
The Vivziepop/SpindleHorse Drama Continues - Art Commentary 

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@nessie-from-earthbound1601 Год назад
Hello, I’m a trans man and I read most of that 34 page doc accusing Vivzie in the description because I have no life, and I want to give my thoughts on it (this comment will be LONG) 4 things: first, the doc mostly covers transphobia against trans men so keep that in mind, and second, I’m obviously only one trans man so my word shouldn’t be taken as the gospel, third, I will be quoting the doc, and fourth, please do not harass Vivzie because of what I say here The first section is of some messages, presumably by Vivizie, that do express common types of transphobia towards trans men and some towards trans people in general; that people who claim to be trans don’t try to “look like” the the gender they say they are, that trans people are just claiming so to be trendy (“its just something iv noticed MOST of the ones i see are white girls, who claim to be like, trans men, but like, they dont, at all try, n are obv trenders”), that trans men are transitioning primarily/only to gain male privilege (“like i legit dont understand, ist like, why do you strive to be what you hate LOLOL is it cuz you think they are teh most privledge group??? n you wanna be that?”), that trans men hate being women and transition to escape it, and just lack pride in being women (“their like ashamed of being female, but then hey are like th loudest feminists i SO wanna be like s ?? why arent you just being proud to be female? whas wrong with it buddy”) All of this is obviously wrong; transition takes a while for many so looking more like their gender can take time, people who say they are trans are simply exploring their gender and there’s more because being trans is known by more people, and, especially, the reason trans men transition is often for themselves and to feel comfortable in their bodies, and trans men do not feel shame for being women/female, because they aren’t women-they’re men who are asserting that they are men-though may come to actually resent that if others refuse to acknowledge them as men (such as by claiming that they are just ashamed of being women cough cough). Now, what is said here is transphobic. By not trusting people who say they are trans men, it also feeds into the idea that trans men lack autonomy, cannot be trusted to know themselves, and were forced into being trans by an outside force, so you just shouldn’t believe them and should tell them they’re just women who hate being women. This comes up a lot around trans men and it’s very annoying. However, I frankly do not necessarily believe that the person who said this was Vivzie, as I find their proof lacking (they proved she had the same profile picture at the time and that the screenshots weren’t edited). So: what was said here is transphobic but I need more proof than what was provided to believe it’s Vivzie saying this and not some imposter. Like more screenshots of her clearly and explicitly having the same train of thought In the second part, it claims Vivzie repeatedly misgendered someone she knew used they/them, and also said she believed being trans was “incredibly rare, VALID as hell, but rare”. The latter is just a weird statement and comes across as downplaying trans people’s experiences. For the former, misgendering people is obviously transphobic and shouldn’t be done. Other screenshots imply that the reason the presumed Vivzie would do this was because she saw the person in question as just a girl who claimed to be nonbinary because they wanted to feel special or something like that, which does unfortunately happen a lot to afab nonbinary people. Now, this one does have a corroborating source of the person who was misgendered venting to someone else, which I appreciate. Again, though, I do still take caution in believing the person saying this is actually Vivzie because I do not feel the doc provides enough proof. The third part is a similar boat; this section is about Vivzie apparently making a character explicitly based on an old associate who was a trans man, but they fell out and that character is an explicitly female and overtly feminine (they look like a scene girl from 2008 for reference), and that person obviously found that insulting. I would agree that this would be insulting to a trans man, as I would find that rather insulting. Now, I do believe that Vivzie drew the proved image, but I do need more evidence to prove that this actually happened. The fourth part is the section that uses the falsified reviews mentioned in the video, so I’m hesitant to believe it outright and so won’t cover it. The fifth part is about transmasc characters in Helluva Boss. Basically, imps in Helluva have sexual dimorphism (males and females have clear physical differences), where female imps have primarily black horns with thin white stripes, and male imps have thicker white stripes, making their horns a more even black/white split. Included is a concept image of Millie’s siblings (topically made by Erin Frost), where two of them are clearly intended to be trans, one a trans man and the other a trans woman (Sallie Mae). So far, there’s no stated in-universe way for an imp to change what their horns look like (not sure if there’s such a way myself). A later screenshot of the character in the show shows him with the thicker white stripes, implying that he became cis at some point in the development process. Next, it goes over the first transmasc character in the show, an imp in the episode “Queen Bee”, as shown from his horns. It compares him to Sallie Mae, arguing that she is shown to be competent and attractive, while this guy is dismissed immediately by Blitzo, basically arguing that he is treated as lesser by a narrative because he is a trans man. It also points out that Sallie Mae’s voice actress is a trans woman, while the trans man has no credited voice actor (or name), and theorizes that he was voiced by Edward Bosco, who is a cis man, since he’s under “additional voices” in the credits. Now, I find the existence of these claims to be more concrete since they’re in the show and in concept art. It does kinda suck to lose a trans man character as part of a main character’s family (and I would prefer a prominent trans man’s design to be larger and more muscular, rather than small and thin like Erin Frost designed them, but that’s a personal preference and there’s definitely scrawny trans men out there), it’s more of something that you just gotta be disappointed with and ask for another prominent character in my opinion. For this unnamed trans man, I haven’t watched the episode, so I’m not 100% sure how he’s treated, though I would say the dismissal isn’t inherently bad. (It definitely is one of those things that comes across as worse if you believe the rest of the doc though, so I see why they included it.) I also imagine that Edward voiced him because of his small role, rather than out of malice to avoid hiring a trans man voice actor. Having more prominent trans men characters and having them voiced by trans men would certainly be nice, and while it’s sad that it hasn’t happened yet, it’s better to encourage it for later in the series. To be frank, while having the most concrete proof of actually happening, I do find these claims to be the weakest, since they only really seem very bad with the context of the full doc, which I already don’t believe most of. The last part is a rebuttals/concerns section and closing thoughts, and I don’t feel it’s necessary to cover it here. This was long as hell, so to summarize: the examples of transphobia are legitimate types of transphobia that are often thrown at trans men specifically, and should not be done or said by anybody, frankly. However, I feel that the evidence that points towards these being real things Vivzie said, rather than some impersonator or edited images, is weak, so I don’t quite believe the document. To prove this point, I would also like proof that the accounts screenshotted were actually Vivzie’s at the time of taking the screenshot, more corroborating proof for claims, and, especially, more screenshots of Vivzie saying/doing similar things from the past 2 months or so, to prove she still has the same views. Including screenshots in the same timeframe of attempts to educate her on the matter and her refusing to listen would also be helpful as proof. I do not currently believe that Vivzie is transphobic towards trans men/other afab people based on the doc.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
"especially, more screenshots of Vivzie saying/doing similar things from the past 2 months or so, to prove she still has the same views." So if a screenshot of Vivzie saying the exact same things she said in those logs leaks, but from this past January, it's still not good enough? I know you're trying to be evenhanded, but your argument boils down to "These screenshots are transphobic but we need more proof that they're actually Vivzie." The "trender" leaks, okay fair enough, but the misgendering screenshots were taken from the Kendraws callout, which is unanimously agreed to be legit. Like, there's no argument about those, it's Vivzie talking to and about Ken. It's Vivzie misgendering a trans person she hates on purpose. "Now, I do believe that Vivzie drew the proved image, but I do need more evidence to prove that this actually happened." What more evidence do you need? "Jojo" is Dollcreep. Dollcreep's name was Jo. Jojo is a mocking caricature of Jo. The impression I get from your breakdown is that nothing shy of a video of Vivzie going on camera and saying these things out loud, or posting them in an unambiguous twitter post will be good enough because "it could be faked." And that's just not how Vivzie operates; what she says and does, she says and does when she thinks no one's watching.
@nessie-from-earthbound1601 Год назад
@@muffinland8660 The reason why I used the last 2 months was to prove she still had those views recently, rather than she having changed her view several months ago, as I personally find the continued and current expression of transphobia from a person more concerning. I am not saying that older screenshots are not useful, nor that things from January of this year could not be used, or weren't "good enough" for me; please do not put those words in my mouth. To be clear, "these screenshots are transphobic but we need more proof that they're actually Vivzie" was the intended point I was trying to get at. I need more than one screenshot a section for evidence, along with screenshots corroborating that evidence. While a video or her saying this on her main account would certainly be more definitive, what I need is more screenshots per section. Something else is that this video is the first I have heard of this situation. I do not know a lot about Vivzie other than her being the creator of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, and I certainly did not know who Dollcreep/Jo and Kendraws were. It is (and I do mean this legitimately since I understand that this could come across as sarcastic) on me to give an opinion an the document without being fully up-to-date with who's who and what Vivzie has done. To be honest, I did dismiss the Dollcreep claim because the evidence was a tumblr ask by someone else talking about what Jo told them. Why should that tumblr user be seen as a credible source over others about what they say about Vivzie? The Kendraws evidence is a good example of what I mean of "more evidence", having more screenshots of Kendraws and someone else talking about it. I am hesitant to believe claims that "[insert online figure] is discriminatory" since some will call anyone else every bad thing to smear them. This is *not* to say that Vivzie could not be transphobic towards trans men and afab nonbinary people (as I said before, what was expressed are common types of transphobia towards these people). Since Vivzie seems to have a controversial reputation, and those who do often have other, less substantiated or outright false claims applied to them; not because that person did them, but because they can, which makes things that person actually did more difficult to sort out. So, my concern here is that it's the same situation: people are calling Vivzie this primarily because of her other controversies to make her look worse, rather than because she truly did these things. And that is a BAD thing; the Kendraws claim is the one I find to be the most credible, after what is shown in the show itself, but I have concerns about the whole document, which makes all of it easy to dismiss. I know this has been a lot of somewhat disjointed thoughts, so I will try summarize my thoughts here: I have qualms about the amount of evidence shown in the document, as I feel there needs to be more screenshots and/or testimonies in each section, along with why the evidence they provide is credible. Combined with the fact that people will often make unsubstantiated claims about controversial figures just to make that person look worse, I hesitate to believe that Vivzie is transphobic towards trans men/afab nonbinary people based on the document's content. This is something where I would want to keep in mind for the future, but not take as a fact yet. Edit: I should have said this before, but if you find the evidence in the document sufficient or have other reasons to believe that Vivzie is transphobic, then that's okay too. I am not trying to say "I say that Vivzie cannot be transphobic, and you have to agree with me", and if it's come across like that I apologize. It's not a bad thing to believe that she is based on what you know about her; you don't have to have the same view as me, since I understand people online may force everyone to agree with their viewpoint
@guminijn Год назад
Maybe you all are not aware of that but vivziepop did misgender alot Lily Orchard in her interview with ARTISM PODCAST video And that time I felt that she's transphobic
@muffinland8660 Год назад
@@nessie-from-earthbound1601 That does clarify your thoughts, and I appreciate it. I'm always looking for thoughts on how the document itself could be improved or made more digestible, because it's an important one, and it's not just my hands in it; a lot of people's experiences and collaboration went into this. *I* thought it was made pretty apparent who figures like Dollcreep and Kendraws were, but if that's a problem then it should be fixed. It's an evolving work in progress, not a one and done deal. I think some of what you're saying points to an issue bigger than the doc, or even Vivzie, which is a prevailing attitude of "False accusations and callouts are everywhere, so everything should be taken with a grain of salt." Which they are, and should be, but...come on. This is a *lot.* We've reached the era of Vivzie where it's not just Erin Frost's word against Vivzie's anymore, or a some anonymous sources on a spreadsheet anyone can access. Not everything in this doc is as airtight as the Kendraws logs, but it all fits into a bigger picture, one that warrants some answers. Do I think Vivzie's a despicable evil transphobe who wants all trans people dead and that she'll never be better and no one should ever look twice at anything she does? No, of course not. But I do think she falls into that category of "trans ally as long as I like you, and the second I don't then you're a man in a dress or a crazy woman." I definitely don't think she's the all loving, all accepting figurehead of LGBT+ acceptance she presents herself as and is held up as, and that if the fandom doesn't stop deifying her just because she likes gay men and let Sallie Mae exist, she never will be better.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
@@guminijn That's a new one to me. Do you have a link to that, and ideally a timestamp on where she talks about Lily Orchard?
@KiyoshiArts Год назад
I can understand not liking a person, but going as far as to spread false reviews about their studio is another level
@khaliyahjefferson832 Год назад
What a world we live in
@KiyoshiArts Год назад
@@Reepecheep oh shoot, misspelling! Thanks for pointing it out for me
Jumping to conclusions doesn't help either.
@ChuckyChickenCartoons Год назад
Unfortunately it happens more times than you think :(
@Red_567 Год назад
Yeah I don't get why do they have to do that. Just say you hate them, say what you really feel. No need for these lies.
@ChrisSonic2 Год назад
You deserve to rest you're doing great as it is❤
@ItsHweilin Год назад
Theres so much shit online about vivzie and many polarizing opinions I honestly don't know what to think of her anymore- I think there has also been some recent shit for her supposedly reposting a supporter of the russian-ukraine war which honestly i've been trying to dig into that as well. good video as always, fiona! i always love your videos
@naraku971 Год назад
I've met Viv, I found her to be a rather pleasant person, and it's nothing new when people have a bad experience that ends in them not working at a company anymore for them to try to drag the company. I've seen that countless times.I hate to be the bearer of bad news but If you're working for a certain group your identity as a person is low man on the totem poll, also you can comment on a thing being transphobic or not, you don't have to be trans for that kind of thing, and it's what makes free speech a good thing. There's even trans folks who will tell you that. I realize that may seem like a hot take, but I would like to think that trans people are not all singularly minded and have a diversity of thought.
@Birdyboys Год назад
The document on Vivziepop’s transphobia was made by a completely different person from the ani callout guy, they even condemned them for trying to cause more discourse and spread misinformation.
@laraprisma6381 Год назад
Yeah! And watching the show, helluva Boss has trans representation in some background characters, I know they're not main characters, but I still don't think it's a bad form of representation. Plus you can tell they're trans because of the Imps' biological gender details(Different hair color and horns)
@LoryplayKD Год назад
Love the shows, I don't use twitter. Hate drama, it's useless especially online like come on ppl. Hope for the best for the studio and the shows
@kaciekk Год назад
Creating false negative reviews of "working at" the studio is LOW LOW. Like what the fuck??
@bookishdelight Год назад
This is mostly out of my wheelhouse so it's hard for me to insightfully comment on the main event here (at least with anything I'd feel comfortable saying on a public youtube comments section :D) as opposed to just nodding in support. So I'll just do the nodding thing. Sorry you're in a bad way-delving into this stuff would drive anyone mad, I bet. Hope you're able to self-care to a better state after this!
@Laurmachi Год назад
I'm sorry that you had a bad week, and that more negativity on the internet didn't help cases at all. I hope that whatever is getting you down passes soon, and that you get through it in a smooth manner.
@keira3959 11 месяцев назад
for the first situation you discussed I must say that as someone who talks very formally and doesn't like padding out things with praise I see nothing wrong with it, especially in a work environment
@TheDanceMan567 Год назад
This is going to be a long comment, and I recommend you read all of it, so bear with me. I've HATED the drama with Viv since I heard about it, and it's also starting to spill over to Tracy too. The fans of both HB and Lackadaisy have done horrible stuff and started drama with these two and their projects, trying to paint them as horrible people, going as far as putting personal info out there, and harassing supporters of either work are aggravating. I'm not a movie/TV show guy, but I see Viv and Tracy as human beings who do stuff that I don't agree with, but I believe they are good people. Obviously, I'm biased, but if I learned anything since April with the iilluminaughtii (who I regrettably supported) and the Colleen Ballinger situation, is that influencers are not your friends. And some of the stuff people are doing (fans/haters) in these situations is Creepshow Art behavior. Obnoxious, thinking the world revolves around them, starting drama for the sake of producing content or none at all, and not thinking this could lead to something else. Obviously, Creepshow Art (Shannon), iilluminaughtii (Blair), and Colleen are far worse than Viv or Tracy, but it's the same behavior I've noticed, especially their fans. Hell, do you know the channel illymation? She made a 2-part video on her abusive ex-boyfriend that made her channel blow up, and Viv actually commented on her second vid and praised her, and Illy like the comment! It's fine if you don't like Viv, Tracy, or anyone else, but you have to not jump to conclusions and form your own opinion. Sorry if you got confused or it feels disjointed or incoherent, I needed to get it out since I have felt this since April. And if you don't know who Creepshow Art, iilluminaughtii, or Colleen Ballinger are, then let it stay that way.
@ShinePaw101 Год назад
I just watched a vid on all of this a few days ago and the whole thing seemed like a nothing burger. It just looked like people throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Whole thing comes off as ‘I hate your a bigger artist than me, stop being an artist.’ edit for smelling mistake.
@Hjorth87 Год назад
Also, you are doing great. Its a pleasure to tune in and listen😊
@numbuh1507 11 месяцев назад
I'm surprised you didn't bring up the whole thing with Zebirdbrain and the Lackadaisy backerkit.
@justaperson8381 Год назад
Personally I don't like helluva boss or hazbin hotel very much, but I certainly don't think Viv is evil or anything. I don't like all of the things she does or says but I don't think she's bad enough to warrant being harrassed every other day.
@ehidk796 Год назад
What I don't like is how some of these people use Vivz inability to take criticism as proof that she did all the shit she's been accused of when it's not. Vivzie should be able to take criticism better I agree but just because she can't doesnt mean she's now this horrible person that they paint her as with little to no substantial proof. I also hate that especially on twitter she's painted in this light by clueless people who are spreading this misinformation without even fully knowing the situation themselves. It's such a mess it's insane.
@0Magicallywild0 Год назад
I think she takes criticism pretty well tbh, never understood why people think so otherwise. Whenever someone's criticizes her, she just explains why a chatacter is the way they are or are designed the way they are (even if people don't like it) and all that shit, just because someone gives her criticism 24/7, doesn't mean she has to take all of it or any. Especially when it's about Helluva only having two seasons atm.
@0Magicallywild0 Год назад
Plus, nor is ALL of the criticism she gets really criticism or helpful criticism for that matter 🤷‍♀️
@ehidk796 Год назад
​@@0Magicallywild0Now that I think about it I actually agree with you. Like I've never really been bothered by Vivz comments really other than time she went off on Scott Cawthon. Most of time it's just people on twitter and tumblr getting pissy that Vivz is not a yeswoman and she actually takes the time to respond to critics with her own thoughts. Cause How DARE critics be criticized! That's a violation! CANCEL THE WOMEN! But really it's just stupid. Sometimes I feel like these critics are the exact same people they talk about. Unable to recieve criticism just like the creators they say don't take criticism.
@brawler5760 Год назад
@@ehidk796I just want to watch the fuckin funny curse word show about demons doing funky things, why does this keep happening? I wish she could maybe not respond to trolls every once in a while, but people seriously need to chill tf out with what they say to Vivienne.
@ehidk796 Год назад
​@@brawler5760​ yeah I agree. Vivz just gotta not pay mind to these people anymore and let them argue some new shit into existence everytime she succeeds at something until eventually they start contradicting their points and arguments and everybody finds out and sees how truly fake they are.
@amazingspiderlad Год назад
I'm somewhat active in the helluva boss fandom and one thing I've gotta say is that there would not be nearly as much drama if Viv just got tf off of twitter. She gets defensive and replies to basically every negative tweet about the show, which then gives it more exposure, so then the whole fandom start a debate about whatever the tweet was about. It's exhausting.
@liammiller6247 Год назад
The fandom would be 100% less toxic if Viv touched grass. it’s not even funny. she’s so thin-skinned on twitter
@amazingspiderlad Год назад
@@liammiller6247 I don't think she's "thin skinned", I can understand where she's coming from. This show is essentially a passion project, so it must really suck for her to see some of the dumbass "criticisms" people come up with. I just think she needs to stop using twitter so she isn't tempted to respond. I can completely understand the compulsion to reply to every negative comment. I have to stop myself from engaging whenever I see someone making bigoted comments, because I know that ultimately nothing I have to say will change their mind and all it will do is end with me being mad and upset. I think Viv just needs to learn to restrain herself from engaging when someone says something bad about her work, and leaving twitter would make that easier.
@saltydinonuggies1841 Год назад
Honestly Twitter as a hole is shit and needs to go.
Agreed bruh- get off twitter unless you need to promote stuff. 😊
@0Magicallywild0 Год назад
No, she only stands up for herself when people make really stupid ass statements as if they were facts to her own characters. She also does the occasional trolling to morons who wanna test her patience, other than that she pretty much tries to explain why parts of the show/characters are the way they are designed, written etc. She's allowed to voice her opinions just like anyone else does. (She actually stopped doing it anyway after the fact so let her do what she wants)
@IAARPOTI Год назад
I feel like nowadays, internet drama is just mind numbing to me. False allegations and true allegations. Sometimes i wish i can just turn off people mouth shut on the internet.
@that_tvhead Год назад
sometimes i read things people say and i just want to look at the "wires" in their brain and what made them say that. how many layers of thought was put into it and why. that's why i like psychology and philosophy too much lol
@undefinederror40404 Год назад
The only way through which I hear about internet drama, is through videos like this that I click on because they are like well thought out updates on the situation. If you're tired of it and want people to shut it, maybe consider deleting your accounts on social media- or only check them one day of the week or something like that. If it's not improving your life, you can try to stop engaging with it.
@hobbyistfairy1712 Год назад
Yeah me too I wish I could just shut people out instead of being chronically online 😒 and not hang on to their every word
@SallySpr0ut 11 месяцев назад
You can, its called going offline.
@arohamumberry7324 Год назад
I remember I was looking for a discord server to find some folks to talk about whatever, and one of the rules in one I found was something like "No Vivziepop defenders". I didnt know anything about any drama so I asked about it, as all I knew is that she made an adult show, and the server owner went off about her. I mentioned how I didn't get how her mistakes were tbat bad, and this grown adult went OFF on me about how evil and terrible she was, so that kinda shows how crazy people will get over petty stuff
@topaz3452 Год назад
God these people need to grow up. Like have they been doing bath salts?!
@laraprisma6381 Год назад
​@@topaz3452 Lol, like, I understand not liking someone or a show, but going to the point of arguing with someone with a different perspective and opinion in an aggressive way is already overkill and very toxic!
@topaz3452 Год назад
@@laraprisma6381 I hope that grown ass adult gets the same treatment tbh. They never grew up apparently. Like I fucking gate people like that. The show looks ok. Like I imagine people who hate goths or somthing acting like that.
@adoramichis1884 Год назад
Vivzie might not be a very pleasant individual, but people act like she's the antichrist
@laraprisma6381 11 месяцев назад
@@topaz3452 I watch the show, and I can say that the humor is not for everyone, the same with the style, writing and even tone, but it doesn't justify being someone who is toxic on the internet and attacking fans, believe me, there are several other shows that are attacked unfairly because it does not fit with what some consider good. HB is not perfect, but it is not an atrocity.
@alyssa11111 Год назад
There’s always controversy drama when comes viziepop spidelhouse that I can’t keep up with tbh
@jacoblee21 Год назад
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Vivziepop's work. I really do. Hell, both Hazbin and Helluva inspired me to keep going with my own indie project. But, I just can't stand pointless drama in this community. There's a reason why I stay out of situations like this because I refuse to get involved. I repeat, I flat-out refuse. Hope you are able to take a good rest after this. Take care, Apollo.
@drewo.127 Год назад
My thoughts exactly! In fact, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss aren’t really my cup of tea, so I’m not quite as obsessed with the franchise as others, BUT I’m still supportive of the overall success story that Viv and Spindlehorse created! A completely independent animated series that defied all the odds not just general obstacles from being independent, but also making TWO adult oriented cartoons that would make all the censors weep, STILL HAVE a solid emotional story intertwined into the overall narrative, AND HAVE THE WHOLE THING UP ON RU-vid AND HAVE HIT EPISODE AFTER HIT EPISODE! (I don’t mean that all episodes are great, and I can’t say anything on that personally since I don’t watch either show. I mean hit as in each episode cracks Millions of views almost within a week of releasing!) And honestly…I agree with Fiona’s assessment here! I read through those screenshots and I agree that very little of that stuff was anything more than just work related stuff! (Still don’t agree that sharing that private DM was ok though.) But by and large, I think a lot of people’s beef with Viv and Spindlehorse probably come from jealousy! They’re jealous of Viv’s success and want to “bring her back down” or whatever! Of course, Viv kinda lets TwitterX get to her too much, and only aggravates situations both involving her and not involving her, and I agree she needs to leave Twitter! But even with all that said, The overwhelming drama that keeps clinging to the fandom is just useless and not necessary to engage with if you like (or don’t like) Hazbin, Viv, Spindlehorse or anything like that! I’m actually online friends with two people, one who loves Vivzie’s shows, and the other not so much! And guess what? I’m not holding anything against either dude! Whether you like or don’t like something is your business! And I respect both opinions! I personally am mostly on the neutral to positive side, but I understand and respect anyone who doesn’t like Viv, as long as they don’t go out of their way to ruin her life, which thankfully, I don’t think anyone in my different friend groups has done that! Anyway, I’m with you! I avoid drama (like ALL drama) like the events of 2020! I acknowledge they exist, but I choose to let them be!
@jacoblee21 Год назад
Amen to that, brother.@@drewo.127
@abbygamepop Год назад
Vivzie is such a role model to me and makes amazing shows that I watch every episode of, but I’d love to distance myself from the community as far away as I can lmao
@Birdyboys Год назад
The ani callout situation is weird to me because while I do believe them saying that they made a bunch of fake reviews (like why would spindlehorse fearmonger their crew with Erin Frost), it’s weird to me how people insist that ALL bad reviews towards the studio are fake now, and only made by one individual person with a Vivziepop vendetta. Just makes me think of when fans just jumped to assume that the only reason Lackadaisy rejected Vivziepop’s payment was simply because of Ze being rude to her, as if one petty online interaction would be enough to reject 5k from someone.
@Fionapollo Год назад
There are definitely negative reviews in there that are genuine, but this just makes it incredibly difficult to gauge the validity of them & whether they're outliers in an otherwise standard work environment
@Birdyboys Год назад
@@FionapolloI definitely agree, I just don’t like it when people insist that this now discredits everything people have said. I don’t see this energy thrown at positive reviews of Spindle or any of the other reviews towards other animation studios. The account is terrible but it just feels like a troll meant to make her critics look irrational. Even when people asked for proof of their claims that they faked the reviews, they just deactivated instead.
@Fionapollo Год назад
​@Birdyboys even regardless of if the claim is fake, they still did the job of throwing a lot of things into question, confusing people, & making it hard to know what or who to trust
@divaprincess98 10 месяцев назад
I saw a Tweet that said Helluva Boss is the new Steven Universe, and they’re right. All the people who hate the show do CinemaSins levels of nitpicking or complain that the queer people and women aren’t written “the right way.” Vizipop is treated like the worst human to have ever existed the same way Rebecca Sugar was called a nazi sympathizer and a pedophile during the peak of the anti-Steven Universe trend. Antis justified their hatered by saying the fanbase is cringe, as if all other shows that are popular with kids don’t have their vocal minority of cringy overly passionate people. Then there are the classic anti-feminists and homophobes who hate the show just because there are queer people and women in it at all, and hide their hatred through the guise of critique. As a Steven Universe fan who saw the show as it was airing and saw the anti trend happen in real time, seeing the same thing happen to Helluva Boss greatly upsets me.
@TheKillerMoth Год назад
Personally I don’t like most things Vivzie pop has made, but I’m not going to spread misinformation about the studio who made it??? Like if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. That doesn’t mean you have to try and cancel her every time she does anything 💀
@tjtjmich16p Год назад
Snowflakes on both sides tbh
@TheKillerMoth Год назад
@@tjtjmich16pare you saying people who don’t like Vivziepop’s shows are snowflakes?
@Ammy-q4w Год назад
@@tjtjmich16p So, being a reasonable human being means being a snowflake now??? If anyone's a snowflake, it's you for being bothered by that.
@tjtjmich16p Год назад
@@Ammy-q4w WTF did I do
@skysiren4113 Год назад
The main problem I have with this whole drama is the lack of nuance these people have. While I don't always agree with how Vivziepop handles certain things and she has made her fair share of mistakes, she's human and like all of us can make mistakes, but certain people seem to not like her and the team just because their show got popular so they think its ok to harass and spread misinformation about them Not only that but the false accusations could be potentially harmful for those who do work at certain animation studios that do treat their animators poorly since some may think they are lying
@tinibuilds3398 Год назад
Hello I'm a trans person and I know why she was called transphobic for a really dumb reason, basically a cis woman was claiming that showing Sally May to have a bulge was sexualizing trans people even though its more of a celebration of trans women and overall I appreciated what she did, not all trans people are completely uncomfortable with themselves
@eyeball_freak Год назад
Well there’s also leaked discord messages of Viv calling trans men all kinds of unwarranted things but no one really addresses that
@tinibuilds3398 Год назад
@@eyeball_freak I never saw that at any point but given all the positivity she's had towards trans representation in the show for both trans men and women I'm not sure I would fully believe that
@tinibuilds3398 Год назад
@@eyeball_freak also the problem with dms is its kind of hard to prove if its real or not and if its just a few screenshots idk if I would be inclined to believe it one way or the other
@NoNamechan0.0 Год назад
Plus if Viv wasn’t going to sexualize her, the fans will just do it themselves anyways it’s a pot calling the kettle black situation. lol!
@tinibuilds3398 Год назад
@@NoNamechan0.0 it's not sexualizing though the only people that said it was were random cis people and its not really got anything to do with them
@undefinederror40404 Год назад
Tampering with that spreadsheet is unforgiveable imo. The whole thing works on the assumption and trust that people only submit their genuine own experiences on there, if that trust is broken too much then the whole worksheet- and all the many hours of moderating and editing that went into it- is made worthless. If many people have problems while working at spindlehorse, it will show up in the spreadsheet. For it to show up in the way intended is impactful, to tamper with the worksheet is undermining your own argument. Edit: I forgot to thank you for taking the time to look into this whole thing, it's much appreciated and I hope that next week is a lot better for you!
@muffinland8660 Год назад
It's especially vile considering that spreadsheet A) contains a lot of testimony from actual former Spindlehorse employees) and B) was meant for all animation studio employees, from indie to Dreamworks. That animation callout person didn't just fuck over Vivzie's whistleblowers, but everyone in the industry.
@0racle.sunrise3570 Год назад
Even before I became an official fan or properly seen the HH pilot (I don't think HB was released yet) I've heard of some of the stupid dramas surrounding Vivziepop or SpindleHorse. I'm sick of the ongoing hatemob, especially over allegations which were already addressed or debunked years ago! Yes, there were things Vivzie did that I didn't like or approve of, but the blacklash she constantly gets is too far. If doxxing her over her comment on Scott Cawthon wasn't enough for the haters (I didn't like it either at the time, but my god!), nothing will be.
@ferreiraisabel1655 Год назад
i wish all the dramas around FNAF and HH/HB could stop and ppls would leave the creators doing their things in peace :(💔, sure Vivz''s comment about Scott rub me the wrong way but in the same time i don't even know if she watched the Matpat video call "we need to talk about FNAF" so i think maybe she don't know the full story and just got the wrong idea because of a lack of knowledge she have of him 🤔🤷???, also i doubt she knows about his unanimous donations to the Trevor Association because it's something you'll only know if you follow a certain youtuber 😅, so i think that that one drama was born from a missunderstanding but this is only what i think possibly happened 🤔🤷, either way i love their creations and want to show them some love and support for both of their univers and have some good time with them ❤❤❤
@0racle.sunrise3570 Год назад
@@ferreiraisabel1655 Maybe. Tho understand if she & others are still upset with Scott whether they did or didn't (I don't want to boycott or cancel him, & while I'm glad he tried make up for it I'm still unsettled by the donations to the anti-LGBTQ people myself). Still, I wish the FNAF & HH/HB fans would behave, as someone who's both the dramas are really uncomfortable & annoying and I just want to enjoy the games & shows too 🥲
@ferreiraisabel1655 Год назад
@@0racle.sunrise3570 i understand i was pretty shocked about it too, the Matpat video and following that specific youtuber definitely helped me understand the situation better, i was really afraid that i'll have to stop loving Scott :,( but knowing the thaughts that made him choose those ppls was a big help to understand what happened, if i remember correctly 🤔 he never had anything against LGBTQ ppls the problem is that the ideas he liked were mixt with the anti LGBTQ stuff :(, he tried to help little commerces have a chance to be more successful, he voted for a woman who was for trans rights but after she lost she turn out to be fake and was actualy against them ( the f*cking c*nt started with a lie, how "surprising" for a politician 😒 ) and he voted for trump but he don't like the guy, he did it so his country get more protections, as he said America is often a target for bad stuffs to happen.., i heard the voting process for America makes things really difficult too 😖, 1 thing is sure when it comes to politics everything goes to sh*t it's a lose lose situation 😓..,do not take that next thing for the truth because i only read it once under a video of a clip of his donation for the Trevor Association so i lack the informations but 1 comment was saying that apparently Scott worked with LGBTQ ppls in the past, i don't know if it's true but i hope it is 🥺❤
@lxmesoda 10 месяцев назад
what did she say ab scott cawthon
@ferreiraisabel1655 10 месяцев назад
@@lxmesoda i believe she tried to cancel him🤔, but it's been a moment so i don't remember the details 😅
@ohfairyairy3626 Год назад
I literally saw someone claim Viv ‘supported a pro-war artist’ because she retweeted their work. The ‘proof’ that they have was that the artist had a Russian flag in her bio (she’s literally Russian) and that she… retweeted current events about Ukraine, Russia, and war. I’m just tired of people who don’t like Viv just grasping at nothing. You’re allowed to not like her or her work, but you don’t get to go spread lies. Almost every situation is just SILLY.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
The Russian flag artist is actually insanely anti-Ukraine. Like, full blown "Ukraine's lying about all that rape they claim is happening." People were pointing this out to Vivzie and being blocked for it.
@eattheasslikeitsgrass5113 11 месяцев назад
From what I saw, the artist had retweeted a post denying any r*pe occured in Ukraine (it was posted in May of 2022, 3 months after the war started. Thats plenty of time to prove r4pes did occur in Ukraine.) It doesnt help her case that she blocked all the Ukrainians calling her out on it and still has not taken it down as of October 17, 2023. Also, Vivzie drew nazi imagery from sausage party in 2016, 2 years before her apology, 3 years before the release of both of her pilots. And she was well into adulthood atp. If she truly changed, she would be listening to the voices of those currently oppressed by a facist regime but noooo she's too busy blocking out the haters to care. At the rate Viv is going, I will not be suprised if a big expose comes out about her or spindlehorse in the next few years.
@ItsJr Год назад
I think one reason why I distanced myself from any project under Vivziepop is because of the drama surrounding it
@bunnyconcubus8468 Год назад
It just sounds like haters trying to spread hate over someone's success. I don't involve with the community outside of rule34 posts as those people are mostly chill so I thankfully don't interact with toxic fans
@bugwells Год назад
@@bunnyconcubus8468 tf you mean r34 posts ???? 😭😭😭😭😭
@bunnyconcubus8468 Год назад
@@bugwells I don't have to explain more, if you've been on the internet on long enough and on those sites then you understand.
@Mediados Год назад
⁠@@bugwellsHey come on, we all use porn, there is no shame in it. R34 posts can be VERY degenerate, but at least everyone is on the same page there. Nobody goes to R34 to critizise an artist.
@Airitzu Год назад
@@bunnyconcubus8468what’s rule34? Is it like a Twitter community post section thing?
@GreayWorks Год назад
I'm glad this video went for a more levelheaded look than jumping on the drama horse. I do think there is a weird issue fandoms/reviewers online have when it comes to indie animation where the standard is almost higher workplace-wise and if someone has a bad time working on a project than that means that the industry has been abusive from the start. It reminds of that era of youtube reviewers where people would accuse writers of Family Guy being bad people because they made a cartoon they didn't like.
@Mediados Год назад
I think a reason why Viv attracts drama is because she is the head of a fairly large company/team, but doesn't act like it. She argues around like we all do, but you can only do that in private. Once you represent a company, a higher standard is required.
@Spicythunderstorm Год назад
You deserve some rest and relaxation ❤
@Moonholic. Год назад
There are so many things that people have claimed Viv is and like every time you try and ask them for evidence some how they stop replying and go quiet
@TheGrandSilence Год назад
As an outsider, I started disliking Helluva and Hazbin, I think Viv is just a bit too reactionary? She reacts very strongly and very emotionally to any sort of critisismLast I saw of her was her getting super mad about (and misrepresenting) criticism about her weird Bee-Fox-Thing. Tbh its mostly just unprofessional but I cant really fault her for it, who wouldnt get upset about their passion project getting put down, but it also means that she gives the reactions people hope for.
@ritaerror7829 Год назад
Maybe she should go to theraphy or something... It isn't her first project, and while harrasing isn't good in any way, she mostly reacts to critisisms which isn't healthy. If she didn't get over it herself, then she might need some help
@ca678.4 Год назад
It’s because she is too heavily attached and has been to these projects. Remember these started out as just her working them as it relates to drawing, animating etc etc. she probably sees her work as a reflection of herself. No one really likes to be hated
@CrissaKentavr Год назад
My reaction is that: I can believe both sides here. One person can have a bad experience while others had a good one. Toxic work environments depend greatly upon the point of view.
@Kokuki39 Год назад
I've largely ignored any Vivziepop drama news, simply because people online of that type of community can't handle themselves like proper adults and do their due diligence before pointing fingers at anyone. I'm glad you went over everything so level headed. The animation industry in Burbank and Glendale is already tough to get into, especially into the bigger companies that are highly demanding. Having children interfere with the livelihood of others aside their target and not realizing it is repugnantly negligent.
@Mediados Год назад
If you're not on Twitter, you don't really hear about it anyway.
@sopapiglobo 11 месяцев назад
Can't wait for an actual commentary youtuber do this again, without ayylmao as source, because yikes, i don't even hate HH or hb but, there's so much people there with a shitty experience with Viv, maybe when izzy does a video in the future ya'll can actually believe it
@drawnathan 8 месяцев назад
As someone who is very neutral on the whole situation I’ve found it EXTREMELY difficult to not only find any concrete proof that Vivziepop is a terrible person, but also find proof she ISNT. A majority of videos and Reddit posts are either regurgitated hate threads spreading the same claims and “evidence”, or tirades about how vivzie is an angel and people just want to hate for no reason. I can’t figure out how I’m supposed to feel because none of the info I’m getting has any basis to it, it’s just hearsay and biases. There’s very little resources that provide an unbiased explanation of the situation and controversies, so I’m grateful for this one. It seems nobody’s actually interested in changing anyone’s opinions, they just want to preach to the choir of people who already share their views which is entirely unhelpful to people like me who want the info so they can form the opinion on their own.
@jbpiano5313 Год назад
This is why the fandom of Vivzie is so protective there seems to be a community of people that just a mad hate boner for her
@muffinland8660 Год назад
Everyone, regardless of how they feel about Vivzie, needs to defend her when it's something she didn't do (there's a lot of it) and hold her accountable when it's something she actually did (there's a mountain of it.)
@tsukishadow5715 Год назад
My problem with people doing that is that it comes off as all these people making a parasocial relationship with someone they dont know personally and it just looks like they are all sheep blindly defending and it makes me question wether they even stop and think for a second, research/gather evidence to then decide wether they should defend or not. Its just instant backlash at whoever dares show opinions not in favor of Vivzie. Like, the helluva boss fandom is SO volatile. Its why I tend to stay away from fandom and just keep to myself in my own corner.😅😅😅
@lxmesoda 10 месяцев назад
the people who like the show and the people who hate the show are equally annoying
@SomebodyWhoExists23 4 месяца назад
​@@lxmesodaeh i would say more the stans and anitihh
@Furubatsu Год назад
Viv's been the target of crazy internet drama since before Hazbin Hotel, at this point you'd think it would just be white noise to her.
@Bacon-lover101 Год назад
Since I know you opted to not cover the transphobia allegations, I went ahead and read the google doc you linked, and I’ll admit that some of the evidence definitely has some weight behind it, what with Vivzie’s comments about trans men, and even her saying that they should ‘ *be proud to be female* ‘, even reading her comments were pretty uncomfortable for me, even as a cis man. her stink with KenDraws and her spitefully disregarding their non-binary status, the way she handled her beef with dollcreep (another trans person), and also the misgendering in spindlehorse. I’m a bit unsure about the character design for millie’s brother though since character designs can go through multiple different design choices (which probably includes their bio/backstory). that isn’t uncommon for a creative project, especially a cartoon. Though, maybe I could be wrong on that. But otherwise, yeah. We still have some pretty solid evidence of Vivzie pretty much willing to disregard a trans/non-binary persons identity, especially if on the off chance they slip up or does something to set her off. Trans people dont just stop being trans because you don’t like them, after all. Vivziepop definitely does need to answer for that in a public twitter post, rather than just hand waving it. Otherwise the evidence for the other allegations were definitely falsified and were made to drag a company through the mud. Given that the transphobia seems to be the only thing that were substantiated, that’s probably not a good sign for the other claims that were initially made. The animation studio reviews being falsified is just that much of an example. There have been a number of situations online where someone will accuse the other of being horrible, only for a good chunk of the allegations being revealed to be untrue, or at least taking miniscule things and blowing them up to be worse than they are. I don’t think I can stress that if your claims against another person are unfounded, that means that less people who are actually being victimized will be able to get justice. And even situations involving actual abuse in the workplace will just be ignored or taken less seriously because of it. Even when it came to the exchanges between Erin frost and other team members, the context of those screenshots just wasn’t sufficient evidence of abuse. That’s pretty much what I think right now. I’m probably gonna need to sleep soon.
@laceyandlucy3529 Год назад
I sometimes get the feeling that people are just looking for excuses to hate Vivzie, just because they don't like her work. Like, I'm not a Helluva Boss or Hazbin fan, but I see so many people blasting the show for being morally wrong, usually for some very arbitrary reason or because they think Vivzie is a bad person, backing that up with incredibly flimsy evidence. I think people need to remember that sometimes, you can just not like a piece of media. You don't have to have some kind of moral justification for it.
@_AstroSc3eam Год назад
Take a break, my dude. Chillax and rest, and take it easy
@TheOtakuKat Год назад
From what I've seen the most aggressive to these kind controversies that have very little evidence or just hearsay are young people who haven't even held their first job yet and don't have the life experience to know what they're even getting mad about.
I am not willing to outright deny any potential abuse that may be going on at Spindlehorse, but lying and making fake reviews is always wrong and if you do it, you're in the wrong by default. Viv may be a terrible employer, and you'd still be a bad person for making fake reviews for the company. If you think you're helping victims, you're not. You're only making it harder for them to come out. Just because you echo the sentiments of ex employees and use them for your fake reviews doesn't mean you're helping them or doing any favors. All you are doing is hurting the chances of anyone believing them under the pretense of it being false information. Lying never helps anyone.
@thevoidcalls5962 Год назад
It’s a tricky spot to find one self in. There has been much discourse about the animation scene and not all of it has been made in good faith. Sometimes we just have to trust in the idea we don’t understand the situation. A difficult pill to swallow I’m aware but certainly a necessary one. I trust that a lot of people are trying to be honest about the accusations but I also understand how emotions can slant our interpretation of such events. Hyperbolic language is often used when stressed. From what I can tell about the situation is that tensions are high and a clear view of what happened or is happening is unlikely to be made available anytime soon. I want to believe Vivziepop is facilitating a stable work environment for her team but I also want any potential victims to receive justice. For now I will contend that I live with the understanding that the accusations aren’t substantive enough to condemn viv, but I’m not going to dogpile the accusers either. It seems that the industry is just a tough gig from my perspective. My judgment isn’t perfect so I am content to reserve my criticism until things clear up. Regardless of stance I wish you all a pleasant day and implore you to try not to overwork yourselves. Cheers. Sincerely -The Void
@cobra.undersc Год назад
i can’t be asked to keep up with this drama 😴
@ieuansmith518 11 месяцев назад
As a fan of both, this is just a normal day at this point. I’ll be honest, Viv is a big inspiration for me, she’s one of the reason I wanna make my own show someday, but that doesn’t mean she’s perfect, we all ain’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean people can spread misinformation about her. At this point, I ignore most drama around here and just watch something until the drama dies down, I don’t know if that’s okay to do, but hey, be your own person am I right.
@Opal_arts Год назад
Kittensneeze said that they were working part time at spindle horse and that it was a pleasant experience❤
@leavemealone802 11 месяцев назад
honestly, speaking as someone that despises her work and think they lack quality in the story and art, I do not think Vivizie is a bad person or a bad artist she has problens taking criticism, and even seen unable to learn how to make a proper adult cartoon, she isn't a monster or uncapable of doing good entretaiment. I feel more disapointment over her work, because I see potential, but I don't see enough care towards it. I feel bad people attack her as a person, instead of focusing on the work she does, but at the end of the day I can only hope for the best of people involved
@Hack_Man_VII Год назад
Take some time for a well deserved break! You do great work, and taking care of yourself is just as important.
@missing_name Год назад
Are there maybe valid criticisms about Viv and about HB/HBH? Sure, there likely are. From what I’ve heard, Viv is a rather flawed person as most of us are and there’s some issues in her show (ie. Mainly male focused, lack of female characterization, limited/unclear character designs.) Hell you could just say you’re not a fan of her or her works and that’s fine. You’re not obligated to like it. *BUT* to go as far as to make stuff up or make huge reaches about her actions is downright pathetic. It’s irritating to me that people will go as far as to try make someone seem like they’re some kind of monster all because they don’t like them. Honestly what happened to “don’t like, don’t interact?”
@Ecisolar Год назад
I do question how some people can watch family Guy and south Park which has a lot of transphobic jokes and say hey that's ok but when you see vivziepop make transphobic jokes and it's wrong? Please a lot of cartoons for adults have transphobic jokes and no one comes for them but do at vivziepop?
@ponikoTV Год назад
As someone who likes black humor cartoons, it is very hypocritical that they like South Park but don't like Helluva Boss
@ritaerror7829 Год назад
@@ponikoTV I mean, SP doesn't try to be a drama with stakes? This point might work for HB season 1, not even whole, but in general HB tries to be too many things at once, which is putting off most of generalized viewers XD You are here for jokes? We are interrupting with the drama. You are here for drama? Have a dildo in the face. You want Stolitz? Nah, we will just ignore major plotpoints XD It's not unlikeable, but South Park is consistent in a way that Helluva isn't, so no, it's not hypocritical for people to like one and not the other.
@Flippylover_69 Год назад
@@ponikoTV South Park is actually funny. There. Solved the mystery for ya.
@ca678.4 Год назад
People pick and choose when to be offended. I personally think it’s just being used to harass this woman.
@SickAKAevilitself 9 месяцев назад
You're right tbh, if people is gonna call out Viv, a queer woman for writting queer characters in a "stereotypical" way then they should do the same for other shows and creators
@kaiserdragon7233 Год назад
Hey Fionapollo. Hope you'll have a wonderful weekend. Now on the video, from a law perspective. There's isn't enough evidence i see on this video to suggest such allegations are true. We need some concrete evidence for it. Plus, regardless of what the public opinion on this doesn't matter. Whether there's bad work environment or just a simple case of miscommunication is up to the court of law to decide. Still, it's sad the spreadsheet got integrity is now in question. Something like that is very useful for the work environment. Especially in Japan with their shadow companies.
@aff77141 Год назад
I feel like this is what happens when validity culture is used in the wrong way, and accidentally encourages people with anxiety to view others negatively instead of encouraging them to understand it's okay to be anxious. Yes, your FEELINGS are valid, that doesn't mean they're the TRUTH
@Hjorth87 Год назад
The creative space, especially concerning minorities seems ripe with purity testing. I guess it comes with the increased acceptance, that parts of the "old guard" end up as gatekeepers even though the general development is in the direction they fought for all along. Also, donkey depressions are present everywhere
@thegoodwitchluzura Год назад
I looked through the Google doc claiming that Vivziepop is transphobic, and most of the screenshots are either of normal jokey non-transphobic conversations, or obviously faked ones.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
Then you didn't look through the Google doc very closely.
@naraku971 Год назад
@@muffinland8660maybe you're seeing things that aren't really there.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
@@naraku971 It's literally right in front of you. You can see it there. If you can't, there are text descriptions.
@naraku971 Год назад
@@muffinland8660I looked it over, you're grasping at straws and seeing things that aren't really there. Have a nice day.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
@@naraku971 Either you didn't or you consider Vivzie spouting Terf 101: Intro to Terfism rhetoric and misgendering people she doesn't like "seeing things." Have a shit day.
@missliv.404 Год назад
Seriously if you need to make up and fake things to make someone look evil, maybe they aren't that evil?? Or at least that's how feel. I'm really confused about what's real what's fake here too
@SpellCastor Год назад
You hit the nail on the head. There have been so many fake dramas surrounding Vivzie that I am now hesitant to believe anything I hear about her and the studio. This is especially true when some of the dramas just seem petty.
@TwistyKitty Год назад
I just want to thank you so much for the levelheadedness of this video. I saw the community post the other day where you mentioned this being the next covered topic and found some of the comments ridiculous, jumping to the conclusion that you were about rail on how awful Vivzie is. There's a huge lack of critical thinking in this entire situation and it's getting to the point that just seeing/hearing her name makes me roll my eyes. Also, in regards to the transphobia, that's been around a while. The only evidence I've ever seen of it has been related to one of the characters in Hazbin Hotel, and it can pretty much be summed up as "person sent to hell for being a terrible person happens to be trans-coded" and people have decided that's transphobic rather than understanding that queer representation does not need to be nor should it be all positive. That's an unrealistic expectation and it's frankly demeaning to the LGBTQ+ community that we have the expectation to all be perfect so we don't offend others by being flawed human beings.
@muffinland8660 Год назад
That's not where the transphobia accusations come from. Here's the doc. docs.google.com/document/d/1sDWKNoqLLL3svx4NGOeJbg0eidZqNdw7YddezYIBc-g/edit#heading=h.lw7a0l8shek7
@mk-aka-morgan8386 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for giving some updates to this situation!!! I’ve been wondering what was toning on for awhile but didn’t know where to look 😬
@johanandersson8252 Год назад
Hi, Fionapollo and welcome back.
@AJ_the_Dragon Год назад
My main issue is that it feels like so many of the complaints are 2nd hand and coming from people who feel they have been jaded (theres probably a better way to phrase this than accusing them all with the same bush, but, I am dumb. Sorry), and its muddying the waters between exaggeration, truth and out right lies. Like I know there was an animator at spindle horse who got called out to be a groomer and disappeared (if they got fired or are still on the team, I have no idea), but I've never seen their name come up in any of the callouts, and it feels so odd becuase she woud be such an easy target. But now I'm in the predicament with a double edged sword. I cant give a name with out risking people running rampent with it to validate their lies, and no body has a reason to belive me becuase I cant give proof
@felixt808 Год назад
i never really liked viv, especially since she drew blaire white some time ago and afaik never apologised for it for context, blaire white is a known transphobic trans woman who continually shits on non-binary people some of the shit uhh the one person?? said is definitely transphobic (speaking as a trans man here), and if the terf-y screenies from the doc are real they should 100% get kicked off the internet bc we do not need this alleged jk rowling kinnie in the community
@JH-pe3ro Год назад
The evidence I'd want to hear about, having been up close to actual cases where creative work gets abusive, would be along the lines of: 1. Leader alludes to "keeping reciepts". 2. There is a public history of leader engaging with and leading virtue signalling Greek Choruses. 3. Information flows in the project are deliberately blocked. 4. A personal entourage appears around leader in public appearances. 5. Events(parties, gatherings, etc.) are conducted with the intent of transgressing personal boundaries. 6. Information about project funds and how they are being used is not up for discussion. 7. Project members suddenly learn of a contractual obligation with a third party that there has been no prior discussion about. 8. Credit and blame are visibly shifted around by leader's statements. Those are the red flags that indicate that in some number of months to years, an explosion of allegations will come out about an exploitative tyrant. But there's a lack of credibility to most of these sources talking about Vivzie that means that for anyone on the outside, it's like, "well, who knows". Often someone who's just anxious and terminally online, or who has learned some of these abuser tactics as a defensive measure, will look a bit like the profile, but it's coming from a different place. And fandom has a tendency to work itself up into an in-group/out-group frenzy and blow things way out of proportion when the leader is seen engaging heatedly. I've already spent too much time thinking about it considering that I only watched the pilots of these shows. I liked the animation but the stories and characters weren't doing it for me.
@sneakysneakyraccoon8538 Год назад
So I just want to point out that there were others that were affected by Vivziepop actions: Kendraws and Kedikatzen (who didn't work for Viv, but was still affected by her negatively). Kendraws use to work for and with Vivziepop for the Hazbin pilot. They met in 2012 when Viv was 19/20 years old. They helped with the ideas that were featured in the pilot as well as helped with concept art for Cherri Bomb. When Ken asked for credit for his involvement, it caused a bad escalation between the two that involve lawyers between the two. The conversation about the credit lasted a good while until the terms were finally agreed. Ken gotten credit in the additional writing. Unfortunately, this wasn't over. Viv then went out to defame and attempted to blacklist Ken, saying their a monster, abuser, and predator. She even goes as far as said that they groomed her when she was a kid (despite the fact they met when Viv would be in their 19/20). All the while misgendering Ken and discrediting that they are ace. Side note: In 2015, here was a post that accused (emphasize on accused) Ken of grooming a minor. The victim themselves came out with evidence, but as of right now I cannot find it. The only evidence that I could that had the victim's claims is Ken's defense post about the claims. Kedikatzen have also come out and said that they used to went to the same college with the victim. Even though they have little interaction with one another, Kedi (from the surface level they heard from other people) say that the victim "did have a tendency to blow a lot up and make mountains out of molehills." In my personal opinion, due to my experience of seeing victims of making claims against someone on the internet, only for them to go into hiding when a defense post was made, I'm gonna believed Ken is innocent until proven guilty. I only pointing this out because Viv (who stood by Ken's side when this allegation came out), have brought up this allegation when attempting to defame and blacklist Ken. Kedikatzen have also come out with her bad experience with Vivziepop. Kedi used to ran a webcomic (that had now been discontinued) was bullied by Vivziepop. Kedi made her side of her story, and claiming that all she wanted was an apology by Viv and ensured that Viv would work on her behavior. After that she deleted her personal accounts and took a break from the internet. When she came back she was prepare to leave her experience behind her, but due to seeing others coming forward about Viv's actions, she restated her claims to show that it wasn't an isolated incident and that it was a pattern. Recently on Bluesky, Viv accused Kedi was her stalker and have been harrasing her, friends, and family. When question if she evidence, Viv only says "I do. but that's for my lawyers, not for you. You don't want to believe me fine, but I know the truth. They have been attacking and harassing me for years by name with no evidence. I have the evidence and it's to protect me." Kedi made a tumblr post stating her side of the story. She says she had only made multiple attempts to contact Viv on public social media, and attempted to contact Viv's sister (who role was to communicate Viv's victims for Viv) once. She was blocked by both Viv and her sister on Twitter. Kedi decided to leave it at that. The only time when she interacted with Viv's friends is only on twitter whenever they made public actions against other people. And if blocked by said friends, Kedi does not make an attempt to reengaged with them. If you want more information on their situation, then I suggest to contact Kedi on twitter since she has more experience in this situation than I do. also I just want to point out, that just because the document have use the reviews claims for the transphobia, I don't think it's fair to disregard all of it's evidence. Especially if some of those evidence have existed before the fake reviews came and came with actual screenshots. Criticize and disregard the people who made the false claims, but don't disregard the actual victim's claim in the process.
@shiichan32 Год назад
i have no shade against her tho i do feel like she should probably stay quiet on somethings and not go into some stuff all the time. in some ways she does create drama with her posts but thats about it
@robertstuart480 Год назад
I hope you have a better time going forward. I enjoy your videos, and I like your animation in these videos.
@Austin-LA Год назад
I think regardless if you in the work place or not give basically respect and professionalism SHOULD be expected. The "what did you expect" mentality is just excuse for people to be garbage to co-workers
@Jaspy-Alue_KittyKode Год назад
I think people need to clam tf down, and stop acting as if a personal opinion/personal way you took the tone of an online message is valid evidence. We see it so much nowadays, and aLOT of that was used here. Criticize Viv for what you have solid, concrete proof of- She's the creator of a massive show online, YEA. Criticism IS valid. But gawdayum, people need to stop taking every little petty instance of some sort of wrong doing, and acting as if it's just as bad as any actual major claims they have on her. Like tossing in "She makes bad jokes" along side something like "I was abused and demeaned in the workplace" just doesn't fit. It's like you have so little legit stuff you got pile on every little thing you don't personally like. (This being seen alot more in the fandom/by FANS, not directly this person making claims atm)
@CrabyMan Год назад
Damn, sucks your week was hard, I hope it gets better, Finona. It's been a while since I heard anything from the Vizi drama. It's funny to see nothing really advanced, seemingly like it really does feel like the dramas still in the same place it started. I think that's what makes me believe there's nothing to the allegations in general. But thx for the vid to listen to on ma day off. Hope you're doing better once again.
@SaffronicSaffron Год назад
I completely agree with you fionapollo. Honestly these whole situations feel like some kind of crazy merry-go-round.
@twister107 Год назад
Is this the bullshit people are going on about when Glitch Productions announced Vivziepop was going to be a guest creator at Glitch X? Twitter of all things?!? (Yes I know it’s called X now but I honestly don’t give a damn cause X sounds like an adult video site)
@xenostra Год назад
I do not care about internet drama. Unless there is undeniable proof then I do not care.
@SickAKAevilitself Год назад
Speaking as a transmasc person: 1-The thing about Sallie Mae and her brother it's really overblown and what Made me find Erin suspicious. The guy it's just a background character, it's not transphobia if he is changed to cis, and it could be relevant later on. Sallie having sexual merch isn't really an issue if there's merch of her that isn't sexualized, and it is weird than a cis woman would be the first one to act like she is transphobic 2-The discord logs should have the date somewhere to be considered. And no, the Moe pfp it's not enough proof, social media normally shows your latest pfp everywhere 3-The only things that hold water are the ones about Dollcreep and Ken. Even then, some parts of the screenshots are censored, which is weird. And no, I won't mention the concept artist since they never gave any screenshots, and it didn't looked like an acussation but more of a vent
@that_tvhead Год назад
8:22 that homestuck jumpscare nearly made me spit out my gatorade
@JasperHasKenergy 11 месяцев назад
@LushiferII Год назад
I'm reading 1st screenshot (03:12) and... yeah, those messages are passive-agressive and rude. Even if they're "common" in a high-stress environment it's the wrong way to handle a conversation. The idea we had with Vivzie was that Hazbin was a passion project where finally people were treated right because it was not from a big, abusive corporation. But if Vivzie is treating her team exactly the same as those corporation, then... this is not inspiring, just sad.
@gothnerd887 Год назад
I've found out something that could change Viv's life. She's going to be at Glitch X😃 She'll be under the protection of SMG4.
@albertgongora6944 Год назад
My honest opinion I think viziepop just employed people that were just terrible workers that have that whole entire work mentality things have to be my way if not I'm just going to make you look like a bad person because I'm the one being wrong you're not and then on top of that a lot of fans need to chill on certain expectations on what they want to see come out of the series and another thing they don't understand is not so easy to get these episodes of either it's a lot of hard work it's a lot of money when it comes to the budget and there's a lot of things that go into making decision making for the storyboarding and all that stuff I'm saying this is somebody that eventually wants to start my own series because viziepop expired me to realize that if she can make it off of RU-vid and you know eventually start somewhere down the line as a young adult being able to start up a really amazing series from the pilot of hazbin hotel to eventually hell of a boss I feel that I can do the same thingbut the point I'm making is this as for the heaters I feel that viziepop really just needs to ignore them because she's better than that I get you know these two series are her babies and she wants to defend them and she wants to defend the people that work alongside her cuz they're amazing people which I'm pretty sure they really are especially the voice of both moksi & blitz oh everybody on the show actually so I don't blame viziepop for you no defending you know anybody that you know all these haters and panzer basically taking their anger out on and hatred
@cheshiressecret Год назад
Anymore I just try to stay out of the drama, especially anything that happens on the cesspool of twitter. However, I did catch some of the Viv stuff when it first started going down and to me a lot of it feels like Viv became the punching bag for a lot of peoples anger because her project let people see that working in the animation industry isn't just all fun and games that let you sit around and make art all day with your buddies. It is just like any other big corporation, but has a little, artsy bow on top. It is a cut throat industry that has people who will step all over your feelings if it means they can get ahead. It has always been like this and so many people want to act like it is Viv who personally made it that way as soon as she was able to get her foot in the door and do something with her personal project
@ponikoTV Год назад
I don't like her works but bullying her is not ok no one deserves to be harassed
@ladyolinden Год назад
Thank you for your work! We don’t have enough sensible content creators anymore, but we desperately need each we get! And with wonderful art, a lovely voice, and cute accent to top it off, I’m rather appreciative that you’re someone who can reason and acts for the good of it.
@ThatGreenMach1ne Год назад
Apologies but do you have a link to your discord server?
@hayleynew3605 Год назад
What I like about your videos is how you take neither side and simply give your honest and truthful opinion like you’re critical, not overly mean like some critics are
@LillianGraceFullofficial Год назад
Tbh I’m just gonna think nothing of it until this finally ends. this is obviously just blown out of proportion
@Zereth_Marson Год назад
I was active in the hazbin and helluva boss community hearing these allegations. I didn't understand what the drama was in the first place due to no concrete info or evidence that I saw. Most of the time i just saw major toxicity throughout social media (Mainly Twitter). I'm glad I stumbled upon this video for a wider depth of understanding what this situation is and the impact it has given to animation as a whole.
@HyperDashSC2 Год назад
The spillover went onto glassdoor too, which is even more public. I usually hesitate to believe this sort of drama without solid evidence... I follow an artist who was targeted by a KF smear campaign - I'm getting all too used to these sorts of patterns.
@Xheart817 Год назад
I wanna leave this fandom at this point…….
@ivoneo2806 Год назад
Ok your choice,Just stay on the positive
@laraprisma6381 Год назад
If the fandom doesn't bring you comfort, leave just for your mental well-being.
@ivoneo2806 Год назад
@@laraprisma6381 yeah I agree in my opinion
@mierenierez Год назад
11:43 What are you talking about here?? Genuinely curious??🤨
@Fionapollo Год назад
When you sign a contract with disney, they have it so that they own every single thing you draw while under them. As a kind of rebellion, artist/animators draw mountains of lewd pictures of disney characters that are all locked away in the disney vault.
@AlfredEiji Год назад
I’m just going to ignore the drama and let the courts do their thing.
@MurrayJones-od2gd 11 месяцев назад
Hey Apollo, I really appreciate your honest opinion on what working in animation is like. do you have any strategies you use to help keep yourself on track of your work that you recommend for someone else who would be interested in animation/graphic arts fields? Thanks!
@Ultravenom1 Год назад
I just don't understand why the entire project and 'fandom' became incessantly horny as well. I understand that sex sells and shipping is powerful, but it takes up so much space.
@v46768 Год назад
And this is a bad thing, taking it easy by selling sexuality instead of presenting a quality scenario to the audience
@JuanThaSilva Год назад
My guess is that younger audiences are attracted to her show. I know a lot of people feel disgusted for obvious reasons about the show and I get you. But it’s not a daily responsibility to find meaning in excusing everyone from watching the show. We are people. We make mistakes. But if you find excuses to continue hating the show. But just as a random stranger like me that’s giving you a fair warning. I don’t get the reason why you’re hating it. Move along, because if you do a bit of breathing and look at the mirror your conscious thoughts will remind you “what caused myself to end up like this person?” You know what I mean? In summary: If you’re displeased by the art but you don’t want to leave it alone without feedback. Make sure it’s constructive criticism. Not just Criticism.
@laraprisma6381 Год назад
Yup, I feel the same as you. After false accusation after false accusation I just couldn't take it seriously anymore, because no matter what she does, she will always be the public enemy number 1. She can't donate to another studio because she is attacked, she can't donate to charity because she is attacked, she can't like art by a Russian artist because she is considered a supporter of the war. At this point, these haters just want anything to hate her. Seriously, there was this one time when a random person said they were homophobic for featuring Moxxie in drag in one of the recent episodes, but that person also said he was gay when he is actually Bisexual, meaning this person clearly didn't watch the show! And if they did, they would know that Moxxie has always been doing drag since very early on in the show! Plus, helluva Boss has trans characters, they are not main characters, they are just background characters including Milly's sister. They are small details, but at the same time you can see that they are trans because of their hair and horns. In other words, not only is she not transphobic, she also knew how to involve trans details in the designs! Seriously, only the Queen Bee episode has, like, two characters who are speculated to be trans in the same scene!
@muffinland8660 Год назад
1) It's not the fact that she retweeted art by a ridiculously pro-war, anti-Ukraine person who thinks Ukraine is lying about all that raping that's going on, it's that when people pointed this out to her, she blocked them. 2) Vivzie is fine with trans women but is abhorrent in her treatment of trans men. Seriously, she's said some vile shit.
@crusaderpr7683 Год назад
idk who vizy did but she manage to actually have a community of haters that is not compare to anyone yes she talks none stop on her socials but wtf XXDD why there is an active group following and spreading hate constantly at her? i think at this point she did something wrong to someone or they perceived as wrong and now that person works very hard to hate troll her for the rest of her days like man get out touch grass XDD oh there is a youtuber who started saying that Vizy is stealing from FENNAH character design and instead of FENNAH staying quiet he responded which started spreading like wildfire MANNNNN is so obvious is not true and that video is pure hate for viz and the people responding,commenting,retwetting are the vizy hate group i tell you man is definitely someone behind the scenes pulling this hate toward vizy i m sure of it
@joosoo 11 месяцев назад
As someone who has been around for a bit, Viv has sort of... always been a bit controversial. She has a tendency to say/do ignorant things and also react defensively to any drop of criticism. Now, on one hand, it's understandable because Viv is just human and it would be difficult to handle the amount of negative comments directed towards her. On the other hand though, Viv can be very immature and has said many transphobic and lowkey racist things over the years that she's tried to walk back and apologize for. Personally, I don't actually like Viv's work; I think there's creative ideas but very shallow. There's a lot of things she definitely needs to improve and things in her shows that are... kind of messy? They lean into troubling homophobic stereotypes and misogynistic ideas. I know it's not malicious but she could definitely should reflect on the implications of her stories. I don't think it warrants the hate it gets though, and there are 100% people coming for her and her studio out of hatred. So... I do believe that there probably are instances of her being ignorant, just as much as I believe there are people making up bs to tear her down. It'd honestly do Viv good to stop interacting as much as she does on SM, as "unfair" as some might claim that is.
@kfcroc18 Год назад
I really hope this BS doesn't hurt Hazbin Hotel
@bluefox8011 Год назад
Jumping on the helluva boss toxic thunder stain. Weeeeee!
@rikkuwolf4166 Год назад
What’s beyond me is the criticism the show gets for language, actions, etc………it’s hell, it’s literally hell. Hell is not meant to be a good place where everyone gets what they want and people speak the way you expect them to. I mean…how else do you explain hell? Hell cannot be politically correct because it’s LITERALLY hell!!
@ritaerror7829 Год назад
On the other hand this hell is just people swearing like in every adult comedy, and is filled with LGBTQ characters.... and dunno, has murder and drugs? That are also in every adult comedy? At this point Earth is more hell than hell XD (they didn't even do too much with racism here, and the whole thing is how Stolas and Blitz are on the other ends of hierarhy) It just isn't too creative. Some people will complain anyway, but it doesn't feel like hell...
@rikkuwolf4166 Год назад
@@ritaerror7829 i mean fair, but in all honesty I think it’s as hell as the writers guild let it. There’s a reason blood meridian hasn’t been made into a movie. So with that limitation on, yea it’s pretty close to earth
@ritaerror7829 Год назад
@@rikkuwolf4166 writers guild?
@rikkuwolf4166 Год назад
@@ritaerror7829 it was the closest I could of, but I meant the guide lines that all media have follow. Like how you can’t show a dead body on RU-vid or make a movie with too much sex. They’re different for every country, but they make the rules for what you can and can’t have in movies, tv shows, etc. . They’re also the ones that rate media, like the G, PG, PG-13, R, etc.
@ritaerror7829 Год назад
@@rikkuwolf4166 oh, you meaned guidelines, ok. Well, RU-vid is a bit unforgiving, but looking at the fact that this show couldn't be monetized in the first place, it got a lot more freedom, and still didn't took it. I don't say it needs to be explicit, some thing can be alured to like Moxxie's mom death, or even shown but not really with Barbie Wire flashing for guy, or in the first episode the crazy lady cheating. Maybe it is the problem of what the show want's to be, like Made in Abyss is cute anime, so every brutal thing hits hard. In comedy you can't do that effect, because mass murder is a joke. That's why if you want to make a hell, you need to get creative. Mostly I'm sad that they didn't utilize racism in hell. Like we are told there is it, but not much is done with it, while having many possibilities? Like, they can come up with a slur that YT won't ban, because it won't be a real word. They can do many dog jokes, because hellhounds are at the bottom of hierarchy. It's really the easiest option to show how shitty this place is and to work it around the guidelines so it won't break them. With some creativity many horrible things can be pointed at either to be turned into joke(like in South Park or Family Guy), or just show that it is hell, if those demons are supposed to interact with sinners that are there for a reason... And, this is in theory directed at adult audience. Of course kids will find their way into watching, but still, it has more freedom anyway... maybe only porn sites have more on the legal side of internet, because they can go nude, hah. Sorry for the long rant. Dunno if those points are really valid, but looking at other creators, mostly like the ones who are recenzing violent stuff(like this anime I mentioned earlier) or talking about controversial history, I think it isn't as bad with those guidelines as it seems
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