
Uncanceling the American Mind 

Forward with Andrew Yang
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28 сен 2024




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@janepiper-lunt7655 11 месяцев назад
Education needs to teach logical thinking again
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 11 месяцев назад
Yes because the people can think logically about things instead of emotionally then we can come up with actual good policies that are right down the middle and don't Pander to either side only Pander to logic and liberty.
@fiasc0b0x 11 месяцев назад
Critical thinking*
@leojboby 11 месяцев назад
@@fiasc0b0x critical thinking is undergirded by logical thinking. Unsure how you teach critical thinking, havent found any org promote a concise approach to what is meant by critical thinking.
@Kman31ca 11 месяцев назад
@@fiasc0b0x You just had to be, "that guy."
@LisaFenton-h7f 24 дня назад
Education needs to teach how to have CIVILIZED DEBATE again.
@DonBrownII 11 месяцев назад
48:00 as a Black man, I can answer why that is: due to the nature of how our ancestors arrived to this country (slavery) and the way we have been collectively treated post slavery (Reconstruction era, Jim Crow era, all the way up to now) Black people live in a community-based mindset because usually we can only count on ourselves for protection and advocacy. We are a unique group of ppl in the sense that we are generally forced to think, move and advocate as a monolith. Due to this phenomenon, when we have voices who do not speak for, or wholly represent the sentiments of the African American body, we will call them out, shut them up, or disassociate ourselves from them and their ideology. This is a necessary tactic, because there's always right-wing platforms who like to pick the same regurgitated 12 Black ppl with self-hating ideologies and fringe stances, and parade them all over tv and social media as if they speak for all of us, or their ideology is the prevailing ideology for the general majority of Black ppl. Black republicans misrepresent us on so so so many levels, which is why they are frowned upon in our community.
@colinebied-charreton1343 11 месяцев назад
14:50 I agree: you don''t fight censorship with another censorship.
@dunkelzhan76 11 месяцев назад
I was realizing how nowdays i would be cancelled out, back in the early to mid 90s i was that independent thinker who didn't agree with the status quo on my HS campus, thought being ostracized was bad enough. Im so grateful that social media didn't exsist back then.
@biana989 10 месяцев назад
Love you guys!
@Willoops 11 месяцев назад
I love this guy
@SeeU369 11 месяцев назад
🎬🗣🎙I'm So glad your are having these conversations, because every once in a while, when out in public or on job sites, I get caught between my OG "baby boomer" generation and today's new "cancel culture" generation; i.e., getting corrected about pronouns and identifying personalities... And, my reply is consistency with mentioning that, I wasn't very good at English in high school, while apologising and begging to please re-educated me... on the aspects of regarding pronouns and adjectives and the like before you cancel me...😊💯⭕️
@LisaFenton-h7f 24 дня назад
How hard is it to simply refer to people by the pronouns they prefer??? It's like someone named "William" who prefers WILL--NOT BILL..or does NOT want their name shortened but, "goes by" WILLIAM./ Isn't taht just being polite & respectful to other people?
@marcuseldridge8675 11 месяцев назад
Andrew yang is alright but I still support Trump. I am not going to change my mind
@peacerus 11 месяцев назад
It's really fascinating how the minority of loud voices take over. Thank you for bringing this to light.
@TransparencyandMerit 11 месяцев назад
It seems like sanctimonious egotist have taken over the establishment
@bencera6067 11 месяцев назад
Big love!
@alexl266 11 месяцев назад
Excellent conversation that needs to happen more often. Thanks for bringing attention to cancelling Cancel Culture.
@DonBrownII 11 месяцев назад
20:15 comparing quarantining to slavery is highly problematic, insensitive and ignorant. Did he understand how stupid of a statement that was before he said it? Did he take accountability for saying something so stupid? Ppl need to THINK before they post. At the same time, it shouldn't have warranted him losing his job. Additionally, ppl with depression need professional & consistent help. I wouldn't blame it all on him losing his job.
@coppersense999 11 месяцев назад
Fighting might with might. Good point.
@peacerus 11 месяцев назад
So great, thank you for this!
@MrJonLott 11 месяцев назад
You could easily become a professor if you wanted, Yang. Political science, management, leadership, maybe even law.
@avikrayzy4294 11 месяцев назад
What a fantastic podcast Kudos always to you Andrew You'll know when the time is right and if it is right believe me you have an outrageous perspective of balance because there is no absolute truth or truth is relative I guess unless we're discussing radical proactive you before me agape love nevertheless even then so You are rideable radical moderate I am absolutely convinced There are so many that we call child prodigies Are most untapped resource without abusive behavior on the adult part is teenagers Personally I don't think God ever intended teenage You can create a boy and a girl and then somewhere basically between 9 and 12 they are a young woman or a young man and they are ready to excel There'd be so much less stress and house If puberty was really respected supported etc All of that is regarding Ricky And the other gentleman what a cause what a beautiful cause fire The two of you if you haven't been asked already should be interviewed on my favorite atheist And I am not an atheist Nevertheless Bill Maher I am very transparent sometimes it makes people uncomfortable But you're as sick as your deepest secret I had a best friend who was much like Tom Cruise in the movie Rain Man And no one will doubt that I am Dustin Hoffman I've had a few really groovy people in my life But Gina was the most unassuming person because he tried harder than anyone else even though I got under his skin a lot I explored a lot of things with him being paranoid schizophrenic but not telling anyone but everyone knew I was bipolar and bipolar with schizoaffective tendencies I had a therapist say to me one time I was in a psych ward after attempting suicide in my early forties I believe I am 68 years of age now in my first hospitalization was at age 19 Anyway she was so sincere and she told me if I didn't figure out how to deal with my guilt she was going to be at my funeral So I would always explore things with Gino and I'd let him know what a piece of crap I am And the most unassuming guy said the following to me No one goes to jail for thinking It doesn't matter what you think Just don't do it Think anything you want I don't care how disgusting evil horrible it is Gno told me I have not been delivered from my guilt but I will tell you my life has been much much different with adopting that philosophy Also the greatest therapist I ever had who became my co-founder of turned a frown around. Org I was just CEO of that for almost 12 years Only because I had endless endless help proactive I used to tell people I have over 200 grandmas and grandpas father's and mother's uncles and aunts helping me with my science project was which was to eradicate loneliness Utilizing the mentally ill and empowering my peers to become proactive in the forgotten lives in the forgotten grandmas and grandpas in the institutions of isolation call nursing homes cesspools My therapist became my co-founder and it was astounding Dr. Gregory Dr. Gregory took a client and myself on a nature tour hiker whatever Now I was raised an orthodox Jew My religion really is extremely ecumenical But this guy was thousand very white supremacist Redneck narrow-minded Archie Bunker crap I was burning up in the backseat Dr. Gregory realized this kid did not This kid was probably in his late Twenties I heard dr. Gregory say do you still want whatever was we're coming to a convenience store on our way to the Our the hike So we got out and dr. Gregory without me saying anything told me that many people try on many different ideas like like a clothing fide f a d You see them ten years later and they dress completely different there in a different season of their life I don't think it's foolproof But I learned a deep lesson of wisdom that day The combination of wood Gino told me and what the greatest therapist I ever had told me I think would be apropos for what the two of you are really the three of you are so aggressively striving to do Religion now is my hobby My dad died when I was twelve he was the greatest human I've ever known I don't have a GED cuz I was always hearing voices and school and Hallucinating My dad was a working to we owned a store but he always had time to tutor me He moved us from an orthodox to a conservative which is middle of the road synagogue I never asked him why but my dad told me you can find God in any religion as long as there's love in that religion so I want to close by would Jesus Christ said in his sermon on the Mount to the three of you Blessed are the peacemakers The hardest place to be in battle is in the MIDDLE It is the most important and yet the hardest you're fighting both sides In this very weird horrible world I hope God blesses all three of you because you are dedicated to being in the middle and bringing peace
@clifb.3521 11 месяцев назад
There’s a local nonprofit in Portland that I volunteer for a lot and I spoke to the vice president and she said so many young people who work for the company want to remove any semblance of authority within the company. No one should be leading no one should ever be telling you what to do. Absolutely mind-boggling.
@DonBrownII 11 месяцев назад
48:25 this guy brings up Coleman Hughes as the image of a Black man being persecuted for his beliefs. Coleman Hughes argued AGAINST reparations for Black ppl, a body of ppl have been enslaved, tortured, raped and murdered for decades of slavery and decades after slavery. Do you HONESTLY think Black ppl are going to receive him with open arms? This is what happened when you only have 2 Black friends. You have no concept of the prevailing sentiments in the Black community.
@DonBrownII 11 месяцев назад
38:00 ppl trying to cancel Dave Chappelle for his comedy routines are definitely ridiculous, and immature. I agree 100%
@jbyrd655 11 месяцев назад
Do any of these people live in the real world, where protruding nails get hammered every day, for much less than any of the instances that were put forth (for as much as I was able to stomach, anyway). I'm gonna cancel this whole whiney-ass mess of a 'discussion' right now. See ya, and you get a "don't recommend channel" to boot. Good job.
@Rickpa 11 месяцев назад
I fear for our Bill of Rights... especially the First Amendment. Thanks for everyone who embraces this truly liberal value in our illiberal world!!!
@matthewpeterson1784 11 месяцев назад
The Democrats have contributed to cancel culture by simplifying issues and demonizing disgreement with corporate democrat party line. All the while perpetuating class divide and US Empire.
@myusername616 11 месяцев назад
It is taboo to claim liberalism in rural America. Where is free speech protection for liberals in these areas? Do liberals get to have careers in Red America? If they are tacit about being progressive, maybe.
@Kman31ca 11 месяцев назад
I'm a liberal, not one of these radicals, but I live in deep rural America. And nobody cares outside of some jokes while having a beer.
@LisaFenton-h7f 24 дня назад
THANK YOU for speaking up. Cancel Culture works BOTH ways.
@DonBrownII 11 месяцев назад
0.4 percent of the population of the country seems suspiciously low.
@darenf973 8 месяцев назад
In response to what gets Rikki's blood boiling. Here's what gets my blood boiling. Those who think there is such a thing as a "middle ground" when it comes to confronting evil. Wokeness/cancel culture, like Nazism and communism, is evil. How were the latter both defeated? By taking a middle ground? No. By American soldiers engaging in the brutality of war to annihilate the very ideas that threatened to extinguish the liberal principles that founded the Western World. Did the U.S. soldiers then return home as guilty as the Nazis for engaging in the same brutality? Obviously not. Reasonable people recognize that there is a time and place to behave illiberally for the sake of preserving liberalism. Reasonable people realize that now is one of those times.
@LisaFenton-h7f 24 дня назад
There'sd a SIMILAR cancel culture by RIGHT-wing,. too. Would be nice to acknowledge that as well. See DAVID FRENCH a conservative evangelical who was PURGED FROM HIS CHURCH.
@eric212234 11 месяцев назад
It seems if we want to rally people, we need a simple noun to describe what we're about. But we can't simply describe ourselves in opposition to something. It's a losing war to be 'anti' blank. We need a word to describe what we're for. What word describes a conscious lack of bias? What word describes a preference for logic over emotion? Try as I might, I can't think of a better word than objective. The Equitable, the Unbiased? What word, like Woke for them, describes we rational well-intentioned human beings? I truly suspect some noun, some symbol, is needed to rally people against the chaos of misinformation.
@LisaFenton-h7f 24 дня назад
FREE THOUGHT could be the word you're searching for?
@bluedrakken 11 месяцев назад
i'm still jaded of what could of been
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 11 месяцев назад
Too bad it was Mike Adams not Eric Adams lol 😂
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 11 месяцев назад
Wink wink... nudge nudge..
@vintagepipesnightmares 11 месяцев назад
He is a nerd she looks nice so I am sure she got hired for some other reasons also. Head 😊
@Lou_Mansfield 11 месяцев назад
Rikki Schlott is cool, i listen to her news podcast on youtube every week. It's called The Lost Debate
@wegder 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for helping trump
@firedplay 11 месяцев назад
RU-vid auto playing this trash. lol
@makaracomeau160 11 месяцев назад
Why do so many young people have to talk so fast??? Slow down buddy.😱😱😱 thankfully she's got good infection in her speaking 😘
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 11 месяцев назад
My covid mask is literally a womans mouth with a gagball in it... pretty much represents my thoughs on the matter.
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 11 месяцев назад
Mandatory unconstitutional BS...
@GoogleAccount-pp9ep 11 месяцев назад
This topic wasn't that interesting or relevant when it was hot two years ago. Social media and college campuses are not the real world.
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