
The THREE Most Dangerous People We Will Encounter 

411 Outdoors LLC
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In this video, I will talk about what I believe to be or the three most dangerous people in society. #threatassessment #situationalawareness #selfdefense



22 сен 2024




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@chucknaill 2 часа назад
Thank you for reminding us of potential dangers. As James reminds us, “Know this, my beloved brethren, but everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God”. Anger and lust are the cause of so much human suffering and misery. We ought to endeavor to rid ourselves of road rage.
@SteveAubrey1762 Час назад
The 3 most " dangerous" people: - a politician, - a judicial activist judge, - a lawyer
@SSN515 58 минут назад
Those are all the same people.
@aubreyleonae4108 41 минуту назад
@@SSN515 Beat me to it 🤣
@warlantactical 2 часа назад
The person with the most patience ,leave that guy alone
@411Outdoors 2 часа назад
@simontemplar6279 53 минуты назад
Beware the fury of the patient man.
@Meme-qd2oj 52 минуты назад
God says that’s included in the singular fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. In other words, all of these co-exist together, same as the acts of the sinful nature. Of course some of these could be faked.
@TheWolfe83 Час назад
Number 3 is the most dangerous for me. When you underestimate someone and look away for a moment could be your last breath.
@melodymcminn4107 2 часа назад
A woman with children comes to mind.
@petermuller9940 2 часа назад
The most dangerous person is a pissed mom with a shoe to throw …
@rd9219 2 часа назад
That's why concealed carry is THE Great Equalizer
@stevegrifftx 2 часа назад
Solid info as always, thanks !
@RodentHunter Час назад
What I feel is number one in keeping me safe is because most people have something to lose. I would dread living in a world where most people have nothing more to lose.
@SSN515 57 минут назад
That guy drinking quietly by himself at the back corner of the bar.
@michaelbrooks4307 27 минут назад
Very concise, very cogent and thoughtful...Thank you!
@aubreyleonae4108 22 минуты назад
PTSD and wicked survivors guilt can create an individual with a nothing to lose mindset. They have a trigger inside that, when tripped, can suddenly make them want to lose it all on a chance of perceived justice, and you can certainly not spot them. Great video, very, very good advice.
@oubliette862 2 часа назад
I actually agree with you, given the 5 minute explanation that was on point generally, in my opinion for what that's worth. I'm often tempted to offer advice but limit myself to my opinions. In the past I've been asked to teach but I always refuse. Not sure if I'll ever feel qualified. What I can do works for me because I'm inclined for such things but it's not the same for others. So I just keep my mouth shut and my awareness on.
@ajgeorgoulis 2 часа назад
This was really good advice. Thank you for sharing 👍🏻
@bobafettuccine3541 2 часа назад
Reminds me of the movie The Usual Suspects. Careful who you trust. Sugar and salt look the same
@xiphosthrows 2 часа назад
Great video! To add to the first type of dangerous person, the movie Falling Down with Michael Douglas is a great example of a man with nothing to lose. The movie also shows the interactions he had with people that led to his meltdown. Preventative measures using that film as an example may be something worth making 😊
@411Outdoors 2 часа назад
@xiphosthrows 2 часа назад
@@411Outdoors Hell yeah brother!
@54WMD 2 часа назад
Good way to start the day! I
@MrMann703 Час назад
Good talk, treating people with respect goes a long way in avoiding trouble, lots of shady individuals out there, I've always taught my boy to be observant, pay attention to body language, tones of voice and facial ques, keep a certain distance of separation from unknown people. From my earliest memories I've always tried to go unnoticed in public, blend in be unassuming not threatening but not helpless either, forgettable. Grey man attitude has worked well in avoiding those dangerous individuals
@kevinblood9967 55 минут назад
When and if shit hits. You can't trust anyone. Unless they have been a friend for like 20 years or so. Don't trust strangers, make them keep their distance, and you can see both hands. But when talking to them, move so you are blocked by a structure because it could be a setup. Watch out for a sniper.
@glennmiller6759 Час назад
Gang members, guys in suits with glasses on at night, cocky people carrying firearms
@bdcochran01 Час назад
You identified all three. Always treat people with respect. Example 1. Pot bellied guy in his '60's in the club. Clearly an alcoholic. However, retired SF. You would never know his wide experience. Example 2. Slight guy in his early '30's. I noticed him because of my training. He came to the range to watch a shooting class. Back against a pole. Fingers curled and resting on jeans pockets instead of hands plunged into jeans pockets - a dead give away. Turned when he was introduced, he was way beyond anyone I have met to that date. Looks are deceiving. Observations: 1. If you have ever been put into a "dead zone", you know not to do that to another human. In the battle of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, do you know who the fighters were? It was young people who had no dependents. They were put into a "dead zone" and didn't have a pocket full of money or a child that they thought might survive by cooperation. 2. The psychotic serial killers exist. However, if you continually giving little signs that you are paying attention, they will go on to the next person.
@889976889 Час назад
Very good point about people with multiple times of violence, I grew up with a guy like that use to box did some MMA, couldn’t count how many street fights and bar fights I’ve seen him in. He was afraid of nothing or no one. Had no issue inflicting violence on people. He was also someone would have never thought was capable of it by looking at him.
@michaelcervantez3570 2 часа назад
I know a pretty tall blonde woman that has had one husband pass away at a young age and she "accidentally" ran over her first husband with a golf cart, he was lucky and lived, but got a divorce very soon after that.
@mightydocb3334 Час назад
Must of been one hell of a golf game! Lol
@rossclay3317 49 минут назад
First rate. Very good advice. All three you mentioned are very dangerous. Perhaps a 4th. The online hacker thief that take everything thing you own financially. This is now a serious global threat. And should be considered. Just a consideration and indeed a treat.
@tonyedge2457 Час назад
Amen Friend!
@raylynch5098 Час назад
@John-w9m8d 2 часа назад
The dude that scares me the most is when they pull a knife. Unfortunately, I've been sliced several times in fights over the years. Its scarey as Hell. I used to be in same great shape as you sir. But, today im disabled, use a cane to walk. I'd like to know how to use a cane as a weapon..( I also carry concealed, I even had my weapon sidearm on me when i got sliced once, But I didn't want to kill the man) ... Sad excuse on my part, I know.
@michaelc9507 22 минуты назад
I have even seen cane knife are excellent tool. I’m sure you can find a cane gun looking hard enough . If you killed the person who cut you and they died maybe you be in prison now .best wishes to you brother
@warlantactical 2 часа назад
I was once in instructor in two different philosophy and did private lessons which i requested the class to dress as you are Daily with all your items on body Life evolves true self defense should be taught with as you are on daily
@VTPSTTU 52 минуты назад
Thanks for the video. You mentioned a Scripture yesterday, so when you talked about the most dangerous people, another Scripture came to mind. I think there's a verse in Proverbs that says something to the effect that it is better to meet a mother bear robbed of her cubs than to meet a fool in his folly. Ronald Reagan was fond of saying that the scariest words in the English language were, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." I know that your videos in general and this video in particular are not about those kinds of situations. However, I can't help but think that the biggest body counts come from people who think that they have a great idea. Often, those people think that they can order the world to something that they think will be so much better, and they are willing to kill as many people as necessary to make their vision a reality. In modern times, I think about executives who think that having a "diverse" staff is more important than building airplanes that don't suffer all kinds of failures. They end up creating incentives in their companies where making the most reliable airplane is less important than impressing celebrities, professors, and certain politicians. In the big picture, those are the most dangerous people. One variation on "the person who has nothing to lose" is the person who feels that only he or she can bring about justice. I can see where someone who feels that the system is never going to bring about justice and that God will never do enough could become very dangerous to those that he or she sees as evil-doers who need justice. One rumor about the shooting of the judge in Kentucky is that the judge had molested the sheriff's daughter. At this point, that's just a rumor, but the rumor sets up this hypothetical very well. If someone believes that another person has committed an evil and that justice will not come any other way, that person might take justice into his or her own hands. By killing the evil-doer, this person has brought justice. This person may accept that the system will then punish him for seeking justice outside the law, but he will at least know that justice has been done. He may even see his own punishment as part of bringing the scales of justice back into alignment. Another dangerous person is the person who has never been taught that other people are human beings as well. Many of these mass shooters seem to think that no one else is a human being. They may also feel that they have nothing to lose, but that feeling is secondary in my mind. They go into a public area and start shooting randomly. They completely ignore the fact that most of the people that they are shooting are just regular people who are struggling as they are. They don't care. They've decided to paint everyone with the same broad brush. If the popular bully makes a kid's life a living Hell in high school and that kid shoots the school bully, I have a bit of sympathy for the shooter. The bully kept doing evil things to provoke a reaction, and eventually, he got an evil reaction. Yes, the bullying is less evil than killing in retribution, but both are evil. Now, the bully is dead and his long-time victim has become the evil-doer. To some extent, justice ends up being done. When the bully's victim starts shooting other kids, that shows that the bully's victim has stopped seeing others as fellow human beings. Blaming them because they didn't stop the bully is wrong. The other students are just fellow people trying to get through a tough life full of bullies. Failing to see them that way is a huge failing. Another combination of these is the small-time person who is committed to a cause. These people can't drive the genocide of those who have an idea and have power to kill millions, but they are often dangerous on the individual level. They believe that they are right to attack people who aren't like them and don't agree with them. They see someone at a political rally for a candidate that they don't like, and they think that attacking that person is justified. Many of them are too cowardly to do anything, but if enough of them get together, one of them may decide to attack. If one of them encounters someone who seems to be an "other" and thinks that he can attack without being harmed, he may attack. Another variation on someone not understanding that other people are human beings is the worthless thug who thinks that he's justified in hurting anyone who crosses his path because somehow society hasn't been good to him. In many places, these trash people will go out looking for victims. They think that they look cool in front of their friends when they attack someone who is minding his or her own business. At one time, this kind of behavior was called "the knockout game." One of a little group of human trash would go up to someone, usually an older person, and hit that person from behind without warning and without provocation. Most of these little pieces of trash are not that tough. In some cases, even their elderly victims could beat them up in a fair fight. They certainly couldn't win all that often against someone their own age and health. However, they are dangerous because they are garbage. Much is in how we define "dangerous." To me, the experienced fighter who isn't an idiot may be very likely to win any fight that starts, but if he's not an idiot, we're unlikely to have a confrontation. That makes him powerful but not really dangerous. The high-quality pistol in .45 ACP is powerful, but it's not dangerous. If the person handling that pistol is good in both skill and morals, that pistol isn't likely to do any harm. The super low-quality pistol in .32 ACP isn't nearly as powerful, but if the construction is so bad that a bump can cause the pistol to discharge, that pistol is dangerous to the person carrying that pistol and to anyone else nearby. I think some people are like that. They may not be dangerous in the sense of being good fighters, but they are dangerous in the sense that they might do something stupid and aggressive for no reason. A fly buzzes around that person's face, and he's suddenly swinging a beer bottle at the fly without regard to whether anyone else is nearby. Maybe he starts a fight, or maybe he just hits someone by accident.
@HarleyGuru1977 Час назад
Daniel my man, another zen video with conscise and edifying information. As always, Stuart Loyal follower from NYC
@411Outdoors Час назад
Thanks my friend!
@larrymoore6595 2 часа назад
The quiet one
@michaelcervantez3570 2 часа назад
This theory has been proven wrong many times throughout my life.
@podsmpsg1 Час назад
I don't have a car, so I take the Public transit bus. I've seen verbal arguments, fist fights, gambling, people selling bootleg DVDs, people drunk and high and people peeing on the bus. Some guy one time almost attacked me because he didn't like what I said, two other passengers had to restrain him. I shouldn't have said that, but he didn't have to flip out. Have to watch what you say and to who these days.
@charlesmckinney 2 часа назад
I'm not going to mention names or the town in which this happened but I know it to be the truth because I know the man. He had one arm, was a very nice man, very quiet and reserved. He was a serial killer who killed three young women and buried their bodies under the dirt floor of his garage. Everyone that knew him were shocked to the core...myself included. I knew and liked the man and something like he was guilty of would never have crossed my mind.
@dylanvisitacion8618 29 минут назад
@Anog_kc Час назад
In the end you only loking people in the face 😮 so you never know what they are up to
@warlantactical 2 часа назад
Example for pew pew you see all these dudes dry firing and still going to same range Life dose not stand still its constantly moving In most cases where you would need to pull your gun you wont be re holstering repeatedly or reloading Because the treat at that point most likely will be moving or not and might be another threat This is where krav and san soo philosophy are extremely effective and utilized in combat There are only a few philosophy that intertwine the right weapons into it to be truly functional
@johnwilde164 59 минут назад
Here, the last violent crime was committed by someone who has "methamphetamine-induced psychotic disorder," among other things.
@thirdactwarrior317 Час назад
Great video. You asked about other dangerous people. There is a fascinating book, "Why We Snap" by R. Douglas Fields. Fields is a neuroscientist who has made a career study of the rage circuits in the brain. He presents some great science and tells some fascinating stories about normal, everyday people who have "snapped" and done, horrible violent acts, without having any of the characteristics you mentioned. He comes to two very scary conclusions: 1) The same circuits in the brain that can make you a hero, can also make you a murderer. AND 2) Anyone could conceivably "snap" in some situations. It depends on your level of self-control. Fields does not excuse anyone who snaps, they have to accept the consequences of their actions. But it is amazing the diversity of people it has happened to. A war hero, a grandmother, a quiet, peaceful man who had never committed a crime, a mountain climber who was a stickler for safety, but intentionally killed a climbing partner, etc. He explains eight triggers that can cause rage in anyone. They are worth knowing, but to list them here would not work. They take some explaining.
@warlantactical 2 часа назад
So true there are so many people that take philosophy but never use them but think there tough A person that can help another person Example jump start there car or push there car out of the road Even these social media dudes that show there guns and shoot at stationary targets and sell that image for money Examples Trex arms It takes a different kind of person to alter someone’s fate . I am by know means saying that end result is good but situations and ones self dictate the outcome Those who train in philosophy may not be-able to dictate the outcome because they do not get hit or apply what they learn to everyday life You can train for years and some dude in your comfort zone just wrecked you So many jujitsu practitioners think they can take on the world lol News flash 95% of there technique will get them hurt against a violent person Most Jujitsu instructor just teach the lesson not the execution which is a huge huge part of the practically of it Great example all these ufc fighters and followers think there tough A person Connor and Travis Strickland these two dudes can fight and its proven outside the ring Both are in the lime light of it even though they have money and fame They still ack upon
@greenleewood34 54 минуты назад
Anton Chigurh. Bob Saginowski.
@OskinsBob Час назад
@daniel51404 Минуту назад
The 3 most dangerous people in Your life are Family, Friends and neighbors.
@jordantheokay3168 2 часа назад
On the 18th I took a vow of silence. Its very difficult, but I may use my voice in an emergency. I'm not doing it to get a response. That having been said the responses very wildly. Upsets some folk. From a self defense standpoint, do you think that I am setting myself up for a fight?
@411Outdoors 2 часа назад
Our voice can be our greatest weapon in de-escalation. People do sometimes get off put if they haven’t heard us talking much, but there is a time for my friend.
@davidmusselwhite547 Час назад
Intent. How far are you willing to go.
@slik560 Час назад
You just never know about people. Assume nothing
@LeePenn2492 55 минут назад
Bang on there pal
@warlantactical 2 часа назад
I was once in instructor in two different philosophy and did private lessons which i requested the class to dress as you are Daily with all your items on body Life evolves true self defense should be taught with as you are on daily
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