I saw in vareberra video, that you vsed him. That was crazy that two big dbl youtubers vs each other in a rating match. Even though u got destroyed it was still a fun thing to see. (I get why you didnt show the fight 😅)
I paired ultra majin vegeta with fusing super vegito and ultra ssj4 gogeta and I also 3x zenkai boosted vegeta and he wipes about almost anyone and also gogeta still gets some use in this meta and if you pair him with ultra ssj4 gogeta they definitely work well with each other
This Vegeta is somewhat more balanced than most ultras. His gauge reminds me more of ultra super vegito instead of the current ultras. Also if you pop ult and your enemy activates your gauge while the ult is at the backrow, the ult will disappear it also has a chance to be discarded