
Ukraine War Update NEWS (20240625c): Geopolitics News, Trump Peace Plan? 

ATP Geopolitics
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@Finnishguy777 3 месяца назад
In other words, Trump's peace plan was about as much as many had guessed in advance and was not surprised. If the major economies of Europe had increased the production of their weapons industry complexes even half as fast as Finland, the EU would be able to support Ukraine to victory even without the help of the USA, in the time when the major economies in Europe were just talking about it, Finland had already increased the production of artillery ammunition fivefold. It is very good that we are finally waking up to the issue even in these large economies, but if the awakening to the issue had happened at the same pace as the Nordic and Baltic countries, then who wins the elections in November on the other side of the sea would not matter half as much as it does now. Thanks again Jonathan for your hard work
@amadeuz8161 3 месяца назад
@BallisticEvents No, like Germany has given a lot and become more active than many others. Yes he is a bit to careful but Germany giving the Taurus is a bit like US, UK and France giving away their nukes. Like if your defense is built according to a certain plan you can't just tear it apart because someone else didn't prepare. The problem is that everyone in Europe is too greedy and don't want to let go of the old times. Like us in Finland should not even compare to the bigger countries but still we do, why the bigger countries can't even hit our level is the bigger issue and now they want to get everyone to pay for them slacking. Like increase the taxes for the wealthy instead of decreasing them and you can order and build whatever you want, like the wealthy do own most of the land/wealth so they do gain from having stuff to defend it with. I am not only talking about the B wealthy, also the M wealthy and even high earners, like they can afford to pay the bill for a more secure Europe but they rather not and rather see the normal taxpayers pay the bill in a slow way. A temporary tax to boost the military industry. Everything slows down when you aren't ready to take the funds from your own pocket, this also proves why state owned is very important to have. Yes private companies are good but some things should never become private like energy, healthcare, military, transportation and other very important things. Some can be private but then they need to be state controlled so that when the need comes it will happen without the greedy pointing the finger on everyone else. My point is to blame this on one person is pretty ignorant close to insane when its about the capitalism getting too much ground in Europe. Capitalism is good but to avoid "greed issues" the state needs to completely control/own certain areas.
@amadeuz8161 3 месяца назад
@BallisticEvents And before you start to blame governments for not pumping money into private corporations you might wanna read some laws, this is why state owned is better because there are no laws that stops the country putting money into things they own but when it comes to private ones it needs to be fair and a lot of paperwork needed that in reality explains why....
@amadeuz8161 3 месяца назад
@BallisticEvents Simple example explained in a very rough way. Back in the day when the state owned all rights to selling alcohol there was no problem giving the alcoholics money because everyone knew they will give it all back for the liquid. Now when private companies have started to compete in that market and all money aint returned to the state anymore it has become an economic issue. Yes it aint this simple but sort of is. Same with healthcare, same with housing, same with everything else so is it odd that it causes issues when its the military industry...
@amadeuz8161 3 месяца назад
@BallisticEvents No love for him but there are countries doing so much less. Germany was there to aid us against the Kremlin when everyone else left us to our demise and that maybe makes me look at Germany in a more positive way. Still even if it would be Ukrainians from inside Germany that does 100% of everything that has been given, it is still Germany that allows it to happen and probably supports it(sounds like a fantasy version of reality but even if that would be the case). Can Germany do more, yes but they ain't the biggest problem in EU or Europe when it comes to aiding Ukraine, we have a lot of those slackers not wanting to take some of the burden while others are pumping out more than countries bigger than them are doing. An equal share of the burden will never be possible with all the greed out there but 1/3 of Europe is doing more than 2/3rds then there is an problem. My point is that if that 2/3rds of Europe would even reach Germanys level it would be a lot more. Even USA looses to the Europe 1/3rd and are at pretty same level as Germany(Remember that USA is 6 times bigger before you compare numbers to numbers and in total done Germany is probably above USA even after the aid package, no updated info after it yet so).
@johnhare595 3 месяца назад
Another busy day Jp ,thanks again for all your efforts 👍😊
@davidhowse884 3 месяца назад
Europe should be prepared to support Ukraine without the US if need be in 2025.
@viggoholmsen7203 3 месяца назад
Already in the works, mate. Although this far right surge in Europe is disconcerting and might interfere. Hopefully, it is not about support for Ukraine but something more mundane like immigration and globalization.
@BillFerdinand 3 месяца назад
I totally agree. However, Western Europe for the most part has shown little interest fully funding its defensive obligations both within NATO and within the EU. There is a lot of "lip service" but when it gets down to it, many of the Western Europe since they don't border Russia are passively saying the right things but don't actually contribute to their defense or the organizations to which they belong. Only those who have a direct interest and are bordering Russia are fully participating and funding the Ukraine as well as their increasing their defense budgets.
@Finnishguy777 3 месяца назад
@@BillFerdinand I partially agree, but also in certain Western European countries there is at least a change in the right direction, one thing absolutely has to be mentioned, lumping the whole of Europe together annoys me immensely, especially when I happen to live in one of the best prepared countries in Europe against crises. every time someone from the USA says something along the lines that Europe needs to handle its affairs better or prepare better, it annoys me enormously, throughout its independence, Finland has taken care of its own defense, we have never been free passengers, and we are not becoming one even with NATO membership. The country has only 5.5 million inhabitants and yet our potential wartime reserve contains almost 900,000 trained reservists. our artillery is bigger than that of Poland, France, Germany and Britain combined,our air force is small but well-equipped and modern, and our fleet is specially designed to operate in the Baltic Sea and the Finnish coastal archipelagos.I almost forgot about our armored forces, which aren't really small either, at least compared to the size of our country. Finland has more than 60,000 bunkers resistant to indirect nuclear strikes and a few hundred population shelters resistant to direct nuclear strikes. in the protection of the population here, tourists who may be in the country have also been taken into account because there are almost a million more places under the protection of the population than our own potential civilian population during the conflict. On top of all that, there is a war going on in Ukraine, exactly the kind of war that the Finnish defense forces have invested their entire doctrine in for the past 80 years. Finland is also Ukraine's fifth largest supporter in terms of GDP. so the next time you feel like saying that Europe should do its part or prepare, then preferably say Central, Western or Southern Europe, because the North and the East have already done it edit, I know that you already said that countries that share a border with Russia are a different matter, but this was a common answer for both you and David
@davidhowse884 3 месяца назад
@@BillFerdinand I think 23 NATO countries now spend 2+% of GDP on defense now.
@BillFerdinand 3 месяца назад
@@Finnishguy777 Finland is indeed one of those countries who take their defense very seriously. They have done so since since 1939 when itself was invaded by the Soviet Union. As I said in my comments, "Only those who have a direct interest and are bordering Russia are fully participating and funding the Ukraine as well as increasing their defense budgets." Finland is one of those such countries.
@LagunaTuna-xe7xt 3 месяца назад
Freedom of speech is a protected liberty of citizens, not foreign governments.
@mdevilden 3 месяца назад
'time is a great mechanism to normalize things.' so true. Also agree that Russian civilians hold responsibility for choosing to holiday in a war zone next to an airbase.
@michaelwiwchar3414 3 месяца назад
You spend 12 hours a day being awesome and busting butt for the rest of us. I don't say it enough and usually focus on being a divisive figure in the comment section Pearce but ty. You enhance what I know sure.
@ATPGeo 3 месяца назад
Thanks man
@KevinForst-n2t 3 месяца назад
Well said.
@alanchristensen5735 3 месяца назад
I'm learning so much from your shows JP. I have refered to stuff I hear here during convos with friends and relatives. I've had a few discussions with MAGA folks I know. Definitely had facts and figures to back up the narrative. SLAVA UKRAINI from the United States.
@ATPGeo 3 месяца назад
Nice one mate
@eddieR-yy3sy 3 месяца назад
The first time I have seen an image of Farage with his cakehole shut, weird!
@RaymondKing-ts6et 3 месяца назад
Freedom of speech comes with a responsibility of telling the truth and none of these laws that they do
@thierryschmidlin6936 3 месяца назад
Begin of accession negociations with Moldova & Ukraine, you need good eyes in France to know that that has happened ! A little news in the middle of the international page ...
@DSpuma 3 месяца назад
Yes 7 to like and possibly first to comment Golly along time to be this close over two years lol Hi all
@surpriseitsus9622 3 месяца назад
Hello 👋 🥇 ❤
@herbridenour5100 3 месяца назад
Jon. @ 11:26 in the video, and all I can Say to you is: "Oh Captain, My Captain".
@SuperSpectus 3 месяца назад
Over the past month, Trump at his rallies has been saying his position on the negotiations for peace between Russia and Ukraine would be centered on Russia retreating from all of the occupied territories of Ukraine, including Crimea. And THEN, negotiations would presumably go forward from there. For my part, I'm not sure why people keep saying Trump is offering land-for-peace appeasement deals. There's a lot of green space between saying, "Trump was presented with a strategy about Ukraine, and reacted positively to it," and attempting to hedge by saying that "this does not mean Trump agreed with every word of the plan." Translation: "we still have no freaking idea what Trump has in mind. But we're going to say he's going to screw things up anyway, because we don't like the man." For my part, I trust Trump FAR more than any New World Order-type globalist. They proved their fecklessness -- or worse -- when they signed off on the Budapest Accords, which they then proved was worthless by their effete, mewling response to Putin's aggressions in Crimea, the Donbas, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova. Can you tell that I despise these people at least as much as I do Putin? Ukraine should never have given up her nukes. Not at the behest of those lying bass turds. I don't even think they can be properly described as "spineless." More like vile souls who deliberately set Ukraine up for Putin's future wars of aggression. "Despicable" doesn't even reach the target. More like servants of Molech.
@denismorgan9742 3 месяца назад
In America world police it's Durga Durgastan. Not Dagestan. 😂😂
@RaymondKing-ts6et 3 месяца назад
Some people have been got the smarts or the brains to come out of the rain when it's pissing down rain so they haven't got the brains to come out when they were dropping bombs
@andyo8141 3 месяца назад
Imagine if Trump was the King of France during America's war of independence? "Nno, wee wil nert zerport ze merican becos zit cousts tu mooch. Les betrey zem oll. Mark France Greet Agen'.
@dendyer694 3 месяца назад
Did you just say you are sipping on Guinness but it is non alcoholic? I used to have respect you Jonathan 🤣🤣🤣
@NikkiOwen 3 месяца назад
It's actually really nice! Alcohol really doesn't like me so I drink a lot of zero alcohol drinks. Guinness is one of the better ones, especially with a little blackcurrant juice! ❤
@KevinForst-n2t 3 месяца назад
Non-alcoholic Guinness.........can't do it.
@stephendaniels-z1y 3 месяца назад
Did you see the report that Trump's peace plan for Ukraine would see Russia coming to the negotiation table or Trump would flood Ukraine with weapons ? Exactly what I said might happen !You commented on my post saying it was an interesting idea , well here it is come to life today !! Stephen Daniels
@ATPGeo 3 месяца назад
You have to see that in the wider context of what is being forced upon Ukraine and when.
@camillamattsson7235 3 месяца назад
34:33 its there own responeblity
@TLMS654 3 месяца назад
Civil servants should serve the public regardless of both the personal political affiliation of the citizen accessing a particular government service and, relevant to this discussion, the civil servant's own political affiliation. There are some partisan civil servants in the US and ? the UK, that are advancing a progressive - partisan agenda (some call it the woke agenda) and therefore ignoring or in some cases actively pridefully working against the norm provided by the above principle. These people aren’t serving the public interest. You want to keep that kind of civil servant in their post? Really? Because it doesn't make sense, given a modicum of consideration. If one of your family needed, for example, educational or housing support, and a civil servant decided they could not access the service on the basis of the civil servant's personal political agenda, you would be ok with that? Please think about this because it would be a totally unacceptable misuse of government powers, IMO. Civil servants that don't serve the public evenhandedly are neither civil nor serving. The deepest critique that I think exists of liberalism is that it denies the existence of a common good, and neoliberals argue from self-interest and from utility. Empowered, some neoliberals can make awful civil servants and hence constitute a tyrannical "democratic" government. I would suggest that it's wiser to reform government (hence Reform perhaps?) through public exposure of the individual's concerned, than to let it bottle up to the point where a strongman that can break the mould is the rational political choice.
@ericmaclaurin8525 3 месяца назад
Instead of constant excuses for Modi we need to be disengaging with people and countries each and every time they engage with Russia.
@alandoherty5237 3 месяца назад
At first I thought I seen this video thank you for all that you do glory to Ukraine Slava Ukraine pryvit
@wildsage6852 3 месяца назад
Trump peace plan "tails I win, heads you lose"!
@johncromwell2529 3 месяца назад
@timotheusvanesch3959 3 месяца назад
Modi: He's showing his colours. Once again. The disadvantage of India & China: Together they have 1/3 of the world population. JP, you are the Geopolitics specialist. How big is the chance of China and India cozying up? Because, from what I've seen until now, India is dead-scared of China's "Belt and Road initiative". Economically & politically they are shoring up to fight this. So, I wonder: Is he going to ruZZia to squeeze something out of Putler, after having seen how easy it was for Kim? Or would there be another reason? I don't see China & India as "best buddies". Heck, 20-30 years ago I thought that India is the only power that would be able to curb China's completely autocratic expansionist behaviour (not so sure right now).
@DavidIacono 3 месяца назад
ATP, keep cranking them out mdb
@justmehello5543 3 месяца назад
most people like Nigel, Elon and Trump only have a voice because of money, it doesn't make them anymore knowledgeable than anyone, but it does show not everyone rich with a platform is worth listening to. "Bless their hearts" because without money they'd be lucky to be flipping burgers for a living.
@thepirate6211 3 месяца назад
Appeasment, think i heard about that in the history books and documentarys..... didn't se it working well 🙅‍♂! But i don't think it will work well from the outcome of the last time some one tryed it with a dictator... might be wrong though but i hope the US/EU/NATO understand this... Think (hope) they do....
@thepirate6211 3 месяца назад
wow got in as 29,lol
@surpriseitsus9622 3 месяца назад
🤗 💪
@lukeamato423 3 месяца назад
Kaja Kallas is a good choice
@Aussie_T 3 месяца назад
Thank you Jonathan excellent videos again today, 🇺🇦🫡
@annepalmer1654 3 месяца назад
That Heritage Foundation is scary I had never heard of it until you Johnathan told us to follow the money some time back now I am terrified for world peace.
@alanchristensen5735 3 месяца назад
They are terrible and have eroded our democracy. Project 2025 is a blueprint for a fascist takeover of America.
@anselmdanker9519 3 месяца назад
Hello again Jonathan and ATP team. Hopefully the rest like Lavarov, Peskov, Medvedev will be issued arrest warrant as well. Nice to see the European Union accession talks move forward.
@andrewplowman1002 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@viggoholmsen7203 3 месяца назад
09:30 - There are others who also advocate pressuring Ukraine to the negotiation table (without necessarily being pro-Russia), among them Ian Bremmer of the Eurasia Group and the G-Zero channel. Interestingly, it's all about Ukraine having to accept a stalemate, a fait accompli, whereby Russia is rewarded for its invasion and flagrant disregard for another nation's sovereignty and integrity by getting its annexations internationally recognized, while Ukraine gets "peace". I don't see any of them making demands of Russia, though. They do not seem to comprehend that unless Russia suffers a resounding defeat in Ukraine without achieving any of its objectives, then the Russian regime will never go through its own version of a "vergangenheitsbewältigung" to change its ways and curb their imperialistic aspirations - and subsequently they will try again after a period of reconstitution. Appeasing Russia brings its own perils. The outcome of the war goes beyond the resolution of a single regional conflict and will leave its imprint on the global stage for years to come.
@viggoholmsen7203 3 месяца назад
25:20 - Randy Mott speaks truth ! Is this what Trumpists have in mind by "Making America Great Again" ???
@tommarney1561 3 месяца назад
Yes, it is.
@richardnpaul_mob 3 месяца назад
Looks like you missed the sum total of naff-all regarding the football
@ATPGeo 3 месяца назад
This is on point
@felixviolenes5995 3 месяца назад
NOTHING TO NEGOTIATE If the West is serious about sovereign borders must be respected, then there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO NEGOTIATE with ruzzia about Ukraine 'sovereignty. Any other discussion about this topic is a pathetic search for arguments to justify ruzzia's invasion of Ukraine and therefore not worth the time/effort of sensible discourse 😏
@Nick-pq4ri 3 месяца назад
Although Lavorov has diplomatic immunity for now , I look forward to when he receives his invitation to The Hague that would be a telling moment 🇺🇦✌️🇬🇧
@tremors562 3 месяца назад
Not a trump fan but the plan isn't bad to be honest. You're saying ukraine wants to go to the table with more land but that's not the right strategy. You want to go to the table being stronger than your enemy. When the allies went to the table in ww1, Germany still had a hold in France etc. They'd just been knocked about that badly and the allies had more material, that they knew they couldn't hold. If ukraine goes to the table in November with promises of future expanded aid with Europe winding up military production, ukraine mobilisation complete, ukraines military back on their feet, f16s flowing in, russias military battered, their air defences smashed, black sea fleet sunk or driven off, ukraine will be in the stronger position. In fact it would be better to threaten that ukraine is about to knock russia out of ukraine rather than risk ukraine losing a lot of men and material only to fail in a push like in 2023. If I was Zelensky I'd say okay Trump, we're on board with that but here is our points that are non negotiable, others are flexible and let's see what putin says. Because trump is going to be under pressure from his own party (remember being against supporting ukraine material aid does not necessarily make you pro russia, just reluctant to materially support the war), the democrats who will likely win the house and will be able to hold a trump administration hostage to governance, and an EU and now 80 something nations that approve of a zelensky peace plan. That is massive domestic and international pressure that trump will not be able to ignore that will favour ukraine. You also have to remember that even if ukraine loses the territory that Russia presently holds, but joins Nato and the EU and sanctions (at least from europe) hold until russia pays compensation for the war in any peace agreement, Putin will refuse that. Putin is ok with freezing the war at the current lines, as long as russia can recover and have another go down the track. Anything that prevents that from happening he will not support. Especially seeing as DPRK are now rumored to be sending military personnel to russia, leaving him feeling better about things. He may also feel that ukraine is already receiving the maximum amount of aid that the US can realistically give anyways and just decide to call trumps bluff. He doesn't really respect trump remember. In summary, it could work well for ukraine if they seize the inside track now and ukraine and their allies can start planning around calling trumps bluff on this plan.
@bevr944 3 месяца назад
Start of McCarthism 2.0 just those that might be anti trump instead of those that may have been pro communism.
@viggoholmsen7203 3 месяца назад
20:50 - Those who seek instant gratification through a myopic transactional "deal" with no regard for its longer term strategic implications and consequences, should stay away from politics! Unfortunately, those seem to be the ones who are most likely to seek power in the first place. I'd choose an honorable public servant any day of the week.
@viggoholmsen7203 3 месяца назад
31:00 - Although in many cases the need for compartmentalization and pursuing distinct agendas is commendable, there are instances where this need runs contrary to upholding core moral norms. Russia's imperialistic war of aggression against Ukraine is such an instance. Unfortunately, there are those who choose to divert their eyes from perpetrated atrocities for personal advantage, and the greater the distance to the war, the easier it becomes.
@Mongo_Lloyd 3 месяца назад
@surpriseitsus9622 3 месяца назад
Hi Lloyd ❤
@RaymondKing-ts6et 3 месяца назад
Put news like a thief that comes into your house take things and then you confront him and he goes oh well I just want some more and then I'll go but then you know he'll be back again and again and again and again
@albertbauer4345 3 месяца назад
Why Why donnie doesn't have a peace plan.
@EvzenKovar-i5p 3 месяца назад
Sup bois
@markaguilera493 3 месяца назад
@toddh4970 3 месяца назад
Just want to calm you down on an American tradition every administration does it, people in government work at the pleasure of the president and every one uses it to purge the last administration.. So just calm down,everything is a russian op to you..
@ATPGeo 3 месяца назад
This isn't a Russian op, this is a maga op
@ericmaclaurin8525 3 месяца назад
Make America Go Away was always the correct interpretation based on the primary funders.
@LadaGaga93 3 месяца назад
So fitting👍
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