I know this is Trixie's channel, but this feels like the debut of BRIAN. There's no gag, there's no schtick, there's no wink and a nod. This is just ART. This is: Brian Firkus, singer/songwriter.
@@dixierae3442 Trixie is part of Brian and vice versa... To say one diminishes the other is sad because Trixie is something Brian put a lot of work and passion into as a form of self expression
"You either work the land or the fiberglass plant in town" - the way I feel that line in my bones. Being from a small village, most of us never make it out. I'm proud of young Brian for knowing he's a star and not letting a small town dim his light. And it feels like "oooohh" because what words can really describe what you feel for it? It's your home but at the same you want out. I never thought I'd break down crying over a Trixie song but here we are...
Seriously, the small town I came from actually had a fiberglass factory in it too. I worked there when I was 18 - 21 then I got out of there! I felt the either settle down or get the fuxk out
Rural Wisconsinite here, too. A little town called Brooklyn- barely on the map with less than 1,000 people, and one gas station. Had to drive 20 minutes to reach the next town and 40 minutes to Madison 😂
i love how trixie is a drag queen yet embraces her "country" side. she is a drag queen, but doesnt do the stereotypical "bubblegum pop/sex themed" music; she does what she loves and thats amazing. trixie's still feminine, but is also not at the same time which is really versatile and beautiful
This Brian Firkis guy seems like a genuinely talented guy, he should collaborate more with the pink thing 🥰 I just love that Tracy is giving oppurtunities to smaller people.
I thought "Moving Parts" was heartbreaking - this song and the video captures how isolating the Midwest can feel, and yet, it's always there, unchanging. Sending love from Michigan 🌹
Baby Brian's teenage voice is so precious. While I didn't grow up in a place like rural Wisconsin, I really felt the nostalgia, especially the little clip of graduation in the cap and gown. I looked just as unhappy at my high school graduation.
Being queer and having similarly grown up in a very small Wisconsin town, this hit hard in every fiber of my being. Brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face
Beautiful and emotional. This absolutely looks a lot like the rural GA town where I raised my sons (1 the same age as Trixie), and as a high school teacher I saw so many LGBTQIA kids struggle. Even when you're a shoulder for them, what kids really want is love from their families and that's hard to come by in small, rural towns. I'm so grateful they managed to find their way to an amazing life!
As a bisexual from rural Georgia, thank you. Teachers like you are the people that got us LGBTQIA kids through. Where did you teach, if you don't mind my asking? That can be personal information, so if you aren't comfortable sharing, I completely understand. I live near Helen, myself.
@@cheylikespie Sumter County (where pres. Carter is from). I taught 9th grade Lit./Drama and ESL. I took disability retirement after 25 years in 2018 and I struggle with missing my kids. Admin. treated us like sh** but my students were great! I worry because I know I was the only safe space for my LGBTQIA+ kids. So much prejudice and racism in small town GA. Now to fill that hole in my heart, I just fuss/worry over a few queens I follow and hope I'm not getting on their nerves (Willam told me it was fine for me to fuss LOL).
I almost just teared up.. that lil boy from Milwaukee had NO idea he’d be such a gay icon in the future.. you’re so beautiful Trixie thank you for existing
I can feel the loneliness, the hope and the Love of your roots in this song. Well done, Trixie!! And Shaky Graves just puts that cherry on top of this heartfelt sundae!
I love seeing this side of Trixie - connecting back to her hometown origins. I hope she knows her fans appreciate her music, despite her saying it doesn’t as much love as her comedic stuff.
I was raised in the same town as you and just want to say you are still always welcome here in my book. You’re such an inspiration to me and so many of us back home. I’m sorry you haven’t always felt accepted - you deserve to be embraced for all of who you are. Amazing song
Literally busted down crying. I'm from Beloit Wisconsin and it hit so close to home. I just had a dear friend from Almond Bancroft Wisconsin pass and his funeral is tomorrow. I cant tell you how much this song means.
this song and video hit me really really hard. i live in a small conservative town and i've never felt home here even though i've never known anywhere else. i can't wait to get out, but i know it's gonna hit me like a ton of bricks when i finally go. brian/trixie - thank you for sharing your art with us. you make a lot of people feel a lot less alone.
My dear Trixie 😭💘 if she only knew how much happiness she has brought into my life, i suffer from a terrible anxiety and her music and videos had helped me so much, ill thank her forever
This is why I hope Trixie never stops making music. Full records, singles, whatever. Just throw me an occasional heartfelt lyrically driven country song for my playlist and I’ll be ok.
I too grew up in the rural Midwest. This took me back to a simple yet painful place in time. This is perfectly expressed. I can’t seem to ever shake off that vibe completely- no matter how far away I move, or the success I attain. What a beautiful song! 👏👏👏👏
Love seeing all the rural Midwest people come out in the comments here ❤️ What you said is so true - I've been on the east coast in a major city for just about a decade, but part of me will always be that girl from the tiny town in the middle of nowhere Midwest.
@@shawnalynn5198 yes!! I grew up in a small town in rural Michigan, moved to Midwest big city Columbus, Ohio for college, then to Los Angeles and now I've been living abroad for 4 years but there is something that runs SO deep in my identity having grown up in a place like this.
Been listening to Shakey Graves years before I ever even clicked on an episode of Unhnn. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate this one, Trix 😍 Sonically, I just think this is one of your best songs yet. Thank you thank you thank you!
It didn't make me WANT to cry, but it made me feel like I was about to. Something just so raw and precious about it. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing, pink one. Always taking care of us. 💜
So beautiful. Has this been released to country music stations? I could see this winning a Grammy in the "Best Country Collaboration with Vocals" category in 2023
Always singing about his hometown, her roots of being grounded in small town America. Trixie is always grateful for where she came from and tries reflecting that in her music. This is so stupid of me, but I get so incredibly choked up with her nostalgic videos/music because she threw the normal narrative out the window to embrace drag and be who she wants. The stars aligned just perfect and made a way for her to find enormous success doing what she loves as well as her mark on the makeup industry with Trixie cosmetics. I don't even know her, but I can't help but feel so proud 👏 💙
this is absolutely beautiful. as someone who grew up in a small town, and is still here today, sometimes it can feel so limiting, like you're trapped and will never get out. but to see people like you, who have taken every opportunity and always kept pushing on forward, to the point of making such a successful life for themselves, makes me have some hope. thank you so much for sharing your journey and your art with the world, you're truly helping so many people just by showing us who you are and being yourself.
Coming from a small town in central Illinois I feel this song 100% time moves so differently in these towns and the people and community is it’s own thing. Many people will never know what’s like to grow up in these kinds of places and that makes it it’s own special thing for us that is for better or for worse (Results and experiences may vary)
TRIXIE OHMYGOD this is so real and emotional and hits me in the deepest place because I have a similar experience and I’m just so proud of you for never settling down
This is such a beautiful song. The lyrics really tug at the heart of anyone who is lgbtq, and grew up in a rural area poor. Speaks to me strongly. Beautifully written and produced video.
This song keeps getting better every time I listen to it. Reminds we so much of growing up in a small town in Iowa. Plus, Shakey Graves is the icing on top.
My sad little heart just burst! I come from a town of 300 on the border of Wisconsin and Illinois and this is very relatable. I just want to hug little Brian and tell him how much everyone loves him.
I lost my mom in September of 2021 and a month later moved from Ohio to Washington state. This pulled my heartstrings like no other. Thank you for making music for people like us
The things that you are doing with your intelligence and talent are extraordinary. You've done the work. You've paid your dues and now you soar. You're the real deal. Thanks, Brian, for sharing your immense gifts with all of us.
This is just beautiful, she can sing, she looks gorgeous, she has control, she’s famous, shes a drag ICON, she really is the full package. I hope trixies doing well 🖤✨
Im a gay small towner who got out for a while and I'm now back for a little bit before I take off again.....this song makes me cry like a goddamned baby
i moved from a medium-sized town to são paulo about 2 months ago and i wasn't expecting for this to make me cry brian i hope you know how gifted you are in your music... there's a sweet calm tenderness to how you write vulnerability and so often optimistic, you're a huge inspiration
I think this song gives us a deep sincere look at the real real you. We get to see different parts of you all the time and I think this is my favorite. Much love
So beautiful. You have such an amazing, story telling voice; perfect for country music. No matter where life takes you, your town is embodied within you. All the memories, that you can share with the world. We are all here for a purpose and I am so blessed you have found yours and that we all get to be apart of it in some way. ❤
It's amazing to see Brian Firkus showcase his talent. Its crazy to think about how before Trixie there was a boy who grew up in a small remote Wisconsin town. His talent must have been something to watch blossom.
IM IN TEARS. Trixie is such a talent and I just saw her on Kimmel and sobbed like a baby, from one small town girl to another, who changed her name and can't go home... thank you Trixie. I IMMEDIATELY picked up my guitar and started learning this song. Simply beautiful, well done.
The music video does so much for the lyrics, they both exude the small town energy, where morals and values are set in stone, and life is as simple as can get. And even though it is quite a hostile environment to grow up in for the queer community, it still holds its own wicked charm. Im happy Brian got out, but I also think he holds his youth experiences close to his heart. Truly magnificent, thank you.
I dunno that black&white photo was like the pics I have of my parents and grandparents from the late 70s/early 80s especially when you’re poor and live on the Rez
my grandma passed a few years ago and she lived in Wausaukee, I remember it so fondly, but haven't been back since she passed, this video truly brought me back and also brought a tear to my eye. Incredible job Trixie