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umkhulu wamaqiniso ubuyile 

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@fransngoepe9829 5 лет назад
aii mkhulu u are the best
@khumbulanisojila4365 5 лет назад
Africa,Lalelani Amazwi alo Mkhulu,lento ayishoyo iyqiniso,mlaleleni Lomkhulu iskhath sisasekhona
@mpindakunene2103 Год назад
Kodwa wawulikhuluma iqiniso bakithi ❤ulale uphumule
@mncedisigodi9254 2 года назад
This old man was intelligent. Rest in peace mkhulu. 🙏🏾
@siphamandlamehlomakhulu8200 4 года назад
I love this man ❤
@user-gr1kz7gn2e 3 месяца назад
I Miss mkhulu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@siyabongaericson3612 2 года назад
Eiiii qinisile kodwa khehla labantu ngize ngihleke uma ngikulalele
@sibusisobohlela9868 Год назад
Akuyiwe kwazulu kuyofundiswa izingane ngokwakubo ✊✊✊✊✊aukhehlalam
@normanphiwokwakhe9357 2 года назад
Yiqiniso Mkhulu lelo. Spot on.
@sandilezondifashion4513 4 года назад
Kukhona umuntu omdala yaz owayekhuluma ngalanto oKhozini. Mhlampe mawulalela ukhozi wamuzwa, wayekhuluma ngawo lo nyaka 2020 kuMasingana.
@buyanimakhoba1595 4 года назад
Yazi kdw lomkhulu uqiniso impela kamumva ukhombisa ukuvuthwa ngokomqondo yabona lakukhuliwe ngokweqondo
@evansnkgoeng6844 2 года назад
Mkhulu is way educated than most of academic junks.
@kwazokuhlemanqele8105 5 лет назад
The elders understand the system and how it works
@nontembeloblayi6543 5 лет назад
He Bantu unyanisile umkhulu sithi izwe lelethu kodwa liphethwe ngabanye abantu
@siphoselby3725 Год назад
Rest in Peace Sotobe sokukhumbula ngeqiniso elibabayo kwabangalithandi kodwa wawuqinisile Asnake okwethu syekintozabantu.Kthiwa asenzeni ngezinto zezinye izizwe.Ukholwa yinto ongenabufakazi ngayo niqede niyikholwe yingakho ninamanga kangaka nje. Somkhumbula ngeqiniso leli abanye alibalekelayo.Phumula Qhawe sizwile THINA ongezwanga vele wenzangabomu wayicacisa kuhle kwe...yembuzi.
@zithawhitty84 2 года назад
Cha uyabeka ukhulu noma eshiyekanje kancane ngokuthi amajuda angina I isizwe esinjani nokuthi u Israel use Africa phela
@sheriff374 3 года назад
Amanga aluhlaza 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mbusomaxwell3599 3 года назад
Yebo kunjalo asikhululiwe abakhululekile amabhunu abelumbi nabamnyama abalandela bona nabanyecindezela okunye wakubo
@MissionNyanda 3 месяца назад
And wayeli mela iqiniso lo mkhulu
@sifisokubheka6022 Год назад
ZOhamba insizwa kusala ibongo. 💔
@sandileinnocent4143 5 лет назад
😂😂😂 bankonkoshela okungekona okwethu
@princencube8915 2 года назад
Kubekuhle nsukuzonke mkhulu ,khula ungakhokhobi
@sthembisocele9153 2 года назад
Yekani amanga ubuyile kuphi umkhulu ngoba sewashona
@ayandadan9440 11 месяцев назад
Wabeka mkhulu Kade ngangisho izwe lo mkhulu leli kmele masokwenza interview sibhale ngesizulu
@princencube8915 2 года назад
Uxolo sinalo nabo abantshintshe ukwenza ukuze kulunge kahle,uxolo yinto yosuku olulodwa kodwa ukuxolela is a process
@sikhululenkwenkwezi5095 5 лет назад
Ewe Mkhulu
@Nomusangcobo 4 года назад
Mkhulu ukube ngiyanzenzela ngabe ngithi yiba uhulu!eni uphathe amazulu kuphela ngiyakuzwa mina
@Nomusangcobo 4 года назад
@qinisogumede1556 3 года назад
Nice 👍
@mvelothabiso5113 5 лет назад
Manje abantu abangama coloured bona bayaphi??😂 mayethi umkhulu unogwaja wake wawubona uya ezimpunzini.? Ama khalathi wona
@mthokozisizuma2735 Год назад
Nisa comment ngaso isingisi😂
@sbongiseninxumalo2254 5 лет назад
Lol ebetanasa mkhulu
@lamecknicodemusmawelankomo2724 4 года назад
The proof the Bible is for Africans. By Lameck Nicodemus Mawela Nkomo How seldom are we made aware of the special promises that God has given to African people! Psalm 68:31 declares that “Cush shall reach out its arms to God!” (The early Church loved this promise, for they considered Cush to be a metaphor for the gentile Bride of Christ.) The Psalms predicted that one day people would recognize the spirituality of the Cushites, and declare that they had been born anew in Zion (87:3-6). Isaiah foretold that God would bring forth a remnant from Cush (11:11), and a redeemed people bearing gifts to Zion (18:1-8). Zephaniah proclaimed that from beyond the rivers of Cush, God’s people should bring offerings (3:10). Amos expresses God’s concern for Cush: “‘Are you not like the Cushites to me, O people of Israel?’ says the Lord” (9:7). Biblical scholars are aware that “Cush” sometimes refers to all of Africa, sometimes to all of Africa except Egypt, and sometimes to ancient Nubia, stretching from modern Aswan in the north to Khartoum in the south. Today most of this area lies in the Sudan. But how is the general reader to understand that Cush and Cushite (used 57 times in the Hebrew Bible) are in fact a designation for an African nation and people? Some versions of the Bible translate “Cush” as “Ethiopia,” but this does not ordinarily designate the modern country of that name. David Adamo has suggested that the best translation is simply “Africa.” All of us have a right to know and applaud the important biblical role played by Africans. People of African descent may claim the deep roots of their ancestors in the Bible. Africa In The Old Testament We read in Genesis that one of the rivers of Eden ran around the whole land of Cush, and another encircled the land of Havilah that yielded gold and onyx and bdellium (2:10-13). These products were found in antiquity principally in the area now known as the Sudan. If the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are located in Babylonia, then there is good reason to believe some of Eden lay in Africa. We are now told that the oldest human remains may also be traced to Africa. Hagar, the Egyptian concubine of Abraham, may well have derived her ancestry from south of Egypt, and she alone of all the Bible characters gives God a name (Gen 16:13). Like Abraham, she meets God in the form of an angel and is given a promise that her progeny shall become a great nation (Gen 21:18). Moses’ Cushite wife aroused the bitter jealousy of his sister Miriam. (Num 12:11-16). Amusingly, Miriam, who resents her black sister-in-law, becomes white with leprosy until she mends her ways. If this Cushite wife was Zipporah, then the Moses’ father-in-law is Jethro the priest, who instituted the judicial, administrative and sacrificial patterns of Israel (Ex 18:1-27). He and his family had received the exiled Moses during Moses’ forty years as a shepherd in Sinai. Zipporah had understood the importance of circumcision and performed the ritual on their sons (Ex 18:1-27). Even if the Cushite wife refers to a second spouse, then Moses also looks to his new father-in-law for guidance and direction (Num 10:29-32; Jdg 1:16). When the Israelites settle the land of Canaan, there were Africans among them. Some may have left Egypt along with the Israelites at the time of the Exodus; others came with military invaders (1 Kg 14:25-28; 2 Chr 12:2-3; 14:9-15; cf. 16:8). Apparently an Ethiopian colony was created at Gerar as a buffer between Egypt and Judah. Thus, the Ethiopians became permanent residents in Palestine, remaining there until time of Hezekiah (715-685 BCE). Accordingly we read, “They journeyed to the entrance of Gedor, to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks, where they found rich, good pasture, and the land was very broad, quiet, and peaceful; for the former inhabitants there belonged to Ham” (1 Chr 4:39-40). Further, a group of Philistines and Arabs were said to be settled “near the Ethiopians” (2 Chr 21:16). Persons of African descent appear to have taken an active role in Israel’s social and political life. The bride in Song of Solomon is “black and beautiful” (Song 1:5). A Cushite who possessed tact, discretion, and a high position in the royal court appeared as a trusted courtier sent to tell David news of Absalom’s death (2 Sam 18:19-32). Africans continued to enjoy royal favor, as Solomon married an Egyptian princess (1 Kg 9:16, 24; 2 Chr 8:11) and received the Queen of Sheba (1 Kg 10:1-13; 2 Chr 9:1-2). This influential queen ruled dark-skinned peoples on both sides of the Red Sea, and she may well have initially come to Solomon to negotiate a trade treaty with his growing maritime power. Though she tested him with hard questions, in the end she told him all that was in her heart. It appears that in this black woman Solomon found a kindred spirit with whom he could discourse freely. Whether or not that relationship was sexual, there is evidence that other alliances did indeed produce children. Zephaniah, a descendant of Hezekiah, is called the son of Cushi and brings special prophecies about Cush (Zeph 1:1; 3:10). Jehudi, the courtier sent to bear Jeremiah’s message from Baruch to King Zedekiah, appears to have had a Cushite ancestor (Jer 36:14). Faithfully, Baruch stands before the king, reading the words of God, while the king slashes the scroll and casts it in the fire (Jer 36: 21, 23). Ebed-Melek, a confidential advisor of the king, is identified as a Cushite four times (Jer 38:7, 10, 12; 39:16). Believing that Jeremiah was bringing God’s authentic voice to Judah, Ebed-Melek risked his life to rescue the prophet from the cistern and secure for him a hearing with the king. Jeremiah commends the courtier’s faith (39:15-18) and proclaims to him a special covenant of God’s protection. When Cushite pharaohs ruled over Egypt, they contracted military alliances with both Israel and Judah, especially during the time of the Twenty-fifth or Cushite Dynasty. Sabacho (716-701 BC, called So in 2 Kings 17:4) contracted an alliance against Assyria with Hoshea, king of Israel, while Tirhakah (690-664) came to the aid of Hezekiah when Jerusalem was beseiged (2 Kg 19:9; Is 37:9). Mortuary figurines of Tirhakah clearly reveal his African features, and his enormous statue still towers above the great temple complex at Karnak. Africa In The New Testament The kingdom of Cush continues to play a role in the New Testament, where we read of the conversion of Candace’s Ethiopian treasurer (Acts 8:26-39). Candace was the royal title of the Queen Mother of Nubia, a powerful African nation located principally in what is now Sudan. Greek was spoken in the court, so the chamberlain would have had no problem reading a Septuagint version of the prophet Isaiah; and Philip, a Greek-speaking Jew, would easily have communicated the Gospel to him. It was Candace who wielded the real political and military power from her capitol city in Meroe while her son served as a religious figurehead. The royal mother made gifts to deities on behalf of the kingdom and may have sent her chamberlain with a gift to Jerusalem. The arts of civilization flourished at a high level throughout her realm, and twice her forces engaged the Roman army in battle. Further to the north lay Cyrene, capital city of the Roman province Cyrenaica. The city was famous for three schools of philosophy and for native sons who excelled in medicine, mathematics, rhetoric and literature. Perhaps the most illustrious of these was the astronomer Eratosthenes, who in approximately 200 BC computed the circumference of the earth with remarkable accuracy. No less brilliant was the Hellenistic poet Callimachus, who became the director of the library at Alexandria and acquired an astonishing reputation for the versatility of his aptitudes. Athletes from Cyrene excelled in Olympic competition, especially in horse chariot racing. Ships carried corn, oil and wool from the fertile fields of Cyrene, as well as a contraceptive known as sylphium, much sought after in Rome. Cyrene maintained a monopoly on the herb until it became extinct through overharvesting approximately AD 200. The citizens of Cyrene roamed far and wide throughout the Mediterannean world as merchants, athletes, philosophers, orators, mercenaries and entertainers. The Jewish community of the city had a deep interest in Judaism and produced an important literature including a five-book history of the Maccabees by Jason the Cyrenian (2 Maccabees 2:43). There were close ties with Jerusalem. Simon of Cyrene may have been impressed to carry the cross of Jesus when he came as a devout Jew to pay a Passover visit to Jerusalem. Apparently he became a believer, and his sons were known to the Christian community (Mk 15:21; cf. Rom 16:13). Although an African synagogue, that of the Cyreneans and Alexandrians, first objected to the preaching of Stephen (Acts 6:9), other natives of Cyrene became early adherents of Christianity and carried the good news to Cyprus (Acts 11:19-26). From there Cyrenians and Cyprians travelled on to Antioch and innovated a Gospel approach to non-Jewish Greeks. This revolutionary action drew the attention of the Jerusalem Council, and Barnabas was dispatched to assess this new development. Convinced of the authenticity of the mission, Barnabas strategized with the leaders and went to Tarsus to seek out Paul. Implementation of the Africans’ dream would require the involvement of a multinational and multicultural task force. As the church at Antioch prayed, searched the Scriptures and strategized for a full year, a core of leaders developed. Of the five who are named, two are African: Lucius of Cyrene, and Simon called the Black (Acts 13:1-2). Here again, translations fail to inform us that “Niger” is Latin for “Black.” This may well be none other than Simon of Cyrene.
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