
Things I wish I knew/was told before I got married! 

Nicola Arayomi
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5 окт 2024




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@erikad2261 6 лет назад
When you get engaged and married you will learn who your true friends and family members are. Yup
@youngbenfranksinatra 2 года назад
Can't wait to marry me a pretty Hot Chocolate woman like Erika 🤣
@jalynnmarie4218 2 года назад
So true!!!
@sandybeach2135 2 года назад
It's a wonderful thing to hear a woman understand the magnitude of showing respect and honor to their husband. It's like the difference between Esther and Vashti or the contentious woman who tears down her own house. Hands down.
@reppin_haiti1446 6 лет назад
"I'm not the head of the house I am the neck and I can turn it however I want too" yesss girl
@tanzmainiandevil 6 лет назад
Reppin _haiti but without the head the neck has no function
@reppin_haiti1446 6 лет назад
Yes true I just loved the way you put it all together
@dajaharvey129 6 лет назад
Tanzania Lane without the neck the head has no function
@tyereksmith8946 6 лет назад
Reppin _haiti am a man and all you ladies cheering this bullshit on. am not the head am the neck shit. lol. you dont want no man to control your son but u want to play with other ppl sons lol. the head and the neck is very important to the body. u never see a head without a neck unless its shoped off.
@dajaharvey129 6 лет назад
tyerek smith nigga what ?
@Shechatsalot 7 лет назад
You shouldn't wait for a man to nurture and make you grow as a woman. You should trust God and work hard so you can have self growth and purpose as an individual.
@chimenedjousse2273 6 лет назад
Yesssssss I agree with you
@sophiamatias8110 6 лет назад
Crissy samuels one of her points was that your growth is your own responsibility...
@jolaola1987 6 лет назад
Three things that strikes me: 'you have to get down for your man' lol That was so honest but indeed that's what many women are unaware of. Being humble enough to acknowledge your spouse's needs and take responsibility for actually making him feel loved. That's also something for men to learn, that we women need that caring touch without the suspicion of him trying to use our sexuality. Another good thing you've said is about realising that the woman is not a head but a neck. That woman's power is in gentleness and in her subtle influence. that's a true feminity. It's wisdom. The end point was very beautiful: The love is not just a feeling but also a choice. It will be challenging but it will definitely increase the good feeling. Thank you and God bless you :)
@Lswisdom77 6 лет назад
TY, for your kind observation. Can you do a vid on some things men need help with? My issue with men in my life they say hurtful things to me, then say I'm too sensitive ... and I disagree. It's like they let words just fall out their mouths (kinda like the child saying a person is really fat), 'well we don't blame the child; however, men I feel should stop and think about what they say.
@Mitzymorris 6 лет назад
Jolanta Ol
@gracenadvocacy 6 лет назад
Just a correction, the woman is not the neck.. She's the body. Just like Christ is the head and the church is the body.
@acharich 4 года назад
@foreverblessed2073 9 лет назад
Yassss honey! Marriage is such a spiritual thing. There are so many secular ways of dealing with marriage and not enough people like you! Thanks for allowing God to use you to reach out to people like me soon to be married. Sometimes it's nice to hear advice from a fellow christian sister who knows she isn't perfect but has learnt from her mistakes and is now sharing that wisdom. God bless you and your husband hun. Really appreciate your videos. Keep em coming (I'm actually about to share this in my church's marriage counselling whatsapp group) x
@frogsnack7072 6 лет назад
Right. Marriage isn't about power and control, it's about helping one another in partnership, building each other up. Love that you spoke on the difference in thinking, that's one thing that's hard to grasp is that priorities and the way we reach goals are so different from each other. Thank you for sharing in such a heartfelt way.
@jradams2547 3 года назад
The hardest part about marriage is all the "training" you have to go through.
@cutechiangels 6 лет назад
I wish men would be much more aware of these facts. Was married 14yrs. I've never been snappy, nor had attitude, was always there for him, did everything he wanted and I did it gracefully out of pure love. But, there wasn't a true exchange. Nickella, exchange is so ever important. And good outright, but timed, communication is vital. One has to be able to talk freely to each other, without wanting to hurt feelings... A relationship is like an enterprise. One has to constantly work on it. Both sides. And that's the problem, men do not see it thst way at all. So, women end up getting really exhausted to do all the work. Besides, the rest of our daily chores and work... It's been way too much for me to handle... Well, I do wish U the best! :)
@cutechiangels 6 лет назад
Sarah Alam Thanks so much for your encouragement and positive thoughts. Big hugs, have a beautiful weekend. 😚 💗
@cutechiangels 6 лет назад
Sarah Alam 🤗😆😘
@joynettetongi2281 6 лет назад
Hey find these book The five love languages by Gary Chapman it will help you..Thank me later
@l.s7840 6 лет назад
Ambriel Apps truee💕
@cutechiangels 3 года назад
@@joynettetongi2281 Thx for the book tip. I've been there many many times!! So, I do know every love language there is! But, thx anyway! (Sorry for replying late. Didn't see your commemt before tidying up my email box!) Take care. 👋
@juneplumlogan 6 лет назад
My husband served me and I served him, he cook, I cook, i do mostly the cleaning but he still help once in awhile ( I'm glad my husband is pretty lay back ) as for me I'm pretty much the same before and after we got married, i never change 🤣🤣🤣 also marriage shouldnt be hard just be your self and relax
@jocejoy 6 лет назад
Tracy Davis you are a scammer
@jocejoy 6 лет назад
Tracy Davis people don't even try to contact the person, he will take money from you and run. This is a very famous scam.
@jocejoy 6 лет назад
@furrsmith8131 6 лет назад
Jamaican Logan true
@Sybilgause 6 лет назад
Thank you I have said that to my friends that marriage should never be hard, be friends, be humble and relax.
@reitaebohon7853 6 лет назад
Different they are but the world does not revolve around them. We hardly see clips of men talking on SM about what men should do to make a marriage work. They do what they do and all we do is run around looking to solve all the problems we see in the marriage. Understanding and respect from both is what works.
@kmichel2797 8 лет назад
I just listened to almost the exact same message at church this morning!!! Wow. idk what this means but God works in mysterious ways. Can't wait to see what He has in store for me in my future!
@cynthianoel4186 7 лет назад
I am a woman who understands love like you say a man does. Honour, respect and sex show me that I am loved. Dependence makes me very uncomfortable. This kind of messaging is not applicable to everyone and every relationship must establish a balance where both parties are shown love in the ways that are important to them. I am glad that you have found that, but obviously every relation cannot follow the same dynamic.
@desertprincess0011 7 лет назад
Cynthia Sawatzky true Cynthia--she can say that is her own view but not everyone would have the same perspectives
@danib126 6 лет назад
Ephesians 5:22-33 "22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.[a] 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."
@fatimasow6887 6 лет назад
And if you have a man who understands love the same way, you'll clash if both of you only "want" honour and respect but cant give it back the same way. A home, just like a nation, can't have two heads! Unless, their characters blend in ie what's one's strength is the other's weakness and vice versa. Yeah, not everyone is the same so generalisations are to be taken with much caution. Some things are based on unfounded stereotyping. E.g. am a female but am not a fan of pink but blue, am feminist but I don't split the bill when a man takes me on a date and am both tough and very soft as a person, it depends on the situation. What you brought out are character differences which is something thats universally indisputable. But there are things that we "choose" to learn through teachings so we can be better people because life isn't just about "us"... because we might be operating in the unconscious incompetent phase mentioned in the video!
@fatimasow6887 6 лет назад
Danelia Bray Thanks for the word! One thing that ALWAYS surprises me is that when people quote that scripture, they leave out the first part of the scripture that has *"submit to one another"* . It always perplexes me really, that people choose to put the heading "teachings on marriage" after that scripture using an assumption that there is no way the author of that book could suggest submission is a two way thing. I think it's time people started to read the "full" word. Not in parts and pieces or sticking to "famously quoted" passages. And as they read they should be aware of the input of the interpreters (ie from the original Hebrew texts to english). Where all the headings that they put correctly placed? Did the original text place the headings at the same place? Or did it even have headings in the first place? Questions have to be asked so the Holy Spirit reveals certain things as we study God's word.
@noniotalexas8384 6 лет назад
Fatima Sow well said.
@troybranch 6 лет назад
So true, i don't usually respond to videos , a lot you've said is true, i'm 53 yrs young , i'm now married 34 yrs, if people told you things or tried to warn you about the issues you run into in marriage you probably would have never married due to fear or opinion of others , in your union you learn as you travel that road , if i may respectfully comment to you both , be fair with each other .
@heathervance9647 6 лет назад
Why don't more women share this with young women?! Thank you! I so appreciate your willingness to share! We need to hear it, no matter how much it goes against the grain. Also I think you might enjoy reading these three books: For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhaun Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs They each reinforce your points.
@lemony-snickett 8 лет назад
As a muslim woman, we dont believe we were created to serve and satisfy men, rather we were to created for God and for Him alone, to worship and to love Him, and if we find a man you could both go to God together as equals.
@anazuosalihu9712 7 лет назад
Sarah Aslam isn't Paradise supposed to lie at the feet of your husband?
@lemony-snickett 7 лет назад
Anna Mae Harkness no where did you hear that? the saying if the Prophet is that Paradise is at the feet of your mother.
@lemony-snickett 7 лет назад
@rosemiller6388 7 лет назад
Sarah Aslam Im glad you said this because when she said "women are created for men" I was totally confused I said I don't think it is like that in Islam.
@lemony-snickett 7 лет назад
Rose Rose yes thank you, but she is talking about her Christian religion
@bubblegum-iz8zu 6 лет назад
Men were created for women just as women were created for men. They were both created for each other.
@anthonywilliams855 6 лет назад
bubble gum women were made for men and not the other round this is why men could handle single life better than a woman can
@tstarajayi 5 лет назад
bubble gum No women were created for men that’s it which scripture ever said the opposite?
@tstarajayi 5 лет назад
DARK M00N women have superpowers up until its time to build a house, fix a car or invent something true ;)
@Blue-Mo0n 5 лет назад
@@tstarajayi Yeah fixing a car is a life matter.. lol. For real now? That's the problem with men.. they do smth once in a while and they think that they paid their dept. Not every man has invented something so leave that bs out of it. Maybe most men know how to fix a car but we can live without it. There are cabs and buses and it's again once in a while.. Once in a while.. That's all you can do and you wanna think that you are too important.. Try do the most boring things everyday for you and your family after work like cooking and cleaning for years and years without anyone paying you, like a slave and then come find me.. Let alone raising a child.. We can handle almost everything alone even bringing a human being on this earth like you.. There was once a man who "became" a woman for a few years and then he "became" again a man.. He couldn't believe how unfair this world was for women and how difficult they have it.. He turned again into a man just because of it. He doesn't lose a chance to stand up for women and he admits that he turned into a man again just out of convinience. I always wished men would turn into women somehow magically and see how fucking spoiled, selfish, arrogant, emotionally immature and lazy they are. Yet they think so highly of themselves even though they are pretty useless compared to women.
@tstarajayi 5 лет назад
DARK M00N yeah cause cooking and cleaning is so hard we can do everything you can do better except give birth so congrats for that
@SkylarStullerSilverstar 6 лет назад
Yes!! To cutting toxic people out of your life!! Do it while your young, do not let one of them use your time or energy, or thoughts!
@christineawuor8443 6 лет назад
Hallelujah. No Exes allowed! Simple as that.
@christineawuor8443 6 лет назад
Cindy John sorry about that.. I think creating a sage space to discuss your hurt without accusation might help. All the best.
@dolcifioricakes 6 лет назад
Fantastic advice! I am 17 yrs into marraige and have just learnt some of these. Sad that I didn't before but its never to late for change! Thankyou much! God bless your marraige.
@gamerhera8942 9 лет назад
Your skin tone and makeup is gorgeous 😻
@gratefuljoan3082 6 лет назад
Gamerher A I was thinking the same thing. I am very dark skinned, and I am too broke to so far to buy lighting that helps show my deep tone. Right now I look 7 shades lighter in my videos, but someday. 😊
@Mchella 6 лет назад
IamJoan P honey. Believe me when I say that you do not need lighting cream. You are gorgeous as you are! There's only one you
@gratefuljoan3082 6 лет назад
Mchella I get you girl 😊 I was not talking about that type of lightening. I am talking about camera light. You should checkout my channel, and you will see what I am talking about.
@queenriri9393 6 лет назад
IamJoan P sounds like you have self-hatred issues.
@queenriri9393 6 лет назад
Gamerher A her hair is slayed too, I can tell even though it's in a ponytail.
@ChristinaKwarteng 6 лет назад
That’s it Woman of God. I can tell that Christ is the center of your marriage by the way u speak
@TerryAnnStyle 6 лет назад
Christina Akomea hey girl
@jacqueline8566 3 года назад
See Christina Kwarteng. 👀🔎🕵️‍♀️ Hi sis!!!
@elizabethbrandonsomboun5636 6 лет назад
You should have classes for women who have just become engaged. You have a strong spirit of warmth about you. Thanks for the video and God bless’
@MissFlorenceBeauty 6 лет назад
So freaking wise this girl!! I have been married for almost 3 years now and I am struggling so hard with being the „woman“ in the relationship. My husband hates that and that is also our biggest issue.. I love him, but I do feel like I loose myself by giving in and listening to him... you kinda made me look at everything differently 😓 thanks for this 🙏🏾
@amazingasalways 8 лет назад
You have just blessed my marriage, Thank you. I am taking all of this advice, I'm a newlywed.❤
@superiorGOD1220 7 лет назад
Mrs.Beauty Subscribe to our channel Hun we'd love your support 😘
@bfabulous 6 лет назад
malik malik congratulated on your Mexican woman 🎉 obviously you still want a black woman because you wouldn’t be on this post butt hurt 🤣 the only reason why you black man go to other races because we didn’t want you in the first place well for me my child father is a damn good dad and I’m happily married for 7years to a black man I’m a Nurse 👩🏽‍⚕️ so your argument is not valid here 🤷🏽‍♀️
@malikmalik1141 6 лет назад
B_DAFAB1 fuck off bitch!
@kaysinger6960 6 лет назад
B_DAFAB1 Temp Just come from a Mexican Man and Ghanaian Woman's beautiful wedding. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gZ1Fz11deqM.html Notice the Black man commenting here is not married to the Mexican woman. He's about to add her to this statistic reported by SSRN which states: 92% of biracial out of wedlock kids by AA men. 82% of the kids on welfare. papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2625893
@naturallynasa4482 6 лет назад
malik malik has it ever occurred to you that maybe YOU might be the problem? There's no point in demonizing "black bitches"
@WuraManola 7 лет назад
By far one of the best videos I've watched on RU-vid! Girl, you're so soft spoken but you deliver powerful messages! 100% agree with all the points you put across and every woman needs to watch this, single, engaged or married! New subbie! xo
@Macheako 6 лет назад
Cause no matter what anyone says she speaks with love in her heart. For her, this ain't about nothin BUT the love between a man and a woman. God bless her and women like her, we need ya'll, maybe not as bad as ya'll might need us, but there ain't a lotta debate when it comes to shit you need in life. Ya either need it or ya don't lol And we NEED each other haha
@Macheako 6 лет назад
frexandbera Vinc And she's exalting God BY Exalting her husband and taking care of her heavenly duties. But please, tell me some more way in which women AINT supposed to love and look up to their man? Give me another way that women need to DEMAND respect, but not earn it. Go ahead sweetie, educate me on what the fuck I don't know but you clearly do. PROVE ME WRONG gorgeous Except you can't....cuz you know I'm right, and you know this woman was right.....and you know you're wrong. Stop being wrong, sweetheart. That's all there is to it. Love and care for your man, and if he doesn't repay your love in SOME favor, then you with the WRONG guy. And if ALL the guys you with don't properly care for you they all the WRONG guy.
@Belizianboi13 6 лет назад
Yea she did, but us men basically say a lot of the same things, and women disagree.
@Macheako 6 лет назад
Andre Villanueva When you start to realize bro, I'd say......mmmmmm....probably 89% of women's accusations against men are REALLY.....just them projecting onto us the TERRIBLE shit they ALL do lolololololol Like how they NEVER listen to Men or what we say is Right. Hell, just look at feminism. Could you imagine how crazy they'd go if a MAN was in charge?????? But.....I thought the genders were equal....... Trust me bro, misogyny in the right doses is a GREAT thing ;)
@Macheako 6 лет назад
frexandbera Vinc (I using caps lock for emphasis, I ain't yellin, promise) Cause having love in your heart aint ALL ABOUT FUCKIN YOU CHICK!!!!! lolol goddamn girl, every word outcha mouth is "But....but....but what about MEEEEEE" :p Sometimes, this shit is about US, beautiful, and THAT is why/how a woman can have love in her heart. If you think love HAS TO ALWAYS INCLUDE YOU, then you don't think that much about love. Cause Love is the one force down here that moves E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. "Love" ain't got shit to do with women, or men, it's got everything to do with God, His Word, and following his Good Word down here. If you want a non-religious explanation, then Love is about following the Truth and doing what is Objectively Right by ALL the people you love in your life (not on social media or some bull shit). A woman doesn't NEED to worry about nobody in HER LIFE as much as she NEED to worry about her man. But, hey, I'll say the same thing on the guy too here so I'm not playing unfair. His greatest need for concern is that her well-being is taken care for. The problem is you goofy girls worry FOR us, rather than ABOUT us. When ya man's stressed, do you try and solve his problems, or do you just try and comfort his ass and help push him to achieving his goals? Be real now, I've seen a LOOOOOT of realtionships lolol so you'd be the fuckin 10th if you're the 2nd girl lol, no hate tho. I ain't sayin it's easy. I'm saying it's right. That's why I do it. Hell, I ain't even sayin you NEED to agree chick. Cause here's the thing, NOTHING you say is gonna change my mind. Not cause I'm being disrespectful about it, but cause I know pretty well what the hell leaves my mouth. And I also know what comes outta other peoples. And nothing you saying here is anything new to me. It's the same old sayings that are dying with my parents generation. And ya know what....I'm fine with lettin those sayings die lol Cuz we can do better.
@kwadwosboo 6 лет назад
If I could like this video a thousand times, I would!!! Marriage is hard work and you hit so many things on the nail!! I’m almost 3 years into my marriage and I’m learning sooo much about myself. The growth I am experiencing is beautiful because it is internal growth. I have been able to start looking at external things as the issue and I have turned the mirror INTERNAL. I have connected more with God and I realize everything just started flowing in the right direction. I felt your passion as you spoke and I identify so much with everything you’re saying! Its like hearing myself talk! God bless you for sharing and may God continue to strengthen your marriage!!!
@kailynisblessed9563 4 года назад
Please do another video of this! I learned so much as I’m expecting to be married really soon!
@claudiarussell8055 6 лет назад
I am impressed that such a young woman has gained such knowledge. It took me years to get the concept of the neck being the power. Who wants equality if it means being alone. Life was designed for couples that's what the creator created. Man and woman through free choices messed it up. Every young woman take heed. You can learn from your own mistakes or you can learn from others. Peace and best Regards!
@windyrainStorm 6 лет назад
your arms are goals
@cdubyajr5203 6 лет назад
I thought this was going to be a nonsensical rant sanctioned by a Lifetime Channel season ticket holder but the sista's insights were on point. Of course we as men bring our own preconceived thoughts, feelings, and baggage to marriage and there will be a mountain of ways of thinking/habits both will need to change. In my opinion everything starts with knowing the Most High, learning/knowing your role as a husband or wife, and being obedient to the requirements of your position. And yes husbands have to be obedient too...he has to obey YHWH and the wife is to obey her husband. Ya is a Elohim of order and decency and this is His order.
@acharich 4 года назад
@Keepinupwithcaro 9 лет назад
I've watched this 3 times already along with the video with your husband about what you've learned in the past 7 months and I will just say I love these videos!! God bless and keep up the great work :) they are so helpful thank you
@JoannaCubana 6 лет назад
You have a soft, soothing way of speaking which is wonderful. So is your way if imparting your life experiences regarding marriage. I don't feel like your are "preaching" to me, but talking to me like a good friend would. You are a breath of fresh air! Thank you... 😎😍🌺🌹🏵🌷🎈
@ShannySteve 8 лет назад
this is awesome..."fighting for independence" a lot of people struggle with this....it kills the relationship....good video!!!
@taniaclerveau5642 6 лет назад
Shanny & Steve qwerrtytulavsdms z. D.ryykpwqwkkwkr
@TiffybunnzNails 6 лет назад
How does one fight for independence? Can you name a true example ?
@food4thoughtonline562 8 лет назад
So much Jems in this vlog!! The amount of times I had to pause and just clap... you spoke well and highlighted points that are honestly not discuss enough. Last but not least it warms my heart to see young black people well presented and doing something positive. #TwoThumbsUp
@anneloess6995 6 лет назад
Wow you are so good in explaining this! (9 months married) Alot of things I experienced as the same, especially the feeling that it goes against your inner self to change. And the 'unnatural'feeling of being the first to say sorry/ give a compliment after a fight. You explained it like perfectly
@chelseacurry854 6 лет назад
I feel like we could easily be friends. I love this. Well said! I love how you said love is a choice. It is! I wish more people from my generation knew that. My grandmother told me that when I was 6. She said "I wrote your grandfather for 2 years while he was at war. I chose to love him through it all and wait for him to return. It took dedication and hard work. Never settle for someone who doesn't choose to love you through it all."
@tolusonubi5666 6 лет назад
Reminds me of the 1st year of our marriage... i was sooo shocked to realize that men are from mars and women from venus sayx is sooooo true!!!!! Hubby actually went out got 2 of the books and we read on way to work in d mornxs and discussed at night... that book truly helped us understand each other. Great vid😗😗😗
@AdventuresOfBillAndMia 6 лет назад
Omg!!! I praise God for you, Sis! I’m so glad that I decided to click on this video. This is just what I needed! I’ve been thinking about these concepts for several weeks now and to see them lined out here like this is amazing! Thank you for letting God use you and for sharing your thoughts with us. #NewSubscriberHere I need Godly advice from married men and women of God in general. But this definitely helps in my courtship. Some people are unhappy about it and it almost made me cry but I’m more than a conqueror! #MustStayPrayedUp
@CatzWach 9 лет назад
Thank you so much for posting this video. I want to first, thank you for bringing in the spiritual aspect of marriage. Secondly, thank you for your honesty. I'm engaged now, and will be getting married in September and its been and interesting journey thus far. The good, by far, is outweighing the bad, and I thank God for that. I've been searching for insight from married believers and this was right on time. I just thank you for being honest and sharing your growth. Since I've been born again, there has been a change in me and it has been a blessing. Within this time, I've also had to learn what it truly meant to be a woman. Not to kick against the pricks. That "submissive" is not equated with weakness, but strength. That letting a man, more so your husband, take the lead is okay. My words used to come quick and cut like nobody's business...but I learn about my role in a relationship through the Word. Now that I'm at the point of almost being married, I'm continuing to search for wisdom and guidance, through the Word, as well as through married couples who honor God's word. Thank you for adding unto my growth. I look forward to more videos. Have a great day! Be blessed!
@NickellaBian 9 лет назад
CatzWach Aw thank you so much. I too had been searching for insight.I guess that's where the inspiration to do this came from. So happy you found this video helpful! I hope all the preparations are going to plan...Only a month or so left! I pray for more grace, strength and wisdom over you
@watwegodaniel 6 лет назад
Nickella, thanks so much, it is my first time here, and i have been built up. am single(still in college) and the immediate people I interact with are my parents and friends, and I am already putting work into growing who I want to be, according to God's Word. To Love, be humble and diligent etc. I am so inspired by what you shared, and the wisdom in you. All the best, God's very best for you and your home. Love.
@patrickhallis7856 7 лет назад
Dear Nickella. You are a God Blessed woman and your husband is a God blessed man. Men and women are created by God and they were created differently is as obvious as could ever be from their form and from their interior behaviours and feelings. You have brought this out so beautifully from your own experience and have in your experience wished someone would have taught / told / elucidated these truths for you. Unfortunately, for you and for millions of women...(especially, the women who want to be equal, equal to man in everything to their own paradoxical unhappiness and unfulfillment) the educational systems and the social media is misguiding these unfortunate women...making them unhappy and destroying the very core of a happy relationship. Thank you for being brave and putting this very true and very real gut-feeling, real wonderful advice to all your fellow sisters. It is best when it comes from a woman to explain the truth to a woman, rather than from a man. You really know. You are a loved child of God. May He bless you and your family and dear ones abundantly.
@shakebadennis1915 7 лет назад
This is so true!!!!! We need to find a way to re enforce this to people into relationships because without it we are lost. The lies still from us and can and will bring us to self destructiveness robbing us of hopes and dreams. Visit my information site about a church I would like to start based on my own personal experience ( though wasn't married to the person) and how I am planing to move forward from my negative behavior with someone I wanted to marry and build a relationship. @www.keepersofbrothers.com My personal story and reason for pursuing it is at the bottom of the page. I encourage others to go and visit the site as well. As it is in direct relation to this video. Thank you so much and God Bless you!
@ruthoneandonly2105 6 лет назад
+Shakeba Dennis Not being rude or agianst what u want to do .To build and start a church is not something u desire its a ministry that God gives .and u are chosen by birth to build the church.There are five minstrys -evangelist -prophet -apostle -teacher -pastor these ministries are given to Gods specific chosen ppl. assign for that journey they gp through trainings under spritual mentors before they are anointed. where else u can desire to be a deacon ,bishop . 1 timothy 3:1..and so on .its good that u want to start a church but pray and ask God the way . consult ur pastor or elders(not exactly grey headed women and men in the) church and surely u'll know exactly what to do.
@thechoniclesofkratos 8 лет назад
You are beautiful and so is your message....thank you so much
@NickellaBian 8 лет назад
+Alexis Mayers Thank you love
@SarahDestiny_ 9 лет назад
You seem so gentle and calm lool, loved your video x
@NickellaBian 9 лет назад
lol God can do amazing things in a persons life! Thank you x
@itsrudiano 7 лет назад
You're making a lot of sense...Wish my ex watched this video while we were courting...
@melliegotsoul 6 лет назад
Sarah Destiny she does! lol.
@ElayTVProductionsLLC 6 лет назад
Sarah Destiny 💖💖🙌💖
@CMadisife 6 лет назад
Rudiano, she/he definitely wasn't for you. I'm going through a situation right now that I feel isn't right. They say guys are usually dragged into making a relationship work. But in my case, I strive to do the working. I don't know why a lady would refuse to study/watch materials that would help her grow, especially in her relationship. Ignorance is really going to hurt you. I've learned to keep my head up and move on if the other party ain't ready. Relationship is WORK. If one is not working then it's not working. I know God's got my heart and will lead me aright to the right one.
@MWelanie 6 лет назад
Such a powerful message! I found you by accident and I'm so glad I did - your points were exactly what I needed to hear. I'm in a new relationship and until very recently I was operating full steam ahead in the unconscious incompetence. I've now shifted to the conscious incompetence and I have a strong desire to increase my competence so I can be a better girlfriend for my boyfriend. I like your 21-day reference so I will make that my first challenge - to be a proverbs 31 woman for the next 21 days. I too have a snappy temper and can say the meanest things - I want to change for my partner. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one and that change is possible. Thank you for the video .I just subscribed to your channel!
@Buildyourinheritance 6 лет назад
We all should study the Holy Bible which guides us and the Holy Spirit will teach us and enable us to be the virtuous woman 📖
@putjesusfirst9814 6 лет назад
Blessed Indeed! Amen
@Eliszzyy 6 лет назад
"Your growth is your responsibility" Such powerful words! I wish everyone understood this! Weather they want a relationship or not, it's for your family, your friends, and human kind in general!
@FrancescaHunter5 8 лет назад
Amen, sister! I started fasting for my future husband and when you started talking about God towards the end I got a little emotional! Wasn't expecting that. Woohoo!
@jessicamay9157 7 лет назад
Actually, you're not supposed to fast FOR something like a husband, a car, or a job. Fasting is for feeding your spirit by neglecting "flesh" (food) it's to strengthen you spiritually! Just wanted to point that out..
@ngreat4390 6 лет назад
Jessica May exactly. God told me to stop fasting for such because it's idolatry. God knows the desire so just ask for his best version of what you need and also what particular traits to pray for.
@xtelfolaj 6 лет назад
there is nothing wrong with praying for a husband. the bible says cast your cares upon him for he cares. So you can go to God to show you who your earthly spouse, it only comes problematic when God feels like you desire it more than him which is probably why he told Helen Enang to stop, or you want God to work on your time when he told you, you are not ready. The bible says from the days of John the baptist the kingdom of heaven sufferth violence, and the violent take it by force. The enemy diverge alot of people from their divinely earthly spouse, or prolong it. I've heard alot of testimonies how the enemy diverge people to meet their husband at their 40s. So like the bible says pray with out ceasing, but just seek God first for anything. God can give anything from a job, more power, wisdom, etc. Don't limit God
@lovemecom3832 6 лет назад
I got all what you mean and that was absulotely true, thats why we should always think 100 times before we decide to enter this kind of situation because marriage is a commitment to God.
@siasaquee2473 8 лет назад
I subscribed the moment you started talking about the spiritual aspects. Love you sister! Keep posting these videos.
@wfjacobs 6 лет назад
Hey Nickella, Thanks for sharing from your experience. My mission is to equip couples for this journey called marriage and I SO resonate with the things you've said in this video. I wish more people would be open to talking about their marriages and not pretend that everything is okay when they're struggling. There are so many people who could help.
@blessingribeiro22 8 лет назад
im so glad i found this keep bringing the vids girl you are so inspirational
@ToffeeBeauty 6 лет назад
Thank you! I’m a newlywed and have found it to be more challenging then I thought. I really my expectations were unrealistic and you are right men do think differently than women. My husband has black/white solutions and I’m also up in down riding the grays like it’s a rainbow or roller coaster analyzing the best solution. Also he has mentioned the respect thing and I mention the affection thing. This video helped me a lot!!! Thank you 🙏🏾😊
@SadeSherrisXO 8 лет назад
Really glad I came across this video. I did all those things wrong in my past relationship and it completely destroyed it. Glad I know better and at that time I now know I was unconsciously incompetent
This is sooo good Nickella,im not even married yet but this made my day and blessed my socks off, please keep these videos coming at least once a week. You are a powerhouse and your motivational videos are on point. Now i know you have a little but please try to be a little bit more consistant. You have so much to share
@christchild5757 7 лет назад
You have one of the most beautiful voice i've ever heard!
@blackdiamond7956 6 лет назад
The world needs people like you.Telling the truth without caring who gets hurt.
@annabelkalai7610 6 лет назад
I love the biblical references in there. I feel that you are a fellow believer and that's beautiful! Great video Nickella.
@kamilahspeaks2200 6 лет назад
I admire how real you are and the fact that you live in your truth. You're authentically you and we need more Christians like you...Thank you
@SocialSherwood 9 лет назад
So happy I found this video! It was so inspiring!
@NickellaBian 9 лет назад
Thank you love!
@bccstat 6 лет назад
I threw a bridal bonfire for one of my friends and I invited married women and singles, but I asked the married women to come prepared to share what they wish they knew before they were married. I know that’s what I want. I am 32, a virgin, and I’ve been patiently waiting for my husband, but in that waiting God has been revealing to me my womanhood and what it means to be a woman and it’s so opposite of what society is teaching today. Thank you for posting this, this is exactly what I was looking for when I threw the bonfire and even though they were godly women, they didn’t know how to answer the question.
@RicanChula7 6 лет назад
You submit to each other. Both willing to do that as well as fight for each other when things get rough. Meet half way n compromise... change certain bad ways about ourselves to help ourselves grow n then to make our partner happy.😊
@det3ctiveconan904 5 лет назад
Marriage 101 1. If you can't be you then he isn't the right guy. 2.If he is charming , back away, he is a Narcisist. 3.If he is cheap, step back. 4.If he can't control his anger, back off. 5.If he is selfish and can't think of you every once in while, step away. 6. If he tries to disconnect you from society, then leave. 7. He must think of your future by encouraging you to study and get a degree. 8. No kids for the first year!
@balancebalance91 7 лет назад
Girl! You deserved a noble prize right as you said we were created for men! A noble prize for realizing that! It's not easy to understand this
@chimenedjousse2273 6 лет назад
No no no god all of for god for his glory not for a men
@onyinyeo.6476 6 лет назад
Girl you are so soft and calm I think this is the best I've seen so far. You know it all
@nicoledvillegas 7 лет назад
Wow! I'm late to this celebration of truth & light. You are bold and brave for being so spiritually honest in a world that is full of it's own selfish ways and the love of immorality. Amen for spreading the good news to everyone who needs it!
@MrsAlucard1994 6 лет назад
This is such a powerful video (especially # 6!!). Thank you sooo much for this. You deserve a million views
@EmorySimsDrEmoryCarlSims 6 лет назад
Thank you. I wish all women knew what you are saying. God bless you and your husband, and best wishes and continued growth and happiness.
@agevents5905 5 лет назад
Girl you’re very right. I totally agree with you on all those practical points. As a wedding planner, I get a lot of engaged couples go through this lovey dovey courting stage and also the reality of being married. You hit the nail on the head on those points!
@LifeOnLahLahLand 9 лет назад
You hit the nail on the head!
@ElayTVProductionsLLC 6 лет назад
Love Layefa 😰🙌🙌🔥🔥yah, didn't she though❕❕✌💖💜💜💖
@yawkowashong8981 6 лет назад
This is all bang on for her experience. Only thing I feel is wrong is the I wish someone told me. Because that's irrelevant. If someone had told you you still would have had to experience it all yourself. This is major wisdom you've learned and I salute your for sharing that. I hope many of the sistas really got it. Because I took notes I hope yall did too. This is a big part of why shes married and remains so. Bless. By the way you should really make a part two to this because its essential Nickella.
@ItsJustGayle 9 лет назад
I love this, so happy that God is showing women this ^_^ Yes Lord! Go you! Thank God for your growth in Christ and in your marriage too x
@ThaoVN1997 6 лет назад
I rarely like videos on youtube. But this one definitely deserves a thumbs up!! Thank you girl for this advice xx
@shreeya1113 6 лет назад
Im getting married in four months
@hajirahabib1418 4 года назад
It's 2020 and now I am getting married in 4 months
@madigun365 7 лет назад
I discovered your channel in the early hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep! I saw Bibiana Yetty in one of your videos! I get the family the connection now! !Subscribed! "You is good people"....😁😁😀 Thanks for sharing...God bless you.
@fromdivineessence9600 6 лет назад
marriage really seems to be something horrific for woman lol
@KingVoldemort96 6 лет назад
lucy A 😂😂😂
@skye6066 6 лет назад
I’ve been married 18years and I’m 38 now. He is the head but I’m just as strong and independent and we have a ball together all the time. So nope not really:)
@sarahmontuori6164 6 лет назад
It is.
@davidharris7769 5 лет назад
Those statistics are for worldy marriages and unequally yoked marriages. And not for the marriages in which both individuals believe in a follow God's way for marriage so yeah this world can keep it's 40%worldy and 55%unequally yoked divorce rate to themselves ✌️
@_M4Muna_ 6 лет назад
God bless you, sis! Very much appreciate your honesty, forthrightness, and accountability of self. May CHRIST always light your path and shine thru you! ❤
@debrawhite5063 7 лет назад
you're so beautiful Nicki l needed to hear your words of wisdom l can also be a bit snappy .But God is helping me to be the wife that build's her home .Thanks for the teaching beautiful lady.
@rjgordon77 6 лет назад
Please do a series on This! As someone never been married now seriously looking it helps to hear the cross over part of it all. This is such a big step in one's life.
@stephanieayomideadetomiwa6059 6 лет назад
"i wish i never fought for my own independence" so we assigning roles now. woman, not everyone believes in the historical roles assigned to women.
@kingdomkeata 6 лет назад
So many people are inclined to believe that we have to shrink ourselves down as women in order to help men, but what we don't realize is being a helpmate and being submissive is an expansion. It's growth. As a woman, in a marriage you are responsible for your own identity and being the muscle of your relationship. This is what she's talking about when she says that women are the neck and men are the head of the household. The neck is an direct extension of the head. Without a neck the head doesn't move! Think about being in a relationship that hasn't moved, that's not going anywhere! It's so much harder to get things done when you're stuck in one spot. And honestly it takes humility and strength to direct from behind the scenes, and not be the face in front of the camera. Being a helpmate doesn't belittle you or eliminate your responsibility. It just moves the responsibility from leading to directing, which in a way still possesses leadership. Women it's okay to lead and not be a leader. You are still equals and equally important. You are still a leader. We all have a job to do, we just have different roles! Marriage is a type and Shadow of our walk with God and Jesus Christ.
@MsSweetmademoiselle 8 лет назад
you look like Karruche
@luvlife799 6 лет назад
Frances JeanLouis Bce
@queenriri9393 6 лет назад
irene she looks way better than Karruchue.
@dajaharvey129 6 лет назад
Queen Nzuri she’s pretty but she doesn’t look better than karruche
@queenriri9393 6 лет назад
Daja Harvey girl bye! That is "your" opinion. Why is Karraochi so much prettier? Because she's racially ambiguous? FOH! This "African" woman is gorgeous and looks better than Chris Brown's leftovers. Goodbye!
@gb917 6 лет назад
Daja Harvey I think she looks prettier than Karruche. But that's just my opinion. She looks nothing like her btw.
@FeliciaNgwube 9 лет назад
Sigh I love you, the first point just had me clicking like it was poetry...YAAAAAS GIRL...*continues watching*
@NickellaBian 9 лет назад
Thank you love x
@beauteefood 8 лет назад
"honor respect sex!!" u said a mouthful immediately subbed!!
@NickellaBian 8 лет назад
Lol thank you. Glad you liked it!
@mayramiranda9391 7 лет назад
Beautifully illustrated. 🖒 Thank you. All the best😊.
@daricnd 9 лет назад
u so pretty
@CinnamonBasic 6 лет назад
Just saying, all people are different. Its not men vs women only, and when it is it is because of social conditioning/upbringing. It has been scientifically proven that men and women have more similarities than differences. - a university sudent who has studied the psychology of gender
@ladyevenstar22 6 лет назад
You lost me at the woman was created to serve a man
@berylonyango4827 6 лет назад
ladyevenstar22 i think she means you shud learn to be submissive in a way that helps u serve ur purpose as the neck which helps u turn that neck whichever way u want.
@keithbrown6694 6 лет назад
Well its the truth
@keithbrown6694 6 лет назад
ladyevenstar22 The man is the head so get over it ok. God punished the woman (eve) and said man shall rule and be the head
@NellenelleForSure 6 лет назад
Exactly, lmao all these willing submissives with their broken hearts because "God said" lmao. Those are the idiots that repeat the same mistake and expect different results. Low self-esteem.
@jotey5129 6 лет назад
ladyevenstar22 Not true. She did not say woman was created to serve man. She said woman was created to be a help mate to man (to HELP man). That can be debated but at least it's the truth of what she said. YOU said SERVE. You did that because you know women will be enraged by that and refuse her message. You are a liar.
@kijibeTo 6 лет назад
THIS right here just blessed me today. I dont even know how I came across your channel, but it really hit the nail on the head about marriage. God bless you❤
I feel sad for you that you believe you were created to support men, that you have to be "the neck", i.e. manipulate your man to get them to do what you want. How about just finding a man who's strong enough to handle an equal partnership between 2 human beings? And fyi, the religion of which you speak was created by men to suit men - it's little wonder then, that it puts women in second place. It was preceded however, by many other religions and cultures, some of which placed women at the centre of power (the Celts, for example, and in modern times, the Mosuo, the Minangkabau and the Garo, to name but a few). The only reason men have been able to dominate in the Judeo-Christian world is because they are generally physically bigger/stronger than women, but that doesn't make them superior and it certainly doesn't give them the right to require women to "bow down" or "submit" to them. By that logic, we should all be bowing down to gorrillas, but I don't see that happening anytime soon...
@skye6066 6 лет назад
Marry urself a half ass man and ur relationship will work perfectly.
Lol. So many women just don't understand that when men try to dominate and control, they do it because they feel weak and small within themselves. "Macho" men are the weakest, most insecure kind, and consequently the most difficult to deal with, because their egos take constant massaging, and still, they feel empty inside. I wish more women (and men) knew that it takes a strong man who has his shit together and knows himself to be able to handle being with a strong woman, because he knows that he's his own man, that her strength is not a reflection of his weakness, and that they're 2 individuals, who have to be strong independently of eachother for their relationship to thrive. You cannot make your man strong by pretending to be weak yourself. Women need to show men their inner strength and demand that they match it, or move on.
@blackdiamond7956 6 лет назад
Those rules have kept my marriage. I just love the Bible!!!
Sascha and Sonia that's wonderful for you, but not everyone's looking for or is suited to a bible-based marriage. Some people need more equality in their marriage and more freedom to define for themselves their roles within it. I've seen first hand how bible-based marriages can cause women to feel resentful and unhappy within their marriage, particularly when they know they're more competent than their husbands.
@natashamwangi4890 6 лет назад
for a moment I wondered whether all marriages, before some white man manufactured Jesus and imposed him on everyone else, failed?
@millicentihedioha4918 6 лет назад
@racheladdams3365 6 лет назад
I really couldn’t finish watching this video after she said that “women were created for men”. I mean FUCK. I’ve ran away my whole life from this oppressive backward society I live in that treats women as sexual objects and demands them to look perfect no matter what and here is this British girl saying women are created for men!! I mean seriously??? Can you leave religion out of this?! Islam never mentioned that women were created for men. It said that we complete and complement each other and create a harmonious balance. Women are valued, respected, needed, intelligent, contribute to society and so forth. I was so fucking done when I heard that statement. Imagine if a dating coach said that on RU-vid? His career would be dead.
@racheladdams3365 6 лет назад
No one forced you to read my “book”. Yes, I proceeded to hear what she had to say after she made that statement and watched it with my mouth open. I didn’t like or agree with her explanation. I don’t care in which way she tried to explain it. It’s not true and it’s not logical. It creates this mentality that’s unhealthy from the start. WE WORK TOGETHER. The end.
@xtelfolaj 6 лет назад
its not about women being sexual objects. it is biblical. Adam was created first, and God said it wasnt good for him to be alone. So he created Eve to be a helper. THat in itself shows how important a woman's role is to a man. When you get married man and woman complete each other because they become one, and it is ALWAYS thought to be selfless in a marriage. No where in the bible does it say a woman is a man's possession or a living sex doll.
@annb5610 6 лет назад
Is this before or after the apple and the talking snake....
@ciaramcwilliams5291 6 лет назад
She lost me a that too and religion oh here we go again lets hop on the jesus train with noahs ark 😂
@funtoayenakin5753 6 лет назад
rachel addams I'm a Christian, I love most of the things she said but disagree with her too on that. A lot of Christians only listen to Sunday school and don't find time to read the bible for themselves. The bible never said women were made for men, neither did the bible say "a woman is a man's helper". The bible says "God at the beginning said it is Not good for man to be alone I'll make him a help-MEET" Genesis2:18 . Help-meet refers to a partnership not control And man here refers to any human being, it is not good to be alone in things pertaining to life man or woman ( you can see also Psalm 68:6). Two are better than one says Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12. Apostle Paul believed it is better not to be married too(because your focus changes from life to the marriage) but that it is better to marry than to burn with passion (1st Corinthians 7:9) Lol The bible is very balanced, just religious oppressors politicized few lines in the past and people don't cross check. They love to quote where the bible says "wife's submit to your husband's as unto the Lord" (Very true) but fail to mention that the very ist verse of that chapter says "Submit yourselves one to another" . Biblically the husband is the head but his head is God and he is to love her as Christ loves the Church~ Selfless.
@ericglover3145 6 лет назад
Spot on. Relationships are so much better when both go into it to selflessly serve each other.
@abukakol56 7 лет назад
"man weren't made for woman", "woman were made for man, woman were made to be the help" Yeah nah thats where i stop watching. Good luck sis, bye
@c0cochan3l29 6 лет назад
Abuk Akol the bible says “ HE who finds a wife finds a good thing” not she who finds a husband ... eve was made for adam from adams ribs ... the young lady is right
@ngreat4390 6 лет назад
C0co Chan3L don't stress yourself, some people will only learn from experience after having failed miserably. Today's culture wants to emasculate men and make them subservient to women so any other narrative no matter how heavenly will be shunned by them.
@neeqilata2891 6 лет назад
Lol. Me too. I stopped watching then. Bye
@ngreat4390 6 лет назад
Ijeoma Amadiobi Woman was made for man as a helper. Men need women in order to carry out their divine mandate. God made the man the head but he didn't authorize man to mistreat his wife. God hates divorce because it's injustice to the woman who risks her life to multiply him. A man obtains favour from God when he marries. Men are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church, giving his life for her. Men are commanded never to deal treacherously with the wife of their youth A.K.A the woman who has invested her life in his. As a matter of fact, men are commanded never to quarrel with their wifes else their prayers will not be answered. That's God's standard for loving your wife. God has authority over man and so it's not a plea but a command. On the other hand, Hollywood is teaching women to be equal with men, be insubordinate, focus on herself, idolize an unrealistic image of a man, make sexual objects out of themselves with implants and excessive makeup yet complain about being complimented, emasculate him etc then they act shocked when the man won't comply to God's directives on marriage. Then encourage the woman to find another man. Hollywood also teaches men that women are disposable until they find the one that makes them feel a certain way. So women fantasize about being the one without knowing that man will never find God's best without listening to God. This just helps satan have an endless supply of loose women to keep the supply going for philandering men and on the whole, sinking mankind further into peversion. Look at the LGBTQFGDSGBJGFCVNGFXVGJBC world....all because people won't obey God. It is not always easy but it is the only way to peace. Eve was never Satan's target, Adam was. Choose this day whose methods you will follow. The world or God who created the man and made the woman for him. God has his children who will listen to his command on how to treat his daughters but he won't pair two people who aren't completely yielded to his will because he only gives good and perfect gifts. A good marriage is one in which the wife listens to her husband and her husband listens to God. People want God's best withoutthey themselves being committed to be the best by OBEYING GOD. God bless you!
@neeqilata2891 6 лет назад
Helen Enang that’s your belief. Not mine. If it works for you great. For me it’s all noisy chatter
@EManLangone 8 лет назад
I'm a newly wed - 13 days into marriage. Great input. I'm taking your message with me and will share it whenever and wherever I can. Much blessings.
@jessicaflowers6795 6 лет назад
wow, my jaw is on the floor. you are so beautiful...
@valianttruth3745 6 лет назад
Lovely Poetry Hands off. She's taken! LOL
@sarahrobinson9837 6 лет назад
Sis! I could not stop watching this video. One of the best videos I have seen. Excellent!!!
@Shechatsalot 7 лет назад
We should be an overall package and hold and stop going around trying to find someone to complete us. That's why some break ups are so devastating because we think we aren't complete without a man. We can be complete without a man its just that having a partner is nice, it's a good thing according to the bible and who doesn't want love.
@robertrbetheljr6231 6 лет назад
You're on point 100%... Knowledge is power! Positive influence and information should always be shared so our generation can grow stronger and be educated. Keep doing what you do! 💯
@sherylhenderson2836 7 лет назад
besides this doesn't sound appealing. it seems like when you marry there is a mental surge and all the fun and love you had before getting married has either gone or changed in some way. there no such thing as being more committed and marriage suppose to be the proof of more commitment. either you committed or not regardless of a piece of paper or not. Marriage is hard and full of self sacrifices. and plain old common sense will tell the more you have to sacrifice the more unhappy you are. People are happy when they get married and then 10 - 20 years down the road you hear things like this: IF I KNEW WHAT I KNOW NOW, I WOULD HAVE NEVER or MARRIAGE IS NOT ALL PEACHES AND CREAM or (jokingly saying) DON'T GET MARRIED (hahaha...wink wink). these are not jokes. it's unsatifaction. And she say we were created for men...not the other way around. if that is the case we are servants to men. We are so programmed to believe anything. love is love... marriage doesn't guarantee a lifetime of love... it's just a financial contract. because if you divorced, they split the assets and children. you don't get none of your love back, you can't prosecute him/her for adultery, or any other sis in the Bible.
@mylunarlove 6 лет назад
Sheryl Henderson 🙌🏽
@skye6066 6 лет назад
I don’t there is nothing in life that comes easy. If marriage is not for u don’t get married. Just keep fornicating. U damned if u do and damned if u don’t.
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