
Todd White - Reading their Mail 

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26 окт 2024




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@danduffy1231 9 лет назад
I am a young man who is about my Father's buisness and watching this man walk in Power and in Love shows me that anyone of us can walk in the same power in the same truth and in the same Spirit. This is the Gospel lived out :) !!! We will do even greater things then Jesus ! Idk about y'all but that's Good !! #Toddwhite keep it up man I love seeing what God is doing with you and your ministry !!!
@timjohnson4940 7 лет назад
Pay attention to the top of the mans left foot when Todd is praying for it to grow...when he says grow now you can physically see tendons or veins moving from one side of his foot to the other! Jesus is so amazing!!!!
@kingdomofyahuahtv3332 8 лет назад
It's called words of knowledge which is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of God gives those gifts to people who are willing to do Gods work and touch others for the Kingdom of Heaven.. Read your bible it's all in there..
@silents1734 9 лет назад
So so amazing. This only a fraction of the power in the name of Jesus.
@joyfulllarissa 10 лет назад
I love the expressions on the faces... like they know there is something real, but trying to figure it out.... just amazed!
@michaele8926 10 лет назад
Wow i just looked at the guys leg for the first time and i cant stop watching it over and over u can literally see movement in his leg. Just amazing. The most unbelieving person cant watch that and not question their heart
@thepompking8842 7 лет назад
Michael E yeah that's a flip flop he can't pull it off! its real!
@ngozinwachukwu158 7 лет назад
This is beautiful! Todd White is definitely gifted! God bless you all! GLORY BE TO BE TO GOD!!!!
@seanpryce4403 10 лет назад
@JosiasSchultz 11 лет назад
One of my good friends was lame and in a wheelchair... He was paryed for... Now he walks, telling other people about jesus... But i guess the adrenaline is still running ;) Bless you bro!
@vbscootychick 11 лет назад
Amazing! How can someone say Christianity is boring? When we have a God so dynamic in power! Rich in love! and abundant in mercy :)
@johnperrone3668 9 лет назад
Todd just keep doing what God Tell you to do. in Jesus name be bless brother
@angeriod 12 лет назад
man this is one BRO!! Ive seen this stuff with my own eyes. COME ON MAN. This love of god is amazing man. This is amazing!!!
@russdirect1 9 лет назад
The religious teachers of Jesus day said the same thing about Him. We shouldn't build our beliefs around our lack of understanding or experience of the scriptures.
@amberpicota 13 лет назад
this is so awesome. this is what Jesus would be doin if He were walking the earth today.
@glorywithoutwalls 2 года назад
We serve an awesome God!!!
@SenorBanana639 14 лет назад
Mark 16:17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Rom 2:4...Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
@TheSubwaysurfer 12 лет назад
He came to New York, and I'd love to meet him, but more than that I'd love for God to move in and through me like that so I can touch people like that.
@jokebookrally 6 лет назад
I gave my life to Christ in 2015 after watching this video! Been free from drug addiction depression and anxiety ever since! Jesus is amazing
@chanman201 12 лет назад
I'm a Christian. I've been baptized with the Holy Spirit. God has healed me of my anxiety. But why do still doubt things such as this.
@rogerbahakel 11 лет назад
this is one of my favorite videos.i watch when i'm feeling down.
@brannank 9 лет назад
Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom (see ! Corinthians 12:8)
@angeriod 11 лет назад
Its really easy, Just Love people with the Love of God
@aubreybarnes6790 9 лет назад
Doing will of God. Yeshua said you will despised and rejecting and called many names for me but don't worry in heaven your reward will be great. God bless you for this video. Let your light shine so they can see the father that's in you.
@quintero777 14 лет назад
Notice how when the guy said a bad word he did not Condemn him but continued loving him.
@ShakeZula69 12 лет назад
He has come to Christ Temple in Huntington West Virginia before. He came one year, and two years later he came, then the following year he was at its youth church camp.
@ciji1953 12 лет назад
@GStroowe 12 лет назад
I've never seen anyone flow in Word of Knowledge like you do man. I hope I get to hang out with you some time! Keep up the good work! Yay Jesus!
@TheWaggaBloke 11 лет назад
Brother Todd, Job Done! Bless you Jesus! Keep the Faith Brother from Rod
@victorsangneikhum5138 3 года назад
Who came here after 11 years
@mattl175 9 лет назад
The leg veins and muscles going crazy... Wow dude, yay Jesus!
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
Matthew Lewis There is no leg veins and muscles going crazy. What you see in this vídeo is just the light from cars coming on the streets reflecting in his legs. Don't be fool . I challenge Mr. Todd White to make a Video in a Hospital healing people with Cancer, real diseases, AIDS. I challenge Mr. White to grow the Leg of Man without Legs. If He claims such a gift from God why He only heals headaches, back problems of young people and "grow" legs by inches from people that has Legs? I CHALLENGE THIS CHARLATAN! I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO SHOW ME A VIDEO OF THIS MAN HEALING A REAL DISEASE AND PROVE IT
@mattl175 9 лет назад
@GarrettEderer 9 лет назад
Daniel Bezerra Wow Daniel! I commend you for really seeking after the truth. For not wanting anything Fraud or Fake. I feel myself that there are many fakes out there, even people that would heal or do something but not do it in love and the result would be worse then before. I've heard of a guy going up to another guy and asking to pray for healing for him but when the guy said no the guy asking got really mad at him and said mean words. --My personal experience is... If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can tell the 'Mountain' to move and it will. So... in our minds some things seem 'easier' and therefore we have faith for them... or no doubts... and other things might seem harder... and therefore make our prayer/command ineffective. (there's one story in the new testament where someone doesn't get healed when they are trying to... Jesus isn't there.. but when he comes back he rebukes his disciples for their lack of faith and instantly heals the person. I believe this shows that it was in that case Gods will to heal, but the lack of faith stopped the flow of what God wanted to do... Until Jesus showed up and encouraged his disciples to see things differently, to believe) (reference Matthew 17 and Mark 9 for this, I encourage reading it to see things better then I explained.) Hope this Helps.
@BigZboy83 10 лет назад
This is no fake
@danielhbc 10 лет назад
great cold reading and suggestion skills
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
***** Dear friend, the list of people that uses Cold and Hot readings are infinite. Before answering your questions would you mind to answer the questions in the text above? how do you explain ALL THE MISSED GUESSINGS? Is GOD sending wrong information to Todd White? Interesting that I found an amazing statement in your text. "one night some years ago I prayed in my hotel room to God about something" André Højer Do you see the Key? PRAYER! You prayed and God answered your prayer. I do believe that God answer our prayers because this is biblical. Mateus 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Where do you see in the Bible Jesus and his disciples asking questions before healings? There no such a thing. If it is not in the Bible then what the purpose of this questions? Even if you believe what do you do with the MISSED GUESSINGS? What happened? Radio interference btw God and Todd? Do We believe in the same PERFECT AND INFINIT GOD? If So We both believe that GOD does not make mistakes. Do not be deceived my friend. Mateus 7:15 “15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. AND PLEASE, I AM NOT HERE TO WIN ANY WAR OR DISCUSSION. I AM HERE TO EXPOSE DARKNESS AND ALSO TO EXPOSE TRUTH FROM JESUS AND FROM THE WORD OF GOD, THE BIBLE. Make your spiritual life easier! Compare the world you see with the Bible and any preacher with the most high Jesus Christ, He is our model. God Bless you and God may open your eyes to the truth.
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
***** Brother, you are so blind that you are trying the impossible and also denying God’s power with this text. In Matthew 8:5-7 you mentioned the only question by Jesus is “Shall I come and heal him?”. Jesus did Not try to GUESS anything. He is not making any statement about him or guessing anything. In Matthew 9:28 the question is “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”. Again He is NOT GUESSING anything about his life. In Matthew 15:26 the question is “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”?. Again brother Jesus is NOT GUESSING here. In this particular verse He is just reproaching. Don’t you see the difference? In your text you contradict yourself. In the first place you said: Jesus "made a wrong guess" and in another paragraph you said: “Is this because God makes mistakes? No”. I am not sure if it is clear for you that JESUS IS GOD AND GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES AND SO JESUS DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES. JESUS NEVER, NEVER TRIED TO GUESS ANYTHING IN ANY MOMENT IN THE BIBLE. When Jesus says something He says without questions, without any trick because He is GOD and He knows everything. About the Samaritan Woman Jesus does not make any mistake. You are really confused here brother. I do not know who told you that Jesus made a mistake. God does not make mistakes. Be really careful before making such a statement just to protect Todd White.Jesus does not say anything about her life making questions or trying to guess anything like Todd White does on the street. Is COMPLETLY DIFFERENT. God knows everything about our lives. When Jesus Said in Jhon 4:16 “Go, call your husband and come back.” He did not make a mistake and you can see that in the following verse Jhon 4:17 “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” Don’t you see? He knew her life because He knows everything. He did not make questions to know this. Jesus did not make 4 to 5 questions before knowing all the details about her life. Don’t you see the difference? To be clear with you about mistakes you need to understand that Todd White claims to receive revelation from GodHimself to get Knowledge about people’s life and in His attempt to say something that He supposed received from God himself He makes wrong guessings. Do you understand Biblically What is the great commission of Christians? Certainly Our Commission is not to bring people to God with Guessings, Missed Guessings and Fake Healings. The Great Commission of Christianity is to preach the resurrection of Jesus Christ to all the nations of the world. Matthew 28:19-20 contains what has come to be called the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Jesus gave this command to the apostles shortly before He ascended into heaven, and it essentially outlines what Jesus expected the apostles, and those who followed them, to do in His absence. The Great Commission is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to be Christ's witnesses, fulfilling the Great Commission in our cities, in our states and countries, and anywhere else God sends us. This is a great article about Cold and Hot readings. You can find here the best guy you want. www.csicop.org/si/show/john_edward_hustling_the_bereaved/ God Bless you and He may open your eyes to the Truth
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
***** In attempt to defend this false teacher you are going too far. You also does not know how to make reference in the Bible. I did not pick one single verse, YOU GAVE THREE SINGLE VERSES: "Matt. 8:5, 9:28, 15:26" 1. Jesus asked questions prior to healing - as do Todd.? NO, BECAUSE TODD USES QUESTION TO GUESS AND MISS GUESS INFORMATION. DIFFERENT FROM JESUS WHO DOES NOT NEED TO GUESS ANYTHING BECAUSE HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. And do not tell me Todd White makes mistakes because He is human, if you did not notice He claims to receive revelation from God. The prophets received revelations from God himself and THERE IS NOT A SINGLE MISTAKE. 2. Jesus had revelations/word of knowledge for people (as did Peter in Acts) - as do Todd. ? HERE YOU SHOW THAT YOU ARE REALLY CONFUSED. JESUS DOES NOT HAVE REVELATION, HE IS GOD, HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. THE PROPHETS AND HIS DISCIPLES HAD REVELATION, NOT JESUS. The prophets received revelations from God himself and THERE IS NOT A SINGLE MISTAKE. Todd White NEVER RECEIVED ANY REVELATION FROM GOD AS HE CLAIMS. HOW DO I KNOW? BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES, BECAUSE GOD DOES NOT NEED ANY TRICK OF GUESSING AND MISS GUESSING TO KNOW PEOPLES LIFE. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. This means that Todd White is also a LIAR when He claims to receive revelation from GOD. 3. You still have not pointed me to any one, who can do -what Todd do - please do so.? RAY HYMAN (Cold Reading: How to Convince Strangers That You Know All About Them) The interest in the technique by professional psychologists dates from the late l940s, it has long been put to profitable use by fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, tarot card readers, astrologers, tea leaf readers, spirit mediums, and others who wish to convey the impression that they possess paranormal insight into the client’s personality, current life situation, and future. But it would be a mistake to imagine that cold reading has in all cases been carried out naively, without any theoretical insight. Some paranormal practitioners understand full well the nature and character of the cold reading technique, and indeed the very best work on this subject produced by professional psychologists has been carried out by scholars such as Marks16 and Hyman11,12 who have an independent interest in conjuring. One professional magician who has written eloquently of cold reading is William W. Larsen, Sr.13 Larsen never claimed in his writings - published privately in the l930s and 1940s and distributed only for use by professional conjurers - that he possessed any paranormal abilities. What he did possess was a superb skill in leaving an individual or audience with the illusion that he had such abilities. You are right when you say that nobody wrote that Jesus ""made a mistake". What you wrote is even worse: You wrote that Jesus "made a wrong guess". You are really confused. Jesus NEVER TRIED TO GUESS ANYTHING. God bless you
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
***** Brother, I am sure you have a genuine Love for God. Please open your eyes, look the evidences, check all the similarities with others false teachers and Liars. Check the Bible. Look to Jesus, our model. Open your eyes brother, Jesus never used Guessing or any trick, He never made any mistake or anything close. Jesus is our God, He is perfect and When God spoke with the Disciples and prophets He did not send wrong information. God is Perfect! God Loves you brother and He has an amazing plan to your Life. Use your passion to expose the darkness and show the truth. Draw people to the Gospel, not to this Liars, deceivers. God may open your eyes brother.
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
***** Hi Brother, Did you see the videos? Any comments? Please don't forget I am not here against you, I am not here to fight with you. I am here to show the truth. I am here to expose Liars and Charlatans like Todd White. I would like to invite you to use your passion to defend the gospel and to share the truth. Help us to expose this charlatans. I am sure that now you can see the Wolves behind this false teachers. I know you have a great love for Jesus so Lets use it in the right direction. I know that God has an amazing plan in your life. The only reason that I have been talking to you is the hope that you could see the truth, this is the real Love We are called to give. I pray that God have mercy on us that We may see the truth and be free indeed. God bless you!
@kmpaul1 9 лет назад
the passion of the christ is amazing
@putonthewholearmorofgodthe420 8 лет назад
thru faith in Jesus name is how it's done amen.... if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts theses things that are done in my name you shall do greater things amen to that....
@sazicyma 11 лет назад
thanks just know that i was praying with u, for the holy spirit to come and live in me.
@lovelife8968 7 лет назад
This is the best one
@Me-ic3li 8 лет назад
GOD is Love
@cece4226 6 лет назад
This video makes me so happy! ^_^
@cece4226 10 лет назад
Wow..this was just Amazing!!
@chrisjank2046 11 лет назад
Bless you man.
@Faithfull7 14 лет назад
Mark 16:17-18 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
@5959ibarra 11 лет назад
when I grow up I want to be like him and help others and I am Christian and my name is Nicholas
@Poptartsthatareplain101 12 лет назад
man where can I meet todd white?
@MarkPDub 12 лет назад
Jesus does miracles today!!!
@yashvij 14 лет назад
God Bless Todd
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs I've noticed we've gotten off the original topic but this will be my last answer to this part of the subject. "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord". Jesus was the only holy human. No matter how much we try to clean up our flesh, we can never be holy. Jesus makes us holy and pure before God. 2 Cor 5:21 You don't need to "work for holiness", it comes because Jesus washes your sin away and makes you holy before God.
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs You like verses so here are some about God's unconditional love: 1 Jhn 4:16; Matt. 7:11; Jer. 29:11 -That's a good one!; Jer 31:3; Zeph. 3:17; 2 Thess 2:16-17; John 17:23; John 17:26; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 -Another really good one!; 1 John 4:10; Psalm 139:7-18; Luke 15:11-32 (the parable of God's unconditional love).
@copyright-transportglory5673 8 лет назад
Glory to god!
@GavTatu 10 лет назад
how is this any different to any street magician or 'physic' that we see on tv ? great cold reading and suggestion skills tho !
@davidman4255 8 лет назад
+Gav Tatu This is the spirit that is set apart from the world, the Holy Spirit of the living God that is in him and loves you :)
@GavTatu 8 лет назад
David man ummm...... no and no.
@davidman4255 8 лет назад
Gav Tatu yes he loves you
@davidman4255 8 лет назад
Can´t you see that Todd is filled with love?
@GavTatu 8 лет назад
David man he's full of something, lol !
@pianoman135p 14 лет назад
Wow! Go to 3:40 and you can see the veins in his foot moving around as his leg grows out! It's amazing, God you are cool.
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs "If they live holy"? What about the thief on the cross next to Jesus? He only believed in Him and Jesus said that today the thief would be with Him in paradise. The thief didn't have a chance to "live holy" before he died but he still got to go to heaven. John 3:15-16, Romans 10:9 and many others all say that if you just believe- you will be saved and you will not perish (in hell or everlasting death, whatever you want to call it).
@ServantofAlphaOmega 12 лет назад
Who is more righteous in YHWH's eyes, Jeremiah who preached and prophesied his whole life but got little converts or Jonah who ran away from his calling but later went to save thousands in little time? It is not how big your crowd is or amount of converts which reflects if you're a man of GOD, it is how obedient you are to the FATHER and how close you are to JESUS. It is ADONAI who saves people, not us so don't look at what man can do.
@enorman71 11 лет назад
No man knows the heart of a man except that man and God. God says he is the only one that moves a mans heart. Its not Todds or any of us christians job to convict anyone, experiencing the reality of Jesus' love is what its all about. That is what was done here. plus a sinner already knows they are a sinner they dont need christians to tell them that, thats where alot of christians have hendered what God wants to do through them. We should be like Jesus, Jesus loved everyone and showed them love
@glorytouch 15 лет назад
Wow, this is incredible!
@locate777 11 лет назад
I love this video
@janseendiguiseppiThomasMC 12 лет назад
Thank you. The faith its contagious. My life and heart have recently been healed. I am hearing Gid, no joke. I am sleeping on couch until married because I been hearing God a lot and now I am obeying. My heart has been changed. I am now free of alcohol, drugs, nicotine. I even turned down a lustful dream in my sleep last night. A temptrest came into my dreams, I screamed NO!!! Turned my head and woke up. My heart has changed. Thank you Jesus! AMEN! Todd will you do our wedding? Lol. please lol
@jacksonmsaha1255 9 лет назад
So how is the discipleship going on with this? Anyone keep in touch with all these folks they heal and what not?
@shakrazj 9 лет назад
"I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow." Todd, and others, live this, daily, all day, every day. It is not possible to follow up on everyone they speak to. Some times I'm sure they do.. But if you're going to be talking to people every day, you can't possible disciple them all. They should be encouraged to contact a local living fellowship, and grow, as they've been given a huge kickstarter and motivation to do just that. I don't think the first diciples personally followed up on the multitudes they encountered. No, they simply loved on them, introduced them to the Kingdom of God, and then they had the Holy Spirit, the greatest teacher of them all, guiding and teaching them 1 on 1. If you feel led to follow up on a person then and there after a prayer or a healing situation, do so. I believe every Christian benefits greatly from having a spiritual cover and guide, and in turn, should also cover and guide others. But you can only give so much to so many. You have to draw the line somewhere, or quality will yield to quantity. Keep in contact with them, invite them to your bible study group or what not. But mostly, what you'll do, is planting seeds. Keep planting seeds, many of them will fall in good ground, and some will not. Sorry for the lengthy reply. Let's get out there and start advancing the Kingdom of Jesus! Stay blessed.
@JosiasSchultz 11 лет назад
Jesus loves you dude :) That is the spamming you will get from all christians ;) Bless you
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs 1 John 3:16 says that "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us". Again, there is none that seek after God or love righteousness according to Rom. 3:10-11. But Jesus loved us so much that He died for us- even while we were still sinners. Rom 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
@BIGDADDYDUKE2 14 лет назад
@Anheir2Histhrone just can't seem to shake. But by the grace of God I know I will. But dude don't argue with your brother man. Become love, let Gods kingdom flow through you. God bless man.
@Freedish911 13 лет назад
man what an awesome video
@300pzl 11 лет назад
@shanemason789 15 лет назад
Hey Cait! this is good stuff!
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs Actually, the thief didn't repent and he didn't preach. He did say that Jesus was innocent and they, thieves, did deserve this. Then he turned to Jesus and all he said was, "Remember me when you're in your kingdom." Demons don't have faith, they have knowledge. They know that Jesus is the Son of God and that He rose from the dead. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb. 11:1
@kingjesuscomes 9 лет назад
@hassomesinse 11 лет назад
Wow, nobody spammed your post, You're right on the money. Cold Reading 101. They would rather believe this is real, than admit they've been fooled. They're scared of the red pill.. stay logical bro!
@enorman71 11 лет назад
Jesus preached the Kingdom of God Luke 4:43, He called it the good news. or as we say today the Gospel which is the good news of the Kingdom of God, Which later Jesus says that it is inside of us, in fact he showed the Kingdom of God by the healing and miracles he did. He gave us that same Authority when he said that casting out demons, healing the sick and doing miracles are the signs that follow a believer.
@counterplanevil783 8 лет назад
So many Christians praising God in their comments yet they curse another because it goes against their theology. "Beloved, let us love another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." 1 John 4:7
@doodleplop800 13 лет назад
Cold reading.
@sophiawright4588 10 лет назад
I am not so sure about hid leg problem. It is possible to have your leg up higher than your other leg all while keeping your knees straight. Also, the knee solution is possibly a placebo effect.
@ashleydixon4167 9 лет назад
My mom prayed for my leg and God totally grew it out!! It's real haha. I've seen tumors disappear from God healing them!
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs Romans 10:10 says to just confess with your mouth. It doesn't say "to others". Because if someone is dying all alone and they accept Jesus, they can't tell others what they believe. Acts 16:30-31 shows that a roman jailer was saved just by "believing". They didn't tell him to go and tell others so he could be saved. You tell others after you're saved because that's the point- you've been saved and you want others to experience the joy as well.
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs In Hosea, He is talking to Israel. They turned away from Him and He punished them for it because of the covenant relationship they were in with Him. They also were under the Law. They sinned and did not sacrifice to cover their sins.Therefore God could not forget it. But He still loved them. He was angry at their sin- but He still loved them! Hosea 14:4 says God loves them freely even though they've sinned and been punished.
@jesusjesus9815 8 лет назад
@thesource4324 9 лет назад
notice there are no athiests on the comments
@mariaguarchaj6655 8 лет назад
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@Anheir2Histhrone and @whizzpopping Remember guys or gals, that without love, all we do is nothing. It's easy to love Jesus because He loves us unconditionally. But we are called to love our brothers, our neighbors and our enemies. This means our family members, our Christian siblings (even when we don't agree with them), friends, the lost and people who outright hate us. If we preach and put up RU-vid videos and donate to the poor but have not love, we are nothing. 1 Cor. 13:2-3
@SaudaraLink 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs Are you against this guy because he did not preach a hard message against sin to that guy, or are you just against the operation of gifts of the Spirit? I notice that Christ usually used His harshest words when dealing with the Pharisees, not with sinners who did not pretend to be righteous.
@lareinedumaroc 10 лет назад
@Poptartsthatareplain101 12 лет назад
well i live in missouri city texas. tell him to come there :D
@dmorales4201 8 лет назад
it's actually around 5:15
@angeriod 12 лет назад
seen about 7 peoples legs grow out by praying with my own lips brother :)
@ciji1953 12 лет назад
@TheGabriel116 11 лет назад
MrTruthSeeka : The first step is sowing the seed in love. The rest will be taken care of gradually as time goes on. Glory to God!
@woosewoo 8 лет назад
"There was some sunday school stuff when you were a little kid, but when you got to be around 12 years old you kinda said...ehh... no more" "When you grew up you didn't grow up in a Pentecostal Church. Did you grow up in a Catholic church?" "Nothing"
@diluvia 8 лет назад
No, the cross and sin starts at 7:10.
@PrivateFAIL 11 лет назад
How? I'm curious.....
@bettysuethompson6046 10 лет назад
Matthew 10:8 New International Version Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Revelation 19:10 For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." This is the work of the Lord through his people who have surrender to him completely! Now You go and do the same!
@ServantofAlphaOmega 12 лет назад
For the Muslims out number the Christians, are they greater? For the Catholics out number the Christians, are they greater? I tell you that doctrine and spiritual gifts to your calling also lay under fruits.
@r3v001 13 лет назад
@whizzpopping Why 9000? Just curious.
@jbiezen 12 лет назад
@dieKoninginderNacht 14 лет назад
@overboardbriggs 1 Cor. 12:3 "Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit." Todd is obviously not an antichrist or a counterfeit Jesus because he calls Jesus 'Lord'. Overboard, Jesus did do signs and miracles and commanded His followers to do the same. The Pharisees were the ones that demanded only to follow God's Law and have holy living. That's why they had such a problem with Him
@MrTruthSeeka 11 лет назад
what's up?
@JonZenor 14 лет назад
@whizzpopping @Anheir2Histhrone Why do numbers matter at all? 9,000, 900, or 9, either way the point is that you are out doing what God demands us to do. fully agree with this: "is the city transformed? Are they all being discipled? Are they bearing fruits worthy of repentance? Are they, in turn bringing others to the Lord?" My honest question and pursuit in my life right now, how do I live this out in my life daily?
@MrTruthSeeka 11 лет назад
wow nice testimony God has set me free from alcohol and drugs too but still can't turn down lustful dreams I get :/ teach me haha
@sophiawright4588 10 лет назад
How how do we know that it was not a placebo effect?
@bus.developmentmanagingsol4242 10 лет назад
You would probably need to track down the people that it was(or was not) happening to and ask them of the legitimacy of it if you really wanted to find out. Or, you could ask God - I'm sure He'd be pretty happy to reveal it to you.... Just a thought.
@vanessamartin8018 2 месяца назад
I've prayed for my little girl and my step grandkids when injured. And I've watched a lot of these. I saw my little girls foot grow. She saw it and felt it too. And also a kid at the park who fell and was dragged by a merry go round I swooped up in my arms and prayed and she stopped crying. Also some dogs that got hit by a car and they stopped crying. Anyway praise be to Jesus
@PrivateFAIL 11 лет назад
Sadly not all We need to awaken the rest of the church
@yoberthkornelius3918 2 года назад
@tsegatefera5704 11 лет назад
pleas help me
@danielhbc 9 лет назад
Acts 3 "Our Lord Jesus had ascended by this time into heaven; the apostles were still there and they were performing miracles to validate themselves as the messengers of God, to demonstrate that God was at work through the apostles. If the power of God was coming through them, then the word of God was coming also through them." "What about today? Isn't it a bizarre reality that the people who claim miracle power are the ones with the bad theology? God wouldn't validate people teaching error. God doesn't validate bad theology. God doesn't validate corrupt, false teachers." "Secondly it was for the apostles. Second Corinthians 12:12. "The signs of an apostle are signs, wonders, and mighty deeds."It specifically says that. Hebrews chapter 2 reiterates that. The Gospel was testified by God with the apostles by signs, wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy spirit according to His will. It was for the apostles so that today you can trust that your Bible is the word of God." "So How do We know today if a teacher is a true teacher? Listen, You DO NOT need miracles. You don't need anything more than the Word of God, your Bible. But before the Bible, Where would you go to validate them? Before you could compare any teacher with Scripture, where would you go to determine the truthfulness of what they said? That was the purpose of the signs, wonders and miracles done by the apostles. That is why, in the charismatic movement, so many teachers claim direct revelation, because they don't want to be compared to the Scripture." To be clear I do believe in Miracles today. God can heal if He wants. What We need to understand is that today a miracle happen through PRAYER. God answers prayer when He chooses to. The gift of healing was apostolic and it was for a very important purpose, to validate the gospel. THE MIRACLES CONFIRMED THE WORD OF GOD, NOW YOU HAVE THE SCRIPTURE TO CONFIRM THE TEACHING OF ANY MESSENGER, ANY PREACHER. THE MOST IMPORTANT ABOVE ALL IS THE GOSPEL, THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION.
@GarrettEderer 9 лет назад
Daniel Bezerra Dear mr Daniel Bezerra. My email is ederergarrett@gmail.com if you'd like to speak in person let me know. Speaking in person causes for me more humility.. makes things and the way things are said clearer. I have a rebuttal to your words. I hope it helps us both. And I want you to know that I've been wrong before too and am still learning and 'renewing my mind'. So I hope this comes across as loving... as one brother to another... to give things to think and pray about. Thanks :) First off I grew up in a 'teaching' similar to yourself. I grew up going to a methodist place. I've heard similar teachings to what you are saying from a baptist place. I have some questions to stir thought of what you said. Was Stephen (chapter 6 and 7 of Acts) An Apostle? Did he do miracles? -->Acts 6:8 You are correct that people that can do miracles can have bad theology. Even Jesus said.... Not everyone who comes to me saying Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Then wont they say, 'but Lord we performed many miracles in your name, we cast out demons in your name, we prophesied in your name. But then Jesus will say to them.... depart from me workers of evil, I never new you. (Matthew 7:22) And again... 1 Corinthians 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. But... there's also... Mark 16:15-18 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” To you what does this mean? To me personally I read it as... These are normal things that 'follow' believers. "And these signs will accompany those who believe". Did Jesus Just sent out the 12 with authority to heal and cast out demons or the 72? (luke 10:1-8) I agree we do not NEED miracles. But, I'd challenge you to look into 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power. I do believe 'direct revelation' should be compared to the scriptures. Very good point. As is the same... yesterday... today and forever... But could not direct revelation enhance our understanding? Could it not bolster our passion and compassion for people? Also I challenge you to look more into healing theology and to ask God for revelation and grace to understand. In the book of James does it say that that prayer of Faith will heal the person or might heal the person? James 5:13-16 So is God healing only if He wants to? Or is He healing when faith is present? ............. A personal story: I was recently in college at UW Madison and learned a lot there. I had a friend from California who believed in God's healing power and was wanting to help us believe too. He thought that a way of loving people was to heal them by 'praying' sicknesses and illnesses to go away. He challenged our thoughts of what 'praying' for the sick meant and asked us things about why did Jesus pray the way he did? Sometimes Jesus didn't even say anything when healing. Lots of times Jesus just commanded simple things to happen. Should we do the same thing? In the Book of acts they did. So one time he was praying for someone with a leg shorter then the other one and it actually grew out. Then the next person he wanted me to pray for them. I was nervous. He stood behind me as I stooped down and held their legs. I was commanding it to happen... wanting it to happen for the other persons benefit but not seeing anything happen. He just stood behind me and encouraged me saying, it's going to happen, don't worry, it's going to happen. As I kept praying, kept believing, pushing past the nervousness that was there... it finally happened! I was very encouraged and excited more about Jesus. His Power and Love are amazing :) Any Questions? Concerns? Thoughts? rebuttals? Please before responding look into these things. I'm not trying to say I'm better, because I'm not, but we are in a war of truth and lies and... the truth sets free while lies bind people. Let us be iron sharpening iron. Two brothers in the same fight, to Love Jesus and to love our Neighbor. Thank you for reading this long and confronting message.
@aartdenbraber5033 9 лет назад
+Garrett Ederer Amen, brother. Thank you for being so kind.
@PrivateFAIL 11 лет назад
Why wait? You know Jesus' disciples weren't over the age of 18? God moves through whoever wants to be used. Read His word and pray with people you can be just like him now if you choose PM me
@deepfrydcash 11 лет назад
You can see the tendon moving 3:42
@coreyking5201 11 лет назад
thAt s jesus man always doing something good or fun or crazy lol
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