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"They are raped, it could be every day ," say mothers of Israeli hostages in Gaza | Keshet 12 

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@EdnaCloud Месяц назад
In Britain we have lived peacefully with Jews for centuries, only a few decades with Muslims and it has been a nightmare. I stand with Israel.
@fatimaesam9038 Месяц назад
@bibiana761 Месяц назад
Quando in Britain finiranno i soldi ed anche il welfare se ne andranno, li il clima è pessimo e senza soldi la lasceranno.
@knoopsylvia Месяц назад
@jason4275 Месяц назад
I know right first Jews then, Irish, Afro Caribbean's, Hindu's then the country started adding Muslims and it's all downhill.
@josephineejiba1537 Месяц назад
@Rosie05610 Месяц назад
My heart breaks for all the girls, their mothers, fathers and families of the innocent hostages and for all of Israel, stay strong Israel God bless you all 🕊🙏❤✡✝
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Toți oamenii, fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, sunt vinovați! El, numai El ne face nevinovați ( neprihăniți), dacă facem din El Domnul și Mântuitorul nostru, predându-ne Lui zilnic și trăind în ascultare totală de El,de la acest moment! Altă cale nu este!
@user-tt6rx1cy4f Месяц назад
​@@floaredecolt4428in love, how about you pray for those girls and their family's in Jesus name 🙏 Maranatha ❤ God bless and protect Israel, the apple of God's eye.
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
@@user-tt6rx1cy4f Da, Domnul nostru Isus Hristos protejează Israelul ca națiune,dar niciun om de pe pământ nu va ajunge în Împărăția Minunată a lui Dumnezeu, fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos și ne rugăm pentru toți ostaticii să vină acasă,dar în primul rând să ajungă și ei să își vadă nevoia de Domnul nostru Isus Hristos și să strige la El după salvare; salvarea din captivitatea bestiilor palestiniene și din captivitate satanei! Orice om fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos este fără Dumnezeu: ‭Ioan 14:6-7 VDC‬ [6] Isus i-a zis: „Eu sunt Calea, Adevărul și Viața. Nimeni nu vine la Tatăl decât prin Mine. [7] Dacă M-ați fi cunoscut pe Mine, ați fi cunoscut și pe Tatăl Meu. Și de acum încolo Îl veți cunoaște; și L-ați și văzut.” Versete din Biblie- Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, care vedem cum se împlinește în fiecare zi!" ‭Ioan 3:16-21 VDC‬ [16] Fiindcă atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu( Isus Hristos), pentru ca oricine crede în El să nu piară, ci să aibă viața veșnică. [17] Dumnezeu, în adevăr, n-a trimis pe Fiul Său în lume ca să judece lumea, ci ca lumea să fie mântuită prin El. [18] Oricine crede în El nu este judecat, dar cine nu crede a și fost judecat, pentru că n-a crezut în Numele singurului Fiu al lui Dumnezeu. [19] Și judecata aceasta stă în faptul că, odată venită Lumina în lume, oamenii au iubit mai mult întunericul decât lumina, pentru că faptele lor erau rele. [20] Căci oricine face răul urăște lumina și nu vine la lumină, ca să nu i se vădească faptele. [21] Dar cine lucrează după adevăr vine la lumină, pentru ca să i se arate faptele, fiindcă sunt făcute în Dumnezeu.” Versete din Biblie- Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, care se împlinesc în fiecare zi! ‭Ioan 3:36 VDC‬ [36] Cine crede în Fiul (Isus Hristos)are viața veșnică, dar cine nu crede în Fiul nu va vedea viața, ci mânia lui Dumnezeu rămâne peste el.” ‭Ioan 5:21-23 VDC‬ [21] În adevăr, după cum Tatăl înviază morții și le dă viață, tot așa și Fiul ( Isus Hristos)dă viață cui vrea. [22] Tatăl nici nu judecă pe nimeni, ci toată judecata a dat-o Fiului, [23] pentru ca toți să cinstească pe Fiul cum cinstesc pe Tatăl. Cine nu cinstește pe Fiul nu cinstește pe Tatăl, care L-a trimis. " ‭Ioan 5:24 VDC‬ "[24] Adevărat, adevărat vă spun că cine ascultă cuvintele Mele și crede în Cel ce M-a trimis are viața veșnică și nu vine la judecată, ci a trecut din moarte la viață. " ‭Ioan 6:40 VDC‬ [40] Voia Tatălui meu este ca oricine vede pe Fiul și crede în El să aibă viața veșnică; și Eu îl voi învia în ziua de apoi.” Domnul nostru Isus Hristos a mai spus: ‭Ioan 6:47 VDC‬ "[47] Adevărat, adevărat vă spun că cine crede în Mine are viața veșnică." ‭Ioan 8:12 VDC‬ [12] Isus le-a vorbit din nou și a zis: „Eu sunt Lumina lumii; cine Mă urmează pe Mine nu va umbla în întuneric, ci va avea lumina vieții"!
@Ashraful_331 Месяц назад
Your one-sided heart is of no importance for the betterment of the world and humanity. It
@67Doofus Месяц назад
​@@Ashraful_331neither is yours, given your gaslighting/narcissist need to comment. Now ssh.
@ashir1212 Месяц назад
Stand with Israel 🇮🇱 🇮🇳
@agotapataki3661 Месяц назад
💯........ Üdvözlet Magyarországról 💌🇹🇯. Isten segítse a túszokat!!!!!!!!!
@monicaxxi4277 Месяц назад
I am from Spain and I stand with Israel. My heart is broken in million pieces. I love you. Am Israel Chai. Bring them home ♥
@blastermaster5009 Месяц назад
Nope. Free Palestine!!!
@fatimaesam9038 Месяц назад
This video and all comments like Indian movies 😂
@noamanshah2108 Месяц назад
Pa khoor de kalak kam koni
@Avalon1234 Месяц назад
The problem is, the ICC, the UN and other countries are allowing this!
@debbiedion5731 Месяц назад
All being paid from iran 😮
@ToastSoon4808 Месяц назад
The hyprocrisy of South Africa (and I am ashmed to say I live here) - more people die in this country per day than in Gaza - on ave 68 excl rapes, armed robberies etc. Wednesday coming is election day...with a party openly calling for the genocide of whites - we are less than 4 million out of 60 mill. They will arrest anyone fighting for Israel on returning home. The main motivation for the "case" at the ICJ - money....probably from the BRICS.
@clairedavid5469 Месяц назад
As is the US !!!!!!! American citizens were also taken hostage. Do US citizens NOT KNOW THIS???? Sorry excuse for a president, B*d*n does not order brigades of US troops boots on the ground from day 1??????? Be VERY CAREFUL, America ... US is mass invaded with Jihad terrorists. Waiting, waiting to strike USA (as they say 'Big Satan'). What will USA citizens do???????
@Boardgamedoc Месяц назад
their allowing what your doing to gaza too ... sad story bro
@ToastSoon4808 Месяц назад
Probably. BRICS is the Brazil/Russia/India/China/SA bank set up. SA and the governing party are both bankcrupt due to corruption and the mountain of debt they have and needed money to, for one, run the election campaing. It makes them useful idiots for any of the parties in the group - all of whom oppose Israel - whether Iran contributed in this particular case is possible.
@gudruns9664 Месяц назад
Because of Israel and jews we have so many good things! God bless Israel!❤
@nataliewolff6329 Месяц назад
Great post! Even through them came payment for sin and eternal life through their Messiah!
@laura92943 Месяц назад
Exactly! Amen! God bless Israel! Praying for you! ❤🙏🇮🇱
@semprefidelis76 Месяц назад
Didn’t chews kill Jesus?
@JA-iz2qp Месяц назад
@@semprefidelis76 No. That would be yours and my sin. Plus He said no-one could take His life from Him - He lay it down voluntarily - for us.
@nataliewolff6329 Месяц назад
@@semprefidelis76 The religious leaders condemned Him for saying that He was God in the flesh - but He PROVED that over and over again through Old Testament prophecy and miracles. They were jealous. Jesus laid down His life to save mankind. However, we must believe that is truth - believe and be saved for eternity. John 10:17-18 17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. 18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”
@maisies927 Месяц назад
I'm ashamed of my own country of America for allowing this to happen. I'm ashamed of the whole world for standing back and allowing this, the murders.... All these women matter!! They are important.
@ahmedalsadaany291 Месяц назад
What about the 25 thousands women and children bombed and killed in Gaza that your officials admit that Israel killed ! What about females being kidnapped and imprisoned in Israeli jails without even a trial ! Everyone knows these Israeli females were soldiers and also everyone knows the Palestinian women and children were armless . Shame on your country of Murder supporters
@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 Месяц назад
Don’t be. The USA has a strange government system. Americans may vote every 4 years but the world doesn’t believe that matters any longer. We feel sorry for sane Americans. Let those deserving wear the shame. You stand proud in the knowledge that you support life and humanity. Not death and torture
@NickiUn Месяц назад
I live in Ireland and I am shocked of the Government supporting terror
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Nepăsarea omenirii față de Domnul nostru Isus Hristos a adus-o în această situație! Omenirea I-a întors spatele Domnului nostru Isus,El Își retrage Mâna Lui de Protecție de peste ea și diavolul o preia, iar diavolul este mincinosul, înșelătorul, vicleanul, ucigașul, distrugătorul sufletelor și trupurilor oamenilor fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos! Domnul nostru Isus Hristos a venit în lume,a murit și a înviat ca să o scoată din robia păcatului,a diavolului , dacă omenirea răzvrătită față de El trece de partea Lui și Îl urmează; El nu obligă pe nimeni să vină la El,de partea Lui,dar a spus,, pentru cine a dorit să audă , că fără El, oamenii sunt pradă ușoară pentru satană! Vino urgent la Domnul Isus, adu-i și pe dragii tăi la El - în rugăciune de predare, și nu vei avea parte de un 7 octombrie!
@shashancakritzinger8034 Месяц назад
I am captive myself,but they are in a tentimes worse situation and I know how it feels to be captive like an animal and nobody is coming. I can tell you now and the whole blindless cold hearted world that they are suffering more than anyone can imagine. Its the darkest parts of hell you can imagine. I am not their mother but a Sister in understanding the pain they are in and this blind world till its your daughter and child. Help world please please please they need your help please.
@tommyorange4270 Месяц назад
These girls never tried to invade Gaza. Instead they tried to provide safety by monitoring security camera's. The terrorists, followed by men and even boys from Gaza, invaded and took away the freedom of these girls and many others. The cruelty, supported by lunatics in the streets of Western cities, is absolutely mind blowing. The UN has failed and the ICJ is now also abondening the hostages. It's absolutely heartbreaking. 💔 Give these mothers their daughters back. ❤
@user-rw2uh5bv3o Месяц назад
Thank you for seeing clearly
@zakhakim7257 Месяц назад
You have no idea what is going on... Isreal settlers has killed and tortured palestinian families for decades.. Isreal IDF has gone to palestinian cities day and night and took many youngsters, women, teachers, professors, for decades and imprisoned them indefinitely, torturing them, organ harvesting them, selling them.. rape is the least thing they did to palestinian girls and boys.. BUT U DIDN'T HEAR ABOUT THIS OR YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT. so let's move on to the question... Why is it so painful when Hamas does it? Hamas basic motive was to use those hostages in EXCHANGE for the release of all palestinian prisoners.. they stated this on oct 9. Who refused all such deals..Isreal did. How did hamas treat the hostages, the released ones can be asked, but isreal didn't allow free interviewing them. Hostages have a higher probability of being KILLED by isreal indiscriminate bombardments than your claimed hamas torture.. so pls WAKE UP and be realistic for once in your life. If you can't comprehend any of this, wel at least the palestinian numbers of children and women killed should ring a bell.. they are all HUMANS. 1300 Vs 36,000 killed, 70,000 injured, 9,000 unknown, 1.5 millions displaced with morethan 200,000 homes destroyed, no shelter, food, water, schools, hospitals and bakeries leveled to ground.. so if u r human enough, why couldn't you see this also. This makes you racist, and still you are not aware of it..
@adrianaabhaycarammartinezm8572 Месяц назад
They sould not be part of an invasion and would have been safe
@iluv2create576 Месяц назад
Yes I agree...these people are lunatics protesting in the streets...demented twisted lunatics. I want those poor innocent girls back home now! It tears every mother's heart into pieces.
@tuckedup Месяц назад
if they were so good at monitoring security cameras why oh why did they not see this coming ?, why was there such a delay responding ? or did they want to create their own 9/11 and call it 7/10 ?
@SCORPIO88848 Месяц назад
@M-L450 Месяц назад
Iz Rael is a Li😊e
@SCORPIO88848 Месяц назад
@annsam2111 Месяц назад
@M-L450 🤐🤐🤐🤐
@SCORPIO88848 Месяц назад
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
@mariaagosti-pm7tk Месяц назад
I cant take this, this brings me to tears. What monsters support women being held in captive like that. Abused, raped and slaughtered to dead. I cant comprehend anything anymore.
@vascobrighton1364 Месяц назад
We can comprehend the pure evil...those monsters are the pure evil. Their believe is the satanic death cult!
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
​@@vascobrighton1364 Fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos în viețile, trăirea noastră,predare zilnică Lui, suntem vulnerabili în fața satanei; convine sau nu,credem sau nu,satana există,el este furnizorul la tot răul de pe pământ! Domnul nostru Isus Hristos a venit tocmai ca să ne scoată de sub dominația satanei, dominație sub care ne naștem de la păcătuirea lui Adam și a Evei, dacă trecem de partea Lui, predându-ne Lui zilnic și trăind din acel moment numai în Voia Lui ( Voia Lui - cele 10 porunci)! Oamenii trăiesc tot mai în nepăsare de Dumnezeu și nu știu, nu vor să știe că asta îi permite satanei să îi preia, iar diavolul este mincinosul,înșelătorul, vicleanul, ucigașul, distrugătorul sufletelor și trupurilor oamenilor fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos!
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Veniți la Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, predați-vă Lui zilnic, trăiți în ascultare totală de El și satana și adepții lui nu vă vor atinge! Orice guvern ar fi,satana lovește oamenii care nu Îl au ca Domnul Mântuitorul și Stăpânul lor pe Domnul nostru Isus Hristos! Convine sau nu, ăsta este adevărul,care se poate constata peste tot în lume, pentru că omenirea I-a întors spatele Domnului nostru Isus Hristos,El Își retrage Mâna Lui de Protecție și diavolul o preia, iar el abia așteaptă să o poată face ca să distrugă - veșnic și pământesc!
@user-ol7pr2jf3b Месяц назад
It’s Islam in action, the reality of Islam & the aim of every Muslim. Kick them out of your country before it happens to you & yours.
@1deathupondawn1 Месяц назад
@@floaredecolt4428 No fairy tales arent gonna help...your god has not saved any of those women still there....Action is gonna save them not this BS praying
@joshyjoseph3749 Месяц назад
I will always stand with Israel, Praying 🙏🏻✡️🇮🇱💖🇮🇳✡️
@lyndenchristie8427 Месяц назад
Bless you brother
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Baruch Hashem! You are a beautiful person
✨❤️✝️✡️☦️❤️✨ I LOVE ISRAEL ❤️🇮🇱❤️ I SUPPORT ISRAEL ❤️🇮🇱❤️ I STAND WITH ISRAEL ❤️🇮🇱❤️
@gloriaalvarez3283 Месяц назад
Me too
@Theendbeginsagain Месяц назад
Amen 🙏 ❤
@genki2705 Месяц назад
It's deeply frustrating that Israel had multiple opportunities to save those poor girls and didn't take action. It's truly a shame.
@wizard_lizard7500 Месяц назад
Thank you from Israel 🇮🇱🙏
@@genki2705 U Beach 🏖️🧕🏻🐖🛌🏻🐖💩 Hamas Supporting Beach 🏖️
@nicoleayah Месяц назад
Please return the daughters to their mothers
@pembebulut2781 Месяц назад
yeah! they are trying to do hostage deals but BB seems to refuse any deal. These are not the nursing babies that are b0mbed in Gaza. These are adult soldiers.
@sunnymitra6372 Месяц назад
​@@pembebulut2781They are 18 year olds who completed the Mandatory service and joined the IDF recently.........they were observation specialists and non Combatants. Just look at what they were wearing???
@sundarvinayak7004 Месяц назад
Heart breaking 💔 news. Indians support Israeli brothers and sisters 🇮🇳❤️🇮🇱💪
@jellu798 Месяц назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂 NO INDIAN SUPPORT ISRAEL 😂😂😂😂
@TheKalikalam Месяц назад
​@@jellu798 almost every Hindus i know support Israel
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Toda raba 💕💕💕🫶
@SCORPIO88848 Месяц назад
Love to INDIA💙💙💯💯🙏🙏
@marianaevh2601 Месяц назад
Very sad. We all stand with Israel. Praying for their family.
@desus1974 Месяц назад
Hamas more than evil
@cbs63 Месяц назад
Our prayers are crying out for these girls .😢
@voulathomacos-lagonas8445 Месяц назад
God help these women
@mariajoseph9813 Месяц назад
Amen 🙏 😢
@user-gq5uy9nd7k Месяц назад
My hart go out too all 🇮🇱🇮🇱🙏🙏💙💙🙌🙌
@gazelle3060 Месяц назад
May The God of Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob avenge your Israel . 😢
@YvonnePowell-tz7vb Месяц назад
I standby Israel and support the Jewish community in the UK
@user-me9wx8qr2y Месяц назад
Calling Hamas nazis is unfair on nazis. Hamas are far worse.
@user-ol7pr2jf3b Месяц назад
U’re probably fight. We have never seen depravity & barbarism like Islam.
@INUIT1234 Месяц назад
@user-lu7nc5uj6y Месяц назад
@maggan2808 Месяц назад
Same shit, no difference.
@ME-nd1xu Месяц назад
My God this video made me cry 💔💔💔💔🇮🇱God save the girls pobrecitas niñas💔💔💔💔
@returnofthenative Месяц назад
Me too, & I'm a strong man. ...Aust.
@cobuslombard8546 Месяц назад
And the world is turning a blind eye
@teresabratt2307 Месяц назад
These poor dear mothers. I cannot imagine their pain.
@user-qq9sz5jy8l Месяц назад
@sunnymitra6372 Месяц назад
​@@user-qq9sz5jy8lWe have seen the true face of Palestinians in the Video. We don't want any of it
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
@@user-qq9sz5jy8l we pray G_d takes care of them.. I guess those who Curse Israel are Cursed like the Bible says.
@DineshShinde-sd4hc Месяц назад
I support Israel Sisters … love Israel from India
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Baruch HaShem sweet lady of valour! ❤❤❤❤
@crazylordbc3347 Месяц назад
Here are the current members of the UN Human Rights Council, most of which are countries that abuse human rights: • Iraq • Cuba • China • Qatar • Angola • Burundi • Pakistan • Venezuela • DR Congo • Afghanistan • Saudi Arabia • United Arab Emirates
@magentamagenta1274 Месяц назад
@crazylordbc3347 the need to be rename inhumane rights council. Yes totalitarian governments that idiots globally support and governments donate money to them to support their hypocrisy, corruption and manipulation. Get rid of UNWRA, UN, ICC, vile organisations.
@user-ol7pr2jf3b Месяц назад
Makes a mockery of any supposed high ideals they claim…none of these countries practice these ideals.
@angierobbo4967 Месяц назад
Shame on them!
@susanhawkes2519 Месяц назад
Would not want to live in any of those places. And kindness to animals? That whole be laughed at.
@user-un3be8uu7v Месяц назад
Yeah they barely qualifyas human beings, and they don't even know it they are so far gone as human beings.
@charlab.7838 Месяц назад
This is so heartbreaking. As a mother of daughters I cannot even imagine the worry that these women are experiencing.
@BobvanT Месяц назад
This is so sad ! Stand strong families , we pray every day for your children to come back home !
@LoveBruceLee Месяц назад
I love Israel because it's our God Jesus's land!
@tuckedup Месяц назад
absolute bullcrap
@yellotard98 Месяц назад
Jesus is from Palestine!
@tuckedup Месяц назад
@@yellotard98 his father said .... thou shalt not kill
@Ensinger5784 Месяц назад
@@yellotard98there was no place on Earth called Palestine in the days when Jesus supposedly lived ! In 132 CE the Romans RENAMED JUDEA to Palestine…
@pauline4434 Месяц назад
Yeshua speaks about the Kingdom of his Father which is not of this world.
@infinity5968 Месяц назад
The wrath of God cannot come fast enough, may these girls be avenged to the highest level. Sending much love and peace to all the parents and family of the victims of this horrible carnage🌹🙏
@20viooltje Месяц назад
Shalom from the Netherlands, so sorry for you that your girls were kidnapped
@sunnymitra6372 Месяц назад
Worse than Just Kidnap
@ulala9729 Месяц назад
Don't vote leftist liberal in your country
@GCM4u 28 дней назад
@@sunnymitra6372 her english is not so good she listened at least and doesnt shut eyes
@user-ib3dc4ur2x Месяц назад
So terrible, heartbreaking 💔 these are our children
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Să îi creștem în ascultare totală de Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, în Valorile Lui ( cele 10 porunci), și vom fi în siguranță - Siguranța Lui! Fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, nu există siguranță; El pentru asta a venit în lume, să ne aducă împăcare cu Tatăl nostru și Al Lui și Siguranță într-o lume dominată de satana, datorită păcatului lui Adam și al Evei!
@lonia.5283 Месяц назад
I stand with Israel🇮🇱 May God help to bring the hostages home, for in Jesus Christ's Name I ask and pray. Amen 🙏❤
@susanaqueiroz9366 Месяц назад
🙏🙏🙏Amen 🕊️🕊️🕊️
@adrianaabhaycarammartinezm8572 Месяц назад
The jews killed your Jesus, what kind of dementia have you got?
@user-gt1yu9uz6o Месяц назад
انا ايضا رب ينجيهم من شر الاسلام والمسلمين
@MM-ni7qw Месяц назад
Amen 🙏
@ONE1BEAT Месяц назад
Do more than PRAY 🙏 ask Give a voice , stand up ⬆️ 😊
@lorna5193 Месяц назад
Heartbreaking and the pain these women are feeling for their daughters is etched on their faces. My heart goes out to them and I pray they will be returned to their families soon.
@chimera8421 Месяц назад
There are no words. I feel mortified for the girls, their families. All we have is hope that these young women are returned, alive. Love and strength to the victims of the horror that is the vile Hamas. I’m English.🇬🇧
@returnofthenative Месяц назад
I saw the footage of these girls, & it just broke my heart. I am prevented from saying what I really want to.......Aust.
@CityBoyinCountry Месяц назад
Gazans will never know pain like these women are going through. What am I saying, I will never know such pain. My prayer: Father in heaven, please please return these girls to their mothers.
@norindareyes3251 Месяц назад
No words to say. Just tears. The prayer intercessors of our church will continue to to pray for these young women to be released and be with their families longing for their return.
@rosemarques9973 Месяц назад
Soutien inconditionnel à Israël et tous les Juifs du monde❤ 🇮🇱🙏🏻🙏🏻
@rtt57 Месяц назад
Bande d'asssaa....
@th...........7793 Месяц назад
Precious Mothers.. You re not alone in your grief. Yeshua is in your sadness. "Oh, Yeshua..how long must we wait". Sung by Paul Wilbur.
@clairestagg6187 Месяц назад
For those marching for Palestine, you can’t see those images and hear these mothers and dare say this is a moral equivalence to anything they think Palestine were ‘defending’ themselves from before October 7th! You can’t help but feel the heartbreak
@foreverlearn3866 Месяц назад
I feel so made of these people supporting snd giving excuses for barbary
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
You are right! Many of the same protestors use intersectionality for their anarchy. They think we don't know what they are doing. I paid for my own degrees and did my own research for countless hours in the library. We did not cheat our way through school or ask for hand outs. Does it surprise us who pay all the Social Security tax for their granny and her basement airconditioning lol
@Jwny12 Месяц назад
Absolutely heartbreaking i pray you daughters come home
@vwsandvettes3253 Месяц назад
This was hard to watch. I've never felt so connected to the pain 4 other precious human beings and their precious children are experiencing. I cry out in prayer that your children will be saved and brought home safe right away. God bless you all.
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Dacă și-ar fi predat fetele zilnic Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, nu ajungeau pe mâinile monștrilor aia; fără Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, nu există nicio protecție de rău! Asta este regula, convine sau nu!
@sunnymitra6372 Месяц назад
@@floaredecolt4428 Please stop it.....have some shame
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
@@sunnymitra6372 Adică? Am spus adevărul,ar trebui să se ia aminte,ca să nu se mai petreacă așa ceva niciodată!
@sarahmanly7322 Месяц назад
I am the mother of two Israeli descendant daughters. Their father is German Israeli. This broke me... I'm crying so hard for you all. I could never imagine as a mother begging for the release of my kidnapped and S.Abused beautiful daughters. My heart is with you all. Please God please get them home soon.
@apriltollie5245 Месяц назад
I am praying for them and for their family members every day! I stand with you Israel ✝️🔯🇺🇸🇮🇱🕊💔
@beaubenal7693 Месяц назад
Frome Moroccan i always stand with Israel and i will stand with Israel forever
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
I loved visiting Morocco! So beautiful! Todah raba!
@user-hh7oj2og8b Месяц назад
Sending pray to the hostages, and IDF, may God will protect them and set them free, please hear our pray.
@earlybirdpips Месяц назад
I can feel what those girls have been going through since OCT 7.
@gerrithorseling-ub1yj9vs1o Месяц назад
Almost 8 months, i had tears in my eyes watching the mothers. Heartbreaking thinking at the girls and the others.
@lintran3211 Месяц назад
HAMAS doesn't care about Human Life, see how they treat their own so why should they be nice to JEWS??!......Hmmm
@malkyleah8802 Месяц назад
my heart is breaking..praying for these girls...❤🙏
@mercedes7431 Месяц назад
I love Israel Pray for them This is a crime against humanity This is HATE, Sex crimes should NEVER be used as a Weapon of War.
@user-qq9sz5jy8l Месяц назад
@roaaosman5301 Месяц назад
Starvation too right?
@johncliftoniv4744 Месяц назад
@@roaaosman5301 By Hamas, they brought curse to themselves. Israel is sending truckloads of aid to civilians you don't read in the news.
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
@@roaaosman5301 the gaza people will be fine if they are allowed the supplies given. Terrorist stealing supplies from them.
@user-pd2zv8ov9y Месяц назад
My heart aches for the deep pain these Mums are going through and for all the atrocities done to the hostages, words cannot express the pain. If Israel gives into a cease-fire now, how many more atrocities will be done to the people in the future. For one Israeli hostage released many hamas prisoners were set free amongst the the leader of the hamas pack Sinwa. What has transpired since then terrible genocide of the Israeli people. Please stay strong AND TRUST IN THE GOD OF ISRAEL, NOT MAN! Am Yisrael Chai ❤
@user-qq9sz5jy8l Месяц назад
@user-pd2zv8ov9y Месяц назад
No way Hosea, free free​ Einstein, at leasr got brains and commonsense 😮 @@user-qq9sz5jy8l
@joanafarzin Месяц назад
The family need justice.
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
HaShem will deliver it. We pray for His will , and He hears us! 💕💕💕
@Attackx_ Месяц назад
Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will support you with My right hand.
@marksingleton7199 Месяц назад
God, please put out your hand and retrieve the life that loves you and lives in you. Rescue them from evil and heal them as only you can.
@betharris633 Месяц назад
I and so many other people world-wide have been praying day and night for Israel, these precious hostages, and the brave IDF soldiers fighting these Horrific evil. It is Heart-breaking for me to see your suffering and to hear of yet another death. I can't imagine how it must Grieve the heart of God to see his people Israel suffering. Live from P.E.I., Canada
@happytimes6113 Месяц назад
I can’t actually bring myself to watch this because the details are so upsetting and horrific, but the hostages and their families are in my prayers and thoughts every day. ❤🙏🇬🇧🇮🇱
@debbiecritcher8436 Месяц назад
I am an American Christian. I want you to know we are praying for you and your daughters. We have not forgotten your daughters. Dont pay attention to the crazy protestors. Most of us are not like that. At least not in the southern towns like where im from, in NC. May God give you strength and bring all the hostages home soon.
@Joyeusecolombe Месяц назад
My heart is with the hostages and their families. Amen that they will be freed soon 🙏
@lourdesmolina7472 Месяц назад
Praying every day for your loved ones to come back home.
@alicebarton27 Месяц назад
May these Women,and Children be released soon!Have mercy,Oh God!🙏♥️
@shashancakritzinger8034 Месяц назад
Please please save these girls. Please.
@Thomas-uw1gq Месяц назад
May Almighty God bless and comfort you all! I pray for your daughters and all the hostages every day. I stand with Israel. From the USA.
@ma.ofeliagaufo1303 Месяц назад
I cry for these young women and their mothers because the pain of knowing that these women are going through from the hands of these evil monsters is so horrific to bear. I hope and pray that MAMA MARY, being a Mother would intercede and ask Her Son Jesus to free these women and all the remaining hostages from the clutches of these evil monsters.
@EmilianaKowalewska Месяц назад
There are no words for what those poor girls and young women are going through after such a long time still in captivity.
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
We pray for you! 😢
@sagiteitana9747 Месяц назад
הלב נקרע לגזרים. אמהות יקרות, כל העם מאחוריכן. מחזיקה חזק חזק את התמונה שלכן מחבקות אותן ומרפאות את כל הטראומות והצלקות.
@jeffdu7679 Месяц назад
Stay strong and pray for these girls to return home safely.
@houseofdiamonti Месяц назад
Trump at a speech in the U.S. said that many of the hostages are dead and this is why ceasefire talks are failing. If this is true, what happens next? I’m American and certainly don’t see a ceasefire as an option.
@returnofthenative Месяц назад
With great sorrow, I think similarly.....Aust.
@arun31000 Месяц назад
Hamas has fired missiles again. They don't want a ceasefire. They keep fooling everyone with their propaganda. No side is 100% correct - but it is Hamas that started this and it is Hamas that wants it to continue.
@bettyblue1210 Месяц назад
Sadly I agree with you that’s why they couldn’t produce them a few weeks ago
@toddnorin3843 Месяц назад
Trump lol he’s not even president
@houseofdiamonti Месяц назад
@@toddnorin3843 Our President can barely put a sentence together, Trump speaking about subjects important to the American people is welcomed by me and my countrymen.
@haylogems Месяц назад
Praying for these beautiful young woman😢🙏🙏❤️🌹
@miriamariel6185 Месяц назад
They should show at the United Nations and forced to watch it.
@roxannemcgehee7198 Месяц назад
They won't care.
@user-xc1tf7zk8g Месяц назад
Heartbreaking 😭😭 Please Israel stay strong sorry we can't do nothing only our prayers are with you 😭🙏
@user-tt6rx1cy4f Месяц назад
In love, that's the most important ❤🙏
@user-cf4tl7hl3d Месяц назад
Be'ezrat HaShem we will see the reunion of daughter to mother, each one.
@billaveda6408 Месяц назад
Israel forever. God bless and protect her children. usa
@dorothydamboise2493 Месяц назад
No words. But many, constant prayers , with love, from 🇨🇦
@callmegone5033 Месяц назад
No one should go through this or see this happened to their loved ones. God bless Israel forever 🇮🇱❤
@SG-lc2gk Месяц назад
I mothers we stand with you ❤️
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Lumea are nevoie de Domnul nostru Isus Hristos, fără El nu există protecție de rău!
@roneemillercounseling7231 Месяц назад
Praying and believing for these precious women to be released from the devil in Yeshua s name!!
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Amen Sister! 💕💕💕
@iuliuli4352 Месяц назад
ICC suggestions, is it sleeping? UN suggestions, is it sleeping?
@floaredecolt4428 Месяц назад
Este ceea ce își doresc - Israelul terminat,dar Israelul este Moștenirea Domnului nostru Isus Hristos; antisemiții se luptă cu Dumnezeu, vor fi nimiciți!
@susanhawkes2519 Месяц назад
UN is run by haters.
@user-ec9mn2mz4m Месяц назад
@dersozialewestfale5114 Месяц назад
Sue Netanjahu for doing nothing! In Germany it is called 'Untätigkeit im Amt' (Inactivity in office)!
@user-ec9mn2mz4m Месяц назад
@dersozialewestfale5114 why you want to sue Netanyahu if he was defending his country?????
@dersozialewestfale5114 Месяц назад
@@user-ec9mn2mz4m Don't be blind. He is only defending himself. There are several corruption charges running against him. Thr far right is blackmailing him if he makes a deal with Hamas then they leaving the coalition. There were many opportunities for a deal, but he refused them all or sabotaged them.
@houseofdiamonti Месяц назад
12 U.S. senators wrote the ICC and literally threatened them 😱 You can read the letter too as it’s been posted online.
@louise3088 Месяц назад
​@@dersozialewestfale5114 Did you know that the mastermind behind 10/7 was one of the terrorists that Israel had released with the batch exchanged for their soldier ? It is a profound lesson once again on why terrorists should not be negotiated with.Holding civilians hostage is terrorism.Hamas is evil.
@paolashams Месяц назад
Be strong ❤
@TerryRamsey-jg8fm Месяц назад
🙏🙏🙏🙏Our prayers, goes out for the young ladies that are in the evil hands of these incarnated demons that contaminate our planet,🙏🙏🙏🙏 and for the suffering mothers in this grivious time that our beloved ISRAEL is going through! HASHEM WILL GUARD AND DELIVER HIS PRECIOUS PEOPLE, GLORY TO THE ETERNAL! ONLY TRUST. 🇮🇱🤍💙🤍💙🤍🇮🇱
@Neo_Red_Pill Месяц назад
Continued prayers for the IDF the hostages and their families and for Jewish people across the world as Christians we stand with Israel bring them home🙏🌼🤝
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Many Believers in IDF. Bless you dear one! 💕💕
@Maugrim76 Месяц назад
I feel so sad I don't know what to do, it really hits home as a father.
@roxannemcgehee7198 Месяц назад
Pray! The strongest thing we can do with the faith of a mustard seed. In Jesus's mighty name. Amen.
@user-sg4vp2hm2v Месяц назад
My heart goes out to you all I hope and pray you are united soon❤
@joshuaiqbal8284 Месяц назад
Praying for hostages today we sing Psalms 126 and 69 in my church for hostages love from Pakistan pastor Joshua
@iw12 Месяц назад
@user-cv6et6ko6n Месяц назад
Bless You Beautiful Man of G_d! 💕💕💕💕
@pacescientist219 Месяц назад
Why always jews faced problems in this world even they didnot harm to anyone?soo sad
@stefansollberger5658 Месяц назад
are you kidding me? The oppression and violence against the Palestinians...
@returnofthenative Месяц назад
@c.defago3001 Just so! The incapable always envy........Aust.
@Hmm19872 Месяц назад
Because of Islam
@houseofdiamonti Месяц назад
Back in the day, Christian’s were not allowed to charge interest on loans. To get around this, Jews were made the bankers since they had no such law. They were actually restricted to certain professions (not sure by who) This is why you hear about Jews being bankers or good with money, it has to do with how things were in the past. I believe this likely caused resentment but then again, I could be wrong.
@gudruns9664 Месяц назад
To many evil people.
@1Hyper-Hyper66 Месяц назад
@Fancesco1967 Месяц назад
Im Christian i was saying things what only God knows but i was so angry that i talk in the flesh not in the Spirit, forgive me God . im so sorry for this Girls and i pray for the Girls and parents😢 God help this people help the Girls from this people please stop this war God our Father in heaven bring them home please🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥
@Rubiagirl86 Месяц назад
Poor girls 😢😢😢 i feel so sorry for them
@arundhatiidevii7026 Месяц назад
No international news will publish this really heartbreaking
@lightorluzlightorluz8148 Месяц назад
@roxannemcgehee7198 Месяц назад
You pray to our Lord Jesus. With the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. In Jesus's mighty name.
@jacquimoolman8021 Месяц назад
How absolutely heartrending. Dear mamas, do not give up hope. We will never know the depths of your suffering, but we would like to stand with each one of you in prayer, and lift up your precious daughters. We pray that they will soon be found and returned to you. We love each one of you, and all ISRAELI’S. Be strong. 🛐🇮🇱🛐🇮🇱💜💜🙋🏼‍♀️🙌🙌🥰🥰🥰🇿🇦
@user-py3ev2qt8x Месяц назад
Молюсь и плачу..
@scottishmamalivingingodslight Месяц назад
As a Mother to a 14 year old daughter I cannot even begin to imagine the devastation, the pain, the continuous heartbreak and fear that these incredible brave women endure every moment they are apart from their girls! They are lionesses and their daughters will be in awe at how hard they have fought for their release! What I know must be infuriating is that these families had no choice but to entrust their children to the care of the Israeli government as mandatory national service determined. Yet their girls had been calling on their superiors and alerting them (to the escalating Hamas activities on the border) for months and they were ignored. Then they left these precious girls vulnerable, unarmed and unprotected on October 7th. How on earth was anyone able to invade a military base- let alone one that belongs to one of the greatest armies in the world. I stand by Israel- I stand by these Mothers, I stand by all the hostages and their families. I also hope that there will be a thorough investigation into how the intelligence failed, how these girls were failed. I pray constantly for the rescue of the innocent hostages. For God to guide the IDF straight to their location/ and for their safe return to their families.
@ruforiverasepulveda720 Месяц назад
Si, debieron preveerlo y tenían como preveerlo
@paulamanuelamarquesbastos Месяц назад
Shalom from Portugal. My prayers are with you. Let' s keep faith alive. Let's pray from compassion.
@philippeichentopf6849 Месяц назад
Alles dafür, dass diese Mädchen frei kommen!!! 🙏
@GGYBRTTOPpsSkcSEC Месяц назад
Is SS living comfortably at ICC?
@iuliuli4352 Месяц назад
Agree .. Pakistan
@crazylordbc3347 Месяц назад
@ioannagerasimou1061 Месяц назад
We are praying without cease for your girls, the rest of the hostages, all your nation & the innocent in Gaza🙏❣️ God is watching…💔❤️‍🩹💪🇮🇱
@sharonoates6264 Месяц назад
From here in Australia, I and my family pray for your girls and you every day. May your sorrow turn to rejoicing very soon.