
The worlds highest wind turbine FL 2500 

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As a pioneer of onshore wind energy
utilization, especially in Germany, and as
an independent manufacturer of wind
turbines, Fuhrländer AG counts on strong
turbine concepts. Fuhrländer industrially
manufactures turbines of up to 2.5 MW.
Already a long time ago, Fuhrländer
established itself as an international
partner, who realizes wind farms for any



26 сен 2024




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@steffen1182 16 лет назад
Interresant, ich arbeite bei Enercon daher die Aversion gegen Getriebeanlagen und Gittermasten! ;-) Vielen Dank für die nette Unterhaltung!
@enricodinse1055 6 лет назад
A. Nonym Schöne Anlagen von Enercon
@Mariors16v 15 лет назад
Suuuper filmik. Fajnie zrobiony. I oczywiscie szacun dla tych ludzi którzy pracój nad montarzem takich budowli.
@uh0oo 14 лет назад
Ohhhh it is so cute. Look at waving at everyone. How adorable.
@ab48726 15 лет назад
That thing is friggin huge! it's amazing that with the sheer size of the thing we even have the metallurgical technology to keep it together.
@drmodestoesq 13 лет назад
I for one am glad to see that the Germans are directing their energies in more positive way lately.
@7partparadigm 11 лет назад
Wind energy is a valuable resource to 'replace' fossil fuel use. I am sure you can agree that if we continue to emit carbon into the atmosphere at the rate we are, we will have more than merely poor aesthetics to worry about, which you seem so bent on complaining about. I think they are beautiful, and have no problem with seeing them dotting my skyline south of town. They remind me that we are making steps in the right direction.
@hipstarchild 15 лет назад
Great vid. I used to fabricate 31M blades for NEG MICON.
@FPVsean 15 лет назад
as gracefully as it sits above the landscape, its still an eyesoar... even though windpower is the next step forward...
@notrut 11 лет назад
2013, 5 years later, is it still working? Or has it caught fire yet?
@Tube31425 12 лет назад
Hurrah! Saving the world, one turbine at a time!
@pow1983 15 лет назад
I think its all about Wave, Wind, Solar and Earth these days. Dams are insanely big and expensive projects compared to others. For instance whilst a wind farm is being built it will generate energy before the full project is completed. Whereas you have to wait years for a decent size dam to be built. And at such a high cost you cant always guarantee a good flow of water.
@robhoneycutt 14 лет назад
@kosmarka Actually, according to the website the FL 2500 is a 2.5MW unit. That makes sense. 2500 = 2.5MW.
@bigrobnz 14 лет назад
great view from the top!! Those guys must have balls of steel to do that job!!
@Nobsi1982 14 лет назад
The highest of these wind energy plants type FL 2500 is about 525 feet high. The rotors are about 330 feet long. greetz.
@ttcherrick 14 лет назад
No, I'm not German (I'm American, if it matters). But I'll give you two words that have had an almost mystic resonance over at least two centuries: German engineering.
@pisaniforprez 14 лет назад
Awesome, We need way more of these
@brianwesley28 14 лет назад
@Stantonwarrior24 The higher a wind turbine is located, the greater the wind speed availability to the turbine blades. If it was turning a 2.5 megawatt generator, I'd say that there is plenty of wind there? Those things are geared, of course, so when those blades are moving at what appears to be a slow pace, under a load, that generator is spinning up a lot faster than the blades.
@amartinjoe 13 лет назад
now that is MASSIVE!!!
@Daniel2415 14 лет назад
@brt927 wind is air moving. air has mass. a lot of air has a lots of mass. The turbine slows the air down some. the kinetic energy of the air decreases, because some is transported into the blades of the turbine, which spin with this energy. The energy of the spinning blades is converted to electricity by a generator. It doesn't affect the climate, but offsets the energy extracted from coal, which does affect the climate by releasing CO2 and other gases
@ROCKSOLID19 12 лет назад
@silentspringreborn The bigger the turbine, the more efficient it is, the less energy transfer wasted and being much higher than standard, can reach stronger winds. Also they produce much much less noise. Its all about meeting the strict German standards of noise.
@CosmicGate184 16 лет назад
Jop=) Als Beispiel ne gängige Anlage die von RePower entwickelt wurde und die in Lizenz auch von der Fuhrländer AG gebaut wird. Die Anlage ist 85 oder 100m hoch mit 77m Rotordurchmesser. (Getriebe / 4 poliger Drehstromasynchrongenerator 1,5MW) Bei Nennlastbetrieb kann man sich im Maschinenhaus noch normal unterhalten. (Ich arbeite bei Fuhrländer, daher die Info =) )
@brianbrewster3587 12 лет назад
Yup - the world's tallest wind turbine structure on the planet - I looked it up!! 205 meters (672 feet) by 90 meters (295 feet) rotor width. But Schneebergerhof, model E-126 Wind turbine, may not be as tall but it's output is way higher - 7 GW!
@MotorCityPlayer 14 лет назад
I would like to have a wind turbine in my community, but I know that the Power/electric companies are NOT gonna let go of its trapped customers too easily. Iam sure they will probably own these turbines too, and continue selling us power for profit..Iam ready to get off the grid!
@brianwesley28 14 лет назад
That thing's a monster.
@L0U27 15 лет назад
and I forgot!!.. VERY AWSOME!!
@steffen1182 16 лет назад
OK solche Anlagen gibs also auch. Die Getriebeanlagen in meiner Gegend sind aber echte Brummer. Bei Nennlast lassen sie sich nur schwer von Flugzeugen unterscheiden!
@technoload 11 лет назад
Good Video and Music
@jooknf 15 лет назад
Hi! Amazing, I love green technology... Can anyone tell me why we are not doing more hydropower as well? The rivers usually always flow. A large amount of dams are being breached as they are old.
@MueraTelevisa 15 лет назад
Cheeses Christ! that thing is BIG! my testicles climbed up to my throat when I watched those guy working that high!
@steffen1182 16 лет назад
Das seh ich anderst, gittermasten haben jede menge ecken an den der Wind verwirbelt wird und dadurch rauscht. Desweiteren sind Getriebeanlagen dafür bekannt das die wie ein Flugzeug brummen (nicht nur bei Nennlast) und den Blattspitzen fehlt der Tip der ebenfalls zu Geräuschreduzierung beitragen würde! MfG
@CosmicGate184 16 лет назад
@Yellow: Von einer Anlage mit 160m Höhe und einer so langsamen Rotordrehzahl (12-14 1/min bei Nennleistung) hört man unten nahezu garnichts mehr =)
@tinram745 14 лет назад
sick video!
@shockwave77598 15 лет назад
Winds are stronger the higher up you go. Greater height = greater winds = greater energy produced.
@ThePugMonkey 12 лет назад
@stihlthebest 15 лет назад
How High is the tower? How long are the blades? How much did the whole thing cost? How much out put?
@fantambantam 11 лет назад
Well, we've had quite a few storms since wind turbines started going up. They shut down if it's too violent. Weatherproof? Are you simple?
@MarsMoonEuropa 13 лет назад
@bigBadSweed It's 524 feet tall. 2500 refers to the model, not height :)
@andyknight1 14 лет назад
@Nobsi1982 Thanks for the information
@Antithropocentric 13 лет назад
Even the smaller ones are too intrusive on the landscape (and seascape) to honestly be called "clean" energy. The word "clean" should include ALL factors for quality of life and minimal disruption of the environment. Too many compromises are being made for these monsters. I see major hypocrisy in the turbine industry, which has a mindset much like gas and oil wildcatting. "We need the energy; the rest is collateral damage" (the usual sales pitch).
@julek_ugler 15 лет назад
it's absolutely amazing!
@MarsMoonEuropa 13 лет назад
@ChrisLuxembourg Uranium is as free as Wind power is. They're both natural resources available for use. And Nuclear Power Plant's won't explode either.
@CjGaughan 13 лет назад
@MarsMoonEuropa What do you call the situation that happened in Japan then?
@faz4321 13 лет назад
@diegodaudt Actually he said FL2500 which is 250,000 feet...
@MarsMoonEuropa 13 лет назад
@bigBadSweed Still pretty tall though, 160m. 524ft. Huge. Gigantic.
@GoldenShaolinNutz 13 лет назад
much props to those people working that hi w/o a parachute but prolly a full body harness. a nice safety device. regardless. i dont know bout anyone else but id freeze up for a while, like a couple of hours as they try to pry my deth grip from the ladder to force me to ascend. believe me, i would try to leave grip marks, my knuckles would be white from sheer terror. and that would just be at 10ft up. imagine the rest of the way to the top=) much respect=)
@poorcncoper8or 12 лет назад
Parts machined on a Kuraki Horizontal Boring Mill.
@Antithropocentric 13 лет назад
@GlassWalrus, that's an unrealistic question, but coal plants do use a lot less land per watt of power generated. I've seen turbine pushers comment that they'd put them on every possible acre to "reduce our carbon footprint." Very ironic land-rape mentality. No, I don't buy into "clean coal" or mountaintop removal. I'd like to see people using more birth control to reduce total energy demand, no matter what the source. The idea that "growing needs" MUST be met is the most obvious problem.
@RyanReddell 15 лет назад
Feel free to move anytime!
@rogersmith12 12 лет назад
it costs a lot for the first few years. past that...maintenance, and supervision costs...past that the wind farm pays itself off in spades.. it keeps working, the energy company makes a shitton of money in the longrun.
@thetimtorresin 11 лет назад
Maybe you should consider that what we build is as natural as anthills or beaver dams. Just because buildings and windmills don't grow doesn't mean they aren't nature also. Besides how can you complain that these aren't "green" from behind a computer inside a warm, electrically lit house?
@NoEcologyNoEconomy 11 лет назад
We're supposed to be impressed that these skyscrapers keep getting larger and blighting ever more landscapes under a dubious "green" banner, merely because they don't burn fossil fuels in usage? Their construction and installation burns plenty of fossil fuels, of course.
@srbenda3 12 лет назад
Do you have any alternative solution?
@AdrianWilsonBridders1234 15 лет назад
How tall is it - looks like about 400 feet ?
@paker51 13 лет назад
The biggest problem I have with wind turbines is if the wind doesn't blow fast enough to move the blades the generator works as a motor and CONSUMES electricity to move the prop to keep the prop shaft from warping due to the amount of weight on it. Wind turbines are nothing more than a waste of consumer's money that only exist because of government subsidies.
@CosmicGate184 16 лет назад
Ach was! Bei den Windgeschwindigkeiten, bei denen die Anlage im Arbeitsbereich liegt, hört man von Verwirbelungen am Turm überhaupt nichts, genauso wenig wie vom Getriebe. Was die Blattspitzen angeht geb ich dir Recht, obwohl man das Geräusch das man am Boden hört, auch nicht als laut bezeichnen kann. Aber es ließe sich sicher noch reduzieren das stimmt. Aber was das Getriebe angeht ist es schlicht falsch, dass es irgendwelche am Boden hörbaren Geräusche produziert.
@ziemniaczek963 15 лет назад
Vestas number 1 in the World....
@Tilman21 15 лет назад
Wenn ich in den Nutzungsbedingungen unter Ziff. 6.1 Abs.4 Unterabs.4 lese "Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Webseite und die Dienste (unter Einschluss der Kommentare und Email-Funktionen der Webseite) nicht für die Anbahnung von Geschäften im Zusammenhang mit Handel oder einem gewerblichen Unternehmen zu nutzen", dann verstößt der Beitrag gegen dieseBestimmung. Denn das ist reine Firmenwerbung der Fa. Fuhrländer.
@Mechanisttm 15 лет назад
how much power does that thing generate
@happyflea 15 лет назад
wtf? It looks great!
@iToni 13 лет назад
@UnowMe00 solid masts become progressively quite unstable above the 100m height. If you were to build a 160 solid mast steel tower you would have to highly increase the diameter in order to have a stable structure. The amounts of steel needed to manufacture it would exponentially increase along with the manufacturing costs ..I wouldn't want to pay for those kilowatts ;) We are trying to produce cheaper energy not more expensive!
@Matt2chee 11 лет назад
You da man, Fernando.
@sweed762 13 лет назад
what series crane was used in this video-?
@Antithropocentric 13 лет назад
@GlassWalrus, it's not a matter of one or the other. Removing mountaintops to mine coal isn't all that different than desecrating them with skyscrapers. You have scarred the natural element either way. Above all else, people need to use more birth control and end the mindless agenda of "meeting growing needs" no matter what the side-effects. I don't get turbine-pushers who talk of reducing the "carbon footprint" while ignoring the net physical footprint. I think the latter is very important.
@lankey32 14 лет назад
you gotta have some brass balls to do this kinda work!!
@bah2758 14 лет назад
mas me sorprende la grua que usaron...
@andyknight1 14 лет назад
just how high is that thing? (in FEET please)
@MarsMoonEuropa 13 лет назад
@CjGaughan @ChrisLuxembourg Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents are in the past. And besides, the Soviet Union didn't care too much for the reactors let alone human life. And even then, they didn't explode, just had partial meltdown.
@ngav2010 13 лет назад
@Borotech when has wind power killed anybody ?
@Crifstar 14 лет назад
Was that Forrest Gump or the Geico Caveman @ about 3:40 into the video?
@juliesmith873 11 лет назад
WOW 7Mw, forget the homes it would power , think about the proffffittt, that thing in my back garden would make me about 1,500,000 GBP a year for 20 years with all the subsidy at 30% rolling capacity . Someones takin us all for a ride at our own expence.
@kdc43 12 лет назад
Now how does this wind fan help cool the earth? I bet it uses 500,000,000 watts of power to make all that wind to cool the place down. I bet a giant coal electric plant is powering this giant fan.
@grbpe 14 лет назад
corbet, The ironworkers Balls are carburized, slow cooled, re-heated and squeeze-quenched. Don't you know ANYTHING?
@brianbrewster3587 12 лет назад
Correction: That's 7 MW, pardon me.
@charlottewayland1220 10 лет назад
I just find them so cool to look at which is probably wired um
@riverwadi5669 10 лет назад
No way! I think they are amazing. When ever I go to Nova Scotia I love to go searching for them!
@rmillions0206 14 лет назад
@kate5134 too much weight with the blades... and don't forget... they are in a high wind area, you lift a frame 300 feet wide with no stabilization? ugh!
@sweed762 13 лет назад
@UnowMe00 agreed
@fcdaxfecgrex 14 лет назад
what mt is long this turbine ?
@CMJONO 12 лет назад
Do you mean the worlds tallest? as its in Germany I imagine there are higher versions.
@ToriTwinWasp 15 лет назад
isnt the enercon e-126 the largest wind turbine?
@sadikmeah4057 9 лет назад
I thought FL 2500 is equal to 250000 FT. Obviously, it's not that tall. But impressive nonetheless!
@myview1872 12 лет назад
Because of the need for backup, a net total of zero usable energy is produced.
@faz4321 13 лет назад
@diegodaudt I know lol, I was just correcting you and telling you how what he said is actually a lot worse lol.
@jeabo0adhd 16 лет назад
@nileengineeringjordan9921 9 лет назад
Its agood job
@kentdoering4993 11 лет назад
You are profoundly ignorant of the German energy scene where these are being put up. They do help the envirnment considering the amount of displaced fossil fuel.
@boenbildch511 5 лет назад
And now we have 12 MW with hights of 260 meters ...
@crapper1 13 лет назад
3:01 floating joint
@dav4ix 14 лет назад
now thats high ! :O
@xpez 15 лет назад
the Power companies would be out of business though...
@NoEcologyNoEconomy 11 лет назад
The word "clean" belies what they are doing to landscapes and soundscapes where they're installed. "Clean," along with "green" are shallow buzzwords that trivialize priceless rural quality of life factors, with the tunnel-visioned goal being electricity generation. I think aesthetic arguments alone are quite adequate to stop the proliferation of these monster towers, and it's working in many locales as people get wise to the sheer size & scale of these things. See "The Darmstadt Manifesto."
@myview1872 12 лет назад
Why do you need an alternative to something THAT DOES NOT WORK?
@Tilman21 15 лет назад
May be sthe strongest, but not always the largest (particularly offshore).
@FDFireworks 11 лет назад
But it really is!!! :) I was at one few weeks ago!
@bechirboukedi8768 8 лет назад
sky horse very smart solution
@7partparadigm 11 лет назад
To: NoEcologyNoEconomy So instead of being a huge nay-sayer, what do you actually propose? How would you suggest we get sustainable electricity if not from renewables?
@rmillions0206 14 лет назад
@k0ffiesh0p or vestas...?
@caribousteaks 15 лет назад
I wonder how much oil that thing consumes to lub the gear box? Also what is the bird kill rate? And how do you supplement its power when the wind isn't blowing? Would it exist without subsidies? Why did Ireland ban wind power into their grid....and next Spain? Germany certainly removed subsidies and the market crashed over night. Power mgrs. hate wind as it means conventional base load must be increased to take care of business when the wind doesn't blow. Wind BAD! COAL good!
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