И ни один конструктор не поднял выше стола эти конструкции, и хотя б на сантиметров 30 не сдвинули в сторону, наебалово для лохов, значит заводского нигде подобного нет, а тут с термоклеем за три минуты гении появились!
Sence I just so happen to have a bunch of these components at my disposal I Am going to build the same thing using the same compoinents. To see if indeed you can create free energy. And I am going to make a point of dking it in the same manner he is . Except the power cord inverter. I will be using an american style power cord. Becouse we dont have that kind of power cords here. In america. Other than that it will pretty much be the same. And just so youll know . I have tried like 10 diffrent different type of these free energy. And I have yet to create free energy. I will let youll know if this is real or B.S.
В таком генераторе никакой генерации не будет, не говоря уже о том что и вся схема не рабочая. В генераторе есть КПД. Сколько затрачено механической энергии и сколько получется электрической. В наилучшем генераторе КПД может составлять не более 95 процентов. А электромотор тоже имеет своё КПД. Вот уже потери процентов 10. Где их дополнительно взять. Генератор больше не выдаст. Трансформатор может поднять только напряжение но не мощность. Он тоже скушает свои 5%. Вот и всё !!!! Если использовать гравитацию Земли... Есть такие электростанции - ГИДРОЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИИ. Вода в реках течёт под действием гравитации с гор в низины и то там КПД Гидроэлектростанции не может быть все 100%. Трение в подшипниках турбин и генераторов. от этого подшипники наргеваются. Часть энергии уходит на это. А проходит ток по обмоткам генератора нагревает провода, и тут тратится часть энергии. Вот вам и двигатель вечный ... А сама вода протекая по трубопроводам к турбине тоже испытывает трение об стенки трубопроводов. Чтоб что-то получить, надо что-то затратить и затратить немножко больше чем получить. КПД никто не может отменить !
В гидроэлектростанциях это ещё не всё - а сколько энергии надо затратить и средств чтоб построить станцию, а потом её надо обслуживать, операторам надо платить зарплату, да и периодически надо делать профилактический ремонт, а через какое -то время и капитальный ремонт. Без ремонта будет авария как на саяносушенской гес, и сколько людей погибло. ВОТ ВАМ БЕСПЛАТНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГИЯ.
Ранше мы Многа техналогию незнали ,инагда прастой вещи.Тепер мы знаем техналогию в э ест сам ево нашел .Вазможна 100 спосабам делать не какой под стол высако частотный апарат.Без этова мошный механической энергию получать вазможна.
you're so good. you are very good. you are very good , your project must be widely applied , thank you for helping many people with generators , the cost is low , but the scientists don't know , the laws of physics don't make sense to you
Das ist ja wohl klar, der Strom für die Lampen kommt aus den Netz. Die Spulen, Magnte und der Spielzeugmotor sind nur Dekoration und diehnen zur Täuschung.
All are fake, do you know in all these 10 projects that light bulbs with white pin and white board switch is common. There are some batteries are hidden in this white switch board...there is nothing to do with copper winding and magnets...these you tuber making fool to viewers ....
Ideas are in general not bad!! - But, just showing is NONSENSE! You should tell what you are doing. At least ADD some sort of descriptions, LIST of Items (also where you get them), how many times you coil etc. !!
Why can't you show the positive (red) wire and negative (green) wire? Where those positive and negative wires connect to?? If they connect to a battery or power source, then it's not good...because you still need some kind of electricity or power source!
If energy production is so simple, why don't we make a big machine or machines to supply power to the most vulnerable people communities and do away with costly hydro power production?
Thank you for your kind words! The Segway Portable PowerStation Cube Series is indeed a powerful and reliable generator that is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts like us. Its massive capacity, fast recharging, and waterproof technology make it a great choice for camping and home backup power. It's definitely worth considering for all your power needs. Enjoy your outdoor adventures!
Since 15 years, I have been dealing with angular energy electricity generation systems (R&D). My positive designs about angular continue. In this regard, my own financial means are insufficient, I had meetings with many businessmen, they accepted the financing of the project, but they gave up when it came to signing a protocol, that is, when it came to formalisation. If there is an entrepreneur who will take firm steps with me on this path, who is idealistic, has financial means and wants to make an official protocol, I would like to meet. 98% of the published videos are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.
Dá pra pôr uma fonte chaveada( carregador p/celular), drenar corrente nas tomadas, e alimentar o pequeno motor. Um capacitor grande 150 uF mante.rá o motor nos intervalos
In your first example, the motor is not wired directly to a plug...it is wired to a black box...is that where you put the batteries? In the second one, why are you powering an electric motor with a plug from the wall (the green and red wires are live because as soon as they touch the motor, it spins...so they are connected to a power source) to spin the magnet to induce the coil, to charge the capacitor to light the light bulbs? You made it so complicated, just plug the light bulbs directly into the wall like you did with the motor with the red and green wires. Take a light socket, wire to wall plug, screw in bulb...viola...light. If wanting to light multiple bulbs, connect them in series. Your third example, that 9 volt battery won't last very long to power the motor to charge the coil to then light those three bulbs. The fourth you are powering the motor from a power source to spin it to the first coil then the transformer then to the plug...why not skip everything and wire the plug to the red and green wires that are connected to power...in the US we call that a power strip. I can't watch your bad electric designs that are wasteful for no purpose. They are not generators, they are transformers, capacitors and coils used unnecessarily which adds to the expense when plugging the power strip into the wall directly saves time, is not dangerous to use nor does it quit when the batteries are dead. You used either batteries or wall power for each example to then power all these components to light bulbs...if you are that desperate, light a fire which is also not a transformer but simple combustion to produce heat from a direct fuel source. You can then heat water to turn a turbine, which will then create electricity with a few losses.
there is a project in the 1980s if a magnetic wire wrapped around the nails with many turn lights them with fire one end the nails and one ends of the wire become a
Please, connect 1-2kW of bulbs to see the real maximum power of Your samples! It will bring much more viewers to Your video and You will earn additional money! Please, show the maximum power of the samples!❤
Tự hành được không? phát điện thể này thì làm to nhiều ra thay thế hết thủy, nhiệt ₫iện tốn kém kồng kềnh... và ud vào ôtô điện tự hành luôn cho thế giới xanh xạch ₫ỡ tốn kém về ôtô
@@nupucotonosor there are an awful lot of scammers out there promising free energy and 'zero point' energy. Do not 'invest' or give money in anyone promising it. This should have a disclaimer saying 'for entertainment purposes only'
Но все верно энергию можно как и повышать так и понижать в целях экономии! 📶. Но тут нет ничего общего с вечним двигателем и бесконечной инергией ⚠️. 😉