
Two Judgments: The Fate of Believers and Unbelievers Before God 

Straight Truth Podcast
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This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Josh Philpot brings a couple of texts to Dr. Richard Caldwell's attention that indicates that believers will also have to stand before the judgment seat or throne of God and give an account. These texts come from 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14. If we're forgiven in Christ, and we’ve been washed, sanctified, and justified in God’s sight, having been clothed with the righteousness of Christ, what is this accounting? Weren’t all of our sins: past, present, and future, laid upon Christ at the cross as He bore our judgment in His body? Do we still have to account for our sins even if we’re forgiven? Will believers and unbelievers both have to stand together before the Lord?
Dr. Caldwell says that there are two judgments we read about in the New Testament. There is a judgment of unbelievers at the Great White Throne spoken of in Revelation and another of believers at the Bema Seat of Christ, to which 2 Corinthians 5 and Romans 14 refer. Unbelievers will be judged regarding their sins. Their sin debt is still there before God, and without Christ, it will result in their damnation. Believers will not be judged for their sins. Our sins were judged on the tree, in Christ’s own body, and paid for in full. But we will be judged regarding our works in every realm of life. We will be judged by what passes the test of Christ’s gaze. The nature of the judgment is positive. It isn’t so much about what we lose but what we gain, what will be rewardable on that day.
Judgment connotes something harsh or something which we will experience sorrow for. And Paul does speak of the believer's day of judgment as a fearful thing, even though it’s not a judgment of our sins. Dr. Caldwell says that he thinks there is a gravity, a weightiness of sobriety produced by the knowledge of that judgment which he believes indicates that there will be sorrow over wasted opportunities and unfulfilled responsibilities. But not in a way that is permanent and not in a way that diminishes heaven. When it comes to these things, the Bible gives us limited information about them. But from the Bible, we know that heaven will be full of joy, wonder, fulfillment, and satisfaction. What we also know is that what we do here as Christians, how we handle the responsibilities God gives us, how we use our time and resources, and how we live out our lives really does matter, and, one day, we will have to give an accounting for it. Yet that accounting will be before a gracious Lord who loves us. Dr. Caldwell reminds us of Peter and how the Lord Jesus dealt with him. Christ praised, corrected, and even sternly reproved Peter, but never in a way that threw Peter away and never in a way that he didn’t find restoration and encouragement.
So the judgment we will face as believers is serious. It's something that ought to change the way we live right now. But it’s not something where we should be filled with dread about our eternal future. We can look forward to that day with joy, knowing we will meet with the One who saved us by His own blood.



11 сен 2024




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@eliaspittman 25 дней назад
Even if all your works are burned up during the judgment seat of Christ you shall still be saved and allowed into his eternity 🙏 Thank God for his Mercy and glorious Grace!!
@angelolivencia9358 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@othienoburton5432 Год назад
Really like this channel
@ileneyadegari8055 Год назад
God will just us fairly. I don’t think we have or experienced true justice it will be heart changing. We want his love and goodness I don’t think our sinful state can even imagine what it is. We just need to know we will get what we truly deserve .I don’t worry about rewards I am grateful for his loving kindness that he has offered salvation and enteral life
@chrisgruse3564 Месяц назад
19 days til judgment day harvest then earthquake woe #2
@Dirty-D 4 месяца назад
So what if I get up there and I have terrible judgment upon my life even though I’m a believer what are my consequences?
@lisaMontgomery-dj8fq 2 месяца назад
You need to have a relationship with God to get salvation and to have a relationship with him means you stop perpetually purposefully sinning everyday like sexual immorality ... So to think you're you can have sex with anybody you want cuz you're in a relationship no you need to be married that's why it's called premarital sex that's just an example... As long as you're not purposefully sinning with the same sin over and over you ask for forgiveness and then right after you go and do it again... And you know it's a sin... one of his commandments.. you know that's an example
@t_aintbut1me416 Месяц назад
Did you not listen to the interview? Belivers are judged on works and rewarded accordingly. As a believer your sins are forgiven and you are spared from the wrath of God because of the finished works of Jesus Christ. Let all that you say and do be done as unto the Lord.
@lisaMontgomery-dj8fq Месяц назад
Yes but if you perpetually sin the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God I'm just saying you have a good relationship with God that makes you not want to continually sin when knowing it's a sin. I could be wrong but I hope you're not saying just cuz you have a relationship with him you can sin on purpose and get away with it .. all the while you know it's wrong but you decided to do it anyway... No that's not kosher
@rickspalding3047 Месяц назад
My interpretation of what the op is saying has nothing to do with sin but what he or she should be doing on a daily basis what path should they be on. There are so many permutations of the way you think and your actions and also being led by the holy spirit. What job, what person to marry, career, where to live, how to spend your cash, God is our steward. From what I understand asking God daily and or your relationship with the holy spirit is suppose to put you on the straight and narrow path.
@Humblestudent04 3 месяца назад
Doesn't say anywhere in scripture that there is one judgement for believers and one judgement for unbelievers. There is only one judgement when Christ returns same for everyone. According to Jesus, marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation......
@downwiththemaster 2 месяца назад
Having one judgment day makes more sense
@tonycosta8137 2 месяца назад
You are right brother, this is premillenum teaching, 2 Thess 1:6, Paul is telling the Church that they are waiting for this next event when Christ is revealed to pay vengeance to those epwho do not know God, and he is coming with Fire, and NO WHERE IT SAYS WE RECIEVE REWARDS but reward, AMERICA has the Gospel message
@lisaMontgomery-dj8fq 2 месяца назад
Yes it does
@Humblestudent04 2 месяца назад
@@lisaMontgomery-dj8fq exactly where does it say in scripture one judgement for believers and one for unbelievers?? You're just repeating what you have heard. You can't show scripture.....
@lisaMontgomery-dj8fq 2 месяца назад
@@Humblestudent04 I'm not just following anyone this is what I believe what I've learned what I'm trying to learn further.. so far from the Bible and from pastors is the great white throne judgement is for unbelievers Rev 20 11-15.. you know the ones that reject God who don't want to have a relationship but just don't believe... and so what I've come up with from all the learning that I've been receiving is that the judgment seat of Christ first Corinthians 5:10.... it happens when us believers are already in the heavenly realm, us who has a relationship with Jesus and God you know the saved..... And that is when the rewards come soooo this is what I've come up with so far you know deep learning listening to teachers.. I mean you don't have to believe me it's your choice this is my choice and this is what I believe and will continue to believe based on my
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