
Tim Alberta on "Trump, Religion, and Politics" 

The LeFrak Forum at Michigan State University
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26 сен 2024




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@Katsin-1955 7 месяцев назад
He speaks so much truth. Yes, it’s inconvenient, yes it may make you an outcast in your evangelical community and yes it can break your heart. But the truth of Jesus Christ is worth it all. I was raised in an evangelical church. I didn’t leave it, it left me and I still mourn the loss but I am consoled knowing I’m true to the Jesus I grew to know and who still walks with me daily.
@JesusLovesBest 7 месяцев назад
Exactly! We didn't leave today’s Evangelicalism- it left us. 😔
@Angela-bk7yp 3 месяца назад
Awesome truth....& helping me to understand how not all true believers in our precious Lord have forsaken Him. Tears flow that our Lord is blasphemed. {All 💞 from Perth Australia}
@debsnyder8437 8 месяцев назад
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Tim Alberta. I am a born again, Bible believing Christian who has lost most of my Christian friends because I can’t support Trump. I have been shocked and horrified at the change in Christian behavior since the MAGA movement has taken over the Church. Everything Tim says is truth from a Christian perspective. I thank God for Tim and pray that he gets the truth out to more and more Christians who have bowed to the idolatry of the hateful MAGA Movement and Trump.
@MikeKrall 8 месяцев назад
I agree with you 😊
@Anabee3 8 месяцев назад
Same for me. I left the church/church fam where I was CERTAIN I would spend the rest of my days. But I just could no longer tolerate hearing praise for Trump that belongs, SOLEY, to our 3rce Holy God. NOTEABLY: Til Nov 2016, I rarely (if ever, that I can recall) hear any mention of the scripture that refers to the fact that God appoints all nation's leaders & commandments regarding praying for, honoring (& obeying- if not in direct conflict with God's law) the Potus. AFTER Nov 2016, it seemed to be part of every service. The last day I was there a deacon was closing us out in prayer. He PROFUSELY thanked God for blessing us with a president "WHO has the GUTS to..." idkw he said after that. I went into low-shock. He's a HUGE 6'6" man with a strong, deep voice as it is, but THAT was THUNDERING. I could hardly help but irreverently raise my head & open my eyes to make sure all was okay. Sure enough, as he continued on, his knuckles got whiter & whiter & his face got redder & redder, and he seemed to be sputtering spittle& sweat. I could hardly believe that was the gentle giant Id known for years. I was shook, yet at peace bc I was no longer ambivalent- I new it was time to go. After that, ONE sister stayed friends with me. It was amazing to watch Fox news in the evening & hear her plagiarize Laura Ingraham, VERBATIM, the very next day. I guess she didnt suppose Id diversify my info outlets. So, I'm here as a fellow "homeless" person. Except that I know I'm not REALLY, bc Tim Alberta decided to be courageous & speak out. So I knew, the first time I heard him address this mess, there was atleast ONE siblings I can relate to. BONUS: It's an extra comforting blessing to see there are even more "somewhere out there" ("HEY! 🤗There's Deb Snyder!...👏👏👏👏! YAYYY!!! It gives me SOME SENSE of fellowship. And I know the kind of (I guess I'll say-)EXHALE that comes with that sincere, visceral "Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Tim Alberta." I know what it means to you bc it means the very same to me.
@teresastaalcowley8521 8 месяцев назад
I am sorry for your loss of Christian friends and family. I also have lost Christian friends and family as well due to the MAGA movement infiltrating the church. However, the movement was stirring before MAGA. I will be 68 years old soon. I have been a Christian artist and calligrapher all my life. In the last 20 + years, I saw the hateful, negative, judgemental Christian movement begin.
@Spookybacon_ASI 8 месяцев назад
For what it's worth, I'm not a spiritual person and neither are a few of my friends. But know that we all support your right to practice your Christian faith and couldn't imagine mocking anyone for their spiritual journey.
@piratessalyx7871 8 месяцев назад
I lost my so called God loving so called Christian best friend for over 40 years. Shows she was never really a Christian but used it to be a phony person. She was a devout repug, followed the lies of tumpus and faux news…..her narcissistic, ignorant, arrogant nature shown through. I knew she was a greedy money gruber, non intelligent narcissist but I overlooked it to being a friend.
@jtiner72 7 месяцев назад
I wish everyone would listen to this, and I wish all other believers would see the wisdom of these words.
@liliswenson6144 7 месяцев назад
I devoured his book. I have listened to many interviews by Tim Alberta. However, this talk is his best so far. I loved it and plan to share it.
@TedApelt 7 месяцев назад
It was never about Christian values. It has always been about hatred, vengeance, meanness, and whatever justification they can come up with.
@PerryMarshallScott 7 месяцев назад
Leveraging the Bible to get a leg up into the political power structure where politicians will "owe them " in exchange for using the pulpit to direct votes. Once there, .........
@HVACSoldier 7 месяцев назад
Donald Trump was able to tap DEEP into their hearts. “Frustrated as to why nothing gets done? It’s the Democrats. Feel Christianity is under attack? It’s the Democrats. Want ME to do something about it? I WILL.” A REAL Christian should know better, than to let hate get the best of them.
@nikigores8774 7 месяцев назад
Great presentation, Tim! God’s peace!
@patriciawilliams6844 7 месяцев назад
I know, you know this guy but I thought he was impressive standing up for CHRIST. I want to thank you again for sending your services on you tube. They are a blessing to me in the afternoon on Sunday. I have church here in which I feel I get fed but just seeing and hearing you is a blessing. 😊
@KellyElizabeth1 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Tim Alberta for painstakingly attempting to rightly apply Biblical truth in a time of Biblical illiteracy. What a blessing you are and I so appreciate how you have been able to explain what has happened to our Christian friends in our culture in the Trump era. But even more important, are some of the answers you gave regarding who Jesus is and why he came and that might be completely new information to a lot of folks. I read your book and have been recommending it to everyone I know. It seems that the people that need to read it the most, might be avoiding it. Time will tell and I’ll just continue to pray for our churches, that they will preach the gospel and not devolve into political rallies. This is not our home and I am so grateful for that reminder! As followers of Jesus we are living for a different Kingdom.
@ellenpearl6466 7 месяцев назад
Terrific comment. I’m in total agreement with every word. Thanks for sharing. Makes me feel less alone as a Christian these dark days in America.
@Anabee3 7 месяцев назад
Im watching this again, for ATLEAST the 2nd time. I either didnt catch or I forgot some of it. This is the best sermon Ive heard in many MANY yrs.
@ellenpearl6466 7 месяцев назад
What a marvelous “sermon”! If I could find a church here in the Bible Belt with a pastor after your own heart, I would not hesitate to worship there. God is speaking through you with great power Tim. You are courageous and strong, obedient and loving, in Him. Thank you for exalting Jesus Christ, for standing firm in the Word😊. This is true power. The eternal power of Christ in us! Abundant blessings to you and yours! ✝️
@KellyElizabeth1 7 месяцев назад
Let me encourage you, I cannot imagine that there isn’t a church somewhere in your area that preaches the Bible instead of Trumpism/Nationalism. Give every single Bible believing church a chance before you say there isn’t one. God bless you as you pursue your faith in Jesus.
@ellenpearl6466 7 месяцев назад
⁠@@KellyElizabeth1Thank you for your godly encouragement! I appreciate it and will bathe it in prayer. I am comforted greatly by your caring response. Again, thanks and many blessings.
@Hisgrace4me 8 месяцев назад
I agree & I love my unapologetic Christian brother Tim Alberta and have watched many of his videos. What a wonderful example of bold Christian integrity. How refreshing and encouraging!!!!! I am praying for you Tim. Because of Trump and the MAGA/Evangelical mixed cult I no longer call myself an evangelical but rather a Disciple of Jesus Christ, born again. My sword is my vote and like 2016 it will not be for Trump in 2024.
@JH324 7 месяцев назад
So you will support baby killers ?
@leslietascoff9784 8 месяцев назад
Excellent! I hope Tim continues to attend the political events so he can give us his objective view of what’s happening.
@mariewilson6115 7 месяцев назад
As a former bookkeeper for one of the largest churches in my community the idea that the most hateful people write the biggest checks is consistent with why I am no longer a member there after 20 years and 6 years of that as a paid staff member. Yes, they do write the big checks, to have influence with leadership, to create an image, to impress others and (in my opinion) to excuse their horrible behavior by disguising it with their "generosity" (either to themselves or others) . They were the ones that refused to let our church be used as a cold weather respite location for unhoused neighbors during an ice storm, they allowed two huts to be placed on our grounds to support a homeless transition program, but only if they could be hidden from view and we were allowed to pick the candidates. Hate and Animosity towards the less fortunate is often hidden behind a big check. And dont think those people dont ask for their pound of flesh when the time comes..like asking for younger, socially aware pastor to be fired when dared to touch on equality in a sermon. It was all a lie.
@teenaray6142 7 месяцев назад
Amazing mind with great insights and ability to explain clearly. I am a fan.
@michaeldunigan1067 8 месяцев назад
When evangelism is no longer the priority of evangelicals the movement is dying. God is doing something else.
@trinidad2450 2 месяца назад
Yes, there will always be a remnant of believers in the church of Jesus Christ, let us remain faithful and pray that many will open their eyes and see the truth of the evil and lies that’s being fed to them.
@vedawattieram1974 2 месяца назад
How could God go against His Word? Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 12:30-31?
@michaeldunigan1067 2 месяца назад
@@vedawattieram1974 God works in seasons and in ages. The evangelical age has ended. We are now in the kingdom age. There will still be evangelism but for the kingdom of God and the church must enter the kingdom.
@mibruces7580 7 месяцев назад
Excellent job Tim keep up the good work 👏👏👏
@teresastaalcowley8521 8 месяцев назад
I ordered Tim Alberta's book and am looking forward to reading it once it arrives.
@JH324 7 месяцев назад
Maybe spend more time in the Bible and less in propaganda.
@teresastaalcowley8521 7 месяцев назад
@@JH324 I read the Bible every morning and have been doing so for 66 years and attend Bible studies faithfully.
@susansmiles2630 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!
@garyjohnson1466 7 месяцев назад
Although I am agnostic, I strongly approve of the message hear, in many ways I am still a Christian, but one who believes in the message that Jesus preached, which seems to have been forgotten in today’s evangelical societies, ye who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, what does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul or humanity, it is said that it is easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of god, if you believe that gods created this world, seen we are disrespecting gods by how we are treating it, for wealth and power, materialism etc etc, I am not of this world, an is is disturbing how we are destroying that which supports life so we can enrich ourselves materially and with wealth, thank you this was uplifting, Peace !
@marylinmuir1224 7 месяцев назад
Excellent. Bringing sanity back to the church and the country.
@dorisaffissio1649 7 месяцев назад
Did anyone mention that all religions are some sort of cult?
@marylinmuir1224 7 месяцев назад
@@dorisaffissio1649 Not all Christian denominations are cults. Cults stray away from the Bible. They have an absolute mystifying devotion to their leader. They worship the leader, not Christ. They will do whatever the leader says or wants even though it is wrong. In too many cases the leader sends them to murder people. They are under Satan’s spell. In contrast, a true Christian worships Christ only. They may love their pastor, but they would never worship him. If that ever happened the congregation would be instructed to not worship the pastor and if the pastor did manipulate his congregation into adulating him, the other pastors, deacons and other leaders would hold him accountable. If he refused to change there are overseers over all the churches that would step in, and the pastor would be fired. In a cult, the leader is not disciplined for inappropriate conduct, like teaching false doctrines, lying, manipulating his congregation to worship him, obey his laws and commands. Also, members who leave can be persecuted. That never happens in most Christian churches. It is difficult to reprogram members who are part of a cult. The largest threat of a cult is what they will do if the leader asks his members to do something dangerous. I hope that helps give you some understanding of the difference between a truly Christian mental health and a cult. Also, usually, these cult leaders have mental health issues which makes them unstable and often they have experienced trauma or abuse in their childhood. In a church, the pastor would be asked to step down and seek counselling to work on improving their mental health. He would need to have his mental health restored before he could be a pastor again. No one questions the leader of a cult.
@marthacohen4837 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking up as an evangelical Christian against the idolatry of so many evangelicals in the US. I am Jewish, and frightened of white Christian nationalism, because my history tells me where that might lead. The antisemitism of the far right and the antisemitism of the far left agree on one thing. I am 85 years old, and never before in my life in the United States have I felt endangered as a Jew. When my synagogue pays the local police to station a police car at the entrance of our parking lot, that tells me that I am in danger as a Jew. I actually knew it when I was on the Board of my synagogue, years ago, and we were discussing security, and we have had a volunteer security team for a long time, but the police car drove it home.
@jenniferhampton5171 7 месяцев назад
May you stay safe and be at peace 🕊️
@Raydensheraj 7 месяцев назад
Unfortunately this far right neo Confederate Christian nationalist Trumplican movement isn't new....look up "Christian Front and the Nazis of Copley Square" .....the disgraceful "Father Coughlin"....Ezra Pound....Henry Ford.... Reagan and his Aids Response....this is about HIV and the Aids epidemic. There's a short video showing a journalist asking the far right Christian nationalist press speaker of Reagan questions....it is heart breaking how evil these sociopaths were in the 1980s. We all need to fight this great evil....vote. vote. Vote. County State and Presidential votes. Look up your police chief election. Look up your education board etc. They need to be defeated from bottom up. Educate your family concerning the history of the far right. They are the loud minority. It is also important to understand Putin's Internet Research Agency for example.... But as a Jew....I highly recommend you also look up the far right ultranationalist ultra-orthodox Zionists of Netanyahu and the illiberal ultranationalist movements in Israel. I was surprised how deep Israel has fallen from a democracy with hope....to this authoritarian state it is today.
@KellyElizabeth1 7 месяцев назад
That is so very sad that you do not feel safe in your house of worship. I do have to say, we do have plain clothed concealed carry persons patrolling all over the property at every service and that is in a Christian church. Sad times we live in.
@ReadMoreHistory-v9u 7 месяцев назад
Tim, I hope that people of sincere and genuine good faith can find others like you to restore the Christian faith as it was with Jesus and his CORE teachings. The Faith has been corrupted.
@seetar7934 2 месяца назад
I listened to the audio book. Awesome listening, great info and insights, candid and transparent. Throughly enjoyed this pod cast. Mr. Steel vert pleasantly surprised at you depth of the Word!
@WilliamCrothers-e9q 7 месяцев назад
Outstanding 🥰
@jodydavison33 8 месяцев назад
God's kingdom is already among you, Luke 17:21 . . . This kingdom, it's been ready for you since the world's foundation. Here's why. I was hungry, you fed me. I was thirsty, you gave me a drink. I was homeless, you gave me a room. I was shivering, you gave me clothes. I was sick, you came to visit. I was in prison and you came to me. Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me. You did it to me. Matthew 25:34, 40 Thanks Tim, just finished your book this morning. It was like a refreshing drink of cool water in a parched land.
@captainkirk4514 7 месяцев назад
A fascinating conversation. In some ways was contextualized into a sermon, but was illuminating, and enlighting. I myself am not deeply religious, but I'm not atheist nor am I agnostic. I have listened to Tim in other podcasts, and will continue to listen to him, because I want to understand what drives seemly good people to continue supporting a man who is obviously immoral, a habitual liar, self-centered massively egotistical, and a sociopath for the the most powerful office in the world. And as listen to Tim more and more, because I want to be able to make some sense of the extremely difficult times America is facing.
@beerman204 7 месяцев назад
Very strong coherant message in an age of discord....
@ladytube64 7 месяцев назад
It's very hard to hear the questions being asked. Tim Alberta is so wise and right on.
@hapennysparrow 7 месяцев назад
I could kiss this man. Every point he has made in this presentation is spot on. I dont fit into either political box..Jesus is my north star. I had yo raise five young children as a single mom during the Regan years, received no child support, yet I was pilloried by the Christian communityof my town for not possessing enough faith to somehow heal my marriage to a serial adulterer. It wasmy faith that was lacking, because a real Christian is sucessful and prosperous.I relied on Public Assistance and HUD to survive. I taught K-1 at their Christian School, and loved those kids, and was fired when parents learned of my divorce. The President labeled me " Welfare Queen." No one surviving on a tiny welfare check wants to be in that level of poverty. When my baby started school, I found employment teaching Learning Disabled students in the public school system. I loved those kids. I never remarried, retired a few years ago, and have watched in horror as the Religious Right has fused itself with the political right and morphed into a beast. I was ostricized yet again when I did not hold the extream rhetoric of the Republican Party. I was called Marxist, babykiller, and pure evil for not supporting Trump. I have read extensively on the subject of the Authoritarian movements across the centuries, always paired with a twisted theology to justify atrocity. None of which even remotely smells like Jesus, let alone looks like Him. My position on pro life is lets not make abortion illegal, lets make it unessessary. I know how hard it is to raisea child alone. I so loved your prolife stance. I am ready to flee to a saner nation, because what passes for Christianity in this screwy nation is scary. It is idolotrous at best, and heretical ,even blasphemous, at its core. Bonhoeffer wrote extensively on this, but few paid attention. The shadow of fascism looms over us. Thank you, Tim Alberta. I am reading your latest book now, and have read five others outlining the moment we find ourselves in. God help us. .
@JesusLovesBest 7 месяцев назад
God bless you richly, I hear you, and I have experienced much the same. The American church is very sick and has been for a long time. They look to rituals, earthly riches, and "preacher men" instead of Jesus Christ and His Word. May the younger generations forgive us. Men like Alberta are truly princes among us. The masses now want a slanderous, uncouth brute, and so-called Christians are telling them he's God's man... shameful indeed.
@KellenAdair 7 месяцев назад
Bless you. You sound like one brave, sane woman with great input. Thank you!
@veronikalynn5084 18 дней назад
Loved this comment. My mom was a single mother, we lived with my grandparents, she worked full time. We were poor and on food stamps and somehow she sent me to Catholic school until 6th grade using her tax refund. Growing up, the family was pretty middle of the road politically, but she was pro-choice/life in the way you describe. My grandmother instilled my love of the Bible and the values within it. As time went on and we all grew older, politics was more and more important. After going pretty far on either side, I’ve returned to my independent roots, the only place that isn’t somehow a moral betrayal to myself. My mom, however, has been swept up into the vortex of Trump-style rhetoric. Her understandable dislike of how the Democratic Party has conducted itself has morphed into a really sad, obsessive, blind faith in him and anyone else that “calls out” the Dems. She stopped looking into their pasts. She stopped being curious. She doesn’t question anything they say. She’s become the mirror image of those on the left that are equally as brainwashed (imo). Sorry for the rant. Just wanted to say that this touched my heart because you remind me of who my mom might have been if she hadn’t fell into this rabbit hole. Or who she can still be if she ever realizes that truth social lies as much as Twitter lol. Thank you ✌🏻🖤
@fiddell69 8 месяцев назад
Evangelicals chose Barabas (Trump) over Christ.
@damienpace7350 8 месяцев назад
They chose defending their country and their faith
@fiddell69 8 месяцев назад
...while abandoning whatever Christian principles they possessed.
@damienpace7350 8 месяцев назад
@@fiddell69 having a nation that functions is not incompatible with Christianity. Order and justice in the land is kinda a Biblical requirement.
@brendansparks1511 8 месяцев назад
@@damienpace7350 "Defending their"? It needs defending now from that orange scoundrel!
@JH324 7 месяцев назад
@fiddell69 What Church do you go to and support? There's a reason why you guys are more worried about stopping Trump than growing in your Christian faith.
@ConstanzaAnais-m4p 7 месяцев назад
Abolish God from civil political debate? What a great idea! But, I think the Constitution said it first!
@cnobles2738 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Tim! Your words bring the reality of who followers of Jesus are called to be and the beauty of God’s love shines through your words. May many have ears to hear this message it wakes them up.
@NotGoddess 8 месяцев назад
Excellent discussion. Thank you.
@christinamarie3598 8 месяцев назад
Exactly... no matter the faith celebrating & following the word of God... never once did Jesus ask anyone that followed him .. or he healed ... to take up arms and destroy their fellow man ..
@Anabee3 8 месяцев назад
Exactly! Infact, remember how Jesus responded to Peter when he cut off the ear of Jesus's enemy? Of course you do!
@christinamarie3598 8 месяцев назад
@@Anabee3 .. this country was founded in part to flee religious persecution.. freedom of faith
@VersVoeten Месяц назад
Tim is a very good journalist and writer. I loved his new book. But this video shows that he's also a good pastor. And not only for Christians.
@beemaningi 2 месяца назад
Excellent. Well said!!
@Philip-bk2dm 7 месяцев назад
Trump is holding a mirror up to America. Do you like what you see?
@charlesashurst1816 7 месяцев назад
When evil has God as its shield, it's not God.
@patriciafederle3667 7 месяцев назад
Thank you, Tim! Moving into the Lenten season is an excellent time for introspection and I am falling quite short….I am afraid of the maga movement and that fear is not leading me to love my neighbor. I would be very thankful of some messaging and strategies I can use to replace frustration and anger at them.
@marthacohen4837 7 месяцев назад
I am terrified of Trump and MAGA
@nickmartin8495 Месяц назад
Thank you!!
@wildwoodkare 7 месяцев назад
Jesus never tried to change the Roman Rule. He taught love and in return to love and let your love be a light unto the world.
@jonstrickland4848 7 месяцев назад
I was raised in the deep south by evangelicals dating back generations. Today as an adult I know their views of their God can't be right and if so, I'll go to hell with a very clear conscious and moral high ground. Not to be confrontational but I feel Christianity is morally lacking and this is why we see these Christian Nationalism taking over Christianity. We find it shocking because their lesser moral position looks outdated today to decent people.
@apextroll 7 месяцев назад
Trump is just finishing what began in the 80's with the southern strategy. What would Jesus do has long been problematic.
@paulbeatts 2 месяца назад
Great thank you. Here in Australia 🇦🇺
@michaeldunigan1067 8 месяцев назад
I dwell in the revelation of God and of THE RISEN LORD. And that's where my identity is.
@AlanHitchner 7 месяцев назад
When people of faith are morally stressed the duplicity within them demands they offset their aggressions with benevolence so they may convince themselves they are actually good people. So when people are fighting with someone they are likely to be exceedingly gracious to another to show themselves they are good.
@gracesaves949 7 месяцев назад
& if the '"evangelical mind" could so easily be re-conditioned..& by one whose red outfit & horns are so detectable, speaks volumes more of them!
@SavanahWalls-i1t 7 месяцев назад
I read both of his books. They were a real opening. I HAVE always wonder how someone who was a christian even think of supporting a Man like Trump. Thank you Tim God Bless You. IT breaks my heart that Franklin Graham is so wound up in Trump. HE nd his followers actually WORSHIPE him THEY THINK HE CAN DO NO WRONG. HE couldnt wait to condeam Clinton on the Estine list. But he was very careful not to name TRUMP. 46:56 o
@Samael-Metzger 7 месяцев назад
Wow, an intellectually honest Republican with morals, reason and self-awareness. It is very refreshing. There might be enough of them left in the United States to actually make a baseball team.
@michaeldunigan1067 8 месяцев назад
Yeshua is not partisan. But He came to save sinners not the righteous.
@johnnybates7580 2 месяца назад
Thanks for acknowledging the catholic church is out of control.
@harveyhiller11 6 месяцев назад
I have been following Tim Alberta a bit since he published “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory”. It turns out he is from Michigan and a graduate of MSU. This is a recording of his recent visit to MSU.
@aliciaglauser2184 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking for Christ in this crazy Trump mania!
@earthminus10 8 месяцев назад
You should include in your lecture that Hillary Clinton had 3 million more votes than Donald Trump. Did he only won because of the electoral college?
@PerryMarshallScott 7 месяцев назад
And in response to currently pending court decisions regarding Trump's eligibility to be on the ballot, the GOP are crying foul and saying. " let the people decide." Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the people DID decide by handing Hillary Clinton a majority. Yes. If they followed their own logic she would have been President !
@d.thurston8524 7 месяцев назад
Yes. He lost the popular vote. Don Jr. during Trump family interview on TV, thanked Putin for his help to target states the Clinton campaign did not invest in, which suppled trump with the electoral college win.
@krizilloo2538 7 месяцев назад
If anyone wants to understand the position of the other side, read “Letter to the American Church,” by Eric Metaxas.
@55cook 8 месяцев назад
I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm voting for Trump. He is no Christian.
@JH324 7 месяцев назад
So is Biden a Christian?😂
@marnavanloo7302 4 месяца назад
Trump gave tax breaks to the rich, increasing the debt by 8 trillion. Biden has people working. They have better pay & pay more taxes. They have healthcare. Their work is providing clean water, better bridges. I’m old and pray for my younger family. The stuff trump has done is sending a wrong signal. I don’t care if someone is LBGDQ, if they treat others with love & respect. I would trade migrants for MAGA in a heartbeat. Sickening how Trump separated families who love each other.
@larryreilly7 7 месяцев назад
Excellent job brother.
@robbower5489 8 месяцев назад
Maybe some should tell his Australian buddy: “Out-of-pocket costs for patients have long been discussed as a key problem of the Australian health care system.30-38 In 2018-19, mean personal out-of-pocket health-related costs amounted to about $1649 per person, or 2.6% of mean annual income in Australia“
@allymayful 7 месяцев назад
That's a heck of a lot better than in the US.
@lovemakestheworldgoround6726 7 месяцев назад
@@allymayful Yes, and as is always the case, people don't appreciate what the have. As someone who is blessed - yes, i feel blessed to have this facility - to be able to use Medicare, i understand that it's not perfect - NOTHING MAN-MADE IS! But I'm not going to whinge about it nor bring it down because we still have something 👼🏽🙏🏽
@jamesklein1278 6 месяцев назад
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
@victoriamartin883 8 месяцев назад
@veronikalynn5084 18 дней назад
I’m surprised how good this was. I very much love how beautifully Christianity (and all faith in general) aligns with independent politics. This was so succinctly highlighted. I know that there are times when people must rise up and hold government accountable. But it matters how, and who you’re allowing to guide you. It matters why. If I or my family’s lives were in danger due to government actions, you bet I’d be out at DC at the gates. But they aren’t. And so, if it isn’t important enough to die for, if it isn’t important enough to infringe on *my* morals that are laid out in the Bible (and many other religious texts), then it’s not worth it. Both right and left are full of the manipulated, and the manipulators. I’m not saying that Kamala or Biden or Obama are morally superior to Trump *at all.* I’m saying that winning a moral battle is impossible when those are your choices. You have to work within your own heart and home, your community, your friends and families. You can’t expect to win hearts and minds with a mascot like our supposed leaders or those who would like to be. Seeing Christians conflate God with red or blue does nothing to bring more to God. It debases Him. I always imagine the story where Jesus walks into the church and sees all this greed and commerce going on, how appalled he was. That’s what so many on earth have brought into the spiritual realm. They make a mockery of faith.
@theresahamlin3926 7 месяцев назад
Tim Alberta
@Angela-bk7yp 3 месяца назад
Be shod with the Gospel of peace. We better find our sandals again .
@hipchickglass 8 месяцев назад
Tim Alberta, live forever
@JesusLovesBest 7 месяцев назад
@newtonbrook 6 месяцев назад
Tim Scott and Ron deSantis now support Trump
@johnwhitney1439 7 месяцев назад
Umaga Christians must realize that Trump is not your lord😂
@theh.o.p.e.channelwhoyouar7614 2 месяца назад
But Tim you say you have compassion.And empathy for the evangelicals who have been lied to and manipulated.But doesn't our faith tell us to be wise as doves and test everything and hold on to the good? I am in agreement with you.And I was one of those evangelicals who questioned what was happening in two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen I was wise enough to know something is wrong here that we're supporting this kind of man. I ultimately had to leave evangelicam as well as the church.Don't worry , i'm in a messianic synagogue now , very much align with biblical scripture. We know that Yesshua said in the end times many will be deceived. I just don't feel that they were manipulated and lied to without their own consent ... It's. What they chose and wanted just like Barabbas. They want Trump's way. Not Jesus's just like the crowd called for barrabas. And not Jesus. I can't feel empathy for people who will not steep themselves in the truth of the Bible. And believe it for real in their everyday life.. I am not thinking I'm anything special. I just read my Bible and studied it and knew what I was hearing within the evangelical church was not aligned with the Bible.
@onedaya_martian1238 8 месяцев назад
Gee, pointing out that evangelicalism isn't the same as acting like a person who was murdered 2000 years ago ? When it is written that he supposedly said "my kingdom is not of this earth" ?? And it's surprising that this has led these "thinkers", who say the world is 6000 years old, to behave in a destructive manner ? Wow !! This is how great countries die, finding the rot after it has taken hold of the people considered leaders. There's too much money in the tax free religion game to make a difference Tim !!
@FretnesButke 7 месяцев назад
While my guitar gently weeps
@FretnesButke 7 месяцев назад
@jamesklein1278 2 месяца назад
So much truth but lacking the reason this country is even around. Our God fearing, Jesus following, faith filled forfathers had a few things to say about picking up a sword. Many died saving others from the Hitler's if this world. Tim has a lot of insight that is very relevant. I think to get even a better look at our history as Christian the book " The Light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall going even deeper. I beleave there is a time to stand up against evil and its in all politics.
@qesther1241 Месяц назад
The founders were not all Christians. See End Time Productions, there’s something strange about Washington DC
@wwrover697 6 месяцев назад
What is happening to this You Tube link. ALL I GET IS VIDEO not a word Tim is speaking is understandable!!!
@allenstabler5916 2 месяца назад
There is “no such thing” as Judeo-Christian values…🔥✝️🔥
@olaznogemiaj 8 месяцев назад
@kellybrown8638 4 месяца назад
Jesus would NOT vote for Donald Trump. Jesus realizes Trump is too WICKED and SINFUL to serve
@alandesmond7860 7 месяцев назад
Speck here with Jerimiah Johnson, a prophet standing up against a man idolitry movement usa .
@renaejones3482 2 месяца назад
So do we not vote?
@mikelnu8224 8 месяцев назад
Wish he also spoke about prisoners and migrants....'cause Jesus did.
@lafayettedickens6236 5 месяцев назад
No sound
@alandesmond7860 7 месяцев назад
False aliances with the body compromising the truth for the gladiators of our day.
@Cuefrost101 7 месяцев назад
Mark 8:15 Be careful,” Jesus warned them. “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” This is the age old Religious Spirit and Political Spirit ... Neither of which bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. You shall know a tree by its fruit... Anyone?
@RobertStambaugh-l5r 2 месяца назад
" America is the shining city on a hill " - Ronald Reagan , our greatest President and our most successful Christian President . There is nothing wrong with we Christians who love America . America is a Christian nation . The government will not tell my wife and i how to raise our own son . The government will not tell my wife , son and i and our friends at our wonderful , very diverse Fundamental Baptist Church that we cannot pray or sing God Bless America whenever or wherever we choose to do so . The government will not tell my wife , son and i that we cannot say the Pledge of Allegiance the correct way , with the words Under God today . God bless Jerry Falwell Sr . for attempting to protect our precious women by standing up to the pervert Larry Flynt , Husler magazine and the perverted extreme x rated porn industry which totally degrades our precious women . One is either on the side of Falwell and the Moral Majority and protecting our precious women , or you are on the side of the pervert Flynt and degrading our precious women . Jesus is the truth and he is alive today . Darwin was a lying con man .
@sjones2088 7 месяцев назад
He wasn't vagrant and he wasn't poor. This is widely misunderstood in evangelical churches and other denominations. He was doing His Father's work. John, the Baptist, said as written in Matthew 3.2: Repent he, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". He was baptized in water by John the Baptist, straight up the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. From that point He went into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Afterwards His ministry began.Matt 4:23, And Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, ...Afterwards He traveled about the land with His disciples. He had a home. Additionally, he was not poor: He lacked nothing. All things are of Him.
@SeaKeithRUn 3 месяца назад
Jesus did not say love demons so if you demonize your enemies, problem solved.
@12345patbet 7 месяцев назад
Oh my word - has he not read the bible? Jesus Never got involved in politics. The end Never justifies the means. Read the bible and use that mirror!
@theh.o.p.e.channelwhoyouar7614 2 месяца назад
Great analysis of what has happened...BUT some wrong facts. All the Messianic Jews remained following tradition and covenants and commandment God gave them. They did not eat Pork we see Peter's attestation tothat in Acts 10:9. They continues on worshipping in Synagogues- there were no 'churches.' Gentiles were God Fearers in the Synogues roughly until 100-135a.d. where Rabbinical Judaism split off the Nazarites *People of THE WAY - Yeshua followers. Jews stayed Jews but were messianic Believers as we see in Act 21:20 "....How many thousands of Jews there are which believe?And they are all zealous of the law.." What changed was that Jesus executed the punishment for sin In human nature... He did not introduce nor did Paul a new religion. Beleiving Gentiles (messianics) are GRAFTED INTO THE OLIVE TREE (and Root) not the other way around. Peter and John are going to the Temple to prayer during the afternoon prayer time. Paul did not begin a new religion...he preach of the continuity of Scripture, Messiah's arrival AND THAT GENTILES WERE INCLUDED.
@BettyMensch 3 месяца назад
Havevyou ever heard the song the Goodness of God. Why zMe Lord and Ce zJesus Come. They will pretty uch answer your question. Plus most portent Trust in the Lord. Everyone has opinions why they don't agree with something
@노아-x4u 12 дней назад
Davis Matthew Gonzalez Robert Smith Melissa
@harlanmueller7499 7 месяцев назад
All right, let’s trade Jesus for power. Forget all that pesky discipleship, forget all those words in red letters.
@schoolshields9614 2 месяца назад
Since 1531 Amor Victa = Amer'ica: Love conquersall... Golden Rule: Life, Liberrty.and the pursuit of Happiness. Since 1776... 250 years before that since 1521.... Between our united Mexica tribes and bishop Sebastian Ramirez De Fuenleal... Otherwise known as Mexico D.F. The great law, our supreme law, an immortal law.... Since time immorial... Superior over Christiain law... JEH.ZUES law... Mo.Zues law.... Jeh'Prah.... Jeh'Ovah... Ell Pata~El Papa~The Pope...... Or since c4000 BCE... El Ptah Osiris SabukHeliipolis Zues~Jupiter Optimus Maximus~~Hercules Gaditanus Melqart~Heliopolis Zues~Jupiter Optimus Maximus~JEH.ZUES~Jehzues~Jesus..... From Kemit~Latin~Spanish to English Dios means God.. Till this day... Meaning... Zues~D'Zues~Dionysius~Dius~Dios = god... or God' to you and Judeo Christianns... in the old world. In you hole'n'lands... You are not in your hole'n'lands... You are on our Sacred Lands... You are in the Americas... On the otherside of planet... If you cannot read our 2 rword ooted name sake for our half of the planet, North America, Central America, and South America...... Nor our 7 worded golden rule.... On what credibility can you be trusted to interpret theBible. Which has been translated from Greek,from Latin, from Hebrew, to Engliish.... Yet you cannot even read English.. But you cannot even read that Jesus~Jehzues~JEH.ZUES... Just like Hercules~Heir D'Zues~A son of Zues~Heracles~He from Zues..... The Age ofPisces is proclaimed over... You are the oversseas barbarian who cannot read... Pilgrim means a temporary visitor on journey, or to pay respects to sacred site, or on a spiritual journey.... I think it is beyond obvious you are clueless..... Our miracle is that you are free to return to your hole''nlands.... Do you even know who's silver and gold goldbacked nearly every single American revolution since 1776 plus World War One to end 5000+ years of slavery.... Yet you'allback the leader of the Pro-slavery Confederacy.. You are niether Christian nor American.... If you were American, you would have known. Amer'ica = Amor Victa: Love conquers all... It all sounds like you are the barbarian who illegally came over both Hadrians Wall, and Antoninus Wall... The world was mapped by 1415... Its why we have the legend of El Doradoo, Queen Califa... Or ratherQueen Khan'lifa.....As in Admiral Zheng He the captured nobleson of the fallen Mongul empire.. A Khan... His family jewels were snipped off by the Chinese Ming victors... Think the silk road, Marco Polo, the Gabrielli from the Venetian naval academy, Then add Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.. C3PO & R2D2 are 3.14 = Pi... T'Enoch'tit'lan or modern Mexico D.F. the capitol city.. Are the Ewoks.. In Holllywood artistic flair... Capt. Hernan Cortez is Capt. Han Solo.... Princess Leia is Princess Lex or Princess La Malinche..... You did not discover that which we sold partially to the man who's faux myth we have toppled completely... Nor did you found the nation which we from 250 years of prior effort from love loss and warfare clearly established... Philly = Felipe.. The House of Liberty holds our golden rule... In the city of brotherly love... Philly = Felipe... As in we made twins like Princess Leia had twins... Our old Gen. Felipe Angeles Ramirez airforce base in Mexico City... We are descended from the kings and empires ofEurope. Except we are the liberators.... The ones who goldbacked your freedom to say J esus saved you. But it really was... Surely you do know Benjamin Franklin obtained the USA's loan and support from King of France, the court, the bank of Palace of Versailles... But what you'all don't know, or just now learning... Is that we are descended from Sun King Louie XIV too... The bank loan note may have been secured and negotiated by our family in France... But the silver and gold were Mexican... The Iroquaoe provided safe passage as our allies, the Iroquai confederacy.... The thing about our sociasm is that you are free to repay our gold for saving you... Saving Christianity... More than 3x's.... Even the Pope has signaled Owl for the Age of Aquarius &Owl.... Or Alpha & Omega... Or our Air & Ocean..... Yet that which you say you process absolutely and its propheciees which you cannot possbily understand... They also proclaimed for the Age of Aquarius to come afterthe end of tiime... Meaning the end of the time of Pisces... The Age of Pisces O to 2024 AD/CE... Your oaths you sear to our USA... Our supreme law is: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..... Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.
@jyrkiseppala3385 8 месяцев назад
If you are Christian, you haven’t been seeking the truth strong enough.
@terencequinn2682 7 месяцев назад
The aren’t seeking truth , they are seeking belief.
@richardrogers156 7 месяцев назад
@alandesmond7860 7 месяцев назад
@alandesmond7860 7 месяцев назад
Jesus conquared sin. My kingdom is not of this world leaves us with the answer to sins power and answer to mans hatred is love grace Jesus John 1.17 a different kingdom to this worlds a different Spirit in the world system. The church needs to be an answer, the salt 🧂 not the pepper not a short, but a helping hand put back the solidars ear specking of our need to hear the message not short circuiting it.
@JordanArno-l7x 8 дней назад
Gonzalez Helen Robinson Barbara White Brian
@damienpace7350 8 месяцев назад
Wanting Evangelicals to be politically helpless is not sound Christianity. In the same way that Christians are not required to be pacifists which would make human govt impossible.
@frankwelch9264 7 месяцев назад
You can have political strength by supporting candidates that are not self serving narcissistic and violent. Supporting Trump is telling everyone else they don't matter and are expendable
@damienpace7350 7 месяцев назад
@@frankwelch9264 I care more about his policies and results l. Rather than singling out a politician for being narcissistic when they all are. Trump's narcissism fuels him to do a good job so he'll get acclaim.
@HVACSoldier 7 месяцев назад
@@damienpace7350Um, encouraging people to riot, regardless of party, is wrong. Reagan didn’t do it. George W. Bush didn’t do it. I couldn’t see George W. Bush or Reagan accusing one of their primary opponents of being involved in the assassination of JFK.
@damienpace7350 7 месяцев назад
@@HVACSoldier he encouraged them to peacefully protest
@HVACSoldier 7 месяцев назад
@@damienpace7350 By the time he did that, the rioters were already riled up. You can’t say “The election was stolen,” two months straight, and then tone down the rhetoric, and expect there to NOT be a riot.
@charlespackwood2055 2 месяца назад
I think the problem lies is identified for me at approximately 11 minutes in, where he starts identifying the attacks as being personal. Once you acknowledge that you are the Christian you are to have died a Romans 6:3ff death. Ie. You were crucified with Christ and it is no longer YOU that live. And to the extent that you allow this to occur is where the fight is no longer with you but with God Himself. Once the Church in America assumes a crucified position IN CHRIST JESUS, the battle that wages no longer becomes ours. We then stand still in Christ's death, and behold the salvation of God. As long as we are operating 'in the flesh' we will have to use 'the flesh' in greater and greater measure. But God's first work will then be to deal with the Church. We have to get flesh completely out of leadership.
@davidclawley5155 8 месяцев назад
Fine fellow, must be hard for him to still believe, given how many of his delusional tribe act, and ever the lack of evidence for his god or any other
@zach2980 8 месяцев назад
Jesus created hell and was fine in creating a world where most people end up there. Why would you want to follow someone like this? The reality is, people can make their bible or ignorance of it say anything they want. Using Jesus’ words alone can be taken as violence. The second coming is apparently near and not gonna be peaceful. This is not even to mention his sadistic father/himself in the OT.
@robbower5489 8 месяцев назад
So, Tim Alberta’s trashing of the evangelical church and Trump hasn’t convinced you to turn to Christianity?
@zach2980 8 месяцев назад
@@robbower5489 no. ;)
@nonayoung8177 8 месяцев назад
there are some weird people on this post
@nonayoung8177 8 месяцев назад
nothing in the bible talks about the values you are talking about. stay out of other people’s business
@zach2980 8 месяцев назад
@@nonayoung8177 you talking to me? If so, elaborate. And I assume you’ve read the Bible?
@anemargretta 2 месяца назад
Mr Alberta, you need to examine your soul. Do you apologise to Mr Donald Trump?
@nickmartin8495 Месяц назад
if anyone should apologize it’s trumpf or dump or whatever his name is.
@Johnnywalleye1 11 дней назад
You need deprogrammed
Tim Alberta "The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory"
Tim Alberta on Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism
Tim Alberta, "American Carnage"
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Tim Alberta on the White Evangelical Crisis
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The Great Partisan Shift | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | EP 484
How Trump Has Transformed Evangelicals
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