
Top 5 Reasons Why OLD MONEY Doesn't TRY TO IMPRESS (and why you shouldn't too) 

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8 сен 2024




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@mslovelifetoday 2 года назад
These are actually great tips for all people of any class. I would add that people with old money properly maintain their homes, cars and other possessions because they want them to last (which is also why they buy well made, classic pieces rather than trendy). Homes, furnishings and jewelry sometimes last for generations because they’ve been well cared for and are not part of “throwaway culture.”
@jaypatersonrepresenter4632 2 года назад
Totally agree
@chriskappert1365 Год назад
Absolutely true , they love quality and REAL sustainabillity and endurance .
@gwillis01 Год назад
Buying quality items instead of flimsy, throwaway stuff is a very good idea.
@kayrob1104 2 года назад
It's also about respect for those who have less... We are in the middle of a recession, flaunting what you have when some can barely pay their bills is terribly gauche
@julieshelley9251 2 года назад
Money talks, wealth whispers....😀
@PLegalrep Год назад
I was born into a wealthy family but because my mom and dad divorced they essentially cast us out. My mom, brother, and I were VERY poor and barely made it, and sometimes didn't. Despite this, we would go to the family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I would experience opulence, maids, delicious food and drink etc., then go right back to being poor. It was horrible. But while visiting, they harped on us with instruction on proper manners and how to dress and speak. They also tried to instill in us to save our money and work hard as they did to become wealthy. But it always came with a price. They always made us feel like second class citizens and often mocked us to our faces. We would leave and my mom would just start crying as we drove off in our puke green station wagon which you could be hear coming 2 blocks away. It had missing hubcaps and rust. They never helped us in any way despite my mom, brother, and I being almost homeless twice, even though they had large homes with plenty of empty bedrooms. In the end, I worked myself through college and later my wife and I started a company and worked HARD and became multi-millionaires and ultimately surpassed the wealth of my family. I never went to visit them when they got old and lonely. They didn't earn my love or a visit. They died lonely and sad. I went to a few funerals and hardly anyone showed. Their money did them no good. As for me, I applied many of the lessons in this video. Now I keep a low profile because we had criminals attack our home, vandalize our expensive cars and so I actually now TRY to stay under the radar to avoid the moochers, the tax man, and I also don't put it all out there out of sympathy for those struggling like I did. But ultimately I can't hide it, the money shows. Anyway, I hope my story encourages someone to find their niche, work hard, and kill it so they can have their piece of the pie. But whether you do, or don't, FAMILY and faith is the most important. THAT is the most important lesson.
@schmancy2978 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your story with us!
@gwillis01 Год назад
Being kind and compassionate is the most important thing. Your family members should not have ridiculed you to the point where you and your mom cried.
@eddiealva4453 Год назад
Have you ever asked your "rich" relatives for help?? You sound like fake.
@annadenise8902 Год назад
A true Legend ❤
@seabreeze4559 Год назад
So you repaid their cruelty with greater cruelty? Wow, you became them. Only worse.
@blissiimo2064 Год назад
my auntie is a countess. she has the lightest footprint of anyone I know. Im 55 - I have never, ever, ever, ever heard her mention the word money or how much something costs - or does not cost. She is gracious to a fault and although she gets a bit haughty at times, eats lightly, doesn't buy much and is not a glutton. She pays attention to being healthy and walks to places. She has a Picasso in her bathroom.
@eddiealva4453 Год назад
I don't know the effect of art in a bathroom... Let me try it first.
@QEsposito510 6 месяцев назад
Same. Low footprint, gracious, modest. Most of my family is like this despite prosperity. Pulling up in a $100k vehicle wearing a matching designer outfit would look quite desperate.
@jaypatersonrepresenter4632 2 года назад
This is true.. I see this in my area, the family that has to have the new Leased Range Rover or G-Wagon every year and then the family down the road with the biggest home on the block with maybe a new Honda and 20 year old Mercedes or Porsche in the yard...
@LucasFernandez-fk8se 2 года назад
To be fair having the biggest house on the block doesn’t necessarily mean they are wealthy. They could just be house poor which is why they can’t afford the fancy cars
@jaypatersonrepresenter4632 2 года назад
@@LucasFernandez-fk8se Ummmm...No it doesn't mean you're wealthy, but maybe your priorities are on something more important then showing off your new leased car that doesn't belong to you...hahaha!!! And dude you can tell the difference between wealthy and someone who just got there hands on some money..
@abhimawa1 Год назад
@@jaypatersonrepresenter4632 big house, vintage cars that came from heirloom, no fancy things that scream nouveau riche (loud patek or AP come to mind), but they drink tea that cost the same as the new merc because of the aftertaste. The nouveau riche won’t understand this because, to them, tea is just tea, and not something they can show off.
@bucknut2000 Год назад
If its inherited money, maybe they feel they can’t create more money on their own so they hold on to it as much as they can.
@wintermatherne2524 Год назад
Living off interest is smart and responsible any way you slice it.
@tranger4579 Год назад
Years ago when they taught finances in highschool we watched a film where old money families were interviewed and of the things one of them said was " the lesser people work for us regardless if they know it or not. When they wake up the first things they do is go out and work for us until they die we just capitalize on their hard work. Let them eat cake the cake costs them money and time with interest".
@schmancy2978 Год назад
Sounds accurate. Only difference is today it doesn’t get verbalized.
@abhimawa1 Год назад
Old money don’t think about money. No. 1: comfort & convenience while preserving name & reputations. As simple as that, and it tells the whole story
@davidstephan5116 Год назад
New money has drive and hustle that got them paid on their own merits. Old money is just being born into the correct family
@wintermatherne2524 Год назад
True, but they are impeccably bred. And when they go to college, it’s to get an education not to learn a job. Nothing wrong with working, but the white collar class loves to brag about how well educated they are, but when you catch them on any subject outside of their job, they don’t know scat from shinola. They are just as educated as a blue collar trade. A white collar trade is just a glorified trade.
@ziizee4614 Год назад
How do you ensure that new money becomes old, by living recklessly?
@deanchapman1824 Год назад
Ross Perot wasn't old money and was a billionaire, but he drove a 1984 Buick for years.
@healthyamerican Год назад
if new money wants to become old money, then new money must have self control and discretion
@jeffreysommer3292 Год назад
Sage advice! Never underestimate the malice of the envious and the greedy.
@AJohnson0325 Год назад
It all boils down to a set a values to live your life by for the most part which include things like modesty, privacy, and not being wasteful. The clothes might be of high quality but they are built to last and are not typical fashion brands. A lot of clothes are cheaply made and will just be thrown out eventually. Quality clothes can last a very long time like Allen Edmond shoes can be rebuilt compared to another pair of shoes you’d have to just throw away. You won’t see a lot of skin either with clothing choices. Understanding the value of money and maintaining generational wealth means not being wasteful with money. Also Old money people try to stay out of the news and media so attracting attention is a bad idea. Also it’s not good to be flashy around people that have less than you. People are getting crushed by inflation and some people are losing their jobs.
@gwillis01 Год назад
I agree that modesty, privacy, and frugality are good things.
@dalehoward3704 Год назад
Great advice!!! All wonderful tips!
@ibanvasquez7709 2 года назад
Money talks but wealth Whispers
@JLW667 Год назад
4:13 Family Fortune 5:00 Investment 5:47 Celebrities
@janettejohnston339 Год назад
I agree with everything you are saying
@schwaarnkreddy7805 Год назад
Old Money highly values anonymity outside of their inner circle and networks of the Generationally Wealthy. Old Money is secure and comfortable in its own skin but always ensures invisible hierarchy being maintained(with due respect by every one) in their private totem pole. Old Money generally does not cheesepare and PRIZES the Intrinsic Value rather than the Price. Old Money avoids cheating because it knows its usurious costs. Instead, Old Money always has the smartest & best sage counsel at its beck and call to maintain, expand and lord over all its assets in full continuous legal-compliance and savor life elegantly with peace of mind and respect.
@dekippiesip Год назад
Except the old money of Saudi princes. Adolescents in old money families risk blinging like their new money counterparts.
@mistervacation23 2 года назад
His father-in-law was Jensen of Jensen Orthopedic loafers. They made a killing in that market
@bradleyadams4496 Год назад
Being human? Being impressive! What is the nature of your being? I wouldn't try to impress, I'm interested in mastery! Being master of the universe! What is the universe without being? What is a log in the forest? You can't escape it! Be it! You already are! Master it? It requires more than just yourself. Mastery of the universe can be attained before we die if we established a true civilization. The mastery is eternal, the technologies and possibilities available ephemeral. A good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself is very humanizing.
@hurryandleave9680 Год назад
I don't think there's much old money in the U.S. anymore. America's White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) aristocracy has been displaced by relative newcomers. WASPs still maintain their discreet traditions, but it's not because they have a lot of money. They don't anymore.
@ziizee4614 Год назад
A great lesson. Well you are right; how you manage and cultivate old money will lead to how old it will. It must span at least 4 generations unlike ephemeral wealth that fizzles out with its founder..just the first generation. Check the wealth of most celebrities, most who live reckless lives of fathering children with many women....they aren't interested in educating their children or having them acquiring the skills needed ...all they care about is, in the moment spot light. The women most guilty about this. That is why all they have die with most of them.
@bananaentos4294 Год назад
The last one is really relatable. And If you don't have money anymore they will gone one by one.sad😁
@kasparovthegodofwar Год назад
The lifestyle is a survival strategy.
@cherrylu2733 Год назад
What's the family fortune interests vs the principal?
@alinagutierrez3019 2 года назад
This is so true.
@exportintlexp6873 6 месяцев назад
#TXTM Tribe
@GiannaMarie212 Год назад
I guess Paris Hilton is one exception to this… seems like she wrote the book for “unnecessary flaunting”, yet she was born with old money.
@janettejohnston339 Год назад
I am poor. But very well educated. I have s degree from s very well university.
@KRD2023 7 дней назад
Whatever rich, aristocrat wear irrespective of trends, fashion is old money ; whatever middle class, lower middle class people wear is known flashy trends, fast fashion, luxury clothes. Wow ! Alas! What a BAD MONEY for asset accumulation (by so called rich and super wealthy peple)😅😅💌✍️
@steve19811 Год назад
I disagree.. I do think Old Money families (of confidence) need to start going public to set an example of behavior, class...etc..(ie:royal family). America and the West desperately need it.
@schmancy2978 Год назад
We couldn’t agree more.
@humbllbug Год назад
The "royals" were involved with Jeffery Epstein, why would you want the public to imitate that kind of behavior? There is a reason they value privacy and that is because they can afford to satisfy their every desire, no matter how depraved.
@dhowe5180 Год назад
That sounds like a nice idea but many descendants of old America fortunes are not that inspiring as people. Many are mostly just concerned with maintaining their wealth and having a nice, quiet life and enjoying their recreational pursuits.
@brianzybura8633 Год назад
Yet, old money shows off by sporting the biggest mansions. Like Newport Rhode Island for example. I see that 'old money' does not like the looks of rising successful entrepreneurs who have every right to sport a fancy sportscar , opulent home etc. These business persons became successful because of good honest hard work, proving honesty and full trust to their customers, employees, and their communities. They also worked 16 hour days. Any person fitting this description has earned the right to drive around a high class car, boat, etc. As far as I am concerned old money.---the American aristocracy, who made their billions from generations ago, made that money from wars, and economic depressions that they created. Their offspring continues to do so right up to today. They are the Deep State, otherwise known as the AntiChrist.
@geanettepartington691 Год назад
No, they are NOT. Ones like YOU have the "spirit of the Antichrist."
@vipeton.8927 Год назад
Well said. Also, if I will be rich I will drive moderate Lexus. Not a supercars
@brianzybura8633 Год назад
@@vipeton.8927 Thanks for agreeing with me.
@exportintlexp6873 5 месяцев назад
#TXTM Tribe
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