
Tribal Heathenry 

Arith Härger
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26 окт 2024




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@TheCossak 5 лет назад
Would love it if you wrote a book on all of these topics that you discuss in your videos. You're full of wisdom on top of real history facts. Hard to find such clarity on the internet.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Some day I might write a book hehe. Not sure when, but when I have the time I might consider doing it. Leaving behind some sort of legacy hehe
@TheCossak 5 лет назад
Arith Härger you’ve already created a great legacy on the internet so you’re most of the way there 👍
@Don-gc6td 5 лет назад
@@ArithHärger It would take a four volume work just to cover the in depth content of what I have watched of your video's. Then it would be must read for anyone interested in the subject just to open their minds. I would purchase four hard bound copies just for my siblings and myself.
@guyh.4553 5 лет назад
@@ArithHärger, as my dad always says " Manyana (tomorrow in Spanish), the greatest labor saving device ever invented!" Ha ha ha
@robertayoder2063 4 года назад
@@ArithHärger knowledge
@ladykoiwolfe 5 лет назад
It's a sad thing that talking to trees is viewed by the majority as a sign of mental illness. I get the strangest looks just talking to animals.
@LiZmichelea 5 лет назад
The enemy has turned out traditions into jokes or normalized them to be a sign of one being mentally unstable. Subversion has destroyed much.
@bradyray1441 5 лет назад
I talk to animals all the time. My snake comes out of her hide, when I call her name
@bradyray1441 5 лет назад
@Brian Hensley ,me too.
@ladykoiwolfe 5 лет назад
@Brian Hensley I talk to just about everything...but I also listen to trees, animals, and the earth.
@guyh.4553 5 лет назад
I don't know why? Trees have a lot to say & are quite intelligent! 😁😁😊
@TheMercian13 5 лет назад
You’ve really hit the nail on the head here. I’ve had experience with a few Asatru and Odinist groups. They seem incapable of breaking from Middle Eastern Monotheistic dogmas like a Doomsday and detachment from land spirits/wights/ancestors. Great video.
@silversmith847 5 лет назад
I don't need to leave a comment now, you've said it for me fellow Mercian
@TheMercian13 5 лет назад
silver Smith my dude 😎
@TheMercian13 5 лет назад
Brian Hensley you’re correct. I really tried to give the organised Pagan groups a chance, but as Arith put it so well; they went from being sheep, into a different version of sheep. The leaders of those groups seem to have sinister motives.
@silversmith847 5 лет назад
@@TheMercian13 I'm a sister dude! Haha!
@silversmith847 5 лет назад
@@TheMercian13 in my teens and then in my early 30s I got involved with wiccans..what a bunch of egotistical numbskulls, our views clashed they're pure fakes! Only a near death experience pointed me in the right direction and I don't mean that (hypo)Christian crap either!
@mickkeker1990 5 лет назад
Man, that was really, really good Arith. You should write a book on these concepts to *help* us guide ourselves down this very crucial path.
@colinp2238 5 лет назад
The quality of your work has come in leaps and bounds this past year. I think many people are too influenced by entertainment media such as Marvel and Vikings and replace the source material because it is too easy to go to Wiki and google than seek out the books and writings of the ancients. Or even if one person reads it then decides to form a group of "like minded" that have never viewed the source but take on that leaders interpretation as being "gospel". You can imagine the 21st century man going to Valhalla (sic) and being asked to recount his deeds of his life that give him the right to join Einherjar. Once he opens his mouth scorn and derision will rain down on him. We do not understand the truth of the medieval concept of honour and valour and we do not settle disputes by feud.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
There are those who aim to create another religious movement and get followers for their personal glory and greediness. Those people don't need academic work in their lives and strongly advise people to completely put aside the academic world and solely focus on the words coming out of the mouth of their new-found priest. The last thing religions need is educated people. Continue to plant the seeds of ignorance so they can harvest easily-controlled followers. And then there are those who rely on knowledge and all the sources available so they may preserve the past and continue to be as close as possible to the "real thing", without a care in the world about religion and personal gain through religion, but rather to find themselves in this world and to seek happiness and some spiritual comfort. Knowledge is one of the very few things no one can take away from us. Certainly, it's something that can easily be corrupted and altered, and transform lies into truths by the continous spread of falsehood until it becomes "common knowledge" and accepted as "normal". Still, there are those who obtain knowledge and have the need to share it; not as the truth, but as a tool with which we can reach even more knowledge and eventually the truth. There is a big difference between imposing knowledge and sharing knowledge. Religion is a virus that greatly corrupts and deteriorates our ability to have critical thinking.
@esorealismmegin1923 5 лет назад
@@ArithHärger Yes. What about individual findings through living life like our ancestors? Örlög, if you will, as well as hamingja can or cannot bring or rebring knowledge into the world? I only ask, because I was maybe misunderstanding your thoughts in the video on personal, how would you say, ways of life to teach new generations how life is supposed to be made. Say a unit the size of a family. Not too many, and t One parent feels this interpretation of the past writings/oral traditions are a certain way. Pardon me if I'm not being clear enough with my question. If need be, I will ask differently. Tusen takk.
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
What's funny is I try to balance religion and academia. I talk to the ancestors and ancestral Gods like they're standing beside me and tell them what's on my mind. But between Arith and Dr Jackson Crawford I'm getting a huge priceless vault of information about the ancestors and Old Gods. So. I am absolutely grateful for the wisdom and knowledge being gifted to me. To all of us and I hope the ancestors bless our academic keepers and teachers of the old knowledge. THANK YOU Arith!!💟
@artemis12061966 4 года назад
@@ArithHärger truly said.
@WayfarerShiandra 5 лет назад
I'm always puzzled by reconstructionists who assert that they are recreating a tribal religion without any modern influences on their practice. I mean, almost no one in Western countries still lives in small subsistence farming or fishing communities without any internet, electricity, running water, medicines, etc. and very few modern heathens can hold blood sacrifice of livestock (or people). While I agree it's good to understand what influences in neopagan practices are coming from ceremonial magic, Wicca, etc. it's practically impossible to purge modernity entirely. In fact, the reflexivity of looking back to the past to "reconstruct" it is in itself a modern mindset. "For reconstructed tradition is tradition in sham clothing and not tradition at all" - Anthony Giddens
@waifuwrangler 5 лет назад
Germanic polytheism is starting to get more subgenres than Heavy Metal.
@threeshocks5769 3 года назад
Hell Yeah!
@stolman2197 5 лет назад
Great video. You know you're on the right track when both sides are angry at you.
@callummason6589 5 лет назад
Many thanks arith for this timely reminder. I follow my own heathenry (taking baby steps as i learn more about my ancestors) as I am learning. However I will make more of an effort to venerate nature, the trees and water sources and our ancestors.
Arith Is Very wise~Full Respect
@EternalRespawn86 5 лет назад
I'm a tribal heathen
@theslayer1652 3 года назад
Very indo European
@awolpeace1781 8 месяцев назад
Catholic church's little bitch in disguise
@kellynh1051 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video! It's heartening to hear someone articulate my personal beliefs so coherently, and that there are others who don't feel that the "Asatrú/etc" organizations are the right fit. I am not proud of the commercialized pageant that pagan culture has become, and I hope more of us will choose to LIVE in a way that honors the earth, our ancestors, and the Gods, instead of forming echo chambers to play dress-up and regurgitate the same tired ideas. Health and happiness to you and yours!
@exsistentialis 5 лет назад
Arith, I manage a website about Germanic Heathenry called Heathenry & Liberdade. I know that you speak Portuguese, but I'm not sure whether you know our work or not. What you are talking in this video is basically what I'm trying to say as well for at least 3 or 4 years and Asatru/Odinist oriented communities in Brazil said that was foolish. I just want to thank you a lot for this video, since now those ideas can be more easily understood and respected, since most of these ideas, mostly because they're different from modern esotericism, are always treated as non-spiritualised or too secular to be respected as a religion. Once again, thank you a lot.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Hello there! Or should I say "Olá!" Hehe. Yes I remember your website when you guys made subtitles in one of my videos. From that moment on I started following your work. I haven't had much time to explore the website but I see the posts on Facebook occassionally. From what I take you are concerned with actual Heathenry instead of feeding the same ideas within Asatru very much still based on 19th century political notions and neo-pagan religious ideas that were adapted to fit unto Christianity, like a sort of "paganization" of Christianity. I'm glad to see others are focused on actual Heathenry and not modern creations that do no justice to old tradicional paganisms. I'm also Happy to know you guys aren't racists! Very importent to demonstrate that within Heathenry. Bigotry has no place in heathenism. You have my support. Thank you for your work and I wish you best of luck!
@watcherofducks9866 5 лет назад
I always felt lost when it came to spirituality, and I always strive to grow closer to Germanic Paganism as a whole. This video helped me really pin point the way I want to practice my beliefs, so I thank you for this video and for expanding my mind. Good luck and keep up the good work my friend.
@denyse6666 5 лет назад
very well put ! anyone who has seen a wild horse in flight , lightening flashes across the sky , great trees blowing in the wind , Atlantic waves crashing on the shore will know the truth in what you say !
@jacobberry5138 5 лет назад
That 33 minutes flew by. I can listen to your knowledge all day. Thanks, Arith.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Oh, that's such a nice comment hehe, thank you ^^
@TheSavageCivilized 5 лет назад
Absolutely love your work, Arith! I'd love to sit down, have a beer, or smoke a joint, and pick your brain. Please continue your Runes series!!!!! I'm studying them, and your videos are most definitely helpful. Keep up the great videos!
@megadesu69 5 лет назад
I've always thought of these spiritual realms as something like 'layers' over our own world, rather than some faraway place completely disconnected from us. You can see some evidence of this in old stories, such as when a figure enters another world by going underground, across the sea or even while simply walking in the woods. It kind of reminds me of the Narnia stories as well. Nice video, thank you.
Layered Existence For Certain In My Opinion, Thanks For The Clear Truthful Observation's Respect
@landetinuti758 5 лет назад
One of the best videos yet. Excellent distinctions. Unless you begin with nature you're really just cosplaying dogma. Begin with nature and renewal follows.
@garychynne1377 5 лет назад
i see the sun rise i see the sun fall i remember my mothers smile and that is all there are to many gods aboard this boat pitch one overboard so the others may float. harharhar. thank yew arith. gare
@northernraven2939 5 лет назад
I greatly appreciate you my friend. You’re videos are helping me discover my self and helping me become my greatest version. My the gods meet you as you walk!
@MissKellyBean 5 лет назад
The Asatru that I've met locally are much more like your description of tribal heathens... very into historical studies, don't have one leader, don't discuss Valhalla, and have long discussions about family, animism, ancestors, landvaettir, etc. Maybe I'm just lucky (and maybe they are bad at being Asatru? 😋) But I respect your ideas about these things in general: I know that you think very hard before you say things, and always research well - so I will keep these things in mind as I meet people online and in the future. I just want to be careful of judging everyone together as if they are all the same- because, with respect, I don't think all Asatru groups are quite as you described.
@MissKellyBean 5 лет назад
I will say that I agree with you that there is quite a bit of focus on the "major" dieties in Asatru ... and you have greatly expanded my interest in local land spirits/ ancestral worship. I think this is particularly difficult for Americans, that often move around a lot, and who live in such a "young" culture. Many of us are hungry for a place to connect with, and for a "people" to belong to. It is a challenge to feel connected, but something we long for.
@DagsRavens 5 лет назад
How much were the Asatru you met practicing Animism?
@EMTwombly 5 лет назад
I think this is one of your very best videos that really addresses the key issues in paganism and heathenism! With my ancestors and the ancestors of all of us, there was no church, synagogues, temples, or other structures within the village. Worship was a individual practice with gatherings, pilgrimages,or celebrations of sacred times with others where like minded people could meet for religious purposes. The ancestors gave good and bad examples of how to explain and cope with life that directly applied to the people in their everyday life. Therefore their stories became “gospel” and were incorporated in survival and living life. This was also complimented by deity perception and stories, but most importantly, aspects of nature and wildlife were used to help validate the lessons. If the Gods created our world, then we are in the land of the Gods. For Christians, wherever you go, you are in church! Modern man has generally lost this concept and is out of touch with that wisdom. On ancestors: if they weren’t that important, why was is critical in our history to have our very names have -son or -dottir on them, or with many tribal people, clan or lineage is usually mandatory when introducing oneself to others? A question I’ve given others is,” All this around us has been created by a Maker, there is everything you need around you and also the answers to many questions you may have while you live here. What are you going to do about it and what are the consequences of your choices?”
@annelogston 5 лет назад
This video really resonated with me and gave me a lot of food for thought. I absolutely love this thought-provoking quality of your videos -- not only do you present information in such a well-thought-out and insightful manner, but you do so in a way that really inspires me to ask myself a lot of questions and explore the issue in my own mind. This is definitely one of my favorites of your videos. It just made so much SENSE.
@seanjobst1985 5 лет назад
Excellent video! I completely concur and now I am a new subscriber, so looking forward to more. Having left Abrahamism behind (both my Catholic Christian background and later being a Sufi Muslim), after much reflection and studies following a life-renewing visit to my ancestral countries, I tried to join a local Pagan group for the Folk and Communal aspect. My nervousness and being instinctly more introverted got the best of me, leading to misunderstandings by a paranoid person who then came up with accusations without knowing me. That led to my disillusionment with organized groups. But fast forward a year later, and I have become very secure and more than satisfied as a solitary Heathen/Pagan; I now know that was my inner voice or intuition guiding me and put that barrier up so that I may discover my own Path rather than moulding to one of an organized. And from that I've been able to reconstruct a more tribal-based path drawn from the traditions that have survived and the archaeological records of my South German folk. Too many of continental Germanic heritage, especially here in the US, just want to slap Norse terms and concepts onto religion such as is Asatru. I've now been able to deconstruct the "Catholic" traditions of my family and see the Pagan remnants, and from that getting a better picture. The writings of that Icelandic Christian that's treated as a sacred book, never sat well with me; likewise the lore as taken from that is specifically Norse - sometimes at odds with the continental Germanic records. Now, I have my own rituals honoring my ancestors and even in rituals for the Deities I also include mention and recognition of the Nature/Land Spirits, and I notice the huge difference, feeling far more benefits. Adopting this Animistic and Pantheistic perspective also helps us to stamp out any lingering traces of Abrahamism from our hearts, minds and actions, for as you so eloquently express here, it's foremost a difference in worldview, the Abrahamic being diametrically opposed to our Pagan worldview on the most fundamental levels. By putting in words what so many of us are also realizing, you are offering offering a great service.
@sanguinetitarot7780 5 лет назад
i agree , from mediterranea. a strong connection with nature is th key
@antsquirly7654 5 лет назад
Thank you, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
@windzeitwolfzeit 5 лет назад
I’m watching your videos few days in a row now and am so glad I found this channel. I’ve been raised with Baltic paganism and it’s so similar of what you are talking about, our ancestors are very important for us; we leave food on table for them and are really obsessed with visiting cemetery and just sitting and talking with the grave there 😁 it’s not possible make many examples in a comment. Anyways, great work
@robertayoder2063 4 года назад
@dreamingwolf8382 5 лет назад
Thank you for reminding me what I had forgotten
@dseelenmagie8811 9 месяцев назад
Everyone I come back to listen to you sir, it's so refreshing and always find something I've missed or didn't think deeper on. I'll soon be talking a small leadership role in my heathen Kindred and I value your thoughts/insights very much. I wish I could double like a video
@TheCossak 5 лет назад
I 100% agree with your criticism of neopaganism
Truth Rings Lies Sound Out Of Tune Speaking Truth Is The Path For Me Full Respect Crown & Root Chakra Grounding Into The Earth The Balanced Tone Sacred Is Music On A Soul Level In My Opinion
@EuroProsK9Center 3 года назад
The "past" is within me . . . I need not outside influences to dictate how I must express the genetic chain that extends unbroken into the depth of my Germanic memory. An excellent and important presentation, Arith.
@ungratefulpeasant8085 5 лет назад
Great video Arith, this is right on point. Heathans and Pagans in the Americas can learn allot by interacting and watching how the natives interact in nature with their deities.
@kikiwylde 5 лет назад
This was very clear and helpful to the wider community. Personally, I feel like my personal beliefs and practices fall somewhere in between heathenry and neo-paganism, with an Anglo-Saxon focus. Wyrd, wights and the deities of personified nature are important to me. But then I focus more on personal experience and spiritual growth rather than community. It's an ongoing exploration for me.
@ayottend 4 года назад
Yet again, you are describing what has been the way I have seen the world, and now I understand why I never was drawn to the religions built by construction. They felt as false as the one gods followers. I am learning more with each of your talks. Yes I take notes, more importantly, I learn how to express my own path when someone asks. It also explains why none of the Gods has struck me as one that I am most drawn towards, they don't need my help and should they, they will come to me. I often cast my questions and thanks to the universe, which to me is all of the spiritual beings who make up the world and if I get answers it comes from a local source. Thank you again.
@lisaandrademason8962 4 года назад
Love listening ( I say listening because I am a bus driver and stream to listen thru my Bluetooth while on the road). By far this is my favorite, it made so much sense to why I always pull to my ancestors. So many of friends call on deities but I never felt a connection. And yes I was raised in a Roman Catholic upbringing where I always got in trouble for questioning things at Sunday school. Mahalo for your time and efforts in all you share. I look forward to learning so much more and some day traveling to your side of the world. Aloha 🌋🏝🤙🏼
@dafcarldotter3967 5 лет назад
Arith thank you for your videos...! I have been following you for a while and I love them :)
@athanasiosken1084 5 лет назад
I love your work as well Arith.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Thank you very much ^^
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
@@athanasiosken1084 Hehe thank you :D
@dafcarldotter3967 5 лет назад
@@ArithHärger please continue to do this beautiful great work. You are my inspiration and my rock in life!!!! :) and I love the way you sing!!!
@ConnorCWalker 5 лет назад
Strong statement of your approach to heathenry. I appreciate your academic view. I especially agree that modern heathens neglect the emmanent. What we are doing is the work of generations. With respect, I think this approach will be a dead end in not too many years as the sources are exhausted. Anyway, we are not the same people as those who lived a thousand years ago and neither are the spirits or the gods. Life is water, not stone. Thanks for your perspective.
@vinnyjamea96 5 лет назад
Good morning to you Arith
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Good morning :)
@kissarococo2459 5 лет назад
I have for long time wished to make a place that people could do pagan pilgrimage into. Bit like shrines in Japan. I understood in Finland at least there were several holy places people visited (chuches were built on them...). Maybe they would receive a specially made coin, bell etc. for their home shrines for coming. I got somestimes ideas from the back of my head that seem to just appear there. I like to think its a portal for ancestors to communicate.
@guyh.4553 5 лет назад
I love this perspective Arith! I have been "on an explorative expedition", so to speak, into Paganism/Heathenry for the last few years. So, I must ask for your perspective. After watching this video, it made me think. I come from a "traditional" Christian faith but have been disillusioned by it. I have been drawn by what you have defined as Tribal Heathenry, specifically nature & ancestors, all my life. I just didn't know it at the time. But... I am drawn to the concept of the 9 Virtues, Ásatrú, Odinism/Wodinism, as well as Tribal Heathenry. I like the idea of having a Shaman but not as the "say all" of how we should believe & act. Much like a Priest/Church. I also am drawn to both Norse AND Celt paganism. My question for you is, is combining ALL of these aspects together moving towards Tribal Heathenry or is it a different thing? Keep on going on sir! You make me think and contemplate which to me is a great thing. Good day!
@nolanthompson5441 4 года назад
Thanks arith. I love your stuff. You should put this stuff in books. I'd gladly pay for your publications. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Truly.
@hazelf0x 4 года назад
Thank You! I found myself saying this so many times during this video. "Yes!!! Thank you!"
@robertayoder2063 4 года назад
U need a weiner snittzel
@SpinSycle 5 лет назад
The more I watch this episode, the more I appreciate it.
@heathertheheathen8441 3 года назад
I am so happy to have come across your channel and content. Thank you! This is the way back to balance and connection with the wholeness of our existence.
@cherold2770 5 лет назад
Another home !run thanks for this one, between this one and the animism video is exactly what I was looking for in the request
@DagsRavens 5 лет назад
I really appreciate these videos. I've only ever truly believed in Animism, but all these videos are really helping me broaden my horizons and look into becoming part of a community like Asatruars and Heathens.
@gaeirmundkarrlsson1430 4 года назад
Thank you! I have recently begun a deeper dive into paganism, your information is some of the most useful and insightful I have come across.
@LiZmichelea 5 лет назад
I have explored Asatru and have found it still very much encompasses christian morality. I can't get behind it. I think what you have said about the rejection of modern pagan beliefs is spot on. Hail!
@lightningwight4154 5 лет назад
Even their method of worship seems very Christian. One thing the Christians were forced to adopt from Paganism was the Trinity, as a triad of Pagan gods was normal before them. There's very little biblical sources to suggest there even is a Holy Ghost, but it used to be common to invite gods to "live within us", giving us strength and guiding our thoughts to right action. The gods are also supposed to live within our idols of them as conduits to the other realms. Hindus to this day ritualistically treat their idols like honored guests, washing and feeding them as if they were royalty, because they are seen as a part of the god themselves. That is the kind of reverence i never see in Asatru.
@sergeymikhailov9234 5 лет назад
There should be a University course like "Retro psychology of the Mesolithic period in Eurasia" sooner or later.
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
As an archaeologist, I do think with all honesty that the Mesolithic was the best period of human history hehe.
@ww2killerk 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video man, I highly appreciate. Can you demonstrate ways to follow this tribal path?
@e causey Nature Calls Forth The Truth Respect
@emanuelcoronato6138 4 года назад
Thank YOU for this splendid academic video! As one in the commentary section said, would be very helpful to have eventually a book so that every SINGLE infirmation could be kept clear in everyone's mind. Once one has the right knowledge, that very person could decide in a clearer way according to oneself.
@wadejustanamerican1201 5 лет назад
Very good video. As someone already stated it would be great to be able to just sit and talk to you. Thank you, have a fantastic day.
@EndNuclearAgenda21 5 лет назад
Thank you, it explains why I never felt any real connection to any of those groups.
@peterribolli8300 5 лет назад
"All is one..." says it all... Cheers from Australia...
@jamesnabors5240 4 года назад
And this is one of the reasons why, I am involved with Tribal Heathen Believe structure, thank you Arith. 👍
@cdanielh128 4 года назад
I just found this video. Thank you so much for vocalizing what I was seeing over the last couple of years of my interest in Heathenism, Asatru, and Odinism not to mention some of the others. I come from a very open spiritual background in the US. My family speak to the local spirits all my life. It led me to shamanism for many years from an early age, though I tend to not share my spirituality with anyone else. Meeting born again shamans or having people ask for potions and spells was very tiring as I do not feel most people can separate drama from spirituality or only wish to take from the spirit world instead of living among it. The other thing that bothered me is my ancestral connection to the land and the social structure felt missing. Living one foot in the spirit world and one foot in this material plane I was surprised and overjoyed when I first heard of heathenism and Asatru. It was the later that I first read into and that turned me off. Worshiping gods is not something that feels natural to me. Recently when finally revisiting the subject I picked up the Heathen Handbook and was shocked it did not try to push a dogmatic religion on me and instead felt it was more in line with what you are speaking about by focusing on family and social and spiritual relations. It feel like the final piece of the puzzle to connect my daily and social life in a much more streamlined way with my spiritual life. I have not finished the book but reached out looking online for more of this mentality and found you. Your words ring true throughout this whole video and have helped shape the perspective that was growing in me. I look forward to continuing this journey. Keep up the great work.
@victoriaedwards6395 5 лет назад
I was listening to this as I went about my day and was moved to shout "amen, brother." I'm still a pagan baby; left Christian views behind to follow what comes naturally, which is animism and ancestor worship. I have felt so free and all fear of death gone. It's funny that I was told I was not a real pagan if I did not worship the gods as one would Jesus or his father early on in my awakening, just a few months ago. It felt just as you describe, leaving one group of sheep to go to another group of sheep. No thanks. That said, I do acknowledge the gods and view them as personification of aspects of our world. I don't worship Freyja but do celebrate what aspects of the feminine she personifies. I don't worship Odin but do celebrate everything he personifies. Etc.
@lindamaemullins5151 5 лет назад
Victoria Edwards -always go with what feels right ❤️✌️
@nighttree2 5 лет назад
Arith.....It's very refreshing seeing content like this out there. I have been doing this for over thirty years, came to see all of the things you touched upon in this video, and taken a lot of flack over the years for making many of the same comments you just made. One thing I will bemoan is that we see so few people following "celtic" heathenry producing this caliber of work. It generally falls even more strongly into the pitfalls you point out in Asatru etc. One thing you did not touch on.....when I use the term "tribal" I have found I'm often attacked for being "white nationalist" or racist. Is this a non issue in your neck of the woods ? Or is it only common in America with it's preponderance of identity politics and SJW ?
@animistchannel2983 5 лет назад
The Storm needs no house built in his name, no worship to make him mighty, and no priest to speak for his will. If you would know The Storm, you can go out and meet it yourself, or you can wait for it where you are. It will visit you soon enough! You can judge yourself by the standard of surviving that meeting, and what passes through your heart you as you do. These parasitic priesthoods would put themselves between you and Nature, between you and the divine connections that are part of your own being, and then they want payment for cursing you with isolation. In doing so, they would rob you of your experience even as they rob you of your purse. No one can put Spirit in a box. It cannot be confined to a room or a temple. It exists by being everywhere at all times, and this cannot be packaged and sold, or bought. You must grow your place among Spirit by the communion of your own energy with the connections all around you. It is not a destination you can reach. It is a journey you must continue all your days. “The Dunes of Truth: ...and so we sing and we dance upon the shifting and drifting of the Dunes of Truth always changing, always flowing, always different new forms grown from flakes of snow and crumbled old stones. There is no path but that we remember it no surface but that we climb ourselves up no map but the inspirations of spirit and virtue no goal but to move and discover new views. We are sung in its song as we are whirled in its dancing and in flowing within us, it makes us real." - zfr, (1985)
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
Wow you couldn't be more wrong in your view of Heathenry and polytheistic religions overall
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
@@animistchannel2983 ok so you obviously think writing long ass comments makes you right so let me school you
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
@@animistchannel2983 ok so way back in the arch Heathen,Hellenic,pre classical,etc periods all of the Gods had they're own priesthoods.This is well attested to throughout various sources that are from these peoples.
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
@@animistchannel2983 none of these pagan priesthoods "repackaged or relabeled" anything and if you can put forth sources then so so or shut up
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
@@animistchannel2983 Also I hope you realize that none of your argument that your trying so horribly to bring against me even applies to priesthoods it applies to the Abrahamic religions only.As we can see in Adam of Bremen's account of the temple at Uppsala the priests there fulfilled NOTHING but they're roles
@Vfox1983 5 лет назад
Beautifully described, thank you for the much confused breakdown of these differences.
@kiltedlover 5 лет назад
love it! finally! an explanation that makes clear what spiritual path I'v e been grasping for in between all the information I've been sifting through. I've been trying to figure out what the label is that describes my path so I can explain it to people. I've been piecing it all together through other people's experiences and views as well as videos and texts, ancient and modern, and you put in all together in a nice, neat package. Thank you!
@charlesharris8805 5 лет назад
Great video as always Arith. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions with us. I always look forward to your videos and find them very refreshing in both a logical and spiritual way. Have a great day.
@mattmclean8122 4 года назад
I’m indigenous, mi’kmaw from the eastern coast of Canada/America. We have gods but seldom are they ever called upon. We also primarily call on our ancestors for support and/or help/for offerings. And our “church” is nature. I learned I’m also Norwegian so thank you for these videos, it’s nice knowing I have Norse ancestors also smiling on me. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning how similar my tribal peoples are.
@sevenis9712 4 года назад
Hi Arith glad to see you are well! Yes I agree that you should write a book. I’ve said before in post how so many people think for example being a witch means doing things the tv magic way etc. or yes the christianization of paganism or vice verse. I think that’s just people not fully being able to commit to paganism due to instilled Christian guilt. Anyways, this was great! Still would like to know if you observe anything in regards to being pagan.
@sleepingphoenix1281 5 лет назад
So well and patiently explained and reasoned. Everything you say is why I am so turned off by modern paganism. I find more inspiration in Japanese Shinto. Wonderful video, thank you 🙏🏻
@booniekjohnson9182 4 года назад
Truly eye opening explanations and Teaching..makes more sense than anything I have ever heard! Thankyou.
@jackwolf3200 2 года назад
Wow, you NAILED it!
@deathtomichaelknagge4397 5 лет назад
How does shamanic experience factor in? Or is that just more personal "gnosis ? Great work as always
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Shamanism lies within Animism itself. There is no shamanism without animistic conceptions of life, which is why nowadays shamanism becomes a trend and it most peopel believe they are shamans. If you go into facebook, there are hundreds of grups with "shamans" in them all the time talking about the most absurd things without a single clue of what shamanism really is. Shamanism today is becoming a subject too banalized precisely because people lack animistic concepts and think of shamanism as something quite shallow and easily attainable. There are many "shamans" these days, too many.... and fewer actual shamans. It's the lack of understanding animistic notions that destroys the old ways. Shamanism is far more complex and only very few can actually obtain true knowledge from it. I understand your question: Because nowadays shamanism becomes such a trend, and feels more like personal gnosis than anythng else, and in fact that's exactly what shamanism is for most people - just a fanciful delusion. But of course, that's not what real shamanism is. But our modern society is "corrupting" shamanism.
@rene8564 4 года назад
@@ArithHärger Could you recommend a good book on animistic practice?
@FridayHandyman 2 года назад
Best video yet!! Thank you brother 🤙🤙🤙
@jR-nc1uz 5 лет назад
I'm very glad to know that I wasn't the only one who thought like this. Thank you :)
@teresafigueiredo 4 года назад
A year later I'm again watching this video, I was thinking that it would be a very special day and very good even after remembering your words, I would like to have a book of yours, it would be fantastic and helped many people! 🤗
@Brjostabarn 5 лет назад
I suggest that you do a video on Jotunheim and the Jotuns/Giants/Trolls etc.I find this to be a topic very few people scholarly touch on. Such questions are: How much did the acknowledgement of Jotunheim play on the Norse people? Is it more of a representation of the unconscious chaotic mind?
@Texasmade74 5 лет назад
None of the lore is metaphorical
@amymacintyre7929 4 года назад
Tk u for breaking down the differents between paganism and herthenery for i am a very proud Heathen
@Quietcloud 5 лет назад
I really appreciate these sentiments as well as the video on animism. I do note, however, that a solitary person with an animistic practice is closer to being a shaman and therefore UPG becomes inevitably important.
@MissKellyBean 5 лет назад
I think so too
@karldolphin7547 5 лет назад
Shewhoishollow UPG?
@Quietcloud 5 лет назад
@@karldolphin7547 Unverified personal gnosis. Arith mentions it in the video.
@karldolphin7547 5 лет назад
Shewhoishollow thanks, I’ll give it another listen.
@MrEnaric 2 года назад
A great! lecture and a big caveat to all. Thank you for showing the worth of personal spirituality and experience and the dangers of organized paganism. Been there, done that and absolutely not going back there ever again! Tige tank myn freon.
@esorealismmegin1923 5 лет назад
Hei, Arith. Loved this one and the clarity on distinguishing who us modern people's can learn from correctly. Very well done, man. On another note, can you clear things up on the archaeological side of a matter for us all, please? I come from mixed background in which we men and women share almost every duty of life's workings and the tools we use, especially. I will leave a link below as the recent reference for the matter. It's the silly, at least to me, gender role of viking era men and women "misunderstanding". The grave sites being the main evidence for such thought provoking ideas as this dispute is at least concrete for a correct viewing. Tusen takk.
@esorealismmegin1923 5 лет назад
@websterfannin6801 5 лет назад
Enjoyed this. You maid a point and made it well.
@thornkirinsdottir9032 11 месяцев назад
I've been connected to heathenry, specifically reconstructionist, for several years now, and this video makes me appreciate the* movement and its integrity even more!
@jonathanmaclean1856 4 года назад
I talk to my dog, talk to the animals of the forest, talk to the river but the majority of people id much rather not speak to due to their ignorance and simple prejudice minds.
@MCmaksE 5 лет назад
What did you say at the end? (as a 'goodbye') "April"? What's funny for me - it's the fact, that i understood the rest no problem. Greetings to you
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
"tack för idag" hehe. Turn on the subtitles ^^
@MiaogisTeas 3 года назад
26:07 Consider that prior to contact with European/Mediterranean scholars, Buddhist temples had symbolism instead of iconography: they would show only a Bodhi tree and footprints walking away as symbolising the path of the Buddha. After seeing statuary they began to make seated figures representing the Buddha. Also in China we see that ancestor worship and genii locorum was pulled into Buddhism as well, giving us "deities" like Guan Yin, and the local traditions (especially in the south) of burning effigies of items for ancestors to use in the afterlife.
@theGothicTopic 4 года назад
Incredibly well said
@shro4947 5 лет назад
I agree. There needs to be more animism in modern heathenry. I've felt happiest only 1) with my family / community and 2) with nature. I say that if we aren't honoring nature and the nature spirits, then what's the point? That's one of the reasons why the Earth is suffering. We have forgotten to honor the Earth that takes care of us.
@stevechappelle2453 5 лет назад
Arith, please write a book on this topic, your perspective would be of immeasurable help to modern heathen communities. I will protest not ALL followers of Asatru are either eager for Valhalla (frankly, it sounds too much like Heaven only with drinking and brawling) or ignore the wights. Nevertheless, from social media, I can attest a great number do think that way.
@teresafigueiredo 5 лет назад
Sensational, 👍 great video, lovely performance!
@ArithHärger 5 лет назад
Hehehe Thank you :D
@wonderingwanderer3605 5 лет назад
A FANTASTIC video, Arith. Thank you for this video. Now PLEASE - do a video on your opinion on the accuracy and positive/negative effects on famous modern pagan youtubers - such as Varg/Marie, STJ, The Golden One, Carolyn Emerick, The Norroena Society/Mark Puryear, Jack Donovan/WoV, Asatru Folk Assembly/Steve McNallen etc...I need to hear your interpretations here. Feel free to ignore the universalist side, as nobody takes them seriously, anyway. :-P Again, thanks again, Arith!
@wonderingwanderer3605 5 лет назад
Hmm, after a little introspection, I think this post gives off the wrong idea - I ask because I watch or have watched many things from these various sources, and since I respect Arith, I am curious on his impression of these peoples' work within the greater pagan communities. I know what he thinks of the norroena society's asatru edda. But ya, just wanted to clarify.
@michaelwhiteley7574 5 лет назад
What are your opinions on them? I’m a new heathen and haven’t had a chance to check all of them out. Are all of them worth a look? Also, and please forgive my ignorance, what is a universalist?
@wonderingwanderer3605 5 лет назад
@@michaelwhiteley7574 I believe they all have their merit. But that doesn't mean they are all right, or even good. As for myself, I tend to view Arith, Varg/Marie, and Carolyn has presenting the most historic and accurate interpretations of our ancestral lore. So I value their opinions on such things higher than the others. However, that shouldn't take away from the strengths of the others and their ideas. If they present ideas that are complimentary, then I hold onto and analyze them further. If they present ideas that are contrary...then I hold onto them and analyze them further. If I determine the ideas are ultimatelt unhelpful, or downright wrong, then I discard those ideas. If not, then I add them to my own organically forming opinions. I try not to exclude good ideas based on the past behavior of these individuals. I weight each ideas on the idea's merit - not on the merit of the person presenting it. That said, I find myself agreeing with Varg/Marie and others like them more often than not, and increasingly so (especially as of late) with Carolyn and Arith. The others may still present interesting or curious pov's, too. And I research them just the same. So it's really up to you. And universalist means these ideas apply to everyone, whether they know/believe it or not. Or that anybody can rightfully adopt any religious belief. For example, a black african who practices european paganism is just as valid a pagan as a person of european descent who practices. Or a european who practices shinto buddhism has as much a right to that spiritual heritage as a japanese person. I believe this is not only untrue, but spiritually dangerous to the confused individual. Spiritually stunting, at least.
@michaelwhiteley7574 5 лет назад
@@wonderingwanderer3605 Thanks for the reply! You seem like a very intellectually honest person. I especially like your views about judging the ideas espoused by these individuals based upon the intellectual and historical merit rather than the merit of the individual themselves. Wisdom is wisdom despite where it comes from, right? On universalism: I totally understand and respect your position, though I guess I am on the fence about it myself. Due to the ancestral data that I have managed to gather, I am mostly Irish (Celtic) with a bit of English (Germanic). Yet it seems that I am more drawn to Germanic paganism than to Celtic ( though I find it interesting as well). Am I doing my ancestors wrong by worshiping a different pantheon? Please do not take this as an attack as I truly wish to see your opinion on this. I seem to have a real "calling" (I don't know how else to put it. Its an almost mystical drive to absorb more knowledge about the religion as well as a feeling of home and wholeness that I have yet to find in other religions) towards Germanic paganism. I suppose both the Celtic and Germanic polytheisms derive from the proto-Indo-European religion, right? I guess what I am really getting at is this: Am I wronging the majority of my ancestors by following a different pantheon than them? Why do I feel a pull towards specifically the Germanic branch of polytheism? Is it wrong to honor Gods from both pantheons? Again I would like to state that I completely respect your position and am genuinely seeking your opinion. Thanks!
@wonderingwanderer3605 5 лет назад
@@michaelwhiteley7574 Hahahaha, thank you Michael. I don't know if I am, but I try. And I am naturally a very nonjudgemental person, so that helps somewhat I suppose, for better or worse. Lol As to whether you should follow your celtic heritage or germanic, I am sorry to disappoint, but I do not have an answer for you. However, I will say this, and please do not take my answer as representative of anybody I named above - it is my opinion (as far as I know) only. And nothing more. It is an opinion. I too of am of the same mixed ancestry. Celtic and Germanic (English, specifically). Further back into the 900's, it goes north to Scandinavia. I have only done the family history work to the 700's A.D. Before then, I imagine it goes into Eastern Europe, but I cannot be sure. My point is, my predicament seems similar to yours. Seeing that, I have had, or perhaps still do, have the same questions. Whose "pantheon" do I follow? I am glad you asked that question on this particular video of Arith's. Did you watch it yet? In it, he describes the importance of world-acceptance, animism, and ancestor veneration/heroic worship. Too many modern interpretations of our European lore make the religion almost exclusively about our relationship with the deities, and present a relationship seemingly as one of lord and humble servant. This is incorrect, as Arith points out. At the very least, it isn't the entire picture. There are land spirits, river spirits, tree and mountain spirits, and on and on and on. My point is this, we both have ancestors that go back to the beginnings of time. Once anthropology and history are able to describe those ancestor's religious beliefs, how far back do you go when deciding which pantheon to worship or revere? Do you see the problem? It's a problem known as infinite regress. There is always an ancestor who worships slightly differently, or perhaps a pantheon totally different, seemingly. In our instance, we know of the Celtic and English (who are the same people, genetically, btw), but what about before them? Perhaps I give you a specific answer - "Worship the English gods!" - are your celtic ancestors dishonored by this? What about the ancestors you have but are largely ignorant of, who came before your celtic and english ancestors? Again I ask, do you see my point? Concentrating too much on the gods themselves and not on the divine within ourselves, or natural surroundings, our ancestors themselves collectively, or in kin and tribe (or our own potential!) can cause us to lose sight of what is really important - going out into nature, reinvigorating ourselves, leaving a blót offering for the land spirits, and respecting mother earth, as well as telling the tales of our ancestors, passing along their memory to the next generation - THAT is what European paganism is about, regardless of pantheon, imo. Whether greek, roman, baltic, finnish, slavic, or teutonic or celtic...We are European. Our lores are necessarily similar. Perhaps concentrating on those differences are not as important as we may think. Perhaps we are losing sight of the forest for the trees, eh? ;-) Yes, the gods are important. But if Indra is Zeus is Thor is Perun, is Terranis is Ukko - then does it really matter if you pick one over the other? Or is it more important to show the gods that you remember your ancestors (who the gods are, btw), and are teaching your children to honor the land, and be willing to fight for it? I suppose that is something you must answer for yourself, but...for what it's worth, those are my thoughts on the matter. :-) What do you think, Arith?
@torstenscott7571 5 лет назад
A ton of great comments here, the take away I get from this video is to be cautious and vigilant in one's pursuit of tribal heathenry. The pitfalls into dogmatic Abrahamic thinking are more common than at first glance.
@richardschafer7858 5 лет назад
Excellent job. Well presented and very informative. Personally, I have a much stronger connection to the spirits of the land where I live, and my ancestors. I still honor the gods, yet the connection with the land is almost tangible in feeling. Thanks again!
Arith Is Very Wise~Peace Within Our Folk Soul Th Goal In My Opinion Our Transformations & Cycles Of Change~The Truth Honored
@chrisd1 4 года назад
thank you for this video, it really spoke to me
@whispersinthedark88 5 лет назад
This really needed to be said. Thank you for light you shine into the dark corners.
@michaelaregenfuss5968 4 года назад
Another extremely important video!
@acidttundra6863 5 лет назад
hmm here in Rogaland.we use åsatro is a term for the belief in the old gods.Not any specific form or organisation.Not to say that there isnt just that the term is used diffrently it seems.will have to read up.very interesting.Have a Nice day in the woodlands
@strigosandreas7217 5 лет назад
...forn sidr...
@LooniJoose 4 года назад
Seems pretty hard to hold all of these value when none of my know ancestors were pagan, all Christian, and I live in the US, Florida, with no burial mounds. I feel like I'm in a place with no cell phone reception for the spiritual.
@BaltimoresBerzerker 4 года назад
I find the same difficulties to an extent. Being removed from our ancestral homeland, we don't have obviously sacred places, or ancient ruins. As a permaculture guerrilla gardener, I create my own sacred groves (sadly in hidden retention ponds, or the forest). Read and watch videos on indo and pre indo European history, culture, food, etc. Learn about your ancestors. Apply old ways to your daily life as much as possible. Spend time thinking, in nature. After a while, by all means, go to asatru, odinist, etc gatherings. It's hard for many to connect with nature, the gods, ancestors, the past, and truths if you are alone. Difficult but not impossible to reconnect with your folk and its ways, without being with your folk. Learn your identity, culture, and then your heathenry?
@LooniJoose 4 года назад
Still in the process of these things myself, don't feel prepared to meet with others, and not sure how I want to start with that either. I just can't justify creating sacred sites myself. I don't feel I have the right to do so. Everything else will come with time and searching, I am sure.
@BaltimoresBerzerker 4 года назад
@@LooniJoose I hear ya man. I'm just now considering to socialize with organized groups. Whether it be out of depression, misanthropy, or distrust of infiltration, I've avoided all religious and political organizations thus far. I am looking more for cultural connections. Regarding the creation of sacred sites, with our disconnection from a priesthood etc who if not you will? Personally, I'm not special, but I understand local ecology. I take destroyed land, now pockets of young growth, usually inhabited by both animals and homeless. I plant indigenous edibles and perennials that were once considered sacred to our people. As a keystone species with the ability to alter the planet, we have a duty (not a right) to improve the landscape others have destroyed. I figure the act of creating beautiful groves is in itself a fine way to honor nature, the gods, and our ancestors. Really, this and my pan indo European pagan art are my primary ways of connecting and expressing such sentiments while solitary. Your thoughts dude?
@LooniJoose 4 года назад
@@BaltimoresBerzerker I really like the idea of creating a sacred place by planting and growing, I think you are on to something with that. The fact you incorporate it into your art is a great idea! I also suppose you're right, if not me, who else. It's not like I'll be discovering a Grove somewhere anytime soon that's not already in use by everyone. I'm considering attending an Asatru gathering, but after reading what they're about it just doesn't line up with my views on the faith. I'm not so concerned with out doing Christians and making others love pagans, I simply want to observe the God's and ways with other like minded people, and have free exchange of thoughts and observations so we can all come closer to the way it should be practiced.
@krispalermo8133 3 года назад
@@BaltimoresBerzerker I am a 1990's teenage country boy, I got so tired of urban jack azzes during the " Satanic Panic " wreaking my huts and stone circles on my family's land. I started burring the stone circles under six inches of the ground, extra effort on my part but the results were worth it. Nothing worth while in life is easy.
@stewartthomas2642 5 лет назад
@deathtomichaelknagge4397 5 лет назад
Is there an esoteric aspect to tribal heathenry?
@midnightblue3285 5 лет назад
@dankjungle 5 лет назад
I love you man but that one was a little confusing. I watch most of your work many times. I’ll get it.
@richlarouche4632 5 лет назад
I greatly appreciate this. Im much more of a heathen (tribal) than a odinist or asatru. Its difficult finding books to read that are easy to digest and learn from on real or authentic Heathenism
@tribelongboarding8206 5 лет назад
Arith! you should make a video about the use of entheogens in Germanic and norse society as well as their shamanistic uses.
@tehfuqizg0inon588 5 лет назад
I did enjoy this veedgiyo arith herger!
@dathomestead3115 4 года назад
I like your explanation of heathenry. This is how I've felt about it for a long time. It's hard to connect with others who think this way. Perhaps it's because we are by nature non intrusive and somewhat self sufficient. Community would be great to achieve but in a judeo-christian dominated country you really can't get a sense of community. My mind is nowhere in the same neighborhood as a Christian who waits for a god to come from the sky and solve their problems for them. So for now, and maybe till the end of this life, I will enjoy my family, my gardens and commune with the wights of my land. If I am lucky enough to find others along my way that think at least similarly then that would be an added joy. But living in the bible belt of the USA I'm not holding my breath.
@20YrOldPizza 4 года назад
Wow, I'm excited to learn of Tribal Heathenry, I can relate to it's views very easily, and want to learn more!
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