
True Allowing - Merabh 

Crimson Circle
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Adamus invites us to let go of the unworthiness that stops us from letting energy serve in every way.
This message was given on June 2, 2018. To hear, read or watch the entire presentation, please visit the Channel Library at www.crimsoncircle.com.



29 сен 2024




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@4444tejas 5 лет назад
Thanks! This is simply too good************* Tejas
@pratik6342 4 года назад
Calling - Awakening - Dark Night - Allowing - Metamorphosis - Master's Life ❤🦋
@Mi6lou 4 года назад
This video appeared in my list of recommended recently, I didn't have time to watch it at that moment but did save it for later- I just watched it, it adds perfectly for me to the Merabh of Grace I listened to yesterday!
@adrianaevseev4946 3 года назад
I do all this merabs because in Rome, Italy we have now 3 weeks of lockdown 😀❤ All is well in all creations 😀❤🙏Thank you Adamus, love and blessings to Candra
@jasonpatterson3593 Год назад
I'm afraid more each day for Lilly and myself. I'm praying for the word or hand.. anything..that which will help me figure out what, why, how etc. Plz. Apologize for my begging regardless of success or failure. I will still always love all as I have.
@The3URmind Год назад
Anyone know the first track? I can't find it. This guitar is amazing. Peace for all, be strong💪
@selmarafael1 5 лет назад
@salyssakharis Год назад
Beautiful 👑♥️✨ I'm ready
@heather6511 5 лет назад
@marjetkavolovsek1052 5 лет назад
Thank you Adamus❤❤❤
@MauraChiara 6 лет назад
@Bianca-ha369 Год назад
@KREN12623 2 года назад
@menifo4334 6 лет назад
How do we stop testing oursrlves? I know I am doing it but what are the tools to end it and truly allow?
@UVKnight555 6 лет назад
I have another one too. That's only a few words. If it works for you in this situation use it. Stop it! (Lol, I always think about the video that was shared a few shouds back of the comedian playing a skit where he was a councilor and that was his advice. It really worked for me though. Funny video. ^_^ Just, stop it. When you catch yourself doing it just stop it. Just stop it. Many times we were taught to test ourselves and it's not even our test. You will find what works for you. :) espavo.
@theoak64 3 года назад
Mmmm is all I/eye can say.
@janicemurray8972 Год назад
Amazing that this was 4 years ago as that is exactly when i spontaneously awakened. Seems I am of the second wave he spoke of. Thank you for your allowing 💜 What a time to be alive!
@nimatahmed394 2 года назад
thank you so much,you are touching my deepest soul, Graceful
@ameswinslow9859 3 года назад
Thank you so very much for this message. You are dearly loved
@phonglam2018 4 года назад
after 20 years, the Hoppe couple still used the same old trick but efficient, allowed the master to pay for their vacation, and the loser is the master.
@reneejoy8004 4 года назад
No one at CC is MAKING anyone pay for their classes if someone CHOOSES to take them. That is done only by the FREE WILL CHOICE of the one choosing to pay for the class they are taking and the services offered. We pay counselors, healers, teachers, pastors, ect. for their time and services. It is right to also compensate those who channel for their time and services as well, for they are using their own body and time and energy to do so, just as any of the above professions do...and while they are still in human bodies too they also still have those bodies to feed and physical bills to pay like the rest of us do too, as well as do the ones who are employed by them who also make the videos, classes, and services offered even possible. What do you think makes all the FREE shouds/channellings videos that they do POSSIBLE? It takes time, work and money to make them and make them available, folks. If you only want what's free, they offer more content for free than they charge for, so take whatever you want that way, no one is making you pay for anything you don't want to, and what they do charge for is literally what funds all of it being made available to you in the first place, by a hardworking human production and service team behind the scenes doing so in the first place. They charge the same rates for class sessions as you would pay for community center or yoga classes, btw. I work in social services myself, and we do not work for free, either. And again, if you look at all they offer for free that they could also be charging for, it is actually much more than they do ask to be COMPENSATED FOR THEIR OWN TIME AND HARD WORK for. There are over 20 years of channellings made available for FREE to the public even though it took their own personal human time, effort, and money to do and record each one. Are you also one of those who expects artists to work for free, too?
@phonglam2018 4 года назад
I feel sorry for those folks saving their coronavirus relieved 1200 dollars, but not enough to pay 1 online Class from Crimson C recently, that is not mentioned to other online Class and Product from 30 to 300 dollars constantly paid during the year. After 20 years those folks were end up alone and nothing, but still trying to allow a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly, allowing the human body to turn into their own god. I don't think Crimson C have the rights to charge thousand dollars on those mental disability folks. That was not free will of choice.
@reneejoy8004 4 года назад
Again, no one is making anyone pay anything if they do not want to, and also, it is NOT the classes that do the enlightenment for others, it is the THEY THEMSELVES who must to do it for themselves, and Adamus is VERY CLEAR about that and repeatedly reminds us that even when others give us some lesson guidance or illumination to help light our path, it is YOU who must do the learning by walking down your own path for yourself, and no one else can or should do it for you. Adamus is really the collective Higher Selves of the soul group known as Shaumbra speaking to Shaumbra through Geoff with Linda's assistance, with Saint Germain as the group counsel moderator/mediator so to speak, and these channelings and lessons are not meant for everyone out there, but for Shaumbra. Again, no one is forcing you to take part in anything you do not want or choose to yourself. And no Shaumbra would ever make or force you to do so, for we know better than to take someone else's free will away.
@reneejoy8004 4 года назад
By the way, I am one of those medically "mentally disabled" folks you speak of, as well as medically "physically disabled" too, but who I AM is no longer defined by others' terms, and I do not feel "cheated" by Crimson Circle being compensated for the services they provide to me, because, again, no one is MAKING me, or any other person, pay for anything, it is me choosing to do so, and the class contents fit their descriptions and end up going far beyond them even, if you are willing to let yourself go there. Just as in any other classes offered out there, many people can take the very same class and each one will have their own personal experience with what they learn there. And again, I say this as someone who is considered by others as "low income" (another term I refuse to let define me, because abundance comes not just through actual money only)-- just because I may not have a ton of money in the bank at the moment does not make me poor on my own terms, and it also does not mean that I expect that everyone else out there should work hard to give me services or things for free as a result. Also, any classes that folks had paid for, once the Coronavirus hit and those classes were cancelled, CC refunded all money paid for those classes immediately before even being asked to. I see a lot of folks wanting to blame others for all or any of their own issues, struggles, situations, or circumstances in life instead of realizing that in the end, it is up to each one of US, *and us alone*, how we choose to respond, react, or act, what we CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to do with and make of even the worst of circumstances being done to or around us, whether it be abuse, violence, oppression, poverty, homelessness, being near death, serious illness/disability, ect..We cannot control others' actions or reactions, but we CAN learn to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE AND CONTROL OUR OWN thoughts, feelings, intent and actions in response to them, or not, as the case may be, by either giving our own power away to them/letting them take it from us, or instead learning that *our own personal power over our own thoughts, feelings, intent, and actions is our own no matter what others do, or do to us*. And I have been through all of those human obstacles before myself, and *my own experiences there are what taught me that*. When you realize you have nothing left to lose, that is when you realize who you really are, and that no one, and no outside source, circumstance, or person/s, can ever take that from you. I CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to refuse to play the victim role in my own human play of this lifetime here now, the one I CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE to reach mastery in before I was even physically born here this time around, so no matter what others have done to or around me, I refuse to be or fall into a victim mentality of blaming others for my own life path now. Your thoughts become feelings, your feelings become intent, your intent becomes actions that all become your self-created and self-manifested reality here---so if you think of yourself as only a victim, you will become and be just that, only a victim. I am the captain of my own ship on the sea of life, and I do not answer to anyone other than my own soul first. NO one is making me do anything I do not want or choose to do. And THAT is the realization that leads to true freedom. Once you stop blaming others for the circumstances in your life, you also stop giving your own power over to them to control your life.
@reneejoy8004 4 года назад
Also, it is my own self being tested and poked and prodded by my own Higher I AM Self (the master in each one of us) as well as Adamus on the sidelines of my personal path too, lol, that taught me that once you finally truly open to allowing abundance in, once you finally deal with your own lack of self worth issues that were *blocking it from being able to come through to you*---because lack of self love and self worth manifests as lack of abundance financially as well as in all other ways too, including lack of unconditional soul love and acceptance from withholding it either from yourself or others, or from feeling you are not worthy or deserving of good things or experiences or unconditional love in your life. It's a which came first, the chicken or the egg kind of thing, lol---the eternity symbol is a sideways 8, which is the number of abundance in manifestation---meaning, it's all linked together no matter which side of it you are looking at: you get out of it what you put into it, and you gain back what you put out of it. Once you get that shame/blame cycle that makes yourself or others a victim only out of the way, once you truly let go and learn to have faith in your own Higher Self first and get your own human lack issue illusions out of the way enough to be able to even SEE that it was you who kept the opportunity door shut before due to those lack issues, and so it is you who must then also be the one who can open it to let and keep that door of grateful acceptance of limitless abundance coming through to you, things do start to somehow automatically fall into place and take care of themselves when it comes to your needs being met, not only financially, but in and through all kinds of other ways and avenues too, and not by you making anyone do it, either, but by others offering opportunities to you of their own free will choice, or opportunity doors that were shut to you before suddenly opening to you *because you are letting it come through to you* finally. And don't put a mental limit on what that abundance is or how or who it will show up as or through! Again, let your Higher Self handle that for you lol! Also, losing everything you thought you had before is when you realize there is really nothing left to lose or fear, as our souls are eternal and ours alone, and on one can take our own soul sovereignty from us. Ever. There is only the illusion that others have power over us if we accept that false reality and give ours away to them as a result. There will come a day when the illusions have faded away and you will find you are no longer a victim to either chance or circumstance or others' actions, because you CHOOSE NOT TO BE. THUS YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY. I have been where you are now before myself, so no judgment there, and have said what I have to say and it is more than enough for now. It is really all up to you what you do with it, or do not. Your journey is yours and yours alone, as it should be. Anyone doing it for you is just enabling you and keeping you from learning to walk your own path for yourself. It is like if I as a mother (of six) never let my children learn to walk for themselves, even when I had to stand aside while they stumbled and fell in doing so, but instead never let go of their hands, which would actually not only keep them from ever learning to stand or walk on their own, but could even end up crippling them from stunting their own growth. I choose to let them do their own walking, make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons along their own path to mastery, because it is the only way they will ever learn and do it for themselves, and I know it is not my place or right to take that away by trying to do it for them. May your journey be yours alone, and may you know there-in lies the true key to your own freedom.
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