
The Tragic Story Of Lucille Ball's Son, Desi Arnaz Jr. 

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Growing up as the child of two famous actors can’t be easy, but Desi Arnaz Jr. was the most famous baby in America even before he was born. When Lucille Ball became pregnant in real life, the pregnancy was written into I Love Lucy as well. Although Desi Arnaz Jr. didn’t play himself on the show, he still pursued an acting career.
He quickly became known as a womanizer and a drug user, but the good news was that his famous parents helped him get through rehab. Let’s take a look at the tragic real-life story of Lucille Ball’s son, Desi Arnaz Jr.
#Tragic #LucilleBall #Actors
Read Full Article: www.grunge.com/242795/the-tra...




24 июл 2024




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@GrungeHQ 3 года назад
We're happy for Desi Arnaz Jr. that he was able to overcome his problems!
@edwincribbes3870 3 года назад
@@timthegem ugtttffgfgfffg
@NickNicometi 3 года назад
Ricky Jr. can thank God he had loving, devoted parents. I ❤️ Lucy!
@mel2000 3 года назад
@@NickNicometi : Their lack of supervision led to him being a dad at 15. They could have been better parents.
@francesschatz3131 3 года назад
Hi ,bn
@francesschatz3131 3 года назад
Hi ,
@kepckatherinec805 3 года назад
It’s not a tragic story. Desi Jr.’s story is one of getting real and overcoming his challenges. He deserves credit, not pity.
@scotnick59 3 года назад
@TheGlssr60 3 года назад
Boo hoo! Both of my parents are rich and famous. Waaahhhh! I'm getting more tail in a month than most guys get in their entire lives. Gee whiz! It's tough being young and attractive and being the darling of half of Hollywood! Give me a f**king break.
@Me-mb1ex 3 года назад
@@TheGlssr60 The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?
@TheGlssr60 3 года назад
@@Me-mb1ex IKR?
@TheGlssr60 3 года назад
@@Me-mb1ex Aww did you get my reply to you deleted? Now who's the bitch, bitch?
@ambrabridges2161 3 года назад
Desi Arnez Jr. spoke at the university I went to several years ago. He was very open and honest about his struggles and overcoming them. I was able to meet and speak to him briefly afterwards and he was very friendly and had a peacefulness about him. I'm glad he was able to overcome his struggles and lead a normal life.
@brendaharley3252 3 года назад
I don't care,
@rozamaioran206 3 года назад
Ok so keep it to urself about u don’t care asshole.
@man975dog 3 года назад
I met his sister Lucie Arnaz in 2009 at a Barnes and Noble bookstore in New York City-Lucie Arnaz was there to perform songs and music in person,from a new music cd she was selling or promoting there-A huge crowd of people were there to see her perform-It was very nice, and Lucie was not alone-She had her son Joe Luckinbill with her, and her son is a professional guitar player-After her very nice show was over,I bought her music cd,like everyone else who was there,and she autographed it for me-I spoke with her and her son-Wow-What very nice people they were,and very nice performers and entertainers-Just like their parents and grandparents of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz-Lucie's son Joe Luckinbill,also gave a very nice performance with playing his guitar,before his mother's performance,or after-I always wanted to see Lucille Ball in person,and I think I came very close to it when I saw and spoke with her daughter Lucie Arnaz,at this very nice music event at a Barnes and Noble bookstore,on New York City's Upper West Side.
@debrawise8400 3 года назад
Amber Bridges : Absolutely!
@karenlaidlaw753 3 года назад
@@debrawise8400 I
@gloriabrawldy5325 3 года назад
Desi owns a dance studio in boulder city , nev. My nieces went to his dance studio for years. He lost his wife about 8 yrs. Ago. They had to close the dance studio due to Covid. 19. He straightened his life out.
@patcampbell2664 2 года назад
@warrenroy5376 3 года назад
I like the ending how his parents were willing to put aside differences long enough to get their son help! I commend them for that!
@Me-mb1ex 3 года назад
I don't think there were any differences to put aside, Lucy and Desi remained friends post-divorce and civilly coparented their children throughout their whole upbringing.
@negativeindustrial 2 года назад
@@Me-mb1ex Considering Desi Arnaz was known to be violent, Lucy may have had a few issues with him.
@GMMayo-fk9wj Год назад
Whose life is perfect? Only Jesus. Desi isn't any different than any stars' child with so much speculation. He is fine and thriving. Gorgeous man.. Hispanic roots really wow him. Go Desi..
@stacyhackney6100 3 года назад
I like that his parents helped him fight his addiction and that he was able to get off drugs. I hate the illicit drug trade. It destroys so many lives.
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Hello Stacy hackney how are you doing?
@stacyhackney6100 3 года назад
@@michaelbruno4608 I hope you are well Michael, and staying safe during this raging pandemic. Happy Holidays.
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Stacy Hackney same and thanks for asking
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Stacy Hackney Do you have Google Hangout so we could have a better conversation and get to know more about each other’s over there??
@stacyhackney6100 3 года назад
Hi Michael. Thank you for the invitation. I'm going to decline but since I don't know you, please don't take it personally. One reason I am declining is I have multiple serious problems, the biggest one is my government. I opposed our initiation of the Iraq War many years ago. I didn't believe my government's statements that the Iraqi people had weapons of mass destruction. I opposed the war in two private conversations, one during a telephone call with my father, who lives across the country, and another with a taxi driver of Middle Eastern descent. These were casual conversations, I had no idea my government was listening. The taxi driver initiated the conversation about the Iraq War, leading me years later to understand he was a government operative used to set me up. The government used my comments to justify putting me on an anti terrorist watch list. I suspect my father, who worked as a police officer in Florida until he retired, and who, unknown to me until years later, was the anonymous whistleblower in the Jeb Bush infidelity scandal, I suspect his phone was tapped, and my government learned about my position on the war and used it to justify putting me on an anterrorist list, which list I've been on for many years. I believe I was placed on the list because (1) I opposed our initiation of the Iraq War, (2) retaliation against my father who anonymously reported the alleged Jeb Bush affair, (3) racism - a failed attempt to entrap me by DEA agents who sought to tie me to one of my ex stepfathers who was a drug dealer. The man was my step father when I was a toddler. I have no childhood memory of him, and barely knew him. We moved across the country when I was 9, and the government forced me to meet with him in my early 30s, I believe it was. The drug dealer had two children with my mother, the dealer and my mother were both in their 20s during the marriage, I think. My mother never discussed her ex as a drug dealer so it may be that he went into that business some time after they divorced, I honestly don't know. In that marriage, my mother bore two children, two of my four half siblings on my mother's side. I also had half siblings on my father's side, as both my parents remarried. I suspect the DEA tracked my half siblings father's money to them, and because I am African American in a country with a long history of systemic racism, the DEA tried to pull me in too, even though I barely knew him, had no history of drug use and have never used drugs, lived across the country from him, worked multiple legal clerical jobs, and owned nothing of significant value but an old car, worth maybe several thousand dollars. The government got my much beloved sister to pressure me into visiting her father while I was in Toledo on vacation from work, visiting my grandparents. It took me many years of being unrelentingly harassed, and experiencing many failed entrapment attempts sprung on me, to piece this sh*t together. For much of those years, I was confused about what was going on. Something was wrong, but I had no idea what. I bothered no one. As far as I knew, I had no enemies. It would've never occured to me the government was investigating me. They didn't bother talking to me, to ask me basic questions. They just launched themselves into my life. Because I'm African American, and they are racists, with entitlement issues. On the anti-terrorist list my own government harasses and tortures me, until I die, knowing all the while that I'm not a terrorist. It matters not at all that I am innocent, and know no terrorists, much less am one. They've always known that yet it didn't stop them putting me on the list. My theory is to keep a case open against me originated by the DEA, some kind of evidence is needed to justify contininuing entrapment attempts, continued monitoring. I think, based on my experience, that after a person is placed on the anti terrorist list, no proof of wrongdoing is needed to keep you on that list. So government agents get free reign to harass me to death, no exaggeration, all under the radar, no questions asked. No need to get a supervisor tp okay continuing harassment, or a judge to sign off on anything. For a racist government, putting an innocent African American such as myself, who is lawabiding, is a workaround to having to justify systemic racism by racists who want to destroy my quality of life merely because I am African American, was a hard worker before I got sick , and financially aided my family as best I could. Apparently, African American people like me, hard working, pro-family, and non-corrupt, are perceived as a threat by powerful men in some security agency(ies). That sounds insane, but that's been my experience with my government for the last three decades, or so. Have a minority target you want to take down, but who is innocent? Place her on one of America's anti-terrorist watch lists. Then pound her to your hearts content. I've written to multiple agencies, domestic, international, letters, emails, to presidents, begging for help. No help is available. That's been my life for about 30 years now. I have no way off the list that I know of. I have not been charged with anything because I've done nothing. I've endured many entrapment attempts, even as recently as last week when my doctor told me, yet again, that he would lie for me as I try to qualify for a heavy duty battery for my mobility device. I've never asked anyone to lie for me about anything, so my doctor's volunteering is unsolicited. I've declined his offer twice, and even with that he's assured me his offer remains open, should I change my mind. I told him his offers could risk his license. He doesn't appear concerned. Do you understand? The government could've monitored me and not shown they were there, but they had my doctor offer to lie for me, nothing any other doctor has ever done, nothing I've ever asked, and something few doctors would offer to a paient, must less a patient they've had around a year. My government doesn't care that I know or see their entrapments. They've drunk the koolaide. They think they're all that, that they are entitled to do as they please. This is psychological warfare by a bully, out of control, racist arm of the government that reports to no one, that I can see. President Trump refers to the Deep State, and it exists. I experience it nearly daily. I've endured decades of mostly psychological assaults, but multiple years endured off and on physical assaults, as well as two sexual assaults by people I believe were government operatives. How to charge a government operative with sexual assault initiated at the behest of my own government? The most recent sexual assault occurred within the last several years. I told my mother and my sister. They're entrapped. If questioned, who knows if they'd be allowed to answer honestly. Partially due to the unrelenting, decades long harassment, I have multiple health problems. I am obese. When I initially sought medical care to discuss my emerging symptoms, doctors wouldn't help me, they said they could find nothing wrong. Thinking my HMO was subpar, I paid out of pocket to try to find out what was wrong with me by having tests run outside my HMOs system. To no avail. Sadly, there are corrupt doctors, or doctors who couldn't be bothered to help me. I also suspect some doctors were instructed by the government not to help me. It was the way a couple of them behaved with me. Almost smirking. As if they knew something I didn't. I just wanted help, and found none to be had. Can't prove my earlier doctors were puppets, but I suspect it. My symptoms clearly point to prediabetes, and had done for years. A doctor worth their salt would've identified the symtoms. I didn't know what it was then, but I told doctors about my grandmother's diabetes. I totally understand why so many people don't have faith in the medical profession in this country. Ordinary people, in my experience, encounter doctors out to maximize hospitals and medical centers profits, not to optimize patient health or tell patients how our body works. Experiencing symptoms but without medical help, my health deterorated to the point I was unable to work. I became disabled. Applying for disability, a process my government landmined with multiple entrapment attempts, was hell. After which I began to see that my loved ones were weaponized to harm me, an absolutely terrifying discovery. I knew my middle sister had been weaponized, I had no clue until after I became sick, that others in my immediate family were entrapped. Imagine becoming sick and slowly understanding that your parents, and some of your siblings, are encouraging you to break the law, something they'd never encouraged previously. When my Mom first did that, I was stunned. It was the exact opposite of how she raised me. I had no idea what was going on, and I was sick. Tired all the time. Headaches, migraines, exhausted, couldn't sleep. Imagine feeling sick, unwell and then feeling terror knowing some of your loved ones have become entrapped. I'd had no idea that my parents and my brother were slaves, forced by our government to try to get me to lie about my illnesses, etc. It's a nightmare I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy, knowing my family had been harmed was even worse than knowing I was under attack. My life as government prey is not one I would wish for you, or anyone. This is a full disclosure comment, to protect you, in case you're just an ordinary guy seeking female companionship. You do not want this life. Best regards, Happy Holidays. P.S. I'm sorry for any typos. I'm typing on my phone using one thumb.
@libertygiveme1987 3 года назад
It HAS TO BE DIFFICULT to come from "FAMOUS PARENTS"!!!! So GLAD Desi Jr. was able to get the help he needed!!!!
@Classicrocker6119 3 года назад
I just hope Desi is happy now even if he is away from the limelight. Him and his sister Luci are entitled to their privacy and I wish them all the best in what they do.
@scotnick59 3 года назад
I think a lot of Desi, Jr's problems STEMMED by being in the limelight.
@merncat75 3 года назад
@@scotnick59 100%
@margarettewest254 3 года назад
He owns a small theater now.
@englishatheart 3 года назад
He* and his sister.
@lorrainespagnuolo4149 4 месяца назад
He had alot of support from his parents and fans. Thank God Desi Jr. was able to overcome his addictions ♥️
@annetteathanasatos1229 3 года назад
I have been a fan of Desi Arnaz Jr. for many years. I love his rock band he had. He is so handsome, looks just like his Dad. I wish him all the best.
@cherieadams77 3 года назад
Desi Arnez Jr.
@50hellkat2 2 года назад
Desi Jr was a teen idol and is one handsome dude to this day. Too good looking for his own good with his dad's charisma. Great performer. Lucy seemed like she had a temper so he came by it honestly.
@vaanipapadakis2226 2 года назад
He's pretty average looking. I feel bad for his daughter who grew up without a father.
@bunjijumper5345 Год назад
@@vaanipapadakis2226 Id say the sister was average looking he was good looking not gorgeous Dino Martin was more handsome.
@jaengen 4 месяца назад
Judging someones looks is subjective. @@bunjijumper5345
@MicheleMJJ 3 года назад
Being the son of two of the most popular people around, I can imagine the pressure and stress he suffered. Thank goodness Lucy and Ricky were supportive of him.
@mel2000 3 года назад
Being the son of two of the most popular people around also gave him privileges and opportunities that most never get. He didn't have to abuse himself.
@scotnick59 2 года назад
Lucy and RICKY? = hahaha
@MicheleMJJ 2 года назад
@@scotnick59 DID I STUTTER?
@SVAsianPhilippinesGo6858 Год назад
Yeah, but luckily for him, he didn't have to struggle financially because of his start in life as their son!
@Famegonna9999 3 года назад
He's still alive you guys are making it sound like he died.
@1974wythe 3 года назад
I know right lol
@karlenemacdonald6549 3 года назад
Thats what I was thinking....wait...did he die..? I dont remember hearing about it..!
@marlenathornsbeary2800 3 года назад
@@karlenemacdonald6549 I know me too.
@romillya.1351 3 года назад
Right! He lives in CA....in a beach house.
@keitha.9922 3 года назад
Yeah with it, I thought he passed too
@debrawise8400 3 года назад
Love Desi Arnaz, Jr ,thought he was just so cute.We all go through mess ,but thank God when we can pick ourselves up .You never know what people go through.
@lolam.9291 3 года назад
Can’t be too tragic. He can thank God he’s alive.
@jennifercole281 3 года назад
He's not this tragic figure. He's actually pretty pulled together for a Hollywood kid. This video is just being twisted into an ad for a rehab center.
@christinagabrielle1111 3 года назад
@m.e.d.7997 3 года назад
And he and his sister inherited a mega amt of money. He is doing okay.
@mitchkaras6934 3 года назад
@@jennifercole281 popppop
@annecohen8927 3 года назад
His early life was tragic. He survived it all. He's a fighter.
@richviner1037 3 года назад
I will always enjoy Lucy and Desi Arnaz's "I LOVE LUCY" They no longer show it on Hallmark cable stations, I wish they would bring it back!!! That is worth watching!!
@lisasantorelli4367 3 года назад
I Rich Viner, I watch I Love Lucy on Hulu. I know its not free, but it's worth it to me. '
@vanessajohnson6660 3 года назад
I'm so happy that this actually had a happy ending in the long run. And you know I always find it beautiful when parents can still come together whether they are in love or not anymore and do what they have to do for their child that's what parents do. You don't have to be married to co-parent and thank God what they did was enough to help any because in a lot of cases that's not how it turned out so this is actually refreshing and very good to hear. Poor kid I can only imagine what it was like growing up in the spotlight like that...
@Skipbo000 3 года назад
"the Tragic Story" and "it finally was a true Hollywood ending." You know he's still living right? You make sound like he died. Arnaz Jr is alive and well and his story is anything but tragic.
@konamy4203 3 года назад
U need a dictionary clearly
@kayhathaway6956 3 года назад
@@konamy4203 You need a dictionary, clearly! Don’t forget the comma!
@konamy4203 3 года назад
@@kayhathaway6956 ask if I give a sh*t, no I don't
@rayrei8620 3 года назад
This isnt tragic, it's a story of hope and overcoming.
@kevdogrudi7260 3 года назад
Lucy and Desi were magic together. It's no wonder that their children are as well
@joeconner2231 3 года назад
Fame doesn't solve problems, it magnifies them!
@tmp1111 3 года назад
@CSBTelevision 3 года назад
I'm glad he received the help he needed. Parents your children will follow you, so do what you want them to do and be what you want them to be.
@heyyall5651 2 года назад
Correct. My friend said she told her daughters not to date a guy like the current guy she was seeing. I told her the best way to teach them is if YOU follow your own advice and don't date someone like him.
@kepc9083 3 года назад
Desi Arnaz Jr. has dealt with challenges during his life, including the loss of loved ones. But his ongoing recovery from substance abuse is not a tragedy. It’s a hard-earned triumph. I think describing Desi Jr.’s life as a “tragic story” is untrue and unfair. The Grunge is exaggerating in order to stir up interest and perpetuate scandal. Shame!
@ThePeachygal 3 года назад
I know his wife died of cancer 5 years ago and they had been married around 25 years. I am sure that was tragic for him but that was not even mentioned
@sheilamull6769 3 года назад
Oh yes it is!
@merncat75 3 года назад
@@ThePeachygal Exactly
@suemcknight9051 3 года назад
@ Kepc.... So agree with you. Clicked on this to see. This will be my one & only time with this channel. No time for crap like this. Bye-Bye to whomever does this channel...
@thexdude 3 года назад
@@suemcknight9051 You're overexaggerating the whole situation. Who cares about it, since I've never seen another one of their vids that ISN'T actually truly tragic.
@thethroneroommedia7096 3 года назад
He starred in an obscure Robert Altman film called A Wedding which I saw in the cinema when it came out in '78ish and loved it. He and his sister are really nice people.
@annecohen8927 3 года назад
Thank you for documenting his life. I didn't know he had a drug issue. I am so glad he was able to overcome it through the love and support by his parents. His remarkable life should be a reminder that we, are all vulnerable even if we are not celebrities like he is.
@GMMayo-fk9wj Год назад
Should make hisy life story as a testament to the world of how addictions are a disease not a "habit." We all.have habits in one form or another. We just arent celebrities brutally under a microscope viciously under attack. He is highly successful now in Boulder CO after restoring and buying a theatrical conglomerate with ballet and theatrical productions
@GMMayo-fk9wj Год назад
So right. Wheres his life story? Unjustifiable criticism probably keeps his low profile. Weed is now sold all over and seen with such approval even millionaires like Dr Oz, Melania, and others are taking in the dough with claims used in liquid form can heal...such bull. In Ca people can grow it and pot stores sell it in all forms. Double standard...you bet. And Desi should feel shame?? Crazy just like the Biden crooked and immoral administrations. God is hearing it all and His wrath isnt far from coming We are ALL sinners. Let's pray for those persecuted and for our freedom under attack👍😉
@debbiewallace67 3 года назад
Love that you put up the hotline number at the end. I pray my own son will have a recovery testimony to share. 🙏
@terridorn9077 3 года назад
I pray for my son's recovery every night🙏
@jasonalmodovar3031 3 года назад
Stay optimistic, you never know. God bless.
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Hello Dabble Wallace how are you doing?
@debbiewallace67 3 года назад
@Michael Bruno I’m doing well thank you. How you are too.
@RobertSJHu 3 года назад
Good to hear you got help as needed Des Arnaz Jr. Thanks to your parents, friends and God !!!! Robert S.J. Hu Nov. 2, 2020.
@robyoung9968 3 года назад
He was a good actor and so cute.. I was sorry when he disappeared..
@sjk6101983 3 года назад
His granddaughter just passed away awhile ago. My heart breaks for him, his sister, and the rest of their family.
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Hello Sarah keno how are you doing?
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Sarah Keno hello 👋 How are you doing
@romillya.1351 3 года назад
I heard that. That was so sad. He now lives in CA....in a beach house.
@sjk6101983 2 года назад
@@kathrynfauble9053 I heard Palm Springs
@thisisme3238 3 года назад
Thanks for the info and glad he got the help he needed.
@lagretastarke9472 3 года назад
Thank God for family and friends support!!
@raphaelbernal2841 3 года назад
Hes still around today and doing very well.
@moondawg3693 3 года назад
Great work and adding the Mental Health line is so important. Well done and, God Bless
@jassonoppenhein4114 3 года назад
Just goes to show what good parenting is ! They went to rehab with thier son because probably media, but my heart says love, compassion, dedication to the responsibility that was left outside.
@angelomaldini3316 3 года назад
Wait a minute... if this guy is still alive then it's not a tragic story. Tragic implies death. Like for the two Glee cast members
@janetmccoy2192 3 года назад
Exactly! It’s such a disingenuous way to get proper to cluck.
@cards0486 3 года назад
I was thinking the same thing. I saw the title and thought,”Desi’s dead!?!!???” I hate the misleading junk put up here.
@davidseamans6151 3 года назад
Yes, all the videos are "Tragic Story". Load of crap. I would block if I could.
@onnie.6815 3 года назад
So because he’s alive his life wasn’t tragic? Very dismissive
@konamy4203 3 года назад
Seems u guys dont know the definition of tragic, theres a dictionary on ur phone or get a DICTIONARY book. Get educated
@doreenfernandes2431 3 года назад
I liked Lucille and her acting in the serials " I love Lucy" which were very entertaining
@lavenberry 3 года назад
No one's parents are perfect. I find it interesting that he had two parents but decided to follow the one making all the wrong choices. His mother wasn't perfect but she wasn't sleeping around and doing drugs. He could've followed her in that way. I'm glad to know he got himself together and it's too bad his child had to grow up w/o him.
@mel2000 3 года назад
His mother was an alcoholic.
@cmm2145 2 года назад
@Tiffany Powers - We all know that Desi Sr was a womanizer, an alcoholic, and a gambling addict. It just bothers me that Desi Sr’s bad behavior is commonly known but Lucy is portrayed as a victim and an angel when she really wasn’t an angel. I’m not going to turn this into a gossip session by throwing the rumors I’ve heard into my comment. I cannot prove that any of them are true and the only ones I would even consider close enough to retell were from interviews from Lucie, Desi Jr, and Keith Thibodeuax (Little Ricky). If you’re interested in that topic, Google search or RU-vid search it. It’s all out there like needles in haystacks. . .
@ShogunHull 3 года назад
@yabbadabba1975 3 года назад
Dino, Desi and Billy!! There should be some of their music on here.
@vbri 3 года назад
He is also now a sincere Christian. He and his late wife didn't flaunt their faith but did so much to help people.
@katiemartell6520 3 года назад
altwht Praise God; overjoyed to hear this!
@showdownvilla6078 3 года назад
Men and women struggle in life always find somebody you can talk to to get you through the tough times Trust never give up in life find a way to live find a way to stay happy there's always help out there for you never give up may God bless
@alexp3752 3 года назад
Growing up must have been very difficult for Desi, Jr. This is not uncommon for those whose families are successful, compounded even further by exceptional fame. Bravo, sir.
@LarryKelly 3 года назад
A happy ending isn’t tragic.
@johnbellamy6449 3 года назад
I'm so pleased to hear he's still going strong. Lots of love to him sorry he lost his wife .from Linda Bellamy UK
@mkivy 3 года назад
I grew up on this! I loved the show, and desi Arnez Jr. so sad!
@tammyt.b.1078 3 года назад
...he found Christ, is happily married and had a family. Its hardly tragic. Its a story of overcoming. .
@thethroneroommedia7096 3 года назад
That's what I thought. I saw him interviewed in recent years. He seemed like he belonged to Jesus.
@cindyversion1201 2 года назад
@brianfrank7022 3 года назад
I like the information presented but the title should be changed to, “the triumphant life of desi arnez jr.” yes, he did have struggles but managed to get through them and find a healthy path in life. Some people in these situations listed in the video become life long addicts or end their own life.
@edwardanthony7283 3 года назад
Had no idea about this sector of his life. Talented & lucky guy who is about 67 now.
@sparx180 3 года назад
Edward Anthony I would love to see a photo of how he looks today. He did have great parents who stood with him through his drug problems. I love his parents.
@btuesday 3 года назад
I met him once. He was a really sweet guy.
@terrybear5398 3 года назад
My deepest prayers go out to Desi Jr. His cross is a heavy one. But if he knows how so many people out there care and love him and his family, he may find God's love also.
@debrawise8400 3 года назад
Terry Bear: That's right!
@GMMayo-fk9wj Год назад
Gods love is everything in a lost world. All rejecting His precepts are falling....domino theory. Just a matter of time. Bidens son fits him...Hunter. He can run but not hide . Selling Gods Nation for profit is falling on the Bidens. Hunter lives in the WH bcus his father fears his blowing the whistle on their multimillion betraying our nation.
@tomodonovan5931 3 года назад
He and Michael Evans (the Jeffersons) both starred in a movie called the voyage of the yes, that I watched here on RU-vid. It wasn't a bad movie at all. Great acting by both. I think the movie was removed years ago. RU-vid took a lot of good movies down. They were always nice to watch from time to time. You want to mention tragic, Michael Evans passed back in 2006. Way too soon to leave this earth.
@garycarpenter2980 3 года назад
Loved this fellow, he was great on his mother's show with his sister
@emilymalden3310 3 года назад
I was a tot in the early 70's, but I did see a clip of a TV movie in which he played a teenaged dad. How ironic.
@glorialabella6361 3 года назад
Beautiful that he got the help he needed. God bless Desi, Jr. 👍
@heygetoffmylawn1572 3 года назад
This was a great vid. Good work. I especially, like that you put up the national substance abuse helpline at the end.
@jackieknapp6010 3 года назад
Another proof that money Does not assure happiness Though i greatly enjoyed I love lucy
@Everetttango1 3 года назад
I dunno, dude- you ever see a sad guy on a waverunner?
@charangoguy 3 года назад
Years ago, my dad got into a card game with Dezi Sr. at the Pebble Beach Bing Crosby Open golf tournament. Put it this way, Dezi Sr. was not a good loser.
@Shah_creates 2 года назад
We want to hear that story.
@stevemoore9509 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing. Wow he looks just like his dad especially around the eyes glad he got himself together. I would never want to be in showbusiness.
@ruthfinnerty1883 3 года назад
Happy you y gt
@nancybergdoll4820 3 года назад
It’s too bad that life is too short and we all screw up so bad.
@giselestrauch5146 3 года назад
I am glad that he worked things out
@gingersnaptrack9337 3 года назад
I watched an old Brady Bunch episode with Desi Arnaz Jr. from the '70s and Marcia looked really happy.
@emilymalden3310 3 года назад
I think I read they became friends in real life. Later when she was older, she stated in her memoir, they briefly dated.
@adriennerobinson1180 3 года назад
Wow,I didn't know Desi was a Father at 15,that is too young to be a Dad.I loved him though.
@ThePeachygal 3 года назад
The mother was over 18. She was the predator, not him.
@adriennerobinson1180 3 года назад
@@ThePeachygal I understand that but come on now.Terroble.Oh well
@sloppydog4772 3 года назад
WHY the HELL does life have to be so COMPLICATED ?????
@joego7924 3 года назад
It isn't, we make it that way, we love that drama!
@agapelovepietas 3 года назад
I hate that mental health and drug abuse have to share a hotline. These are both very real and huge issues that aren't getting any real help.
@frankserrano7013 3 года назад
Gosh, your right???? I got on because I thought he died suddenly. As long as there is life we have a chance to overcome difficult situations just like most of us. I love the Lucy family, but falling in love 10, 20 times or whatever it was is not tragic.
@joycebain1809 3 года назад
It's not tragic it's by the grace of God that he is alive.
@maureenbommarito2132 3 года назад
Anyone that has a substance abuse..no matter who u r...famous or not...it is a tragedy. Thank God he had parents that could help!
@rossy2976 3 года назад
The long, long Trailer of Hollywood's messed up children.
@leilanisunsets1362 3 года назад
There's a lot of messed up children with regularly people. It doesn't take many to make people messed up or it just takes stupidity ignorance irresponsibility shall I go on
@gregoryburnett5517 3 года назад
I never knew much about Desi Jr.. The l love Lucy show was one of my favorites. I was sad to learn that she had passed. She is a original. I am glad Desi Jr. Is good now. He has two incredible parents that loved him despite the ups and downs. That should count for something. I loved that show. She is one of a kind. And I know she was a great mother. Sandra B.
@AmberWool 3 года назад
Are you saying you didn't know Lucille Ball died?
@pamelamays4186 3 года назад
It's tougher for a celebrity child when he or she is named after a parent.
@MrCJ-qz9dl 3 года назад
You can imagine what Frank Sinatra, Jr. went through. He appeared to be one of the few who survived the incessant limelight.
@waynej2608 3 года назад
Paul Newman's son, wasn't as fortunate.
@MrCJ-qz9dl 3 года назад
@AnotherWacko very true
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
Hello Pamela Mays how are you doing?
@WesaTwoRivers 3 года назад
I loved it when he hosted SNL and brought his dad along for a guest appearance!
@katharinelockhart3189 3 года назад
Flew in 1st class with him, once. Jr. was absolutely obnoxious to everyone, especially the flight attendants..
@mel2000 3 года назад
I read that his mom wouldn't speak directly to flight attendants and had her husband Gary Morton do the talking. Maybe Desi Jr learned the disrespect from her.
@suestephan3255 3 года назад
Probably drunk. People should be checked before boarding when there seems to be a problem.
@suestephan3255 3 года назад
@@mel2000 sad to say this but Lucy’s elitist attitude followed her. Even on vacation in Aspen she ways rude. 😐
@margarettewest254 3 года назад
@@suestephan3255 most unhappy people are rude.....
@margarettewest254 3 года назад
@@mel2000 probably during his "self medicating" years.
@robertamoyaw8812 Год назад
Just as handsome as his Dad !!! His Mom was blessed, as was his Dad to have him. God bless their souls 🙏
@billspooks 3 года назад
I was afraid this was going to be another sad tale with a sad ending. However, it sounds like Desi Jr. is okay. I am glad about this. It must have been awful having to grow up under these circumstances, seriously. We are all just human beings.
@patcampbell2664 2 года назад
Hmmm i wonder sometimes if I am human.
@billspooks 2 года назад
@@patcampbell2664 You MUST be since you are thinking about this.
@matsuoSonata 3 года назад
"Playing the saddest song on the worlds smallest violin"
@redwatch. 3 года назад
Handsome, tons of beautiful women, inherits a fortune; tragic.
@michelmurphy4816 3 года назад
Just shows that those things don't guarantee happiness. Sense of self and a deeper purpose are vital.
@sherriefox8838 3 года назад
I fail to get the boo hoo tragic aspect . Just over privilege, over indulged. Same universal story just insert different name
@redwatch. 3 года назад
@@sherriefox8838 I was joking. This is practically every straight guys dream.
@Kathleen67. 3 года назад
Yes, isn't it though.
Arnez sr and jr were on a incredible snl episode from the first season
@thomassutherland2647 3 года назад
I am glad that Desi Jr was able to get the help he needed before it was too late and now is living a much happier life. Both him and his sister. I'm also proud of how Drew Barrymore turned her life around and congratulations to Macaulay Culkin for overcoming his past, getting married and having a new baby! Too many child stars had thier lives ruined by those that were supposed to protect them. Managers and Parents alike. Judith Barsi and her Mom were murdered by her Dad. She was only 10 years old. Rob Knox was stabbed to death while defending his brother. He was 18. Sawyer Sweeten died by suicide at 19. Domonique Dunn was murdered by her boyfriend at 22. River Phoenix died from drugs at 23. The list very long and tragic. Corey Haim, Steve Cash ( he wasn't a child star but he did die too young from suicide.) Please people if you know someone in trouble or are in trouble yourself get help ASAP. There are programs to help you. People love you.
@joanneshakoue6378 11 месяцев назад
@warholscircus 3 года назад
This isn't tragic... that's life.
@gabriellespell6675 3 года назад
I dont think the part about Desi Jr. being famous before birth is accurate. Lucille Ball was pregnant with her daughter during filming. The show portrayed her character as having a son. Desi Jr. is Lucille Ball's younger child.
@jomama5186 3 года назад
I always liked him. He always seemed like a lovely person. Maybe if he went overseas, he might have been able to get away from the fame aspect. Idk. I pray he's doing well. He didn't ask to be born into all that and did the best he could, Imsure it wasn't easy.
@truthbtold7997 3 года назад
Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree they say I guess it's TRUE Good that both became sober together 👍
@carolmartin6719 3 года назад
I love lucy & ricky. Great actor & actress
@js5787 3 года назад
The word "tragic" is used a lot like in the title here, does not apply or make sense.
@jsamc 3 года назад
Yep i googled to make sure he was still alive LOL !!
@michaelbruno4608 3 года назад
J s hello 👋 How are you doing
@lorenavelvet 3 года назад
@@michaelbruno4608 quit being a creep dude! Go join a dating site and try picking up women there. It extremely creepy to be doing it on Facebook and RU-vid. I'm also sure your profile pic and channel are fake.
@sammysabella8254 3 года назад
Glad he was able to recover.
@cashed-out2192 3 года назад
i am old enough to remember the dating fiasco with Patty Duke.
@ThePeachygal 3 года назад
and whether Shaun Astin was his. They finally did a DNA test back in the 90's and Shaun wasn't. but the real issue here was skirted over is all these girls friends were 6-10 years older than him. He was a father at 15 but today that would be considered statutory rape, she being over 18. I would say those girls were predators going after a guy that young. Mary Kay Letournou went to prison for that. Patty Duke claimed she did not know he was that young but with the big production of "Little Ricky" being born on I Love Lucy in 1953 how could she not know unless she couldn't do math.
@anderander5662 3 года назад
She had mental issues too...
@cashed-out2192 3 года назад
@@anderander5662 She still has them
@mel2000 3 года назад
@@ThePeachygal : Patty began dating Desi when she was 23 and he was 17. His baby-mama at 15 was another woman.
@ThePeachygal 3 года назад
@@mel2000 I know that but she said she thought he was older. She must have never watched I love Lucy when Little Ricky was born in January 1953.
@peaceandlove544 3 года назад
It was a some what sad child hood but everything turn out grest for everyone
@azarzamani5117 3 года назад
I love his mother luciball she was so funy and so prety
@angelabaiers5055 3 года назад
His story would be a great Netflix series.
@WoodlandPoetry 3 года назад
Last I heard of him he was living in Henderson, Nevada, and was in some sort of self-help group. I had the idea that he was one of the leaders or something, but that was a long time ago. I hope he is still doing well.
@constantdarkfog49 3 года назад
Very glad Desi Arnaz Jr got to have a recovery, not everyone is as lucky. He'll enjoy a much better life sober.
@carltonpoindexter2034 3 года назад
I wonder why they never released Desi Arnaz movie on DVD: Red Sky in the Morning.
@chiusacan18754 3 года назад
What is portrait on T.V. not necessarily portrait real people. Lucille Ball was far away to be considered "Miss Congeniality" Her co-actors described her as very "difficult" to deal with. It was also clear that Lucille, as anytime she could, she put Desi down, in many different ways, that eventually brought them to divorce. Feel sorry for their children as they grew up in a very unstable environment that plus with wrong choices ended up in a sad story.
@cindyaraya7317 3 года назад
What is so tragic about his life though? He is still alive, and although, he was plagued with demons throughout his life. it seems like eventually he turned his life around for the better. The great part is that at least he didn't die from his addictions.
@carpediem6568 3 года назад
Could have been worse. His friend and band member, Deano got killed in a plane crash.
@lindashelley3635 3 года назад
And that truly was a tragedy for the whole Martin family. His Mum, Jeanie, said that she would “never know true joy ever again” And it practically destroyed poor Dean, who was never able to get over Dean Paul’s death and went into a long, slow decline which ended in his own passing just eight years later.
@carpediem6568 3 года назад
@@lindashelley3635 Yes, everything was so good for Dean Martin for so long. I remember how popular he was. And Jeanie seemed the good wife and mother, a beautiful woman. The one thing she made Dean promise to do was to be home every night for dinner as a family, something he always did. And Deano seemed to be the good son. He never had to work a day in his life but chose to serve his country as a member of the National Air Guard. You would need to be a good pilot to get to that level. From my understanding, the question was, why was he flying at night at low level over mountainous terrain? Recently, I watched something about Lucille Ball's death. Toward the end, when she was an invalid, her daughter took very good care of her, repeatedly being there for Lucille. They talked about Desi Sr. and everyone else. The program was for an hour, and Desi Jr. was never mentioned, not once.
@terridorn9077 3 года назад
Oh I remember when he died on the plane crash. So devastating for the family💔 GOD rest his soul🙏
@carpediem6568 3 года назад
@James Satterfield Well spoken.
@katherinejimenez4956 3 года назад
He was such a doll!
@shopshadleskyshadle1074 3 года назад
I agree with the replies below about his not having a tragic life. He overcame his problems WITH his parents' help and did not die young, as many famous young people have.
@lenwelch2195 3 года назад
So happy for him
@georgcorfu 3 года назад
A very handome young man, I really liked him.
@blondellestraker7234 3 года назад
Yeap! It never fails they can’t live up to their parents fame. And could never escape their parents shadow..
@anitaperalez321 3 года назад
I met Desi Arnaz Jr. at a concert in Pasadena when I was 18 years old. I sat next to him on the stairs and asked who he was. He responded, Desi Arnaz, you know, Lucy Ball's son? I froze and didn't know what to say after that. Didn't know we were the same age, until much later, as he too was born in 1953.
@Shah_creates 2 года назад
A great story!
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