Whack! Just two days ago I watched your space rocks videos after finally settling on Game Maker as my engine of choice. All awesome and very educational videos. Thank you very much and nice to see that you are still active 😊
Great that you're back! I've started learning from your tutorials few day ago and I was wondering if there is any chance that you will come back :) I'm also really happy and thankful for your community, I'm able to follow your tutorials even on Game Maker 1.4 thanks to discussions about some solutions mentioned in comments below every video.
That screen at 0:18 is so validating. Like, I've seen several people going, "Oh, yeah, it is difficult, some people even made workaround programs for dealing with the YYP file," and while it's nice to know it's not just me, seeing someone like you with a whole bunch of tutorials going, "Yeah, don't worry, it'd definitely not just you" just feels so nice 😭
I'm a programming and use git regularly at my day job, but I'm making a game with my brother and I've found it very hard to explain why we need to use git and what it actually does. So these videos really help him alot, thank you.
Welcome back.!! TOPTIP: You'll probably notice when you look at your repositories that it says that your code is YACC and not GML,.. You can easly change this by opening up '.gitattributes' with a txt editor and changing the contents to,.. # Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization * text=auto # Ignore .nsi files (for GM:S 1 projects) *.nsi linguist-vendored # Ignore .yy files (for GMS 2 projects) *.yy linguist-vendored CHEERS!
Glad to find a tutorial about using the GitHub desktop app to save versions of GMS2 projects since they just released an update that almost completely removed their in-house source controls. Now you have to set it up outside of GameMaker but it seems, or at least I was only able to set it up, that it doesn't have the functionality of Github Desktop.
Incredibly helpful! So far I had just been making manual "snapshots" by doing "Save Project As..." in GMS2. This seems like it will be much more manageable. Also, I'm glad to see you're back! I love your style of teaching; so just know that whatever is currently striking your interest, we'll be here to eat up any info you have to offer! d:
Is there a newer tutorial that goes into how to get GMS2's built-in source control user interface working? I have it pointed at my git for windows binaries but it's refusing to use the .ssh keys and config I have setup but GameMaker continually just says Git:CloneRepository: Source Control Clone Failed. Nevermind, got it working!! You have to "enable source control" on your project in the Game General Options. Go to Game Options > Main > General > Source Control. Then if you have an existing managed repository you can commit and push right from within GameMaker yay!