
Tubal Ligation Q&A | Getting My Tubes Tied at 25! | Part Two 

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★Instagram: @Jossybunn
★ Tiktok: @josybunn
★Camera: Canon Rebel T8i
★Lens: 18-55MM
★Lighting: VILTROX L116T
★Editing Software: Final Cut Pro
★Thumbnail Software: Photoshop & Lightroom
Hullo friends!
I've been notably absent since summer, honestly, I was nervous about posting this video. I got a lot of violent, volatile comments, mostly from men and the violence of men and the lengths many will go to surrounding the topic of reproductive health is extreme and often costly. But my last video seemed to have helped so many. I knew that the people that needed this video deserved to see it.
The disclaimer on this one is long, longer than any disclaimer I've ever provided. That's for a reason. I didn't want volatile, disrespectful, gross people to get to skip it. Because their comments will immediately be deleted, this video and its comments section are a safe sanctuary for people seeking reproductive healthcare. I've been going through a lot of life changes lately. This whole year has been all over the place. I've been going through a lot, but this video was significant to me. I needed whoever asked a question to get a video to follow up. I don't plan to make another video on the topic, but I will continue to answer your questions in the comments area of all the videos I've done surrounding this topic because I think it's critical I do as someone with firsthand experience from the patient's perspective. Thank each and every one of you guys for tuning in, for asking me your questions, and for your views and comments. Love you guys!
Xoxo, JosyBun



16 сен 2024




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@hannahs139 2 месяца назад
Love how you tell the haters that it’s your body and you can do what you want! F the people who comment rude comments trying to make you feel bad. It’s our bodies! Our decisions. Love this!’
@JosyBun 2 месяца назад
@@hannahs139 ❤️❤️❤️ I got so much joy from this comment!!
@attitudeproblem6462 7 месяцев назад
I was nervous in the car afterwards for the exact same reason! Like “I can soo *not* afford to get hit right now w/ fresh _surgical wounds!!!”_ 😫😫😫 😂
@amymartinez6477 Год назад
It’s videos like yours that ease my worries and remind me that it is my choice. Ever since I can remember I did not want children. I like kids but do not have a desire to be a mother. I have my surgery in two months and the date cannot get here faster, I am ready to be off of birth control and get back to feeling normal. Living without any worries of an unplanned pregnancy. Thank you for sharing your journey regardless of all the negative comments that are out there. I wish you the best I am glad I came across your videos! 😊
@JosyBun Год назад
I’m so excited for you!! I hope you have an easy recovery and have a quick and successful surgery! I’m so glad I could help ease some of your worries! :) 🥰 Wishing you the best as well!!
@MissyEllen Год назад
The disclaimer. 🙌🙌 Yes!! Keep standing up for yourself. Thank you for your helpful information. Heavily considering sterilization right now as I’ve never wanted children. 33 now and same as you, I’m far more comfortable with the idea of adopting than delivering.
@JosyBun Год назад
Thank you!! The love I’ve been getting on these videos really inspires me 🥰 I am so glad my video provided helpful information and hope you get all the support you need when you come to a decision on what’s best for you!! 💕
@cliff1958 Год назад
fantastic video speaking as a man who has had a vasectomy it's the best decision we ever made. we thought it was better I had the snip as it is much easier for men to get this done. it took about 15mins so no more pregnancy worries
@amberkarim6924 Год назад
U married
@cliff1958 Год назад
@@amberkarim6924 no
@jaimecerne7568 7 месяцев назад
I have this surgery scheduled for next month. Thank you so much for being so open, it makes me feel much less scared. (Also the story about the chocolate bar was top notch entertaining)
@JosyBun 7 месяцев назад
I’m happy it was a comfort! You’re going to do amazing! I still laugh about it so I’m glad others get a kick out of it too 😂
@xxxlegend6810 5 месяцев назад
Hope it went well, heal soon:)
@kimquim2803 Год назад
Very useful disclaimer. Very informative video. Considering getting my tubes removed as well. Cheers!
@kitaflyification 9 месяцев назад
This is really informative!!! Im 21 and considering if this is right for me. Would love to see another follow up, thank you!
@JosyBun 9 месяцев назад
I won’t have time to film one for awhile with work and other things in my life- BUT! I wanted to mention I do reply to ever comment/question I get on the topic! So if theres anything specific, lemme know and I’m happy to answer! Happy to report I’m thriving and still stand by my decision!
@weimeke Год назад
I’ve recently gotten the same procedure are a 26F. Thank you for making this kind of content ❤
@2pacgallar Год назад
I’m your age and I’m having my third kid in the spring. Although I’m young and already going on my third kid I know I’m a responsible and mature mother so those comments don’t phase me when I know my kids are well taken care off. Anyway Thankyou for sharing your experience I have been thinking about getting my tubes tied as well after I have my last baby. Sending you love ❤️ you go girl!
@JosyBun Год назад
I go girl? YOU go girl! Three kids! You’re amazing! Motherhood may not be my journey but I respect mothers so much! 💕🥰 I’m glad you saw this video! Thank you for the love, I’m sending some your way too!!
@MladejjBlbejj 2 месяца назад
Q&A starts at 7:40
@nikkipetlover8896 Год назад
I'm 32 and never wanted kids and I'm trying to get my tubes tied your videos have helped me.
@JosyBun Год назад
I’m so so happy to hear that!! I’m glad they’ve helped you and I hope you get the outcome you are seeking and have all the support in the world!!
@weimeke Год назад
There are several subreddits that are great resources for sterilization/CF info.
@karriqueen Год назад
I hope you find a doctor that will do it! There are too many stories of women who get a no. I am one of them. The fact that i have an auto immune illness that make it extremly hard for me to carry a baby and take care of a baby, and that i had been 100% sure i wanted to do it for 5 years didn’t even face the doctor. He still thought i could change my mind. 13 years later and my mind is still not changed. It should not be that hard for us to be belived that we know what we want. I wish you all the good luck. I really hope it gets easyer for you then it has been for some others. Don’t give up if you get no. I gave up to quickly i feel like now.
@NatalieNelson30 6 месяцев назад
Considering the same procedure and a bit nervous about the experience. This is super helpful, thank you for being honest and talking about what you should know but no one tells you - hello shirt dress! 😂🙏🏼
@JosyBun 6 месяцев назад
You’re so welcome! I’m glad I could help- a shirt dress and slip on shoes was the best attire I could have for this and it’s become my go to uniform for any future surgeries 😂 So easy to slide into while groggy and sore!!
@karriqueen Год назад
If you don’t want children you are not strange, you are not less of a woman, you are not a worse human then a woman who want children. Having children is not for everyone. The pressure on women to have children is rediculous. With men is more accepted. Noone have the right to judge you for the choises you make for your own life and your own body. When anyone who don’t want kids deside not to have them is a good thing. If you don’t think you would be a good parent, or you would not be happy as a parent you should not feel forced to. I don’t want kids because i got an auto immune illness when i was 19. i wanted kids, but i would have not be able to take care of a kid. I don’t feel bad about it anymore, and i see there is alot of upsides to not having kids. I fully support anyone who don’t want them for what ever reason. I wish it was easyer to get tubes removed or tied. There are too many stories of people who get a no. I have not heared of anyone with a penis get a no, do they ever get denied? It’s about time that people with tubes will be belived when we say we want our tubes removed. It should not be so hard for doctors to trust us when we say we don’t want kids. We need more videoes like this. To hear more stories about what they went trough before they got a yes to surgery. And the prosess around the surgery. It is not talked about enough. And it is so nice to see videoes from people who have gone trough it. Thank you so much for talking about this❤
@JosyBun Год назад
Absolutely. Not only is it becoming more common it’s becoming more talked about and I think that’s a good thing. I’m so sorry about your auto-immune illness! I know it can be a struggle to live in a world that isn’t built around the accommodations many people need. I hope your symptoms are managed and you have the right care teams to help you! I will keep talking about it and answering questions until I’m unable to any longer. The topic of people deciding to be childfree and bodily autonomy will never cease and as someone in a place of massive privilege having had my procedure, I plan to never stop vouching for others and helping in any way I can! Thank you for sharing you story, every story helps another person who stumbles onto this video. 💕🥰 Our collective impact is immeasurable!
@karriqueen Год назад
@@JosyBun it needs to be normalized that some people don’t want kids. What ever reason they have, they should not be questiond or looked at weird for it. Actually the time i got 100% sure i could not have kids where after babysitting. A family that i had been babysitting for for 8 years + got a new baby. He was crying alot during the night so i was holding him and carrying him alot during the night. I was in so much pain after that and could not straiten out my arm for 3 days. I could basicly not use my arms. Everytime i used my arms i was in exstreme pain. I knew then that it was no chanse of me having kids. Actually the mom of that baby got angry when i told her i wasent going to have kids. She said that was bs and i was so good with kids, i just had to have them. And that i could get my family to help take care of my kids. I said, i am not having kids to have others raise them. Alot of people tried to convince me to have kids. How stupid is that?. Anyways, i don’t know wich auto-immune illness i have yet. If i get an anwser there will probably be some meds i can try. Now i get painmeds and kortisone when needed. I live in Norway so healthcare is great and i got disebilety so i am lucky to live here when i ended up getting ill. I love seeing others in the comments who have chosen not to have kids. Feel like there is a little communety out there with people i don’t know that i am a part of 😊. Us who don’t have kids and are happy lol
@suzy8track Год назад
Your body, your choice...end of story.
@xcalabur18 Год назад
Thanks so much for posting this! Could you maybe explain more about what it was like to get put to sleep? This is the part that freaks me out!! Like, what does it feel like? How do they do it? What does it feel like when they put the stuff in, like do you get sleepy or is more like wide awake to instantly out? Could you have stayed awake if you would have tried or is it impossible? Haha. Basically whatever you remember about that part would be helpful. Thanks so much!
@JosyBun Год назад
Absolutely! It really is the freakiest part! So in my experience, they wheeled me into the OR completely awake with my IV already placed in my hand. I physically had to slide from the rolling bed to the operating table, where I laid down, slid forward into place, and then the nurses put on the facemask to administer the anesthesia. I’ve only been put under twice, once for a tooth removal and once for this surgery, but if you’ve ever passed out from dehydration or heat or another medical condition, I’d compare it to that. I was told to count backwards from ten after the mask went on, and I believe I got to seven. During that time, I could see the nurses running around the room to get to work, and was aware of an increasing heaviness that overcame me mentally, I was very aware that the drugs were kicking in, and that I was about to be knocked out, if that makes sense! My body slipped into unconsciousness very quickly after they administered the drugs. While I was super aware of what was going on, there wasn’t any way to stay awake even if I tried. It was very much wide awake to instantly out. Maybe a couple seconds in between, while counting. I was super anxious, and I believe they gave me something to mitigate that in my IV prior to being wheeled into the OR. If you’re feeling super anxious, definitely ask them to! You don’t usually need to be diagnosed to get them to administer anxiety medication for a procedure, and it definitely helped me! I also got an anti-nausea before and after surgery and a prescription for it to take with the narcotic during recovery! TLDR; Super awake, to suddenly knocked out. Couldn’t fight it if I had wanted too, woke up kind of groggy but overall very aware of my surroundings and became fully cognizant and in control of my body in around 10 minutes. :)
@angelaalston971 Год назад
I had mine overseas glad they were able to for full your request to be child free💚
@JosyBun Год назад
Thank you so much! 💕
@karriqueen Год назад
I saw a video with a woman that got her tubes tied with the metal clip things. She got pretty sick after having it done. She had to get them removed.Then her comment section was full of people who also had alot of problems after having the metal clips. Some have severe pain when they are on their period, and then others have worse problems. While it seems like most people that have a part of the tubes removed don’t get issues. If you are thinking of getting the metal clips then please do alot of research first.
@JosyBun Год назад
Definitely always do your research before you get a surgery date! I was incredibly confident about my decision and my OBGYN only does full removal. They did not even offer the metal clips or burning them shut. However, the method I have is not ever going to be reversible! I think more doctors are switching to a full removal because it just seems like an easier process overall! Personally I didn’t consider or research the other methods because I was so sure about having them fully gone regardless. I was very afraid of having a fatal ectopic issue down the line, so the full removal eased those fears!
@karriqueen Год назад
@@JosyBun this lady a saw have 4 kids i think it was, and didn’t want anymore at all. But it seemed like the metal clips where the only option the doctor told her about. It was what the doctor recomended atleast. After she regreted not researhing more. That’s why i wanted to leave the comment here. Not all doctors are good at giving all the info about all the options.
@amandacook8798 Год назад
Considering having this done how bad is the recovery
@JosyBun Год назад
Not bad at all! I recommend watching my other video on it, I get more into it there. But generally, recovery is roughly a week!
@amberkarim6924 Год назад
Can you do cut instead of a laprscopy
@JosyBun Год назад
Not sure what you mean, my procedure was Laparoscopic, as that’s the most minimally invasive way to conduct a surgery for the pelvis/abdomen area! I’ve only ever heard of them preforming a tubal surgery this way, unless maybe the individual is having it done post-C-Section during birth. But I’m not certain!
@amberkarim6924 Год назад
Who is the doctor that did ur operation is it in uk
@cliff1958 Год назад
Marie Stopes in London
@amberkarim6924 Год назад
@@cliff1958 do they charge or is it free from the nhs
@cliff1958 Год назад
@@amberkarim6924 It's available on the NHS but their is a long waiting list so I got in touch with Marie Stopes and had the op in about 2 weeks . Privately It's not painful at all so all the videos that say it hurts made me feel anxious about it when I rested for a couple of days I was fine I can highly recommend getting it done.is your boyfriend/ husband. Considering doing this for you ?
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Surprise when you go get your tubes tied! #shorts