
Tito - The Power of Resistance | Those Who Shaped the 20th Century, Ep. 25 

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High quality version, scanned in HD from the master film reel
Portrait of the father of the socialist Yugoslavia: Marshal Josip Broz Tito. Narrated by Henry Fonda
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Marshal Josip Broz Tito (Kumrovec, Croatia, 1892 - Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1980) was the creator and main leader of the communist regime in Yugoslavia (1945-1980). Marshal Tito was a pragmatic leader who knew how to play neutral in the context of the Cold War and who directed with an iron hand a multi-ethnic system whose only real link was his own figure, so that with his death the multinational model collapsed.



26 сен 2024




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@iggy9955 Год назад
I was born in FNRJ, lived in SFRY and today in the free and independent state of Croatia, for which I fought as a volunteer from 1991 to 1995. I don't have a big pension. I suffer from 5-6 diseases, he was cured 7 years ago from cancer (severe) and 3 years bedridden. But that's life. I remember my childhood in Tito's Yugoslavia. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. We wore jeans, bought records of foreign bands, played electric guitars, went to matches. Czechoslovaks and Hungarians used to come to our seaside in buses with wooden headboards. They wondered how we live here. Our passport is welcomed everywhere in the world. Yes, from Tito's Yugoslavia. You didn't deal with politics, and I needed politics, and you were great. Tito saved us from Stalin's jaws and if only that, thank him to the grave. Those who were involved in politics were under increased pressure in casemates and camps (bare island), I'm not saying that there was no such thing.But those who lived a peaceful family life had no problems. Today many say tyrant correctly. But only those who poked around in politics Tito, thank you for what you did for Yugoslavia, but after you - each to his own side. Amen.
@alfonsmarti Год назад
Well said and now postmodern nazism dominating the world has killed your unique people and amazing nations of Yugoslavia. Sadest thing. Sorry.
@vatromet1 4 месяца назад
Druže,svaka ti je reč na mestu,ali ovima koji to nisu doživeli ne možeš dočarati,ali mi smo bar imali sreće da zakačimo to vreme.Ja sam dete Jugoslavije i odbio sam da ratujem protiv svog naroda,koštalo me i košta,ali neka,obraz mi je čist,jer sam vaspitavan u duhu Jugoslavije,pozdrav i svako dobro ja ti želim.
@grgoperko7238 4 месяца назад
I am also a volunteer in the civil war of the SFRY JNA and Serbia, Montenegro aggression against Croats and Croatia. Even in the failed Yugoslavia, I was hungry, there were no basic foodstuffs, flour, salt, sugar, coffee, we went to buy jeans in Italy (we tried to make a living), we drove the worst cars in the world, both in pairs and not in pairs. and not odd dates. It was the dictatorial communist failure of Yugoslavia and it was not repeated for any nation, especially not for Croatia.
@BlackQback 4 месяца назад
@@grgoperko7238 Ako si u Jugi služio JNA, onda si izdajica, prekršio zakletvu. Takvu smo super zemlju imali, budale je razjebale. Interesantno kako se svi sjećaju samo kratkotrajnih "eksperimenata" nesposobne JU-vlade, sve to nakon Titove smrti, nestašica određenih artikala - jest bilo je toga povremeno, ali smo po te i druge stvare išli svaki tjedan u Trst, Graz, par-nepar je trajao manje od godinu dana, mase su kupovale drugi auto, još se sjećam neviđene gužve u policiji, na šalteru za nove tablice, mijenjanja za mjesto u redu prema tome kome je trebao par a kome nepar, a kad su to ukinuli - odjednom se moglo kupiti polovni auto za siću (uglavnom fiću, jugića ili golfa). Svejedno, imali smo pasoš s kojim smo bez vize mogli putovati u sve zemlje svijeta, osim u njih 6-8 (ovisno kada; sjećam se da je viza trebala za USA, SSSR, Izrael, neko vrijeme Grčku, za Albaniju nisi trebao ni pitati, par novinara je uspjelo isposlovati ulaz...), imali smo standard daleko iznad svih zemalja Istočnog bloka, a živjeli bolje nego srednja klasa u Engleskoj.
@grgoperko7238 4 месяца назад
@user-dp5nr5mk5c Collapsed for the second time in 70 years. Yugoslavia was a prison for the Croats, the genocidal criminal Tito (the Bleiburg genocide killed over 700,000 Croats), an eldorado for the defeated Yugoslav aggressors (JNA) and Serbs in the 1991-1995 aggression against Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Kosovo. For the Croats, Yugoslavia was a stepmother, a dictatorial, communist creation of evil, there were more hungry people in it than full ones. There was discrimination, if you were not a member of the communist party of Yugoslavia, you could not have a job, and anyone who was not a member of the KPJ was an enemy of the collapse of the genocide-created Yugoslavia .
@vladimircurkoski1455 Год назад
There was so much more about him and his reception all over African continent. He was a kind of man who can be really world leader, a very unique man
@DeeDeex007o Год назад
@stephanebelizaire3627 10 месяцев назад
Yes indeed !
@Materialist39 4 месяца назад
I truly don’t think there will ever be a leader like him again. The irony of this statement will immediately be apparent: I don’t subscribe to a great man theory of history, but the exceptions like him certainly prove that rule.
@bigozimak Год назад
I am not ashamed to say that I've still got my little statue of TITO right next to my tv. In fact, I'm proud of it.
@donroka1 Год назад
Tako i treba, ja na vikendici imam njegovu sliku, nas najveci lider ❤❤
@zeljochero5026 Год назад
@alfonsmarti Год назад
I would really be proud of it. Yugoslavia was a miracle that postmodern totalitarian society exterminated. notice how the Hitler´s work was achieved by Western powers by organizing a genocide of all kinds of peoples in Yugoslavia but having a common trait: human and decent civilised tradicional Balkan peasants. I was born in Spain where peasants were long ago shooted and led to hunger death by our local nazi Franco but I know very well Greece... my second home...Balkans are hated because people is still human in costums and mind. A tragedy. try to build your country again!!
@BlackQback 4 месяца назад
@@donroka1 Jao, u srce me ujede. Moju Titovu sliku s jedne vikendice je vlaga uništila, iz druge ju je netko odnio, ostala mi je samo ova doma, malo apšisala. Stara je negdje zametnula bistu Tita, jer je ko hrčak i ne da ništa baciti, ali niti ne zna gdje je šta metnula, sve porodične nekretnine natrpala kramom. Al zato ja svoj crveni pasoš čuvam na sigurnom, pokopali me s njim daboga.
@grgoperko7238 4 месяца назад
Collapsed for the second time in 70 years. Yugoslavia was a prison for the Croats, the genocidal criminal Tito (the Bleiburg genocide killed over 700,000 Croats), an eldorado for the defeated Yugoslav aggressors (JNA) and Serbs in the 1991-1995 aggression against Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Kosovo. For the Croats, Yugoslavia was a stepmother, a dictatorial, communist creation of evil, there were more hungry people in it than full ones. There was discrimination, if you were not a member of the communist party of Yugoslavia, you could not have a job, and anyone who was not a member of the KPJ was an enemy of the collapse of the genocide-created Yugoslavia .
@tmack11 4 года назад
Germany: We have defeated & subjugated Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia: Well yes, but actually no
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
They did in two weeks 🤔...everything else is just a communist myths and fairy tales for young children and young dumbs who belive in socialism and communism is something better than western world and free market.🙄😏
@VesnaMedic-x8c 26 дней назад
Pa da, sada! Ne za vreme Tita!
@haddynovak116 Год назад
El Commandante - We will never forget what You have done for us, for Yugoslavian nations and people, and also for whole peaceful world and for humanity in it, generally.
@igcuric Год назад
Today we know about Huda Jama, Bleiburg, and kržni put and thousands of other mass graves after the war. How can any normal person glorify this mass murderer? He is like in the top twelve mass murderers in history. WTF...
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
(face palm) 🤔🙄🤣😆
@Mh436 Год назад
druže Tito mi ti se kunemo! Večna ti slava i hvala!
@ankoranko8736 Год назад
Šta nam nacionalizam uradi. Malo para sa sjevera, nacionalizam, i ubišmo se. Uništi smo onaku ljepotu.
@numenoreaneternity6682 Год назад
Yugoslavia was not neutral, but Non-Aligned, and was at the forefront of the decolonization of Africa and Southeast Asia, and Yugoslavia's leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement granted it majority votes in the UN and prevented both the West and the East from subjugating the Third World. Yugoslavia did not "disintegrate", Yugoslavia was destroyed by a number of global powers who were threatened by her continued existence.
@DenOfMasters Год назад
Well said
@Shaleqa_Adenan 11 месяцев назад
Ethiopians Hero! Thanks the people of Yugoslavia Mexico 🇲🇽 Russia 🇷🇺 are free nation you can count on During extreme difficult times. Yugoslavia were truly beautiful honest nation
@grgoperko7238 4 месяца назад
Collapsed for the second time in 70 years. Yugoslavia was a prison for the Croats, the genocidal criminal Tito (the Bleiburg genocide killed over 700,000 Croats), an eldorado for the defeated Yugoslav aggressors (JNA) and Serbs in the 1991-1995 aggression against Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Kosovo. For the Croats, Yugoslavia was a stepmother, a dictatorial, communist creation of evil, there were more hungry people in it than full ones. There was discrimination, if you were not a member of the communist party of Yugoslavia, you could not have a job, and anyone who was not a member of the KPJ was an enemy of the collapse of the genocide-created Yugoslavia .
@kaalisurfer600 2 года назад
Partizans the true guerrila,my grandpa was partizan and i was titos soldier,the one and only leader who i respected
@marcsimbrow8836 2 года назад
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
@@marcsimbrow8836 Read history,too.
@Saraj176 Год назад
Jedan djed mi je bio narodni heroj a drugi prvoborac ,ponosan sam na to dok god disem
@VitezRafael Год назад
Was he gay like tito ?
@BlackQback 4 месяца назад
@@Saraj176 Moj djed bio ilegalac pa prvoborac, potom zarobljen i poslan u zatvor u Njemačku (srećom ne u konc-logor), krajem 1944 su ga saveznici oslobodili, pa se vratio u partizane. Dedin brat - narodni heroj, još ima ulica s njegovim imenom. Baka u ilegali radila za partizane. Ja samo mogu da ih ispoštujem i ostanem Jugoslovenka do smrti.
@armarmadillo 2 года назад
Some say that Tito was a dictator. It's not. But if he was, he was a dictator whom the people loved.
@danilo16410 2 года назад
The best "dictator" the world has konwn. Just name all the actor and actress went to visit him, opening in this way Yougoslavia even more to the west. This "dictator" crap emerged in this generation, as ~hit emerges in a swamp.
@igcuric Год назад
How about those people who were thrown in thousands of mass graves all over Yugoslavia after WW2?
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
Did you live in Yugoslavia ? What are you ? Serb ? 🤔🤨
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
@@danilo16410 What a stupid opinion to say and of course from who else ...one serb 🤔🤣
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
People was not allowed not to love him, so they "loved" him.
@nedzibberisa8786 3 года назад
There is the rumour, that Tito said to Stalin, after many failed attempts to assassinate Tito: Stop sending me your assassins, otherwise I'll send you one, and there won't be a need to send a second one. Add the mysterious death of Stalin to it, who knows 😂. Whatever is anyone's opinion about Tito, take a look at his funeral, there was no bigger one before or after, with so many world leaders, just Jimmy Carter wasn't there, a few month later he was out of office, coincidence??? 😂😂😂
@dragan3290 3 года назад
That s true story! Stalin tried multiple times to kill Marshall Tito!
@dragan3290 3 года назад
Bilo je časno živjeti s Titom
@dragan3290 3 года назад
@@MARKO8885VTC yes! It's sad how much hatred, anger. I still say Yugoslav because it was Jugoslavia kad Sam bio mali. Prijatno!🙂👍
@kaalisurfer600 2 года назад
bilo je nešto slicno ali tito nnikad to nije izjavio,imas intervju na tv beograd
@kristiangameplay6534 2 года назад
Tito was a man with balls, i saw him, like a kid in 70' and life in Yugoslavia was not so bad like novadays politicians like to lie about Yugoslavia and Tito. he wasn't a saint, but on this planet was and are much more worst leaders than Tito. Most of the people in YU loved Tito, no propaganda here, i live there and i saw with my own eyes, 20 years i lived in YU and now is much worst, at least for the majority of the ex YU population. Now people are depressed, back then wasn't much money, but most of the people was happy under socialism. Živela SFRJ i Tito
@sladetuner8661 Год назад
What did Stalin and hitler have in common?, Both tried to kill Tito!
@Marjana954 Год назад
@alfonsmarti Год назад
exactly! and what Hitler and Stalin had in common in 1990? Killing of people of Yugoslavia. They succeded finally, NATO, EU disguise, so then a terrible sign of what kind of world are we living in
@BlackQback 4 месяца назад
Also, both failed miserably, and Tito outlived them for decades.
@dragan3290 3 года назад
Bilo je časno živjeti s Titom
@almalipovaca8978 2 года назад
I te kako!
@33neptun 2 года назад
A još je časnije bez njega.
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
Ne smeta ti pamet koliko vidim ?🤔🤭Neki očito normalno funkcioniraju i bez mozga😏😬
@darkomiceski3755 Год назад
​@@33neptun Ako pod čast računaš to što nas sada jebe ko stigne.
@robotube7361 9 месяцев назад
@@33neptun ne.
@francescobini9782 3 года назад
@Vedad24 3 года назад
After watching this it is clear as day that Yugoslavia didnt fail because of Titos death, Yugoslavia fell because East and West was afraid of another Tito. I know there were few in Yugoslavia that didnt love or like Tito (Chetnik and Ustasha) but majority of people loved Tito. Tito played East and West for benefits of his people and not the benefits of himself like many leaders do today. I understand his vision and the man was a genius. I would give my life for another Tito but I doubt someone like this would come around within 1000 years. RIP Tito!
@tomi4974 2 года назад
Breaking news Tito was a Russian spy
@Sh4d891 2 года назад
@@tomi4974 nah
@tomi4974 Год назад
@@Sh4d891 my boy I’m from Yugoslavia and I know for sure this is true
@jankopandza1072 Год назад
@@tomi4974 my boy i am also from Yugoslavia and you are full of B.S. but thats ok.. Yugoslavs are known for speaking and writing B.S stuff
@tomi4974 Год назад
@@jankopandza1072 bro come on come on think about it a little
@_.13_ 4 года назад
Tito was best thing Yugoslavia ever had or will have.
@01real1 3 года назад
You forgot Nikola Tesla.
@sameerhasan8101 3 года назад
@@01real1 OMG YES!
@alexdiaz155 3 года назад
A sequel, maybe.
@Vedad24 3 года назад
Not just Yugoslavia, he had a vision for the entire Balkan. :((
@ratkomartin2005 2 года назад
@@01real1 Yes and No.Tesla was born in AU monarchy..he didn t live in Yugoslavia.Tito was born too in AU but lived in Yugoslavia.
@rajkobjelica4905 3 года назад
Superb documentary.
@WorldEaterEnjoyer_01 3 года назад
gotta admit, the yugoslavians had an interesting uniforms
@ratkomartin2005 2 года назад
Part of partizan s uniforms were from Britain as military help or supply(british war tunik, short one),some partizans wore uniforms of former kingdom Yugoslavia later came so called "Soviet looking"uniforms...i apologise for bad english.
@robertlaabs5066 2 года назад
I have watched 'Many" WW11 documentaries and I am Always amazed how much I still do not know. Thank You, This was very interesting.
@igcuric Год назад
He was extreme even for Stalin. True psychopath. Killed all his comrades who trusted him and brought him to power. Arranged mass murders of the population after to war. The Communist party was an ally to Hitler until Hitler broke the pact with Stalin. You need to dig a little deeper, this is just propaganda.
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
You still don't☺...this video is pure communist propaganda and have nothing to do with reality🤔😆🙄
@ankrapek12 2 года назад
one and only, the greatest to walk the yugoslav lands!
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
@donroka1 Год назад
@hrvojecosic8802 Год назад
Svi smo ga mi voljeli ...... Osim onih na robiji 😂
@DeeDeex007o Год назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bas tako!!!!
@sladetuner8661 2 года назад
Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Fatah was one of Marshal Tito's Freinds by the way
@lujo0707 4 года назад
Druže Tito hvala do neba!
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
Za šta ?
@lujo0707 Год назад
@@pantelaja6528 zato što nije dozvolio fašistima da preuzmu državu
@prikipriki30 Год назад
​@@pantelaja6528 Za stan u kome zivis i bolnice u kojima se lecis, skolu koji su popustio 😂
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
@@prikipriki30 Aha, a Vučiću hvala za plate i penzije, je li tako?😁😁😁
@Saraj176 Год назад
@@pantelaja6528 Ne seri
@samuelsilas2964 Год назад
Yuoslavia in world war2 fought the German Italian Hungarian Bulgarian they were a powerful army
@lenwilkinson672 2 года назад
And when Tito died all the power seekers came out of the woodwork and destroyed Yugoslavia.The Balkan war is history andYugoslavia no longer exists.
@rabijaalija6007 Год назад
You said the truth
@mmgmihg7498 Год назад
Unfortunately United we stand divided we fall and we have !
@newjerseyyouth4853 2 года назад
Long live Marshall Tito!
@starguy2718 2 года назад
What about Marshall Dillon?
@newjerseyyouth4853 2 года назад
@@starguy2718 who, I ain’t googling that
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
@testick8431 3 года назад
3:24 man holding back tears
@tulayamalavenapi4028 9 дней назад
Western aid...immediate Soviet counter propaganda.. I went to Yugoslavia with my family in 1968. Dad wanted to visit, though the rest of us hesitated. But we spent a little time there, enough for my older sister to fall in love with a Yugoslavian boy. I'm thinking neither of them were concerned with the politics. Love is blind. They had to break it off because of Dad. Thank you for the interesting film. I like the narration of Henry Fonda alot. And the observations of the New York Times are educational.
@aleksandars9254 3 года назад
Long live Tito, long live Gaddafi!
@Euro.Patriot 3 года назад
@oinkers6839 2 года назад
@@Euro.Patriot what do you mean?
@Euro.Patriot 2 года назад
@@oinkers6839 They were both dogs.
@orelskivis 2 года назад
@@oinkers6839 they are IMMORTAL they live in our hearts:):)
@orelskivis 2 года назад
@@Euro.Patriot To their Folks and land the most LOYAL !!!
@Pootycat8359 3 месяца назад
Here's a theory, which seems obvious to me, though I haven't heard anyone else suggest it. Stalin tried to have Tito assassinated 22 times! (or 21, I forget). Each time, the would-be assassin was apprehended. Tito then sent a message to Stalin, stating that if Stalin tried that again, he would send HIS assassin after Stalin, and he'd only need one attempt. Then, in 1953, Stalin died, allegedly of natural causes. If you believe THAT, I have some fine ocean-front property in western New Mexico you might like to buy 🙂. I always thought it was the Politburo members who whacked "Uncle Joe," out of fear of a second purge. Then I learned of Stalin's attempts to kill Tito, and Tito's response. I ALSO learned that when Stalin died, yet another plan to whack Tito was in the works. Was Tito responsible for Stalin's death? Or maybe, it was a cooperative effort of Tito & Stalin's potential future victims?
Tito also went to Italy after the war to ask for the Italian war criminals and the British and USA didn’t want to hand them over to Tito
@Marjana954 Год назад
En 1948 etaient deux victimes de Stalin: Tshehoslovakie, victime de putch sovietique et Yugoslavie, victime d'Imformbiro. But par merite de Tito, Yugoslavie restait independante et respecte partout de monde!
@senadmarovic3530 2 года назад
Tito the one and only 👍
@ratkomartin2005 2 года назад
Uvek druze,Srbija pozdrav.
@anfrankogezamartincic1161 11 месяцев назад
Tito saved us from Stalinism. He wasn't perfect, but he played his cards well. He was smart enough to go with USA and UK
@borismilicevic4367 Год назад
He still is a hero. To many born in those days.
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
Jel'se vama diže kad vam netko spomene Tita🤔..pitam za prijatelja a stvarno i mene zanima 😆🤣
@darkomiceski3755 Год назад
​@@damirglavas7940 vidi se da se tebi dupe otvara kada ti neko spomene Tita 😂😂😂😂
@Marjana954 Год назад
​@@damirglavas7940Et a vous? Le Poutine vous s'apperait??
@neverendingeverlasting 2 года назад
@starguy2718 2 года назад
Even better than Michael, Jackie, Marlin, or Jermaine?
@neverendingeverlasting 2 года назад
@@starguy2718 no but yes ben
Turbulent times produce strong leaders...Without a doubt, Tito is several orders of magnitude higher than Khrushchev, so to speak, the king and the jester.
@BlackQback 4 месяца назад
If you can, read Tito's biography by Fitzroy Maclean (it was available for free download on Internet Archive page, under the title "Heretic" - American edition; they somewhat changed their policies so perhaps now is only for rent, but should be free, as is over 50 years old edition re copyright). There is a very vivid description how Tito, with class, humiliated Nikita both in Yugoslavia and on his return visit to Russia.
@marcsimbrow8836 2 года назад
@rabijaalija6007 Год назад
yes 🙌
@pierpaolodeiulis7783 2 года назад
Tito was a genius
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
Sadly he wasn't but on other hand you're complete ignoramus and bonehead🤔...obviously 😏🙄
@DeeDeex007o Год назад
What a man he was!!!!!! 😍😍😍
@kolobara08 Год назад
2:54 where is this and who's beside Tito?
@agrizic Год назад
Mislim da je ovo Mao Ce Tung
@kolobara08 Год назад
@@agrizic Upravo zbog toga pitam jer nisam znao da se Tito sastao sa Mao ali znam da on (Mao) nikada ni jednu jedinu posjetu drugoj drzavi nije imao. Ukucas na YT Mao i Tito, izbacuje rezultate Titovu posjetu Korei. Nikada nisam upratio video zapis Tita i Mao. Ne mogu 100% tvrditi jer ne znam ali moguce da se ni Tito nikada nije sreo sa Mao.
@crazyserbian6299 3 года назад
@zigabizjak5234 10 месяцев назад
I still have his picture on my wall
@lloyd4956 2 года назад
Bring back Titoism
@33neptun 2 года назад
Take it and carry it home...
@rabijaalija6007 Год назад
We can’t cos it’s only 1 TITO how when young people do no about TITO ❤
@williamt.7654 2 года назад
@miltonwelch4177 2 года назад
Thank you.
@philip88154 Месяц назад
What's the name of the music at 5:18?
@mariojukic5582 Год назад
You rememberd Tito and my uncle died in zhat fight.
@Archy-qy1fh Год назад
Najbolji predsjednik jedne drzave,TITO!
@petarjasic3161 Год назад
@Fantomas-x4n 9 месяцев назад
In 1975, Tito imposed an embargo on the USA, which resulted in people in the USA facing a shortage of gas for their cars. This led to long waiting lines that stretched for miles.
@marcsimbrow8836 2 года назад
@j2msu341 2 года назад
Kept a lid on the sectarianism
Everz credits for tha narrator. He described everzthing exact and good.
@eva4adam451 Месяц назад
If Tio Tito was such a great Leader, why so many flew to the west.
@teachisailovic8889 21 день назад
You made him...
@dominikskledar5340 2 года назад
tito odterao ruse..1953
@BuBaClD 2 года назад
nekad bilo, sad se spominjalo
@zivadinjaric8781 Год назад
I spominjace se dokle svijet postoji
@mohamedbinelias3246 2 года назад
I big just lost time
@michaelbrennan1294 3 года назад
France R U watching 🏳🏳🚽🤣🤣🤣?????🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@thundertechmedia1014 3 года назад
But why even🤷‍♂️😂😂😂
@starguy2718 2 года назад
Tesla > Tito
@kzvihwati9558 Год назад
Tito is my hero,having balls to tell Stalin to f*** off.
@teachisailovic8889 21 день назад
Austro-Hungarian spy...
@BuBaClD 2 года назад
@teachisailovic8889 21 день назад
Tito the butcher of Serbia...
@Krux053 Год назад
This story is not true at all. People went in his army at last days to stay alive. I speak it from Bosnia, one of strongholds of SFRJ- Yugoslavia and know true of botth wars. Draza was killed with no rights to defend, explore little and will see what he did to us. Outsourced state obviously, he was just something like pupet. He was so bad with his "own" language, weird. He made his image and idolatry for a few decades and now is talked like he was big state worker, more land owner. He made all to work till he is alive and than to explode everything was founded about people of us. And we used like great experiment and useful. But it was the worst time for all of us here. He was insider for someone behind of curtain. I speak to much but it is true and we are Serbs and most used people ever in history of the whole Europe. Pls explore little when you already saw it but from times when we was biggest and strongest. Car Dusan Silni biggest Serb leader finished the Great Rome itself. Byzanths was never existed it was what was left of Eastern Rome and in all papers history approved and used word Bytzanthin was never spoken. They called themselves "Romeis" and Serbs destroyed enemies like that to fight on Kosovo and 500 of years Otttoman destroys and than both world wars, espesialy in first. It can't stand whole in the library even I wrote a lot. Just wanted to direct you what was destroyed with Tito and his Yugoslavia . Only God Will Always Be with Serbs and not even one man more. But God is what is matter and my task was to give you chance for a bit of true. Don't thank me, I am nobody.
@damirblazevic4823 Год назад
Classic serbian lies. You are so funny
@ruru8an Год назад
Tito and his crew (Rankovic, Đilas, Kardelj, Ribar, Pijade…) were hunted like animals in 1941. and 1942. While Franz Bohme was killing the Serbs, (30.000 Serb civilians was killed under his command only from September to december 1941.) Draza Mihailovic was standing still in mountaines only neggotiating with Germans and Italians for weapons to fight Partizani who protected and fought for those civilians. Against all the odds, Tito and his crew survived, first attack in Uzice, than in Foca, later in Bihać, than Neretva, and after that Sutjeska. Germans with support of Italinas, Ustasas and Chetniks were hunting Partizani for a whole year. No help from Soviets, or Brits at that time at all. Tito was a man with huge balls. Only leader in WW2 hwo spend entire period of war on the battlefield. He was admired even from Himmler who mentioned Tito to German officers as example for bravery, trying to motivate them. There are independent authors out there, read something from them. Like German histroian Marie-Janine Calic, not only form mythomaniac and propaganda authors. It is a waste of time.
@zulfikaregzikutor5561 2 года назад
Tito was fusion between biggest gangster and Kasanova ...
@danilo16410 2 года назад
You should say that to him, oh well perhaps you meet him than you will be able to explain him your thoughts, I'm sure you can't wait.
@oliputnik Год назад
My grandfathers were there. The Yugoslav Royal Army under General Dragoljub Draza Mihailovich were the first in Europe to form a resistance on May 13, 1941. The ancestors of today's Serbs, Bosniaks, Slovenes, North Macedonians and Montenegrins fought in this royal army. Only later did the French and Poles organize resistance. General Mihailovich received the Medal of Honor from the USA and not the Croat and communist Tito. The Croats committed treason on April 6, 1941 by switching sides to the Germans. Jasenovac is a catchphrase here.
@petarpero958 Год назад
Dragoljub Draza Mihailovich was a war criminal and german and italian aly.
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
Jedini normalan komentar ovde.
@TheWolvesCurse Год назад
the cetniks collaborated with the nazis and the ustase on several occasions, despite the serb killing death camps like jasenovac, gradiska stara and more. they're traitors.
@sanjasaloustros 9 месяцев назад
Clear propaganda 👎
@mohamedbinelias3246 2 года назад
Joe Biden Joe is from all❤💙💊💟🖤🌹🌻🌓 loob
@zvonimirvidovic1714 Год назад
Tito ordered and was responsible for massacre of 200 000 croatian soldiers who surrendered AFTER the end of war to british troops in Austria and 334 000 civilians who fled to Austria to avoid communism, altogether 534 000 people. Not to mention thousands of people tortured and killed under his communist regime from 1945 till 1980. Even after his death people were killed without trial by agents of communist regime. He was one of 10 biggest war criminals and mass murders in history. But he was free mason so West made myth about how "great leader" he was. It all had foundation on lies and killings, just like every other communist.
@TheWolvesCurse Год назад
spoken like a true fascist apologetic.
@kraculy Год назад
Misliš ustaše? Njegova jedina greška je samo, da nije uspio svih....
@zvonimirvidovic1714 Год назад
@@kraculy pozdrav iz države Hrvatske i sretan Uskrs!
@kraculy Год назад
@@zvonimirvidovic1714 I tebi i tvojoj porodici brate, sve dobro :)
@mike8910 2 года назад
titoizam wait on line 2 buy 🍞🥪
@TheBing65 Год назад
That butcher called "Tito" was the biggest mass murderer in human history, counting the number of people killed against the number of the population of the former Yugoslavia (I write the name of the former country in lower case on purpose).
@markmalic7450 2 года назад
Biggest propaganda bullcrap i ever heard..!!
@Sh4d891 2 года назад
How so?
@Hassan_MM. Год назад
@@Sh4d891 Bcz his Chetnik 👋 Papa said so
@Sh4d891 Год назад
@@Hassan_MM. lol true
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
@TheWolvesCurse Год назад
@@Hassan_MM. could also be his ustasa papa, who knows?
@tizianoambrosini4305 2 года назад
Criminal genocide butcher
@milantrajceski8322 2 года назад
The award for idiot of the day goes to.....Tiziano Ambrosini
@danilo16410 2 года назад
To write something in the internet that one wouldn't dare to say to the person in his face is worst than ....to masturbate, yeah this may fit as comparation.
@Sh4d891 2 года назад
Yes to the Fascists
@Hassan_MM. Год назад
@kraculy Год назад
Tiziano, fascist?
@mike8910 2 года назад
Tito was a killer
@danilo16410 2 года назад
Sure a person like yourself would had been an angel, fighting against multiple foes in war and than in peace. Among everything Hitler send even Scorzeny to kill him, and that was the only time he failed.
@rabijaalija6007 Год назад
No no hi wasn’t killer was Rankovic and his people now Miloshevich him start problem 🫣
@SB-su5tv Год назад
Volimo te Tito❤!
@TuttiFrutti-rv7di Год назад
TITO FOREVER ❤ Unfortunately these new leaders screwed up everything. Corruption and crime is everywhere. We reached the bottom of the bottom.
@religionkills1476 3 года назад
We LOVE Tito
@rabijaalija6007 Год назад
But can’t achieve 😂😂
@pantelaja6528 Год назад
Anti religion kills many more.
@slavkomatanovic9557 Год назад
TITO "legend"
@martasitum785 Год назад
@VitezRafael Год назад
Tito was gay, as most of partisans.
@kraculy Год назад
Še en privrženec plešaste opice in, ki bi rada bila Tito? Tvoj preprodajalec orožja, če se dvigne na prste, ni Titu do nohta na levi nogi. Tvoj prefarban komunist je kvalificiran samo za turističnega vodiča po poteh AVNOJ-a
@SlavenStojakovic 4 месяца назад
Uh gay 😭😭😭😭 oh no . And even if he was hos would you know that? Gay such a scary thing 😂😂😂😂😂 even song lyrics from 18th and 19th century have lyrics that are about a gay relationship... Nothing new really for centuries in Europe that has been a normal thing unlike some places
@mihaelbitola3812 Год назад
Professors in USSR were paid 20$to 30$ per month, professors in Yugoslavia were paid 500$ to 700$ per month.
@damirglavas7940 Год назад
You wish😂🤣😅😆little commie...another communist myth .So tell me🤔.. Why did everyone from Yugoslavia flee to the west, for example to Germany, but German professors didn't flee to Yugoslavia if it was so good ? And why citizens of Europe did not flee to the Soviet Union, but it was the other way around like today? ☺🙄😏
@mihaelbitola3812 Год назад
@@damirglavas7940 what are you talking about??? Who is talking about west Germany. You are probably one of those people who were programmed since very early age to hate everything about Yugoslavia.
@marijakubik6607 11 месяцев назад
Bilo je časno živeti sa titom
@mike8910 2 года назад
rade koncar as well communist
@zoranninkovic2027 Год назад
His name is not josip rose. His name is Josip Broz Tito.
@stefomili5523 2 года назад
Yugoslavia forever
@ksander4776 2 года назад
Germans maďe mistake didnt nuke yougoslavia
@t.r.8386 2 года назад
Germans nuked someone? 😂 yugoslavia was dog of war behind russian and british skirt
@erich2432 2 года назад
@@t.r.8386 And it's funny how Tito lovers claim partisans liberated the country themselves, when in reality they lost in every battle they came up against the Germans. Lol! Yugoslavia wasn't even in top 5 priorities of Germany during ww2. 2000 partisans and 1.7k ended up being dead is "MuH ViCtOrY" for Tito lovers. Lol! Hell, even Norway was much of a bigger interest for Germany than Yugoslavia. Most of the Germans retreated from Yugoslavia to halt the Soviets during the last years of the war. In Neretva, partisans suffered 20 times more casualities than Germans (11k to 500-600 dead), in Sujestka, partisans suffered 14 times more casualities than Germans (7000 dead to 500). Partisans hardly did anything against the Wehrmacht. Partisan lovers get their history from old Yugoslavian movies about ww2. Lol!
@danilo16410 2 года назад
Bull~hit. And be careful, bacause the probability is that; whoever wounds by the nuke perishes by the nuke, and I whish that to nobody.
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