
The Truth About Critical Methods | James Lindsay 

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@Anna-ftf88 3 года назад
I had to read some of the Frankfurt School people in college. I was not even able to properly get my head around what they were talking about. James Lindsay and others researching all this and presenting it to everyone are heroes and I thank them all.
@silentb2084 2 года назад
Yes! None of it was ever questioned or open for criticism. Their writings are simply fact, truth, the one and only way.
@jcivilis533 2 года назад
lmao you basically admit that you dont understand anything they're saying so how can you properly gauge is providing you with proper information or not
@drwhatson 2 года назад
@@jcivilis533 So, at Junior school, you already understood everything you were being taught?
@neththom999 Год назад
@@jcivilis533 Enlighten her, oh learned one!!!
@davidromero2705 Год назад
It's difficult for anyone to understand jibberish. 😕
@StephanDallaPria 4 года назад
Robin D'Angelo is the L.Ron Hubbard of the humanities.
@Rhuanjl 4 года назад
Take what DiAngelo says about white men swap "white men" for "jews" and you have Hitler.
@StephanDallaPria 4 года назад
@@Rhuanjl nah, we already live perpetually under Godwin's Law if you listen to these screeching 'lectuals. She's just a good ol grifter, I don't think she personally believes in anything at all.
@Rhuanjl 4 года назад
​@@StephanDallaPria Had to google that one, I hadn't heard of Godwin's Law before. I'm not asserting that DiAngelo believes anything in particular. But, I listened to the audiobook of DiAngelo's "White Fragility" this week and I found the similarity between the way she spoke of "whiteness" and the way Hitler speaks of Jews in "Mein Kampf" uncanny.
@stvbrsn 4 года назад
devites “if I risk coronavirus and contribute to civil anarchy, am I then not racist?” I dunno, have you tried... risking being labeled “racist” in order to contribute to the spread of coronavirus? That might work.
@alexkane6736 4 года назад
Great line! I'm stealing that one☺
@PlainsPup 4 года назад
I am a science teacher who came from the science research world. When I was getting my licensure to teach, I was baffled by these ideas of so-called equity, social justice, being disruptive, etc. Now thanks to James Lindsay and others, I realize where those ideas come from, and that is Marxism. Far too many instructors and students are steeped in this stuff, and it is corrosive to education, liberty, and prosperity. A social revolution is indeed on the move right beneath our feet. I sincerely hope for all our sakes that we can catch it before it’s too late.
@heyitsfp 4 года назад
The slippery slopes of analogies
@jameswilliam2708 2 года назад
I too teach physics and mathematics. Some of the ‘educational theorists’ I have had to digest in order to satisfy the requirements of the degree are so detached from real academic endeavour that I’m surprised anyone ever wasted a single sheet of paper documenting this drivel. More incredible yet is the large number of educators who deny that Freire is basically Marxism-for-teaching. These are the same people who pride themselves in enabling ‘critical thinking’.
@PlainsPup 2 года назад
@@jameswilliam2708 Exactly, well said.
@ninstar8165 2 года назад
The pendulum will inevitably swing back. But how aggressively will it do so? And what lessons will we have learned?
@ThekiBoran 2 года назад
Where does marxism come from? Do you dare expose the truth?
@patrickwinter7623 4 года назад
I remember a Sociology course @ University of Oklahoma in 1989-90, where the prof explained that our papers must use non-gendered pronouns, in order to counter sexism, (read patriarchy). I asked how a Darwinian theorist can discount traditional gender roles that have evolved over 6000 yrs. of recorded history? She asked how I came to this question....when I suggested biological imperitive, she had no response. Tip of the iceberg!
@jameseverett4976 Год назад
notice that all they ever have to do is criticize or challenge you without offering any kind of logical answer to anything. As Mr Lindsay noted, they never bring anything to the table, only criticize what's there.
@SeraphsWitness Год назад
Crazy. Late 80s? It's nuts that this took so long to come into public view.
@Ubu987 4 месяца назад
@@SeraphsWitness All of these things have a long history, even if they seem to appear overnight.
@stopper90004 3 месяца назад
​@@SeraphsWitness this post-modern/marxism in disguise was already rampant in the humanities in the early 80s. We had to pretend that the post-structuralists and post-modern philosophers we were being forced to read (foucault, baudrillard, lacane etc) in English Literature and Art History criticism weren't just a ideological diarrhea. All the aging hippies and marxist malcontents who couldn't find real jobs went into academia and k-12 to poison us with their rancid french-and-frankfurt school, adolescent word-salads. Marxists were crushed by the unwinding of their Soviet empire pet project once the Gulag Archipelago was published in the 70s. With their tails between their tails, they scurried into the nooks and crannies of race-ideology and feminism. The collectivist authoritrian cancer never dies, it just mutates.
@zenocrate4040 4 года назад
It is horrible just how essential this talk is now.
@aBraveNewNormal 4 года назад
One criticism to RULE them all 29:25
@redpillsatori3020 4 года назад
I knew little to nothing about James Lindsay before the Floyd riots and the mainstream cuckoldry to BLM. Now I'm watching every one of his videos.
@Adrian101882 4 года назад
A Brave New Normal the squeaky wokie gets the MSM grease
@Adrian101882 4 года назад
bokudensuduharagmail but he also stressed that he’ll always have hope that the tide can turn (might have been on another podcast), and I think we ought to do the same. It’s just too depressing to rollover and die. We have to, at the very least, go out swinging, but I too think there’s hope. Maybe only a sliver, but I’ve realized that there’s more people rejecting this lunacy than I originally imagined about a month ago
@Adrian101882 4 года назад
bokudensuduharagmail funny thing is, I wouldn’t have asked (your political affiliation), but the fact that you’re a registered Democrat and are revolted with this - that, by itself, gives me serious hope. I’m sure there’s more of you out there, and yes, I largely agree that it’s spiraled utterly out of control (I’m from Miami, and this city is a lot like LA - lots of superficial idiots solely interested in being gym rats, getting F-ed up/partying, gossip, flashing wealth etc.) and even this ‘woke pandemic’ has breathed a brand new level of stupidity into some of the people down here who were virtually apolitical until the Floyd thing, and are now behaving like full-fledged wokies, pumping out hardcore SJW trash left and right on social media. I was unbearably despondent and demoralized for a considerable amount of June, but I’m done feeling that way. I don’t know exactly how I personally will push back (yet), but I’m of the belief that even something as seemingly insignificant as a stupid comment here and there on any platform depicting dissent with the woke narrative currently being peddled is worth something, even if that “something” is simply letting others know that no, not all of us are being duped by this mendacity. I feel your pain, I seriously, truly do, but set your sights on fighting back some way, some how. I know it can be depressing AF to see one zombie after another clog up your feed with regressive nonsense, but don’t lose hope.
@audreyfisher731 4 года назад
I have been living in this culture; witnessed it take root in the dominant city, see it creeping out into the real world, and was a part of it until I graduated college and came to my senses. It is as oppressive as it claims liberalism is. I’m afraid to speak out; I’ve had people try to get me fired numerous times because of social media, so I’ve just stopped posting. I’ve had to endure these diversity, equity, inclusion, white privilege trainings for years. I remember my first one, in 2012, called unconscious bias, where the woman told me that because I’m white I immediately see someone black walking down the side of the street and therefore I cross because I’m racist. I never did that until she told me I did that and started doing it. Like a thought had been put into my head. It’s like you said, they start with the conclusion and then you find ways to get there. It’s sinister. I’m leaving my profession of education behind as soon as I can because I don’t want to promulgate it anymore. I know it’s everywhere now, but at least I don’t have to be the one to teach it.
@parnpichate 2 года назад
"Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me" - Alexandr Solzhenitzyn (The Gulag Archipelago) You are not alone. My wife and I discuss daily how deep-rooted this Marxist cancer has become. I work at a bank and leadership is pushing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion agenda in full force now. its insidious, and I speak up against it amongst my colleagues and let my voice be heard as much as can be without stirring the hornets nest at work. I will not propogate this ideology in my life and you can be damn well sure that, when I'm not at work, I will speak up against and admonish publicly any of these sanctimonious social justice warriors that I encounter.
@serpentines6356 2 года назад
@@parnpichate I am wondering what you say at the bank? If you speak up at the bank against it, what happens? Why do you think it stirs up a, "hornets nest" instead of decent, critical dialogue about it? Why is your institution pushing this now? Where does that come from?
@serpentines6356 2 года назад
OP. This is quite depressing reading this. We need good teachers out there who question, and aren't automatically going along with this garbage. I would like to know what has happened since you posted this a year ago.
@inthefade 2 года назад
Find private educational institutions that aren't like this. Or find other teachers like you and start the institution. I think people will fund this sort of thing with donations.
@jameseverett4976 2 года назад
We should have been turning this crap around on these people from the beginning. Humiliate them incessantly when they pull this crap. Gang up on them and ridicule them, turn their filthy manipulative excrement back onto their own heads. Fight back, for heaven sake. Show them their own weapon can be used on them as well. But instead we put our tail between our legs, obeyed and bowed to them, until they had the upper hand, and can now get us fired from our jobs. Once you let evil people take over your society, it will be VERY hard to get it back. Unless you find a way to turn this around on them, they will win. And you will lose, permanently. STOP BEING SO DAMNED NICE YOU PATHETIC SPINELESS WIMPS.
@Wingedmagician 4 года назад
This guy has his finger on the pulse of this beast
@bahed1 4 года назад
@bokudensuduharagmail I don't think so. The actual numbers of those that buy into this BS are far less than those that are totally aware and are willing to do something about it. Unfortunately, there is another share of people on the sidelines, larger than the first two groups combined, either unaware or unwilling to stand up against it. This is where the battle will be won or lost! I'm an eternal optimist... I have 4 kids that I will fight for their chance to live in a word where objective reality and the rule of law still remains!
@ccampbell7214 3 года назад
@touchthepaintproductions6923 3 года назад
@@bahed1 Do you spend much time in academia and in activist groups?
@sirellyn 3 года назад
@@touchthepaintproductions6923 I don't think he does. The fact schools across the country have parents groups complaining over this shows James is right.
@yidiandianpang 3 года назад
This beast or "the beast?"
@manarkm 4 года назад
I used to go to social justice student groups, like PoC only, and someone there once said: "this is called a 'safe space' but in reality no where is safe for us." I was speechless.What does that even mean? The utter unawareness of their own privilege is baffling.
@DieFlabbergast 4 года назад
”What does that even mean?" What does "even mean" mean? No offence intended, but every time I hear or read this phrase, I want to puke. Back in the medieval period (you know? any time before the 1980s), the expression was: "What is that supposed to mean?" Time to bring it back.
@garret1930 4 года назад
Oh no, you can't just say PoC anymore! That's racist! You need to place emphasis on the historical oppression of Blacks and Indigenous so you must always say BIPOC now, this is the new newspeak. (Edit: these people see racism everywhere because they can't figure out how to stop looking in the mirror)
@rpjswish 3 года назад
I heard Jordan Peterson recently say "the West is so spoiled, we don't even know why the walls are there."
@jameseverett4976 Год назад
Because it's impossible to appreciate anything inside the mentality of the Left.
@chadsexington-wl7ox Год назад
​@@rpjswish borders are mean! Modern leftsts believe that money is the same thing as a resource, and if you just print as much money as possible that food and houses and health care will spontaneously appear. Mainstream leftism is the belief that society can be "fixed" if everyone chooses to be nice. The belief that there's always a decision to make everyone happy and anyone that disagrees with me is evil and unsympathetic and needs to be stopped by any means necessary. It's fascism with unicorn stickers and a smile.
@effectivehorsemanship1313 4 года назад
Yes, I saw this coming at my brief stint at university two years ago. I had to walk. I was told to "free my mind". They didn't want me to free my mind, they wanted me to think like them.
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
If you work with horses, as I have, then I'd bet the horses have taught you to think clearly. Seriously. Horses give us back a very clear reflection of ourselves if we are clear headed enough to see it, they keep us grounded. Marxists on the other hand, think that reality can be remade according to their theory. Horses cannot be remade in this way, we have to meet them where they are. Make sense?
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
@Old Luke 😂 I'm willing to try that with people, but my grandmother would roll over in her grave if I were to do that to a horse!
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
@Old Luke a very canny horseman and friend of mine one told me "that stuff works, until it doesn't." Meaning, when the horse decides he's had enough and needs to defend himself, he will, and very effectively. Just saying. As for leftists, have at it! Whatever it takes.
@effectivehorsemanship1313 4 года назад
@@comesahorseman Yes, I agree.
@effectivehorsemanship1313 4 года назад
@Old Luke Believe me, hitting doesn't work. If training horses were just about hitting, it would be easy and everyone could do it and nobody would have any trouble. This is not the case . . .
@patrickconnor2913 4 года назад
The only critical method that should be taught is critical thinking.
@mjh277 4 года назад
And critical feeling
@freecitizen2760 4 года назад
@@mjh277 : Do you criticize your feelings? And, if so, you do so with reason no matter how flawed.
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
@@mjh277 wrong
@peterclark4685 4 года назад
Edward de Bono thinks that is a mistake. He argues the proper use of the human mind is to be creative. Arguing Crit.Think tools can get in the way of innovation. They will always say 'that can't be done' and 'there's no market for that'. Of course the bean counters need to be heard but innovation drives humanity forward. There is a long way to go. Try his 'Parallel Thinking' book.
@zanebruce2546 4 года назад
​@@peterclark4685 I have not read the book, but just read up on it. I think the author conflates a lot of subjects without differentiation. Primarily that argument and Critical Thinking are the same. His ideas are seem pretty sound for ways of boosting creative thought, but it in no way seems contradictory to Critical Thought. Similarly that things cannot contradict seemed to be a point that was specifically mentioned on the short thing I read. The brief read up reminded me of when people have trouble with inductive vs deductive reasoning. Inductive is way better for creativity than deductive, but that doesn't make either right or wrong.
@serfillustrated4018 4 года назад
Believing in "the greater good" over the "individual" will always produce this insanity.
@charlese2833 4 года назад
Actually the problem is believing the Marxists when they tell you WHAT is (for) the greater good. They are using your goodness to manipulate you to support evil.
@serfillustrated4018 4 года назад
@@charlese2833 That doesn't just apply to Marxists. All collectivists. And especially politicians.
@iandonnelly522 3 года назад
Welll there was a bloke in charge of Germany in the late 30s and 40s who made that very same point....
@serfillustrated4018 3 года назад
@@iandonnelly522 Nice try. But that "bloke" was a collectivist too.
@iandonnelly522 3 года назад
@@serfillustrated4018 yep I know he was....that was my point....
@YoutubeStandardLicense 4 года назад
Anyone else petrified that this is only the beginning of what will end up being a movement leading to the death of millions?
@JohnZazoMusic 4 года назад
@YoutubeStandardLicense 4 года назад
@@P-PlaterinadollarGQ yeah it's almost like we are repeating the 1920s all over again Aidan
@jaientenduunevoix726 4 года назад
In the Grievance Studies Hoax, Lindsay literally got a chapter of Mein Kampf published in a top Critical Theory journal, and a paper saying we should ignore white children and put them in the floor in chains as “experiential reparations”
@islander376 4 года назад
Time to buy some guns. If you’re resisting a revolution you want to have some high velocity lead on your side just in case.
@margueritezoe 4 года назад
Well, given that this postmodern neo-Marxist movement is evidencing patterns from the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, pre-WW2 Germany, the Maoist Cultural Revolution, and Pol Pot -- and given that America has a long history of being exceptional in its undertakings -- in a word... *YES.*
@nard6420 4 года назад
A prophet in action. Your work is indispensable Mr Lindsay.
@prschuster 4 года назад
I have to leave. I have experienced this and I'm getting angry. Critical theory is pure cult mentality.
@emile8147 4 года назад
You prove your independence of mind, your freedom of thought by placing yourself in the footsteps of a prophet. The social justice doctrine, as imposed by the SJWs, seeks to construct a dangerous post-truth. Like the ruling camp in the United States. However, this should not exempt us from having a critical look at liberalism and its destruction, for example its consumerism which leads us to a climate crisis which could well kill more people than those of communism.
@johnnywatkins 4 года назад
He’s not a prophet, prophets claim to have special insight to the truth, he’s calling bullshit and his right it is bull shit
@the81kid 4 года назад
@@johnnywatkins Prophets in the Bible were in some sense just social scientists, political commentators. They saw dark clouds and "predicted" rain. In this sense, we have some prophets in our Western society who see the dark clouds. Like the old prophets, virtually nobody wants to hear them, especially when they don't comfortably fit in categories. And like the Bible, we have a whole mountain of false prophets.
@yoloswag6242 4 года назад
@@johnnywatkins The prophecy is that they want social revolution. BLM protests, antifa, it's pretty clear this shit is contagious and needs stopping.
@Batosai11489 4 года назад
Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of an organization heavily influenced by critical theory.
@garret1930 4 года назад
Take a close look at what they say on their website, they don't care about making the lives of black people better, they just want to point out all the reasons why white people should shut up.
@brianfinnegan664 4 года назад
It's just a racist organisation, they honestly don't give a fk about black people
@Yesica1993 4 года назад
@@brianfinnegan664 Yep. If they did, they'd be marching every day in Chicago.
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
BLM is openly communist
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
@@garret1930 they're communists
@cluckieschickens 4 года назад
To hear a liberal talk like this is astounding. Thank you, I had lost all hope that any were still sane, and able to see what is happening.
@mikaelarschibald 4 года назад
My heart made a jump when I read your comment. I am feeling EXACTLY the same way!! Usually, criticism against Social Justice comes from some insane right-wing conspiracy theorists and I always thought I have to feel bad about having those opinions because it would align me with them. It feels like so much preasure being relieved from my back to see that someone who stands behind the same political ideals as I do criticize SJ as what it actually is - harmful insanity which undermines its own goals!
@tanyatroxler5303 3 года назад
He’s not a liberal in the sense of what you think he is. He’s a classic liberal.
@mikaelarschibald 3 года назад
@@sirellyn You're right. My phrasing was a little off. I did not intend to imply that someone's political ideology should influence the validity of an argument they are making.
@serpentines6356 2 года назад
@@mikaelarschibald I am a big radio buff, consider myself "liberal." Several years ago, I turned off NPR when I noticed they started having more, and more talks about race, I felt kind of uncomfortable about it, but listened anyway, then noticed I would think "black" first when I saw my neighbor instead of, "Al". Then I heard about the biological man winning the "Women's World Cycling Championship", I hit the roof. I hadn't heard ANY social dialogue/debate in the news about this at all! So, I started searching for voices that were actually talking about this stuff. All I found were conservative voices, both here, and in England addressing it, being concerned. This was way before BLM, CRT was in the news. Now, it's nice to see others speaking out. FINALLY, I thought.
@boobah5643 Год назад
@@mikaelarschibald I wonder if you've actually read any of these so-called insane people, or just uncritically accepted what was said about them, probably by the same people who you're cheering James on for challenging. Maybe you'll find them reprehensible after learning what they say about themselves, maybe they'll make good points, and maybe both. Take notes, check their facts, and see how it shakes out.
@gspurlock1118 2 года назад
This is one of the greatest lectures ever. I come back to it time and again.
@johnwagner308 4 года назад
This is one of the best things I've seen on RU-vid. Thanks for making sense of the assaults on Western culture.
@MrT-uo1ss 4 года назад
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
Exactly. There's zero to be gained from arguing with SJW zealots. Time is much better spent figuring out ways to destroy them.
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
@@pebblepod30 All you have to to do is look out on the streets to see how much has been gained by trying to reason with zealots.
@bahed1 4 года назад
@David Holt I'd like to think you're right...but I haven't heard of any corporations beside Goya that are questioning or pushing back on the pitchfork SJW crowd. I've read where Amazon is moving out of the city of Seattle to avoid the heinous new increased corporate taxation passed by the city council and moving out to the suburbs!
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
Very true! 😄
@Lauren-Algonquin 4 года назад
Mr T he’s still making me laugh, that Twain fellow...
@nicolascristi6303 4 года назад
This deserves many more views
@BlahBlahPoop617 4 года назад
@nicolascristi6303 4 года назад
@@BlahBlahPoop617 I'll whitesplain people's brains until we stop this madness, I'm nothing but proud of my race who was the leading one in ending racism. While many others still have them. If that's white then I love it, and if it means making you a part of "whiteness" because you're a racist, then I hope you are a bit "whiter", Lucky me it has nothing to do with race. Play stupid games, win stupid prices. I'm not responding to You personally, I'm responding to the idea that someone would say unironically #whitesplaining. cheers.
@rbarnes4076 4 года назад
@@BlahBlahPoop617 #Moronsplaining Next.
@pebblepod30 4 года назад
@@BlahBlahPoop617 You are dismissing someone just because of their race (which is racist, I reject the racist ideology that changes the meaning) and also a manipulative technique. Has this been used on you too? Many Ex - SJWs who were taught the racist ideoligies of Critical race theory have described this. See Professor Johnathan Haidt or Keri Smith (who used to teach it & was an Activist) for more information. He also didn't dismiss your argument or experience just because of your race or belief in the inheriant badness or guilt of your race, and neither would I. Did you watch the video and could you address any points he made instead? Btw, yeah I was taught "whitesplaining", because I was raised with White liberal racial Guilt. But now I will just treat people equally whether you like it or not =^D
@tsouth-315 4 года назад
Spread to your loved ones. Or watch with loved ones in the room. Watch and talk about it as a Family or with a group of friends.
@codymayak8042 4 года назад
As long as your watching this and understand the meaning of this mans words there is still hope. Critical Thinkers are need to translate the double speak that some of these 'intellectuals' are feeding the youth and the corporate/media. We need more Philosophers, we need more critical thinkers like Mr. Lindsay. Keep informed, keep sane, and support those who speak towards truth with sincerity and authenticity.
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
Well said!
@rougebaba3887 4 года назад
@@crookshanks1454 don't you mean "editing sweetie"? This is either sarcasm, or one of the funnest mistakes I've ever seen.
@StratKruzer 2 года назад
Many thanks to the brave souls that read, understand, and explain this headache-inducing tripe for the rest of us! The world needs you.
@richardeyes9099 4 года назад
James Lindsay is fair and truthful. He is respectful and honest in his approach, when destroying, what is untruthful accusations against Western society. The sooner society listens to men like him, the sooner we can sort this mess out. Thank you and please continue your marvellous work 🙏
@FunkMaster_J 4 года назад
Well then share it around because it's up to sane people who pay attention to get this material to everybody who isn't paying attention.
@Elhakim85 4 года назад
Did you just asume they gender?
@BuddhishMusic 3 года назад
His Twitter is hilarious
@serpentines6356 2 года назад
@@BuddhishMusic What's hilarious about it?
@RandyToroni 4 года назад
"We are late to this fight" is the scary part. It's very late in the game, the plan to reshape society not just nationally but on a global scale is getting deeply entrenched. We have to organize a liberal democracy movement to counter this! Spread the word!
@RandyToroni 4 года назад
@Seven Nguyen Yes and I am apart of this Democratic movement. Long live Democracy!
@DonnaBrooks 4 года назад
​@Seven Nguyen You clearly need to learn political terms and history. We are a liberal democracy because our society is based on Enlightenment principles such as reason and public discourse and is a free and open society. We are democratic in the sense that government comes from the people.
@DonnaBrooks 4 года назад
@@RandyToroni Oh brother, YOU need to learn what the term "liberal democracy" means, too! It's not about political parties or conservative vs. liberal.
@DonnaBrooks 4 года назад
​@Seven Nguyen Wanted to add that the tactics used by the "woke" crowd are ILLIBERAL. Silencing people through threats, deplatforming, disrupting meetings & presentations to prevent free speech, getting people fired for offending or defying the mob. All these things are completely opposed to a liberal (free) society. This is authoritarianism. You must submit or you will be punished. There is nothing liberal about that.
@Plainsburner 4 года назад
@Seven Nguyen lol, conservatives want a liberal democracy. Liberals and liberal democracy are different. You are arguing with people who agree with you, but you don't understand their terms. Or if your solution is the dismantling of liberal society to protect it, then you are just as bad as the critical theorists.
@meerkat1954 4 года назад
This is one of the most important talks out there. It fills in some of the gaps that aren't talked about by other prophetic figures like Jordan Peterson. Fundamentally what we're facing today is a three headed monster: 1) Post-modernism (denies objective reality), 2) Critical theory/activism (deconstructs our society's reality) and 3) Marxism (replaces it with a new totalitarian reality).
@baronmorris 4 года назад
This seems on target, but I do hope that you and others would nevertheless agree that our democracy is far from ideal and that capitalism is far from a meritocracy. The problem with cancel culture and the word police is that it inculcates a culture of fear and repression, And surely those are the very things that we should hope to root out to build a better civilization than the one we inherited. Peace.
@lawrence1730 4 года назад
I'm just beginning to realise what is happening over many years only now. gosh
@jorgejimenez4325 4 года назад
Based actual liberal person
@comesahorseman 4 года назад
@passerby4507 4 года назад
Actually Jordan Peterson talks about all this, in great detail. Even more insightful though, is that the postmodernist types aren't motivated by compassion as is always claimed, but by hate and envy, just like the communists were.
@GingerDrums 4 года назад
This has finally articulated what I have been feeling since many years. Many thanks and huge respect from Berlin, Germany
@rosscampbell1173 4 года назад
I’m glad your with us. Now tear down that statue of Marx the Chinese gave you.
@SeleckPlays 4 года назад
"Constant cynical criticism form a big enough group, especially of under-informed complainers, is a solvent that can dissolve liberal societies." Brilliant!
@madmeg4493 3 года назад
If the Critical Race Theory Dilemma was a movie, James Lindsay (and his team) is the hero.
@Jamie-ur6xy 4 года назад
‘Constant cynical criticism is a solvent that can dissolve liberal society’ Wow
@drumyogi9281 3 года назад
And it already has.
@rodrigomachado9870 4 года назад
Great talk but Goldblum wasn't eaten by a dinasaur while on the toilet
@rodrigomachado9870 4 года назад
@YourLocalCopiumDealer 4 года назад
That's just your lived experience. James has a different experience.
@cosmogang 4 года назад
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed
@yoba6037 4 года назад
@@YourLocalCopiumDealer best comment in history
@RonnieD1970 4 года назад
@@YourLocalCopiumDealer hahabab
@elfkind5590 4 года назад
I used to have a beautiful friend who was a bit lost about her future. She went off to university and what returned was a narcissistic SJW tyrant who believes she can single handedly save the world even though she can't pay the rent.
@borntobone 4 года назад
@mistergooseman7047 3 года назад
Sounds like my brother.
@arctic3032 3 года назад
The first year of my Drama Bachelors degree w Honours was laced with this tripe. I remember sitting in a class called "Staging History" where we were asked to sum up our identity in ONE SENTENCE. Some described themselves as queer travellers (gypsies), others as immigrants and social justice advocates. Naturally, I didn't buy any of this moral theatre, and described myself (being a Norwegian) as a Viking God who was there to rape and pillage. Of course this didn't end well, and my grade fell short to a mere 60% in said course. Since I didn't buy into this critical theory, of decolonizing drama, I graduated with a 2.1.
@dawnemile7499 Год назад
You are a brave warrior.
@thomasharder9582 3 года назад
James...you did it! What no one else has been able to quantify and specify...you have done it. I will share with everyone I possibly can! You and your presentation will save our Republic...on behalf of all who see this as I do....THANK YOU!!
@emgee1961 3 года назад
A great way of describing : what is on the box and what is in the box. If we are superficial we look at the box only. If we seek the truth we have to look into the box. Any box. Thanks for stressing this. A mathematician as well :) "I have only 2 allergies: to bullshit and to unfairness" whole heartedly agree with. Thank you Jim.
@our2kidsMR 2 года назад
Finding the New Discourses podcast has been instrumental in helping me to reflect, clear-eyed, on my teacher prep program. It is my sincere hope that parents wake up and push back because they are the only hope for saving the public education system.
@TheImperatorKnight 4 года назад
Great video. Thank you
@purpleflame334 4 года назад
Amazing lecture! Thank you for sharing. As a person who was raised by communist society I can witness firsthand that we are on a full speed approaching the communism...very sad.
@JenniferRenee1969 2 года назад
Watching this for the first time. I can’t believe how much ground the Marxist Revolution has gained since this lecture two years ago! I am constantly sounding the warning bell to my friends and family and they still don’t get it. It’s so frustrating to the point of discouragement. Thank you James Lindsey for carrying the warning bell forward using your platform to educate and inspire those who see with clarity, but most of all those who need clarity.
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 года назад
James Lindsay notes that Foucault has been cited 900 000 times in academic papers and writings. The Frankfurt School, Foucault and Derrida are principally responsible for illiberal critical theory and cultural Marxism. Here is something less known about Foucault: he was a monster. He applied his concepts of episteme and power as a social construct to sexual matters ('sexual power'): he argued that the setting of the age of consent at 16 was artificial, a consequence of wrongly applied social power, and therefore children were capable of giving consent; he was one of the core signatories to a petition in the early 1970's to the French Parliament to permit sexual relations with children. Fortunately the petition was unsuccessful. He died of AIDS aged 58. By their fruits you shall know them.
@tear728 4 года назад
Finally SOMEONE who is educated on this topic.
@lukedavis6711 4 года назад
I didnt know that, and I've read an ass ton of philosophy.
@jimbojimberson2133 4 года назад
I hadn't heard about this before so I looked into it a bit. I only spent about an hour with this so maybe you can find a quote (with context) from him that suggests he is indeed a pedophile, but I'm not convinced that's the case. Let's consider what he claims his position is first. Here's an interview from 1978: www.uib.no/sites/w3.uib.no/files/attachments/foucaultdangerchildsexuality_0.pdf His point was actually the opposite of what you're trying to make. He claims that being labeled a pedophile makes you the most monsterous thing on the planet. This is used to politically assassinate people. He considered it an "attentat sans violence" or an attack without violence, meaning that you can't go and prove it happened. The argument is based around the idea that consensual sex between child and child as well as child and adult is complicated and recognizes that even when the child is the aggressor in a sexual interaction he/she can still become traumatized later in life (meaning he does not support it). His biggest gripe **appears** to be that anyone accused of being a pedophile is almost guaranteed not to get a fair trial even when there is 0 evidence, and the law does more harm than good. Could there be a pedophile ring surrounding some of France's most influential thinkers of the 70s and 80s? Possibly. Let's not strawman the argument though.. nuance is important. "anyone who defends a pedophile may be suspected of having some sympathy for that cause. Even judges think to themselves: if he defends them, it's because he isn't really as much against it himself. It's a serious matter, though it's almost laughable really, it's a fact known to anyone who has had to deal with such cases wether in the provinces or in Paris: it is extremely difficult both for the lawyer to defend such a case and even sometimes to find a lawyer willing to do so. A lawyer will be quite happy to defend someone accused of ten old ladies. That doesn't bother him in the least. But to defend someone who has touched some kid's cock for a second, that's a real problem. That is part of the whole set up around this new sort of criminal, the adult who has erotic relations with children. "
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 года назад
@Vladimir Haralampiev : Indeed: newcriterion.com/issues/1993/3/the-perversions-of-m-foucault
@elizabetamedvedeva 4 года назад
@@jimbojimberson2133: There's a lot of material in French if you read that language (I do) though there's material in English. He came very publicly to the defence of convicted pedophiles; some were his friends. Much is available in French, possibly English too if you spend more than an hour on it. I find it odd however that after only an hour's research you would come to his defence ...
@averageguy5815 4 года назад
What’s scary: 1)this process is already very far along. It’s taught in universities and now k-12 schools - and you can see it surfacing in the fact the left wing has shifted away from open mindedness and free speech and toward conformity and cancel culture. 2)it’s much easier to learn how to call everything racist than it is to understand the kind of argument that’s in this video. It’s hard to propagate these kind of arguments in a world where half the people dismiss it as racist and refuse to engage. I’m afraid we’ve already lost. It represents a shift away from western thinking centered on the individual and towards some sort of collectivism. Some group of intellectuals somewhere seem to have decided that individualism and liberalism are 19th and 20th century ideals and need to be dispensed with to make way for a new system. Scary times indeed.
@wiseonwords 4 года назад
Even worse, Critical Social Justice ideology has now become part of mainstream discourse.
@mariussielcken 4 года назад
'Never correct your enemy when he is making a mistake' - Napoleon
@danielcadwell9812 4 года назад
Yuri Bezmenov spoke about this crap in the '80s
@FreeSalesTips 4 года назад
What is it: the application of critical theory to cause a social revolution; the masters of critical theory know the best about what individual humans need to do to live "moral" and "correct" lives as individuals will make the wrong choices How does it work: get a big group of activists to constantly and endlessly criticise the inequalites of western society and demand reformation into the society engineered by the masters of critical theory; My solution to this cultural meme: become experts about who the players are who teach this theory including what they teach, the reason is 1) we can spot the activists who are working to bring social revolution through critical theory 2) we can teach freedom loving liberal minded people what the critical theorists actually believe. *Using this knowledge and skills of critical theory, why can't we criticise the critical theorists with criticisms in order to dissolve the memes of these shitty authoritarians? *
@Pneumanon 4 года назад
The war has not been lost, it is just getting started. But it will get ugly before it's over.
@finalform6667 4 года назад
This is the best video on the topic that I have ever encountered. Whoever is reading this that agrees, we need to share this every-fucking-where. Everywhere. *Everywhere.*
@REVIVALFitness 3 года назад
@chimayinasniffer 4 года назад
With our QB Jordan B on the injured list, the world needs you more now than ever.
@cursive6412 Год назад
James Lindsay will be remembered in 100 years as much as we remember any intellect from our founding days presently.
@CatAtomic99 4 года назад
I kept being reminded of "game critic" Anita Sarkeesian's line about video games. "EVERYTHING is sexist, EVERYTHING this racist, and you have to point it ALL out."
@aakkoin 4 года назад
That is sad, and basically evil (with some good intentions, I guess..). Sounds like a nihilist that doesn't believe in anything BUT racism and sexism, absolutely obsessed with that stuff. It's THEY who divide people by race and sex and whatever, and treat by people by their group-identity, which is EXACTLY what racists do, as in "every black/white/male/whatever minority person is the same". Normal western people try to treat people by their individual personality. Everything is NOT racist and sexist, it's Anitas own mind that is absolutely corrupt with racism and sexism, and she is spreading it. Sheeeeesh. edit: Like that feminist study on glaciers, wtf? That is anti-scientific, not even trying to be objective, but looking at the subject through some twisted lense. It would be funny if it weren't so... not funny.
@johnbyrd7400 4 года назад
I wish more attention was shown to that. Gg was another example of what's going on. It was and is not a stand alone event. It was staged and used as a means to hijack another form of media in totality. If people in positions of power don't see this and take a stand, these kinds of ideologies will only continue to spring back up like the weeds they are in the garden of society as a whole. Just because they get removed from political offices won't stop it in the education system. Just because it's proven false in mainstream media won't end the influence on entertainment. Just because people are allowed to air grievances in a public forum will not abate the onslaught in the internet arena. It has to uprooted in all sectors almost simultaneously to be effectual. Good job staying alert to what's actually going on.
@soylentgreene4852 3 года назад
She’s the definition of a Karen feminist. She is the Mary Whitehouse of feminism. I can’t stand her.
@1DangerMouse1 4 года назад
This really gets to the core of the problem. Brilliant. I am sharing it with whoever might listen.
@martin2514 4 года назад
How apt this speech is today. Their revolution has landed upon us no matter what walk of life you are in.
@kellycard 9 месяцев назад
I am impressed with anyone who can read through (endure) critical theory enough to grasp its essential elements and elucidate its dangers so clearly. He's done the hard work necessary to untangle the trickery and deception and it gives me a sense of hope and confidence as I go forward into a world where I am continuously faced with circumstances that demand that my conformity and an environment where smiling assassins lurk. I will return and use this lecture as a base for further study. Freedom is never free, there is always a price to pay, and I think Dr. Lindsay has GIVEN us tools to fight the good fight. He has my respect and gratitude. May he be blessed!
@sirusgalt5694 4 года назад
The scary part is the moment you bust out laughing and everyone else turns around with belligerent hatred in their eyes and several ists on their lips.
@SkepticalTeacher 3 года назад
Now that staff training is online, I am on mute anyway and just lean off screen if I don't have my camera off and pretend to do something whilst I piss myself laughing! Or I text my mum what's being said and we laugh together in WhatsApp, hahaha
@REVIVALFitness 3 года назад
These lunatics are the “experts” and “fact checkers” that our media loves so much.
@aspencer1811 3 года назад
James Lindsay, The Hero We Need.
@angiesmith1675 3 года назад
I love, love, love James Lindsay!!!! He’s just a fighter for truth and freedom! I played your video speaking at the YAF conference in Houston on our drive to Lake Powell. At the end, my husband turned to me and said, “wow, he’s super smart and able to put it all together”. My husband is a super smart pilot and engineer that appreciates you informing and encouraging us! We both love you!
@samueldelaney385 4 года назад
He, James, will gain more attention because he was on Joe Rogan’s podcast again yesterday.
@iamzeronothing 4 года назад
Ya I didn't realize he had a channel and a website & tons of articles... it was just another awesome Rogan at first, that then led to a treasure chest
@davidbolen8982 3 года назад
Apologies to all those I debated in the late 1990’s. Most made the case that racism cannot be cured with racism. Many made the case that the policies of affirmative action will break us into smaller and smaller victim groups and suppression of speech would be the next step. “In America! You’re surely not serious?!” Well, i was wrong. I am committed to fighting the left’s support, or tacit approval, of suppression of speech. I’m ashamed of my former party.
@hoffpbass 4 года назад
These people, BIPOC, are now at my children's school board meetings with ridiculous demands. Thanks for providing the hard work that went into this speech. It shows!!! And with you and Helen I have solid talking points to assist at least one member that is pushing back. I suggest everyone check your local schools and school boards for this activism and do not give 1 inch less they take a mile.
@steladimi4785 4 года назад
He recently published a book that might be a good resource. www.amazon.com/gp/product/1634312023/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
@rys2754 3 года назад
Can you say more about your experience with pushing back? I need some actionable suggestions.
@serpentines6356 2 года назад
@@rys2754 I wanted to hear more from the OP too. Very curious about teachers experience. What's happening in the schools, etc. Wondering how it's going for you? One easy, overall video I suggest is Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, "The Market For Victimhood." A talk, and Q&A she gave in 2017, at Boulder U. An article I recommend is, "No Truce With the Left" by Daniel Greenfield. I gave been open, but also reluctant to how "dangerous" this stuff is. But I see it's only getting worse. So, I see they don't take a mile, they take a thousand miles, and run everyone over who don't agree with them. PUSH BACK!
@toddgaak422 2 года назад
My wife doesn't following politics, and had no idea they were teaching this crap. I took her to meeting of a local parent group that was formed to expose CRT in the school district. This stuff is EVERYWHERE in the country. We live in a Red County in a Red State, and it's being taught here. Everyone has to get involved and vote out all of the CRT proponents in all the school boards, in every city and town. That's only the first step.
@bladee_enjoyer540 2 года назад
y'all can't even define what you mean by CRT, you just say any history lesson that makes you feel uncomfortable is marxist propaganda lmao
@bladee_enjoyer540 2 года назад
y'all have some of the smoothest brains ever created
@pebblepod30 2 года назад
@@bladee_enjoyer540 Do you notice how you made a personal attack, instead of refuting what he said about racist ideology being taught to often young children in schools without parental consent? That's a common maniputive tactic that Believers use, have you noticed? Even the Priestly class of CRT use it. I'm not even Amercian, but your awful country is trying to spread it's racist ideology elsewhere too.
@luiscrespo9902 3 года назад
Bless your heart Dr. Lindsay! You invested your intellect and time to read this stuff! That's a huge sacrifice for which I'm so thankful. I don't think I can do it. Although, after listening to one of your discussions, I bought Horkheimer's "Critical Theory: Selected Essays" and Gramsci's "Prison Notebooks" volumes 1, 2 and 3. I'll try my best to follow your lead and read some of this dangerous garbage. Seriously, thank you for what you do; western civilization is at risk.
@eliharman 4 года назад
I just want to say I love the aesthetics of that venue.
@TessaTickle 4 года назад
The Gladstone library. Look it up.
@BlahBlahPoop617 4 года назад
Of course you do. It’s so white.
@TessaTickle 4 года назад
@@BlahBlahPoop617 you're a racist. Ayishat Akanbi was there.
@BlahBlahPoop617 4 года назад
Michael O'Shea *Yawns*
@Yesica1993 4 года назад
I agree. It's gorgeous!
@M4ruta 4 года назад
I've seen this madness unfold at my own university (Erasmus University Rotterdam). I shudder to think where this will end.
@tubbalcain 3 года назад
In de KoopGoot 😏
@ashwinniamat8560 3 года назад
Kan je daar iets meer over vertellen?
@M4ruta 3 года назад
@@ashwinniamat8560 Een paar voorbeelden van de faculteiten waar ik heb gestudeerd (Sociale Wetenschappen, en Wijsbegeerte: * vacatures met een paragraaf over hoe ze mensen zoeken om de "diversiteit" van hun team willen versterken (codetaal voor "geen blanken gewenst"). * vrouwenquota voor verplichte literatuur * De filosofie master die vroeger een breed aantal onderwerpen behandelde, maar nu vrijwel geheel gaat over politiek en slavernij
@ashwinniamat8560 3 года назад
@@M4ruta Kan ik ergens met je in contact komen? Ik ben hier heel benieuwd naar :)
@scottadare4613 2 года назад
I got an ad for a Masters in Social Justice at the top of this video. They're on to you, James.
@Dales815 4 года назад
Please watch this. More important than ever.
@richard343s 2 года назад
It is crucial to understand what we are up against in order to defeat it and save freedom. Excellent talk.
@pdstor 3 года назад
Not long ago, I had an aversion to nontheists after coming out of fifteen years of atheism and into Greek Orthodoxy. I have put that debate aside for now. I've stopped equating being anti-Christian with being pro-SJW after seeing your group's much needed work. Our debate can either be held off until we pull through this, or else will make for a great way to pass the time when we end up cellmates in political prison.
@TheMoravians 2 года назад
Lindsay, Boghossian and Pluckrose are allies in the fight against the current marxist revolutionaries, and I am thankful for them explaining the details of Critical Theory and Methods. I am glad that they are talking with and working with Christian counterparts to disseminate the necessary info about how CT works and how to avoid the trap. I just wish that they would see how the starting assumptions of critical theory come from evolutionary biology, which means CT can't be logically falsified by someone who is working off of an evolutionary worldview. Some of our erstwhile allies (Gad Saad, Eric Weinstein, some people in the comment section here, etc) are directly invoking Darwinian evolutionary ideas in an attempt to counter CT ideas. The CT assumption that all interactions between people from different groups are a power struggle between "oppressors" and "victims", parallels the Darwinian idea that races within a species struggle against each other to dominate an ecological niche and drive the other race(s) into extinction. Like other Marxist theories, it is based directly on the Darwinian "struggle to survive" in an amoral world where the only unchanging "truth" is which species or race will continue to exist and which other races or species are driven to extinction. Don't forget that the woke marxists' goal is a social revolution that totally overthrows all "systems of oppression" in society. Minds that think logically are "systems of oppression" to these zealots. Extinction is an apt metaphor for removing our minds from society. From a Christian perspective, the Darwinian evolutionary paradigm is false. Humans were created in the image of God and all people are of one race, equal in value before our Creator. Humans did not evolve from a common ancestor with any animal, and are not evolving into some future mutated "race" that will dominate the other mutated "races" of humans and cause them to go extinct. Darwinian evolution (and any other kind of evolution) puts death and corruption (physical decay, mutations, etc) eons before human sin, instead of the Christian idea that human sin brought death and corruption into the world. Death and corruption are not tools by which God "theistically evolved" animals into humans -- death is the last enemy to be destroyed in Revelation 21, and the world will be redeemed from the corruption it is currently subjected to at the time of "the revealing of the children of God" (Romans 8). And those are just a couple of New Testament points that contradict it. The first 10 chapters of Genesis lays out an earth history that squarely contradicts all evolutionary theories, not just in time frame, but also in order of events.
@timwestchester9557 4 года назад
Dr. Lindsay was recently surprised by the substantial uptick in his follower count on twitter. This is what happens when you manifest order amidst chaos. Great Job, James. Keep up the good work.
@timwestchester9557 4 года назад
@Kapt'n Pee As is standard practice in the era of cancel culture.
@mayanboricua Год назад
Ordo ab Chao. The motto of the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
@stevenlightfoot6479 4 года назад
Love this. Keep up the great work. In response to all this, I have publicly declared my pronouns to be F*** and OFF.
@bart-v 2 года назад
Critical theory does not tolerate criticism.
@shadbakht 3 года назад
Technically, the lawyer got eaten by a Trex on a toilet, not Jeff Goldblum
@TJ-kk5zf 3 года назад
Marvelous, James. Galileo.
@rwatertree 4 года назад
Critical social justice is a major contributor to the poor quality of modern discourse because the critical method is simply to promote and boost complaints regardless of their truthfulness or relevance. It's yellow journalism as politics.
@hegemonycricket2182 4 года назад
It's far worse than that: it is intended to destabilize the USA and western civilization more broadly through ideological subversion. Check out interviews with Yuri Bezmenov, he explains in detail.
@rebeccagrrrl2699 4 года назад
robin water tree Great sentence! I don’t know who you are but I’m going to repeat this for you.
@rebeccagrrrl2699 4 года назад
hegemony cricket Another great sentence! I’m going to use a mix of both when I share this video!!
@lyndaniel3369 6 месяцев назад
Basing one's opinion on facts is a good idea;. Reading what "they" say rather than reading what their critics say is more revealing. Of course, it helps to have a logical mind and enough knowledge to create a library of books. Dr. Lindsay helps us make sense of the people who are shouting one thing and doing another as well as people of the past who shouted one thing and did another thing.
@gpknee 4 года назад
Thank you, Dr. Lindsay. You are helping us stop the ridiculous leftists.
@webpilot71 Год назад
James Lindsay is an exceedingly important voice in the world today. We're being pushed into a dark place, and we need to understand what's going on to fight against it before it overtakes and fundamentally dismantles the liberal values that have been responsible for so much progress that we've made over the last several centuries.
@system23 4 года назад
Wow!!! I’ve been following this for a few years now but I didn’t really understand the critical theory part. This is so helpful for the tough conversations ahead.
@adude661 2 года назад
In my country they are introducing "ecofeminism" and a "gender perspective to mathematics" to primary and secondary schoolers. My kids go to private now to avoid that nonsense.
@Individual_Lives_Matter 4 года назад
Janice Fiamengo breaks down the cost of diversity bureaucracies at universities. It’s 10’s of millions of dollars in salaries and resources.
@mariussielcken 4 года назад
It's those millions or a lawsuit.
@zeenuf00 4 года назад
nice racket they have going, eh?
@boatfaceslim9005 4 года назад
Janice Fiamengo is brilliant
@williamreith1186 4 года назад
Heather Mac Donald, too, in the Diversity Delusion.
@nowaskmehow 4 года назад
Janice Fiamengo is AWESOME.
@metgirl5429 2 года назад
Watching 2 years later ♥️ Are we awake yet 🕊
@AyronHalcyon 4 года назад
Wonderful talk. If I may humbly offer a suggestion, it would be fantastic if your provided the sources you mention in the talk in the description of your videos whenever possible. That way, everyone can follow along what you're reading.
@Kartaljuzin 4 года назад
Ok, I'm from Russia and this scares me very much. We had enough of this shit in the past already.
@cmollenh1 4 года назад
Peterson was warning about this for the last 30 years.
@Maceta444 3 года назад
So was Thomas Sowell. Read "The Vision of the Annointed" or "Knowledge & Decisions"
@Brickwinds 3 года назад
@@Maceta444 Vision of the Anointed is easily one of the most important books I've ever read.
@targor1511 4 года назад
This is a fantastic speech. More people, a lot more people, especially the modern BLM, Antifa, CHAZ, etc, etc supporters, need to see this. I hope it'll clear the mud in the brains.
@kevinashcroft2028 2 года назад
After listening to your superb explanative , revealing vids [ for myself ] for a number of weeks ; one deduces that its difficult enough , in the present era , to navigate the political terrain , that is constantly shifting , but when narcissism overshadows and relegates that very political system seemingly unopposed , in the form of , let's say , health and education bodies delivering to communities a service that reverses the distinction that the professionals serve our interests and not vice-versa , this needs a hell of a push-back to achieve a status quo [ not the pop group ]
@r3steve1 2 года назад
This is such a frustrating subject. My wife is in the public school system and asked me why I was so opposed to CRT. I explained that it was based on Critical Theory which was a Marxist that was neither Critical or a Theory (testable), it is meant to Divide through ideology. She explained that herbl friend at work, a sociologist, told her it was just a way to critically examine racism. My response was less than well received because I insulted her friend. My wife is far from ignorant, but she has very little interest in politics or economics so it is difficult for her to examine her friend's position.
@user-tl5om1ow2b 2 года назад
I imagine it must be quite challenging at times to be in a relationship where you both think the other person is championing theories which cause racism. Thankfully my girlfriend has a similar mindset to me about these things. Have you ever tried to show your wife some RU-vid videos similar to this one?
@peytonpdx 4 года назад
He mentions the symbolic significance of giving this talk in the Gladstone Library. *As I'm watching this* news is breaking that Liverpool has agreed to change the name of Gladstone Hall (different location) due to BLM-related protests and demands. History is moving fast...
@JC-qz8dn 4 года назад
peytonpdx what’s the significance of Gladstone Hall? 🤔
@KingSpectre844 4 года назад
@@JC-qz8dn Named after Prime Minister William Gladstone, whose father owned a plantation in the Caribbean with slaves, Prime Minister Gladstone established universal education, introduced the secret ballot, championed the oppressed of the Ottoman Empire and considered the slave trade "to be by the far the foulest crime that taints the history of mankind in any Christian or pagan country".
@steladimi4785 4 года назад
@Jim P Thank you! I am a descendant of those oppressed people. Here is fun fact. The Ottoman Monsters abducted children age 3 and younger, took them to their camps and raised them to be mercenaries. When they were old enough to fight, they sent them back to their own towns and villages to torture and kill their own parents, relatives, inhabitants and destroy the towns and villages. These mercenaries were called Enichari. But yes, cult heroes.
@ClifftopTragedy 4 года назад
Today I heard that Trump is banning this critical crap from all govt programs.
@PauloHidromodGmail 4 года назад
Finally i understand what is happening. Not even Jordan Peterson explain me só clearly. Very very good. Thank you.
@BB-zi5wi 2 года назад
Thank You! ❤
@Ngaemond 3 года назад
I watched an interview with one of the founders of Black Lives Matter in which - after she somewhat hedgingly stated they are trained Marxists - the interviewer said "yeah but Marxism/communism has been tried and it always fails" and her quick response was "capitalism has been tried and always fails". I bring this up b/c Lindsay rightly points out communism looks good on paper but has a track record of millions of human beings exist in misery and/or die horribly. I don't think she's correct that "capitalism always fails" unless perhaps one distinguishes "capitalism" from "liberalism" in the sense Lindsay describes. I've been studying Cambodian history the last few months and the Khmer Rouge regime haunts me. (I lived in Britain when the regime was driven from Phnom Penh in 1979 and what the world discovered was broadcast prominently.) Even in his dying years Pol Pot expressed no regrets. Indeed the Khmer people failed him and his vision. Communism (and yes there are different varieties) might sincerely believe we can wipe society clean and immanentize the eschaton (perfect society with no inequality). Contra said founder of Black Lives Matter we might say capitalism isn't perfect but it doesn't fail so consistently and spectacularly as communism. And frankly liberalism (properly understood) succeeds as much as communism fails.
@nickyredfern5481 Год назад
Flawless as always Mr. Lindsay.
@prschuster 4 года назад
You can point to actual examples of systemic racism & sexism, but it becomes extremist when you blame every individual of the privileged group of being complicit in racism or sexism. That's basically what they're doing. It's a guilt trip. They call it critical theory. I call it cult mentality.
@jpve76 4 года назад
prschuster can you give a current-day example of this systemic racism or sexism you reference? Emphasis on the systemic part.
@prschuster 4 года назад
@@jpve76 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism#:~:text=Institutional%20racism%20(also%20known%20as,and%20education%2C%20among%20other%20issues. The list is too long for me to write a whole essay about it. Here's a summary of systemic racism involving criminal justice, health, housing, employment, political power & education.
@prschuster 4 года назад
@SqueakyPickles Yes, social class is a very big issue.
@Ninja6485 4 года назад
Two fallacies are relevant here: composition and division. Composition illicitly transfers an attribute from the parts of something to the whole, and division illicitly transfers an attribute of the whole to the parts.
@rebeccagrrrl2699 4 года назад
Ninja6485 can you give an example... Maybe I can give one and you can confirm or clarify? One white person is a true racist... David Duke. “Composition” would conclude - Therefore all whites are racist. From there, using “division” if you are white, you are a racist. Is that an easy illustration? Is this what you are saying is the essence of critical theory?
@stevenleejobe 3 года назад
This lecture is the exact introduction we need. Prerequisite for further study. JL is the man!
@YourLocalCopiumDealer 4 года назад
A good time to watch valuable lectures while stuck indoors. Best wishes to all individuals of the world.
@richardzellers 4 года назад
Our culture needs MORE people like James!!!!!!!!
@lorenfulghum2393 4 года назад
And then a week later the world erupted into social justice fever
@mad_marc2757 3 года назад
God bless James Lindsay
@mmille10 3 года назад
This was a great speech. One criticism I have is with Lindsay's remark that social justice, as the radicals he discusses define it, is not communism. I'm not so sure it isn't. If you work through what social justice activists are reasoning, re. how they get to their objections, it sure sounds a lot like it. Let's keep in mind that the academics of the Frankfurt School, a couple of which Lindsay named in his speech, were after creating the conditions for a Marxist revolution. However, they realized that Marx was wrong about what would create those conditions. They realized it would not come from class struggle, of the working class against the capital class. Instead, they've created the grounds for a different struggle, and they did this explicitly: non-whites against whites, women against men, etc. They implicitly define individualism as bigotry, through their insistence that unequal outcomes are prima facie evidence of systemic bigotry, of the white patriarchy. Unequal outcomes can not only come from institutional discrimination. It can also come from individual choices. They know this, but they say that the people who made those choices have been "conditioned" to make them by a racist, sexist architecture built into our society, hence "systemic," and that the insistence that these are individual choices is propaganda, a buying into the conspiracy. Without individualism, what's the point of private property and free enterprise?...
@adrianarotaru4185 9 месяцев назад
Excellent points.
@aakkoin Год назад
This speech hits hard, been listening to Lindsay and New Discourses for like 5 years. Every episode, and actually listening, not just zoning off
@Almatty 4 года назад
29:00 "Criticism is great in the right amount, especially when it's well informed and well considered... but constant, cynical criticism from a big enough group, especially of under-informed complainers is a solvent that can dissolve liberal societies." Bullseye.
@redacted5052 4 года назад
The lawyer got eaten on the toilet, Jeff Goldblums character survives. Since you’ve lost all credibility with that Jurassic park mistake I’ve switched sides and I love social justice now.
@seaofrage 4 года назад
Mad lad
@MattieK09 4 года назад
“Child of the 90s” pffffft
@SethShumateHarmonica 4 года назад
who are you to use facts to diminish his living memory?
@Jonnie-Falafel 4 года назад
@hplovecraft1445 4 года назад
@erksp7961 4 года назад
It is all happening so fast.. We must read and educate ourselves. We could argue that everyone somewhat hallucinates their own reality, neuroscientifically speaking, but lately I'm really opening my eyes to the European enlightenment as a discovery of something I would dare call spiritual. A faculty, like installing a module, or a software program; Critical thinking, reason, inquiry etc in a reiterative process (individual and institutional), always willing to throw away its own hypothesis. Without it, I fear we will degrade with the same exponential change it catalysed.
@jackreacher. 3 года назад
I wrote Critical Theory Treatises when I was a freshman in High school. Life seemed so unfair surrounded by so many superior thinkers.
@mikepaulus4766 4 года назад
The label on this box says "Social Justice", the contents appear to be a mixture of Calvinism and The French Revolution.
@islander376 4 года назад
I disagree on the Calvinism bit. In fact, religions that teach man has a sinful nature will be one of the mainstays that fight against critical theory, and we should recognize this and support them. There’s no reason to critique a system as “racist” or “oppressive” if you believe the problem is yours and everyone else’s unfixable imperfections. There’s no reason to strive to tear down the system and create utopia because you believe that injustice doesn’t originate in structures but in individuals’ hearts. Calvinism just takes this idea to the extreme and says that humanity is not just flawed, it is 100% flawed.
@leighanne3266 4 года назад
You're right. The Grievance Studies that the Social Justice movement is based on fits the criteria of theology. It's not based on science yet it's passed off as such. The doctrine James Lindsay compared it to was Calvinism. Here he talks about that in an eye opening discussion...
@xy-fj2wk 3 года назад
Ha ha. Wrong form of Monotheism.
@philiphales2109 3 года назад
Maoism in the American context.
@MikesLeague 2 года назад
Seizing the means of "cultural production" is the best way to explain this.
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