
Top 5 Overrated Big Brother Players Ever 

Unbiased Reality
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17 окт 2024




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@lamb9770 3 месяца назад
Nah literally every single week Vanessas target went home....
@BlazeBronx11 2 месяца назад
Exactly what this 6 year old who can't spell their names and prob never watched bb can't understand
@rolandgreen7484 Месяц назад
If Vanessa told Liz to vote out Julia or Austin she would still refuse. If she told Steve to vote out Johnny Mac he would always refuse. If she told Meg or James to vote each other out they would always refuse.
@lamb9770 Месяц назад
@@rolandgreen7484 which is why she never attempted to do any of that ❤️
@rolandgreen7484 Месяц назад
@@lamb9770 Fair enough but keeping Austin, Liz, Julia together as a trio that long was super risky. Those 3 will never vote against each other while in the house, so if at the Final 6 Steve and Johnny Mac are both immune (say one wins HOH And the other veto) she is toast. Or if all 3 are in Final 5, if just whichever of Steve or John Mac is left win HOH or veto she is done for. Julia and Austin didn't like each other much, so if Liz was taken out, they could easily turn on each other, but while Liz is there the 3 are unbreakable. Julia and Austin would not turn on each other while Liz is there, as it would upset Liz too much and Liz wouldn't allow it. Vanessa also made a mistake not getting Liz out before both Austin and Julia for the exact reason I just said, even if Austin is a bigger jury threat than Liz. She is still a great player but the people she is compared to like Will and Dan would have never done something so dumb as keeping an unbreakable trio together that late into the game.
@mint3623 3 месяца назад
taylor is an average player all around, but i believe her charisma and clutch comp wins give her that edge over other average winners. also storyline wise she’s probably one of if not THE best winner ever
@Fireyninjadog Месяц назад
Yeah. I think taylor played a great game. While she did get extremely lucky in week 1, I feel like that was the break she needed because the house was against her. She also won some comps, but not too many, because micheal was dominating everything, and that cost him his game. Taylor had the best social game in the house, and it showed when she won
@ocho33 2 месяца назад
Big nah on Vanessa. I used to think the same. She’s legit the best player to never win.
@ocho33 2 месяца назад
I agree though let’s see her again. She will prove you wrong
@tajneeley 2 месяца назад
It’s between her and Tyler for sure .
@ocho33 2 месяца назад
@@tajneeley don’t forget Danielle Reyes
@B1GJOHNSTUD 2 месяца назад
@theblazikenbro Месяц назад
​@@tajneeley Paul died?
@MRrichthe7th 3 месяца назад
Here is my input on Vanessa, she has stated the had she won final HOH she would have taken Liz to the end and probably won the game because she would have the votes of Steve, Becky, John, Jacky, and most likely Meg and James do to how much Becky and Steve would be hyping up Vanessa. Also I believe the it was a great move to take out Austin because having a showmance in the final 4 would be very risky especially since Austin was a absolute comp beast who would always prioritize Liz over Vanessa meaning if John won any kind of safety Vanessa would be screwed because John would evict her if he won Veto and when it comes to Austin and Liz they would evict her if John won HOH but even if John gets evicted final 4 you would have both Liz and Austin targeting you in the final 3
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
I was more so talking about if Steve took her to the Final 2 since he's the one that won the Final HoH. I don't go into the "if she had won" scenario because she had a chance to and didn't. There's no "what if" there for me because she was the one to face off with Steve and lost. I respect your deep dive opinion though because she would definitely beat Liz at the end. Anybody in the house that season would.
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
I agree that taking Steve is better than Liz but in theory she beats both
@well-dressed-bird 3 месяца назад
I remember Becky pretty much hating Vanessa. Weird to think she would vote for her to win over a ham sandwich. Vanessa deserves her vote, but i don't know that she's have it.
@crimsonECH1DNA 3 месяца назад
@@Unbiased-Reality My only thing with Steve is the lynchpin of his gameplan working was actually being the one to get Vanessa out in the end. Steve going with Vanessa to the end likely would've played out a lot like the Jag/Matt final 2 from BB25 where it's clear one player played the more ruthless game and pissed the jury off (Jag) but Matt couldn't wipe the image of him being Jag's sidekick. Of course on the flipside, Vanessa could have very much pulled a Paul and still tried to play the saint even while in the Final 2, causing the Jury to spite vote against her. That's the aspect I think a lot of Vanessa defenders tend to overlook about her game. As methodical and cutt-throat of a player as she was, whenever she was confronted about it she would cry and play the victim and doing that schtick during the Jury segment would've backfired.
@SZAlanastan Месяц назад
@@well-dressed-birdI think he meant Shelli not Becky lol
@hiiokii7088 2 месяца назад
absolutely abysmal take on vanessa 💀 she 100% wins in the final 2 (confirmed) and is single handedly the primary reason for every boot in the jury house. definitely one of the best to ever play
@tajneeley 2 месяца назад
Ya he’s wrong about her
@creativename7230 3 месяца назад
Everything you said abt vanessa just wasnt true, vanessa wasnt directly wanting davonne out, she just wanted to keep Audrey in bc everyone hated her, shelli was the one that decided to go with davonne. Jason also was leading an alliance that was coming after vanessas allies, and everyone wanted her to backdoor Austin, who was an ally for her at that point. Her taking austin out was also really good because austin said multiple times behind her back that he wanted her out. The jury also said multiple times that they were voting dor vanessa, the only one thay was bitter was austin. A lot of your reads on Vanessas game just arent true, and while i think she has problems with her game, she easily played the best game of the season. With taylor... im a mixed bag on her, i do think she played the best game of the season, but thats because bb24 was really lacking in gameplay. Taylor is a lower middle tier winner, and she has some positives in her social game, but i dont like her strategic game, especially her first hoh. I think you should've mentioned ppl like janelle, dick, or paul. I think all 3 of them get way too much praise
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
@@creativename7230 not true especially with the fact that NO ONE was taking Vanessa to the end! Even Liz wouldn’t have done it! Yall act like she would but she wouldn’t!!! Vanessa is a great player but doenst know how to manage her threat level as a player to where even the dumbasses know she will beat them in a jury vote.
@randomnerd2332 3 месяца назад
my opinion on your list: 1. Ian- this is definitely one that I agree with, while Ian id definitely one of the most likeable winners he is massively lucky his season, had he not get that 2nd veto he would've been evicted the week of Dan's funeral. I think Ian didn't make a single strategic decision on his own (even flipping on Boogie required Dan & Britney). 2. Kaysar- i'm not gonna argue that Kaysar is some great player considering he has never even made it to jury but that is the magic of Kaysar, he is our favorite prejuror. on BB6 while in hindsight it's easy to argue that he should've evicted Maggie over Cappy when in that situation at that moment it was the right move to take out Cappy. Maggie was not really an active player prior to Cappy's eviction & even wanted to leave instead of him while Cappy was still the clear leader of his side. It is important to note that every single member of The Friendship voted to evict Maggie over Cappy showing who they valued more. While Magge did an excellent job of weaponizing Cappy's eviction afterwards & showed what a great player she was after he left Cappy was still the figurehead to that alliance. So while I would agree that Kaysar isn't really a good player I do think he deserves his status as a prejury icon. 3. Vanessa- there is just so much u are getting wrong about Vanessa's game.While Vanessa's poor social skills would cost her a win in F2 in a good amount of seasons, that jury REALLY respected her game. If u go back & watch the BB17 jury segments that jury really respected Vanessa's game (except for Austin). Even when Austin came into the house bitter that jury pushed back on him about it. Even at the jury roundtable Steve's closest ally Johnny Mac practically said he would vote Vanessa over Steve as he saw Vanessa as the clear better player. In post-season interviews right after BB17 everybody said Vanessa would've wiped the floor against either Steve or Liz in a 7-2 vote if she made F2. U also are wrong on a good amount of Vanessa's moves in BB17. For example she targeted Da'Vonne instead of Audrey that week due to the fact that Shelli (one of Vanessa's closest allies) was the HOH that week & Shelli had a good relationship with Audrey where she wouldn't target her on that HOH while Da'Vonne had a falling out with Shelli's showmance. Da'Vonne was also on the other side of the house while Audrey was always going to be a shield for Vanessa as an early target. While u critcized Vanessa for backdooring Jason right after using the veto on him Jason was by far the most dangerous player from his side of the house as he had the best social game & was the clear leader of his group as well as being the most strategically savvy person from his side of the house. Using the veto on him earned her a good amount of grace from the house that helped her in Becky's backdoor attempt as she pointed out how she used the veto on him while also claiming that it was Shelli who mainly wanted the backdoor of Jason. Blinsiding Austin was also the right strategic move as it would be foolish of her to go into F4 with a showmance in a HOH she can't compete in as breaking up the guranteed F2 is always the best move in the game. It also helped that with Austin gone Liz wanted to take Vanessa to F2 as Liz has gone on record saying if she won the Final HOH she would've taken Vanessa over Steve. 4. Dr. Will- while I do agree that Will's BB2 game is overrated as a winning performance I can't deny that it is one of the best playing from the bottom ever done on the show. Dr. Will went from having his entire alliance gone by week 4 & being the easy next eviction to making it all the way to F2, a turnaround in game that we really don't see in modern BB. Dr. Will effectively made himself a leech onto Hardy & Nicole as Nicole would say a couple of times in the season that Dr. Will was her most important ally over Hardy who wanted to be ride or die with her. While u can say Dr. Will only stayed in due to him being an easy beat Dr. Will put in the work to make everyone think that & make that the reason he should stay. Dr. Will's BB2 game is about as close to a Sandra Diaz-Twine game as u can get. & in BB7 the fact that Dr. Will made it all the way to 4th despite everyone knowing how dangerous he is is a testament to just how good he is, as had Dr. Will made it to F2 he would've wiped the floor with everyone as Boogie was seen as nothing more than Will's lapdog. 5. Taylor- I find it pretty common in the BB & Survivor community for winners who heavily relied on their social game to be discredited ( especially if they are women). People always knock winners like Taylor, Natalie White, & Kenzie down if they are sitting next to a more strategic player which is noticeable to me. The fact of the matter is that YES Taylor did have a great social game that shouldn't discredited for some BS "production interference" garbage. As soon as Indy left the house she had nothing but positive things to say about Taylor despite just being evicted on her HOH in her ineterview with Julie. Jasmine was the same way as in the interview with Julie she talked positive about Taylor as a person despite being one of the more anti-Taylor people. The idea the production interfered with the jury to ensure a Taylor victory is complete nonsense. Turner went on to say after the season that the only reason he voted Monte was because that was who he thought the others were voting for & had he known Taylor was gonna win he would've voted for her instead, showing he even wasn't really that high on voting Turner. as Michael noted all of the moves Michael made his season was done to benefit Taylor as Michael had no need to tell about Kyle at the point that Taylor would've been evicted. While I don't think Taylor is probaly a top 25 player of all-time I think it is time that winners who mainly relied on social skills get their due.
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
What social skills did Taylor have that helped her game. Give me 3 scenarios that HER social skills furthered her game. Don’t tell me about when somebody came and talked to her or brought her into something. What did SHE do socially?
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
And Michael had to play for Taylor with the Kyle situation because once she was gone, he was next. He was the first target of the season and only stuck around because the girls wanted Taylor out for so long. Of course they are gonna say positive things about Taylor once it’s out there that she’s being “bullied”. You think they all just got some mental awareness all at once? It’s pretty obvious and of course Turner would’ve voted for Taylor if he knew everybody else would because they all came together to vote Taylor and now he’s the only one that was left out because he wasn’t in the jury. If he thought Taylor played better, he wouldn’t need a group to tell him their opinion and he would’ve just voted for her anyway.
@randomnerd2332 3 месяца назад
​@Unbiased-Reality I suggest watching @ethanimale 's video analysis on Taylor's game, he does a way better job at explaining Taylor than I ever could but a few I would note: 1. As I mentioned before the fact that Jasmine & Indy before got evicted & immediately praised Taylor is a testament to her social game. The fact that 2 anti-Taylor people in the game are praising her on their way to the jury house is an important aspect of the game as a good amount of the game is getting people to want to vote for u in the end & Taylor succeeded in getting both Jasmie & Indy to want to vote for her. 2. This was not something shown on the episodes but at F7 Taylor put a MASSIVE amount of work on Monte & Turner to not only not target her next bit to also go back on their agreement with Michael & target him instead. While Monte & Turner initially wanted to target the girls with Taylor being first she completely turned that around into them targeting Michael instead of her. This also led to Monte & Turner wanting to have a F3 deal with her which manged to keep her safe at F5 over Alyssa as Turner wanted to keep the deal instead of keeping the easier beat in Alyssa 3. I know some like to claim Taylor "slept her way to the end" but at the end of the day her convincing Monte that she is an easier beat over Turner is an important part of her game. Building such a an important relationship with Monte & portraying herself as an easy beat over Turner is an important aspect of a good social game. 4. Building an important with a comp beast in Michael is an important thing as it ensured her that the person most likely to gain power in the house wouldn't target her. Michael even said in his eviction interview that had Brittany gotten evicted before him & Taylor Taylor was going to be his number 1 & his ideal F2, even though it would be the toughest F2 for him. The fact that she had had player like Michael wanting to stay loyal to her is a testament to how strong her social game is.
@atoz4497 2 месяца назад
@@randomnerd2332 honestly i feel like this brings up a whole conversation about how slept on social games are. i think they get slept on a lot bc theyre definitely not as noticeable/can be easily misinterpreted. like the amount of people who say that taylor was "lucky" is insane. you dont just get people to vouch for you by doing nothing, you gotta put the work in.
@SZAlanastan Месяц назад
@@Unbiased-Realityif you watched reindeer games it shows her social skills i know its unrelated to her winning game but it highlights overall capability
@chooseymfr 2 месяца назад
the problem with vanessa is while her strategic game may have been good, she combined it with rachel reilly and paul levels of emotional manipulation and gaslighting. she lowkey victimized people with her emotional outbursts, not to mention she was completely delusional about her actions or how she was coming across which speaks to her poor social game and social awareness. to me it severely undermines her overall game. all my faves are strong female players but people overlook how toxic vanessa was because she was a woman who dominated the game in a way we've never really seen before. there's no other players that we consider great that played the victim card all the time like vanessa. good players shouldn't have to resort to those kinds of tactics IMO.
@gertibell 2 месяца назад
Well said. Vanessa did have an awful lot of bad points that she was totally unaware of. If she just kept it business & a lot less crazy, she could've won. Derek did this in his season. He knew he could outsmart everyone while being a calming presence in the game. He put out a lot of fires. He was BORING as heck, but good at the game.
@_dahtruthTV 3 месяца назад
Unpopular Opinion: if it wasn’t for Monte’, Taylor would have lost..
@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 3 месяца назад
That’s a fact!
@mint3623 3 месяца назад
loud incorrect buzzer sound. if it wasn’t for taylor, monte would’ve been targeted very early on by the likes of michael, brittany and the girls alliance.
@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 3 месяца назад
@@mint3623 Sure?
@_dahtruthTV 3 месяца назад
@@mint3623I recall Monte taking Taylor to the final 2.. she didn’t win to take her self 🤷🏾
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
@@mint3623not true especially with Monte’s comp wins because he was the reason the majority kept her in the end game
@lucastoft4948 3 месяца назад
I was waiting for Da'Vonne to appear. She was incredibly mid, but people act like she was some top tier player because she spoke with high confidence
@CrustyBroBugs 3 месяца назад
I don't think people regard her as a top tier player but rather a top tier entertainer. She has like one of the most popular big brother meme audio and it is still used to this day. People love her for her gut intuitions, confidence and charisma but not for her game.
@Rye40 3 месяца назад
Doesn't everyone admit she is a terrible player ?
@tdcustoms2283 2 месяца назад
Leave Da’Vonne alone she’s isn’t the best but is definitely not overrated or one of the worst players, Ik this is a big brother video but she was amazing on the challenge
@Rye40 2 месяца назад
@@tdcustoms2283 I meant it as in some people say shes not that good of a player
@tammylee9617 2 месяца назад
Completely agree cant stand her
@Fireyninjadog Месяц назад
Honorable mention: jackson michie, from season 21. He was in a giant alliance. At one point, gr8ful (unde9able) dominated at least half of the house. He did win a ton of competitions, which is very impressive, but he wasn't a great social player. He also didn't treat his girlfriend, Holly, well. He'd manipulate her, and yell at her over stupid stuff
@tdcustoms2283 2 месяца назад
Taylor was still being bullied until Nicole was out which was week 4
@YaboiPaulieD 2 месяца назад
i think vanessa is a good player, she just cried too much and it made her seem too emotional
@tdcustoms2283 2 месяца назад
I don’t think Taylor is overrated at all but just my opinion, there is a video called the sword about Taylor explaining how she won and her social game was amazing
@areshorror 3 месяца назад
Finally, a BB channel with opinions outside of the ignorant echo chamber I constantly hear from.
@gertibell 2 месяца назад
I do agree with most of what you said, especially with Vanessa. The only thing is Dr. Will's first season. He did start with the strategy of "Send me home, I don't care & I'm going to lie to your face". It kept him in the house longer than his other loud buddies because everyone thought "We can get him out later". Then it turned into "We can beat him in the final 2".
@SupeRey49 3 месяца назад
Ian piggybacked players during his entire BB game. Mike Boogie -> Britney -> Dan -> Nicole F. He was completely clueless his whole stay on the show
@Dylanvillar172 3 месяца назад
Nah I’d disagree with Taylor she was able to come back from a lot of snaking and bullying and it went for about like 5 weeks and then still people being mad at her the whole way
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
it wasn't 5 weeks. Of course like 4 people still didn't like her but the "bullying" and "ostracizing" only lasted 2 weeks. And she didn't come back because she was able to adapt. She "came back" because the other side needed numbers and brought her in. She did nothing on her own to help her position in the game. People just started "feeling bad" for her out of nowhere
@Nintendoshi 2 месяца назад
@@Unbiased-Reality If you were watching the feeds you would know that Monte, Turner, Terrance, and Kyle continued to talk about her behind her back.
@mJiTtB 2 месяца назад
Ian is overrated? I don't think most people rank him particularly high to begin with, he's hardly seen as one of the great winners. I think he's perceived as a winner who was weak socially, and dependent on winning competitions, which he did win. He did make the correct decision to take Dan to final 2, and to take out Jenn at final 5, forcing Dan to align with him at final 4 against Shanielle. I think some people falsely criticize him for not targeting Dan in response to Dan targeting him at final 6, however, if Dan goes out at 5, there's NO way Ian gets to the end without winning at 4 and 3 with the three people he'd be left with. He probably should have backdoored Frank in the double eviction though, instead of putting him straight up. I do give him credit for the fact that BB14 is easily the hardest season of Big Brother to win as a first time player. Not only do you have to compete against 4 returning players, two of whom are winners, but they also get a 3 week free pass (provided they don't lose all three of their players) while the players were forced to take shots at each other and get blood on their hands. You could argue Frank and Shane were the most screwed by this setup (or Jodi!).
@AuzzieDonkey 2 месяца назад
Though I completely disagree with the Vanessa pick, it's nice to see someone finally bringing up Will. Easily the most overrated player to have ever won let alone participated.
@nickonstage6039 Месяц назад
When talking about Vanessa, I believe that getting rid of Austin at 5 doesn't matter in terms of jury votes. Obviously, steve takes Liz, as does Austin. Vanessa has said that she would take Liz to the end over steve (and likely over Austin and JMac). And i'm not sure who JMac would take, but I think it's probably Liz. This guarantees that Liz would get the jury votes of Austin and Julia, since they would vote for her in any scenario where she is in the final 2 (which is all of them)
@miggans21012 19 дней назад
Agree about Kaysar. Not a good social game and not good with comps. Janelle's game was mostly ruined by Kaysar.
@mrknucklehead5882 2 месяца назад
I respect the choices here. And going hard in the paint on Taylor. Great video! While I somewhat disagree on Vanessa, I like creators that are original thinkers. Refreshing to see someone not just repeating narratives.
@ricbelding9307 2 месяца назад
I agree that Taylor is very overrated. She shouldn't have even made it to the end, for final voting. I agree that the producers gave her a lot of help!
@ninamatthews8747 2 месяца назад
What was the help they gave her?
@scottaznavourian3720 Месяц назад
Your not overated when u play 3 seasons and never make it to jury. That makes u a joke
@chrissteffen3718 2 месяца назад
Will wasn’t great in 2 but he controlled all stars. All stars is a top tier season and they wanted to get rid of Will right away. Him almost winning is comical
@DouglasJefferson-tp9kp 2 месяца назад
He was super unlucky not to win. If you replay that Final 4 round 10 times he probably only goes home 1 of the 10. And if he makes the Final 3 with Janelle and Boogie he already has the win for sure as both take him, and he beats both.
@steelgal7 2 месяца назад
Finally, someone who thinks Taylor Hale is overrated!!! I thought she played a really bad game. She only won because the jury felt bad for her. To this day I don't know why she garners so much love. I don't find her that likeable. That whole season was a disappointment for me. I agree Monte should've won!
@TheHelmaroc 2 месяца назад
Yes, Vanessa's actions are of someone hated in the game. People didn't particularly like her socially and pretty much everyone recognized that she wasn't loyal and was only looking out for herself. And she STILL made it all the way to the final 3 where she had a 2/3 chance of making it to the end and winning. I feel like if anything that makes her game look BETTER, not worse.
@_dahtruthTV 3 месяца назад
Strongly agree with the Ian placement
@_dahtruthTV 3 месяца назад
@@raheemfielder-bey998 claiming I don’t understand the game is a bit much, but go off 😂🤣🤣🤣…
@mrbroadwaydork 3 месяца назад
you definitely made this video as a troll.
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
@@mrbroadwaydork no you just don’t understand the game of bb
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
What about it seemed like a troll? And explain how you disagree. I’m thinking YOU are the troll. 🤔
@godusopp2752 3 месяца назад
@@Unbiased-Reality You titled vanessa a overrated player because she had no social game and then titled taylor overrated when she would of won against anyone because of her social game
@atoz4497 2 месяца назад
@@godusopp2752 the video poster didnt respond lmaooo. ignorance is bliss ig
@godusopp2752 2 месяца назад
@@atoz4497 Video should be renamed to "players i don't like that everyone sees as good to great players"
@srasra1949 2 месяца назад
Vanessa...I couldnt stand that paranoid rude self centered baby. She was aweful. I would hate to see her come back. Huge bully. I was never so happy to see someone lose. I loved that Steve won.
@bornangel8985 2 месяца назад
You are the most underrated... Good video, go make some more
@Paul-uv9dx 3 месяца назад
thank you for sharing the same opinion with me on Taylor being an overrated, Big Brother player. I felt like her game was entirely on luck instead of it being on skill. I really enjoy your video. Although I like Ian, I can see why you would think that he is an overrated player. His All-Star game did not help him one bit. When it goes to Vanessa, I will say that I don’t think she’s overrated, but I think she was a very good player that had a lot of flaws and I don’t think her style of gameplay would’ve worked if she had played with a different cast. Dr. Will is the only one I disagree with you on slightly and that is because of his game on Big Brother All-Stars. In my opinion, his game on big Brother All-Stars as well as Dans game in Big Brother 14 are the two best non-winning Big Brother games aside from Danielle Reyes in Big Brother 3. I would love to hear your top five most underrated Big Brother players. My Top 6 Overrated Players are in no Particular Order 1.Taylor(Big Brother 24 Winner) 2.Rachel Reilly(Big Brother 13 Winner/ Big Brother 12 Juror) 3.Tyler(Big Brother 20 Runner Up/Big Brother 22 Juror) 4.Andy(Big Brother 15 Winner) 5.Davonne(Big Brother 17 Pre Juror/Big Brother 18 and 22 Juror) 6.Ian(Big Brother 14 Winner/Big Brother 22 Juror)
@RantforTent 2 месяца назад
Kinda disagree on Tyler here. But I have not watched Big brother so who am I to judge.
@RogielikeHoagie 2 месяца назад
I mostly agreed. But I'm a Dr. Will stan, so he's the only one I really disagree with. I do think Taylor played a great reindeer games game. It surprised me and I was again rooting for her.
@nathanboyer7739 2 месяца назад
The Taylor Hale one is a bitter pill to swallow. Especially when you call Indy one of the worst players, ever. Omg. Good talking points though and I didn't realize it was onyl 2 weeks she was ostracized...
@DanielleDixon143 3 месяца назад
The only one I disagree with is Dr Will. Season 7, he knew he was a target week after week and yet was on the block week 3 and no one got him out. Then wasn't on the block again till final 4. Social game players still make great players, that's just me tho😊
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
He’s not taking about his bb7 game he’s talking about his bb2 game which is literally like Sandra in pearl islands
@DanielleDixon143 3 месяца назад
@@raheemfielder-bey998no he mentioned his season 7 game too, that Mike carried him through it.....
@teehee3657 Месяц назад
Only agree with Dr Will. I don't think Ian is overrated because a lot of ppl say Dan was robbed and don't see Ian as a good winner. Definitely don't think Vanessa is overrated, she ran most of BB17 but fumbled at the end. Although Taylors gameplay could be considered overrated, I disagree with the points you made, she definitely had a hand in how things went, especially in the late game plus she was great at managing the jury.
@SZAlanastan Месяц назад
I agree with Will but i don’t think Ian & Kaysar are particularly overrated because everyone knows they are bad at the game. As for Taylor its the same, most people will agree she wasn’t the best winner shes just very popular which can sometimes come across as people overhyping her but i think everyone knows she isnt the best strategically. But I disagree with Vanessa, I think she has one of the most strategic minds we’ve ever seen and she ran the game and controlled every eviction and wins against anyone in the end, I dont think shes overrated because no one has said shes the best ever like they do for Will, most people say shes top 10 which I think she is. It seems like you don’t like her personally, e.g calling her a bully 💀 but objectively she played the best game that season and that wont change because you dont like her. The real most overrated players are Paul on 18, Will on both his seasons, Alison on 4, Rachel and Evel Dick
@zeaferjones1404 2 месяца назад
I agree I don't think Vanessa was a good player.
@ninamatthews8747 2 месяца назад
I didn't watch the live feeds for earlier seasons but I watched BB24 and I disagree with a lot of what you said here. JOSEPH didn't like Taylor? That is COMPLETELY false. Joseph and her were VERY close. Joseph was also part of the reason her first HOH was a disaster, lol. He was just coming up with ridiculous plans to try and dupe the "other side" when there was no point, they were completely powerless at that point, including wanting her to put HIM up as a pawn. The girls ostrasized Taylor night 1 when they formed the girl's girls alliance. I think Taylor wanted to work with Ameerah and she spent night 1 following her around. Ameerah wasn't into it and left her out of everything. Then Jasmine lied and said that Taylor made fun of her being fat. That turned fake elvis and his sidekick the copchef against her. Then it just snowballed from there, the other men turned because the girls pushed for it and everyone just ended up being awful. Then Taylor had a heart to heart with Monte and was able to change his mind about her during Turner's HOH. Joseph was already close with Taylor so he and Kyle (who'd realized Taylor was a piece he could pick up since the girls hated her for no reason) decided to push to start an alliance with her after Michael and Britney won the veto. The reason people say Taylor had a good social game is that she was very forgiving and managed to turn people to her side as they walked out the door. She was able to flip Jasmine and Indy before they left by being kind to them and working on their relationship before they left. Alyssa flipped because her and Taylor developed a friendship while they were there and she also left pissed at Turner for what he did. She flipped Monte (her methods there might be questionable) he in turn protected her against turner and brought her to the end. And of course her friendship with Michael protected her until he left the house. Its very difficult to be kind to someone who's been awful to you for no reason. I personally would've been bitter, Britney was very bitter and Indy and Jasmine left the house cursing her name. Taylor wasn't mean to them even though she took out indy (by the way she wanted to take out terrance but the house wanted indy). It also helps when you have 2 attorneys in Michael and Joseph fighting for you in Jury, lol.
@Unbiased-Reality 2 месяца назад
1. Where did I ever say Joseph didn't like her? I can see you have a hard time listening and/or comprehending things 2. you are completely wrong about Taylor being able to "flip them" as they walked out because those same people that didn't like her then, still doesn't like here to this day. 3. Monte didn't turn protector because of a heart to heart in week 3. She didn't get super close with Monte until the house split. And her and Joseph wasn't close until that night of the alliance being formed, thats why they coined the 25th birthday bit on twitter because everybody liked that he would work with her after that night. Quite literally everything you said reflects that you didn't watch the feeds at all or only focused on the cams when a certain player was on them and not all cams.
@tammylee9617 2 месяца назад
Agree with Ian. I have no strong opinions on the rest
@scottaznavourian3720 Месяц назад
I dint think ian is overated..no one thinks hes great but hes a great underdog story
@ethana.3091 2 месяца назад
Vanessa I could not stand! The only season I barely watched
@khasualentertainment6734 2 месяца назад
Now.evil dik was a bully...paul and josh were bullies
@tomclark5924 Месяц назад
TOTALLY agree. Great list.
@TreverBeast 2 месяца назад
You misspelled Kaysar's name, as well as Taylor's last name, for the Video Chapters 😅
@benrichards6087 2 месяца назад
I have to disagree with dr. will, he made up for his lack of comp wins with his extraordinary manipulation tactics...he even had mike wrapped around his finger making him a very loyal partner. The rest i can agree with, but imo there are a lot worse overrated players before these
@brandonjklol 2 месяца назад
What a horrible read on Vanessa😂 good video tho
@Rye40 2 месяца назад
Kaysar ? That should be Janelle
@orangewitheyes 2 месяца назад
Ian is overrated. Nobody says Kaysar is good. Vanessa ran BB17 and would run any other season she was on if nobody knew who she was. Dr Will is overrated. Taylor was, completely out of her own control, put in a bad position early on, and squeaked out through her own volition. Jasmine and Terrance both lasted far past week 2, and didn't like her. She won over Indy and Alyssa by herself. Daniel lasted 5 weeks. Not 2. She did play a great social game, being the biggest threat throughout the endgame and still getting through mostly unscathed. Final 4 HoH doesn't matter, by the way. Production was not involved. You put in 3 overrated men and 2 correctly rated - maybe even underrated - women. Interesting.
@Unbiased-Reality 2 месяца назад
Where did I say anything about Daniel, Jasmine, and Terrance lasting 2 weeks? To be ostracized it takes more than 3 or 4 people to ignore you. Where was she ever the biggest threat? She even said in her speech that she wasn’t the threat. And she never won over Indy or Alyssa. And she never did shit in the house “through her own volition.” By your own paragraph about Taylor I can tell you think she wasn’t that good. She had no social game. Tell me how without making stuff up. She got pulled in as a number and dragged to the end because she seemed like the easier pick. THAT’S why Monte took her to final 2 over Turner who was a much better competitor in the game of Big Brother. Not because she was able to do anything to make Monte take her to F2. Stop the pandering and ignorance.
@Unbiased-Reality 2 месяца назад
And what does being a man or woman have to do with anything. If you’re overrated then you’re overrated. Has nothing to do with gender. That alone lets me know your political stance in the game and not the actual enjoyment of the game.
@twannifufu 3 месяца назад
I understand this is an opinion piece, but it is wild to include Taylor as overrated, and not just overrated, but THE most overrated. The centrality of the argument has nothing to do with her gameplay. Essentially, you don't like how her storyline factored heavily into her win. That factor - which has nothing to do with her gameplay - should not make her an overrated player. Why should she be blamed for how her story played out and was edited by producers? The beef should be with them. It appears that many in the fandom don't like how much storyline factored into her win, because it feels disproportionate to her prowess as a player. It's also a low-key way of announcing how most in the fandom feel the show is becoming too "political", especially given how Big Brother 23 played out. I need this fandom to be honest with themselves and each other. The dislike of/annoyance with/acrimony toward Taylor and the belief that she is overrated has nothing to do with her gameplay. In terms of the others, are they truly overrated, or are you just tired of hearing about them? The fandom at large is quite one-dimensional and will bring up some names to death. That's more of an indictment of the fandom than the players.
@atoz4497 2 месяца назад
im surprised this doesnt have more likes. the taylor hate in the fandom is insane to me. people love downplaying the bullying towards taylor (like how the OP says that it only happened for 2 weeks) when it happened for a whole month. in week 1 most of the house was after her ass and basically assumed that she was a slut for no reason. they made up lies about her (like how she had been doing pageants for a long time when in reality she was only doing them for fun) for no reason other than the fact that hating taylor was the thing to do. in weeks 2-4 a lot of the leaders in the "we hate taylor convention" were all booted out bc they kept trying to take shots at taylor and missing terribly.
@tajneeley 2 месяца назад
The only thing you got wrong is Vanessa .
@OryStreams 3 месяца назад
No lie detected in this video.
@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 3 месяца назад
Will overrated? Your Wrong!
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
If the veto exists will can’t win the game because he’s not great/doesnt take comps seriously. Will had no control in the specifics of the game from week 2 until like week 8. He literally had no social capital. If bb2 was a modern jury Will would have lost like Derrick f. The jury would have found his game annoying and weak while Nicole was the X! But since the jury COULD SEE THE GAME (yall complain about Dani d losing but forget that Nicole’s games was hurt by it too) and the jury wasn’t gonna reward a liar the win in the early days.
@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 3 месяца назад
@raheemfielder-bey998 Will Is it my top three my opinion , and i'm going to stick to it. He proved you don't have to win competition to be controlled the game.
@raheemfielder-bey998 3 месяца назад
@@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 what control did he have in bb2 that impacted more of the game than Nicole and Hardy??? He doesn’t win if the jury was sequestered
@Unbiased-Reality 3 месяца назад
What control did he have?
@lastdayonearthmysteryman4849 3 месяца назад
@@raheemfielder-bey998 He controlled all stars! BB2 the first half is that the second half was good and it’s just my opinion you have a different opinion that’s fine!
@gerardmulhern2044 2 месяца назад
Sorry but Dr. Will and Dan are the most overrated. They were good but not as great as everybody says.
@Unbiased-Reality 2 месяца назад
Saying Dan is overrated is blasphemous. Most ridiculous take I’ve seen yet.
@yvesfromloona3217 2 месяца назад
i agree with all!
@thenhl1015 2 месяца назад
Jag, codyand kaycee are the three most overrated players just bc recency bias
@Unbiased-Reality 2 месяца назад
I understand the Kaycee take if you didn’t watch feeds. But I don’t agree. I can even understand the Jag take for the ones that somehow say “but he was out of the game. He shouldn’t have won.” But I completely disagree. But the one I disagree with the most and have no clue how his name is mentioned is Cody. He’s probably the only player to play a COMPLETELY flawless game and win.
@thenhl1015 2 месяца назад
@@Unbiased-Reality I grade cody on a SEVERE curve. the pandemic caused a lack of competition with a few all stars and the rest a bunch of imporsters. As a devoted live feed watcher. Kaycee and Jag are mid tier winners at best tbh. I respect your opinion but I disagree
@jaylenbarnes2.079 3 месяца назад
Great Video
@JovIsSoReal 2 месяца назад
Bad opinion about vanessa. Remember she was the target on the Becky hoh yet got no votes. Really undermining her gameplay tbh
@DouglasJefferson-tp9kp 2 месяца назад
She didn't really save herself that week though. Jackie, James, and Meg decided on their own to vote out Shelli, since protecting James (who would be Shelli's target) was a much bigger priority to them than protecting Becky. To the point it was even worth keeping Vanessa in for them.
@mJiTtB 2 месяца назад
​@@DouglasJefferson-tp9kp That's true that those three had discussed keeping Vanessa before she had even begun campaigning. I would say Vanessa took a big gamble the previous week by flipping the vote to keep Shelli, and it paid off when it meant she was nominated next to Shelli. Of course, if Shelli had won the veto that week and Vanessa had been put up next Steve, she would have had to pull off a real miracle.
@DouglasJefferson-tp9kp 2 месяца назад
@@mJiTtB Yes I agree on all of that. It also makes me conflicted on how I view Becky as a player. I mean even amongst other unknown good players, not great players like Vanessa. She was the only one who took a real shot at Vanessa well before the end, so plus. The negative is while she straddled the house between two large alliances she was just a 5th or 6th wheel and completely expendable to both. That was proven by the remaining (some had already been booted) side of the house she probably was a bit more with in James, Jackie, Meg, John Mac, saw her as so little importance they would rather keep the much bigger threat (Vanessa vs Shelli) just to better protect a far more important member of their own alliance (James).
@jordanepp3800 2 месяца назад
Production helped taylor just like tgey did the cookout year before... No double evict until like final 9 or 8.. hmm personal agenda going with production
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