
The technology trying to make farming more sustainable - BBC News 

BBC News
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Attempting to offset carbon emissions to combat climate change is becoming more important for companies around the world.
One new permanent solution is to convert unwanted biomass from farmers' fields or forest debris - which contains carbon - into oil, reports technology show BBC Click.
San Francisco start-up Charm Industrial says it can offer permanent carbon removal, by converting and pumping this oil it back into the ground.
"If we inject this underground... that is removing carbon from the biosphere," said company co-founder Kelly Kinetic.
However cost and scale are issues to overcome.
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2 окт 2024




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@ninemoonplanet 2 года назад
So instead of helping gardeners, farmers build all sorts of compost, which in turn removes carbon from that atmosphere, these people are using far more energy to produce pellets? Anaerobic heating to get anything from a high carbon source like trees is a doubling of the wasted opportunity. Farm lands are being depleted so much, some of it becomes so barren weeds won't grow,that wood fibre could massively change the health of dirt, make it viable soil again. I don't get this one, it's done more for patent and profit than the CO2 reductions.
@ninemoonplanet 2 года назад
Indigenous people have managed forests for THOUSANDS of years, do controlled burns to renew the undergrowth and the forests themselves. Why are people NOT listening, learning to live with nature, instead of coming up with expensive technology and hundreds of man hours? 😒
@DeltaNovum 2 года назад
Completely on point. We live in a broken world.
@rhranjithkumar 2 года назад
Nailed it... I was gonna write the same thing... It's useless...
@lawrencefrost9063 Год назад
I don't think you understand. Visit their website before embarrassing yourself, I can't believe you have 62 likes in this comment.
@arcanaco 2 года назад
This is stupid. Just mulch it and rake it out to a thickness of 3 inches on the forest floor so it can deter weed growth and decompose naturally without being a fire risk.
@maxmeier532 2 года назад
But they want to make money by selling carbon certificates.
@rhysjones8032 2 года назад
The reason carbon credits don't work is this..... The Title is miss leading... most farmers use the biomass from previous crops as fertiliser... the forests uses it as fertiliser...... your just degrading the soil with this process and using more resources...
@public.public 2 года назад
The middle class forever avoiding the fact they are going to have to consume less.
@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 2 года назад
I'm gonna do that when politicians accept that most of the polution is caused by 8 companies....
@public.public 2 года назад
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 When are the middle class going to accept responsibility for their excesses? Flying half way round the globe just to sit on a beach isn't sustainable. Agree? YES OR NO The usual middle class management strategy is pretend there is no problem in the hope that it just goes away. Your own personal brand of nihilism isn't sustainable either.
@Saltine_the_clown 2 года назад
@@public.public The middle class are drowning in debt, it's a luxury for us to travel to Cuba, Mexico, Florida or even Las Vegas (which isn't even halfway around the world) Maybe you should be going after millionaires and their excesses and not the little guy
@IBTU 2 года назад
Sick of two words which have come to mean nothing… Sustainable and Community
@englishbob5106 2 года назад
@Saltine_the_clown 2 года назад
Quite expensive and labor intensive to remove such a little amount of carbon from the atmosphere. Is anyone else seeing through this scam?
@papatreo 2 года назад
Yes. Pure nonsense.
@dlewis8405 2 года назад
I have an idea - how about refining the oil into jet fuel and not asking airplane passengers to pay for “carbon offsets”? Long term we won’t solve the climate crisis with niche projects that depend on a few rich, idealistic people.
@LeanAndMean44 2 года назад
Yes. Climate Town has a good video about this.
@JamesSmith-qs4hx 2 года назад
There is one obvious thing no one talks about. Earths atmosphere is less than 1% CO2 (.04% precisely), considering plants are reliant on CO2 we may very well be CO2 deficient.
@blank.9301 2 года назад
Let's use ecosia
@luc_libv_verhaegen 2 года назад
Why are they not turning this into biochar and actually improving soil with it while storing the carbon for many hundreds of years? That would have a much greater effect on the climate than pumping it into geological storage.
@redrockcrf4663 2 года назад
why do you think that? Consider that all the fossil fuels extracted have increased the amount of carbon in the biosphere that hadn't been there for a very, very long time - a lot longer than hundreds of years. If we ever want to get back to a similar equilibrium, then carbon needs to be put away again. It "may" be that a new equilibrium with carbon held in soil and "more" vegetation than before would be OK, but we don't know that is true. It would be a revised biosphere, and at this point we don't know how that looks for us....
@luc_libv_verhaegen 2 года назад
@@redrockcrf4663 You seem to have never heard of terra preta then. Or the fact that the currently prevalent chemical based agro-industry is turning all fertile soil into deserts at a rather alarming rate. This requires a slightly altered process for pyrolising the biomass, to favour carbon spongues over whatever oily substance they produce now. Then, mixing this with nutrient rich matter (like manure) and plowing this into the fields is a lot less cost intensive than pumping this back underground. It seems like this company has missed the obvious solution here, and instead went for the extreme one. It is not unlikely that this is sponsored blindness, or greenwashing, by the fossil fuel industry.
@redrockcrf4663 2 года назад
@@luc_libv_verhaegen I am well aware. But if you are aware of chemistry, then there still has to be concern for the complete corbon balance of the biosphere - the bits well above ground and interacting with each other. More short answer to you is that we need to do both - sequester and re-bind carbon in our soils - to have any hope at all. My bugbear is that almnost no one seems to recognise the need to draw down carbon not just to the soil, but out of action....
@luc_libv_verhaegen 2 года назад
@@redrockcrf4663 Let's start with the more cost-effective soil-improvement method first. And if in 20, 50, or 100ys this turns out to be not good enough, then i am sure we can then still pump this back where it came from. Again, i fear that this is being pushed by the oil industry, trying to act as if they are part of the solution. They've shown for the last at least 50ys that they are everything but.
@redrockcrf4663 2 года назад
@@luc_libv_verhaegen It all depends on your experience. Where I live they are wanting to plant trees for carbon capture. This means planting large amount of pines, which will then be harvested after 2050 or 2060 (depending when planted). Can you see the problem? Where can they be planted - anywhere. So people will plant pine on very carbon-rich soils, and when the harvest is done in 2050, then some or all of the harvest will be released back to the system within 50-hundred years, we will use diesel fuel to do the whole thing, and the soil will be a desert afterwards. Hence we might destroy a lot of high quality, fertile land, later needing to grow more food and having to use artificial fertilisers. A lose-lose. Probably not true in the US, but here pastoral land has much better soil quality than crop land, which generally needs a lot of fert. Depends where of course. This is why I am very aware of unintended consequences.
@Jen-Yueh_Hu 2 года назад
They never considered digging a hole and burying it? It's just free nutrients for the earth to regenerate, natural fertiliser essentially. Making biofuel or storing it like they suggest is not bad, but it is suboptimal because the process itself is still going to result in more losses.
@yeevita 2 года назад
Exactly what I was thinking. They take carbon, use a ton of energy to transform it to carbon, and bury it. They could just take carbon and bury it and save all that additional energy. We see this with humans all the time though. Something about human brains needing to add a bunch of additional kinks, add more heat.
@leedza 2 года назад
Unwanted biomass? That's crazy, to that sounds like a good source biomass for things that need biomass. Wood pellets for one that can be used for heating.
@MrUrangatan 2 года назад
"A tree lives for 100y then decomposes where as this sits in the ground for 10,000 years."... Um, So how much does it cost to plant a tree? and dont trees make oxygen as well as help keep soil together during heavy rain and flooding? seems like a convoluted complex idea to 'quickly' but not cheaply burry other companies carbon output for a much higher cost than planting heaps of trees etc to soak up that carbon and produce oxygen as well as provide habitat for wildlife and help with soil erosion
@vrclckd-zz3pv 2 года назад
Not an expert but trees don't produce that much oxygen alone. Iirc it takes 12 trees to replenish the oxygen that one person breathes in. If you want to plant a bunch of trees that's fine but where are you going to find the space and volunteers to do it? With this stuff you can just truck it off to a used up oil well somewhere and pump it underground while still being able to use the space above for buildings or whatever. It doesn't produce more oxygen but we don't need more oxygen, we need less CO2.
@Saltine_the_clown 2 года назад
@@vrclckd-zz3pv Why would you need volunteers when you can ask companies who are trying to offset their carbon by paying wages to people to plant trees. Plenty of land worldwide to plant trees, Bill Gates is the largest land owner in USA maybe there should be pressure on him to reforest all his private land. It's true we need less carbon, but to say we don't need more oxygen is a tad bit selfish. Animals all around the world depend on oxygen for their survival, more oxygen in the atmosphere would greatly improve the air quaility for billions.
@blank.9301 2 года назад
@@vrclckd-zz3pv The laziest thing we can do is use ecosia 👍🌱🌳
@stephenbarlow2493 2 года назад
That is the most ecologically ignorant video I have ever seen, and I am seriously shocked that the BBC did not consult an ecologist, who would have immediately pointed out what was wrong with it. Let's start off. Dead wood in a forest ecosystem, is not unwanted detritus or debris. Dead wood is one of the most important components of a woodland ecosystem. Don't take my word for it, Google "dead wood forest ecosystems" etc. In fact, a huge problem in forest ecosystems is excess tidiness, and the removal of too much dead wood. Again, don't take my word for it, Google is your friend. The idea that you can reduce wildfires by removing dead wood etc, is naive in the extreme, not understanding the scale of the habitat. It can work at small scale with fire breaks, for small scale fires, but not at the larger scale. Then I want to deal with some of the other ecologically ignorant comments in the video. One advocate claims the carbon storage is far more effective, than a tree, which will only live 100 years. Well in California, there are trees that are 3,000 years old. it is claimed other carbon sequestration doesn't give long term storage. Let me introduce you to peatland. Whilst peatland only covers less than 3% of the Earth's land surface, it stores several times more carbon than all the world's vegetation, including all the forests put together. What is more we are recklessly damaging much of this peatland, and are failing to restore it. Restoring the active peat forming surface, then transforms that peat bog to net sequestering of carbon. British peat bogs, contain peat that is up to 10,000 years old, other peatland around the world, including on permafrost, much older. That is long term storage. What is more, coal is fossilised peat, much from the Devonian. That is about 420 million to 360 million years ago. What is more, that coal would still be storing carbon deep below the ground if we weren't digging it up and burning it.
@naveenn6235 2 года назад
There is a easy solution just make small wood chips from it , mix it in soil and it's will decompose 🖖 Nature will recycle it
@bellosanimada8888 2 года назад
Aa Really brought home how bad the situation is when the guy at the end expressed gratitude for simply having enough space to stand up inside his shared apartment.
@yaumisa8077 2 года назад
Awesome 😎
@yaumisa8077 2 года назад
I feel like a king 🤴 now in 600 sqf apartment, I could never live in Hong Kong under those conditions 😐. Poor people, the government should change their policies.
@PinñedbyAlexBeckersChannel-n5l 2 года назад
yes, agreed
@PinñedbyAlexBeckersChannel-n5l 2 года назад
These is,nt good in the sense that it ends up affecting civilians financially in different angles of life
@ismailoladimeji6828 2 года назад
We see complains here and there on social media ,from different people in different parts all around the world
@permiebird937 2 года назад
The Santa Cruz mountains would benefit from having goat herds to manage undergrowth, and stream restoration to bring beaver back to the area, or have it turned over to indigenous land management. These strategies work, and are cheap to implement. I bet the Forest Manager they talked to would be more optimistic about that, if she got the support and resources to do it at scale. Heating up compostables to convert them with an energy intensive process into oil, must have quite a carbon footprint of its own. In a Hydrothermal Carbonization system, it uses a lot of energy, but produces more energy. Here they are just pumping the outputs into the ground, without generating any energy. Where does the energy that they are using for their "secret process" come from? Coal? Once they started talking about how they are going to pump it into the ground, alarm bells went off. What former wells will they be using? Will they make sure that the place they are putting this oil does not interact with ground water in any way? The injection wells from Fracking has ruined small family and farm wells all over the country with chemicals that leaked from the Fracking wells nearby. How will they insure their process doesn't create similar problems? They are injecting foreign material into an already damaged void, just like fracking does. This process in the video looks like an expensive and carbon intensive bad joke.
@SelmanJulian 2 года назад
What about the biodiversity benefits of dead wood and other natural detritus? Aren't they removing a crucial element in the ecology of forests? Maybe it would be better to put in more ponds, wetlands and beavers to do their magic on the waterways that go through forests?
@danielwhyatt3278 2 года назад
EXACTLY. We need all that too.
@deborahfreedman333 2 года назад
Beavers in California? I grew up in rural California, and never saw a beaver until I moved to Oregon. And a lot of the detritus on the forest floor is too dry to rot.
@adamhall5024 2 года назад
Goats will eliminate this, goats eat the shrubs and brush, which don’t become fire tinder.
@sylezjusz 2 года назад
We need to make BBC more sustainable. 22+k employees and over £2bn in assets seem way too excessive and likely produces an enormous carbon footprint.
@vrclckd-zz3pv 2 года назад
The BBC is also responsible for broadband infrastructure used by the major ISPs though so if you want to kill off the BBC entirely you're just going to pass along costs to BT / Sky / Etc who will end up passing along the cost to the consumer. If you're concerned about carbon footprint killing off the BBC would also mean more pointless redundancy as each ISP sets out to construct their own backbone instead of sharing the BBC's infrastructure. Maybe you could just kill off the part of the BBC that makes TV shows or whatever but then people won't be paying a TV licence, and if people aren't paying a TV licence who's going to fund that internet infrastructure? You'd either have to tax ISPs or tax citizens, which defeats the point.
@JamesSmith-qs4hx 2 года назад
My TV LIEcence was not sustainable, so we binned the BBC a decade ago.
@jaxonconnor2823 2 года назад
The global economic downturn experienced in the world is no longer a story, Now making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior but growing money is knowledge.
@sonnysetyawan 2 года назад
@Mike 03 Crypto is the future investing in it now is the wisest thing to do now especially with the current dip, Despite all the economic crisis this is the right time to start up an investment
@jesuschrist8 2 года назад
Planting trees is still the most efficient and cost effective way of reducing carbon. Just plant more giant trees that live more than 100 years. Surely there are immortal trees.
@JamesSmith-qs4hx 2 года назад
There is one obvious thing no one talks about. Earths atmosphere is less than 1% CO2 (.04% precisely), considering plants are reliant on CO2 we may very well be CO2 deficient.
@KNYD 2 года назад
What about going back to what Native Americans did when they had control over the land? Native Americans maintained the land with controlled fires and after the colonisers made it illegal, forest fires got more common.
@thomasfholland 2 года назад
The natives of Australia did the same thing. And there are certain species that need those control burns to survive. For example, the California Sequoia Redwoods in the Sierra Mountains need a fire for their cones to open up and release it’s seeds.
@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 2 года назад
they do controll burns but its simply too much to handle nowadays
@FoodwaysDistribution 2 года назад
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 why because we have more forests and less equipment to deal with that than the natives back then !!!! heh
@KNYD 2 года назад
@@underarmbowlingincidentof1981 Well let's be clear here, there is far less forests nowadays than say even just a century ago. Less forests combined with more people and modern technology means that that is a poor excuse. Another thing that could be done is to reintroduce large herbivores. Large herbivores grazing in the forests means less flammable material. Both, grazing herbivores and controlled fires, would keep the nutrients in the forests.
@Saltine_the_clown 2 года назад
Are you sure they weren't burning down other tribes' villages rather than forests or perhaps a Powwow getting a little out of hand Chief?
@micumatrix 2 года назад
Kind of dumb. I remember there were times where they had for cars (pickups) a kind of oven on the back and used wood as fuel. Why not use it like that, instead of burning it?? There are companies that use all kind of organic materials in a kind of bioreactor to create (through bacteria) natural gas - methane, that is used for energy etc. Why not using it to process it further to organic materials that can be used for lubrification of machines, pre-products for pharmaceutical and chemical products? I mean many people dont get it, that crude oil is not only used for gas/fuel! All machines on the world without lubrificants are often dead machines. And for this You need crude oil. Also for all plastics, coatings, paints etc. But producing something for 4000 Dolaar and then pump it in the earth?? Dumb
@anachronisticon 2 года назад
Far cheaper to keep the understory clear using goats surely? Or produce biochar from the brash to improve agriculture.
@LeanAndMean44 2 года назад
The title put it right. They are „trying“. But I can also try becoming a professional basketball player and fail completely, just like this technology.
@ryansweeney9508 2 года назад
Everyone needs to think about what the population is going to say my research is to protect forests across the globe we need to build about 2 billion protected wetlands across the whole globe and plant forests around it that would absorb at least 200 million tones of carbon out of the atmosphere
@blank.9301 2 года назад
Ecosia 👍
@anacardona4780 2 года назад
@hoobsgroove 2 года назад
what about the gas from the wood? wouldn't it be better to extract the gas and use it. what is the pollution of converting it to a oil and what is the pollution of bearing it in the ground. this could be a lot worse then just the CO2 natural release.
@Ass_of_Amalek 2 года назад
they're burying artificial petroleum? that's the goofiest shit I've ever heard! for wood chips in particular, there is a simpler and cheaper option: make charcoal (usually referred to as "biochar") and bury it by mixing it into agricultural soil. charcoal has a lot of potential for soil improvement through its spongy consistency and large surface area that's popular with soil microbes and plant roots, and it remains inert as carbon for hundreds to thousands of years depending on the depth of the layer (it might be decomposed slowly at the surface). integrating charcol into soil was used traditionally by some indigenous farmers in south america, with the result that you can now find the places where they used to live based on the fact that the general area only has humous layers of a few centimeters due to the tropical climate not building much soil (lack of an autumn season does not produce yearly flushes of leaves that would then be notentirely decomposed over the winter in temperate climates) but the old settlements have humous layers up to a few meters thick, and the soil is still great for agriculture. traditionally, that soil also contains pottery shards and a lot of human shit-based compost, but that stuff doesn't have to be copied directly, the interesting part is the way charcoal is very suitable for bulking up highly fertile soil. particularly in places that are short on fertile soil (many tropical regions where farming is done by slash and burn because of the low soil fertility), charcoal soil building could both sequester carbon quite well (more permanently than in trees), and also be directly economically beneficial by producing long term agriculturally usable land.
@Checkmate025 2 года назад
Cant they just give it to IKEA? Im sure they can use it
@hunterhq295 2 года назад
Maybe they can collect it to use as fertiliser too
@blank.9301 2 года назад
Exactly 💯👍
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 2 года назад
They lost me when they said they would pumping into the ground in old oil fields,
@JamesSmith-qs4hx 2 года назад
There is one obvious thing no one talks about. Earths atmosphere is less than 1% CO2 (.04% precisely), considering plants are reliant on CO2 we may very well be CO2 deficient.
@azeemanaz9313 Год назад
This is not s sustainable method to follow. The cost is really high, but appreciate the efforts put in for a greener earth.
@kurtzwar729 2 года назад
Skip the expensive extraction part. Make it a pulp like water mix and inject that directly. Could use sea water to save water.
@lolawants2008 2 года назад
I don’t get how a non reusable oil is a great idea. Why tf aren’t we turning this all into free compost?
@firojmnalam6121 Год назад
प्रदूषण से मुक्त होता विश्व?🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@apallok54 2 года назад
Stop selling off for allotments and city people. Save the farms. Keep em in the family!
@allo-other 2 года назад
This has all the markings of a "carbon credit" scam.
@SuperTonyony 2 года назад
We must grow crops ONLY for humans to eat. Feeding precious grains to livestock is insanity.
@samuelVFX 2 года назад
better title: The Technology trying to store unwanted biomass underground.
@blank.9301 2 года назад
@pollytiks3885 2 года назад
So, in the places where oil has been drilled out, why not fill the void with this stuff instead of water?
@niallmccarthy7396 2 года назад
But the tree can be used too make doors and windows and furniture you need heating as well deosnt add up for me
@Green_0.001 2 года назад
Good try
@danielwhyatt3278 2 года назад
Okay, I know this video is very important. But I’m actually more shocked by the fact that the dislike button is now back. We actually have it again. Thank goodness. Of course, for this video I gave it a thumbs up.
@richardmurray415 2 года назад
Sustainable is a asoloute state you can grade how sustainable it is. It’s either sustainable or not simple
@LeanAndMean44 2 года назад
Punctuation and grammar are also absolute states.
@matthewcubbon1264 2 года назад
Oh don't worry; it's no longer growing back like it used to, due to lack of water.
@one_field 2 года назад
Ridiculously overcomplicated and energy intensive. Just make soil of it with giant hugelkulture farms. Seriously. Make something useful that helps feed humans and restore soil carbon levels, without needing massive energy outlay for pulverizing and heating the material. Idiotic overengineering like this damages the credibility of the whole sector and wastes valuable resources.
@suryanaray7942 2 года назад
In karnataka state day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes law and order is totally collapsed democracy in danger peoples are feared.please to impose the President rule in the state and to protect the peoples in karnataka state
@Eric-tp8oy 2 года назад
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Jesus Christ
@embreis2257 2 года назад
any infos how woodland management in Europe is dealing with undergrowth in their forests? most of the forests are managed to generate money by harvesting mature trees. what happens to the rest?
@EveLord-hx1me 2 года назад
Before th eeuropeans invaded the Americas.. there were millions of migratory bisons and other herbs that ate the grasses..
@dumbassloser 2 года назад
I don't see why burying it without processing isn't the better option.
@4restknight404 2 года назад
Look out MASSIVE SOCIAL MEDIA ENGINEERING to these ignorants.
@bereshit5970 2 года назад
Repent your sins. Jesus is coming soon and Jesus wants to save you, but you need to accept him. Turn to Jesus!
@lawrenceanthony8468 2 года назад
I'm Stepping over corpses daily on my way to work because of climate change here in the UK 🇬🇧 and the whole experience has just been truly heartbreaking and horrifying 😪💔
@thomass5440 2 года назад
“It doesn’t affect me the most right now so it mustn’t be happening!”
@englishstark7952 2 года назад
Easy Life I pick up the dead bodies and put them in a Skip with a bad back Civic Duty Neh
@dontcare9462 2 года назад
@@thomass5440 Yeah let's just pulverise the working class into extinction and make the rich richer while we all just struggle to survive, sounds like a great idea if you were a robot maybe.
@DanTheMan221 2 года назад
Ask farmer Bill Gates for suggestions... He likes to burn and control crops!
@chrisl6291 2 года назад
Wood pellets then wodlice farms to turn it into food for fish/livestock/poultry surely?
@robwilton9539 2 года назад
Farming sustainable? You mean the farming that has been going on for thirty thousand years?
@leonardjika2100 2 года назад
@ganeshvenkatakrishnan6037 Год назад
This is ridiculous. Just dig a hole and dump those plant wastes
@pattykelly6621 2 года назад
The simple fact is we dithered and moaned and denied for far too long
@MrAriish 2 года назад
Whatever your not allowed to film shady business
@Walterwaltraud 2 года назад
What a joke: Use the pellets for heating, end of story.
@burtpie1093 2 года назад
the BBC have no problem with a giant rocket going to the moon though? but your gas boiler is killing the planet
@DanWrench 2 года назад
I'm no fan of space travel but how many gas boilers are there compared to rockets. What are the combined emissions of all the gas boilers compared to a rocket launch?
@djssquibbs3295 2 года назад
You make it sound so awesome that's how you make it sound
@cricketcountdown123 2 года назад
first 👌
@RoderikvanReekum 2 года назад
You are FIRST congratulations on this amazing performance you get 🥇🏆🍾🥂👏🇬🇧 You were so fast to click!
@cricketcountdown123 2 года назад
@@RoderikvanReekum 😆
@lawrencebishton9071 2 года назад
Oh that's the way way at court of the old bailey 🤩
@tle-nyc3453 2 года назад
Get farmers out of the farm and into IT markets.
@fdm7796 2 года назад
เป็นสิ่งที่พึ่งกระทำ...go to green generation>
@EXPATditions 2 года назад
They need to plant Moringa
@NTVE_music 2 года назад
Resesi global akan cepat dapat diatasi 1. jika AS dan Rusia melibatkan Indonesia sebagai penengah ekonomi. Rusia akan bisa membuka pintu kerjasama pembelian dengan melibatkan mata uang Indonesia. Sehingga AS dan Eropa jauh lebih mudah mendapatkan gas alam dengan mata uang Indonesia itu. 2. AS dan Rusia bekerjasama untuk ikut serta mendirikan IKN dan investasi ke Indonesia. Dimana nantinya investasi banyak digunakan untuk lahan gandum, minyak nabati non sawit dan lainnya. Dan akan dapat diimpor dari Indonesia dengan harga sangat terjangkau. 3. Indonesia dapat dilibatkan sebagai tempat penyimpanan finansial yang pajaknya bisa hanya 5% apabila dibuat regulasi dalam kerjasama khusus. Dan itu akan lebih ekonomis ketimbang di Swiss. 4. Indonesia bisajadi akan melunakkan kebijakan ekspor nikel mentah (secara terbatas) apabila 3 point di atas dilakukan. 5. AS, Arab dan negara penghasil minyak perlu mengendalikan harga minyak bumi ketimbang resesi berkepanjangan. Sebab apabila resesi terjadi maka inflasi barang terjadi secara luar biasa (di AS bisa 3x lipat dalam 1 dekade). Dan itu berdampak kepada negara lainnya. Sebagai kebijakan adalah menurunkan dollar. 6. Resesi global dipicu oleh berbagai hal, salah satunya tidak terkendalinya cetak uang dollar yang tanpa jaminan emas hingga akhirnya membunuh ekonomi berbagai negara, termasuk AS sendiri. 7. Melibatkan saya sebagai duta perdamaian dan duta ekonomi dunia. Apabila tidak ditangani resesi ekonomi barat dengan solusi yang saya berikan atau hal lain yang sifatnya sangat bijak, maka ekonomi barat akan terancam mengalami degradasi ekonomi dan mengalami semi kelumpuhan ekonomi dalam 50 tahunan. Tentu AS dan Eropa perlu ambil tindakan segera. Hal yang paling mudah adalah melibatkan saya dan Indonesia sebagai pengendalian ekonomi dunia seperti saran saya pada komentar sebelumnya. Achmad Charis Faozi email : ahmadharis9998@gmail.com
@problemsolver3254 2 года назад
detritus sound like a super villain name
@patrickprouty4415 2 года назад
The stupidest idea in a long time.
@auro1986 2 года назад
bbc won't anyone try
@QuacGiaNgoVietCongHoa 2 года назад
why not burn them dirrectly to cook food or make eletricity or run a steam engine. It is farm more cheap.
@secondfirstsecond 2 года назад
Burning it will release carbon into air, they are not so stupid about this.
@QuacGiaNgoVietCongHoa 2 года назад
@@secondfirstsecond who cares.
@QuacGiaNgoVietCongHoa 2 года назад
@@secondfirstsecond i really doubt this theory
@QuacGiaNgoVietCongHoa 2 года назад
@@secondfirstsecond the only way to reduce carbondioxide is to change organic into pure carbon and bury them. but coal still have a chance to be burnt in future.
@QuacGiaNgoVietCongHoa 2 года назад
@@secondfirstsecond I think we can not change the gobal warming, but to adapt a warmer world.
@problemsolver3254 2 года назад
just bury it
@rogerehrenberg3489 2 года назад
Wow what a waste of time.
@mdsohailansari5791 2 года назад
Mujhe Jaan se Marne ki koshish ki ja rahi hai
@xi1864 2 года назад
free scotland
@syandriani.s 11 месяцев назад
@boyscout6566 Год назад
@shamrockshore6308 2 года назад
Shaun Kinetic has some potential.
@skullandbones1832 2 года назад
@suryanaray7942 2 года назад
In india day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes democracy in danger peoples are feared UNO intervention is necessary please protect the secularism in india and FBI investigation is necessary please protect the peoples in india
@suryanaray7942 2 года назад
Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy
@suryanaray7942 2 года назад
Iam appeal to the Honble UN secretary general iam facing life threat from the communal powers please provide security to me through NATO military forces please protect me sir
@russiarussia5164 2 года назад
@englishstark7952 2 года назад
When BCC Push The Agenda Danger When you know Jim Could Fix It
@ukraine_will_win_ 2 года назад
UK ❤
@raspberries97 2 года назад
The climate hysteria together with environmental hysteria are extremely annoying for ordinary neutral people. Western governments kill Western economies themselves.
@yeevita 2 года назад
Neutral people? You live on the moon?
@kevinclementine4548 2 года назад
Hello 👋 how are you doing today hope all's well with you and your family?
@carljohan9959 2 года назад
Thank for your comment you speak with so much wisdom,I agree with you completely,I would like to know you more ,I am by name STEPHEN from Odense Denmark but I relocated to USA few years ago,And You
@fatuglyjake 2 года назад
Won't this have a negative effect on the environment?
@gethotwithshannonnadj9301 2 года назад
"A tree lives for 100y then decomposes where as this sits in the ground for 10,000 years."... Um, So how much does it cost to plant a tree? and dont trees make oxygen as well as help keep soil together during heavy rain and flooding? seems like a convoluted complex idea to 'quickly' but not cheaply burry other companies carbon output for a much higher cost than planting heaps of trees etc to soak up that carbon and produce oxygen as well as provide habitat for wildlife and help with soil erosion
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