
The Worst Quest in Genshin Impact? 

Stray Maverick
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@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
If ya have any questions that you want me to answer for a Q&A, let me know in the comments! Can be about anything; life, Genshin, future content, tax brackets, anything!
@Rockstarmoon 2 года назад
Are you possibly... Maybe... Tackling other games or Hoyoverse games in the future. Now that most Genshin's Quest are misses so far? Also, did Tectone hired you as a editor???
@VAspooky. 2 года назад
In the future would you ever want to keep playing genshin impact? Like for example would you want to see how the story ends or would you get bored and tired of the game and leave?
@michaelinthebathroom 2 года назад
u said anything so who is your genshin crush 👀
@kyra3447 2 года назад
I mean I lived in the US and have since moved countries, so help with my taxes would be great ;) Really though: what is your favourite character and why? And what is the one underrated thing in the game you think doesn't get the attention it should? That's all I got lol
@PrincessTheRipper100 2 года назад
Would you consider making another story summary for 2.0-2.8?
@xanaviii 2 года назад
The whole time, I was at least holding out hope that her cinematic cutscene would make up for her meh story...and then even her cutscene was still 75% dedicated to the NPCs. 💀
@Rockstarmoon 2 года назад
While, I do agree with this Video. I can't say that this is the Worst Character Story Quest for me. That would be either Kokomi(Even though I like her a lot.), Yae or Kaeya. The Major Problem with this quests is that they always introduce a NPC that "ALWAYS" takes the spotlight from the Character that the Quest is "SUPPOSED" to be about. Making said character a side character until the end. Yelans story did not move forward at all until the end when it's hinted on a potential Pantalone vs Yelan Quest in the future. She did not have any character development in this quest at all. It's like all her character development was put in the Perilous Trail Archon Quest leaving her Story Quest barebones. To me this quest was just a solid B Rank for me not good not bad. Just entertaining. Keep up the good work. Looking forward for your future Honkai Impact 3rd Story Analysis!!!
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeah, I'm not a fan of Kokomi's quest either, seeing as I rag on it in my vids often, but even Komomi's quest is centered on her. It's boring and trite and everything else bad, but I think it does the bare minimum of a story quest. This doesn't even do that. Still not sure if it's the worst tho. Lol As for side characters, I agree that they can, like in this quest, take away from the character. But there are some quests, like Ei's 2nd quest or Venti's quest, where the side characters are used to show us something about our central character. Again tho, this quest is basically JUST about the side characters, which is baffling. Lol
@Rockstarmoon 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick The good thing about Ei Character Quest Act II and Venti Character Quest Act I is that the NPC's there act as a sort of mirror for the Character that the Quest is about. Like a poetry that rhymes because those NPC's have a connection to said Characters Inner Conflict and Regrets. In Yelan's case, the NPC had nothing to do with with her at all nor does it act like a mirror towards her at all. Making this whole Quest not about her at all. Which is very sad.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Completely agree. It makes me wonder if this was like, actually a world quest that the writers had written for a future patch, but then they ran short on time and just decided to make this Yelan's quest instead. Lol
@Rockstarmoon 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick What I really think is that there are different teams for the Archon Quest and Character Story Quest. Because let me be real the writing in this game has so many misses. There is no consistency at all. The world building is good and very solid but the present stories are bad??? How is that even possible??? We've gotten a Bad Inazuma Archon Arc, A plot hole ridden Archon Chasm with Dainself, Limited Event Quest that really like to play safe and now a passable Character Quest. It's like the writers are confused most of the time.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeah, like I said in the video I think that there's a really good writing team here, but then there are others who aren't sure what they're doing. And the good one mostly works on story quests, it seems. Except this time. 🤣 lol
@zukodude487987 2 года назад
I did feel bad for the guy. He had it tough and ended up becoming a mastermind and still tried to fight evil. I am surprised he did not have a vision. This is one thing i hate about simple morals, because it implies that if you have it bad then you should just suck it up while privileged people like Yelan can act all high and mighty, because they have a vision to easily overpower enemies so she didnt have to adapt bad morals because she was already well off.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeaahhh, I also think they like, made him a psychopath for a bit of the quest so that we don't ask these questions, even though I think these are interesting questions to ask about this game's world. Lol
@zukodude487987 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick I think it has been a common thing in Media to show that you are immoral for commiting a crime, even if the the person has had no reason to stay moral. I mean if you take away a persons life purpose and their loved ones why would or should they even care about being moral since they probably have nothing to lose, but people don't wanna talk about that, because things are not always black and white and requires deep thinking.
@kyra3447 2 года назад
This is the first character quest where I skipped dialogue - like all of it after the first 10 minutes, I try to get through them because sometimes they have important info but like fuck this one, especially after the amazing last one that basically was Xiao's second quest tbh. The only thing we got was one name at the end that I almost missed. Also I died at "join the fucking club" for some reason lol well done. Kokomi was bad, Ayato at least told us who he was, his position and what he does as well as his motives. But this... I know nothing more about her than watching her demo..
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeah, I think not knowing anything in this quest won't hurt you for later. Like, I think the ONLY important information her is just literally the name "Regrator." Lol
@kyra3447 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick pretty much what I told my husband, it was the only thing to learn out of it, and I'm sure they'll name drop him again with more actual information. Also like I know most people can figure the plots out pretty fast, its a simple game, but as soon as they mentioned food my true crime brain suspected the hell out of the dude. Could have literally cut out all the rest and made this a 5 minute thing like the fan quest lol Honstly, the best part of this lame duck was this video lol
@InactiveTwig 2 года назад
DUDE I REMEMBER DOING THIS QUEST AND GOING "It's gonna get better it always gets better around the end" *For two hours straight.* It did not in fact, Get better Bro they didn't even give her, her own individual cutscene they just gave her a collection of small ones And it had so many forgettable npcs that we're never gonna see again AND DUDE It's practically lazy writing blaming the Fatui for everything. Like they're not even active in liyue it's inconsistent with their archon quest lore that the Fatui are planning these big ass operations ALSO WHY *w h y* would the Fatui even want a random ass treasure in liyue The tsaritsas ultimate goal is "rebellion against the divine" and to save the world, she doesn't care about random ass treasures and the Fatui are rich as it is, it doesn't like up with anything It's almost like corruption just can't exist without the Fatui (Haven't seen the video yet so some of our points might be the same)
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Completely agree. I address some of this in the video, but I don't address what the Fatui want. Probably because I forgot.... or was asleep for when it was said. Lmao
@InactiveTwig 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick lmao- I think its obvious the writing team either doesn't care or is just falling apart dude They've had so many issues with the new quests (excluding the archon quest. That was okay, just had a few issues) But seriously they're all over the place they don't even have a definate physical age for the traveller, one corner of teyvat travellers underage, then the other they're in their 20s, then we walk forward a bit to the same place where we have Thomas quests and we're underage again 🧍‍♀️ who's gonna tell hoyo peoples physical age doesn't fluctuate They can't even put up a definate personality for their MAIN CHARACTER, and they're out here writing other characters. I've literally written a rewrite for genshins whole plot with timmie as the MC and even he's a better protagonist than the husk we have lmao 💀 I could send it over if anyone wants-
@justsomeguy727 2 года назад
@@InactiveTwig I'm sorry and this is gonna sound ridiculously rude but just because you wrote a rewrite that *you* personally feel is "better" it in no way makes it objectively true and for you to stand on some kind of pedestal as if you're Stephen King levels of a novelist writer while saying things like "the writing team is falling apart" simply cause you don't like particular elements is the absolute height of being arrogant and pretentious. You're literally saying "my personal headcanon story is better" when I'm 1000% certain nobody has ever even read it besides yourself so you've probably never even been critiqued properly on it yet. You do realize I can take a look at your so called "rewrite" and my take away from it could be the literal same thing you feel towards the current state of the writing of genshin , right? By all means send me this so called rewrite so I can do the exact same thing you're doing here. My god... So full of yourself it's borderline disgusting 😒 and before you make a strawman arguments; no, I'm not saying genshin's writing is somehow perfect or free of criticism. What I AM saying however is you're incredibly pretentious by staking the claim that your so called rewrite is somehow objectively better just because you're biased towards yourself, especially when nobody's read it except yourself most likely.
@073leandro 2 года назад
I know these Story Quests are supposed to be an introduction to the character and a way to learn about their story and personality...but we literally have Hangout Events for that. Story Quests would be 100% better if the main protagonist was the featured character and we get to play as them for the whole quest. Forget the Traveler and Paimon bs. Let us walk in the character's shoes. I think the only quests I enjoyed so far are the Zhongli ones, Tartaglia's, and Shogun Raiden's.
@nondescriptindividual3793 10 месяцев назад
I believe Yelan has this fascinating flaw of overconfidence, because it ties into how she got her vision And her personality - it is both her greatest flaw and biggest strength that's great! the theme of self-sacrifice, her flaws, her purpose in Liyue all could make for a fascinating story! perhaps you could explore the consequences of her job in having to be secretive and constantly switch identities? maybe explore how she handles situations now, how her past experience formed what she does in present day and how she feels working alone - just so many opportunities which is why I was just as disappointed as everyone here I just hope we get more of her in the future, man - in terms of character, I really feel she's underrated
@lillalung2539 2 года назад
When I first saw her official art I knew there was something off about her. I had a feeling that they would not treat her well in her quest and it appears I was right... I am really sad about it though, because she seems like such an interesting character ;_; Oh well, let's hope that she will get another and better quest with her rerun.
@samuell4194 2 года назад
Honestly, as soon as they revealed the infiltrator was the fatui I just groaned and lost any little interest I had in this story quest. At that point I was just spamming spacebar waiting for it to be over. The fact that she barely was in the cutscene for her own quest too like 💀 Another thing that rly ticked me off too was forget Yelan, no one in this story rly went through any character development?? Like, the whole choosing a new tianshu debacle was made a huge deal of and uncle tian had this whole speech about accepting growing old and passing the cycle on, only for him to just... stay where he has been? (Even if for just a few more years) Idk, it just infuriated me that basically nothing changed between the beginning and the ending of this story apart from some ppl getting arrested and a new harbinger being namedropped; especially since ik this isn't the first time they've done this in their stories Edit: Also wanted to say congrats on 10k!! I rly enjoy your content and it's always nice to see and support more queer genshin ccs like you on this platform. Can't wait for more vids ❤️
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeaaahhhh, the mention of the Fatui immediately made me vomit. Lol. And you're right, pretty much everything was put back to square 1 at the end of the quest. Tianshu was the same, didn't learn anything. Yelan was the same, didn't learn anything. Only thing that changed was the dude got jailed and we learned a name. Fantastic point! Lol. And thank you so much! I'm glad that I have a fan! Lol
@akshyun8920 2 года назад
I didn't agree with your Ayato video but I couldn't think why back then. This video has helped me understand that as well as why I like this one, and it's not about the dialogue. My problems with most character stories in Genshin are that first they just don't give us a reason to care about the character and lack emotional weight, second they don't explore the character more than what we already know from their trailer, and thirdly, the characters are usually given only positive traits and zero flaws. You can see these in ayato's story quest. While we do somewhat care about the main duo, chisato and kamaji, we have no reason to care about Ayato. We just kinda stumble upon him playing chess and then go on a side quest with him, where for one third of the duration we don't even know what the problem here is. We could have been made to care about him with the fact that he is Ayaka's brother, but they stupidly decided to not even put her in there. Secondly, the story quest literally told us less about him than what we already knew from his teaser and trailer. Thirdly, he's yet another character who doesn't have any flaws. Genshin has this tendency of writing characters who don't have any relevant character flaws. The characters never fall to achieve what they set out for, most of them have no low point during their entire story and none of their personality traits ever become a problem for them. Now, why do I like this quest. My personal answer to that is that despite the story not being better, my investment is higher because the character of yelan is better. You might know that the inverse of all these points is applicable to the new archon quest. We are given plenty reasons to care, the characters have personality beyond what that we already know and most of them have flaws which are all explored throughout the quest. Because of that quest, I and many others like me, got invested in yelan. The quest then became fun for us, not because of how well written it was but because it was simply enjoyable to have a side quest with yelan's company. Which is to say that it's enjoyable in the same way that the golden Apple archipelago quest was. It is simply a matter of investment in the character. I got one think that plot of the marriage between chisato and kamaji would be more interesting if Ayato wasn't part of it. Sure, certain plot points would need to change to fit it for the traveller alone to handle, but the traveller has fixed worse situations and is entirely capable to handling something like this, and he already collaborates with the yashiro commission for his reputation tasks and has good standing with the tri commission and even the Shogun herself. The traveller could easily handle ayato's story quest without Ayato and it would be more fun, but the same isn't true for the yelan story. (Not that traveller couldn't handle it, but it just won't be as much fun without yelan)
@AulaSalvadora 2 года назад
Good comment. I think Hoyoverse doesn't give flaws to its character to make it more sellable in their banners. Think of it like creating a "hero" of sort.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
I can agree about the lack of character flaws. I think great characters who have some flaws would be Eula and Ei. Ei's second quest and Eula's first are legitimately great, and I think that they do what you state a character quest should do. Now, as for Ayato's quest, I think I'm fine with him not having a "flaw" but rather us learning what his flaws USED to be, how he overcame them, and why he can't let destabilization happen. I'm fine with a character initially having little to no flaws if we understand how a past event hardened them. It definitely would have been better if Ayato struggled in his quest more, but for a first quest I think it adequately told us what he wants, who he is, and why. From his trailer we wouldn't understand why he cares so much about the tricommision's inner working, or his family's past, or why he cares about the idea of personal freedom. The reason I despise this quest now is BECAUSE I know that Yelan is great already. Having her be better in a main story quest and more developed there than in her own character quest is a cardinal sin to me. Lol. I think the marriage plot works for Ayato because of the aforementioned events in his past and his focus on personal freedom conflicting with that. I don't think we get those layers if we just removed him from the plot. Versus Yelan, who I think we absolutely can remove from her quest with seemingly little changes. Thanks for the in-depth comment btw!
@akshyun8920 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick I think a part of why I don't like Ayato's quest might also be because I have Ayaka and have read her profile stories, so I already knew about the yashiro commission's past, and that character story somehow did a better job of explaining their past situation and their state of mind back then, than this quest. While that slightly devalues my point, the fact that a lot of other people would have also known about the kamisato clans past means that this is old information for a lot of people, even it isn't so for everyone. Also, I agree that the thing about characters not having flaws isn't bad in itself. It's just that I have gotten some serious fatigue from the shear amount of character stories made in such a way. Sure there are exceptions, but these exceptions are only notable because of how prevalent this norm is. Also, I don't think it only being his first quest makes this lack of depth any less of a problem. Only 2 out of the currently 24 5-star characters have a part 2 story quest so it's not really wrong to assume that this quest is most likely going to be his only one. While I didn't mention it in my previous comment, since I was mainly comparing his character to Yelan's character, I also don't like how the plot just singles itself onto Ayato. Like this is supposed to be a big political matter yet the only one who seems to care is Ayato. Ei doesn't even pay any attention to what's happening, even after Kamaji send the military to ritou. Literally no one else pays any mind to anything that happens in the story. You would think that things like the marriage between the heads of two commissions or the head of the tenryou commission sending the damn army in front of the kanjou commission are big enough things to grab the shoguns attention. In fact, not even Kujou Sara is involved when it's the marriage of Kujou Kamaji. I don't understand why hoyoverse is so stubborn about not putting other characters in a character's story quest. All the mondstadt character quests have them, so do both of Ei's quests, so why do they not wanna do it now. I don't usually have a problem with it, I would like it if others are there, but I'm not salty if they aren't. But in quests like these, the story stops making sense due to the absence of other characters. They should either try to manage the scale of their story quests and keep them low so that such things don't cause contrivances, or preferably, just let characters interact with each other. I'm still salty that Ayaka wasn't in the quest. Both of them are not just siblings, but their entire arcs revolve around each other. As for Yelan's quest, I agree it's not really special and it doesn't tell us anything new. I just think it's fine because Yelan is already a well defined character, and the quest itself is enjoyable. As for the Fatui, I knew it was the Fatui even before it was established that the main NPC was a puppet. I'm just that confident in it being the Fatui for every quest except for the ones in Inazuma.
@lucifurious1976 2 года назад
Congratz on 10k man and keep these quality videos up, really looking forward to them especially vol 2 of the recap.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Thank you! 😊 And yeah, I'll begin updating on Vol. 2 soon on my Twitter, if ya wanna check that out!
@lucifurious1976 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick Thanks man will do that.
@Sinder-StinkyLlama 2 года назад
The main problem I have with this quest (and many other story recent story quests) is that the main focus is on the NPCS. Like Yelan is kinda just there in this quest that doesn’t suit her at all. Heck even Ei’s first story quest is better at using the PC as the main focus and we all know how garbage that quest was.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeaaahhh, I feel like the writing team that wrote this quest had to have written Ei's first quest too. And there has to be another team that wrote Ei's second quest and the most recent archon quest because those two groups of quests are like night and day. Lol
@Remember_Bubblebutt 2 года назад
I mean I liked that quest. At least Ei was there the whole time and did things. And it was the quest that ended the Sakoku Decree too. This quest had plenty of character development for Ei, although the npc at the end was an eyesore.
@justsomeguy727 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick thing about ei's first quest is that it just has poor pacing. The actual contents of the quest are fine though. Ei seeing a slowly changing inazuma around her despite her efforts for stasis and seeing the negative consequences of her actions front and center when she sees her tri-commission is now in disarray. Etc etc. I don't think her first quest is as bad as some make it seem. Just the pacing of it is what ruins it imo. The fight with Kamaji towards the end was also incredibly important cause it showed her that despite all the changes to inazuma, there are still those who embody eternity through their spirit / determination of wanting to see the tri-commission restored to it's proper glory.
@tinewordsmith126 2 года назад
Worst ones for me are Kazuha's and Albedo's. Nearly cried from severe boredom and annoyance doing both😭
@davida6883 2 года назад
Genshin has so many boring quests, I rather have more events, just combat intense quests and events than poorly writing quests
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeaaahhh, usually character quests are at least decent. Idk what happened here. Lol
@kingalex105x7 10 месяцев назад
the message of this quest i liked, and i enjoyed it compared to ayato and kokomi but sadly yea it didnt expand on her character much. this quest is basically a scooby doo mission with politics
@vincentbarraza1115 Год назад
Well, i've never done Yelan's story quest but so far, the most remarkable character stories for me would be Shenhe's and Raiden's.
@dakyukii Год назад
Where did you go?
@StrayMaverick Год назад
Working on Part 2 of the huge video! It'll be released soon, I promise! 😀
@matiinmatiin8819 Год назад
@@StrayMaverick yay
@kumataro_ Год назад
@@StrayMaverick SWEET, I saw the date of your last video and thought you had quit
@selenaparent4199 Год назад
@@StrayMaverick Really? That's so exciting!
@birdy2294 2 года назад
no, the worst quest are those fking quests in the snow mountain 😡😡😡😡
@FaiGal 2 года назад
Thank god I’m not the only one who thought this. I love story quests and I love Yelan, but this story quest was not it. It felt like a “take your kid to work day” rather than a personal insight on Yelan’s character. At the end of the day “it’s for me to know, and you to find out” like YAS QUEEN GIVE ME NOTHING!
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Lmao "take your kid to work day" is a perfect summation of this quest
@VermyScrubs 2 года назад
So hoyo? What let’s us to bond with Yelan? Hoyo: “Because Fatui bad” Ok how do we know about what drives Yelan as a person? Hoyo: “Because Fatui bad” Ok moving on, why are we “bonding” more with NPCs then the character the story quest plasters? Hoyo: “Because Fatui bad” Are you even listening? Hoyo: “Because Fatui bad”
@Elizabeth-kn4jh 2 года назад
Yelan's ~undercover lying~ and making up crappy false identities on the spot was lame and honestly lowered my view of her capabilities as a spy. Seriously, all those fish merchants were in the same place in ear-shot of each other, if they figured out she was lying then surly it would spread throughout all of Liyue and boom, she's incapable of doing any work like that again. It was disappointing. I also caught on to the prospect of Zhyi poisoning as soon as the soup was mentioned, it was predictable (which would be fine if it didn't take 2 hours to reveal). So much potential is wasted in this game. I love it to death, the highs are incredible and the world and it's lore is beautiful but then they make us spend ours on the most uninteresting content in hopes that there would be a hidden gem somewhere within it. Again, only to be disappointed. Also, I just lost my Itto 50/50 to Mona and I'm so mad >:(
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeahhhh, she didn't seem too confident about her lying either. It made it seem like her first time, which makes me wonder what she's really good at to begin with. Lol
@Elizabeth-kn4jh 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick Exactly! I don't think she was thought through enough.
@DreamyAileen Год назад
...come to think of it, Zhiyi's backstory is basically the same as Ningguang's. How cool would it be if this was Ningguang's story quest instead, and the story was about her grappling with her past of secretly working with the Fatui in order to reach the powerful position she's in today
@justsomeguy727 2 года назад
Congrats on the 10k Mav. Your editing and humor are definitely deserving of it. Keep up the great work dude
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Thank you so much! That means a lot :D
@uploads6401 2 года назад
Yelan and Yanfei were mostly characters that pushed the plot in the archon quest along. Yelan is a pretty shallow character. Also note that I doubt that the company is allowed to portray the government of virtual China as evil, corrupt or incompetent in any way.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
I think Yelan did her role well in the archon quest, and was more than just plot there. Here tho, I think it's even worse. She's like, anti-plot... a blackhole of plot. Lol
@dzzrdzzr3001 2 года назад
Im a couple weeks late, but, first of all, great video! It pretty much covered every problem i had with this quest. Yelan quickly became one of my favorite characters, so I was really sad it turned out that way. And second, oh my god, thank you so much for mentioning the “fatui were behind everything” twist 💀 The moment Yelan mentioned the possibility of someone helping Zhiyi behind the scenes, I immediately realized what was going on, rolled my eyes and completely lost any interest I had in the story. And btw, the evidence in form of burnt paper smelling like Snezhnaya felt like such an asspull.. It’s getting so difficult to take the fatui seriously, cause they are such cartoonish villains it’s not even funny anymore. They were involved in the every region’s main archon quest so far, in Zhongli’s first story quest, Eula’s story quest, now Yelan’s story quest as well. No no no, a character cannot have bad intentions and come up with an evil plan by themselves, the fatui have to be involved somehow. Why would they even want to risk ruining their relations with other regions even further just for some political influence? Their main goal is to help Tsaritsa oppose the divine. I understand that some of them might have their own selfish plans, but why would the higher-ups permit that? It only causes more trouble. Sorry for such a rant💀
@har.jasmine5494 2 года назад
I don't even bother with character quests anymore unless its from a character I REALLY like. I just skip everything for primos💀 it's so annoying that despite you being with the character the whole time, you barely get to know about them bc some npc just decides that the story is about them and not the character's. Horrible way of introducing a character rlly, like so many characters, especially Yae and Ayato had so much potential, like reveal their insecurities or delve deeper onto their past, yet dun dun dun, some npc crashes in and went "omg uwu i need help with this and that oh and the traveler should come along despite it being none of their business😜😜😜" JUST SOLVE IT YOURSELF GODDAMN
@har.jasmine5494 2 года назад
This is also the reason I'm hyped for scaramouche as a playable character. The potential he has on a story quest is insane, and if they manage to make it suck absolute ass, i wouldn't even know what do do anymore
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Oh man, watch them give Scaramouche a quest where he like, waits in line at the DMV or something
@veritasflare 2 года назад
Yeah ngl i was really bored and hated this story quest. I can even guessed who the sponsor immediately i was like "nah probably fatui because this looks like lazy writing"
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeah, at this point I feel like we have a good 80% chance of being right if we just guess that whoever is doing something bad is a part of the Fatui. Lmao
@cynnabunTV Год назад
I think the lesson was supposed to be "don't bite the hand that feeds you" so to speak? Like he should have just believed that Uncle Tian really cared? Still, I agree with all of your points here. This was possibly the quest I've disliked the most of all of them.
@rayinchrist1 Год назад
When will you release part 2 of full genshin story? Please release it 😭
@JamesLacroixx Год назад
Just stumbled on your videos although looks like you haven't uploaded in a while... Anyway, perhaps I'm in the minority, but I actually loved this quest, it felt a lot more mature and nuanced than many other quests and I'm a sucker for political manipulation and espionage. I mean, it wasn't flashy or pretty or exciting, no, and there's certainly criticism to be made, but I thought it was intelligently executed at its core.
@holymolimacarroni2002 2 года назад
Did you wanted to be other type of youtuber? Like a valorant youtuber. Well I cound't live without your videos
@nizarahmad3912 2 года назад
The worst character quest for me is still ganyu story quest. Holy shit that quest was dreadfully long and boring, i have never skip any dialogue whether it is voiced or not i usually read it thoroughly. But ganyu quest was unbearably long and boring i hesitated to even speed-read the dialogues. Btw now sumeru already came out and you haven't uploaded ant vids lately, i really want to see your review to the new sumeru archon quest and possibly the aranara quest. Comunity have mixed review to them, majority of it deemed the quest as the best quest and plot so far and on the other hand hated it because its long and confusing.
@Everythingwillsurelybealright 2 года назад
Keep Poor People Poor and Trust Nobody is my favourite part of the Team Rocket motto
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yelan is Team Rocket, CONFIRMED!
@garchume6690 Год назад
this is the problem i have with the game alot of people quit because they didnt get after 1billion summons the cool character they wanted and even if you did that is still but a small fraction of what they are capable off,. u still need c6 and artifact and talents and level up and friendship and this and that, , personaly the fact we cant c6 the characters the game gives u for free in the begiining is a crime at least with them we shoulld be able to see what a c6 can do. me ? im ok i make due with what i get , what really gets to me is how misleading everything is, see all of the problems and frustrations you can name and list this game has are only this bad and or emphasized by how quest are setup. people wouldnt be as frustrated at not getting that cool character if they had atleast immersion in the plot and if what they were doing was actually meaningful, the frustration of not getting what u want is made a billion times worst when you are not only getting very little primo from very long stretched out quest but also because how unimportant they are, i can go on youtube shorts and find a bunch of edits about khaenriah about the archon war and really gets me going and thinking of how grey everything is and how we cant tell who is right or wrong or which side to stand and why did certain characters do things the way they did,, interesting right .. engaging BUT BUT BUT meanwhile in game i have to go all the way from sumeru where we are currently in the story and go all the way back to mondstad in the middle of a forest at night to give this nameless guy who is doing god knows what alone there with hilichurls all around him but he doesnt know how to fight or has any weapon on him and for some reason he ordered a pizza which we have to deliver.,, this level of trivial, nonsensical , unimportant . irrelevant trash.90 percent of the games quest u just do trivial shit for trivial characters who after 30 min u wont remember and neither will the game. if only u could get into the story with quest it could be really cool despite all the bad gacha system. at this point it seems ppl only reasoon to log in is their character collection which is a shame sinds games have much more to offer. its like Jean story quest remember how she is the leader of mondstad and has to do all sorts of important stuff to keep the ppl safe and the city running but then some dumb lady goes all the way to her of all people to ask her to go look for a cat.. might i add that she doesnt even help with the search and that dumb feline return everntually on his own anyways she just wanted jean to go do it.. this is how it feels in every quest in this game. we are jean with important shit on our hands but left and right we are being bombarded with trivial unimportant trash quest that anyone else could do.. our traveler spends more time being everyones errand boy/girl than actually chasing their sibling which they care so much about.. make it make sense .. has mihoyo ever heard of that people will never reach their destination if they stop for every dog on the side of the road that barks at us.. yet thats exactly what the traveler does all the time and im just rolling my eyes . i want to enjoy it i really do but bad gacha system doesnt justify also bad plot ,. u do 50 summons and dont get what u want welp whoopi di doo thats the name of the game we know what we are getting into to but jesus christ am i done doing these trivial quests omg . and its a shame because i feel the siblings story intertwined with 500 yrs ago and all that has potential for very awesome story and characters meanwhile im just here baking pizza for random strangers pfft i kept nailing on the pizza guy but thats just one exemple for the sake of argument the game is loaded with this making the only fun part about the game having the best characters so u cant combo faster and spend less time doing trivial shit.. people for the rest of time will be evil, mischievous people will seek to hurt one another , fight and argue amongs themselves for the rest of time, us getting involved in every single altercation accomplishes exactly nothing ontop of very rarily getting what you want. alot of frustrationg and very little reason to keep playing.. shame ..
@sumyguck8094 8 месяцев назад
Wow just found this vid after your amazing Thelxie analysis, and it was exactly what I was looking for?? I don't particularly like characters such as Ei and Ayato, but somehow, their SQ's (in Ei's case pt2 only) were good enough for me to at least appreciate a different side of them. Yelan's was a whole different level of nothingness. Worse for me than disliking a character, and weighing their good and bad points, is having absolutely NO thoughts on a character. I personally find Yelan a very dry character, because we learnt nothing about her in her SQ. She was very obviously a character they made for the sake of it, and it shows. She had a very interesting premise in the AQ (where we actually learnt about her lolz), but not knowing her then giving her a major role randomly felt a bit awkward to me personally. The AQ itself kinda spat out info we already knew and made it so her ancestor had a role in it, so that wasn't smth i liked myself either. Xiao is rly the only one who felt like he had to be there. I also felt the dynamics were off w/the character group, and although it ended up being very emotional, there were too many issues for me. I wish they had introduced her earlier, or oc, given her the SQ she deserved.
@AmoryTrys 2 года назад
Wooo congrats on 10k!!!!
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Thank you so much! 😀
@rxzxqx6982 2 года назад
agree with you lmao, this story similiar to itto story quest, but instead with "zhiyi story" title, and nothing to do with yelan
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Definitely surprised that this REALLY had nothing to do with Yelan at all. Pretty baffling. Lol
@semjoi 2 года назад
now i feel bad baiting a streamer to think this quest was good lol i mean it was fun at the moment but yeah, it has nothing to do with yelan.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Lmao! Well hey, if the streamer doesn't enjoy it you can bring them here! Lol
@phenom1153 2 года назад
My favourite one is Ayaka's. (If you even call it a story quest)
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
I really dig Ayaka's quest! I definitely think that it's more than solid
@TheREALSimagination 2 года назад
Not a fan of this quest either.
@Revali69 2 года назад
Congrats on 10k but we all know that you deserve over 1 million
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Over a million would make me have a panic attack! Lmao. But thank you so much!
@michaelinthebathroom 2 года назад
I pull for characters based on their gameplay but more so on their story. Not very effective metawise but this mentally saved me a lot of primos. This is the same reason why I still don't have raiden shogun. Unfortunately yelans quest didn't do it for me, like you said it's bland although she was amazing during the chasm archon quest. Guess I'll be pulling for kazuha and heizo instead.
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Lmao I definitely understand what you mean. I was considering pulling on her as well, but after that quest I was like "nah.... I'll wait for someone else..." Lol. But, the opposite of that was Ei's second quest. That actually got me to pull for her.
@michaelinthebathroom 2 года назад
@@StrayMaverick yeah it was a good quest but I just want her to at least apologize to her people she did them so wrong
@zman2748 Год назад
I played this questline and dropped the game for months. I've never been so thoroughly bored and uninterested in any other quest.
@aaron_tom 2 года назад
Congrats on the 10k king! How long does it take for you to edit these videos? The editing is always SO good
@luacaketoast 2 года назад
I love your videos so much, nice work
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Thank you! That really means a lot. 😊
@VAspooky. 2 года назад
Bro I would say this is one of the worst once super boring it's like the second time I've ever skipped dialogue genshin impact I usually love the story and the story quests and stuff but this one I just skipped the whole thing till I went to the cut scene honestly quite disappointed because this character is super cool it just felt like one of those do that do this talk to this NPC oh hey can you talk to this person that doesn't have any importance to the story
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Yeah, without really looking at all of the other character quests, this is definitely the one that I legit hated WHILE playing it, which is pretty rare for character quests. Only ever felt that with Yae and Kokomi's before this. Lol
@Valefor_Bahamut Год назад
Appreciate the honest critique of this quest which put into words my dissatisfaction.
@ColorDragon 2 года назад
Make content, any content! love the editing! I'll watch it all!
@dank2112 Год назад
I have to say that this video makes the story quests interesting
@Mat_Reko 2 года назад
0:32 I just met this channel ;-;
@jenahhjigsaw Год назад
I hope to see more soon :)
@thesmilyguyguy9799 2 года назад
@Allpracticall 2 года назад
Congratulations on 10k!
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
Thank you so much!
@weirded1948 2 года назад
please come back :(
@StrayMaverick 2 года назад
I'm still here! I promise! 🤣 Just spending all of my time on making the next volume of the Genshin story recap. It's a very long video. I hope that ya stick around and enjoy it when it's released! 😀
@27455628 Год назад
A take so damn L that it kills his channel.
@StrayMaverick Год назад
Wait, you think this quest is good? Also, I'm working on a 6 hour video, so... hopefully my channel isn't dead? Lmao
@Remember_Bubblebutt 2 года назад
For me, a perfect story quest involves spending the majority of time with the character in question, no npcs or that shit. The actual story should be some kind of deep dive into the character or some adventure that helps the traveler grow closer to the character, or preferably both, which is why I like the second Raiden quest. If possible, it should also be important to the larger story. And of course, it should have a good cutscene. Something that the Yelan quest or the Kokomi quest sadly do not have. Those were both very disappointing. They just really need to move away from the npcs, and I have a theory as to why they do that: It's to promote pulling for the character. "OH, you want more dialog from this character? Well here's a story quest. What? There's not enough dialog from the character in the quest? It's not even focusing on the character? Well shit man, I guess you're just gonna have to pull for them if you want more dialog hahaMONEY."
@justsomeguy727 2 года назад
You said it yourself. "For me" that means it's your personal preference but that's now how it works. NPCs serve to color / outline the characters we play as. If the characters are constantly interacting with the traveler and only the traveler then we'll only ever see one side of them, and we'll never see how they interact with the rest of the world around them cause every single character likes the traveler. That's the thing so many genshin players can't seem to comprehend about the importance of having NPCs as part of some of the quests. They're not there to make you care about the NPCs , they're there so that you can see how the playable characters interact with the rest of the world around them because, and I know this might sound ridiculously crazy, genshin is a game that's about the traveler seeing the *world* and how its inhabitants go about their lives.
@Remember_Bubblebutt 2 года назад
@@justsomeguy727 unfortunately, people don't care about npcs. Which is why they should be left out of story quests. If they want to be in world quests or even archon quests to an extent, sure, but story quests should have as few npcs and have them be of as little focus as possible. The world doesn't need to seem bigger when we already know that it's big. Especially a few years from now when we have more nations. That's a pretty big world if you ask me. Combine the huge world with the hundreds of world quests and shit and there you go, big world with lots of people in it. Leave the story quests for the characters we care about, that's how it should be. Otherwise, why call it "Yelan story quest?"
@AulaSalvadora 2 года назад
@@Remember_Bubblebutt You missed the point at "people don't care about npcs". If players care or not about the npcs, it doesn't matter because they are necessary for you to see how the playable character from the story mission interacts with the world. Like Ignister said, that's how you see the other side of the character.
@Remember_Bubblebutt 2 года назад
@@AulaSalvadora but that's boring af. We missed each other's points. Nobody wants npcs in because that's boring. Hoyoverse should prioritize what the people want. If that turns out bad, then go back to how it was before. And these are CHARACTER story quests not NPC story quests. The world quests are the npcs time to shine, and sometimes archon quests in the case of Teppei. Character story quests should focus on the CHARACTER. There's no point in making character story quests if npcs take the stage. That's stupid. If npcs are so essential to the world building, which I feel like they really aren't, then delegate them world quests. This is something that the chasm excelled at imo. The chasms world quests I though were some of the best in the game. Anyway, my main point is that npcs should not play a major role in story quests that are supposed to be centered around a single, specific playable character. It's fine if they're the center of world quests or even archon quests. And there's even more world quests than story quests, so npcs are in the spotlight most of the time anyway.
@ifakeifake7612 2 года назад
@@Remember_Bubblebutt @Remember Bubblebutt wdym? I care about npcs. I like some npcs more than playable character. Maybe they can do better with placement of npcs in story quest. But yeah npc needed for story quest as ignister said.
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