So the paint is around ½" thick & is going to take days to dry. Do they leave it like that or put expoxy resin over it or seal it any way? If anything heavy goes on that paint its going to leave indentations. Also it looks like they haven't fixed the table as he props the table leaf up so they will need to upturn the table to repair it. Surely that will ruin the top then. Also what do they do with the frame of the table & the legs? I've watched a few of these now & they never show the end result or if they ever manage to sell them?? It must cost them a fortune not only in time, but fixing things & the amount of paint they actually use or should I say waste!
What a waste of paint , and at the present price of paint it is extremely expensive. Also it is not possible to use the table with that finish, you will have to find a way to seal and protect the surface and you'll never be able to open and close it. I must say that the effects are very interesting. Maybe he should try with some kind of epoxy .
Very Artsy and retro ! But I personally would of done a total different way of pouring the paint on this table , because you can achieve the same result with less paint that will result in less drying time as well . There are so many ways to articulate designs …that was very basic and easy to do ,which makes it fun for those who rather spend less time into making something beautiful.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Я бы сказала - это глупое видео для Ютуба, для дураков - потому что результатом этого "искусства" стал напрасно испорченный стол и краска. Такой слой будет сохнуть очень долго, а отвалится очень быстро. Тупое потребительское отношение 🤦
What shitty comments. A) Many people have old paint wasting away B) Yes, clear coat if happy with final C) itll dry eventually, garage, car port D) its not rainforest was a thrift table that wouldve been trashed
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