
The Wedding Dance - Full Movie 

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Starring: John Schneider, Roma Downey & Brooke Nevin
Life is two steps forward, one step back, especially for one young woman whose past surprises her as she is about to take a big leap forward.
Despite the recent loss of her mother, Cyd Scarborough is forging ahead with marriage to her high school sweetheart, Zach. As if planning a wedding on her own isn’t overwhelming enough, Cyd, a dance teacher, is faced with the lucrative opportunity to sell her family’s dance studio, a fixture in her small town.
Conflicted, Cyd soon discovers that the sale is not just her decision - the studio is co-owned by the father she thought had died long ago. Wrestling with her mom’s secret is tough, but the challenge grows when her dad, Tanner Gray, arrives to meet the daughter he never knew and discuss the deal. Tanner rattles Zach, who questions his motives, but as Tanner reveals that he truly cares about Cyd and the studio, he wins over everyone in town, including his future son-in-law.
Finding each other helps Cyd and Tanner uncover what’s really important in life. Together as family and business partners, they now have every reason to celebrate Cyd’s joyful occasion.




3 апр 2020




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@micha2023 Год назад
If you just want to escape life for an hour and a half, maybe you are having a bad day, maybe you are a little sad.... sit back and just get away. this is a lovely movie.
@evergreen3843 10 месяцев назад
@egonetta007 6 месяцев назад
I could not have said it better, thank you for sharing. I am watching it in April, 2024.😊
@sylviaa4974 Месяц назад
@lizanomura6430 2 дня назад
Thanks 🙏
@pd9605 Год назад
Wonderful movie, actors and upload. John Schneider is just amazing. I had forgotten about this gem in his unbelievable arsenal of amazing films. He is a patriot and an actor that survived Hollywood and remained one in spite of it. THANK YOU!
@brendahughes3277 Год назад
Watching this again in 2023. Having watched the last videos of John Schneider and his beautiful wife and the one after she had passed from cancer, the scene in this movie where he was reading the letter from Cyd's mom was made so much more poignant, more heart-wrenching. May God bless him and bring peace to him through this real-life journey through the grief.
@marthaleschuk2760 Год назад
@kathycrone1258 Год назад
I was thinking same thing's Thank you for writing it. Keeping him in prayer for a tough journey of life at this time.
@shelleymarker9183 Год назад
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@beverlynsantiago9439 8 месяцев назад
Amen 💖
@donnabacon4681 Год назад
Beautiful! Just beautiful! Without sex, violence, nastiness, more about love, honor and respect. Very well done. Thank you for uploading!!
@radharajesh5572 2 года назад
Just Beautiful! I was feeling so tired today that I just felt that I could not do even a single chore tomorrow morning! It was around midnight when I stared watching this movie and what a calm and soothing feeling I have now! Wonderfully choreographed, beautiful emotions captured to perfection! This is the way Life is, it has its ups and downs, but never stop dancing, never stop caring and never stop loving! ❤
@sointeresting3938 2 года назад
Keep dancing lovely heart!
@dra-lo Год назад
I haven't started the movie. Was just reading about it and saw your comment. I got up early and have just been cleaning! Was so tired. Lay on my bed and couldn't sleep so I looked for a movie. Thank you for your comment. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it❤
@OneInPeace Год назад
Great movie! 💓💃💝🕺💝💃💓🕺💓
@lesliebryce6074 Год назад
Thank you. I feel the same way. 😊
@lilianaprina5991 Год назад
A fabulous film with so much love about dancing, community and family and friends. Thanks for sharing such a happy romannce.
@brunosampaio2399 Год назад
At the end of the day all I need is some heartwarming movie, where couples live hapilly ever after, people help each other, that kind of good stuff the world miss so much. Thanks.
@jermainamburayan580 3 года назад
John Shneider, OMG!. My heart flipped when i saw him. So charming, respectful and real hunk. I was hoping He and the lawyer will end up together but they ended the movie so quickly. Watching for the first time in nov2020. Good wholesome movie.
@Jestunes Год назад
Sneider is one amazing guy. Great actor and wow an awesome dancer. Loved the movie. Based on old fashion values. Need more movies like this. Thanks for sharing...
@Clover-tf7jc Год назад
So glad I found this movie today. Excellent movie, storyline and acting with some life lessons along the way! Family friendly. Thanks for the upload!
@ThanhTran-zd4od Год назад
This is a touching movie. I always loved John Schneider even though he is too young for me and Roma Downey. I loved her from Touch by an Angel and Della Reese. Thank you so much. This movie was released on 2009, but it is worthwhile to watch again. 👍🌹
@kathycrone1258 Год назад
Awesome movie. Challenges you to look at life what's really important. Thank you for making this movie available.
@joely2121 Год назад
Thank you Johnson Production for your great choice of films - this one is particularly special, with depth to reflect on and wonderful uplifting dance and community. Rather knocked out by John Schneider's character and his excellent portrayal of Tanner. Hugely poignant for me x 💖
@susanduckett7982 Год назад
Brilliant film ! Full of lovely romance. Nice and soft...just what we need these days.🙏🏼💙
@kerrijohnstone7588 Год назад
GREAT movie, ALL the characters were SO likeable!!
@camillahunter-blair9433 2 года назад
beautiful how God bought the dad and daughter bk together.Time of restoration and reconcilation loved itxxxxxx
@evelynmoyer9069 2 месяца назад
Such a heart-warming story! Thank you for giving us this gift of love.
@tshuvafertileground 4 года назад
How wonderful to watch a clean movie. So refreshing and so rare these days. Thank you! Very Sweet!
@LindaWilliams-h6j Год назад
Wonderful movie, so glad they came together at the end...
@sionmar1695 4 года назад
A beautiful movie. I Love the old couple's dance. So touching .Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the upload.
@marshahenry4026 4 года назад
Me too.
@lesleygarvs4640 Год назад
Soo fabulous!!! I will see it again and again... Thanks for posting it!
@Mary-gg9mj Год назад
I cried like a baby at this most beautiful movie. Just what I needed! I have so much respect for John. God bless him!
@marym.garcia4147 Год назад
Timeless storytelling - beautifully and well done. Much enjoyed!
@stephanathomas6541 Год назад
Finally found a good movie on my weekend. So lovely😊
@rdkuless Год назад
"forget your mistakes..but remember what they taught you"
@asokagodawita3993 Год назад
Very charming, relaxing n easy going , I like kind of stuff we missing these days somewhat
@mrsfiat6521 3 года назад
Aww when she asked the little girl to be her flower girl my heart burst 💥 💖
@gotafriend1 3 года назад
Tanner Gray...no one comes anywhere near the way you walk tall ...just the way you look and put your act together.... Cyd Merriman is a downright knockout, just like her mother. Mark Jean..the director...handels the most difficult scenes with amazing sense of direction...leaves a..m a r k.. behind.. just loved.
@adesolaowonikoko3806 3 года назад
Interesting analysis. Can I message you please
@debbiefleming5187 3 года назад
What a super movie!! Great story line and acting. When the old couple did the waltz brought a tear to the eye!
@redcamaro581 10 месяцев назад
Me too
@estheraruka6374 4 года назад
Beautiful and wholesome. Can be a good tearjerker. And am I forgiven for thinking that Tanner and the lawyer will actually end up together?
@gitanjalianand3543 4 года назад
No, I think it's a lovely idea! They should actually coz change is the only constant and everyone should move on.
@LoisHarris-n8e Год назад
Loved this movie! John and Roma have both aged VERY well. I'm not sure when this movie was made, but I've seen both of them more recently and they still look this good!
@singhshobhini 4 года назад
A really feel good movie, everyone should watch it. gives a lilt to the heart, and the step! esp in these troubled times. small town friendship and closeness comes thru beautifully. thanks for uploading this movie. stay safe everyone, luv from India.
@lolitayoung6125 3 года назад
Beautiful love & family story! No violence, no nasty scenes, family oriented with values and moral lessons in life. We need these kind of movies in this modern and hi tech in family lives.
@splongkokay2204 Год назад
I will not be tired of watching this movie again and again love it
@calmkate8 Год назад
such a fun family movie with some really touching scenes ... communication is the key to all relationships!
@christinesarahthomas7260 3 года назад
Absolutely lovely movie. Acting is so natural. It was a pleasure watching it.
@mamabear349 Год назад
Such a heartwarming movie. Loved it! ❤
@nirmalareddy5067 Год назад
After a long time, saw such a sweet movie.
@admin24256 4 года назад
What a beautiful movie! A father and daughter relationship! Really touch my heart. Thanks for sharing this.👍👏👏👏
@tholsiefrancis6858 4 года назад
Thank you for the beautiful movir
@kimberlymckee3983 Год назад
I love John Schneider movies, he is such a great actor and such a nice decent man ..
@pmasmuth Год назад
I Loved this movie !!!! It made me cry with joy!
@athenagranados8384 3 года назад
God! What a beautiful wedding! A feel good movie is what I can use in these sad times! Already, I feel rejuvenated! Thank you for uploading it!
@DennisCamp-bv2uo 5 месяцев назад
Always a good movie to re see. Makes you think the love and joy a movie can make you feel.
@joanblack346 3 года назад
What a Beautiful Wonderful movie storyline is fantastic and John Schneider played a wonderful part liked him years ago and still do Thank You for this Wonderful movie love it🦋🦋🌺🦋
@englishwithqueen9099 4 года назад
Beautiful, just what i needed to get my mind off the current situation, even if for a little while. Its midnight here in South Africa and i finally got to watch something to calm my nerves so i can have a peaceful sleep....n sweeter dreams # Keep Hope Alive
@elizabethmarx8144 4 года назад
Fellow South African watching this now 9:40 pm... I miss being around people
@antisuz183 4 года назад
Im also from South Africa. Need to check the calendar on my PC to know what day it is. Going to watch the movie now at 00:10. Tired of sleeping. Stay strong and stay healthy.
@athenagranados8384 3 года назад
My thoughts exactly! Though I'm from the Philippines! I had not been well lately. At 69, I still believe it's never too late to learn the beautiful dances of yesterday. And that's what the movie is all about! Nobody is too old to dance!
@lynettekomidar2819 3 года назад
I am in Australia, it is 1.30 am I woke up at midnight and couldn't sleep so I thought I'd watch a movie. xxx 1 Oct 2021
@carolinebernardo1267 2 года назад
Hope you are way better now
@nonyeamataobi2270 4 года назад
I can't believe that I actually cried, I know it's tears of Joy. Nice movie!!!
@NeilJR 4 года назад
Decent plot, adult dialogue and likeable characters. Good to watch.
@phirozekotwal9352 3 года назад
Excellent clean touching movie after a long time . The settings are just gorgeous . Loved every moment. Thanks for this really lovely movie.
@preciousonyeonu-hilary8989 2 года назад
Please let me see what you want
@danielamazza1063 Год назад
Finally a movie without a stalker who kills the best friend etc …. We need more feel good movies
@splongkokay2204 Год назад
I will never get tired of watching this movie over and over again ❤❤❤❤❤
@generation50pluspfadfinder58 10 месяцев назад
Beautiful movie... what touches me the most is this 'magic in the air', this vibrance, this sparkle in their eyes, the ease, when they you do what they love doing.
@gorgeous9682 3 года назад
Great film. Thanks for uploading and making it available for download 🙏
@sharonnewton4374 4 года назад
Wow! What an excellent movie! Made me cry from joy at the end!
@lorannegrech2614 2 года назад
Apart from being a wonderful movie the upload is impeccable! I really liked it! Worth the watch!
@abhijitmukherjee720 Год назад
What a Brilliant Story Wonderful Performances
@swarnasamy Год назад
A lovely movie I enjoyed it a loving dad is very rare now a days it gave me happiness in my old age
@whisperer5204 2 года назад
It made me cry in the end..Nice love story..Tnx for the uploads.
@marifetalaugon3114 4 года назад
Thank you for this movie. It warms the heart. It moved me and made me realize what really matters, to follow your dreams and to do what makes you happy.
@thinkforyourselfjohn3167 Год назад
Beautiful movie very wholesome thank you for the upload.
@50andCountingcom Год назад
Such a good production and story! Worth watching again! Thank you for such a high quality movie.
@joynelson7230 Год назад
Beautiful movie.brought tears. LOVE DANCING. THANKS for THIS.❤️❤️❤️😁😃😊🖐️👌👍😢😢
@lionofjudahradio 3 года назад
I enjoyed this movie! Got tears in my eyes!
@Jossianne19130 Год назад
Thanks for sharing!!! Lovely and I cried and cried....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ForeverHisforever Месяц назад
John is one of the best actors, he has morales ❤
@edwarddorsheimer2055 Год назад
An absolutely beautiful presentation. Fantastic story of family togetherness. Wonderful! Wonderful!
@francescamo9465 4 года назад
The second time, I am no regret to keep watching it, a very good family movie, lovely and sweet actor, calm and attractive man, I will still watching it over and over :)
@ishausha8832 4 года назад
Just loved this movie... everything is so clean and perfect story line :)
@christinezeh7187 2 года назад
Beatiful movie loved..
@joanjackson-henderson9891 Год назад
There's no power like the power of love 💔
@ZGmarkets 2 года назад
Lovely movie! Great storyline, thank you for put it here!!
@splongkokay2204 Год назад
I love watching this movie over and over again ❤❤❤
@cleokarma1876 4 года назад
What an incredibly beautiful movie . John Schniderr- they don’t make men like him anymore. He rocks
@nyachwos.brenda4629 3 года назад
@sheilamcinerney4291 Год назад
Really handsome and I’m gay, like looking at art,you may not understand it but you can see the beauty in it.
@susannaude8514 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing this lovely video! Good clean story and beautiful people.
@jacquelienamutha1378 4 года назад
John Schneider always charming. Good movie. I love dancing. I wish I could Tango and waltz one day. From my childhood I've dreamed about it. Good movie again. Family it is.
@joanblack346 3 года назад
I have seen this movie so many times I love it and John Schneider wow what a hunk lovely movie🦋💛🙏😇😇❤️🌈
@super_reisen3121 2 года назад
Such a lovely movie, so much needed to take my mind off things! It's a feel good movie and definitely worth watching 👍
@marshahenry4026 4 года назад
Loved every moment of this so I thank you for the upload.
@sheilamcinerney4291 Год назад
Really enjoyed this movie,was thinking the day of looking for a dance movie. Lovely story,was hoping she wouldn’t sell the dance school for the sake of the kids. Great ending he got the letter on time,lovely her dad was there to walk her down the isle.❤❤❤
@philomenacomarcho7971 4 года назад
Beautiful and very heart warming family movie. It’s a movie you MUST WATCH.
@jolenejensen8296 4 месяца назад
One of the best feel good movies I have seen in a very long time. I truly enjoyed this. 🤗❤️🤟
@Chr.U.Cas1622 3 года назад
👍👌👏 A simply fantastic movie! Great cast too. Thanks a lot for uploading and sharing. Best regards, luck and health.
@DarkRootsBlonde 12 дней назад
Thank you for posting this! Loved it ❤❤❤
@zannemasiza9644 Год назад
Wow 😅 that love 💕 when you think of your Loved one, even if s/he's long gone, but when you think about your yesterdays, a broad smile 😅or a joyful tear would drop.... The photos he'd been caring in his backpocket for 25 years meant he was not ready to let go of her ... A call that would make his heart jolt again, to learn that from their love, a beautiful creation had occurred and today her Mom 💕 and Dad Walked her down the aisle 🤵👰. Cast and crew, the best and had put a smile on my face 😊... Watched from SA 🇿🇦🇿🇦 Cape Town.
@arpitamartin1093 3 года назад
Superb delicious very of lines the characters enact their roles beautifully and worth viewing more than once .
@hildapage7065 Год назад
A straight-up perfect "10"! Never let go of your dreams, for they really will come true...for you!
@arpitamartin1093 3 года назад
The Wedding Dance is gorgeous wonderful especially as most people live to dance . Underlying theme is sad but it ends beautifully happily ever after as it were ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
@susierekelj8259 4 года назад
Wonderful movie, very sweet. Makes you think about what’s really important in life.
@cpodgorelec 3 года назад
Thanks Johnson for the download. much appreciated. Is says a lot about you.
@linebing6208 Год назад
What an uplifting movie! Thank you RU-vid!
@Ace-ke7fq 3 года назад
Haven't seen Tanner(John) since like 1997..he's still looks great!
@juliawitt3813 4 года назад
That was a lovely movie. Thank you for a really great upload. ❤️
@MariaCruz-lp4mw 3 года назад
So wonderful Movie, thanks for sharing. There's a lots of lesson. Light and love to your channel
@newbeginnings2056 4 месяца назад
It's a lovely film (not the usual mushy predicable ones). It's the true meaning of romance especially the couple celebrating 50 years of marriage - not many people can do it these days. There are so many relatable mini story lines included. It was very moving at the alter when the priest asked "who gives this bride away" & the father said her mother & I do so she was included in her special day. Some brides have a photo of a loved one in their bouquets or even sown into their wedding dress but never heard of this in reality or in a film ❤. A wedding is for one day - I'm glad they didn't sell the studio & had the reception there - it had so much meaning for everyone in the town. A lovely way to start their marriage. 🍾🥂🕯️🕯️🤞👍
@patwilson5834 4 года назад
Awesome! I loved this movie. Good. Wholesome not full of violence, nudity and the f......word being dropped. Thank you
@veramutiarasamiaji6775 4 года назад
Good movie👍You must watch! I cried.. The father is very handsome💙 (From Indonesia)
@melissarosh3180 3 года назад
Superb Movie! A must watch! Thankyou for uploading.
@micheleauger1571 3 года назад
Vraiment magnifique. Très bon spectacle plein d'amour. Excellents acteurs, actrices danseurs, danseuses très professionnels. A voir. Merci pr le partage.
@terriday3995 4 года назад
What a great movie!!! It had bags of heart...great acting.....watching in April 2010!
@piabkk4453 3 года назад
Happy film, John Schneider's always stay handsome❤️❤️❤️
@kaundimesensenta1573 4 года назад
A thousand and half thumbs up..... The movie is awesome 👌
@minamaletti6909 4 года назад
What a nice movie to watch. Thank you for uploading.