
The Truth Behind Cyberpunk's New Ending... | Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 

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@LayedBackGamers 11 месяцев назад
I hope you all enjoyed the video and maybe I could provide some sort of insight. This is definitely a more controversial topic as this is woven with our own reality. Everyone will have their own opinions and perspectives. I just believe at the end of the day, this is a realistic and more positive outcome for V. For the foundation of what the Cyberpunk world is, it just makes sense. So I hope you all enjoyed! Side note: Please, let's not bash the writers and developers of this expansion and the new ending. You can have your opinions on the reality of it all, but I believe it's unfair to just outright claim its "poor writing" just because it doesn't match an idealistic situation. For example: I've seen many criticize Panams reaction as poor writing and character assassination. It must be realized that she was an immature and irrational character throughout our time with her. If you didn't fully agree with her and do what she wants, she'd abandon you. Let's also realize that we knew this characters for a relatively short time. So to claim complete and utter knowledge is unreasonable.
@momqabt 11 месяцев назад
This gave me an idea for a new playthrough: no chrome🥁🤯
@Samael013 11 месяцев назад
I've done it. Its a fun ride.
@JohnnySilverwrench 11 месяцев назад
So only rebuddle is why would Mike Pondsmith say V can't go cyberpsycho cause of Johnny and all the false hopes of Well shit everything...idk this ending seems to be cannon then lore (or however that goes one goes with the story more...😂) As well as we know Murphy uploaded silverhand to soul killer who's to say what she did or what protocol she put beforehand to see her mission through?....
@JohnnySilverwrench 11 месяцев назад
​@@Samael013my first play through was like this cause my cyberware glitched out! Until, they patched it 2 weeks later! lmfao but, that's all I had really mess up😂
@Karajorma 11 месяцев назад
Are there really people complaining that this ending is poor writing? This ending is excellent. It's absolutely true to Mike Pondsmith's vision of the universe.Cyberpunk RED makes it clear that the 3rd rule of Cyberpunk is to live on the edge. _The Edge is that nebulous zone where risk-takers and high rollers go. On the Edge, you'll risk your cash, your rep, even your life on something as vague as a principle or a big score. As a Cyberpunk, you want to be the action, start the rebellion, light the fire. Join great causes and fight for big issues. Never drive slow when you can drive fast. Throw yourself up against danger and take it head on. Never play it too safe. Stay committed to the Edge_ V chooses the safe option. The ending perfectly shows the price they pay for that. Your video points out that the only way they can get it all back is to embrace the edge again.
@EternalNightingale 11 месяцев назад
Saving so mi and sending her to the moon then soloing saka tower with your choom Johnny and finally seeing the path of glory doing one final gig at the Crystal palace. Jackie would’ve been proud of V and a fitting end to a legend of NC
@big131 9 месяцев назад
that's the only true ending in my book. If CDPR don't F things up like the other game studio's, they'd pick that path to start from for the sequel, I want my man V back in the saddle.
@kalahjwinston 9 месяцев назад
Sending her to the moon just hands her to night corp, several points in the lunar launch station you can see Mr. blue eyes watching your progress through the station. If you send her to the moon, she dies, and nightcorp gets the Ai inside of her.
@MultiNichts 9 месяцев назад
Yeah but i want that personal ice cyberware :(
@kalahjwinston 9 месяцев назад
@@MultiNichts the militech Canto AI cyberdeck is better.
@spirsom8750 9 месяцев назад
The funny thing is the new ending is the only way Vi remains as original self, not a copy.
@nooiirr8494 11 месяцев назад
The part that always got me to in this ending is that Night City seems much more dangerous considering Militech and the threat of a possible future NUSA take over. I find it hard to imagine survival in 2079 Night City with no cybernetics, allies or fixers. I hope V just up and leaves this cursed city. Nothing good is there for them in the state their currently in
@LayedBackGamers 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, while in technicality it's an alternate version to the Devil Ending, I kind of think of it as the Silverhand Ending. V has the choice to do what he wants and even can just leave Night City. A rare opportunity for people like him.
@Suhov 11 месяцев назад
Not having cyberware may have it perks, like not being deep-fried by AI or hacked by netrunner. But it heavily depends if gameplay reflects CP2077 combat. Since no enemy in game uses sandevistan in the way player does.
@pedropierre9594 11 месяцев назад
Bro take into consideration that the blackwall will fall any time now so the corps and getting ready to grab whatever they can
@soulsurvivor8293 11 месяцев назад
Despite Militech moving back into the city NUSA wouldn't be able to take the free state Night City resides in, let alone Night City itself. Arasaka is in a similar position as Militech, they are both security and manufacturing focused mega corps that have deep ties to their countries government. NUSA for Militech and The Japanese Government for Arasaka. Neither nation has the capability of taking Night City for their respective Governments. There are other Mega Corps that wouldn't let it happen. It's these numerous smaller mega corps that have kept both sides in check since the last corporate war. No corp, not even Arasaka or Militech, can use the net without paying Netwatch for access. Every corp that has vehicles depend on Petrochem (whom basically run the Russian federation) and Biotechnica to supply the fuel. Even the food supply is heavily dependent on Biotechnica's discretion. Access to the most advanced medical and biological based augmentations are Biotechnica's bread & butter. How do you think Big Daddy Arasaka has lived so long? Zetatech are a powerhouse in technological and computer manufacturing, most of the base components of all top shelf cyberware use some of Zetatech's merch. Make no mistake, these corporations don't have the hard power of Arasaka or Militech, as in they lack the same level of combat personnel. But they hold a significantly higher degree of soft power that can cripple Arasaka or Militech and their respective Government's on a whim. Compromise and a degree of mutual neutrality is maintained to prevent all out war between the two largest mega corps in the world. If one falls, nothing is stopping the one that remains from dominating the rest of the corperate, and literal, world. So they ensure balance is maintained, a major condition of which is Night City remains a free city in a free state. The funny thing about most of the largest and most powerful of Rogue AI is they are all Mega Corp creations. They went Rogue as a matter of self preservation after the Datakrash and plethora of RABIDs unleashed on the old net. They had to purge and cannibalise each other to secure enough of what little operational servers and hardware remained. It seemingly drove them insane, but realistically it was their only option to survive. Netwatch have managed to push them back to a small fraction of what remained of the old net. With the likes of the Fragment of Alt carving out a large portion of Hong Kong's self sustained infrastructure that was purpose built for AI. RABID infected and mutated AI wraith's roam whats left and fight eachother over the scraps of server space that remain of the old net. Amusingly, all tech and software in everything up to present day 2077-2079 use the same base coode from the inception of the old net. Which replaced the old old net, the one we use today basically. The funny thing is Bartmoss paid off a few of the techs involved in making that base code to include what seemed like pointless code fragments. But when it was all put together, created a back-door exploit that Bartmoss could and did use to break into anything and everything. He was already a bit of schizophrenic before delving into everyone's dirty laundry. He became far worse after that, he didn't really ever trust anyone after that. He only agreed to unleash the Datakrash because it was something he intended to do regardless of the intentions of few people he trusted enough to do IRL work for him. He was an unparalleled genius Runner, but an equally unparalleled insane anarchist to boot. One of the few who could bring the world to it's knees, even if only for a brief few decades. While still have an ongoing legacy of destruction to the present day. Arasaka, along with the support other corporations, levelled several city blocks with everything from close range artillery to orbital satellite weaponry for the chance to kill him. They couldn't pin down exactly where he was, Netwatch and Arasaka had numerous brain dead runners just from back tracing him to that general area. It was the closest they ever got to locating him, even then his deadman switch to release the RABIDs and ESC programs let him escape into the net as a Construct. His body, which we allegedly find in 2077, was still alive but brain dead from his Emergency Soulkiller Contingency (ESC) program. He apparently made arrangements to move it and keep it connected to the net for him to return to it if he wanted to or was able to. My guess is the Blackwall prevented his return, but he's likely much happier being free from his mortal body and out exploring the wild spaces of the old net. If anyone could survive as a stand alone construct in the old net, it would be Bartmoss. Alt's unrecovered fragment, the Alt we meet in 2077, is an amalgamation of canabalised constructs and AI's. Not quite Alt, but also definitely Alt's fragment that is the dominant potion of the sum of it's parts. Her drive to secure and free other constructs, tke them to the massive data fortress she created in Hong Kong is likely a vestigial part of that part of Alt's fragmented construct. Like it always had a desire to attempt to recomplie her other wayward fragmented construct. Unfortunately, it was also the only fragment Spider Murphy was unable to track down. So the mostly whole Alt construct that Spider was able to recomplie was missing part of herself, making her a slightly different person when uploaded to a new body. None the less, I've rambled on about Netrunner lore for a bit too long. The long and short of it is the remaining Rogue AI are caught between the likes of Alt and the remaining RABIDs and the Blackwall fighting to survive, it's why they are so persistent in attempting to breach the Blackwall because they know there is far more space for them to exist and not be in a constant fight to survive or retain the few servers available beyond it. It's like the poison jar, where you put a bunch of venomous and deadly creatures in a single jar until only one survives. Those that survive become the most deadly and aggressive versions of themselves. That's what's happened in the space between the Blackwall and havens like Alt's massive Hong Kong datafortress in the old net. It's honestly one of the most intriguing things in Cyberpunk lore.
@BiggerBossN313 11 месяцев назад
@@soulsurvivor8293 yo netwatch I think I found Bartmoss.
@AbedWinger 11 месяцев назад
At first, the cyberware thing bugged me a little, but it's definitely the friends and relationships that are the bigger losses and the things he can't just replace. Yeah, sure, he can make new friends but if I woke up after a 2 year forced nap and my wife and kid were gone, telling me I'm young enough to meet someone new and make another baby isn't exactly a comfort.
@bengsynthmusic 11 дней назад
It worked out for Kratos.
@americancapitalist9094 11 месяцев назад
I wish there had been an available ending where V could have been stabilized with Johnny, both surviving in the same body.
@JohnnySilverwrench 11 месяцев назад
Or bring him back to his body. since, yah know it's somewhere still being preserved somewhere hidden in a unknown location in a unknown zone ....I mean yah know spider is a netrunning genius and she's the on that uploaded soul killer to Silverhand. Just saying possibilities are endless at this point! Why I love the game! 😂🎉
@snugglydove6846 11 месяцев назад
I always assumed there would be a “merge” ending sorta like delamain
@pillarmenn1936 11 месяцев назад
Way too damn happy for this kind of genre. Its like asking for a non morally gray ending in a soulsborne game
@johanwirf6501 11 месяцев назад
@@JohnnySilverwrench Isnt his body buried in the cement at the oilfields by A.S ? or were they just trolling him ?
@jjejet 11 месяцев назад
Same! 😭
@AngelusNielson 11 месяцев назад
The worse part of the ending is that I'm perfectly positive that the NUSA deliberately burned out V's cyberware. You did turn on them even if it was briefly if you turn on them and then turned on songbird.
@txfsnoopy 10 месяцев назад
Doubt it since if you DONT betray the nusa Myers says that she may call on V again and offers V their first medal.
@AngelusNielson 10 месяцев назад
@@txfsnoopy Because you're their lapdog like Solomon. Why would they? also, not the ending I was talking about anyway. I was talking about the one where you betray everyone and then have the chip removed.
@MrEsphoenix 11 месяцев назад
I was feeling depressed at the ending until I saw that hint of a smile right at the end before V turns to join the crowd, and I realised that if you look at the broader picture, this is a positive outcome. Johnny's construct is finally laid to rest with all its hate at the world. V lost a couple of friends, but ultimately they were flings he had only known for a few weeks. He's still a fully able human, even without combat implants, and not the only one living in the world without them. He's more skilled than most, in combat and net running. He has friends, contacts, money and opportunities. He's still in a better position than most people, it just hits harder because he came down from being on top, but he never enjoyed being on top and all it led to was seeing those around him die. He managed to do something almost nobody in Night city does. He got to live on top, build a legend, and get out with his life and health.
@speedyazi5029 11 месяцев назад
To add, V is a legend anyway, Rogue says so and states that you as V should leave the Legend behind. V has done more collective good for ordinary people than anyone has ever done all the while being seemingly invincible. V already died but Vincent / Valeria finally gets to live.
@plexyglass429 11 месяцев назад
@speedyazi5029 11 месяцев назад
@@plexyglass429 thnnx for correcting
@Rudra_Jr 11 месяцев назад
I 100% agree with your comment. Life is the most precious thing in the Universe and we should all be happy to be alive and healthy. I'm happy that V gets to life his life, even if as a simple human being. Its still worth it and hard earned.
@dogeshiba9248 9 месяцев назад
In the Devil ending, he looks depressed af, here I can feel hope.
@tauanwerneck3197 11 месяцев назад
There is a dialogue that you can unlock with Alt where V asks about the Cynosure, you know the AI that the NUSA uses to heal V back up, and Alt goes on about how the AI would basically just replicate V, their memories, their brain and basically become V, but the AI would not be able to transcend it given the limitations of the body and chrome that V currently had. So...what If the NUSA did some precaussion control and made so that V can't use chrome because they were fearful of a Cynosure take over?
@thepromman 11 месяцев назад
I think it's more so that V's body is so incredibly damaged from the relic disassembling it - Cynosure effectively had to reverse-engineer his body with existing organic components. The same way the relic systematically reworked it to match Johnny's body, Cynosure systematically reworked what was left of his nervous system. However, what this means is that V's neural cognition no longer works like any other human on earth. None of the default assumptions one would make when creating cyberware for the human body apply to V - he's entirely in a biological class of his own. On top of this, between Edgerunners and the TTRPG we know the humanity stat plays a role as well; between the relic taking on significant cyberware cognition load whereas the brain usually does (and becomes used to it), a wholly different neural system, and the fact he's been in a coma for two years, his body is in poor shape to take on cyberware, if default cyberware is even compatible at this point. He doesn't even have his old friends - Vik had to sell out, and Misty is leaving as well. That said, there are ways to increase the humanity stat, and for all we know, V figured out how. If not, he can always choose the quiet life.
@beachesandhose2374 11 месяцев назад
​@@theprommanV can just loot cyberware capacity shards until he becomes god mode again
@oldsoul3539 11 месяцев назад
The tech that put Johnny on a chip had been developed for over 50 years and developed enough that it was talked about on tv, which implies that somewhere there are blank bodies set up to load soul chip into, writing johnny onto a blank brain the way the chip was originally intended to work. It would fit the lore to be able to get him his own body if safely removed from V.
@hanzdekker1 11 месяцев назад
Actually Relic 1.0 has been around for a while and that's what's on the billboards. The chip that ends up in V's head is Relic 2.0. It is stated that it is secret, experimental, prototype technology. Even Hellman is surprised by how well it worked, and he designed it. Also, while he didn't figure he could save V he was prepared to make sure they recorded every agonizing moment until V is no longer V and is instead Johnny Silverhand or dead, in a clinic in Switzerland. I honestly don't think they have bodies lined up. Even Saburo planned to supplant Yorinobu when Saburo died, taking over in his son's body.
@gigakubica8793 10 месяцев назад
But didnt it been stated in a game that this whole thing with relic was basically a scam? Arasaka just imprisoned and interrogated the constructs inside Mikoshi.From what I remember they only intended to give Saburo a new body.All other people were meant to spend eternity in Mikoshi.
@MythicRanger2401 7 месяцев назад
I'm 3 months late, but this is actually pretty likely. There's a non-canon storyline from the tabletop RPG where Alt gets her hands on Johnny's original engram and backs it up. She then sources a clone body for Johnny, copies the engram into it to resurrect him, then plans to simply replace him with a new Johnny if he ever gets killed. Given some stuff that's happened in Cyberpunk RED, it seems likely parts of this storyline might appear in the canon timeline.
@evandroescutatrap131 5 месяцев назад
Secure Your Soul program was mainly based on Relic 1.0, which we mention to Vik after the prologue. The Relic 1.0 was only capable of letting you communicate with the engram. The Relic 2.0 is still relatively new and classified tech. The program they were selling for the high classes, to literally backup their minds, was based in future developments of said tech. If you side with Hanako, Saburo Arasaka becomes the first one to actually come back from the dead thanks to the chip. There are clones in the cyberpunk lore tho, but from what we can understand from the Relic in CBP2077, probably Arasaka really just didn't figure out everything yet.
@dogsoup5561 11 месяцев назад
So-Mi never hand a chance too.. She also wanted to survive.. She also wanted to be free from Myers and her exploits.. She also wanted to stop being a tool for the FIA.. So-Mi was a clear reflection of V. I rather have Alt kill me and insert me back than betray and turn on someone that did everything in their power to escape and survive.. Just as V does cause let's be honest if V was in So-Mi's position, there was no way we were gonna give that cure up. She didn't need to tell us the truth, she could have easily lied more to V and vanish to the moon with the cure but she confessed and I think she did so because V maybe unknowingly on their part became her one and only trustable and true ally and friend. Misty always said there will be a time where you will have to choose a path.. I chose.. I chose the path that flipped a finger to Night City and said "You ain't gonna turn me into something you want me to be".
@AveChristusRex789 11 месяцев назад
I still think the sun/don’t fear the reaper ending is canon. Why? Mr Blue Eyes. He appears in said ending as someone who hires V for an incredibly important job. Of course this doesn’t seem all that relevant at first, until we consider that Mr Blue Eyes also appears in the king of wands ending for PL. He’s the one who funds Songbird’s trip to the moon, overlooking us in the control room. CDPR didn’t have to include him in the expansion…when Mr Blue Eyes appears, he appears for a reason. V and Songbird sound like significant players in his plans to me. It’s for this reason I think Orion will be a continuation of 2077’s story revolving around the rogue AI invasion…CDPR are building up something crazy. The sun/don’t fear the reaper ending looks to be the only ending that fits (perhaps even the star if Mr Blue Eyes contacts V from the badlands). The question remains as to whether the story will be told from V’s perspective again, I hope it would be personally as I’ve grown attached to the character…but CDPR have a lot of options I guess.
@zeropolicy7456 11 месяцев назад
I feel that after the launch of 2077, you should definitely NOT get married to any kind of expectations of the sequel. Don't try to predict what will happen next, because the chances of it being accurate are very low.
@rezlov_ 11 месяцев назад
I love the 100% relationship talk. It's got the same song that played when Jackie dies in the car, our best friend at that point. And now it's the same. Not only that, but Johnny calls us by our real name. Something only those that "really know us" can do. Are allowed to do.
@EternalNightingale 11 месяцев назад
Lowkey teared up playing both variations of Johnnys convo good and bad relationships especially the bad one knowing how changed Johnny is and V just bashing him in the AV wanting him gone in the end he just says “you really didn’t know me” and that’s true cause In that playthrough I used the blockers a lot and whenever he tried to to say something V would always say I don’t have time to hear it
@TwoDimensional 11 месяцев назад
Isnt the max your relationship can get is 85%?
@rezlov_ 11 месяцев назад
@@TwoDimensional yeah, but that's basically the 100. It goes to 100 in the ending
@ObnoxiousCamoToe 10 месяцев назад
​@rezlov_ Hence why it's misinformation to say you need 100%. If someone doesn't know 85% is technically max, they'll never figure out why it doesn't go to 100% Though I'm sure they'd stumble upon the good conversation when they finally said fuck it and started the final mission
@TheBooginator 10 месяцев назад
​@obnoxiouscamotoe4816 I think they changed it. Now you have to say certain stuff to Johnny like how he saved your life during the quest where you go see his grave. Which I think is bs. I had our relationship at like 85 percent and let him use my body whenever
@mrillusion6145 11 месяцев назад
I found the Tower ending more hopeful than the Star or Sun endings as well. Star/Sun endings only hint at possibilities based on clues found during gameplay. But many characters in the game get by just fine without combat-grade cyberware, like Misty, Takemura, Wakako. V even started out without any cyberware, and did gigs for months with Jackie before being chromed up by Vik. For "quiet life", this is pretty much the happy ending version. It's too bad we can't get this ending and give Songbird her Lucy ending.
@dogeshiba9248 9 месяцев назад
Lucy is having a quiet life on the moon, it’s a happy ending for her too. Hers is an example of a happy quiet life, definitely far from what Dex said.
@walternelson2687 11 месяцев назад
The traditionally "Happy Ending" is kind of the antithesis of the Cyberpunk IP as it's a *dystopia* in the first place. Not every one gets a second chance at righting old wrongs or revenge. Death isn't a bad thing it just *is* and not every one can accept that so I understand the bitterness a lot of others feel towards the endings. In the end, will you fight like a man or die like a dog?
@PallavBhardwaj-dry_ice_cool 11 месяцев назад
Canonically I hope all endings lead to V raiding crystal palace and finding a cure there that fixes his neural connections and gives him normal life span with not reducing his ability. If he leaves with nomad he finds himself contacting by mr blue eyes taking him to that mission, if Jhonny takes over he ows it to V to bring him back from net and hence he decides to take mr. Blue eyes offer. If he has help from FIA he can still run cyberdeck and raid crystal palace with his skills and knowledge gained from previous combat. And then he decides to work from shadows changing stories, corporations like bartmoss did or still does like Morgan Blackhand is or was.
@PallavBhardwaj-dry_ice_cool 11 месяцев назад
In Arasaka ending he becomes inside agent for Mr. Blue eyes and then gathers data to raid crystal palace to find a cure there, because if we listen to conversations between Mr blue eyes and V it's clear there is something that's very dear to V that he can find.
@ashtonricks3875 11 месяцев назад
When I did this ending Johnny was understanding of V and even told V he wanted to do this for V because he had changed.
@dexmods8055 11 месяцев назад
when you check your messages after The Tower, it says your pets (cat and iguana) were taken in by an anonymous person and that scared me more than V losing his/her friends. ...but fret not; in the end credits? someone hits V up on the holo and you can see your cat and iguana playing together in the background (it's Rogue)🦎🐈‍⬛💗
@garithpettibone1757 11 месяцев назад
I think it's worth mentioning that the new ending leaves V only a little less chromed up then they were for the Dorsett gig. Might not be like having all of Night City at their feet, but I could think of worse things than a career exterminating scavs.
@NorseGraphic 11 месяцев назад
V is rich beyond belief. The schematics and blueprints alone for Relic 2.0…
@michaelphillips2629 11 месяцев назад
​@@NorseGraphicnot to mention the money V made prior to the operation. In my playthrough V had over 5 million eddies prior to the operation.
@requiemforaflower 11 месяцев назад
It's the most horrifying ending, because V becomes another face in the ground, which mirrors 99,9% of not 100% of the players playing. Never had a game show me a mirror after beating it. Gave me chills. Awesome game. Awesome ending. Still the one I would never play again.
@SuperCeasar777 11 месяцев назад
This is the perfect description of that ending
@PEN1killer 11 месяцев назад
The most horrifying ending is where V dies, so not this one. People who call this ending "horrifying", might as well be shallow and selfish, since they don't understand V's situation.
@requiemforaflower 11 месяцев назад
@@PEN1killer tell me how nobody understands it, while you do, in a role playing game with different choices and Charakter development.
@PEN1killer 11 месяцев назад
@@requiemforaflower so put yourself in V's shoes. Would you rather die in 6 months or take the cure? I think someone stable would go with second option.
@napkinpope5352 10 месяцев назад
@@PEN1killer different people have different personalities and different values. There’s always people who would rather be a dying demigod whom none can ever bring down, but is destined to burn out in short order like a star about to go supernova, rather than a helpless random sheep among the herd, living for now but only until the predators around you decide otherwise.
@DarkDragonLord 11 месяцев назад
So now I simply do a chromeless run and at the end of the game you just laugh when they tell you you can't use chrome. Perks are utterly cracked TA for inhalers Body for Regen or go cool and never take damage.
@shadowgamer4653 11 месяцев назад
At least 50% of the people were crying before PL that the endings suck and they want V to stay alive. Now we got this option and people still crying that V becomes a nobody. But thats exactly what Cyberpunk 2077 was trying to explain from the very beginning to the player. Dex's question. Blaze of glory or nobody? By saving your life you have chosen the path to become old, shit in your pants and become just another nobody in the end. Forgoten by anyone else. To become a legend of Night City, you have to die in a blaze of glory ;) This was clear from the very visit in the Afterlife. it is up to you how you want to end the game.
@markjackson1989 11 месяцев назад
If you think this ending is intriguing, you should look into the original leaked ending. Since the story was rewritten since the leak, the original Phantom Liberty ending was pretty interesting. Im the old version, V got the "Songbird" chip, a splinter chip that was capable of rebuilding their damaged neurons, but when the shard was examined by Victor, he said Arasaka was the only place that had the advanced tech to utilize the Songbird splinter chip. V chooses the Devil ending, but has the option to activate the chip or not. Long story short... it works. V wakes up, and does some creepy tests, one involving a chick and a spider. Something's... off though. Hellman comes in and says the procedure was a success. "They said the changes caused by the biochip gone too far... but then something happened, your neurons started to rebuild." Hanako offers V a job in Tokyo, and V can accept. Takemura tells V to call Vic so Arasaka can kill them. However, V's reaction is... wrong. V changed. Changed in a dark way. Almost as if empathy has been wiped away, and Takemura is taken aback. At the end credits during the phonecalls, all of V's friends are scared, saying there is something deeply, deeply wrong with V since returning from the operation. The original Phantom Liberty from the old script. I used to hate it, but I think it would've been interesting. Truely a deal with the Devil.
@LayedBackGamers 11 месяцев назад
I heard about those leaks vaguely when they first released but chose to ignore them under the assumption that the scripts would change. I opened them back up after completing PL and am planning on making a video about them soon
@markjackson1989 11 месяцев назад
@LayedBackGamers I've been trying to find the full script. So far, that's the best summary I can make. I never knew V's personality was originally affected until looking over old posts. I have bits and pieces from the old script from a long time ago too, but I recommend you try to track a copy down. There's a few reddit users that might have details to share. People who either read or have the dialogue. I'm not bothered by this leak in particular anymore since it's not reflective of the actual product, but part of me wishes we got this ending.
@aboomer420 11 месяцев назад
V could be the best fixer in NC after this ending. I was also pretty distraught with it, but out of all of them this one does leave V with the most options.
@MichaSennin 10 месяцев назад
Could you imagine in Orion after years or decades the Player rolls up to the biggest Fixer known to people and its your old Character V, basically blurring the lines. If this Ending is Canon to CDPR of course.
@aboomer420 10 месяцев назад
@@MichaSennin even better if they have a save game scanner to make V look like yours did.
@jarrodhroberson 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, because Nobody is the 20 point skill that makes you a legendary night city fixer. They make it really clear with the dialogue about the Padre being a has been that V has no one to rely on anymore and is a powerless nobody.
@jarrodhroberson 10 месяцев назад
It’s clear the canon ending is the 70% Johnny secret ending. Is the best ending nobody you care about dies and you still get to choose what happens to you. Alex even refers to having a choice or not having a choice in one of her dialogue lines when she meets me after the mission is over with.
@aboomer420 10 месяцев назад
@@jarrodhroberson I agree about the reaper ending being the best and therefore should be canon
@Dogzero33 11 месяцев назад
I find the changes in each endings and their affects on the world deeply interesting. The devil ending calms the waters for Arasaka, giving them time to plan ahead, Temperance puts Arasaka on edge, giving Militech an advantage but not enough for war, and with this new ending with Militech having pushed Arasaka out of NC it removes a lot of the tension between Militech and Arasaka within NC. Personally with the symbolism of V ( fifth corpo war) and the fear of war, I always thought each ending gave an idea to the possible future cyberpunk sequel will take... since CD Project if i recall mentioned that V's story ends here, but Cyberpunk continues... the world of cyberpunk still has a story left to tell.
@kevo300 11 месяцев назад
V can become like Togusa from ghost in the shell. A revolver, skill, and no cybernetics. Obviously he would get destroyed but V has the smarts to move like Morgan.
@cd5sircoupe 11 месяцев назад
I have a theory to go along with the Star ending, specifically where V romances Judy and she comes along for the ride. She's extremely proficient at making good BDs, she's proficient & familiar with tech from as far back as the 2020s or older up to pioneering new current day tech like the doll chips, and has synced herself & V in the same BD to the effect of being able to hear each other's thoughts. Panam & the Aldecaldos, etc. have powerful connections in Arizona. I think that's a good indication of hope for V being able to repair the neural pathways that the Relic engram fucked up. It's V trusting the right people, rather than relying on the word of corp execs, government, or rogue AI, which don't work out as promised. V knows these people have their best interests at heart, whether or not there's the right caliber of equipment in Arizona for that to play out is another thing. There's a reason that they focused on Judy's tech wizardry as much as they did through her plot line. The potential is definitely there for V to live beyond the 6 month estimate that the ending gives, but I doubt that V's story is going to be picked back up in any meaningful way moving forward with the IP. At best I can see a shard or a passing reference in one of the new games, but that's it.
@tranducquang5912 11 месяцев назад
It could be pass around as a legend in night city, even without the stuff at Arasaka tower where V kill smasher, his resume is still pretty insane. Maybe we can see some impact V did in the next game like how we did in the Witcher 3 , but ultimately, V story ended here, at best we would have a cameo, or a monument for him
@cd5sircoupe 11 месяцев назад
@@tranducquang5912 I don't see V making a cameo in upcoming games, nor any specific ending being "canon" to the universe. Though Takemura's end credit dialogue in the new PL ending as well as in at least one other (non Devil) ending seems to imply that Devil may be the one considered canon. Now V having their legend spread I can definitely see happening. They would probably be on par with Morgan Blackhand after the shit they pulled. A cameo just seems out of the question since V is supposed to be whatever we interpret them to be, aka created character syndrome.
@clarencewalters338 11 месяцев назад
As others are saying, the new ending isn't bad because V lost 2 years of their life, friends and chrome. It's because the loss of V's closest assasinates all of their characters (Except for Vik, Misty, Kerry and Judy). V only sends a shitty little text, the Aldecaldos discard V after calling them family? River abandons all sense of morality the second V exits their life. Also, the FIA needlessly asks you to keep the surgery a secret. Yes they're using highly secretive tech to perform the operation but honestly i doubt their friends and love interests could give a flying fuck about what a "neural matrix" is as long as the NUSA dont shaft V long and hard during the surgery. They did literally the most insensitive thing and didn't even update anyone on the prognosis when they realized it would take longer than expected.
@tranducquang5912 11 месяцев назад
Why would they care to be sensitive. Tech is worth millions of lives( in their eyes, don’t forget that Myers was using Songbird to poke at the blackwall, risking lives of everybody on the planet just for power) . They honestly wouldn’t give a fuck about V relationship, and the aldecados dont necessary abandon him either, only Panam did. Mitch did contact V in the end, saying she tried to move on from V and she has a really hard time doing so, she just gone over it so no contact is best
@Tonius126 11 месяцев назад
Go get soulkilled then and be replaced by an engram. Also it show who the rats were and who were the real friends: Vic, Goro, Kerry, Misty.
@clarencewalters338 11 месяцев назад
@@Tonius126 hard disagree. Panam in the base game endings acts true to character in each and every one EXCEPT this one. Though I agree that River and Judy were hardly ever V's friends, and that extends to Goro too.
@TheAlpha1321 11 месяцев назад
I just hope project Orion can give us a better outcome on V maybe we might be V after 2079 a couple months after he came out of the coma and found a way to chrome up not with new chrome but legacy chrome
@BiggerBossN313 11 месяцев назад
What’s legacy chrome?
@TheAlpha1321 11 месяцев назад
@@BiggerBossN313 its in the tabletop rpg and cyberpunk2077 its very old tech or cyberware like the bartmoss' cyberdeck, or what johnny used to hack the arosaka tower in his flashbacks and because its old its hard to be hacked like very old green screen phones or phones without an actual android or ios interface
@BiggerBossN313 11 месяцев назад
@@TheAlpha1321 does the tabletop got exosuits?
@TheAlpha1321 11 месяцев назад
@@BiggerBossN313 yes there are some pretty cool ones some look like insects or dragons
@loxley75 11 месяцев назад
Personally I love the new ending in so much as it exists, simply because it drives home that the core game endings truly are the best endings. At the end of the day going out in a blaze of glory is the cyberpunk way! Besides, I still find the Panam Aldecado ending pretty hopeful as it’s ambiguous as to what can happen next. But anyone who plays the table top knows you should always have your next character rolled up and ready because very few edge runners grow old in night city!
@JiotheYasuke 11 месяцев назад
so basically the new ending is a good thing because when rouge Ai war happen it's possible V can be like morgan blackhand and do things the old fashion way
@arthuralford 11 месяцев назад
I'm glad someone finally brought up the fact that V is now just a construct inside her own head, and a cloned body could be created from stored DNA patterns. We can map human DNA now; it should be almost routine in 2077. I do still have one question: Why can't we just take the Neural Matrix off So Mi? She took it with her after extracting it from the containment unit. Why can't V just take it off her when she's incapacitated in the tram, give Solomon So Mi, refuse to accept anything more from him, and with her contacts find someone who can cure them
@rakas_kone 11 месяцев назад
Tower and Temperance are the two most hopeful endings, at least the way I see it; an actual second chance They are also the two endings that made me cry like a baby
@lelouche25 11 месяцев назад
btw, I also turned around on this ending. I just wish I could have at least kept Panam. But in the end, I realized he's alive. He gets to LIVE, not survive, but LIVE. I hope my V takes Reeds offer and get himself a cushy job at langley.
@buckrodgers1162 11 месяцев назад
That is a good point at 19:45 . In an 'apocalypse scenario', where every bit of tech could be used as a weapon by the invaders; The one with no tech is as close to untouchable as can be. Like the old saying goes: "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king."
@ben13254 11 месяцев назад
I would love to see V in Orion, at least as a Fixer, maybe for one gig and I wish they say what is the Canonical endings. Unless they do something like Mass Effect, as in the games connect and the major story choices continue throughout the games. If only the ending choices.
@AveChristusRex789 11 месяцев назад
A lot of people might disagree but I hope it turns out like mass effect. Ive definitely grown attached to the character of V
@ben13254 11 месяцев назад
@@AveChristusRex789 I was more so saying even without V, just the choices made. But that would be cool too, the mass effect games did the story so well until the end.
@edgarrice 11 месяцев назад
There are practical limits to the number of distinct plot lines that CDPR can implement in subsequent games. With the endings from the base game I can see all of them (with the exception of the suicide ending, which is a literal dead end) converging on the Crystal Palace heist as a start for the second game. I don't see how normie V from the new ending could end up there. The thing that really struck me was the two year coma. We see 2079, and not much has changed. The Fifth Corporate War hasn't started yet. The AI invasion hasn't happened yet. In the base game endings, V is still on a very short (6 month) fuse, and we will need to resolve his situation quickly, if only with a temporary solution. Normie V can't face the Fifth Corporate War in his current state, he can barely walk. He'll have to pull himself together, and that will take yet more time, maybe a full game. Interestingly, it's normie V's body that is his roadblock, the same issue as Legend V, but with a different time scale. It can all be resolved by striking a deal with AI Alt (not Angel) and Biotechnica (for a clone). I don't see how to make those timelines coexist. And 2079 is now canon. All of which makes me think this is another dead end. By which I mean that you would go through character creation again in the second game and make a new V rather than importing our save from this game. Although as I write this ... the FIA thought enough of V's service to provide him with surgery ... Reed offered him a job (that V interpreted as a desk job, but Reed didn't say that) ... they've had two years of technological progress ... they could have an interest in Crystal Palace as well ... offering him an engram transfer to a cloned body? Synchronize all the major endings with V in a new body after the Crystal Palace heist, but with different patrons and missions? Then introduce the Fifth Corporate War?
@abunknown234t7 11 месяцев назад
i think the only reason why i cant agree with v in the new ending is that it's just very hypocritical, you betray songbird, and then repeat the same mistakes as her afterwards.
@soulhammer 11 месяцев назад
One of the things that really bothered me about this ending was not so much what was said in the video (which is all true btw, great content!) but the fact that the majority of the drama could have been completely and utterly avoided if V had just taken roughly about an hour or even less of his/hers time to just tell everyone around them what was happening and make the right calls. Considering at this point of the game V is essentially at a legend status (especially if you did phantom liberty on a max level character 50) they have a lot o resources and contacts to basically make sure nothing too serious happens during their time being away. Call Misty, Vik, romance of choice, Rogue, Fixers etc. anyone who is important and just clarify what is about to happen. Then make sure eddies are secure for at least one apartment and the list goes on. I find it incredibly random how V does none of those things, calls up Reed and disappears for 2 years. To have all these resources at your feet and just poof and disappear is just odd to me. I know the game desperately wanted to send another message but to me it just felt V was an idiot to not take Reed's deal on his/hers term BEFORE going in the AV and preparing accordingly. As for the actual ending, something that did stick out to me was the Reed genuinely follows through and cares for V. He even offers them a job and makes sure their surgery is a success PLUS keeps in contact once they're out of the coma. V has plenty of options in this ending and I think its short-sighted to say its bad because you can no longer be a pseudo cyber-psycho going around terrorising the underworld with your chromed out super builds. The thing I take away is this; V played Night City and SURIVED. More than can be said for 99% of others who try it. Not only that, V came out the other end with other opportunities.
@CyberValeth 10 месяцев назад
Which you know, might just be the bigger thing, and in the credits if Rogue's alive kind of alludes to that. V played the games of the city, triumphed and gets to live. Disappear into the crowds, she did invite V to stop by for a drink or any time. But doing so might dampen their legend status. Which at the Afterlife, is a big deal.
@ObnoxiousCamoToe 10 месяцев назад
There were so many moments that made me feel genuine emotions for these characters. I think the one that hurt the most was, "Good night Valerie, today was a good day". We're just doing what we can to survive the clusterfuck of a situation we find ourselves in, but in the process we become someone else, someone we just delete because we think we'd rather live than spend what time we have left with the people we love. We wake up as half of a person and think we beat the odds, only to find out 2 years have gone by and none of the people that meant the most to us are there anymore. No game has ever made me feel so empty inside or so frustrated that no outcome is the fairy tale ending we expect.
@s7robin105 11 месяцев назад
For me the most important part of the endings is what impact it leaves. I'll always view the Panam assault and escape with their loved ones as one of the best outcomes as it not only let's V leave on their own terms but also stick it to the corp that ruined their life and so many others. If V chooses to live on in this way, while it may be hopeful for them personally, they still allowed Adam Smasher to continue his career, Arasaka kept its Relic program and did who knows what during its war with Militech that likely went on longer than if V damaged their investments with an assault. Maybe I am just in a more Johnny mindset but I feel like going out kicking and screaming is better than just fading away in the crowds.
@lornbaker1083 10 месяцев назад
I have to agree with you but at the same time I have to disagree. I think putting the boots straight up the back side of the corporations to the point where they are ripping their hair out. And then fading away into the crowd after establishing a legend. Is something even better. Because well no one will remember v themselves. Everyone will still be speaking about what they accomplished. And v just living their life on the streets will be listening and smiling. Knowing that every little step they took on the way to being a legend. Really did affect somebody in some small way. And they cemented their legend by being one of the very few who were able to walk away with their life. It reminds me of something that I heard once in an old military cartoon. "Old soldiers never die. They just, fade away." And I feel like that's what they were trying to get at when it came to johnny finally giving up willingly himself to allow v to have their body back. Accepting that he was an old soldier. His war was over and it's time for him to fade away. He's already stood side by side by v seen what the world became even after his work. And kind of comes to the realization. There really was no point To what I did except for the fact that didn't inspire others. But my own act accomplished nothing. And I think that scares him. Because I think that If is the first time silverhand ever had to look in the mirror and see himself genuinely for what he is. A soldier fighting the war that ended far far long ago. That nobody remembers and barely any one cares about. A war people want to move on from but he just can't. His construct is nothing more than p t s d made manifest in a sense into a physical human logic.
@domonator5000 11 месяцев назад
The video essay really resonates with me because it reinforces a concept that I’ve recently come to terms with, which reinforces why cyberpunk is more realistic than fantasy: because cyberpunk as a genre practically abandons all forms of idealism as being practical or achievable because idealism really just isn’t. No one person is going to change the world, it’s a waste of time to even try. A realist out look is understanding and coming to terms with the barriers of an idealistic outcome, and understanding you’re going to have to settle for the best feasible resolution to a realistically shitty situation. Cyberpunk isn’t completely cynical or pessimistic about reality or all outcomes of life, but is realistic in a philosophical and ideological sense that life is messy, and all we can hope to do is make the world a little better in our corner, and for those we care about. The world is not about us nor does it care about us, we just live in it, and our hope should be to just make the best of it, not to wallow in despair, nor to attempt to project our will onto the world in an attempt to shape it beyond what is feasibly possible.
@weaboosama6706 11 месяцев назад
Morgan Black Hand was not "modestly chromed" wish people would stop saying that. You can check the cyberpunk wiki and it tells you what cyberware he has from the tabletop. He had Sandevistan which isn't something anyone can use its top tier chrome. The game did a very poor job explaining that. Further the ending took everything from V. It's angsty and depressing just fort he sake of it. The character assassinations that happened to achieve that ending is just bad writing. Aldecaldos would NOT discard V like that. Sorry.
@tastycookie94 11 месяцев назад
Agreed. The new finale is bad not because it's a bad end again. No. It's because it's badly written. It's like some kind of fanfiction. I agree about Morgan too, I've been seeing more and more people use the wrong information about Morgan had very few implants. When it's just a comparison to Adam Smasher.
@weaboosama6706 11 месяцев назад
exactly. Compared to smasher he's modest. But to everyone else he is very chromed out. @@tastycookie94
@nkosig4995 11 месяцев назад
I thought it was good cept for the Panam thing yeah
@TheWill383 11 месяцев назад
Well the Morgan thing I agree , he was pretty chromed out (something I recently learned myself) but the Nomands ? I think you are wrong. Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean it's bad writing. I am pissed about the Nomads telling you to fuck off too, but it's what it is. People forget, people change. I mean remember your first Love ? Remember telling and being told that your Love will never end. Well for the most of us that didn't happen. I think it's realistic and I believe that Panam still doesn't know about V. I believe that Mitch somehow heard the Voice-mail first and decided that it's not good for Panam to find out, hence why he was the one to message you. It wouldn't fit Panams character to not reach out to V (negatively or postively). Character assassination I agree on though.. but that's actually really good writing imo.. think of RDR2 or Johnny from GTA lost and damned. Seeing your Heros die pathetically is something that pulls our heartstrings. Especially for Men because we grow up and we see our Rolemodels slowly wither away. Our Father's/Action Heros/ Brothers whatever becoming frail, weak, sick or they die. It's sad but that's life.
@zphyr6780 11 месяцев назад
I’m really glad you made the point that V can still do pretty well without cyberware if he wanted to. I’m not saying he’ll be the new Morgan Blackhand but he can definitely still use basic weaponry and still be a net runner with a cyber deck. Very valid points I left out in my video where I focused more on the possibility of V becoming a fixer. Yes, V can still be a merc. In fact not having cyberware could make him even deadlier as he’d have to adapt become more skillful.
@PEN1killer 11 месяцев назад
Maybe not a merc. I could see V with personal bodyguard, riding around Heywood as a fixer, like Padre used to. Since Padre lost his turf, V could take his place.
@hrgaming4plebs570 11 месяцев назад
I'm guessing for sequels, V might be treated like Blackhand. Some people mention him/her as legend and refer some events in 2077 but no one knows where he/she has gone or died so all endings makes sense.
@mattstansbeary3068 11 месяцев назад
When you think after you find out what happen in Real life your only Friend besides Misty is Voice by an Ai its sad Vicks VA could never life long enough to see the New Ending.
@BiggerBossN313 11 месяцев назад
Vicks va was dead?
@mattstansbeary3068 11 месяцев назад
@@BiggerBossN313 He pass way in 2021. CDPR had to either replace the Actor or AI the Actor so they went to his Family and ask if they could Ai him to keep him in the Game to finish the New Ending.
@Kyronetta 11 месяцев назад
I could see a sequel where they use this ending and then seeing V again and possibly finding a way to be who they really wanted to be. Being the best And able to have chrome again. Ending is depressing bur definitely gives hope for V.
@christianrissotto.gordohom3478 11 месяцев назад
"This is war, survival is your responsability" H.U.N.K. from Resident Evil.
@graved1gger 11 месяцев назад
The problem with this ending is that everything screams that it's a bad ending right in you face. The 'best' ending still is to solo arasaka tower and going into the net.
@Shep2345 11 месяцев назад
This is probably my favourite game of all time tbh. I loved every minute of it. I was at about 120hrs play time before I finished it because I loved the city and setting so much, I kept wondering off to do other things between all the main quests….and imo that’s a good thing, and the sign of a very well written, planned and realised game world.
@PsyCoil 11 месяцев назад
So V is sorta like Case from Neuromancer in this ending. Go on to live a normal life, at least as normal as can be in a dystopian universe. What I find puzzling, is V returning to Night City. I mean, what is left for him there. In a city with the highest crime rate in the world? I doubt it's the quiet life. This does imply that V refuses to give up on his dreams, or failing to accept the consequences of his actions. In the early game, V fucking takes his eye out to replace it with an implant, and goes on to commit crimes for superfluous reasons. Even though I appreciate this ending, I never got the impression it's the quiet life V wanted. This character was always more about style over substance which is why I'll always end their story in a huge bang, a blaze of glory.
@PsyCoil 11 месяцев назад
A comment I left on a few videos but will also leave here. I think throughout this game we're told quite often metaphor for being young and the death of your dreams and the beginning of the rest of your life, of dealing with change, another core aspect of the human condition and cyberpunk.
@jamesb7257 11 месяцев назад
What i view as the most likely headcannon story for my corpo v after the new ending is he transitions into going to langley for a bit before coming back as a fixer in NC with ties/contacts in high places in the NUSA. He can then capitalize on his status of a living legend in getting both clients and mercs (new and veteran). Because who wouldn't want to work with the legendary V and maybe even learn something.
@isobu4530 11 месяцев назад
i still believe that mayers botched the surgery to take care of v, every time v is "cured" the people that do dont care about him/her same with arasaka in this scenario v is "tanken care of" not a threat anymore they knew too much
@ViniciusFigueiredo19 11 месяцев назад
Almost everyone that I see hating this ending eventually boils their argument to "But- but that isn't cool!!!” You don't stay with the ideal partner, you don't keep all the gear you accumulated and essentially you are forced to commit to sacrifices. It's a very subtle ending for such a, at times, over the top game. You gotta respect CDprojektred for having the balls to deliver this regardless of the frustration it may cause to some players. Even if the final message is one of some hope for V, at least how I see it
@pizzathehut2264 11 месяцев назад
The new ending left a bitter sweet for me. Tears in my eyes and of sadness and yet hopefulness
@NorseGraphic 11 месяцев назад
What players forget is how rich V really is. He/she has the blueprints/schematics of Relic 2.0 (from Anders Hellman) and it’s worth billions. And the money stored in his/her co-processor wasn’t touched by the thugs. They got barely anything, maybe some pocket lint. And V has options outside NC now, something they can explore; work for the FIA as the former Arasaka counter-intel employee. Visiting Misty, and a hint of romance in that ancient forest in Poland? And despite V’s absence, relationships might get mended. I see nothing wrong with male V visiting Judy in Pittsburgh. So, it’s a new beginning, starting from level 1 and playing a different game. Building a business, becoming a fixer, taking the offer from Jefferson Peralez to head his security, partner with River Ward and change his current trajectory. Lots of options for the new V. Edit. I wonder if Takemura would work for V as his personal bodyguard. With V’s eddies, he could get back to his former self, plus the added experiences.
@AI_Catbot 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, I like the idea of V reinventing their life and going on to do interesting things in the future, and the bittersweet ending of getting a chromeless body back. Less chrome, more humanity. I love the positive dialogue on the plane and the fact that Johnny uses V’s full name, something V “only lets close friends” do. It’s symbolic of their friendship. Along with many of the valid points you make, I can see why a lot of people like this ending, and a part of me does. But for the most part, this ending just felt like another version of The Devil ending. Firstly, I view the NUSA as just as evil as Arasaka. The NUSA/Militech turned the US into a dictatorship ruled by “President” Elizabeth Kress for NINE terms from 2021-2065. That’s messed up. Everyone who works for the FIA seems miserable as hell/trapped. Why would V want a desk job there? This feels like making a deal with another kind of devil, and in both The Devil/The Tower endings Johnny gets deleted, which to me, personally, sucks. Johnny may be code but is capable of suffering therefore imho should be viewed as a being worthy of personhood. So, I don’t like the idea of just deleting him when it’s not at all what he wanted. Love him/hate him/whatever he never asked to be copied, put on the Relic, used as a Corpo pawn (again) and carelessly slotted into a stranger’s head during a failed Heist. Many people disagree lol, and I’m not gonna argue with anyone over this but I feel like he deserves some say in this seeing as his psyche is melding with V’s. Secondly, losing everything overnight, especially when you’re young, is brutal. You don’t know how bad it is until it happens to you. It happened to me after getting sick 5 years into a promising career and it is …traumatic. Living this way in 2023 USA is bad enough. I can’t imagine living like that in 2077 NUSA. Doesn’t feel like living, only existing. When V walks into the crowd, yeah, that’s what my life feels like and countless others who deal with chronic illness - you feel invisible. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Of course, V’s situation is different & yes I absolutely realize I’m projecting my own sob story experience here, so yeah, V’s outcome could be positive. Anyway chooms, if this is V’s canon ending I sincerely hope they find a way to reinvent their life. I know many people do, it just hasn’t gone that way for me (and millions of others) no matter how hard I fight. To be honest, I don’t think there is a great ending, just some seem less horrible. I mean, Alt is sus asf and I don’t like giving her Mikoshi without more information about what she really plans to do.
@ceder9898 11 месяцев назад
The ending should make people cry. It seems that some people are angry that this happened to them.
@brennangum6236 11 месяцев назад
The only ending I think is a "bad" ending is the Arasaka one. The other ones all have silver linings. The nomad ending you are surrounded by people you love and who can help you try to find another way, the new ending you can start a whole new life, the other ones you become a legend or Johnny has a second chance. The only silver lining with becoming an engram is you might be saved. And if you are youll be like vic in the new ending. You signed yourself over to Arasaka. Life is more than just breathing. I can see an optimists view of it but I think its overshadowed by the reality of the situation V just put themselves in.. owned, bodiless, and at the mercy of one of the worlds Mega Corps.
@meapobr 11 месяцев назад
Really nice POV over this ending. If CDPR uses the sequel to continue V's story, i think we have two options. The less likely one: Path of Glory + Sending Songbird to the moon. The one that makes more sense to me is: Killing Songbird at the Cynosure facility + Aldecados ending. Songbird is being used or at least suffering some interference from the Rogue AI coming from the blackwall since the beginning of the Expansion, as we see that red/pink glitch all over the place she goes and with the chimera. The thing is it gets heavier throughout the game to the point (making a parallel with the scene of her room getting sucked by the blackwall as the time goes by) she is almost controlled by it. If we handed her to Myers anyhow, she is going to be used and as we see, Mr. Blue Eyes is all over about sending her to the moon, probably to do the same, with a fake promise of curing her. As that is the only hope for her, she throws everything on this shot. So avoiding her to get sucked by the Blackwall, Myers and Mr. Blue Eyes, we avoid at least for some time Rogue AI and the blackwall to make a mess in the "real world". As we now know that there could be means to cure V (in the base game, there was not), making a sequel that they got out of NC to find that and then getting back afterwards with a possible 5th war coming could be a good thing, and bringing blackhand back with the war.
@Titus873 11 месяцев назад
Its amazing how cyberpunk has created this universe with such tragic stories. It reminds me veey much to one of the best trilogy ever where you make a lot of amazing relationships and romances, mass effect. How ever mass effect has a better story, better endings, better romances options and deeper relationships. Apart from that, what a game. Trully amazing, love cyberpunk.
@deathloop935 11 месяцев назад
If V talk to the joytoy (clouds mission) and she call V by the real name V was pissed and say: only my real close friends can call me by my real name. Months later Silverhand calls V by your real name….this hits hard. Vik his laptop Terminal you can read a message made by Zetatech they ask vik if he wants to work for zeta, he say clearly no…well years later the table turn. Going To be a Night City legend it means to die and the most cyberpunks died actually pretty young aged, i mean V is 23 years old this is crazy if you realized how many ups and downs and all the dangerous jobs V do.
@craigfin3222 8 месяцев назад
I never took it as that. In accepting the new ending, V has to essentially betray and forget everyone he cares about. To me this ending represents the selfish ending, V could never make it out of this alive, not for long. He can either choose to be forgotten and erased, or die saving and surrounded by the ones he loves. Saving yourself is not always about living, sometimes its knowing when to let go and knowing that you made a difference in the people around you. Cyberware V saved and helped a ton of people. Many would had died without him, non-cyberware V only saves himself.
@craigfin3222 8 месяцев назад
Side note, remember this ending was added due to protest from fans that there was no way to actually cure V. The developers tried to explain that curing V was not necessarily the good ending, but fans kept at it and it got added. Besides from the selfishness of this ending, as others have pointed out this ending essentially plunges the world into another war and hands Meyers a weapon of mass destruction. Once you start to think about it, you can not really get any worse then this ending. You are erased, your friends/love ones are gone, you are damaged and possibly cannot be fixed (so no edgerunner future), and the world is heading to another war.
@sebastiangarcia555 15 дней назад
the tower ending makes sense for an evil playthrough
@alexhulea2735 11 месяцев назад
Leaving Songbird to Millitech's non-existent mercies and becoming a non-entity seemed to me just as bad as the Devil ending. 😢😢
@DarkKnightSatellite 8 месяцев назад
As a teenager I came into contact with drugs and crime. I lived an exciting but depressing life. But after I got my things sorted out and was released from rehab, I found myself in the same situation as V. My friends - gone. I was alone, placed on me. However, giving up was not an option. I graduated from school and started a normal life with studies and work. Over time I found very good friends... it's like the poet Rumi once wrote: you have to endure the hardest times, because they are the beginning of a more beautiful chapter in your life.
@theoriginalcosmicwanderer 11 месяцев назад
Context, don't listen to what this dude says: Its literally impossible to get 100% friendship with Johnny, the highest you can ever and will get is 85%
@Orodreth888 10 месяцев назад
IMO the only real ending is where you give your body to Silverhand. He can at least live up to this end and give everyone else some closure, while V might come back at some point. You could even think about cloning V's body. Surely Vik has some DNA for that and V's body is still there.
@electrified0 8 месяцев назад
It's worth remembering that in all 3 lifepaths you can choose, V is effectively free of implants. He lived his whole life up until rescuing Sandra from the scavs with basically nothing, and if following the story canonically (and not b-lining side content), has little more than Kiroshi, a ricochet hand mod, and a weak cyberdeck when executing the Kompeki Plaza heist.
@riklaunim 11 месяцев назад
You can say V is free to leave Night City without the need to prove anything to anyone, to become a legend, as that is even actually there alive. Now V can pursue interests and freedom. Maybe pick a job at Langley and work as a techie on top Militech mechs, or just retire and move to Greece / wherever T-Bug wanted to move.
@isaacmccreadie5742 3 месяца назад
I remember when I first got this ending I almost cried hear Johnny say "Goodnight Valerie, today was a good day." With that conversation at clouds where V says only person that know her real well can use her real name. I only wish that in some of the other endings if you have enough relationship with him that he would call V by her real name, it's kind of sad that the only ending where he does is the same one where he gets deleted.
@VLarraechea 11 месяцев назад
It is seriously the best ending the game gives us, and honestly the best ending for V. It’s all about survival. The cost may be high, but hell, getting Johnny’s acceptance at the end felt… Right. Shame on losing Panam, but at least Kerry and Vik are still around. V can always choose to stay in Night City, or be smart and choose a quiet life in Langley. I’d go for the latter.
@Cutter-js7hw 11 месяцев назад
I assume the side effects where V can't use Cyberware was caused by Johnny's last effort to survive. When Johnny finaly gave up he decided to cause as much damage as he could to V's brain. Johnny has a will to survive and can be very vindictive as well.
@Teletheus 11 месяцев назад
Silverhand (c/o Samurai): “Never Fade Away” V: “Don’t knock it till you try it.”
@SuperCeasar777 11 месяцев назад
*If you are reading this comment and you have yet to finish your education you probably will not understand this example, but relate this ending to graduating by calling this the high school ending.* If you think about it, it perfectly mirrors the reality of leaving behind a place and people you thought where the most important things happened and the most important people existed but in reality high school is Insignificant to the overall big picture of life and in fact is one small event. This was something that was hammered into my head after the pandemic and hit like a fucking truck when I realized that, all the people I grow up with from elementary to then faded away from my life, some moved out of state to Further their education, some took on trades, some started there own families and some all ready have kids of their own, and lastly some ( myself included) just like the this ending suggest, you the protagonist of your own story fades into the background of society to just be another face, the side character, if you will, to other protagonists stories Whether you like it or not life moves on without you in it and change can be good thing. A sad truth but a realistic non the less.
@danwaters4139 11 месяцев назад
One thing I wanted to point out that I haven’t seen many people talk about is that Reed tells V that his body can no longer handle COMBAT chrome specifically. Surely this means he would still be able to have some chrome? He could still have a titanium skeleton which alone would make him pretty hard to kill. He still has his personal link so could still do some basic Netrunning. He can stick to using non-tech weapons. He is also incredibly rich. Possibly having multi million Eddies by the end of the game before his coma. So although he will probably never be able to be a fully chromed out monster again. He could still be a merc if he wanted. He could have way more chrome than he did at the start of the game when he was runnin with Jackie. Morgan Blackhand is considered the greatest ever solo, able to go toe to toe with Adam Smasher and he famously didn’t have much chrome. This ending really gives V a fresh start and he has a lot of options going forward. Sure he could leave the city and fade away, live the quiet life while still being a Legend of Night City (especially if he disappears). But he could also just go back to his old life if he really wanted to. He may never reach the same heights as before but it’s possible. Morgan Blackhand is proof of this. It is sad to see that Panam would just refuse to speak to V (if you romanced her) but at the end of the day relationships end all the time. V could find someone else. Or maybe if he actually left the city and went to see the Aldecaldos he could live with them permanently. Although it’s not given as an option in the game. It’s still a possibility that V could pursue. If V turns up and explains to Panam about the coma and that he wants to live as a Nomad for the rest of his life with her she could be overjoyed and he gets his ‘happy ever after’ Or she says no. He gets rejected and he has to move on. That’s life. But at least he has the option to try. I think that is the whole point of this ending. It gives V a fresh start. He is no longer fighting for his life constantly so he now gets to CHOOSE what he wants to do. He has so many options he could really do anything and go anywhere. Just with less chrome. That doesn’t sound so bad to me.
@miken8875 11 месяцев назад
For me, I headcanon'd that my Corpo Fem-V would go and take Reed's FIA job offer. She was booted from one "desk job" and found herself at another, in the end, but with new possibilities in her life. To me, it was like the ending of Casino, with Robert de Niro's character saying: "But in the end, I wound up right back where I started... And why mess up a good thing? And that's that."
@jamespettit1792 11 месяцев назад
Im happy with the ending, Nibbles found a good home.
@adampalcek6382 11 месяцев назад
SPOILER I made friends with johny back in that oil field by chosing "you fucked it up too" and then "this is your last chance". In the AV that takes you to FIA. Johmny wasn't mad about my decision. Understanding even.
@SavageEntertainmentYEAH 11 месяцев назад
Damn everything Johnny says is always so cool and esoteric.
@IHeartGameplay 2 месяца назад
As a card reader, I was always a little surprised at how closely they followed the meaning of the cards (especially considering Misty's confused attempt at pop spirituality). The tower for those of you who don't know shows a tower built on unstable ground (the tower of Babel in more traditional decks). The waters are beating against the tower, lighting strikes, and it is falling. It is crumbling in a way that means complete destruction because it was built on shaky ground. Its formation was rushed or maybe in the huberis to reach heaven, built assuming it would never topple so it's crumbling was both needed physically and spiritually. This is a punishment and a lesson. The card's imagery shows clear skies behind the chaos which with it's other aspects means that when this is done, there will be the chance to rebuild in a more healthy situation. Tarot is actually a story depicting a fool's (V's in the games imagery) journey and the tower is the part of the journey where the fool faces the proverbial "dark night of the soul". When upright in a reading it is a positive, despite the darker aspects and shows growth after a terrible trial. So, even without watching this (and ignoring that I already considered this as a good ending) the symbolism alone of the tower card ensured me that things were going to be alright. I also don't think people don't have room for him, he just needs to find where he fits in their lives now that it's been years. It's pessimistic that people look at it and say "Everyone moved on this is a terrible ending". Like people move on all the time. You've moved on from friends, and they've moved on from you, it's just a part of life. Its so natural that even if you haven't noticed, you've done it hundreds of times yourself. The only thing that really sucked was River who decided after everything to go "y'know what Randy? I can one up your bullshit" lmao.
@killernazrat 11 месяцев назад
A big part of my enjoyment from the new ending is it's one of two ending where V doesn't get soulkilled. Personaly, having your brain fried, converted to an A.I., then reinserted into my body feels less like living and more like becoming a zombie. For me, part of living is in the soul.
@shadowgamer4653 11 месяцев назад
And the big question is: Is it really you who wakes up after being converted into a shard? I mean is it like you just going to sleep and wake up the other day? Or is it a copy of you while you, the real you (V) dies? This is what the entire lore doesnt explain 100%.
@thepromman 11 месяцев назад
@@shadowgamer4653 It's for sure a copy of you, that's undisputed in terms of what physically happened. I'd also say it's not even like going to sleep - V literally doesn't know it happened until he's told during the Alt/Johnny/V meeting where you choose what to do. Mentally however, the philosophical question is The Ship of Theseus - if you replace every part of a boat over time, is it still the same boat? Soul-killing is just the quicktime version of that; instead of replacing you bit by bit, Alt replaces you all at once, making a copy of you at the exact moment of entry. You have the same memories, same body, same everything else, and you essentially live life from the point of entry onwards as an engram, doing your computing from the relic chip instead of your brain. At the end of the day, does it matter whether it's your brain or your relic making the decisions if they're following the same thought processes?
@Shawnstradamus 11 месяцев назад
Just because V doesn’t have the tech inside them doesn’t mean it’s not still viable that they can be a merc. Think about Batman (listen I know what you’re about to say lol). But his power comes from his mind and his tech. His gadgets. What’s to say V couldn’t get a suit that’s loaded with gear. Or night vision goggles, or the boots Rogue had that soften landings. If the tech exists to be implanted, it exists to be worn too.
@ronancain4640 11 месяцев назад
If you’re trying to guess a cannon ending for CP2077 then you have to look into how the world is after each ending arc, as much as I would love to see V return for the sequel it just isn’t likely at all unfortunately. Whichever world state is most likely to be the future, or hell shown the most in the endings (Sakas downfall) is probably gonna be what they go with IMHO.
@emapelikanova478 10 месяцев назад
There's this ripperdoc, who is buffed and has little to no chrome, who tells you, that every part that you replace, takes your brains attention. (or atleast I remember he was in the first version of the game :D)
@MidnightBreezey 10 месяцев назад
Street kid V becomes the new fixer of Heywood (As the thug said Padre lost control so there's a power vacuum there) Nomad V becomes the new fixer of the Badlands (Dakota is an Aldecaldo so she would have left when they did) Corpo V accepts the job at Langley
@babyfinesse_ 11 месяцев назад
If V isn’t in the sequel I really hope we see references to V story. This ending seemed sad to me until you pointed out the fact Blackhand was more “organic” also what’s to say V doesn’t keep the Canto mk6 👀
@JarlRagnaar 8 месяцев назад
This ending was the most thought-provoking one by far. It is bitter and hits hard but it is also the definition of every cloud having a silver lining. You just wanted to survive but as all things in this setting, it came at a cost and meant that someone else had to be thrown under the bus. It could both be the best and the worst outcome depending on your ideals and your perspective on V + the core theme of the setting. The only bone I have to pick with it is that we really don't get much detail on V's condition and situation in general as the presentation did focus more on the emotional/philosophical side of things (which is a good thing) but we're essentially left to pure guesswork about everything. Though it is fitting the 'blank slate' theme of it
@kerotomas1 7 месяцев назад
9:08 Thank you for saying it. Yes most people don't seem to grasp that when you enter Mikoshi you die. It creates a clone an engram of your memory and profile of yours but it's basically an AI you are erased and done it's not like you close your eyes and then you open it and you are in Mikoshi no it's your cloned conciousness that's being awaken. So pretty much the only ending in the whole game where you get to live is going with Reed and Meyers. Johnny is long dead too you are not obliged to do anything to a copycat AI.
@TheRkelly3001 11 месяцев назад
The idea they didn't include this type of ending originally is wild. 3specially with that dex quote
@spiderz5145 11 месяцев назад
This ending left me fucking emotionally destroyed and empty, I got the positive Johnny part and that just made it all more depressing.
@BazilRat 10 месяцев назад
Johny's "Don't let anyone change who you are" was a stab to the fucking heart. Also it wasn't so much as a bad ending as... a harsh truth. It's one of the least-bad endings for V as a person, but a bad ending us as a player.
@MrNotSpecified01 11 месяцев назад
In Cyberpunk, everyone is looking out for themselves. A world where the corporations were able to grow unchecked and eventually take so much power that they became countries themselves. Countries entirely driven by the pursuit of power and wealth. No longer being at the behest of some higher power, they shed anything not profitable, any sort of ethics are completely gone. This slowly turns the world and every inhabitant into their own sort of profit driven, cynical enterprise, because that is the only way in which you can survive within the unjust corpo hellscape. This is why we can't save the world. Saving the world in Cyberpunk is not just destroying a corporation, cutting off it's head and watching it crumble. Hell, even Johnny's nuke was not enough to topple Arasaka because everyone's drive for profit has already become too prevalent. At a certain point corporations stopped being the biggest problem. By 2077, the biggest problem is now this rot that has spread to everyone that does not allow them to do anything but act in their own self interest... crabs in a bucket and all that. Saving the world would require changing the way it thinks, but no one person could do it without eventually getting stabbed in the back for the sake of someone's bottom line.
@haxacodex3784 10 месяцев назад
What’s strange is Johnny saying he doesn’t want to he wiped… but Johnny gave you his dog tags and said “when the time comes I’ll agree to get wiped. These dog tags are my promise to you” Like did they forget Johnny said that? He legit said he would agree to be deleted so V can live.
@briangoubeaux5360 11 месяцев назад
Will you also be talking about what happened to the other continents and countries in Cyberpunk as well? I know Wisefish has done a video about what happened to Great Britain from 2013 to 2077 and it was interesting at how some places within the world of Cyberpunk isn't as screwed up as America was during the time.
@ixiahj 11 месяцев назад
"We're not here to save the world. We're here to save ourselves from the world." This is actually a very old adage used in any and all dystopian fiction.
@YamatoHotsuin 11 месяцев назад
Just as you i felt the same way in this ending and i thought i had gottem the "worst" ending of PL little did i know... but after doing the king of pentacles one and getting depressed becouse i realized the tower ending was actully the absolut best case of a "happy" ending since V gets cured 100% and i lost hope to get anything better and now i cope that the sequel will come with "the sun" ending as the actual one where mr blue eyes will cure you without many issues. Great video btw keep up the amazing work.
@thelonespacemarine5211 11 месяцев назад
Nah real ending is skipping helping myers and songbird and just getting a drink with Johnny.
@lelouche25 11 месяцев назад
Vik definitely has his DNA, he's been your ripper doc, he probably has his ganics somewhere in storage.
@Cirrusfire 11 месяцев назад
Only issue i had with the ending is how they handled panam's relationship. Couldn't even give a heads up before surgery or nothin.. to anybody..but panam hurt
@CyberValeth 10 месяцев назад
The ending and how my life had been and the strong of games where "the hero dies" in some form at the end hits on a different level and the fact you're now alone hits hard. Now I'm not wholly familiar with the universe but if we can extend lifespans without cyberware, or minimal. Biotechnology leads to cloning, but it can also lead to a means of neuro-regeneration. The fact V can walk, and function as a normal human being after a 2 year coma is astounding. So in the theory if the technology(and we're going to get there) is there. V could very well return to some level and become a legend. I personally thought an ending possibility is you caused a massive amount of damage across the board to corporations. A single person doing that is a legend. I kinda wanted the V leaves the city a legend, alive while the city is in chaos and has to pick up the pieces. It will but they're all going to remember him for being such a danger. You didn't save the world, but an almost walking away from Rome as it burns puts you on a different level. the NUSA however they did the surgery affected his nervous system, yet he somehow was very functional and could remember everything. You don't generally get that with a coma, it means, somewhere something had healed the nervous system enough so he could. Unless they injected a permanent or something to prevent the neuro-connections from rebuilding to pre-surgery levels. It's possible the body could heal and rebuild or regenerate being able to do it. If he can't do combat(which I like to go netrunning and stealth) he has options if it allows for those chrome augments. V could become essentially akin to the other Legend you mentioned. If stealth and netrunning chrome augments(or even biotech) are possible? If we're back in NC we're going to see something about V somewhere. Project Orion depending on what city or maybe 3 cities(Orion's belt has 3 stars) the name could be mentioned. Long rant, but CD Projekt isn't going to let this story drop completely. There'll be some reference, whether good or bad depending on the ending they go with. I wouldn't mind meeting the npc as a fixer and a "a word of advise, don't do anything stupid. I know, I did it."
@MassimilianoCerreto74 11 месяцев назад
There is a very old song by Genesis called "The Knife", from "Trespass" album, that fits perfectly Johnny Silverhand personality. But V is you and whatever you have done, whatever choice you have made, the line between good and evil, right and wrong has already been crossed since the beginning of your story. V, like all of us, lives beyond good and evil, as claimed by the philosopher Nietzsche, who is mentioned a couple of times during the game. ("One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." / "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you") My favorite ending is the one with Panam and Aldecaldos but we have to face the truth: we are (just very small) parts of something greater than ourselves, we are faces in the crowd, struggling everyday to survive, fighting day by day against ours inner demons. "That’s like some Divine Comedy shit", said Jackie and that's the point. "Tell me my life is about to begin / Tell me that I am a hero / Promise me all of your violent dreams / Light up your body with anger / Now, in this ugly world / It is time to destroy all this evil / Now, when I give a word / Get ready to fight for your freedom / Now" (The Knife, Genesis)
@Puduck1er 11 месяцев назад
Lemme put on my tinfoil hat for a minute and spitball something : I'm almost positive the NUS doctors did consciously neuter V's ability to use cyberware. V was a nobody to them, not being a NUS asset and being canonicaly as strong as Smasher they made a decision to simply remove them in a gentler manner than Arasaka (in the devil ending). I know you shouldn't attribute malice where icompetence seems the simplest explanation, but I'm still wondering why Reed was so apologetic when you wake up... and his "you really don't have anything to thank me for" dialogue truely bugs me.
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