
Ukrainians Aren't Like Us: We'd Never Defend Britain So Bravely. Conservatives Must Take Note. 

The New Culture Forum
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Dr. David Starkey argues that the brave Ukrainians aren't fighting for mythical Western / EU ideas and values of "universal human rights" etc; instead, they are fighting for something almost primal: hearth, home, family and country. The land itself. Fighting to defend one's country is something we in Britain would once have also done without hesitation. Yet who amongst us can honestly say they would expect today's British army or navy to act as bravely as those Ukrainians on Snake Island, who refused to surrender to a Russian warship, telling the warship "to go f*** yourself" before being blown up.
Starkey argues that conservatism has to be rooted in country and in the history and tradition of the country. Putin understands this. The Ukrainians understand this. Concepts of universal human rights, universal values, the "international community" etc. are myths. They don't exist other than in the minds of certain Western liberals. Values are unique to each country.
This talk was recorded at our (The New Culture Forum think tank) offices in Westminster, London and is part of our monthly Salon Series. The Salon series are informal gatherings for NCF Patrons, Diamond and Gold members to meet and listen to notable guest speakers. To become an NCF member please click on JOIN at this link: www.newcultureforum.org.uk/
(Recorded on a mobile phone as our cameraman was unable to make it in time due to the London Underground Tube strike!)
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1 мар 2022




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@dobl-ys3jg 2 года назад
Why would those who know that the country our fathers and grandfathers fought for has sold their memories down the river want to fight for a country that no longer values itself?
@dsmith4658 2 года назад
Blame the new pc woke anti whites who are them self white and the other groups who have used Race law and any other law as a weapon against us true native people
@sayitaintso2900 2 года назад
So find something worth fighting for. If not your country, then what?
@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 2 года назад
@@dsmith4658 Yeah whatever, is that why whytes still dominate parliament, the police the Army still own most of the land, has the lowest unemployment rate.. keep dreaming kid
@Raygun9000 2 года назад
@@ashlibabbittcroakedit9108 but they don't... It's not particularly concerning to me, but they don't. Besides, it's not about being white, it's about being of English hereditary.
@Raygun9000 2 года назад
The country is dynamic, twisting and changing, rising and falling. Fight for what it can be, or should be, not for what it is or even what it was.
@barriewilliams4526 2 года назад
At the age of 85 I've had the pleasure or displeasure of watching my country change & sadly, not for the better. Someone (I think it was the London mayor) said, "diversity is a great thing" I just wonder how these "diverse" people would feel about fighting to the bitter end for this "green & pleasant land" ? 🤔 If you dilute the beer, it is not as strong!
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
Conscription should be mandatory. It seems to deter prospective interlopers.
@wakeupuk3860 2 года назад
Could not agree more, especially when India did not come out as the rest of the world at the United Nations and Pakistan's Imran Khan.
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
I drink Guinness stout from the barrel...undiluted....
@keithgoodrickmeech8313 2 года назад
Diversity will always fail. Just like any empire that has ever existed, an empire is made up of people that have different ethnic backgrounds, different cultures, religions, etc etc etc, and like diversity, when one or more of these groups feel disenfranchised it all kicks off. End result , the collapse of the empire or society. History proves this to be inevitable.
@abazely2743 2 года назад
Diversity plays into the hands of our detractors by ensuring that we never agree about anything,remaining confused indecisive and feeble.
@rinhu8864 2 года назад
I personally believe there is a strong undercurrent of patriotism in Britain that in the right circumstances would present itself.
@jandavidson7093 2 года назад
The fallout from the Brexit result, the Guardianistas utterly repugnant denigration of this land and it's people; those that still retain a deep sense of place and belonging; exposed the truly treasonous faces of so many of the middle class; the sneering, priggish, globalist nature of their ilk. It also fired a burning patriotism in myself that I had not felt since a child. Thanks, middle class liberals, for awakening in me a long suppressed love for my homeland, my people. Britain for the British.
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
There is if you don't drink the water or the Kool-Aid as the Yanks say.
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
@@jandavidson7093 bravo. I suggest reading all of Shakespeare's works and tomes of history books for it's never coming back . To think when I went to school there was such pride and loyalty to comfort us. I was taught things one can no longer mention especially in the workplace. Christian values, British history, ancient Roman and Greek history and literature and philosophy. Have you seen what is peddled at Oxford and Cambridge today ? The old curriculum will get you lynched. What was pondered for 2, 800 years now replaced by critical race theory.
@SensibleMoniker 2 года назад
@@stonemarten1400 The only men that are fleeing Ukraine are the small contingent of ethnic minorities. That demographic would do the same here if we were ever invaded.
@valeriegrimshaw1365 2 года назад
Yes except the ethnic 'minorities' in those places aforementioned and others are waging an insidious war against US -UNOPPOSED...
@Sabhail_ar_Alba 2 года назад
As a British ex serviceman I would not fight against UK invaders. As far as I'm concerned the UK is lost. The reason the Ukrainians are fighting is because of strong cohesion - we in the UK have 'diversity, which is the polar opposite.
@christophereverest4547 2 года назад
Very sorry to hear it, but you are quite right.
@matthewstone1362 2 года назад
The legacy of globalism. Cheap labour and the destruction of workers rights in exchange for a warm feeling of diversity. And the people fell for it.smh
@rajkomilosevichguera4547 2 года назад
Such a loss reading what you wrote & not being able to disagree. Because your point is point blank right.
@davidtuer5825 2 года назад
Define "British ex-service man".
@rajkomilosevichguera4547 2 года назад
@@davidtuer5825 Why would he? Even if he's lying point he made is important on totally other field... His reply could be "define David Tuer"... you're pushing it towards ad hominem? Is that your point?
@crazyhorse2542 2 года назад
I like Starkey but the work that Peter Whittle does is beyond measure. Thank you Peter.
@jeremysmith8035 2 года назад
what the tory party did for by taking putins money is treason for which the tarrif is life in prison, here in the nauty eu where our company moved after being forced at gun point out of the largest trade block on earth nobody talks about the uk other than johnsons corruption. You fully deserve the coming eu and us sanctions for failling to impose suffiecent sanctions on putin, theres no such thing as a happy fish
@crazyhorse2542 2 года назад
@@jeremysmith8035 The drugs either work or as the Verve said, they don't work. For Jeremy Smith, they definitely had a massive influence.
@jeremysmith8035 2 года назад
hate to break it to you but theres a russian asset running round the uk drunk dressed as a postman
@crazyhorse2542 2 года назад
@@jeremysmith8035 There's plenty of help out there Jezza. Just say no.
@dannywlm63 2 года назад
Very simple answer Britain is no longer populated with the British
@Valencetheshireman927 2 года назад
For now it still is but every year that becomes less and less.
@geraltofrivia8529 2 года назад
The British become a lower and lower percentage of the population every year. The people responsible for this have mislead the British people for 80 years. We have had a "conservative" government for the vast majority of that time and they have sold Britain out from under us. What would the British be fighting to protect? The people who enforce the will of the nwo, nato, the WHO and the WEF?
@DP-cd5wr 2 года назад
Not particularly looking forward to the latest census results (if they dare to release them).
@scotmacc 2 года назад
Our enemies reside within us. Yet our political masters continue to kowtow to them.
@chatteyj 2 года назад
@@Valencetheshireman927 Its the ignorance of the British that is the problem, I remember a good friend of mine said something along the lines of 'i think immigration is a good thing' when the topic came up, which if you think about it is a stupid thing to say its like saying rain is a good thing, well not when the ground is saturated and there are flood warnings. Its like saying beer is a good thing etc etc. Anyway a couple of weeks ago the topic of immigration came up again he didn't even know the present immigration levels (300,000 net/ year). /faceplam
@jane---489 2 года назад
*_One of the main reasons our country has become so weak is because there are too many interlopers who have absolutely NO_* *_allegiance to our country ..._*
@aevans-jl9ym 2 года назад
Jane, how then can you explain the "surrender of the Navy" that occurred in the Gulf 12 years ago that Starkey cited as an example of gross "cowardice" by those servicemen captured by Iranians in a dingy? All of those filmed captured and weeping servicemen who according to David should have been shot, shared your pure 'English' bloodline.
@Treeman196 2 года назад
Very true I've said as much on other platforms and received plenty of hate and bile
@jane---489 2 года назад
@@aevans-jl9ym *_What has ANY of that got to do with what I said. Let me tell you, NOTHING ..._*
@aevans-jl9ym 2 года назад
Silent Mentor your open 'southern borders' are allowing people whose ancestors had lived in the Americas for thousands of years longer than yours. The right to access and resettle the lands of their ancient homeland.
@aevans-jl9ym 2 года назад
@@jane---489 The weeping captured servicemen, revealing the WEAKNESS of our Armed Services as cited by David Starkey, were not "Interlopers with absolutely no loyalty to this country " but purebred Englishmen and women, who according to your flawed logic because of their ancient ties to England should make them have a natural inbred loyalty to this country, which unfortunately was not shown in this case, because as soon as they were captured they were filmed weeping and denouncing England the country of there forbearers.
@tonyshortland8812 2 года назад
We have lost/loosing our identity, in the name of globalism, unasked for.
@MartinGonzalez-ki8kn 2 года назад
It doesn't apply to their own countries. Which is where they need to go back to.
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
We got captured by the Global American Empire and its open borders Globalisation project in 1945.
@VivaVictory 2 года назад
I think many Britons still have backbone and would fight to the death for what they believe in. Unfortunately, this country isn't the country our forefathers fought and died for, and our people are questioning whether they'd want to die for a country that's been "sold down the river" in so many ways that it's become unrecognisable. To use that phrase is probably deemed offensive nowadays!
@littlenan3576 2 года назад
There is still patriotism in this Country. You are just not allowed to show it or you are called racists.
@JmpaulOfficial 2 года назад
Or a white suprematist. How sad is that.
@emeraldeyes9565 2 года назад
You can show it. And if you get called names - tell them to FO. That's what people did in the past before half the country went soft in the head and weak in their will.
@littlenan3576 2 года назад
@@emeraldeyes9565 Although I do not swear, I do agree that, these days, that is the only way.
@briantaylor7743 2 года назад
Well we wouldn't want to offend anyone
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
Must of the World has in group preferences, its completely normal outside the Western Liberal paradigm.
@stephennutkin2477 2 года назад
There are a minority of people who think that we can embrace everyone as if we are equal and think as equal but we are not, we are human and with that comes the complexities of being human. The minority would be better off finding another island and turning it into a commune rather than trying to turn the UK into said commune with no history or sense of pride in that history .
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
But mass immigration is a key part of the American driven open borders Globalisation project. International finance loves mass immigration as its cheap labour and future consumers for capitalism.
@anngregory2185 2 года назад
We are not a large country,we are overrun with immigrants and when they come from wherever,they need and get their health,education,housing benefits all from the taxes that our indiginous people are paying,whilst our own ex army,divorced,people that have been ill and cannot pay rent or mortgage,some of whome live under the arches,indeed the extreme instance of this is the welcome mat put out for the excrement that come up our beaches and are welcomed into the hotels that we are paying for....Where has our pride gone,our own are worrying how we are going to keep warm,eat,and keep a roof over our head next winter,whilst the power that be..worry about immitions,how stupid not to realise that if the wind does,nt blow,no power,and if the sun does,nt shine no power.Sort out our problems First....
@lydiamalone1859 2 года назад
They need a liberal society that will support them.
@kendaniel8601 2 года назад
The problem being that we are not all equal, we have different values, different ideals, different goals, different religions and different morals, the people coming to our shores do not share those things with us and would stand against us if it were to come to war. for too long the people of this country have just accepted that we have to do as we are told to do without question and without complaint! yet i see more and more people on these message boards questioning those above in government and those who tell us shut up and don't complain. I do believe and have to believe that change is coming and that perhaps it will be for the better. Maybe we need new politicians, ones who come from the working classes but are not so far to the left that they make the old soviet leaders look far right. to many politicians are now just career people who see being an MP as another step on the ladder or who claim they are for the working class but want to bring communism to this country. We need people to represent us and our country and our values not to represent the immigrants who arrive on our shores above the people of this country. I hope change for the better is coming and i hope that the people on these message boards are a sign of people waking up, not just my imagination!
@rrickarr 2 года назад
Well the UK should have stayed out of every other place it colonised. Why is it you UK people cannot seem to remember that you went around colonizing anyone else and now you cry when they come to your shores. How hypocritical can you be!
@ianperry9914 2 года назад
Be a Hero For Britain and have your statue vandalized by the lilly liverd nothings of today and have your family watch on and the justice system lets them off Scott free .Something good may come of all this , man up Britain !
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
Hey, don't use Scott free in front of a Scot or it will cost you!
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
As appalling as the acquittal was, it was British justice. We have a jury system and these stupid or bigoted jurors let them off. It is better that ten guilty men go free than one man be falsely convicted.
@johnbrereton5229 2 года назад
The problem is that the Britain our ancestors fought and died for, is no more. Endless uncontrolled immigration has put paid to that, so who or what would they lay down their lives for ? When my grandfather fought in WW1 and my father in WW2 they both knew who, and what, they were fighting for. They were fighting for their beloved country, their families their towns and villages, their way of life, one homogenous British nation united in a struggle for survival. But now we are diverse, divided and fractured, so why would they lay down their lives for grooming gangs, for the knife wielding thugs and the people who are slowly taking over what previous generations built for us to enjoy, why ?
@Treeman196 2 года назад
But but diversity is our strength
@johnbrereton5229 2 года назад
@@Treeman196 Our Government even stamps "Diversity is our Strength" on our coins. However, this is an oxymoron and obvious nonsense, how on earth can being divided be strong ? In reality, only in unity are we strong, just as we were prior to WW2 before mass uncontrolled immigration destroy what had taken centuries to achieve.
@Treeman196 2 года назад
@@johnbrereton5229 your preaching to the converted mate 👏 I totally sgree with you it's a shit show I hate to see the country I love turn into dumping ground for failed social engineering because that what it is .I still thing of the little angel slaughted in a Bolton Park or the Young drummer the same treatment it breaks my heart but what can we do the country is gripped by these traitors
@johnbrereton5229 2 года назад
@@Treeman196 I wasn't trying to preach to you John, I understood you were agreeing with my point. I was just pointing out the absurdity of our Government pointless and contradictory slogan. I suppose they think if they repeat it often enough we will think it's actually true. Nevertheless, I think the backlash is starting to grow, David Starkey was only saying the other day, that Cambridge University is finally starting to defend itself. Also the Cultural Forum is another example of this rising resentment, let's hope so. Our country and culture is far too precious to allow it to be debased and destroyed, it is after all, the only one we have.
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
We need localism and start building our OWN institutions. Long-term bulkanization is coming.
@stevehousden2699 2 года назад
Dr. Starkey is incredible, and this speech is profound. It strikes me that it (by necessity I assume) is being made in a small place, to a small group, and captured by handheld video. It belongs in Parliament, broadcast around the planet.
@susannamarker2582 2 года назад
The Ukraine should be a neutral buffer state and should not be enticed into the EU and NATO. Nor should it be aligned with Russia. Ukraine should trade with the whole world, attract foreign investment and fight its own endemic corruption.
@NewCultureForum 2 года назад
(Our cameraman couldn't come in due to the London underground tube strike so we had to do an impromptu mobile phone recording).
@lunafringe10 2 года назад
oh yeah, profound he is, and deep, aaahhhhh
@wakeupuk3860 2 года назад
Hear, hear and as an ex teacher that was beaten down and chose to return to industry due to my battle to overcome left-wing Marxist politically correct teachers. This video and the recent one he did about Putin is not mad but knows about power - SHOULD be shown to every child in our schools. Even as an ex Hippy of the 60s who was part of the generation that torn up so many of our traditions and customs, Starkey speaks absolute common sense about the reality of belonging, identity, culture and history as opposed to the 'true' madness of Woke.
@rich1701 2 года назад
@@NewCultureForum the untold destruction of Sadiq Khan’s incompetence has no limits.
@johnglenn2539 2 года назад
Wow, Starkey is really killing it these days. Funny how good historians are in demand these days...
@stephenford8775 2 года назад
History as a way of repeating itself.
@loreto761 2 года назад
Imagine he got cancelled cancel at your peril
@lesleyriseam1282 2 года назад
@@loreto761 He has been cancelled , he is giving this lecture in a small office room in Whitehall , not at the Oxford Union .
@galleon1968 2 года назад
@@lesleyriseam1282 which can be watched on youtube v lefty uni shithole. cancel all they want, muppets.
@johnglenn2539 2 года назад
@@loreto761 I'd say he'd be tremendous fun at a dinner party
@iandonnelly522 2 года назад
Well perhaps because under conservative and labour governments alike our country and birthright has been given away and people who are old enough to remember don’t recognise it anymore....it’s no longer ours and those young men who did die for it have had their memories utterly betrayed.....
@felixfedre518 2 года назад
No one in there right mind would fight for either Britain or Ukraine. They are both corrupt countries. The difference is Britain has more sophisticated methods of forcing you to fight for them, like they did in the first and second world wars that most people didn't want anything to do with.
@barriegibson6411 2 года назад
@@felixfedre518 That's completely untrue, certainly about the first world war, millions of British men were chomping at the bit to go and do their duty and there were many that were under age, prepared to lie in order to join up.
@dsmith4658 2 года назад
if only people back then could of seen the future thing's would of been very different
@felixfedre518 2 года назад
@@barriegibson6411 After they were threatened with being stripped naked tied to a cannon and left hanging over Dover cliffs. No one in there right mind volunteered for the utterly pointless first world war which achieved nothing.
@felixfedre518 2 года назад
@@dsmith4658 Absolutely!
@StephenSwindells 2 года назад
Our population would collapse at the thought of being conscripted, let alone volunteering to fight. Vast numbers, not of British origin, wouldn’t feel obliged to defend the UK
@AjitB07 2 года назад
Even if you were native would you fight for this government after the past couple of year's? Democracy my ass
@Kefuddle 2 года назад
You know what. I reckon you would be pleasantly surprised. The stories we hear of dysfunctional individuals of non European origin are very localised and, I suspect, a small (but significant) minority. (I had to reword this multiple times to stop RU-vid deleting it - I could not use the "I" word!).
@StephenSwindells 2 года назад
@@Kefuddle let’s hope that you are right and that we don’t need to find out. Steve
@Victoriacariad 2 года назад
@@AjitB07 You wouldn't be fighting for the government - governments change. You'd be fighting for your country, culture and way of life.
@khonrak 2 года назад
@@AjitB07 an individual wouldn't be fighting for a government, but fighting for the survival of his or her country, can you comprehend that idea ? if you've never experienced pain or suffering by the hands of an aggressor, then maybe you cannot !
@heater5979 2 года назад
This presentation would chill every true Brit of decades passed to the bone. My father, a Czechoslovakian, escaped from the Germans coming to Czechoslovakia at the start of WWII. Coming to England to join the British army to fight Germans from a better side. My Grandfather, a Scot, was gassed in WWII. The Brits would have and did fight to the death. Now we live in Britain full of newcomers lacking the culture and history of the British natives. Meanwhile recent generations, native Brits or otherwise are not taught the history and religion of the British past. Who are made to feel ashamed of their forefathers. Who actively try to erase history and destroy culture. Who have lived in a bubble of peace and comfort since WWII. They have nothing to feel the need to defend. It has long time been a question in my mind how it is possible that the British nation is the first to voluntarily commit suicide.
@blackbaron0 2 года назад
I'd also mention the numbers of Graduates who are leaving University preaching self flaglating propaganda without a real understanding of why, claiming they have an education when all they have are skill sets which may be ill suited to the real world and so have to blame someone. Some immigrants are as you say, but as you note yourself, at least one of your ancestors is an immigrant. Brood brushes are rather easy to apply but have uneven coverage and tend to trample the detail. You are 100% right though that people have forgotten or never appreciated what can happen when we are negligent towards people who have different value to our own. Afghanistan and Iraq post invasions have not gone well, and neither did the attempt to turn Russia into a Wsstern country by h west. People change because they want to, or are persuaded to do so, not because they are forced to. Change is necessary, but not all change is for the better and can even be a change for the worse. Witess the said Graduates who behave like 17th Century Puritans, rather than something akin to this century.
@Sparkyalan1411 2 года назад
It is because the last two generations of students were taught by delusional communists …whose first duty was to teach their religious communist dogma, before the actual curriculum
@leod-sigefast 2 года назад
How do you know? There has never been a hostile, in force, invasion, of England for almost 1000 years. Often due to sheer good luck (weather, etc.) often due to the Royal Navy (it is that that saved us in 1940, more so than the air Battle of Britain). But a land invasion, in our cities. No one knows how we British would react because it hasn't ever happened in our history. Would we Brits, fight them on the landing grounds, beaches, streets, etc? We like to think so but would we really...
@MartinGonzalez-ki8kn 2 года назад
"We must be mad, literally mad"
@MartinGonzalez-ki8kn 2 года назад
@@leod-sigefast We have already been invaded and continue to be invaded.
@deniskearney2368 2 года назад
It’s striking that Ukrainians proudly fly their national flag. In England our Union flag and the flag of St. George, when displayed by individuals, is seen by most on the Left as extolling Right wing values.
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
Who gives damn what the Left think? Fly the flag and proclaim honest right-wing values.
@tavuzzipust7887 2 года назад
In effect Starkey is saying that Ukrainians are not like us because Ukrainians are still proud of their ethnicity and have no desire to be multicultural --- everything follows from that.
@denisecrawford2425 2 года назад
That's obvious. At the borders we all see who came first. Africans and Asians told to walk to safety or stay and fight. We praised their nationalism but condemn it in our own country.
@anthonyspinks2640 2 года назад
Starkey is a learned man and we should get as many recorded seminars from him before he pops off as possible.👍
@stephan5673 2 года назад
No longer, he's now talking utter rubbish.
@CS-cn6bh 2 года назад
Not for along time though
@coolandgood0062 2 года назад
@@stephan5673 what did i miss?
@drstrangelove4998 2 года назад
I agree with you, we must archive as many of his talks as possible. But the old dog is going live very many years yet I hope! The devil looks after his own 🥳
@trevorhoward2254 2 года назад
He has his own channel here on RU-vid where he's doing just that.
@Francois15031967 2 года назад
Britain is already invaded.
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
We got captured by the American Empire and its open borders Globalisation project in 1945.
@Francois15031967 2 года назад
@@evolassunglasses4673 yep. WWII has been a great substitute to War Plan Red.
@AdamWebb1982 2 года назад
I would never defend London, since it’s not British anymore.
@christophereverest4547 2 года назад
It's modern British. The real problem is that it's not English.
@scotmacc 2 года назад
People do not come here to adopt our culture. They come here to establish their own culture.
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
And the mayor would not inspire you, nor even ask you to defend it.
@daisyroots8926 2 года назад
Absolutely. We’ve just been out for a meal in our local town and the white women on the table next to us we’re not speaking English.. of course none of the staff were English either
@RodFleming-World 2 года назад
It's good to see David back. Cancel culture is cancer
@gooeyrhubarb1593 2 года назад
As I like to say: Cancel Culture is Culture Cancer.
@remkojerphanion4686 2 года назад
I have, for years, a hefty piece of wood at the ready, should anyone dare break in to my home. I'm not a violent person, and I am certainly no hero, but I will protect what is near and dear to me. I have, in the past, told people of my "wooden insurance" and they were frankly quite shocked. "You might seriously hurt someone with that" or "You will go to jail if you use that". The fact that somebody may want to rob me, and/or harm someone in my house, is apparently lost on these people. I see the parallels between Patriotism, and the rudimentary defence of my own home. How one can just stand by and let all be taken, is beyond me! "Mr. Burglar, shall I assist you in carrying away my possessions? O, and would you like a cup of tea now, or rather when we're finished?"
@timcatton3493 2 года назад
With you all the way Peter and David.
@3Tool1 2 года назад
Some would, but forced diversity has changed the very fabric of this countries attitudes and mentality. Successive Governments have eroded our history, education and belief in our selves.
@kendaniel8601 2 года назад
The teachers in this country in our schools and universities have over the years been sowing seeds of hate and discontent about the western world, most of these teachers are so far to the left that they make Marx look far right, unfortunately they have been moulding the minds of our young for the last 30+ years and nobody has been paying attention, the people in America are just waking up to the CRT being taught in their schools by far left dissidents. The people of this country need to start being awake instead of Woke!
@troabarton89 2 года назад
Wouldn't fight for England now. If I were it would be to take it back from the millions of colonisers that live here.
@realMaverickBuckley 2 года назад
Speak for yourself. I'd fight for this green and pleasant land in a heartbeat. With every fibre of my being.
@barriewilliams4526 2 года назад
And the millionaires & billionaires would let you 😂
@stephan5673 2 года назад
Stop promoting toxic masculinity. That's not allowed ,
@billymoffat4744 2 года назад
20 years ago i would have gladly fought and died for Britain, now it's just not worth it, but i'm sure all the kool aid hair soy boys n girls are just aching to defend the Island.
@jandavidson7093 2 года назад
Me too, but it's good to know who our actual foe is. It isn't Russians, nor is it Germans or French, the enemy lies within. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
@roygardiner2229 2 года назад
I would like to think I would. Until the time comes one simply does not know. I sense that in Ukraine the spirit of resistance has been strongly reinforced by knowing that one is not alone in standing up to the aggressor.
@HelenA-fd8vl 2 года назад
The peoples of Eastern Europe have had their national identities threatened with extinction over hundreds of years. Poland was wiped off the map for 120 years. Ukraine lost 4 million people from starvation in 1930s. Stalin carried out a policy of enforced confiscation of food from them. It is called the Holodomar. So they understand that national identity is a fragile concept which can be undermined through force of circumstances. In Western Europe we don’t have that collective memory. That is why our governments allow mass migration into our countries without any care for the long term consequences. Our media heaps opprobrium on them and describes them as neo Nazis but in my estimation our grandchildren will be queuing up in droves to move to Eastern Europe to get away from the Balkanisation of Western Europe.
@timdarville4827 2 года назад
This show is wonderful. I really appreciate it, and I am doubly pleased that it provides a platform for David Starkey, who I think is maybe our greatest historian. I hope my mind will be as sharp as his when I am his age.
@tommoncrieff1154 2 года назад
Which is 77. I think most academics are still on top form at 77. Hopefully!
@SerMattzio 2 года назад
This whole tragic situation has one positive - it has been a huge kick up the backside of the West, I think. We've lost ourselves in pathetic indulgent wallowing over the last 15 years. Instead of sitting around moaning about non-existent problems for fake political clout or sobbing that someone used the wrong pronoun we now see what is actually important. Slava ukraini.
@zootsoot2006 2 года назад
Yeah but the right wing are going on about how this is a fake war. Absolutely shameless position when people are being bombed out of their homes.
@asmith6647 2 года назад
Well said. My thoughts too….we are pathetic in the West now. Eastern European countries won’t embrace this woke nonsense that’s contaminated us. Imagine the nationalities of London defending London in a similar situation.
@afifahhamilton8843 2 года назад
Seems to me that the importation of so many non-English people to England, is a big portion of the problem we face. I have no idea of the solution to this, but clearly non-English people do not love England. They may love working and living here, but that is not the same as having genuine roots as the people OF England do. It's a bit like concrete. You have to get the mix right. If you have too much ballast in with the cement, the slab/foundations crack.
@adrian_V99 2 года назад
Hold on a sec , luv. England imported , at its own request , and strictly by state invitation, millions of immigrants from all over Europe up to about 1960 as did the rest of the English- speaking commonwealth. They worked at very hard manual labour jobs- construction, mining, shipbuildingbody up north, forestry. Most blended right in and their offspring became regular English folk. The majority intermarried.
@fourtyfit7693 2 года назад
England has imported and continues to import thousands of commonwealth soldiers to fight in its army. To fight for the nationalists who refuse to join their own military. Yet they scoff at the same immigrants who die defending them! All of you on here are bunch of fucking hypocrites who speak of pride in your country but depend on immigrants to defend you and to boost your economy because you haven’t got enough pride to do it for yourselves! Remember it’s your own beloved government doing the imports of the very people you despise.
@afifahhamilton8843 2 года назад
@@adrian_V99 Hi, can you give me the evidence of these claims? Not saying that you statements are incorrect, I just don't know which people ('...millions.. from all over Europe...' you mean). And, my point would be, there may have been huge numbers of people coming to England, but if it was by invitation by our governments, that is not the same as being invited by the English people. Our governments consistently fail to do what the people want, and DO do what we do NOT want. Indeed it is rare for a government to do what the people vote them in to do!
@afifahhamilton8843 2 года назад
@@fourtyfit7693 The problem could be that, by importing so many foreigners, the English (and I have no reason to believe that this dynamic isn't true for other countries, by the way) do not feel that they'd be fighting for themselves and their country, but that they are being manoeuvred by foreigners to do something for them. When England was 100% English, we defended ourselves, where necessary, because it was clear who WE were and who THEY were. Now, it's simply not so clear. We (nor any nation) want a load of outsiders muscling in on what we have, which, for the most part, we built, for us. We built our towns, roads, water systems, castles, cathedrals, churches, legal structures, blah blah blah, and now others come in and try to alter these. Look what has happened to London under a non English mayor! I don't care where he was born, I care whether he is English or not, and he isn't. I would say exactly the same for any and every other country by the way. Patriotism is a virtue. It is not the same as belligerency or aggression, though some want to claim that it is. The English recovered themselves over a few hundred years, following the catastrophe of the Norman Conquest. Only after many many generations were those Normans incorporated into Englishmen. We didn't invite the French in, and we didn't invite anyone else in. We were naive enough to believe that our methods here, being so obviously wonderful, would be desirable for everyone else to adopt given half a chance, and to a good extent that has been proven to be correct, but it has also opened us up to those who are disingenuous.
@nicolaedwards2456 2 года назад
@@adrian_V99 spot on Adrian
@necrogressive466 2 года назад
I was watching BBC Breakfast news this morning of the 4th March. I could not help but have wry smile when in one of the articles on the situation in Ukraine the commentators were applauding how Ukraine is going to its art galleries and museums in order to protect and save objects of its culture and heritage from being destroyed. That this praise was from an institution which takes delight in denigrating and castigating the history and culture of these British Isles and specifically that of England is so ironic
@elingles2854 2 года назад
May he shine his light on you both. God bless Britain and its People.
@grahamfield2307 2 года назад
That's because there's not that many Brits left
@kendaniel8601 2 года назад
There are still at least 45 million of us left.
@mkaykaykayy 2 года назад
@@kendaniel8601 have more babies, kick out Islam, root out the Post-modern/Marxism from our Uni’s. Retake our institutions.
@youthere7327 2 года назад
well for years we have had it drummed into us that being white, british, and proud is a bad thing but still of course we would fight
@stleonards1066 2 года назад
Fight for what though? Our leaders are traitors
@pjrobben7613 2 года назад
And proud
@pjrobben7613 2 года назад
@@stleonards1066 to protect ourselves.
@geraltofrivia8529 2 года назад
@@pjrobben7613 we in the west have been living under a corrupt regime for at least 80 years, we are just waking up to it because of the ease of information exchange and the acceleration of the change. Its hard to think of a worse situation to be in
@peterfox2538 2 года назад
I wouldn't fight for Boris Johnson and his cronies.
@johnmoncrieff3034 2 года назад
In a war you are not fighting for the politicians or the party you are fighting for your own families freedom and the good of the country as a whole! That is the point David is making in his talk! That is why the Ukrainian people have united against Putin and his forces, who are trying to destroy that freedom!
@mk7073 2 года назад
I don't think very many would. Neither would they fight for Starmer, or Corbyn, or Blair, or Thatcher. I don't think they fought for Churchill either, though he was clearly the most competent in leading a coalition throughout wartime difficulties. It begs the question: What would you fight for? It seems to me that 80 years ago most were willing to fight for that somewhat nebulous concept of "King and country". But why? And was it really worth it? Look at the aftermath: Britain between 1950 and 1980 was a Britain of bad food, the old-boy network, nepotism, snobbery, capital punishment, ignorance, cigarette smoke, DDT and all-round pollution, unfiltered racism and bigotry, lack of meritocracy, short life expectancy, industrial and governmental mismanagement and covered-up incompetence. Then again, the unskilled and low ability members of society could at least find some sort of gainful employment. Myths abounded. I vividly recall hearing some old duffer in the 1970s loudly exhorting the now-laughable claim "British cars... best in the world". Was that what the WW2 generation fought and died for? A bunch of lies? It also bears reminding that the vanquished nations were rebuilt under the Marshall plan whereas the victor nations merely incrued massive government debt. Was that what we fought the Axis for? Then came the 1980s to the present day. The inexorable rise of the welfare state, funded by North Sea oil revenue and deficit spending. Deregulation and privatisation, off-shoring and JIT supply chains, the shrinking influence of the old school tie, improved social mobility and meritocracy, less rampant racism and xenophobia, improved trade and travel opportunities leading to a better appreciation of other cultures. Recognition of our past inadequacies in management and governent yet not actually seeming to do anthing about it. The feckless, feeble, incompetent and unskilled section of society could no longer find meaningful work and were moved onto welfare in order to keep them out of prison. Despite vast improvements in technology and productivity, we were little better off: There was more and cheaper food in the cupboard but we were mortgaged to the hilt and taking SSRIs every day to cope with our ennui. We subsequently lost interest in the myths of yesteryear, but unfortunately too many found solace in crass consumerism, disdain for real education, vacuous celebrity worship. I think we *would* indeed fight today, but only if we were sure that the invading force were intent on killing or enslaving us. It's an animal instinct. Whether we'd be particularly effective in combat given the mutual mollycoddling we've indulged ourselves in over the last 20 years, is an entirely different question. I agree that universal values concept is a set of myths, but designed to keep our lawfare-obsessed elites rolling in clover. Just a different set of myths to replace the ones from previous generations that we'd started seeing through. And war is upon us again; I wonder what new comforting myths will be created to convince us all to shelter from the blast then pick up arms this time around?
@d.jparer5184 2 года назад
This was great, i hope to see this topic explored further by david. His insights as a historian are always appreciated
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 2 года назад
They reminded me of us, or rather our forebears. The world once marvelled at the British countries, especially 1940, and I admire the Ukrainians as I do our great grandparents. We were a different people then.
@handyjayes1 2 года назад
No, cause governments and schools teach us fluffy unicorn rainbows... It's pathetic
@johnmoncrieff3034 2 года назад
This has to be one of the most important talks we have heard in years! David Starkey has hit the nail on the head as to who we are and we have to be loud and proud to be BRITISH, whatever one of the constituent nations that we come from! I know he is talking with regard to the war in Ukraine but it can simultaneously be applied to the fight against the WOKE IDIOTS & all they stand for, or the Net Zero lobby and their ridiculous climate change measures!
@leod-sigefast 2 года назад
Net zero. Yeah advancing technology is ridiculous. Let's reopen those coal mines and go back to smog land.
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
@@leod-sigefast When did you last see smog? Power stations beat that, with the advancing technology you scorn, long ago. The nearest to smog most people have ever seen, came from domestic fires without that technology. (It's now starting to return, in a much smaller way, with the proliferation of woodburners and multifuel domestic stoves.) We could return tomorrow to coal-fired power stations with negligible environmental impact.
@Lysanderfication 2 года назад
Any Canadian who remained in Ottawa after the emergency act was declared, is likely to be the same type who would join a volunteer militia.
@garymitchell5899 2 года назад
I don't know for sure, but I would guess that quite a lot of people stayed in Ottawa simply because it's where they live.
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
@@garymitchell5899 I think we know what he meant.
@johnatkinson7479 2 года назад
I like David and I welcome this speech as he is pushing right to the edge of what we all know about demographics,belonging patriotism etc But it’s simply to late..we will be a minority by 2060 even by conservative estimates, that’s less then half a lifetime..any real reversal of what’s going on today from woke to demographics would take enormous sacrifice and will from people who just not prepared to do it when push comes to shove..all these shows like NCF spiked GB news etc are just documenting our demise and moaning
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
We need localism moving to bulkanization to save some of our people and civilisation.
@Ripper36068 2 года назад
As an ex serviceman, I would advise any youngsters thinking of joining the Armed Forces not to bother! This country just isn't worth it anymore!! My advice is to rip off the tax system, put your money off shore, become self-employed, and use every tax incentive you can to pay as little as possible into the system!!
@tvm8794 2 года назад
Your right all our politicians are probably doing it, their the main example after all
@liviam1497 2 года назад
I agree with the part about the taxes I disagree with the part about the country not being worth it anymore...you have no idea how good you have it here....
@lasttango7522 2 года назад
@@liviam1497 Good? Unless you are homeless. Why should anyone buy into your narrative. If they have fought for this country. Only to find themselves thrown on the streets like trash. And don't even say. Ex service men refuse to get off the streets. Or they have alcohol problems. I see this problem everyday in my town. They have not got it good. Ffs if you come over her from foriegn lands. They have it good. I am sick of people who have blind eyes.
@lawsonium 2 года назад
The UK is paved in gold, if you are foreign.
@tvm8794 2 года назад
@@lawsonium uk is paved in gold if your the right class it always has been.
@allsearpw3829 2 года назад
Dr. Starkey , should never have been taken off tv . We follow the belief of our parents to a certain age and then start to think for our selves . One night in London after working late , we went for a drink and to watch the end of a football match on tv . I sat and thought there are five or six different nations sat on this table mostly from the Eastern block ,they all do there work , but I knew no nothing about them , so after England won the game , one chap patted me on the shoulder and said well done, then they all did , your so lucky to live in Briton . My self thinking what is going on here and also thinking , what can I learn from this? .so I said I am English and as a person I would like apologize for the way Briton has treated most countries in the world , with an Empire and all that history . No one replied , your country has given the world Democracy , law an order and the railways , it is a part of history ,so we all learn to strive and move on and make our lives better .
@valeriegrimshaw1365 2 года назад
Back before the year 2000 I sat in on a year 8 history class about the white man and the red man in the wild west and the seeds were sown about how evil the white man is. Those children are now 34+
@grayukuk 2 года назад
As an Englishman, I understand, and believe, what was said here! 🤔☝☝
@colinmelling6369 2 года назад
This country would not be capable of its people doing what the Ukrainian citizens have done. We have become soft , we lack identity , and the young are gentle snowflakes. The people in this Country live freely on the sacrifices of those brave service men before them. And for what !
@rosanneshinkle4133 2 года назад
Love Dr. Starkey. Wish the news stations would have him on.
@roygardiner2229 2 года назад
How this resonates with me. Thank you, Dr. Starkey.
@christophermiller4471 2 года назад
I would just like to point out that President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is no conservative, but a liberal. His party, Servant of the People “Sluha Narodu" only on Monday was accepted into the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE).
@karyne826 2 года назад
It appears he’s also a former actor and comedian with no political experience.
@cmccm9796 2 года назад
A young kids that we have now are too selfish they would never stand up and fight for the UK like my grandfather died during World War II and World War I so many of them gave their lives in pursuit of peace they are way too selfish self-centred and stuck on their phones
@scimatarpictures 2 года назад
You can’t speak for them all, that’s a bit of a stereotype
@Carroty_Peg 2 года назад
What have they got to fight for? LGBTQLAIMM lot?
@Valencetheshireman927 2 года назад
I’d fight to restore Britain to glory and dignity but I wouldn’t fight for some woke crusade our current elites would have us fight for
@ianbanks7163 2 года назад
Really enjoyed that . Dr Starkey speaks much truth in my opinion and this country needs to start acting on his advice .
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
It is an interesting idea, but I wouldn't be too confident in it as truth. DS is like Boris - he works his audience and is more interested in entertaining than informing.
@firefly7416 2 года назад
When someone speaks the truth.👍🏼 . the system is already broken. . I believe him
@jonathanrabbitt 2 года назад
I think it is delusional to believe that the Ukranian people have sufficient military wherewithal to hold onto their country. Supply of arms and munitions from abroad becomes the very provocation that prompted Vladimir Putin to invade. The first rule of peaceable living is to be a good neighbour, particularly to those on your doorstep. Foreign entanglements and adventures always lead to an inevitable downfall. Volodymyr would have been wise to publicly say, "thanks, but no thanks" to invitations to join NATO; and perhaps even the EU.
@kendaniel8601 2 года назад
How appropriate is your name! The Ukraine people were not asked to join the EU or NATO they wanted to join and have been refused entry and why would NATO worry about Ukraine arming itself when before NATO, America the UK and Russia persuaded them to give up the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal in the world which they had with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This war had nothing to do with Ukraine wanting to join either the EU or NATO more to do with Putin wanting to go down in history like the leaders of the Soviet Union prior to him not Gorbachev but Lenin, Marx and of course The greatest leader Stalin the very one who Putin idolises the most. He wants to rebuild the old union and thinks that the peoples of those old bloc countries really want to go back to how it used to be. Not withstanding that they also have vast gas and oil reserves and are rich in comparison to his country!
@jonathanrabbitt 2 года назад
@@kendaniel8601 Russian per-capita GDP is more than twice that of Ukraine. Your thinking is delusional.
@davidjohnrayner9209 2 года назад
I'm afraid I do not agree with David Starkey as the same was said about the youth in 1980. It was this generation that fought and won the Falklands war.
@jannenreuben7398 2 года назад
The Falklands war was won by a few hundred highly trained, highly motivated professional service personnel. They weren't exactly representative of British youth at the time.
@EffectiveBirdControl 2 года назад
Sad to say,But Starkey on this point, is Bang on the Money.
@daniellebcooper7160 2 года назад
@14:20 You are so correct David...''Values are specific to a culture''. This is not racism, it is reality.
@leddywood 2 года назад
Starkey is always such a great orator. This is the value of being well read in history. His passion and speaking skills bring his points alive. Whether you agree with those points or not his ability to engage the audience is a masterclass.
@fjspicer1 2 года назад
I am nearly 80 years of age and an excellent shot give me a sniper rifle and I would fight for my country, I'm not fit enough to run away so I would stay until I ran out of ammunition or was killed we shall never surrender
@marinaknife4595 2 года назад
Dr Starkey & TNCF are irrigating the wilderness of cohesive informed thought in our country. God bless them! (Even if they're not believers - reality & truth conquers all eventually)
@alisteredmond2329 2 года назад
The Ukrainians on Snake Island were not blown up. They surrendered.
@classicalpsychpunkdude3093 2 года назад
Thank God David Starkey is back! I love this chaps views on everything. I find my self in constant thoughtful agreement with him where it counts on every major issue even over politicians of the day and I need to thank him for a wonderful tour de force of Tudor history and all history leading up today being so relevant not just in retrospect but fully applicable to today in endless ways. I feel I truly living through history because of Starkey. Trying to culture cancel this clarity of thought made my blood boil ! So Starkey. You are appreciated. I am grateful.
@workerdrone4516 2 года назад
Brilliant. Utterly brilliant.
@GH-lq9fg 2 года назад
Starkey seems not too familiar with Ukraine ... The reason that they enforce people to learn and speak Ukrainian is because during the Soviet Union it was Forbidden to speak Ukrainian in the attempt to destroy Ukrainian culture and to replace it with the Soviet Universalism.
@skadiwarrior2053 2 года назад
Think he was making that point, Ukrainians were putting the people and country first. They were reasserting their identity.
@Daveyboyz1978 2 года назад
Слава Украине. I told my Ukrainian friend that their courage reminds me of that of our grandfathers generation, standing alone against Hitler. I said we have been neutered and you wouldn't see politicians grabbing guns here these days. Ukrainians are lions, they will not surrender and Russia cannot win this fight. Even if they gain the military victory by flattening every building in Ukraine they cannot hold down Ukraine while there are living Ukrainians. It will be Russias new Afghanistan.
@David-uf8ex 2 года назад
Always a treat listening to David Starkey 👏👏
@DigiDiver 2 года назад
Agree totally. I knew the people of this country were done for when over 3000 of our girls were raped and continue to be so by immigrant takeaway workers and not one grandfather, father, brother or friend of any one of those girls took any kind of vigilante action. A population like that versus an immigrant foe who has risked his life, and gone through great hardship to cross continents and the channel. Who do you think will win
@jasont6287 2 года назад
I wonder why this is perhaps its because the police would arrest us not the rapists people of a certain cultural values and the fact we have no guns and also we dont stick together like them
@christinehomer2185 2 года назад
They did but the police arrested them.
@mkaykaykayy 2 года назад
they did, seen a video of two of them being slashed in Telford.
@garymitchell5899 2 года назад
"Places like Lincolnshire." FFS how out of touch and arrogant.
@robinmorritt7493 2 года назад
I disagree with our wonderful Professor on this occasion; Professor Mearsheimer nailed it back in 2015. The reason people kill each other en masse, and sacrifice their own lives, is because the ruling class want them to. The myths about Snake Island and the Ghost of Kiev inflame the simple minded, for example. I wish we would be less naive, but I fear it is a forlorn hope. We should try jaw, jaw first.
@mikecurnow9836 2 года назад
Understand the Snake Island guys are all alive and well. Ukraine announced that a few days ago. Plenty of mythology! The Ukrainian ambassador should not have had a standing ovation by all sides of the house, but a kick up the arse and told to go talk to his Russian counterpart, find a way to stop this madness.
@robinmorritt7493 2 года назад
@@mikecurnow9836 Yes. No rich pickings in peace, though.
@rontaylor995 2 года назад
We would not be able to defend any thing if a nuke bomb was used . Standing there with a rainbow flag would not work.
@Sparkyalan1411 2 года назад
Shame your introductory notes, regarding the soldiers dying on the island…appears to be fake news. It seems now, they all survived upon surrender to russian forces.
@alexandradane3672 2 года назад
I do adore David Starkey , an erudite calm man , an historian of deeply analytical prowess , thorough in his explanations with huge patience . IMO. I would give anything to “lunch “ with this eminent man .
@robbie_ 2 года назад
The idea we wouldn't defend the UK as bravely is complete drivel.
@redroses7025 2 года назад
Brilliant 👏 👏 👏
@jayturner3397 2 года назад
Wasn't Ukraine PM an actor who played PM/ President..then became leader hmmmm.. Ukraine history is interesting especially from 1930 onwards..They deffo are NOT like us.....
@audreyblack8629 2 года назад
So who fought the last war on our own for years whilst being blitzed and tye first war? Oh,.it was the UK!
@2004misty 2 года назад
Government and politicians wouldn’t fight this hard for Britain but THE PEOPLE yes we bloody would !!!
@TerryTerryTerry 2 года назад
Nice to see Starkey being ‘allowed’.
@alexpheasants 2 года назад
Another really good video Peter, more good stuff from Starkey, if only he could stand up in parliament and say this to those idiots
@KiatHuang 2 года назад
There will come a time when every man and woman in Great Britain will have to ask themselves - whatever their religion or politics - what do they themselves put _first_ above all: this nation that they live in, or something else.
@garthkite 2 года назад
we certainly are not what we were but some of us would put up a fight.
@martin5504 2 года назад
I'm itching to fight for Britain but mostly against my own corrupt government.
@johnbobson1557 2 года назад
'Our' country no longer exists... that's why. Served 22 years and bitterly regret it.
@axegrinder6734 2 года назад
Mr Whittle you are a fine man
@hachwarwickshire1718 2 года назад
They do David. We just haven't enforced them recently like we did with the anti-slavery Crusade.
@iainrae6159 2 года назад
David, an authentic voice and view.
@DP-cd5wr 2 года назад
Impossible to say who would fight if Britain was invaded by people speaking the same language. The closest equivalent to the Ukraine situation for Britain would be us getting invaded by the yanks if they said they were coming here to combat white supremacy or something. How many people would realistically take up arms and fight in that situation? As long as it was a democrat doing it i strongly suspect huge swathes of this country would actively support it.
@raspberrytreacle 2 года назад
I'm not sure if I'd fight for what this West represents. Ive never been asked for what we now are
@Merlin3189 2 года назад
Isn't that the point? 100 years ago, we would have fought to defend white supremacy. Only now that we have been diluted and polluted by disproportionate immigration is it questionable. But we need not worry about the US Democrats invading us. They would have to overcome the Republicans in the US first, and I think they are made of sterner stuff than mongrel Britain.
@DP-cd5wr 2 года назад
@@Merlin3189 you sound like an american. People didnt fight to defend some american political notion haha people fought for love of country. It is a lot easier to harbor such sentiments when you view that country as yours. However, the media, government corporate world etc have done their utmost to destroy the notion that these isles belong to any one "group" and that there is in fact not even such thing as a unifying culture. They have instead gone the multicultural route and sought to turn the uk into a globalist map filler with a finance hub at its core.
@zoltanrudolf 2 года назад
Haven’t done of these things, Snake Island, the Ghost of Kiev, etc. been largely discredited?
@stewiezjonder3924 2 года назад
they were, I think the story soldier who detonated himself to damage the bridge is 100% legit though.
@classicalpsychpunkdude3093 2 года назад
Every generation has to relearn the value of FREEDOM.If we had any sense every generation would relearn Starkey. This chap really gets how universal human truths and are 100% apt to and for today. and he always asks me to ask some other serious philosophical questions. God love him!
@janetbarkwith6369 2 года назад
Nailed it, Dr Starkey. Again. Bravo.
@maryearll3359 2 года назад
A marvellous, thought provoking lecture. We really do need to listen and act. Thank you for the posting and well done to the camera man/lady.
@NewCultureForum 2 года назад
Thank you. (Our cameraman couldn't come in due to the London underground tube strike so we had to do an impromptu mobile phone recording).
@maryearll3359 2 года назад
@kinelll can't be bothered 😂
@jenniferspurlock4953 2 года назад
The island thingy. Did it really happen? No.
@rogerhudson9732 2 года назад
Starkey nails it totally ! Ukrainians: land, family and Christian God. His view of the Coservatives is also spot on.
@edwardburroughs1489 2 года назад
Starkey explicitly excluded God from the formulation. You're hearing what you want to hear.
@tonkerdog1 2 года назад
The day Blair go into power, and I'm aware this has being going on longer than this, my late father announced "The De Anglification of England is about to begin"
@TerryTerryTerry 2 года назад
Lincolnshire and places like this? Are there any to compare?
@matthewrowe9903 2 года назад
Epic so wish i could have been there
@Happyheretic2308 2 года назад
It took me nearly 4 hours to cross London to get there, and I made it for the last 10 minutes!!
@margyrowland 2 года назад
Glad to see David Starkey is looking well
@renzobartoli7816 2 года назад
Difference is the rartio on Britons living here has been watered down with too many that don't have any affiliation to British culture only the freedom and wealth that our foreFATHERS fought and died for. Again, no respect anymore.
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