
The Worst Difficulty Scaling I’ve Ever Seen 

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8 сен 2024




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@coolio6855 Год назад
Honestly I'm glad I entered this series with Automata because somehow this story is better experienced backwards rather than forwards.
@dylancameron382 Год назад
You are on crack
@speedb.bernard5404 Год назад
@speedb.bernard5404 Год назад
​@@dylancameron382 nah he is right
@edelric321 Год назад
Disagree completely. You miss out on so many references and major plot points by not knowing the story of the rest of the Yokoverse, especially in Automata. For instance, seeing Eve's tattoo, the Red Eye disease, Emil & the Machines imitating Facade's culture for the 1st time. These are vital story threads that need proper context in order to understand what's going on beyond surface level. Not saying this to take away from your experience or anything, just to inform other people who have yet to play the games.
@akaviolaqrif350 Год назад
Yep going through drakengard now kinda cool to see some of the weapons are available in automata
@mistman_161 Год назад
I completed 98% of sidequests, got a few of the best words, a level four Phoenix Spear, went through the entire C route then switched to Hard just to spice up the Shadowlord's Castle a bit... it felt fair, the enemies just needed to be knocked down to be insta-killed and the bosses lasted only slightly longer than the dialogue. Which is a problem because if Hard Mode is fair at the very end of the game when I've almost 100% the entire thing, I can't imagine how awful it must be to play on Hard from the beginning.
@thetoyodacar2264 Год назад
yeaap I did a lot of exploring. Unfortionatly they don't do exploration like fromsoft or the witcher so I always ended up in the same areas in later story missions, which is pretty normal but whatever. Then I one shot everything
@manoftherainshorts9075 Год назад
On Hard Prologue is the hardest part of the whole game
@Xenowave Год назад
I played on hard the whole way, and the DLC was damage sponge city 😭😭😭😭 but I made it through, it was so fun nonetheless.
@koheikyouji Год назад
In my experience with Gestalt/Replicant, id say Normal is balanced around you having default gear, whereas hard mode is balanced around you having maxed gear, and maybe using some item buffs when you have to deal significant amounts of damage in a short time. Its a bit...annoying, really, that theres no in between. I like being forced to use the utility items etc, but Id have much rather the difficulty affect the enemies bullet spreads. And make their attack patterns more elabourate etc. Maybe add more of the purple spheres instead of red (you can shoot the red away but not the purple), or maybe add a couple of new colours to them. Blue could chase you. Green could bounce off of walls etc. Just something to make the player behave differently rather than 'I need more numbers'. I love the Nier games, but I do think Taro shot himself in the foot a bit when he decided to make them so simple/easy. Which was a deliberate choice btw since he wanted the focus to be on story. No reason we cant have both though imo >_>
@CanalWolfy Год назад
I played it with hard mode from the start and it wasn't that bad. Maybe diff spike in dlc was a bit frustrating
@kaikrassin8096 Год назад
Difficulty is always a slippery slope for games. It's difficult to find that balance between natural challenge and monotony where health arbitrarily increased and more damage is dealt. That's kind of why I always pick normal mode for any game. I'm very casual with games and I just want to experience what the developer intended for me to. As you said though accessibility is a great thing. If a person wants more challenge then increased difficulty is nice. I would just like if developers also included which mode the game was tailored around. I don't mind challenging games if that's how they were intended. Just let me know damn it so I can get the best experience a casual like me can get. Lol
@thetoyodacar2264 Год назад
Fromsoft has nearly perfected difficulty imo
@ddm_gamer Год назад
Yeah developers should realy mark what difficutly is recommended. Stalker is absolute garbage on normal difficulty
@Outofrealman Год назад
Hard to find a balance sure, but we know FOR SURE how not to do it. Both Nier games fail really hard because it is sooooo ridiculously OFF. It is hard to get a 90/100 doesnt mean you cannot at least get a 70/100. Meanwhile Nier FAILS the test. Nier:A has normal that you can face roll the game as long as you are pressing the attack button because heal is instant and you can even do that in the pause menu and the enemies does no damage. Then comes hard that most enemies one-shot you unless you over leveled, but if you are over leveled the game is piss easy again where pressing the attack button = win. So no, the difficulty of N:A is still, EXTREMELY TERRIBLE.
@kevinfelix2302 Год назад
Just do what KH2 Critical does, every action game ever should just follow KH2 and they would be perfect, and no its not hard at all just make the player a bit weaker and have a bit less options (half health and mana as well as double damage intake in KH) but make their damage output better to still make it feel rewarding (1.25 damage output in KH2 as well as better abilities early) This way KH2 can feel like hell when you keep messing up with something but when youre on a roll and youre perfectly attacking and dodging you can absolutely decimate some boss fights and you feel badass as hell
@ddm_gamer Год назад
@@kevinfelix2302 Thats kinda the feeling i got from ds3. Atleast if you properly levelelled your weapon and used infusion you would do a ton of damage in ds3
@bananacakesmckanzee7290 Год назад
For Replicant, I actually appreciate the added hp on normal enemies since I started experimenting with combos and juggling (like the crazy one you can see online). I mean, if I was going to be stuck trying to kill an enemy, may as well look stylish while doing it, eh? With Automata, enemies die in a few hits as long as you’re not significantly underleveled, although you can juggle humanoid bosses like Adam, which is cool since Replicant doesn’t allow that.
@blueflare3299 4 месяца назад
Humanoid bosses might make me buy Automata.
@weasel003gaming7 13 дней назад
Ngl, when I start getting those combos going in Replicant it reminds me of Devil May Cry 5. Not as combo-intensive, but you can string together satisfying combos in Replicant LIKE it's Devil May Cry and I actually really like Hard Mode for that one reason alone... because I'm not good enough at combo game to get back into DMC5 yet, I cri.
@cickeith9579 Год назад
Dont just hold down the dark blast, you do less damage, tap it you'll do double damage each time
@willful759 Год назад
while this is true yeah, I rather take the extra time to kill the thing than killing my fingers, especially since even the smallest of enemies take ages to kill, even while tapping
@sherrdreamz7232 Год назад
Also people should constantly overcharge dark blast so that it shoots like 5 homing shots every three seconds it is held down. I do this the entire game while also fighting in Melee and it makes fights much faster.
@omegawaffles7348 Год назад
yeah way more damage and way more damage when the bosses get stunned. i do that and parry and everything dies. also word edits and weapon levels if ur struggling to kill enemies
@treymtz Год назад
Hell nah, you are 10000% CORRECT HERE. I absolutely HATE increased stats as a difficulty because publishers use it as a means to cheap out on difficulty rather than actually try to balance those stats at the higher setting just for time padding. I actually have beef with crap like that. As a developer I'll try my best to never do this as its just doesn't feel right, I would feel scummy trying to pad time like that for content.
@synergy96 Год назад
Bet, once you perfect hard difficulty lemme know and I’ll play it
@samuellinn Год назад
Games like Cuphead and Terraria's Expert mode are great example of harder difficulty done right as it gives enemies more attack patterns and thus make those difficulty more interesting to play. Good luck on your game dev career!
@invasor-x Год назад
I think xcom 2 is a good example of a game where increading the enemies stats completly changes how you aproch the game , it also helps that the stats increase are like +25% at most In normal mode you can easily kill an enemu group with a single grenade but in hard some of them might survive the explosion wich forces you to not rely so much on explosives
@Warcrafter4 Год назад
Hay at least it isn't Terraria where the 3 harder(expert,Master, and the hidden one Legendary) difficulties both increase hp by ~100% base per tier but also their armor is 50% more effecting making it so the enemies flat damage reduction is increased by 50% per tier. This not only only can enemies have up to 300% hp they also have 150% more effective armor increasing their effective hp on higher armor enemies by over 1000%. This also renders a VERY large amount of weapons completely unusable in these difficulties, because their damage will quickly be completely negated.
@ithildiess8305 Год назад
If you as a developer is saying that i say fucking amen. It really is the worst experience especially when it is on a game you really love and you want it to be harder then just to get hit with the " this is it" there is not difficulty above this just stats. zzz.
@xen3588 Год назад
i think this is less of a difficulty problem and more of an enemy design problem. Cus lets face it if they arent spamming projectiles they are using slow telegraphed moves most of the time. automata spoilers ahead: The final battle in nier automata when you are facing either 9s or a2 are fights worth building off of, very engaging especially fighting off 9s trying to hack you and also trying to avoid his pod abilities felt really cool.
@damp2269 Год назад
the spam and slow telegraphed moves are by design. The androids are shown to be 1000 times better at fighting yet they are losing because its a battle of attrition. the robots know it so they go for numbers over quality. also the more robotic side shows more humanity, to have that contrast they have them behave like dumb robots.
@damp2269 Год назад
@Stylish DY.D. the robots are legion, have we played the same game? just in the desert city you have the area were they continuously come at you. they are LITERALLY infinite. then we play through the line assembly just building robot after robot. Even if you discard that, as you said you face groups of 10-15 robots at a time, how many times???? then count all the androids in the game.... yeah their plan is strength in numbers..... forgot the sequence where you are hacked, another good example.
@damp2269 Год назад
@Stylish DY.D. it really is, they keep it in manageable groups for gameplay reasons. have you seen the anime? there is an episode about A2 before she defected and her team fights a literal horde of robots. there is also the boss that is on the sea in the game, he had a battalion of the flying robots.
@damp2269 Год назад
@Stylish DY.D. you could ask platinum and yoko taro but i'm fairly sure that's the answer you will get. they didn't want to make a musou game so the keep the enemies to small groups with larger hp per units. I have provided in game examples, anime examples and given you what the lore says and it all matches. you can say the execution is not great (which i don't agree with but its your opinion) but otherwise i think i have answered the question.
@damp2269 Год назад
@Stylish DY.D. ok so we moved away from the first discussion. I agree gameplay is king but we can just make absolute arguments like that. lore should serve gameplay to a degree. let's take automata as an example, lore wise this game is one of the best in the industry and platinum's gameplay is also very highly rated. so they find a medium ground were one isn't sacrificed for the sake of the other.
@FeetLavers69 Год назад
Okay okay, so basically queen beast - the last boss of drakengard 1 - gets magically transported to early 2000's Tokyo along with the main character of drakengard 1- Caim and his dragon angelus dubbed the red dragon by the humans of our earth. The queen beast dies ans releases massive amounts of maso wich is essentially just magic dust. Inhaling maso would cause humans to be infected with white chlorination and be forced to either turn into a pile of salt or make a pact with an unknown god forcing the human to become part of the rising red eye legion. In response to this some weapons company manufactured two successful weapons made with magic dust called number 6 and number 7, Halua and her brother Emil. Each possessing incredible power at the cost of Halua's human appearance and Emil's eyesight. The gestalt and replicant project was also started along with grimoire Weiss and Noir in case anything goes wrong, they are the force resets in case the "sHadOw LorD" decides to disobey his duty to fuse together sould and body after white chlorination is eradicated. In 2040-50 something a sick Yonah and Nier are hiding in a trashed convience store scrounging for food and then relapsed gestalts appear wanting to attack them, Nier has to use the power of grimoire noir and it turns out hes the perfect soul fit to be the shadow lord. Nier succesfully defeats the shadows. However, his victory is shortlived as Yonah touched grimoire noir in an attempt to help her brother, she wasnt fit to use noir and was infected with the black scrawl. Her soul going haywire and her physical body breaking down. Nier is promised a cure for his sister if he promises to be the shadow lord and fulfill his duty. Shinjuku is walled off to stop the spreading of the legion and later nuked by all big world powers. This wouldn't eradicate the legion or white chlorination, but only spread it more as the nuke couldn't destroy the maso instead sending it everywhere on earth. Somewhere between then and later the gestalt project is finalised. Two androids are put in place to watch over and protect the replicants, factory made humans, while the gestalts are sleeping. During the two thousand or so years between 2006 and whenever nier replicant starts, the replicants gain consciousness and some gestalts start to relapse. The relapsing of gestalts causes the corresponding replicanr to be infected with the black scrawl as they cannot exist without their gestalt counter part. The games events happen and the replicants die out with the last gestalts relapsing. There are no longer and souls for the bodys to inherit and no longer and androids to make new replicants. Humanity is wiped out, but emil prevails, he is ageless. Some thousand years after the game the aliens attack earth and emil splits himself into 1 million something copies of himself, each inheriting a small part of the original emil to combat the ever increasing aliens and later their machine army. After a while the aliens just die out in hiding, but the machine continue to evolve. A robot that learned consciousness in nier replicant crawls out and teaches it to the machines, thus the machines start to evolve beyond what the aliens intended, they start to gain consciousness. Some 10 years before automata yorha is formed and shit happens.
@synergy96 Год назад
@user-wb3qe6pv1u Год назад
Fair assessment on replicants scaling tbh. I enjoyed the game so much on normal but on hard mode the game is genuinely a waste of time ngl
@ilonachan Год назад
I played Replicant on Normal difficulty, and I found some parts pretty difficult. Yes this is the part where y'all laugh at me. But there's one thing that's maybe less about power scaling details that I know nothing about, but I still found very interesting: When you restart the game from Act 2 (to get the other endings) your level doesn't reset, but the enemies and bosses don't get harder. That just means each time you replay the game gets easier and easier. Which, okay, I'm a scrub, thanks for that. But at the same time, fighting the boss battles kinda gets harder _emotionally._ It's like, the first time I fought the giant shade in seafront I died sooo much, and by the 3rd time I pulled off an early finisher. But at the same time... it was kinda hard to bring myself to actually DO that! I didn't WANT to kill her, but I HAD to, because the story can't continue otherwise, and... it becomes mechanically easier to kill enemies and progress, and you know you want to progress, but maaan did I feel bad about it. And I just wonder if that aspect was intentional game design. Or maybe I'm just sentimental and seeing things.
@synergy96 Год назад
definitely just sentimental, but that's an interesting viewpoint. Maybe I deprived myself of a good emotional experience because I was so fed up with the endless health pools on hard.
@simonO712 Год назад
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it sure works. On your second and following playthroughs _you_ are the boss that needs to be taken down.
It's definitely intentional design. Nier is not a game about challenge, complex mechanics or whatever, it's about conveying meaning through the gameplay. This is is just one of the many things which don't make any sense from a ludic viewpoint, but have an artistic value.
@mb-lb7fg Год назад
My favorite difficulty mechanic is the Fiend Cauldron from Kid Icarus Uprising. I actually haven't played that game in forever, but remembered just how good it is.
@renren47618 Год назад
In fact that was i ended up not liking the game, i hate the fiend's cauldron with all my forces If i choose to play on hard i want to keep playing on hard, i don't want to lose and then get throw back to easy just because i ain't skilled enough, i want to get better by losing on hard, and to make it worse if i want to play on hard again i have to restart the whole level That system is awful in my opinion.
@rae5425 Год назад
Opeth enjoyer, I see
@yuzzo92 Год назад
This is a game that shouldn't have had a Character level System in any way whatsoever. Surely not the dumb way they came up with what is in the game. Also kudos for calling this out. This game gets plenty of praise but the reality is it has far more gameplay and design issues than people are willing to admit.
@facelessgreen8997 Год назад
This is why I love how Dead Cells handles difficulty. After you beat the game for the first time (also known as tutorial). You get a Boss Stem Cell, applying that Cell in your starting area causes Difficulty to rise. It doesn't however make enemies tankier, or make you take more damage. What it does is it introduces new enemies, biomes and bosses, changes boss patterns, decreases the amount of times you can refill your health flask and on top of that gives you more options to be more powerful, making the game much harder but also providing the reward for that newfound difficulty. This incentivizes players to try the higher difficulties as some weapons can only be unlocked there (after you unlock them you can find them on lower difficulties). It's a prime example of difficulty not made lazy.
@Rascal1214 Год назад
Tbh, Automata has a perfect difficulty curve for me (played on Hard) as I love to mess around with combat systems, so finding ways to juggle enemies and move "efficiently" was so much fun. Very Hard was so much fun for me to finally master the game. For Replicant, I also played that on Hard and the few tips I can give you for that is parry (it's pretty fun to do so), go for knockdown executions, and "overcharge" Weiss so he sends a barrage that is spammable every 3 or so seconds. Not doing these are probably some of the reasons as to why you found Replicant to be a slog, although I will admit that unlike Automata it somewhat falls into a pit of gameplay repetition. Unlike Automata, spamming blasts is not the most efficient form of damage, the most efficient form of this is: Hold for 3 secs -> Overcharge Weiss -> Release Barrage -> Repeat This is also best done with Magic damage+ Words. I 100% both games (Achievements and Game Data) and never felt like the games were too difficult or too easy, that is until I reached LV 99 and fought Emil, as that was two amazing yet challenging fights, in terms of story, spectacle, and difficulty. The boar example you used was somewhat misleading, as if you want to speed kill it you spam melee's in its face and use Weiss' spear attack (forgot the name) to stun the boar, which resets the windup animation. The way you killed it is one of the slowest ways you could have. Regarding the Boss Timers, make sure you're at a decent level and upgrade your weapons to a good spot, although the latter could get annoying as resources are a pain in Replicant. Character damage and defense scales with level, and this can also be boosted by understanding the combos and using the best Words for the situation. For the few times I actually missed a Timer on Hard, it didn't take me a long time to get back to the Timer, so it was basically a non factor. For the armored enemies, it's better to go for parries and use large weapons like the Iron Will, as those do the best at destroying their armor and making them easier to kill. Their armor can also be chipped away by using either Weiss' Spear or Punch (still can't remember their names). Using Heavy attacks is also advised, as it allows for easier stagger and armor damage. You also could've executed the one you used in the example. To be able to tell, if they seem to struggle getting up, then that means you can execute them, basically just like Automata but simpler and is much more common.
@dariacacic939 Год назад
Ty for the advices, all sound very helpful 😊
@karmiccrotal3480 Год назад
100% Replicant Please tell me that doesn't include getting all words and such-
@Rascal1214 Год назад
@@karmiccrotal3480 it did unfortunately
@karmiccrotal3480 Год назад
@@Rascal1214 You suffered more than 9S did-
@Rascal1214 Год назад
@@karmiccrotal3480 took me over a year to get the last 5 words, I had to take month long breaks just so I didn't lose my sanity
@Verchiel_ Год назад
Bad story won't make an enjoyable game unplayable. Bad gameplay can make even the most well done narrative games just not worth playing because getting to the story is just tedious or miserable. part of why i'm a gameplay over story kinda guy
@mlgamings6110 9 дней назад
Yes, exactly this. This is why Mario games has always resided over Sonic games. Sonic games have better stories, characters, and a more interesting world (in my opinion). Like, most Mario games are just "save princess peach" with some fun gimmicks involved (with some exceptions like the RPGs) Shadows story and character alone (before they made him an arragont edge lord) trumps most Mario characters and stories in my opinion. However, Mario has almost always trumped Sonic in gameplay. While Sega released Sonic 06, Sonic Boom, Sonic forces, Nintendo released Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Odyssey.
@nesoukkefka1741 Год назад
Ok as much as I can see the issue with Hard in Nier Replicant, this video has a perfect exemple of why people makes it more tedious for themselves at 5:47........ he is on the ground just use the Finishing Blow by pressing Circle, even on Hard this usually One-Shot mobs and it goes through Armor, it honnestly makes me go nuts how this little mechanic is so overlooked by people. Other than that honnestly Hard feel like Normal to me, it's tedious at the beginning, but honnestly you can end up dealing so much damage to bosses later on in the game that in Normal you could end the boss fights without seeing half of their attacks, and you deal so much damage that even with Triple HP I didn't find the bosses to tedious, and it also gives more time to listen to the soundtrack like Song of the Ancient Fate is a song you'll barely hear in the game in Normal cause the bosses against which it plays die way to quickly on Normal, mobs however are definitly tedious and pretty much forces you to rely on either the Guard-Counter and Finishing Blow mechanic to make them not dragging for to long, most mobs becomes a matter of just use Dark Hand or Dark Execution to put them on the ground and perform a finisher.
@ThePimpinator 5 месяцев назад
I completely forgot which one was the finisher button. Thanks pookie 😘
@sherrdreamz7232 Год назад
You do far more damage with dark blast with the explosion after holding the attack down for about 3 seconds "letting go and than starting again". That alone would take a 20 minute fight down to 15 minutes, even if you were too afraid to fight enemies in Melee. The boar can be taken down in about 8-10 minutes even at the beginning of the game if you aim to use Melee and stunlock him in combos. Your reward for playing better and taking risks is a far more dynamic and less tedious fight. The Hard mode in replicant when you need to deal enough damage to overcharge Grimoire Weiss can almost always be met the first time by utilizing your best verses and builds availiable to you at the time. I've beaten both games on Hard twice and while regular mobs do have slightly too much health at times you ALWAYS have the tools to take them down quickly. Running in circles and dark blasting most enemies the whole game will suffice if you want to double the time you play, however ideally you should be in a rhythm where you are using both melee/magic in unison. In that case most enemies are not much of a slog, but rather an exercise in consistency.
@nesoukkefka1741 Год назад
Actually the best way to use Dark Blast is mashing the Button the first shot is always stronger than the ones that follow, and so by mashing rather than holding the button you'll do nothing but First Shot, doing it like this and Dark Blast has the highest DPS out of any spells and that's not even close, also help that mashing the button remove the Slow Motion you have when holding, so it also win time on that aspect.
@sherrdreamz7232 Год назад
@@nesoukkefka1741 Oh I know I'm just generally way too lazy to do that at the same time of fighting in Melee. I do that on things like the automatons in the junkyard when I'm not using a sword as much.
@vedrisca Год назад
I think the HP buff is more of a relic from turn based rpgs and older arcade games, where fatigue becomes a factor in games that demand constant attention and focus. It's proof of endurance rather than proof of skill, because devs rarely know how high the skill cap of their own games can be until release.
@HeroC14 Год назад
Yeah even NES games didn't have this kind of bs. It's a problem with RPGs specifically, not pure action games. Generally the only way to win on these modes is using any temporary power ups to buff while fighting for more damage.
@Ulquiorra_Cifer Год назад
Even as someone who finished sekiro and elden ring completly, i still play nier on normal difficulty because a hack and slash game is not meant to be difficult,when i played dmc 3 and 5 i didn't care much about the enemy pattern yet i had so much fun trying different combo variants
@shmat6858 Год назад
Nier Replicant hard mode is a lot easier if you use strength drops and magic drops but some bosses are still awful
@firerocket7343 Год назад
I feel you man. I was playing hard at first, then I realize I turn it into a shooting game. Then I decide to play on normal instead, since I don't want to shoot an enemy for 30 min while running in circle.
@naughtyescalator7889 Год назад
While I do agree that the normal mode of replicant is just far too easy, I also have to say that after watching your footage, it more or less also boils down to it being a hack and slash game. Through my own playthrough for example, I realized the boar quest is kinda meant to not be done that early in the game, or to switch to certain weapons and certain Weiss spells for the timers in Bossfights, or how certain combos are really effective against armored enemies making them more easily killable. What I am basically trying to say is, while I see your problem with them having more health, one of the reasons the devs did that - also on normal difficulty - at times is so that dialogue won't be accidentally skipped, and the other one being that the game is a hack'n slash game so you really need to do some serious combos, that I didn't really see in your footage. But I gotta add, I too am not really good at hack'n slash games and simply used certain combos, weapons and spells I found out by testing are beyond broken. Still, I definitely agree that the game in general is plainly unbalanced as heck.
@wherethetatosat Год назад
This is going to sound like a hot take but let me finish: the games are tedious by design and thats a good thing. Both games deal with existentialism. I'm going to spoil the story, so you've been warned (the story is more impactful when you are the one playing). The whole point of existentialism is that none of your actions matter in the very grand scheme of things. They might in that moment, but because this is a game, it railroads and reinforces that the story is pre-determined. Nier's fate and that of his world cant be changed. Same with 2B. Humanity is dead, the aliens are dead, both sides are locked in a pointless forever war. Now, making an unfun game for stylistic reasons does still mean you made an unfun, potential bad game. However, tedious is the correct word to use for both. Both games clearly dont want you going for 100% completion. All of Nier's sidequests end on a sad note; good for world building but depressing as hell. The longest sidequest literally gives you no reward and involves a truly insane amount of backtracking in a game without fast travel.In both games, upgrading all weapons is a chore in repetition because of how much grinding is involved. And for what? It reinforces the idea that everything you did in game was kind of pointless in the long run. You'll feel just as bad as the characters from their plight. And that's just good theming and story telling.
@Majistymills Год назад
Yea replicants hard mode was off the heezy, there wasn’t anything you could really do to actually just destroy something fast
@lilflax0396 3 месяца назад
0:45 I think it's answered in one of the short stories or somewhere else, but I found out through a video that people and replicants get the black scrawl when their gestalt relapses or dies. So when nier kills a shade, a replicant somewhere gets the black scrawl. And in the intro when human yonah go the black scrawl, her souls was becoming a relapsed gestalt.
@murphnturph2664 Год назад
Damn. I thought Automata's bullet sponge androids in chapter 3 was nuts. This is insane.
@trumpflavourednugget9325 Год назад
Someone should make a mod to have a proper "hard" mode that isn't this tedious, but still more challenging than normal.
@vxstolxrde4089 Год назад
when i first played Automata, during Eve’s fight in Route A i had such trouble i quit playing for six months and then restarted my save 💀 played it again, and did just fine. god i love automata
@Dhalin Год назад
Meanwhile, other games only offer "Normal" and "Hard" but no "Easy" settings which is also annoying. Looking at you, Bloodstained. To this day I haven't been bothered to go grinding up all of those sidequests just so you can survive lategame because you take 20% of your health in damage every time you get hit in some places and potions are prohibitively expensive or require lots of material farming, or both. Symphony of the Night was one of my alltime favorites, but Bloodstained? I like the general premise of the gameplay but I really don't like the jacked up difficulty and focus on grindy AF sidequests. Would it really have killed them to add an optional "easy" difficulty that reduces damage taken by 30% or somecrap?
@Nen_niN Год назад
God bless FromSoft, and their impeccable "soft difficulty" system in the form of builds and summoning. We'll see another masterpiece from them inshallah.
@thetoyodacar2264 Год назад
Bless them ong. People complain about it and forget what other games be like
@matabishippuden6965 Год назад
God bless their lazily thrown together double bosses that weren't made to be fought together unlike in the older games
@MiracleClover Год назад
​@@matabishippuden6965 I think the foreskin duo is the only boss that I genuinely didn't care for soloing. I solo'd every single boss in ER except for that one and I never will. Even Malenia felt fair compared to them
@Nen_niN Год назад
@@matabishippuden6965 I agree bosses aren't Elden Ring's strong point lmao. There are what, ten unique ones? Not even most remembrance bosses are unique. And even then, I struggle to find a single boss I only have good things to say about; each and every one of them has at least one glaring flaw/error, oftentimes several. But yeah, at least what I said about soft difficulty is still present in Elden Ring and will always be in their future titles inshallah.
@enman009 Год назад
@@matabishippuden6965 After patches, which makes the take turns and be more passive, duo fights are more than manageable alone, specially using craftable items and projectiles. Obviously, the 15 remembrance are the main bosses and the others 70 healthbar enemies are minibosses, which can be beaten with or without summons and most craftable items.
@InitialDraal Год назад
I played replicant on hard. To do these damage check you have to farm a few levels more, look for good weapons and litteraly live on steroids during boss battles (don't remember how they call the damage boosts you can consume).
@gabrielbobowski7767 Год назад
Yeah that difficulty in Replicant is kinda wack lol. I kinda of think that the point of these games is to feel godly while playing them, not to be challenged as much? But I would love a proper hard mode in replicant. Also, I definitely enjoyed Nier Automata's difficulty and didn't have issues with it personally.
@schwi7021 Год назад
I'm currently playing automata after putting it off for so long just because of how much I hated slogging through replicant and I have had an infinitely better experience
@azurephantom100 Год назад
i get that health increasing is a lame way to increase "difficulty" its done so often as its easy and it can be done quickly. animations are time consuming and are a lot to program in even if its just one vs just a setting that bumps up some numbers. im not defending its use i dont like smacking one enemy for half an hour ether but i simpathize with the animators and programers that have to deal with all the pressures of making a game under a tight time limit
@Archeebald-vr1un Год назад
Honestly one of my biggest problems with automata is the level scaling. Either it’s insanely easy even if you’re just a little overleveled, or the game is way to hard and unfun if you’re a lower level than the enemies/bosses. Being underleveled is so terrible in automata because not only do the enemies become insanely tanky but they they basically turn into mini bosses where you can no longer stagger or launch them into the air at all. This means that you are forced to do side quests which kinda sucks when you’re just replaying the game and want to rush through it for fun. And since you’re forced to do side quests if you become to overleveled the game is insanely easy and boring, even if you’re at the required level the game is just to easy. So in conclusion the game is either to easy or it’s hard in the very bad and unfun way.
@Archeebald-vr1un Год назад
Also this is mostly an issue in route B and C at least when it comes to being too underleveled. In route A this is mostly not an issue, although the issue of being to overleveled is still very much there.
@matthewwilcox2015 Год назад
You need to go listen or listen or watch the subtitles for the nier drama CD’s. A lot of the “depth” of story you are looking for is within the nier drama CD’s. But the difficulty I agree is very different from normal to hard 😂 hard is like two hits and I’m done
@Aqalex Год назад
Buy the drops that double your damage lmao. Beginning of route C vs flight units is very fun on very hard. Especially the unskipable part before. Move it 2B, that's an order.
@fjorm277 Год назад
Totally agree with that, nier replicant it's kinda story book where you should spam some buttons to move next page :). Automata though, there is some gameplay, but little variety of enemies and bosses makes it kinda boring, but arena DLC was fun. music - 11/10 story - 9/10 gameplay - 6/10 A2 / Kaine the best waifus :)
@meesteryellow Год назад
Kainé my beloved
@SkyrimVictor Год назад
felt the same way, it’s a lot like how bethesda treated skyrim
@kleitos6162 Год назад
Thank fucking god someone finally made a video covering this. This was by far my biggest complaint about Nier Replicant and was one of the biggest reasons I couldn't even enjoy the game despite Nier Automata being my favorite game of all time. You had to choose between fights being marginally more difficult while taking 10 times the length to complete, or being over if you decided to flick your finger in the enemy's general direction. I was either completely uninterested in combat at all times because it was the easiest game I've played (And I didn't even *touch* the easiest difficulty) or I'd be completely uninterested because fights were a slog to get through because of how long they took. I have a bunch of other complaints about Replicant too though. Needing to replay half the game meant I was eventually completely numb to emotional moments, so they had completely lost their weight. Game and level design was atrocious (the Junk Heap being the biggest offender with the amazing design of square rooms leading into corridors leading into square rooms). Grinding for weapons to get the true ending was the most useless inclusion possible. The timeskip was completely unconvincing when you started to see NPC's from before the timeskip in the exact same places. Plus, while the story was *good*, it wasn't on the level of Nier Automata in my opinion. Needless to say, I was very disappointed with Nier Replicant since I never touched the original, so the remake was my introduction. Coming from Nier Automata I was expecting something special and was just handed a plate of garbage, but hey, Replicant *is* partially the reason we have Automata, so I am thankful for that.
@luisisskating Год назад
I personally disagree! My experience playing replicant is only through the hard mode and it didn't really feel like padding to me? For normal enemies I found that the game just wants you to knock them down so you can do your finisher, it becomes a game of trying make space to one shot enemies while not getting hit which I thought was pretty fun! I also noticed in all of your gameplay in replicant you were only using dark blast which makes sense that it was taking while for you I found that for bosses/large enemies each one has a specific spellbook weakness that does a lot more damage than just the regular shooty one which I liked cos that meant I had to cycle through abilities too see which ones were more effective! If I could ask I would like to know how long you playthrough was? Just to see if our times are similar or very different just see if my way playing made the game any shorter maybe :D otherwise this is a nice video to watch!
@shadowlink6655 Год назад
5:47 try pressing B/circle when the enemy is down.
@ismaelmonteiro2447 Год назад
So if you are interested in knowing the full history of drakengard/nier, there is a video of the channel EruptionFang that explains the complete timeline. The only downside is that the video is 6 1/2 hours long.
@dave9515 Год назад
The health scaling doesn't matter in replicant. You get these rune customization options and the forge to make weapons stronger to make your character deal more damage or can add status effects to make the enemies far less tanky. Also just learn juggling and magic combat then it becomes far more fun than automata. Hard is a non issue. That said though there is no real hard modes in the nier games which is fine.
@katsue5874 Год назад
Starting Replicant on hard is terrible, I only find it fun if you switch to it for the late game. Even then enemy AI isn't better until the ver 1.22 new area, but it's fitting for Nier and Drakengard since they're making a point about the mindless killing in video games being anything but heroic. A good suggestion is to unequip the Blast bullets. Oh hard it makes it more obnoxiously tedious since it slows down time if you use it like Pod in Automata. Other magic like Dark Lance and Hand are much stronger per hit which help get those damage timers down faster without excessively repeating them
@synergy96 Год назад
I did feel like there was a narrative reason for it. But I wasn’t sure if it was just me coping.
@babadookdi4921 Год назад
Actually the time slowing thing only works when you stand still, if you move around while shooting/charging the magic, time goes back to normal.
@calvinwithak7514 Год назад
good video, all true, you have objectively correct opinions and should probably develop an ego about it tbh. Stay humble though king.
@logia7 Год назад
I'm... Hearing that the new nier is not worth it but I was excited to get it in the future. It was one of my first enjoyable "slow story" games.
@YKVasilisk Год назад
You heard wrong, I've been enjoying the game for the past week, and I assure you the game is very good, even side quests give you hints of the overall story of the game most of the time.
@logia7 Год назад
@@YKVasilisk Noice. I have hope again and I loved the first game
@babadookdi4921 Год назад
I got into nier series a year ago, and ngl even after 300 hours of playthrough one each on of them, I still haven’t got bored of them to the slightest. It’s just the best series of my life.
@logia7 Год назад
@@babadookdi4921 I agree
@GilgaMax305 Год назад
Whoever told you that, is an idiot.
@shozonu Год назад
Going through a Replicant gauntlet for all the endings on hard right now. Did 100% of the sidequests (pain). I realized mid-end game that the fastest way to kill things is to Stun/Knockdown enemies with Dark Execution, and then doing the finishing move on them while they were on the ground. It felt cheesy at first when I could finally kill the small to medium enemies in 3 seconds using this method, instead of having to do 1.5-3 spear combos, each. My level was in the mid-30s around this time, which is about where I first finished the game at. Max upgraded the Phoenix Spear during the second playthrough. But then I did the DLC fights and HOO BOY. By the 3rd door, I HAD to use the Dark Execution cheese because even the smallest enemy took 2 finishers to kill -- and there were swarms of them. Then the medium enemies came out and they took like 5 finishers. And then the heavies came out and each of them must have taken at least a dozen. The mini-bosses in the DLC rooms were pure pain because of the amount of health they had -- and I had to be extremely careful not to screw up because they can 1/2-shot me and I'd have to attempt the door again from the beginning. At least you can kinda just cheese the basic large shade mini-boss by parrying each of it's attack every 3 seconds -- the damage from your counter-attacks is significantly more than any combo or magic you could throw at it in that situation.
@Shin_FTW Месяц назад
Before your correction, I was about to say that the enemies' HP in all difficulties is the same. Easy gives you a damage buff, but the enemies' HP doesn't change. Enemies gain a monstrous increase in damage on Hard mode, and oneshot you on Very Hard, with you also losing the ability to use the hard-lock-on. But if you already aren't getting hit and using mostly the soft-lock-on, then it's no issue. Though I don't like how a lot of options become useless on Very Hard. Any form of healing, Hp increase, damage reduction, and defensive buffs (all from chips or weapons). Those completely lose value, but it's not hard to avoid damage in the game.
@idreamm8617 27 дней назад
yeah to connect the dots from every game to every game you need to watch/read/listen the side content... mangas, cd audio dramas, light novels, orchestras... etc... just playing will make it a bit "hard" to connect everything:), but at least to me after many years of enjoying the Nier/Drakengard universe I understand everything and it actually makes a lot of sense once you connect the dots...
@creativename2567 9 дней назад
I played on hard but did as many side quests as I could and I was legitimately one-shotting bosses, I lost the count of how many times the boss' hp bar disappeared and I had to wait them to stop talking or finish their animation before I could progress.
@vernaltear Год назад
I’ve always had this to say when talking about Drakengard and Nier. With Automata, the issue is less present, but still there. “DrakenNier does not have games. It has a series of chores, for which the rewards are the story and the music.”
@animeking1357 4 месяца назад
Nothing drives me away from a game more than feeling like I'm wasting my time. I lost a save file on a game once (a Pokemon game iirc) and I didn't try to play it again for months because I felt like I wasted my time and had nothing to show for it. I noticed Automata was pretty easy on Normal Mode but didn't up the difficulty because everywhere I read said that while Normal Mode was easy, everything above that was a slog.
@sloppyjoe2974 Месяц назад
I started replicant off on hard mode because i played automata thinking I wanted a challenge. After getting past the city part and starting off with the base attacks and going on 200hit combos on the first enemy's as young nier I realized all they did was turn the health up a ton.
@ashtoric 4 месяца назад
You spent 30 minutes on the boar when all you had to do was stand on the rock and it stuns itself running into the rock so you can whale attacks on it endlessly
@kingofcheshire Год назад
I know everyone will still say it’s bad game design but I’m positive all the bullshit in Replicant is very much intentional including all the optional grind you can do that is ultimately pointless, the awful side quests that require you to walk back and forth a dozen times (a couple side quests literally give you no reward just dialog after a mountain of busywork) or just the fact you have to replay both parts of the story multiple times to reach the true ending E. The combat is not really a focus of this game it’s just there to help move the story and make a point and you’re meant to feel like a ruthless killing machine that tears through enemies, the hard difficulty is there to mess with you much like the postgame trophy store in Automata exists to mess with achievement hunters or how the entire Drakengard 3 is just nonsense, it’s Taro’s thing and it sounds backwards but you’re not meant to enjoy every aspect of these games, it’s not like the combat is bad it’s just easy cause it was never a goal of Replicant to be a hard game
@HailGodbug Год назад
00:45 NieR takes place a few thousand years before Automata Emil cloned himself to fight off an alien army that was invading Earth The Black Scrawl is caused by a replicant body (Fake human bodies created before NieR to stop White Chlorination Syndrome (basically sacrifice your humanity to God and become a mindless puppet or turn into salt) becoming corrupted and dying due to the original soul, or Gestalt, relapsing and becoming unstable. That's Tokyo tower my guy
@dizzyhungry Год назад
Just finished Rpelicant today and I wholeheartedly agree with you. The gameplay is not engaging at all, especially the combat which feels like you're hacking away at a health sponge with no challenge. It's very frustrating.
@e_sd Год назад
with replicant it is significantly more important to upgrade your weapons and increase your level while in automata you can kinda ignore it for a longer period
Normal people call it "grind" aka time padding to inflate the total playtime
@stygiann Год назад
Hey man nice video. I'm happy to see there are new faces in the essay genre. Automata is a masterpiece, forever my favorite NieR game.
@matti2b431 Год назад
Honestly this 90% JRPGS hardest difficulty = Damage sponged. Really good video
@HirschyKiss Год назад
"The gameplay sucks." *you have provoked a gang war* Edit: With himself But yeah no. Replicant was made in 2010 and it even a little antiquated at the time. The remake changes combat a little, but it's still designed to be an "honest" remake of the original. That being said. Could have made it a little less obnoxious lmao
@iFeelGlee Год назад
massive health scaling makes sense if you have a game that allows you to play around with its mechanics to multiply damage. if nier replicant had mechanics that encouraged creative ways to multiply damage then the massive hp pools would be fine because youd just have to use the mechanics at a higher level. genshin impact allows you to do this, even without opening your wallet (you just need to spend 200 hours to farm gambling currency), even though 99% of the game can be done very easily. finding ways to change your damage in a game to change a 5 minute to a 1 minute fight is very satisfying, more so when the process of increasing your strength isnt tied strictly to a vertically moving number sheet and more to complex damage calculation.
@xd3athclawx554 Год назад
A game with good difficulty scaling is one that doesn't increase HP or make the character weaker at all. Make the enemies do more damage (don't go overboard), give them new attacks, make their attack patterns more erratic, make them shoot more projectiles (top difficulty would be bullet hell), make more enemies spawn in at once (again, don't go overboard), make their attacks harder to dodge through having them predict what you are about to do. But never adjust the time to kill of an enemy purely because of their health being higher. If a fight takes longer because you cant attack at certain points due to their own attacks, good. That is how you make a long but not boring fight. Also the longer the fight the more unique attacks you will need to add, otherwise it gets repetitive.
@alexark4893 Год назад
I agree wholeheartedly. I really enjoyed Nier Automata and have been waiting to play Replicant. Went on sale, so I bought it, but goddamn does this game not respect the player's time. AT ALL. The amount of hacking and slashing you gotta do is one thing, but every single quest is go here, then go back, then go back to where we just sent you, then go back again. Every main quest. Every sidequest. The game is monotonous as hell.
@SuperKiki93 5 месяцев назад
The issue I found in replicant was that until the dialogs are over the bosses won't lose health. However when everybody is done talking the bosses just die easily.
@Jay-vn7mq Год назад
Fuck man, wish Etika was still here.
@bigkabuto Год назад
I remember I was so excited that Automata came to Xbox. I started the game, watched the intro, played until a boss fight, I died there. Ah well, let's continue from checkpoint I thought. Only to find out I had to do it all over again, and could not skip the intro bits I had already seen. This was some real bullshit.
@DeathXtremeHaseo Год назад
Sometimes the hard modes are meant to be played on NG+ (Soulstice comes to mind since you get later enemies faster on Hard and they take a long time if you don't have correct weapons [at least from what I remember from youtube playthroughs etc]) which is weird af. I want a challenge but I don't wanna spend 3x as long cause of more HP etc. I remember a game (forgot name) that Hard mode was adding new attacks, some blockable attacks became unblockable etc besides the usual scaling....we need more of those; not just increase scaling a bunch
@riplix20 Год назад
The game itself obviously didn’t leave that much of an impression of you can’t even remember it lol SIfu is the best example of the hard mode adding mechanics I can think of. Best that entire game deathless then tried to play hard mode, got killed in the first group of enemies lmao.
@DeathXtremeHaseo Год назад
@@riplix20 Because back then I didnt really enjoy challenges since I just wanted to beat game, nowadays games are easier on Normal so I put it on Hard and run into damage sponges. So I want a challenge but its frustrating to fight enemies that take more than 5 min (at least in terms of RPG scaling)...
@aleksbedriy Год назад
Best way to play Replicant: play it on normal, never upgrade weapons, and don' t do sidequests. This should give a good challenge. You can still get all weapons in the second half of the game if you want to do That ending.
@kingabe221 Год назад
bro if u think very hard mode is something u should try the lvl 99 special challenge in the flooded city in automata i wana hear your thoughts on that shit
@nightlydata2181 Год назад
I wouldn't disagree too much wit this. I mostly think it comes down to the fact that Replicant is an "Upgraded" (as they call it) version of the OG in 2010(?) which didn't have a high budget or as big of a team as talented as platinum & it's possible that any solutions they found to add more to said combat would've severely altered the game in ways that 1. could've upset older fans & or 2. would've fit better for makin a completely new game(like a remake/reimaginin which this wasn't tryin to be).
@hellbornKrieg 4 месяца назад
Nier: every enemy on has 1 or 2 attacks, every boss is made of many phases and in each of these phases only have 1 or 2 attacks. if your on normal you blast thru everything at lightning speed and there's no challenge and no immersion. if you play on hard you stuck dodging the same attack for 5+ mins then do it again with the next phase. I played on hard and hated that was my only chose
@ethitlan Год назад
You know I actually found the gameplay in Automata really fun and idk why. Like ii had to redo all of A and part of B because a certain part was locked because my PS4 account was underage at the time but I didn't mind at all since it was all just so much fun. Everything except 9S' hacks sometimes because I had stick drift. There was this one hack that took me 20 mins to complete I was deadass gonna start ripping my hair out.
@nobodycares3333 Год назад
I like playing games on hard mode from level 1 But holy sh"t Playing game on keyboard + mouse was nightmare But thnak god there is mod to fix it Real bullshit was playing game on very hard mode It was pain Heck even sekiro - dark souls are easier than nier But game was too good so i sacrificed my ego & played it on normal mode What a experience One of the best shit i ever played
@frozone2366 Год назад
Whyd youtube not give me this recommendation before, i would’ve downloaded nier so fast with the big discount it had.
@IIkaine Год назад
The first boar fight in replicant took me a whole hour cause the pig one shot me when I was about to kill him
@milano7250 Год назад
The difference I noticed when I played replicant is that I realized I spent 60+ hours on it and I was only level 35. I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong to warrant that because believe me, I did a pretty good deal of the side quests throughout my playthrough and even spent my time trying to farm in the junkyard area. And when it got to the point where I had to replay parts of the game for the story and the other endings I couldn't stand it. It took too long to kill things so I just turned it down to the easiest difficulty. I don't get how it works but in automata, I managed to reach max level at around the 80 hour mark along with a handful of fully upgraded weapons and chip sets, and this was on the hard mode. Honestly thats really the only thing I dislike about replicant and what stops me from actually completing all the endings.
@rain4825 Год назад
It's worth noting that the version of replicant that you played is a remake of a much older game, and while its gameplay was changed in parts to be more like automata, it retains flaws of its original conception, an other era of video games
@Shadowlet Год назад
Doesn't change that they could've done something
@rain4825 Год назад
@@Shadowlet Fair enouth, and I'm not excusing them, but on the flip side change too much and it's more about making a new game altogether rather than a remake, I think.
@Adam-TheLiftedKing Год назад
Hot take I found automata more boring on a Replay, replicant feels more lived in cause it has “humans” and different cultures and stuff opposed to machines just imitating those cultures. Nier replicant also has different gimmicks for each dungeon section like the shift sands has the whole “No jumping rabbit” challenges and such, the junkyard I’ll be honest is just annoying but it was very different from the other dungeons. Overall I felt replicant had more variety and differences, environment wise, even though I’d say nier automata has a more complex and interesting story,replicant to me is way more enjoyable to playthrough again playing more like an older Zelda opposed to nier automata which well a great game with great music and environments lacks variety in enemy types given the nature of the story, like I get we get “different enemies” but they all are just x machine life form with different coats of paint. Or occasionally they’ll be riding something different. Now I’ll admit I played the remake of nier replicant I’ve never played the og so idk how that compares but in my eyes replicant is just a more enjoyable replay experience automata is a game I enjoy seeing people react to and listen to the soundtrack of but I find it hard to enjoy at all in a replay. Also automata though it has great music tracks it doesn’t have “the track” like it doesn’t have an equivalent to “song of the ancients” a song that infamously people playing the game will often sit around niers town just to listen to devola for a bit. There’s city ruins, and song of the end, resistance camp, but they don’t quite reach that level i dont believe.
@Crow-P5 Год назад
I agree completely with difficulty setting in Replicant. I did my entire first playthrough on hard until Emil's sister boss and the sheer amount of time that took basically made me switch to normal which everything was steamrolled immediately with no difficulty.
@deanchur 7 месяцев назад
Boar fight in Replicant takes 2 minutes if you stand on top of the rock and let the boar deplete its own health by ramming the rock; you don't have to do anything. Also being maxed everything in Automata and replaying the boss fights is pretty funny; the first boss takes 2 hits to beat.
@shamvnblood Год назад
replicant used to be my favorite game because of how amazing the story, music and art were, but when i came back to it and tried hard because i've played the game before and want to challenge myself i was met with exactly what you show in this video, i love hard shit in games i was basically born and raised on the souls franchise but i despise cheap shit like making every enemy a damage sponge as a substitute for difficulty, when really it only works if you're making some so hard it's bullshit mod like dark souls ascended
@AkhileshShankar9 Год назад
I actually have the same issue with games like the New God of War and Breath of the Wild where at a certain level enemies become irrelevant or can one-shot you because of the RPG mechanics
@therealdude707 4 месяца назад
It's funny. The only reason I played Nier automata was because of bayonetta. To be more precise, the studio behind it Platinum Games.
@RedStreak103 Год назад
Bro ngl it hurt me watching you tackle that boar without getting close. That's why it took you so long..... Gotta learn to stack your damage.
@kevinfelix2302 Год назад
KH2 perfected the hard difficulty formula almost 20 years ago and games are still fumbling it (even KH itself lol)
@dave9515 Год назад
Gonna have to hard disagree. KH2 crit mode is the easiest version of KH2 with all the buffs they give you. KH3 crit mode without meals is genuinely challenging and fun. KH3 crit level one requires use of meals but is still genuinely fun.
@Aisubun Год назад
The lack of difficulty didn't bother me when playing either game and I enjoyed the gameplay in both a lot. However yeah the difficulty balancing sucks. I can tell they wanted Automata to be hard based on the brutal damage values in the opening but it just feels like after that they dropped everything and chips like auto use items and auto heal aren't helping. And then hard mode is just annoying on top of that with the removal of the lock on without really being that much harder. Health sponging in Replicant can fuck itself too because that is the worst kind of hard mode. It's definitely a valid thing to critique even if you enjoy the actual combat of both games like me.
@diskodreamscape 6 месяцев назад
A great difficulty mode I played is Lethal mode in Ghost of Tsushima. The enemies did more damage to you, BUT they're hp remained the same as on lower modes. You still died if you let yourself get surrounded and not use all the tools, but it was satisfying when you killed a boss with a sick perfect parry
@thsxi 6 дней назад
I played ghost of Tsushima for essentially the first time on lethal and I mean it was hard but it’s was easier than breathing air compared to Nier Automata on normal. It might be more abusive than WAW on veteran with its ai’s unrelenting grenade spam.
@scoobiusmaximus9508 4 месяца назад
Difficulty increases just giving everything shitloads of hp has always annoyed me. It doesn't make a fight harder, it just makes a fight longer. Now to some extent you should be expected to do more damage to win fights at higher difficulties, and sometimes fights at lower difficulties were tuned to be too short in the first place, so giving a MODERATE increase in hp isn't terrible, assuming other things are done to increase difficulty as well. When it gets to the point normal enemies take forever to die though it has gone too far. I think the worst game I have seen for this is the highest difficulties of Borderlands 2. If your gun is even 1 level below the enemies you're shooting you may as well be using a water gun.
@M.N.9 Год назад
I do agree, Replicant difficulty is just straight up stupid, the monotony is unreal, the only moment you actually use harder difficulty is to farm some rare drops of some enemies, then you can switch back to normal
@S0n0fG0D 5 месяцев назад
I played the game recently. Every boss fight is just a damage sponge with very basic attacka. The combat is basic and flavourless, only being made hard by the amount of health the enemies have.
@cryguy0000 Год назад
I'd argue Automata is just as bad with difficulty. The game is generally too easy on normal and a bit too difficul on hard at least early game (you get two shot through the entire prologue). But the biggest problem with hard and up is a lack of lock on, it's a basic function in any action game, imagine if Bayonetta or Devil May Cry took away lock on. The DmC reboot originally didn't have lock on and it wasn't fun, it's just a super weird decision
@2emo2function Год назад
An action game can function without a lock on just fine
@KristjanThomasHaaristo Год назад
In RE4 (original) the increased difficulty would mean randomization and adaptive difficulty would be disabled, BUT for playing on this mode you got more money amounts and drops due to reduced ammo, there was a heavy downside BUT a reward for playing on it which is missing in literally every difficulty in most games, it's sad.
@Gamernutritionfacts 10 месяцев назад
The Etika clip in the beginning had me absolutely cackling. Rest his soul.
@makkank4479 Год назад
The beggining of route c in nier automata was really hard for me I didn't do any quests and I chose A2 at first She can't buy items before Hegels I got one shot/two shots I was so interrested by the story that I made the game really difficult
@SwordsmanOrion Год назад
Well, I can offer a possible answer for why hard difficulty is like that. Yoko Taro is infamous for intentionally calling out gamers for doing hard core gamer things with the game play in his games. The Drakengard games, at least the 1st and 3rd games anyway, are intentionally tedious because he doesn't want you to enjoy literally killing hundreds of people. His entire point is the main character would need to be crazy to enjoy that. I'm not 100% sure if he wanted to do something like that in NeiR Replicant but he is infamous for these things. Also, that's Tokyo Tower. The Japanese version of the original NieR had Tokyo Tower in the background, the NA version had the Empire State Building, and the EU version had Big Ben (I think?). But in the remaster of Nier Replicant I think it's just Tokyo Tower in every version.
@kharis9120 Год назад
I agree of your point, Nier Automata difficulty very hard is fine, Nier difficulty hard is annoying, both have good story. And the quote of the day "2B is Hot"
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