
@denisclay1536 Год назад
It was called Babel then, and later, Babylon. The word "babel" has come to mean - a confused noise made by a bunch of voices - because of the story (history) of the city of Babel.
@OllieMcFuzz 6 месяцев назад
God wants us separated. You deny this, you deny the Bible
@johnjohn-hj3bl 2 месяца назад
it was actually a revival of older ways, as the holy cow was after the exodus.
@jgrahamiii7749 Год назад
I heard a late night radio program several years ago about the history of the central American tribe called the Olmecs. They supposedly have an oral tradition of having come from Africa, but prior to that they arrived in Africa from "the land where the languages were confused".
@antav9371 Год назад
Whats the reference for "the land where the languages were confused"? Was it from the program or a book you read? I'd like to check into that.
@jgrahamiii7749 Год назад
@@antav9371 it was the Art Bell show called Coast ot Coast AM. It was around 1999. I do not remember the guest's name. It was supposedly Olmec oral tradition.
@jgrahamiii7749 Год назад
@@antav9371 the land is the "land of Shinar where the Tower of Babel was located.
@antav9371 Год назад
@@jgrahamiii7749 Ok, thanks. (I knew what the land of Shinar was just didn't know that statement was connected to the Olmecs....miss Art Bell)
@HenryGibbs-u2r 6 месяцев назад
The Olmec were black with Asian eye features. They know their numbers. But, not their letters. When that is known we will know very much more about that era. They say others in Mexico copied the Olmec calendar. Time will tell. We find as GOD wants.
@Tony_ATP Год назад
Thank you for your work. Walk with Christ.
@blackkman1324 Год назад
@GTKJNow 4 месяца назад
He said [Gen 11:6 KJV] 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. And they are working on the Spiritual Tower of Babel today Example, Pres. Biden said, "There's nothing we can't do together"! What do you give a rich man who has everything? Love. Give the Lord your 1st love, He gets lonely too and He NEEDS your love, are you going to be part of the bride of Christ?
@mizmera Год назад
Yes! "Us". Even in Genesis Jesus was there. Always said this is already where God shows the trinity and Jesus.
@rwbaira Год назад
Is the "us" in Genesis 3:22 also the trinity? Compare with verse 5. That interpretation doesn't add up for me. It's apparent to me that it was the "gods" or angelic beings like the serpent himself. And if that's what it means there, then that would seem to be the best explanation for Genesis 1:26 and 11:7, especially in light of the reference to the sons of God at Babel in Deuteronomy 32:8.
@mizmera Год назад
@@rwbaira wrong. God never speaks of angelic beings as Us. They are waaay below Him. Quite a difference between sons of God and the trinity.. Also note the Us is with a capital letter. Is it angels or Angels? Angels in lower case. Also in the beginning was the Word of God. Now read John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" Again pointing to Jesus. God saying Us also points to it.
@rwbaira Год назад
@mizmera they are way below him as they are his creation, but they they were created to rule with Him as we will (Revelation 20:6). You can see an example of how this plays out with the angels in 1 Kings 22:19-23. And who's the "I" and the "us" in Isaiah 6:8? So if they're working together, why wouldn't He say "us"? This time, try actually doing the suggested research and actually think about it. Don't just jump to conclusions based on what you want to believe. That's how bad theology persists. And quite frankly, that was a very poor argument about why God wouldn't use the word "us" with anyone outside himself.
@mizmera Год назад
@@rwbaira again. Not us, but Us. It is clear.nowhere EVER does God set himself at same level as the angels. Nevet. God is above all. Thus, Us is not the angels. Gof also did not make them to rule, but as His subjects.
@rwbaira Год назад
@mizmera who says He puts them at the same level? Using "us" does nothing of the sort. If God interacts with someone, he can describe that interaction to someone else with words like "we" and "us." The only only way He'd never use those terms is if he never interacts with them, but clearly he does. Why is that so hard to understand?
@aanchaallllllll Год назад
0:00: 📚 The Tower of Babel is under attack in today's culture, with claims that it is just a myth. 3:08: 😔 The video discusses the presence of racism in our culture and highlights hate crimes as a sad reality. 5:51: 📜 The video challenges the evolutionary worldview and claims that the idea of human evolution from lower creatures is a myth imposed on generations. 8:55: 🗼 The Tower of Babel was a massive structure in ancient Babylon, consisting of multiple towers stacked on top of each other and connected by a spiral staircase. 11:57: 🗣 English is a constantly changing Germanic language that has evolved over the past thousand years. 14:54: 📚 The passage in Genesis 6:3 refers to a 120-year countdown to the flood, but people continued to live beyond 120 years even after the flood. 17:50: 🌍 The video discusses various myths and legends from different cultures that explain the origin of different languages and the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel. Recap by Tammy AI
@ambition112 Год назад
Thanks for saving my time! lovely summary with useful time stamps! where you get this tool Tammy AI?
@metapolitikgedanken612 Год назад
People don't know what the term myth actually means. It doesn't mean that something isn't factual, but it means that it is a narrative that has power over people's minds. That those narratives are often false or embellished is another matter. And well, those that try to dismiss Babel got some explaining to do (they tried) e.g. commonalities in languages, legends of the older cultures, comparative mythology, etc. The origins narratives do indeed differ, but they also have themes in common.
@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 11 месяцев назад
​@@metapolitikgedanken612 Everything you mentioned is easily explained by evolution and the Afrocentric model. And that is confirmed science.
@metapolitikgedanken612 11 месяцев назад
@@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 Eh, no it doesn't. Even lots of twitching it doesn't. And I don't think you know what science is. Try figuring that out first.
@fohrum4757 10 месяцев назад
Well, it IS just a myth. What's the issue?
@reverendterminator 5 месяцев назад
Enthusiastic and well spoken preacher!
@ronlanter6906 Год назад
Thank you for helping us keep our eyes and ears focused on our Lord ✝✝✝
@blackkman1324 Год назад
@lisashao2449 Год назад
The Holy Bible is God's His-story book. I've learned about world history by reading the Holy Bible. Thank you, LORD Jesus, for your word.
@joshbenton4080 Год назад
@stevescuba1978 Год назад
Please stop with the his-story garbage. The origin of the word history is NOT "his story". It is derived from the Greek word historia, which simply means inquiry. The Greek word that (sort of) means man, is anthropos. Your use of "his-story" shows that you have fallen for a false interpretation of not only the origin of the word, but also its meaning. It is a divisive way of thinking. I don't mean to insult, but I have seen many people use this word as an indicator of some hypothetical patriarchal phenomenon, when in reality, the only patriarchy is God in charge.
@tylersoto7465 Год назад
@@stevescuba1978 I heard people say that before , people keep twisting the definition of words too much these days like for example at the white house when they do a open pray they say amen and awomen thinking "men" in amen has anything to do with sex
@FAITHandLOGIC Год назад
It was written in the Iron Age. The Bronze Age stuff is based on oral tradition. It's not an accurate depiction.
@stevescuba1978 Год назад
@@FAITHandLOGIC the oral tradition is actually quite reliable. There is mountains of evidence to this. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were handed down through oral tradition and written centuries later in various parts of the world with very minor inaccuracies, as one example
@bonniefranklin6097 Год назад
Thank you. Love in Christ Jesus.
@sojournersunrise2290 Год назад
saying we came from animals gives people an excuse TO ACT like an animal. self deceivers do the devil's work FOR him; what a fate
@SkyfallenVT Год назад
Do people act like animals? Or do animals act like us? What is the difference between us and animals other than technology? What do animals do you find so appalling? Your friendly atheist ~Sky~
@travisbicklepopsicle Год назад
Humans *are* animals.
@stussysinglet 6 месяцев назад
Truth is truth... Even if it did make people behave worse... secondly the fact you believe there was a time when the whole world was so wicked they all deserved to be drowned by a flood and that this happened way before the teaching of evolution shows the irrationality of your perception...
@evannaallen4609 3 месяца назад
SO GRATEFUL you have covered this topic! Interested to know more please.
@damaj6222 Год назад
I like the selfie of Nebuchadnezzar at the Tower of Babel! 😎✌🏻✝️ Great presentation!
@tkreiester 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for preaching the truth on this! We are one people, one blood, and one race.
@joannagg9707 Год назад
That reference story of the American Indians could be them passing down the history of Babel rather than their actual time. When I visited LiFou island in the South Pacific, unlike neighboring island of Noumea, said Christianity was easy for them as a people to convert because their folklore/ancestry history handed down orally had the creation story of Adam and Eve etc, so it all made sense, whereas those people/tribe who settled in Noumea didn't accept Christianity as they had chosen way back to worship the darker side of things (witchcraft, cannibalism etc basically rebellious to God from early times).
@JB-yb4wn 9 месяцев назад
I think the fact that the missionaries had guns did a lot to convert people.
@armandraygor1179 Год назад
Thank you for this. I always look forward to Bodie's talks on Babel. The book is very informative and should be required reading in all Christian schools. (In ALL schools!)
@BobSmith-ew5oi Год назад
Should be removed from all schools as our children deserve to be taught facts and not fantasy.Our founding fathers wisely kept church and state well apart to avoid the intolerance they escaped from in the old world.The two should not even be together in the same house let alone in bed like many want to control us.
@armandraygor1179 Год назад
@@BobSmith-ew5oi There is nothing to remove from our schools. The Dept of Ed doesn't allow any competing religions to that of Humanism/Evolution to be taught in school. The sad thing is, they teach the religion of evolution as fact (which is why you made the comment you did). As for escaping intolerance in the "old world"; the pilgrims of that old world were indeed escaping intolerance - religious intolerance. The U.S. is quickly becoming one of the most intolerant countries in the world when it comes to one religion - Christianity. Can you make an educated guess as to why Christianity would be the sole religion wearing a target?
@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 11 месяцев назад
​@@armandraygor1179 You seriously need to study Biology and Philosophy. To claim that the fact of evolution or the secular worldview of humanism are religions is highly disingenuous.
@armandraygor1179 11 месяцев назад
Please provide undisputed evidence that evolution is a fact. (It is your belief that it is fact.) If secular humanism is not a religion, what would you call it? @@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440
@JB-yb4wn 9 месяцев назад
@@weltschmerzistofthaufig2440 He can't help it, he's stupid.
@luningningcampo7968 Год назад
Thats why i dont take wikipedia as source when it comes to Biblical insights .
@JaneH3675 Год назад
Wikipedia run by secular people. Not Godly people. And their definitions change as often as the wind blows. I don't look to it at all.
@christinedenton8949 Год назад
Wonderful presentation full of information, thank you!!!
@Kevin-x4p9m Год назад
Morgan Freeman said it better than any civil rights justice warrior , "STOP Talking About it"!!!!
@IAMhassentyou-h5w Год назад
Amen 🙏 God create us all
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
And the devil taketh 👹👹👹👹👹
@timb8970 Год назад
I love this channel. God bless those involved in making this channel!!!
@Cheryl_Lynn1 6 месяцев назад
​@razark9 proof please
@nancymarihart1835 Год назад
Excellent! Thank you Bodie. I have read your book on the Tower of Babel and recommend it to others.
@Gary-fq8cx Год назад
Why do you recommend it? Does he have concrete proof The Tower of Babel existed?
@nathanielmills4678 Год назад
​@@razark9such as?
@JB-yb4wn 9 месяцев назад
@@Gary-fq8cx Apparently the original real estate listing was found in an old copy of the Jerusalem Times. 😂
@MyNameIsChristBringsASword Год назад
This is exactly the information I am looking for thank you so much.
@cornpop7805 Год назад
This was pretty well done and it meant a lot to me!
@roberttrough6439 Год назад
Professor in college flunked me in biology because I wouldn’t believe in evolution. Hahaha 🤣 I knew I could make it up. I wanted to make a point with him in his “Christian” college. Professors need to be better vetted. 😊
@newcreationinchrist1423 Год назад
Good for you, bro. That's awesome! I'd do the same. 🙏
@forkliftcertifed123 Год назад
@@LordMathiousbecause it isn’t
@thomasjane4167 Год назад
​@@LordMathious How could numerous, successive,slight modifications lead to the origin of Male and female? By definition, sexual reproduction requires the existence of both genders. For the sake of argument , let's say that millions of years ago, a female evolved. How would she have passed on her "female-ness" to her offspring, if offspring are impossible without a male partner? How will she maintain this evolutionary advance if males are millions of years away in the evolutionary future?
@samuelguzman5348 Год назад
@@LordMathious I think that this is the best argument against evolution, which is "the mystery of male and female"... ‘God created them male and female.’ That simple phrase heaps a world of problems on those who believe in evolution. Evolutionists tell us that in the early stages evolution would have produced creatures that reproduce without the need for male and female. They then suppose that some mutation would have produced the gender differences, but what advantage would these differences offer? Quite the contrary, these differences would be a disadvantage and become quickly selected out. An even more serious problem is that, according to evolution’s history of life, the male and female sexes must have developed in different kinds of creatures dozens of times. No one has the slightest idea how one or a dozen mutations could have produced male and female. To change a creature from having no gender into a male or a female requires developing several new organs, changing some others, creating entire new hormone systems, and changing others. New organs and systems would have to be immediately integrated into the workings of the rest of the body. In addition, the independently developed male changes would have to work with the independently developed female changes. Changes would also have to be made in the brains of the new creatures so that they would want to mate with each other. And evolutionists tell us this must have happened dozens of times! Yes, that simple phrase ‘God created them male and female’ leaves evolution with an imponderable mystery. This mystery is solved easily by God’s Word. What a mistake it is to say that the Bible is obsolete in our modern scientific era! REF.: Ocvirek, Steven, ‘The gender gap,’ Bible-Science Newsletter, Dec. 1990, p. 5.”
@thomasjane4167 Год назад
@@LordMathious Here's another one. Recall that evolutionists explain the origin of our own species on a timescale of about 200,000 years. Using the human nuclear mutation rate such as 3.97 ×10¹⁰ mutations per base pairs a year, we can predict how many mutations would arise in the human population after 200,000 years. Since we're dealing with members of the same species we'll use a coalecence calculation. Putting these numbers into the coalecence calculation yields a prediction of around 515,000 nuclear DNA differences. Yet, on average, Africans, the first peoples to have evolved 200,000 years ago, differ from the rest of the people around the world at 4.31 million DNA base pairs, specifically, this number represents only the single nucleotide differences, not the indels or large insertions and deletions. Has evolution made another erroneous prediction? If the prediction for the 200,000-year timescale accounts for only 12% of the differences among modern humans, what explains the rest? Does the timescale of the origin of modern humans need to be bumped up as well?
@rafaels.3969 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. Love when people step up and share common sence Biblical Truths.
@nathan3961 Год назад
This thought popped into my mind out of nowhere while listening to this.. Scientists say that they have proven that the universe is constantly expanding.. So then, I thought about how the Tower of Babel was intended to reach Heaven to overthrow God.. Now for God to be concerned enough about this project means that building a structure that could reach Heaven was possible.. So God, had to make sure that didn't happen by confusing the language this by saving mankind from themselves because they all would've died due to lack of oxygen the higher you go in the atmosphere/ stratosphere.. Now could it be that Heaven was closer to Earth than it is now, or God knew that it ain't no air up there for them to breathe.. Could this be why the universe is expanding even till this day? Or..? Could it be that Heaven wasn't close to Earth at all, (during this time), and that it was the fact that what they considered "The Heavens" the actual sky as the first Heaven, and outer space as the second Heaven etc., there's no air up there and they would've died and suffocated anyway.. And maybe God also knew that some of mankind might misinterpret them dying due to lack of oxygen as "God taking them to Heaven" and probably would've began worshipping the "Tower of Babel" itself and not Him.. Either way, God is Holy and deserves all praise, glory and worship..
@wesleyebanks2858 Месяц назад
When the Lord said "let us go down there and confuse their language" The father letting us know Jesus was always there
@katcraig7525 24 дня назад
Yep. Just like, "Let us make man in our image." Jesus was there in the beginning. It's so incredibly beautiful.
@Tennethums1 Год назад
It’s mythology. That much is for certain. However, the more intriguing question about the fable is “why stop with the disruption of the tower”? I don’t mean why did he do it. Plenty of speculation on that. No, what I mean is since then we’ve created FAR more things that rival a tower…and no God? A tower is worth his angst and retribution…but shooting rockets into space is ok? Nuclear warfare? Biological weapons? Carbon emissions? Countless high rise buildings that would surpass 100 tower of babels? And nothing from God? Yeah, bunch of nonsense.
@millbillygirl765 7 месяцев назад
I love the gospel message at the end. I’ve been a Christian since I was 10 and I still never tire of hearing the message preached. It is still as thrilling to hear it as it was when I was a child all those years ago.
@AliJive Год назад
How about us Papua New Guinea? We have over 800 different languages and dialects, just one nation..I find it so fascinating and if you could do some research or background checks for my country. Thank you for the great presentation Sir.
@jammystarfish Год назад
Love Bodie's enthusiasm about this😄
@jammystarfish Год назад
@@razark9 u mad?
@JB-yb4wn 9 месяцев назад
@@jammystarfish Nope, he is 100% correct.
@newcreationinchrist1423 Год назад
One race created in the image of God 🙏🙏🙏
@johnl4933 Год назад
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@johnl4933that would be Genesis 1, reiterated in Genesis 9 and 11
@HS-zk5nn Год назад
@@johnl4933 science
@Cheryl_Lynn1 6 месяцев назад
The Bible is our evidence. ​@@johnl4933
@jtbyrge7990 Год назад
I’m from Tennessee 😄 God bless you brother!
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
I'll pray for you
@suzaniovieno2023 Год назад
Thank you I pray the Holy Spirit will guide us help us all during these trying times in his almighty name Jesus Christ lord savior king ❤❤❤. John 10:27. My sheep know my voice ! ❤❤❤. If you don’t your not my sheep ! ❤❤❤
@chuckw8391 Год назад
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
Yes, you are a sheep, aren't you?
@followerofjesuschrist1424 Год назад
@RyanNash20 Год назад
A couple months ago I started feeling conviction that I would describe as the Holy Spirit urging me to pay more attention and stop being dismissive of the spiritual world, and the truth that it is just as "real" if not more so than the physical world we perceive and exist in. I'm not religious by nature, I'm a believer that has my reservations about the current modern state of religion as a whole, and I'm a flawed and sinful slave to the flesh just as we all are. Point being, I'm not the type to look for symbolism in everything, and believe that every little thing must certainly be a divine message. Maybe that statement is less true now, but if you're still following let me get back to the point.. I started reading my bible again, the gospels always are comforting, but I kept feeling pulled to start over. Start in Genesis, and LISTEN. So I did. Meanwhile I kept seeing repeated numbers in sets of 3 EVERYWHERE. And I dont mean small here and there weird instances of checking the clock, I mean everywhere. Articles, clocks, pictures, music, grocery labels, receipts. Everything everywhere started speaking almost. And the more I studied and prayed for discernment, the more the tower of Babel kept showing up. I stared listening, and letting myself be guided, and ive been down some rabbit holes of human knowledge, always reaffirming God's Word in Genesis. As I drove to work (half hour drive) I was listening to a video on how AI would have the capability to unite humanity in ways we've never been connected since the introduction of the internet. Babel was now creeping into the back of my thoughts and I was trying to understand what I was being led towards. I started praying for discernment and understanding, and almost IMMEDIATELY the video cut to an ad. For an audiobook service. Named Babble. (or Babel, didnt see spelling just heard the ad). Ad starts as I'm praying to God for understanding, first thing it says is "ITS BABBLE" Almost like God was saying it directly too me, waving and jumping and shouting and saying listen. All of my hairs stood up and I started crying and but it wasn't sad. I just felt a spiritual cleansing and comfort come over me. I dont know if my story is relevant to anyone else, but I felt like sharing it even if it sparks something in just one person to start listening to their heart when God touches them.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
You sound like an alien trying to be human
@7katona7 Год назад
Interestingly enough: "Let us make a name..." here the word in Hebrew: שֵׁ֑ם or השם which means "The Name" which could be used for God's name. This shows the ambition of fallen nature in one command.
@tylersoto7465 Год назад
Humanism basically
@margaretgonzales5785 3 месяца назад
Zillion Amens 🙏 Prayers!!!!
@statutesofthelord Год назад
All the languages came from the Tower of Babel. Interestingly, there are tortoise shells with Chinese characters scratched on them dating back to almost 4,000 years ago, which woud have been soon after Babel.
@tone9358 Год назад
Interesting. & what method did they us to date those markings?
@kevinkelly2162 Год назад
Funny how when God dispersed the people the ones with languages that sound similar are generally beside each other.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
@@tone9358 tone, I'm not sure, but I would guess carbon dating, as that would be very easy with a tortoise shell. I saw them in the national museum in Taipei.
@brucegordon5312 Год назад
No one knows how languages came about
@omar-uu8qo Год назад
Nice try. No cigar though
@miraagnieszka7100 5 месяцев назад
As a Polish Catholic woman I have to really thank you for this whole tremendous piece of work about Genesis! I'm amazed how you make all the answers. I'm convinced that The Bible is trustworthy and true. Sometimes I Wonder why only Catholics in Europe are first to obey this biblical History😢
@igyigy Год назад
The greater point about it not being a Myth is taken. It does seem to me, after watching some of the other videos too, that the reason given (because they weren't spreading out) for the confusion is supposition as I can't see in the text where it says that. It does say something to the affect of "now they will be able to do anything they desire" and then their language was confounded.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
God blatantly told them to spread out and their reason for building the tower was so they wouldn't be scattered abroad. Pretty clear
@igyigy Год назад
​@@cosmictreason2242 it still does not say that the reason was that or even that it was disobedience. The point I see is, It is like if I told someone to bring me and apple but they brought an orange instead. And I say, "this orange is rotten" and then throw the orange away. Now someone says the reason I tossed the orange is because I said bring me an apple. Warning flags get set off when we start saying Gods reasons for doing something are beyond the reasons given. This was not given as an outcome of disobedience to those commands as was very clear with the Israelites.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@igyigy it does say that. Your reading comprehension is dismal. Let the lurker understand, God did NOT say that he was worried the tower would reach heaven. My interlocutor is the one engaged in eisegesis
@igyigy Год назад
@@cosmictreason2242 since my comprehension is so low, please point out where is says that. It says disobedience or that this is a punishment for that disobedience or as to whatever the that is you are referring.
@shellybarnes5429 Год назад
They were building a gateway to the gods. There are gates that are like portals described all over the Bible. Jacob's ladder, the gateway to Hades. Jesus describes the gates. He likely went through one when He ascended to Heaven. Elijah seemed to have gone through one. Phillip is even translated from one place to another instantly. The tower of babel was led by nimrod who is believed to have possibly been a nephilim or have been possessed by a nephilim spirit (demon). They wanted a way to bring the gods (either the nephilim or the fallen watchers) through the gate/portal. In later practices we see that baby human sacrifice as well as sex magic was involved with bringing these beings forward. We see that with the worship of Molech and the queen of heaven. Witchcraft, the occult, the Indian tribes describe how they would open Stargates and giant reptilian creatures would come through. This is a theme we see repeating. Currently as CERN they are trying to open a gateway as well.
@JohnHyland2 Год назад
This was very cool! I love how he worked so much in such a short time. Really learned a lot thank you.
@stevenshumate3430 Год назад
"Battle over the bible " "it rages" big scary words for the fear proned sheep. Keeping them in fear by feeding their ignorance keeps them in church.
@ThomasAllan-up4td 3 месяца назад
We are all one race.And we are all in a race to reach the top before anyone else gets there before us !
@attilathegod Год назад
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@philiptan2051 Год назад
In The 10 commandments, 5th law: “Thy shalt honor thy father and thy mother”. The Chinese have been honoring their ancestors for at least 5000 years. Ancestors do not become gods, but the Chinese honor their ancestors because of tradition that came from Babylon. The word “Tian” means “heaven” or the “one supreme God” who created the heavens and the earth and gives mandate to ancient Chinese rulers or emperors. This word still stays till today as China names her space station “tian gong”. Ancient Chinese characters are linked to biblical stories of genesis, such as the character for “sin” or “paradise”, etc. There is a book on the origin of ancient Chinese characters that supports the dispersal of men from Babylon.
@busker153 Год назад
The curse of Babel (confusion of languages) was PRONOUNCED at a time in history, but the curse is an ongoing one, primarily augmented by teenagers.
@JesusistheonetrueGod Год назад
Lol, also people who practice foolishology
@busker153 Год назад
@@JesusistheonetrueGod I fully agree! And I love the term you came up with for those who practice the worthless, scientifically defunct, state sponsored religion of macro-evolution. Those people are true fools. Kudos to you for having the courage to say so openly!
@rmac1199 Год назад
There is no such thing as a hate crime. A crime is a crime.
@karlnorgaard9447 Год назад
Non Christians find my claim that I don't believe in racism, because I don't believe in races quite hard to swallow. Yet, I still maintain I've never once met a black person, or for that matter a white person. However, I've met thousands of people who are different shades of brown or red.
@freethebirds3578 Год назад
Our differences aren't based on our physical appearances, but on culture. Some groups treat their culture as sacred and guard it jealously, "protecting" it from dilution by trying to keep "others" from adopting aspects of their culture and rejecting aspects of other cultures. Culture is, to many, their religion. I believe that's why conflicts over our differences have become so bitter.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
Are you color blind? There are black and white people. If you have a hard time saying that then you might what is technically called: stupid
@itsactuallykai1 3 месяца назад
You don’t have to believe in multiple races to acknowledge that racism exists. This video just gave more than a few examples of people being racist. And unfortunately, here in America, there are even small towns that take pride in being extremely racist. Sundown towns are another example. However, referring back to the video, I 100% that there is only one human race. We should NOT be judging each other based off of what we look like. :)
@yoshiperspectives4880 11 месяцев назад
The pyramid in Giza is more than twice the size of this supposed tower of Babel...
@billjohnson9472 Год назад
it is puzzling that he doesn't mention what language they were speaking and writing before this event. and what writing he proposes are examples of this language.
@about2mount 5 месяцев назад
A text of Sharkalisharri, king of Agade(Accad) in patriarchal times, mentions his restoring a temple-tower at Babylon, implying that the structure existed prior to his reign.
@garudasomanna Год назад
Very informative. Thanks.
@-tzadakim-7805 Год назад
It is 12:45 AM and I just turned 22. God decided I’d be born on August 12th, 2001 in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Lived in Norwalk just south of Des Moines all my life. What about you guys? Where and when you’d be?
@nicksmith7719 Год назад
I don't care what race you are look at the bottom of your feet and the palms of your hands. We Are All One race, the only reason we have different pigmentations of our skin is from the areas of the world in which we've lived or our ancestors have lived. Everyone of us on this planet has something in our DNA that links every single one of us is the same no matter who you are. Welcome to one big family
@patriciareynolds2729 Год назад
yes, let us stop using black and white in politics because the suburbs are already brown.
@adarkwind4712 5 месяцев назад
​@@razark9 . . . . .? You don't know the history of the advent of evolution if you believe that. Darwin himself used it to describe other people groups as sub human.
@adarkwind4712 5 месяцев назад
@razark9 he literally did. In his own words and writings he did and there's a difference between the words of a supposed follower and the words of tge progenitor.
@adarkwind4712 5 месяцев назад
@@razark9 ? What specifically are you positing has been validated.
@adarkwind4712 5 месяцев назад
@razark9 🤦‍♂️ describing someone as a different race is itself removing their humanity. That's where the term comes from he didn't just call them less civilized he set them apart. Knowingly and purposefully humanity is a single race to then write up that there were people not of that race is the whole point which this began under.
@donaldhlebert55 Год назад
Thanks! Love ❤ your video here.
@donaldhlebert55 Год назад
@@LordMathious When I am taught anything that is Truth, Just like if I bought it in a Book Store or a Movie Theater or a Lecture I have a tendency to pay. That is my way of saying Thank You with a physical gift. Yes, I can Thank with a different gift but sometimes it is a good thing to put your heart where your money goes. The Book within the Biblical Narrative is Truth, it is what some call The Living Word. How About You?
@donaldhlebert55 Год назад
@@LordMathious Now I am intrigued, because usually I just go off of what is getting my attention. Usually seeing a bit of Truth is enough for me to reward (sometimes). I will investigate this further and see for myself what these people are all about. Thank You for your concern. It’s always a good thing to be aware. If there is more to this than just people seeking and speaking Truth. I will come back and say so.
@donaldhlebert55 Год назад
@@LordMathious After delving deeper into this organization I have this update. And it’s a Sermon. So if You want to pass on it, then it’s all good. (TLDR version at the end of this Sermon if you’re too busy to read the whole Sermon) God (our Father)-is to Truth like a Noun. Us (All of Us)-are to Truth like an adjective. At Best Sometimes we get it right and we do describe the Truth as best as we can. At Worst Sometimes we get it wrong and we describe the Truth in a very opposite way. Mostly we are somewhere in between these 2 possibilities. Now I would ask these “Apologists” a couple of questions, but I would preface them with the following statements of fact from out of the Book. Doesn’t the Bible say that the Book is written in the Heavens (Stars)? Which would be Astronomy and Not Astrology. Doesn’t the Bible say the Book is written in the Earth? Which would be Archeology. And Yes, the Flood and other stories in the Book are just the way it says they are. However I have some thoughts and questions on the matter. 1)If the Book is written in the Stars (think the Zodiac). Why is the story as written in the Stars approximately 26,000 years old? (Actually I think it is 25,960 years old) 2)If the Book is written in the Earth. Why does the Earth show its way older than 6,000 years old? Please realize that people who ask these questions are definitely seeking out Truth. I mean according to the people (sometimes secular people) who study these things, they can’t even figure out how old the Universe is, Because it is off in relation to the size across by the time in years old by 10’s of billions of years. The point I am making is God (our Father, our Lord & Savior, Yeshua and The Holy Spirit) are the only original Truth Tellers. We are the Liars. We are born into sin because (maybe) it’s in our very DNA, our very makeup. So satan and his fallen angels, the world and we are the liars. We However can seek the Path. We can seek/speak Truth to the best of our ability. And with me (personally) I am curious and I do seek out Truth. Sometimes getting it Right, Sometimes getting it wrong, Always pursuing the Truth within the Love. Because I do believe in the following, With Truth (Trust) there is Love. With Love there is Life. With Life there is Humanity. With Lies there is Chaos! With Chaos there is Destruction! With Destruction there is Death! Use that as a guide to know where people stand and you will soon see who Loves and who uses & abuses. (TLDR version) We All have a piece of the puzzle to this thing called Life. What we do with it is up to us, All of Us, individually and collectively. In other words (especially for me) Our Father/Creator is the Truth, is the Love, is the Good, is All the Things in Life we as fallen humans seek out and desire for in our lives. In fact (I believe) He is the very essence of all the Good & Great & Wonderful Things we need, we want, we desire to be and have in our lives. We can only seek/speak Truth to the best of our ability (think individually and or collectively) and that is the Journey of the Road Less Traveled! Kinda like taking it all (everyone & everything) “with a grain of salt” so to speak.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@davidnovak707 Месяц назад
My theory on why we don't see language(s) change like in former days is that we now have a printing press and a dictionary. There may have been some form of ancient dictionary, but until the printing press, it could never be widespread. Illiteracy was the norm. That said, in ancient times, with no rules book (i.e. dictionary), it was much easier to change word meanings, pronunciations, syntax, etc.
@JungleJargon Год назад
We are all the direct descendants of the sixteen grandsons of Noah who’s descendants became the sixteen ancient civilizations.
@JesusistheonetrueGod Год назад
We are all direct descendants of two creations of God named Adam and Eve whose descendants became every ancient and modern civilization.
@ericb2409 Год назад
@@JesusistheonetrueGodThe flood destroyed all of them except for Noah and his family. The original comment was correct.
@johnl4933 Год назад
@@JesusistheonetrueGod Prove it.
@JesusistheonetrueGod Год назад
@@johnl4933 Easy. How many humans does it take to bring about another human? Two: male and female. Whst does the Bible say? In the beginning, He made them male and female. Prooved. 😎
@igyigy Год назад
​​@@johnl4933what can be proven by humans as we are not infinite? What form of evidence or proof would you need from another human to believe what you already disbelieve? Seek the proof for yourself in ernest.
@notusedexer Год назад
You really should reread Genesis 1. Water is above, water below, firmament separating. The sun, moon, and stars are in the firmament. In the FIRMAMENT!
@rwbaira Год назад
The gods weren't ancestors. What Plato said about the nations being divided up among the gods is found in the Bible, notably Deuteronomy 32:8. Note, some versions say "sons of Israel" but that's a later change and doesn't make much sense. "Sons of God" is much more likely to be the original wording. This idea is also alluded to in Psalm 82 where they're actually called gods and are condemned for ruling wickedly. These gods, or sons of God, are angelic beings created by God and alloted to rule over the various people groups at Babel. Don't be tripped up by the term "gods" here. This is not polytheism. They are different from Yahweh and were created by him. This is the origin of polytheistic beliefs, though. The "us" in those passages is not the trinity. If you interpret them that way that leads you to tri-theism. It's these sons of God again. Compare what's said in Genesis 3 verses 5 and 22 and consider what that means with each interpretation of "us". The idea of the infinite Son taking infinite punishment from the infinite Father doesn't hold up to scrutiny either, but it doesn't need to. Jesus didn't have to suffer the cumulative debt we owe. We inherited death by one man's sin because that man was the representative of mankind. Consider Romans 5:12 and explain how children die before having the opportunity to sin themselves. Likewise Jesus was the representative of mankind. So just as the sin of one man cursed all mankind, so the death of one sinless man redeemed all mankind. If you want to see Jesus in this consider this. Why was Jesus called the Son of God? Sure there's the explicit reasons given in scripture that tie into the incarnation and resurrection (Luke 1:35, Acts 13:33 [note the reference to Psalm 2], Romans 1:3-4) but there's another, less explicit reason that also appears to be present in scripture. There are hints that Adam was one of the sons of God (its more like a job title than a reference to their angelic nature) and was kicked out when he sinned, and all mankind with him, because he was our representative. Jesus, the unique Son of God, was called the Son of God because he was the human that would restore access for the rest of humanity to the "divine council" of the sons of God (John 1:12, Romans 8:14-16). It seems he was called the Son of God in the incarnation as a foreshadowing of his purpose, but was more truly called the Son of God ("in power") once he actually accomplished his purpose in the resurrection, hence the two apparently conflicting definitions in the scriptures listed above. Clarification; I specifically called Jesus a human above and that may be taken to mean that he wasn't God. I do believe he was truly God, but I don't believe that has much to do with why he's called the Son of God.
@chuckw8391 Год назад
Well said, I learned about the Divine Council and Deut. 32 from Mike Heiser’s stuff. Love it.
@markdurdle7710 Год назад
I agree that some of those 'us' passage in Genesis probably do include God and other heavily creatures that are not God (what we often call angels). But the 'us' in this passage 'Let us make mankind in our image' is most definitively just God. The angels are not doing the creating, only God is doing that (Isaiah 45:12). Plus the passage; 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth', in the earliest versions of the text we have, it actually says 'Gods' (plural) created (singular) the heavens. John 1 then clarifies this by confirming that Jesus was in fact there at the beginning (along with the Father and the Holy Spirit). Moses (who wrote Genesis) is just trying to describe a singular God who is Father/Son/Holy Spirit the best way he can, so he will often describe God in plural form.
@rwbaira Год назад
@markdurdle7710 The "angels" don't appear to be involved in Genesis 11:7 either, but Deuteronomy 32:8 tells us they did have a part to play. They weren't the ones to scatter people. Verse 8 tells us that was God. But they were involved in that they were put in charge of the groups, even though Genesis doesn't say so. So no, the angels didn't create man, but it's not outlandish to say they had some part to play, though I'm not sure what that part would be. Adam's job of naming the animals has often been seen as him taking part in God's creation process, and that doesn't mean we created animals either. As for Isaiah 45:12, and I'm just guessing here, but "hosts" suggests angels, so mentioning them in the context of creation could imply their involvement somehow under God's leadership. The Hebrew word translated as God or gods is the same whether it's singular or plural, similar to words like sheep and fish in English. Only context can tell us which is meant. So I'm not sure what you mean by the earliest versions having it plural, unless you're referring to some translation like the Septuagint. Even then, the original was Hebrew, so the translators had to insert their interpretation there. The earliest hints of the ideas that eventually developed into the doctrine of the trinity long post-dated Moses. If "us" meant the trinity anywhere, Moses didn't know it. And if he wanted to describe God as plural, he consistently failed to do so with the verbs that tell us whether the noun is singular or plural.
@markdurdle7710 Год назад
@@rwbaira i think you are reaching to equate naming some to creating it. Plus Deuteronomy 32 is talking about God giving over some of the different people groups to be managed/looked after by angels. Nothing to do with the angels creating humanity. I am talking about the earliest Hebrew versions of genesis that have God in plural. This is well known amongst Jewish Hebrew scholars, so not sure where you are getting your info from. Plus Moses did see Jesus, he is The Messenger of God (or the angel of the lord as some translations put him) that is referred to in the OT. If you check through the passages he appears, you will see that he is often referred to as God. While there still being another that is also called God in heaven (e.g. when Abraham goes to sacrifice his son). Early Jewish people saw this as well, so you had doctrines like the 2 powers in heaven, as attempts to try and understand what they were seeing in scripture. So when the church comes up with the idea of the trinity, it has its roots in a time long before Jesus.
@rwbaira Год назад
@markdurdle7710 Not creating. Being involved in the process. And not me. I think it's reaching too, but this idea comes from scholars. I think they get the idea from trying to understand what the image of God is. They figure the context is God in the act of creation and they see the implication as being that man is reflecting that somehow. Something like that anyway. Either way, I'm not actually claiming the angels were involved in creating man necessarily. The use of "us" referring to angels doesn't necessarily mean that anyway. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I mentioned Genesis 11/Deuteronomy 32 because Genesis 11, like Genesis 1, doesn't tell us the angels were involved when it says "us," so the parallel implies they may have been involved in Genesis 1, too. I'm not suggesting Genesis 11 and Deuteronomy 32 have anything to do with creation. Maybe your confused about the Hebrew word elohim being plural because it has the plural ending, so it looks like a plural word. But whether it's actually plural in meaning is indicated by the verbs used, like "the sheep is" versus "the sheep are." Elohim isn't the only word that works this way either. The word for face, panim, works the same way, for example. As you said, two powers theology came from people trying to understand passages that confused them. It didn't come from the people that actually wrote it. If it had, they could have explained things better. If you look at the kinds of things that led to two powers theology, some of their arguments were just ridiculous, some were understandably misguided, though some were a bit more sensible. But it's evident that the idea didn't arise from cultural tradition or from interaction with God. It clearly came from people struggling to make sense of certain passages of scripture. As for the "angel of the Lord," I've studied the subject carefully. The conclusions are overstated. He's not a distinct person. The term, when it even refers to God (it doesn't always), refers essentially to a localized manifestation of God. It's even called God's presence in one place. The angel speaking of God in heaven is therefore not unlike Jesus referring to himself in the third person as he often did, or when Jesus refers to God as though he himself were not also God. God can be manifested locally and be omnipresent at the same time. There's even one passage where Yahweh and the angel seem clearly distinct, but then another passage refers back to that and identifies the angel as the Yahweh he was apparently distinct from.
@markoaks8694 3 месяца назад
"Let Us" refers to the divine council in Psalm 82 and several other Bible passages.
@deboratedlaboyd7776 Год назад
This (What is written in the Bible )is the real history of humanity.
@JohnSmith-zw8vp Год назад
Just for clarification they weren't trying to reach heaven as in the afterlife sort of heaven but up to the sky/clouds as "heaven" is defined in the Creation story.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
How do you know??? Were you there???? Are you trying to rewrite a sacred text???? I'll pray for you!
@Gardentrellis Год назад
Expedition Bible on RU-vid has an excellent video on this subject.
@deanweaver4469 11 месяцев назад
Hope this channel finds many more😊❤🙏👫
@GarySchmierer Год назад
Good presentation! After reading the account of Babel recently I have come to a different conclusion regarding how people groups reached certain geo locations and obtained such variations of phydical characteristics. It makes sense that that since the people rebelled against God and did not go to all parts of the world, God made it happen by physically translating people groups to various world locations. He changed their languag and esome had different physical characteristics, including skin color. No one has adequately explained the skin color differences and more importantly how Eskimos, pygmies for example came to be in such a short time frame. That is why I believe God physically translated and changed physical characteristics as well as language. Seems to be the best explanation.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
It is not the best explanation. It's nonsense you just made up in your head about teleportation. Nothing in the text or in the world as we know it requires it. They walked.
@Gary-fq8cx Год назад
The bible has unicorns in it. Why do you think that unicorns are real when they are mythological creatures?
@raito1239 Год назад
This post is so bad I thought it was satire. Nobody teleported, and that’s not how languages evolve or change.
@downtownbrown50 Год назад
​@@cosmictreason2242who said they didn't walk. I don't see the phrase teleportation anywhere in the dialog.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@downtownbrown50 context is when they say God "physically changed characteristics." They are talking about magic
@JaneH3675 Год назад
Yes, Acts 17:26 . . All descended from Adam, but referred to as peoples, nations, and tongues. As far as race goes, we are all the human race.
@deltadom33 Год назад
At Keswick there was a whole series done on genesis , I am a young Earth creationist it would be interesting to do a reaction
@patriciabeyer8029 Год назад
@anoc5345 Год назад
I've said this before, I appreciate Answers in Genesis explaining the gospel in their videos and presentations
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
So you don't have to say it again
@anoc5345 Год назад
@@--..-...-..-.--.... i've said this before, I appreciate Answers in Genesis explaining the gospel in their videos and presentations
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@@anoc5345 So you don't have to say it again
@anoc5345 Год назад
@@--..-...-..-.--.... I've said this before, I appreciate Answers in Genesis explaining the gospel in their videos and presentations
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@@anoc5345 So you don't have to say it again
This is wonderful. Could you please do a doc on Egypt, pyramids and the Bible too.
@michaeldeas1969 Год назад
Before the flood there was 50% more oxygen and greater atmospheric pressure with no harmful radiation from the sun. That, along with genetic load and bottleneck, is the best explanation in my opinion.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
Amber doesn't show any difference in oxygen content. This is not likely to be a noteworthy influence. Genetics alone
@michaeldeas1969 Год назад
@@cosmictreason2242 Amber does in fact show a higher concentration of oxygen and higher pressure.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
@@tylersoto7465 no, this is not what the word says. First off, firmament is a mistranslation, expanse is better, secondly since birds fly in front of it and the sun and planets are in it, it is recognized as the entirety of the space from the surface of the earth to the end of the cosmos, hence why we refer to them both as the heavens - atnospheric and cosmic. That is why Paul seeing a vision of the throne room of God is the "third" heaven.
@rickengle7208 7 месяцев назад
Racism is pattern recognition. If someone calls you racist, it's means you're not blind.
@deantsar6246 Год назад
How magnificent were the Greeks then. Everything we have in society today goes back to the Greeks. Even the New Testament that chronicles the life of Jesus Christ, was written in Greek. Hence the original Orthodox Christian religion is the closest to the teachings of Christ. No one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven other than through Jesus Christ. 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
@urzmontst.george6314 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this presentation.
@v1e1r1g1e1 Год назад
8:02 Nebuchadnezzer did NOT claim to have built the Tower of Babel. He only claimed that he built upon the ruins of the foundations of the original Tower. It was this second, much much smaller tower, - a ziggurat, actually - that was still standing in Herodotus' day.
@j.j-x4g Год назад
I don’t think he’s implying he built but walked up the ruins of it.
@Tera4m Год назад
Clearly stated, "he" (Nebuchadnezzar) standing by an old dilapidated tower, that in his day,, still existed Shalom & JAH Bless…
@tempestvenator9809 Год назад
​@@Tera4mWhich is kind of cool when you think about it. Back in those days the remains of the Tower were still there.
@NewSquallor Год назад
Doesn't even say it was the ruins of Tower of Babel. It clearly says he restored the temple of Marduk built by Hammurabi. And Herodotus never refers to it as tower of Babel but as the Temple of Bel(Baal) which he says is their Zeus. I'd much prefer this guy teach what things actually say then imply things say things they do not. It COULD have been Babel's ruins that Marduk temple was built on but no ancient source claims this.
@justnotdeadyet007 Год назад
As in the days of Noah and Lot
@mitiwwmom Год назад
Hadn't thought about the reasoning behind ancestor worship as per many outliving their great...grandchildren and thus being given such status.
@andrewf.bradley1106 Год назад
As a linguist, this is hard to watch
@Daniele63 Год назад
Elaborate ?
@andrewf.bradley1106 Год назад
@@Daniele63 No.
@Daniele63 Год назад
@@andrewf.bradley1106 So you have no arguments, m'kay
@andrewf.bradley1106 Год назад
And Bodie Hodge does?@@Daniele63 There's no linguistic phylogenetic evidence that all language families stem from Mesopotamia (geographically). I can't prove a negative. I can't prove to you that pigs can fly. All evidence offered to us so far suggests that pigs can't, in fact, fly. Anyway, it 'is' an argument after all. That's true. My authority comes from linguists and your authority is divine. There's no amount of linguistic evidence I could offer you that would change that since your source of legitimacy is quite literally infallible to your mind. It's futile to attempt to argue this legitimately and in good faith. However, the historical linguistic knowledge shared in this video is pretty poor. THAT MUCH is true.
@travisbicklepopsicle Год назад
​@@Daniele63no arguments are needed, I mean, what's the point? We know through the sciences of linguistics, anthropology, and other fields that the Tower of Babel story does not accurately represent how the world 'got its languages'.. come on, that's absolutely absurd. It's akin to a geologist telling you the Earth is not flat, and you asking that person to present evidence supporting their claim. The Tower of Babel story is myth, meant to teach a lesson of some sort. It is not an accurate representation of reality.
@the.doubting.thomas.256 6 месяцев назад
I'm an African from Uganda. I strongly agree that racism is very bad, but races serve a purpose i.e. description, identity, and many more. It doesn't make sense to summarize it and say there is only one race "the human race". Understand that racism is discriminating against a person based on their race.
@bigsarge2085 Год назад
@padswaggle Год назад
Do you suppose the defiant act was in the building of a tower because the world just flooded.... and therefore a tower would be tall enough for man to save himself next time?
@davidhill4141 Год назад
The defiant act was : the building of the Tower of Babel was so that men could join the gods in heaven ( heaven was , is the asteroid belt. The gods called it the hammered necklace.) Men were trying to gain “Long life” by joining the gods in heaven. This was unacceptable to the gods. They blew up the tower ( launching pad) with nuclear weapons. The scar it left is visible from space. Many of the battles on earth were begun by the gods involving men to reclaim cities that had space travel functions .
@arthurmaven2333 Год назад
Until some actual credible evidence supporting these folk stories as factual accounts emerges, there's no reason whatsoever to accept a single word of it.
@bikesrcool_1958 Год назад
No reason to accept yours either 🤷‍♂️
@bikesrcool_1958 Год назад
Also the Steele is a cool historical item wether you believe the Babel account or not, it’s an awesome piece of history
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
Been done, you're just in denial
@WaterN2WineCreations Месяц назад
I am pretty much in agreement until the very last statement!
@izziebon 6 месяцев назад
Gen 10 (‘the table of Nations’) is still the most respected earliest source of the spread of races and languages. I work in museums a lot and there are two well documented but not displayed ancient cuneiform tablets in the UK that speak of the dividing and creating of many languages specifically at Babel. By the way, the expression “let us” only implies two persons such as “the word’ (John 1:1), not a trinity. Ex 3:14 in Hebrew is the meaning of Gods Name , not the Name itself, which is in verse 15. The verse 14 expression is an imperfect verb which amplifies future action (‘shall become’) rather than static existence. This is why most scholarly translations to not use the expression “I am”.
@roberttrough6439 Год назад
United Nations Building is the newest tower or Babel.
@samuelguzman5348 Год назад
Could be, in those who want "globalism"..
@WKDMOUSE67 Год назад
They have done there best to make it so.
@THEMASKEDMASTER 5 месяцев назад
✌🏻😎🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿They didn’t create languages, they learned languages. The Tower of Babel was a school to learn the languages of people from all around the world.
@chisexton5845 Год назад
So glad I found this ministry. Thank you for your work. Which location has the zip lines?
@answersingenesis Год назад
Both locations have zip lines. - Moderator
@stevenwallace5456 6 месяцев назад
YHVH Literally means the one who was the one who is and the one who is to come!
@tbowen12 Год назад
AiG is the Greatest resource on the Internet!
@mason2800 Год назад
That they said to you that at the end of time there shall be scoffers going in accordance with their own lusts for impious things. These are those making divisions, animals, not having the Spirit ✝️ Iouda 1:18-19 Jude 1:18-19
@ValMartin1776 Год назад
Racism was something I rarely ever heard until over the past 3 years. Why is that? Because we have an evil enemy that wants us divided! ONE PEOPLE!
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
Curse the devious group known as One People! Racism was over until they started spreading it again about 3 years ago!!!!
@JeremySchwartz2027 Год назад
Awesome message and accounts.
@danielclingen34 Год назад
he's pushing pushing people away from the christian faith:(
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