you probably could try placing down toji to clear the first few enemies, it prob won't be that expensive to max everything since your only placing down 5 units(minus the farm)
i have monarch sjw and toji. solar igris and my vegita only has vigor 2. Do u think replacing vegita for deatheye alocard would be better? since i dont have a good trait for vegita
is it possible with monarch alucard and igris then naruto also vegeta deadeye, which better killua or toji? also, i should replace the naruto with sjw, the only thing is that i had no monarch on sjw but naruto.. i don't know if it helps alot for the buff of igris..
I got 404 M i have the same monarchs as you but I have a monarch alucard and a monarch igris so i used him instead of vegita would you say vegita is better than monarch alucard i am currently no 1 in my bracket so i think im chilling but if theres a chance to get a better score i want to go for it
i think monarch in his game is kinda skibidi if a unit have 3 placement each unit have 100% base then 3 unit will be 300% right? monarch buff u 300% but u can place only one then u will get 300%-200%=100% ur unit will have 100% more dame right? that mean 1 monarch unit =4 normal unit right? now deadeye have 45% chance crit then it will be like 1/2 which mean if ur unit perform 2 attack one of them will have crit dame deadeye also buff 50% crit dame which mean if ur unit do crit dame ur unit attack will get double dame now let do a calculate if a unit have monarch and attack two time it will be 400%+400% 3 deadeye unit attack 2 time=300%+600%(crit)=800% and monarch is also 800% does that mean deadeye =monarch?🧐🧐🧐
@@Sp44ky u damn right but let calculate some more so 45% is actually 9/20 right feeling so skibidi let make this quick a monarch unit do 20 attacks which is 400%x20=8000% right? if 3 unit has deadeye and deadeye give ur unit 45%=9/20 chance to crit (which mean if a deadeye unit does 20 attacks 9 of them will get crit) .3 deadeye unit =(300%x11)+(600%x9) monarch (remember i just talk about 1 hit unit)
I can't for now. But try this by XAILPS try using igris that isnt monarch but i think its only can 390m+ dmg