
The word Witch 

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@LaurieCabotOfficial 15 лет назад
I see great error in going to a less defined word, when there have been better ones out there for millenia. All who know me or my work, know I have fought for the rights of ALL religions in the US many are now called Wiccan as we dilute the words we lose the roots, the liturgy, the education and the power of a tradition, none of those traditions really needed a new name, yet we are all stuck with it for external reasons, I ask you, have we not been defined from the outside long enough?
@LaurieCabotOfficial 11 лет назад
Wicca is a strange term, but one that has become a very large umbrella term that many diverse (and contradictory) groups, beliefs and people fit under. Witchcraft is a very old and specific belief and practice and is Celtic in origin and predates "Wicca" by over two thousand years. Not all magickal people are Witches.
@Rainbowdust74 11 лет назад
I come back to this video time and time again because it fills my heart with such delight! I'd much rather be a witch than a wiccan.
@mreyespy13 14 лет назад
@BoyintheMachine Laurie is actually 100% correct The Anglo saxon Wicca (pronounced weecha) the female Wicce ( Weechay) is a ancestor of the word Witch The new word Wicca ( Pronounced Wikka) is a new word that did not gain use or popularity until the late 80s to early 90s really...Most of us old Witch's rarely used it. However it has taken hold and is now the common form although completely invented through its improper use.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 12 лет назад
I think you may need to read my previous comments. I accept Wicca as a term that encompasses a lot of different beliefs some having nothing to do with each other. The issue I take is that many of the beliefs that come under Wicca, have their own names and deep roots and are whole within themselves. What is the liturgy of Wicca? What is the practice? Gardner was a follower of Witchcraft, it seems folks go back to him for the term Wicca. If it works for you great, I teach a different path.
@sheilakuhn5385 10 лет назад
I believe that I understand what Laurie Cabot is saying here. A witch is simply a witch. You can call yourself whatever new age-ish term you want to call yourself but as far as being a witch, you are either one or you are not one. The word "witch" and it's integrity is the point. Honestly, some of the Wiccan literature I have read is very mushy and vague.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@fabtastic2 Much of what Gardner did was based in forms of Witchcraft to which he added many things on his own. Margaret Murray seemed to want to find research that supported her conclusions and stretch the truth when it was most effective for her point of view. She'd fit quite well in today's political landscape. The Cabot Tradition and the Cabot Kent Hermetic Temple are not based on Gardner in any way. We teach using experience not belief and think by philosophy not dogma.
@greenladyoakwitch2123 11 лет назад
Do not believe in anything, simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything, simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it's found written in your religious books Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conductive to the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. Blessed be x
@ChrisSuperstar 14 лет назад
THIS is what everyone is throwing a tantrum about? She's not saying there's no Pagan religion being practiced, she's saying calling it "Wicca" is the wrong name. "Wicca" means "male witch" and is not a good description for religious Witchcraft. She's not saying "Wicca isn't a religion," she's saying "Wicca isn't the proper name for the religion we practice." Gardner never meant to name his religion "Wicca." Grow up, people, and stop attack her over this, she's right.
@SassyQueerFemme 11 лет назад
amazing i agree the word wicca/wiccan has always felt wrong to me and gets under my witchy skin.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 15 лет назад
You seem to be speaking for the many without any one solid example. To be Wiccan is now a legally accepted term. Under this massive umbrella is all sorts of things. In the last 2000 years I have not seen a Wiccan Tradition with all of the requirements to be a belief system or a philosophy listed anywhere. If so please educate me. As far as making people believe, I teach the "Science" of the craft, there is no belief needed. Students leave me "doing" not believing.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 13 лет назад
@Shadowp03 Wicca now mean a lot of things but not one specific religion. There is no accepted practice or liturgy, but I agree with you on the fact that it has become a term that encompasses many thing including Witches. What I do not need to do is to lose the focus of my own tradition, we are part of the Wiccan community. Keep in mind that I was one of the first Witches, not Celtic priestess or anything else when I came into the public view. That was what changed the way of things in the US
@LaurieCabotOfficial 12 лет назад
@kh22912 Do not be offended, all I have tried to do is clarify an important point as I see it. If Wicca is a specific religion then please explain the roots of it, the liturgy, the established practices as any true religion must have. Gardner seem to provide the roots for most, and he was a Witch. Witchcraft is a life path that we teach as art, science, philosophy and religion. There are several traditions and a lot of bickering, but in the end, we are all one.
@MrHydir 10 лет назад
Not all witches worship The Lord and lady and I'm comfortable with calling myself wiccan because is a way to differentiate witches and witches who worship the goddess.
@thewitchandtheangel 13 лет назад
I just found this video, and I am ASHAMED anyone would talk that way to an elder. Regardless of whether or not you agree with her about the word wicca and its meaning, no one should ever speak to an elder of the faith that way. If no one knows, Laurie Cabot IS one of our faiths founders. She is due our respect. You may not agree with her, but if you truly did your history and research, you would see that her opinion is truly what things were/are like.
@kh22912 12 лет назад
I am offended by the fact that she thinks only Witches exist and Wicca is nothing. The true fact is that BOTH exist, but I don't consider them entirely synonymous because Wicca is a religion, Witchcraft is a practice. They are 2 very different things. Being a Solitary Wiccan, I use both names to describe myself because it's who I am. I don't use one above the other, and I'm sad that Laurie would even say that.
@rose500 14 лет назад
I am a witch not wiccan i follow the old ways of witchcraft. I have no law in my craft but if you want to be wiccan thats ok to, But i do side by laurie blessed be
@MojoPyxyiKiza 14 лет назад
I don't believe Laurie is intending to "bash" anyone. Wicca is technically a tradition now, and I think that what she is trying to say is that many Wiccans, not all, have a misunderstanding of their own religion. I honestly feel that Wicca is a great doorway into the past and present ways of a witch, but it only scratches the surface. Many Wiccans that I talk to believe that Wicca has been around for centuries and will literally fight you over it; those people are stuck-longing to fit in.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@Smeholeth Actually Garner practiced Witchcraft and added naturism to his tradition. I think it is very important for people to do the proper research, many of the things that "Wiccans" follow have their own tradition and their own names, it is vital for a complete understanding to dig into those roots. Gardner did not invent a new religion. If you think that you miss so much of what he or even Alexander were all about. There is profound beauty in the details of things
@LaurieCabotOfficial 12 лет назад
If it works for you then so be it. keep in mind that the Rede, is new yet we predate Christianity. I do not teach it or recognize it, no one is cursed in our religion. Cabots learn the science of the craft and the philosophy. It takes a long time to master.The old roots have a holistic approach that builds on the knowledge of the ancestors and facilitates learning and sharing. A common base helps this process. Eclectics do not need this they say, others welcome a community. Find your path.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 15 лет назад
@fifiballerinagirl16. IF you can explain to me specifically what a Wiccan is, other than a governmentally approved term I would be most pleased. What is the liturgy, what are the rites specifically? If you are Alexandrian, then so be it, a Cabot then so be it, most Pagans and even some Satanists are calling themselves Wiccan, which makes even less sense to me, but in truth many can fit under this umbrella, the term Wiccan tells me very little about anyone's belief.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 15 лет назад
There is no hierarchy in Witchcraft other than initiate, priest/priestess then high priest/priestess and if one takes on a community role , Elder. I was not aware that the majority of the Pagans disagreed with me, on what points exactly? Many great people have Magickal roots, that does not make them Witches, The practice we follow is Indo _European in origin, there is a strong Egyptian influence as well . We do not place ourselves higher than anyone, we follow a path born of our tradition.
@SanctuarySatanica 13 лет назад
maybe at one point there was no such thing as Wicca, but now it DOES exist, and the truth is that Wicca is a religion with morals while Witchcraft is a practice that does not have any rules as to what it is you do. being a witch does not necessarily mean that you are Wiccan. you could be a Satanist and practice Witchcraft. i happen to know a witch who considers herself Christian. so Ms. Cabot is both right and wrong.
@TOVANorseWitch 12 лет назад
what we have to remember is that gerald gardner was in with Alelester Crowley on the left handed path, what gerald did was water it down and make it acceptable and availiable. I am an Alexandrian Witch but recognise the fact that its not about labels its about what we are within if there were covens of the old religion availiable then wicca would not co exisit but it does and it fills an empty gap for those called to worship and practice the Arts magical I know i was born this way am proud of it
@Currer471 12 лет назад
I am a neopagan who is heavily influenced by Wicca, but i see her point. So many people say they are wiccans and not witches or all witches are wiccan or enforce the wiccan rede like a bible. I do not follow the rede but do follow my goddess and god and practice witchcraft. I hate seeing people who say they are wiccans and not witches. If you are "wiccan" then you are a witch, but not all witches are wiccans. I think people are too hard on her for this, i appreciate you miss laurie cabot!
@Currer471 13 лет назад
I agree with you, while it was a little brash to proclaim that wicca isnt real, i still think you have a very good point on the subject that we arent neccassarily wiccans, we are witches.And for all those that are upset with her, think she spent all 78 years of her life bringing the word "witch" into a good word meaning "wise woman" or "wise man". she still has valid points and spends her time teaching new witches. )0(
@cruelbusiness1984 13 лет назад
all labels have the same problem: they are stifling and inaccurate. I have personal experience with this because of my sexuality. The reason why no 2 Wiccan have the exact same beliefs is because no 2 people hav the exact same interpretations on life. No 2 people hav had the exact same life-shaping experiences as another. Some incorporate logic in2 thier philosophies and some more emotional and 'sensing.' No matter what our beliefs we can all band 2gether and stand up for our right 2 believe.
@ktok13 14 лет назад
You know what!? Who are you to say what a religion is? It really annoys me when people like you open their mouth. Honestly If people would like to claim they are Wiccan, there is really nothing you can do to stop them. If the fandom of startreck , Harry Potter and Twilight , , because of their size, are now, considered or nearly considered religions, then who are you to say that witches cannot call the study of their craft the wiccan religion. A message from a proud WICCAN
@mreyespy13 14 лет назад
@pinkymouse122 Those are close to the facts but a recent interpretation. It is only due to the ignorance of the general public that Wicca pronounced the way it is describe's the religion of withcraft. All the founder fore-bearer's and there traditions called it Witchcraft it was not really until the 80-90s that wicca took hold.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 12 лет назад
@Bridie189 yes.....yes.....I should think so....I'm not so sure about that one.....and I would never tell anyone they do not exist, I am simply trying to find the correct terminology for what is very much out there but not properly named, I can call myself a unicorn, but that will not make me one and in the process I fail to work on what and who I really am. If we can avoid the profanity that would be nice too. Blessings.
@rainewater85 14 лет назад
Controversy is simply delicious - it forces people to reveal their true colors.
@kh22912 12 лет назад
Wicca is a religion founded in the early 20th century by Gerald Gardner (whom you mentioned). When it first started out, people had to be initiated in order to become Witches and the central idea is to harm no one and maintain balance within yourself (both in your mundane and magickal lives). Today as you know there are many branches of Wicca and some even have their own beliefs. Of course, our views are different, but you are right about us all being one. Blessings )O(
@ronnieron555 12 лет назад
Ive never seen or talked to a witch, and people tell me stories on how there was one that screamed at them for some dumb reason that was irrelevant in the situation they were in, but if i met you, id think you are the nicest witch ever, and you give all witches (or wiccans, from the comment arguments) a good name. :)
@starshinemom 12 лет назад
There are wiccans. They do exist, they do exist lol lol I'm not one but I have seen one. ;)
@Lisa_the_Cottage_Witch 10 лет назад
I was told that Wicca is the honoring of the Goddess (and God), and magick is not necessary to be Wiccan; and WitchCraft is the practice of magick, with or without invoking Goddess/God. I heard Laurie say many years ago on a television documentary that the word "Witch is a delicious word" and that is one of many reasons I call myself a Witch. I've also started teaching Basic Witch Craft and used the above definitions of Wicca and WitchCraft. If those are truly incorrect, I will drop Wicca altogether. Back in 1995, my early books were Scott Cunningham's "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and Silver RavenWolf's "To Ride a Silver Broomstick", both of which used the word Wicca.
@bloodandsparkles 12 лет назад
Wiccans.... my only representitive at the time of anything remotely related to white witchcraft.... didn't judge. Then again.... it hasn't been long since I've started exploring this path and the path of witchcraft.... haven't even finish the first booklet I was given on Wicca written by scott Cunnungham lol, but yeah..... I want to take up this path of (not evil or harmful in any way)
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@BoyintheMachine Thank you and I certainly would never bash anyone. What I am interested in is the meaning behind the words. So far no one has yet to explain what this Wiccan religion is. What the rites are, the liturgy, the practices, where it comes from and have any two explanations be the same. The Baptists know what they believe and what sets them apart from the Catholics, Pagan groups know their specific history and practices. Please tell me what Wicca is.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@ktok13 I would never try to define anyone but neither will I allow myself to be defined incorrectly. To name something is to empower it. We are all free to believe in anything but like so many cults beliefs alone will not make it so. How do you define your religious views as a proud Wiccan, what are your beliefs, your liturgy, practices? Do other Wiccans share that with you? Witchcraft is a system, all the parts function together, a car must have an engine to go, where is the Wicca engine?
@LaurieCabotOfficial 15 лет назад
Forgive me but if you know me, then you know better than that. Why would a real activist hide behind cute internet names? Read my blogs about this subject or take a class. But for argument's sake, please describe exactly what the Wiccan religion is. What specific liturgy,practice, training, belief, not the 13 principles but what is behind them, or the Gardenarian use of the term, Baseball is a sport, but saying one plays sports does not give them much of an identity, wicca is the same.
@TheXander360 13 лет назад
Witch just sounds better than wiccan
@Stonehengeblue 13 лет назад
William Shakespeare wrote these immortal words: " What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." What matters is what something is, not what it is called. The debate is settled once and for all! LOL! Laurie Cabot is the Sweetest Rose in Salem.
@ObeahWitch85 11 лет назад
I Really to love your vids, I agree, I prefer the Label Witch, but find the Term Wiccan and Wicca helpful in small towns. But i would like to see more people Reclaim the Label witch for the Good. many blessings
@MySameLove 13 лет назад
I think the word Wicca/Wiccan is use to make the word "Witch" not sound scary and to be more accepting.... Personal I don't mind being called The Witch!! )0(
@scirrhia_kruden 14 лет назад
There's such a thing as Wicca, the religion. It's not about witches and it's not simply paganism. Yea, I find the religion stupid, much like most other religions, but that doesn't mean you can just denounce it and say it doesn't exist. People believe in it. There are wiccans. In fact, I used to have a few friends who were Wiccans, although they were using it mainly as an umbrella of sorts.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@ktok13 I find more concrete information about Star Trek than I find agreement between any two Wiccans. The reason is that there is a script and a history that can be verified. You know who all the crew members were and what happened. I would never try and tell anyone anything, but neither will I allow incorrect definitions to affect what we do. Anyone is free to believe as they wish, but as a teacher and a student of history lets use the correct words, those help everyone I think.
@BloodStorm1991 12 лет назад
@LaurieCabotOfficial and what I can see you dont understand is that the meanings of words change every day bit by bit. and you just contradicted yourself by saying "I would never try and tell anyone anything, but neither will I allow incorrect definitions to affect what we do." so how can we take anything you say seriously when your telling others what to believe? what Miss Cabot needs to start doing is letting the world know that this are just one witches ideas not all
@loveless3138 13 лет назад
Actually, there are some people who are Wiccan but are not Witches, they simply follow the religion. On the contrary, there are some Witches who practice Witchcraft but do not worhship a Goddess or God. The Religion of Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner as that name, Wicca. Regardless of the meaning of the word. Pagan is an umbrella term, but people identify as Pagan meaning as a form of Witchcraft.
@davidcirce 14 лет назад
I'm with Laurie Cabot...whatever I practice, I just KNOW I'm a witch, through and through, balls to bones, as they say in Matrix. What I've sensed though is that the word "Wicca" applies more to witches that work with the Celtic pantheon, strictly, but "on their own", without following the jerarchy of druids. I work with the roman-greek pantheon mostly, however, I can't consider myself as a follower of that religion either, because I worship as I feel, not as it was...so, what am I? I'm a witch
@samoa93 14 лет назад
Ms. Laurie, i think i understand what you mean. If you look at the christian denominations, each are different, tru, but they all go by certain rules and bylaws. While Wiccan is a craft that can be changed inorder to suit the situation. Ms. Laurie is not really calling wicca Not an Religion, she is merely mentioning the difference between wicca and the other known relgions. Maybe the way she sentenced her thoughts had different effects on others because yu didnt think about the bigger picture
@dapillath 15 лет назад
I agree with parts. Gardner originally spelled the word Wica pronounced wick-uh which was a term for the Craft as a whole and where we get such lovely terms as "Wicaphobia". "Wicca" was originally pronounced "witch-uh." The Wiccan colloqualism I think is a product of publishers taking from Gardner's Wica and making Wicca.I think saying Witch is just easier but of course some people historically use this term to mean magician without religious context. Witchcraft to me is religious magick.
@BloodStorm1991 12 лет назад
@LaurieCabotOfficial and what I can see you dont understand is that the meanings of words change every day bit by bit. and you just contradicted yourself by saying "I would never try and tell anyone anything, but neither will I allow incorrect definitions to affect what we do." so how can we take anything you say seriously when your
@Currer471 13 лет назад
I agree with you i still think you have a very good point on the subject that we arent neccassarily wiccans, we are witches.And for all those that are upset with her, think she spent all 78 years of her life bringing the word "witch" into a good word meaning "wise woman" or "wise man". she still has valid points and spends her time teaching new witches. )0(
@samoa93 14 лет назад
Laurie....i think i undersand what you meant by what you said, because Wiccan has many rites and rituals, in wihich you can change to fit your situation. While Catholism has their rules that seperates them from other Christian denomionations. Trust me at first I was a little suprised, but now, i can see the bigger picture. [= - meant no offence to anyone**
@Syric80 14 лет назад
Unless I missed something I dont understand what everyone is so worked up about. Laurie made a comment that Wicca is not a religion, what I got from that was that the WORD Wicca is not a religion and that in fact Wicca is Witchcraft but everyone accepts the word Wicca, probably because it has less stigma behind it, and so now we are all Wiccan instead of Witches.
@Juliet_Capulet 15 лет назад
I remember reading about this in "Power of the Witch" (the whole explanation) and just recently I started re-reading it to "freshen my mind" (I first read it more than 20 years ago). I do wish people would just read instead of watching a two-minute snippet and piling on. I love these vids, hope there will be more!! Please put up more when you can. Thanks.
@laramath16 14 лет назад
Wasn't it scott cunnigham who first referred to his version of witchcraft as wicca (double c)? Weik? Where can I find a trustable resourse for all these "keltic language" connotations?
@abominableangel 15 лет назад
i think the information held in this video is very limited and has left much to personal interpritation, which is causeing misunderstandings from both sides.. please consider doing a more indepth video explaining what you mean and siting sorces.. many thanks
@mreyespy13 14 лет назад
@Venustarr I have all of Garders books they are on the subject of witchcraft...the word Wica is used once in but one of them and yes it is spelled wica.
@irishcladdagh3 13 лет назад
These are just naive kids who truly think they know everything but can't tell the difference between scratching their watches or winding their butts....Today's generation doesn't have self respect,much less have respect for others.Kids keep watching videos,READ and maybe you will learn something beside talking about things you know nothing about. @ Laurie,You are a wonderful teacher,a great example of what a True Witch is, and always should be.Brightest Blessings as always in love & light ☽✪☾
@TGreym 11 лет назад
Hello Laurie, just saying I love you and see you soon-give my love to everyone at CKHT . XOXOX
@boo8ball 15 лет назад
Love it.. keep them coming! I love your glasses!
@Currer471 13 лет назад
I agree with you i still think you have a very good point on the subject that we arent neccassarily wiccans, we are witches.And for all those that are upset with her, think she spent all 70 years of her life bringing the word "witch" into a good word meaning "wise woman" or "wise man". she still has valid points and spends her time teaching new witches. )0(
@Stonehengeblue 15 лет назад
I remember Laurie Cabot once said in an interview that the word "Witch" was a "delicious" word,and she's right! She knows the word "Witch" is a powerful one, why not reclaim it? Centuries of bad publicity made "Witch" a negative word- however,maybe the modern label" Wiccan" has made it more palpable to the mundane world, who have often misunderstood . Laurie Cabot has spent her life bringing respect and pride to the word "Witch" on our behalf, even if we choose to call ourselves Wiccan.
@TimRBonney 13 лет назад
Thank you for clearing this up for everyone. I took some classes on feminism and goodness...I would never want our religion to be called wicca. It does drive me nuts. We celebrate the male and the female unity! Once again, we have been pushed into a totally male world.
@232323C 15 лет назад
is that a tattoo on Lauries face? a circle? cool
@drock272 15 лет назад
Yeah I think it's Hecate's Wheel.
@LaurieCabotOfficial 14 лет назад
@XthunderclapzapX The search for the recognizable beginnings of Witches is being pursued by the English scholar Stephen J Yeates. He and many others all define the word as such, I have a more detailed blog on this in my notes on the Cabot Temple Hermetic site on Facebook if you want more details.
@232323C 15 лет назад
well stated! I agree
@bloodandsparkles 12 лет назад
witchcraft, wisdom, traditions and beliefs I see represented through it that seem to heal, to help, to make the world a better place. I understand if it is a loose system if that's what you're saying..... in which case I'll pick and choose what's right and don't harm and helps to heal people spiritually and even physically. But can I still be a witch who does these thing and has these beliefs and practices magick if I choose Wicca? Or is there other advice you can give? o.o
@raywizar12345 11 лет назад
Laurie please respond yo this comment do you have to be an exact religion like a Christian or any religion and what source do we go to to respond for our magic??
@TheWICCACHANNEL 15 лет назад
the younger generation just dont get it laurie.ive tried myself to explain,maybe you should explain it to them.they have no idea what it was like even in the 70's and 80's
@BlazeLeeDragon 12 лет назад
Ah :) very nice video thank you for sharing :D
@ricanboy83 14 лет назад
I went to a Worskshop Laurie was giving on money spells earlier this month. I read her book when i was about 14 or 15. To young at the time to understand alot, but when i took the worskshop, i was enlightend, i took everything in and understood. LAURIE IS A WONDERFUL TEACHER!! She helped us get into ALPHA, and i felt so empowered, i never knew i had it in me. She has helped me look inside myself and be who i am without fear. THANK YOU LAURIE, LOVE YOU!!!
@kingofthewitches1313 11 лет назад
@TheWICCACHANNEL 15 лет назад
i have a question.through all my research,i have not yet found a herb legally used here, that can help my back pain.ive practiced for twenty five years, and i still cant find a natural herb to stop horrible pain.i am taking my lortab from my doctor for neuropathy and several slipped disks. but i feel it henders me it my practice.I am going to be a doctor in four years, but i want a natural source, but if it has to be,ill keep taking my pills.the pain felt is suicidial.
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