
Vague Won: A Star Wars Review -- The Rogue One review that nobody wanted 

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A pathetic review of Rogue One, the most miserable Star Wars movie of all time, created only to distract my brain from my own miserable existence. What am I doing with my life? Someone stop me. I can't stop complaining about Star Wars!



7 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 1 тыс.   
@Cipher71 5 лет назад
"I intentionally built a flaw into the death star, but I also intentionally made it almost absolutely impossible to exploit, to the point that no normal human could ever take advantage of it. Gosh I sure hope a Jedi shows up to take care of things, even though as far as I know the Jedi have been completely gone for like 30 years." -Jin's dad (whatever his name was)
@username45739 2 года назад
Nah it's not almost impossible, Luke was shooting womprats back home.
@williamcronshaw5262 2 года назад
Also the Force has apparently fallen in to myth but everyone talks about the Force and Vader regularly makes fantastic displays of his force powers.
@All4mula Год назад
Gaywad Erso
@gamervet4760 Год назад
And that's exactly what's wrong with Disney's Star Wars. They hate George, I mean outright hate his work because he was the only one that could rival that Disney money. Sadly he got old, his ideas got old but he knew nobody wanted his old ideas. Even sadder he sold it to Disney and they tried to replace his work ever since. Problem is they hire people like this director and the writers that like Star Wars and have no original idea to add. Instead they just cater to George's saga while smearing it (like a toddler eating milk chocolate and handling the tv remote and then handing it back to you like there isn't chocolate all over it) but blinded by fandom to realise the damage they do. Sorry that was long winded.
@vgrepairs Год назад
@@gamervet4760 precisely. people can hate the prequels all they want but they need to accept they're george's art. when he passes away everyones gonna come out of the woodwork to defend him
@ultimatepenguin392 5 лет назад
This movie is pointless anyway because the rebellion just needs to hyperspace a cruiser piloted by a purple hair lady into deathstar anyway.....
@matiasluukkanen7718 5 лет назад
Ultimate Penguin Unfortunately Admiral Gender Studies was still boy at this time.
@stijnvandevyver7958 5 лет назад
I didn't even think of that. What's one cruiser compared to the freaking death star. The empire would be losing way more.
@rogerpattube 5 лет назад
Use autopilot... or use missiles oh is that not permitted.
@alohajim9534 5 лет назад
That would NEVER work.
@Darrylizer1 5 лет назад
Problem solved!
@YuriPRIMErpg 6 лет назад
So... Plinkett is like Zorro? Or some super-hero? When one grows old, another picks up the mantle and continues the sacred mission. You, sir, are a her... I mean... Plinkett, we deserve.
@GeahkBurchill 6 лет назад
Is Plinkett The Black Panther? Just whoever drinks the Flower Juice and can dress up as a kitty-cat?
@HuggiesMcSnugglebott 6 лет назад
Geahk Burchill did they have to duel in a Cliffside pool? How did they get plinkett out of his rascal scooter?
@TheTarikL 6 лет назад
Maybe it's in fact V himself, getting done with his vendetta against the big movie industry dorks
@dantobias9164 5 лет назад
Plinketts Sidekick 😂😂
@MrChickennugget360 5 лет назад
is New Plinkett replacing old Plinkett? Is hackfaude media replacing red letter media?
@TheTrueHaddock 6 лет назад
Doing the good work Mike refuses to handle.
@Arkanthrall 6 лет назад
Speaking of which, could we hope for a Vague Won: The Hobbit Trilogy Review ?
@ScottJoC 6 лет назад
vauge one = parody name for rouge one :P so it'd be a more clever title than that
@SovsBorg 6 лет назад
@supremeworld87 6 лет назад
You seem to think Mike has an obligation to make an hour long critique of every star wars film that's released. He doesn't. People seriously don't understand there's not going to be a plinkett review unless he cares enough about the film to make one. And no, the embarrassing rip off this hackfraudmedua guy puts out is not a good substitute. He's horrendous.
@denkerbosu3551 6 лет назад
Benjamin m so Mike is as incapable as Georgen Lucas of consistency. He lost interest in Star Wars, but still made a Rogue One Plinkett video to back up his bitch made opinions while drunk. This guys reviews are better than the actual Plinkett videos. The latests 2 at least.
@whiterabbit75 5 лет назад
Re: the Death Star "plot hole". I'd say that a military base the size of a moon with an exhaust port only two meters wide is a pretty damn good defense.
@StrangeQuarkStar 6 лет назад
Holy Jesus you are the new Plinkett. This more than a mere copy, this is a reincarnation.
@srj34 6 лет назад
Attack of the (Plinkett) Clones
@FinDan07 6 лет назад
Eh, the last plinkett review of Ghostbusters was pretty damn good. I just wish the star wars reviews would’ve been just as good so I wouldn’t have to watch this hack fraud copycat instead.
@thewewguy8t88 6 лет назад
this is so uncanny its like this is mr plinkets clone or something or least his twin bother maybe i am not sure.
@redjirachi1 6 лет назад
He's the son that wasn't as disappointing as The Phantom Menace
@antraxxslingshots 5 лет назад
implying Plinkets SW Reviews are dead...(which they sadly are)
@quitepipe 6 лет назад
Hey guys if you're angry and you want to leave an angry comment remember to scroll down first and check whether someone else has left an angry comment already. And then leave one anyway.
@MaartenvanRossemLezingen 6 лет назад
There is literally not a single angry comment in this comment section.
@ihno45 6 лет назад
That comment makes me really angry!
@SAM-ru4vx 6 лет назад
who wants mini corndogs?
@RetrocadePodcast 6 лет назад
Them bitter comments are always made by accounts with 10 or less subs. Thems cravin' hard for attention
@tardiscrew6766 5 лет назад
That's my trick cap I'm always angry
@DSFARGEG00 6 лет назад
I always took 'balance in the Force' to mean living in-tune with the Force, more-or-less like a daoist strives to live in-tune with the flow of the universe. The Dark Side and its users represent those who try to force the Force into shapes they want, ultimately bringing misery to everyone around them and physically and spiritually destroying themselves. The Jedi aren't so extreme, but the way they seem to attempt to separate themselves from their innate humanity is another, subtler way of disbalancing the Force. The Prequel Trilogy gets more explicit in elaborating on the stoicism of the Jedi, and implying it is a wrong-headed way of going about the Force. Luke in Return of the Jedi represents the culmination of what a "grey," or rather, balanced Force user should actually be. Luke doesn't deny his filial love or his loyalty to his friends. He doesn't attempt to amputate his anger from his character. He accepts that these feelings are a part of him, fundamental to his essential character - to his place in the Force - and he does not let them rule him, like a Sith would, or deny them and suffocate them like some Jedi did. This is best represented when resigns himself to death at Palpatine's hands, and it's heavily implied to be the "right answer" in that it's love that ultimately makes Vader reject the Dark Side of the Force. At the end of the film, I think we are to understand that Luke is an idealized student of the Force. Driven to learn, willing to accept what comes, ultimately a humble man. My two cents.
@SciFiFan2012 6 лет назад
DSFARGEG00 I like your idea of the Force, but what explains Luke's change of attitude in TFA and TLJ?
@DSFARGEG00 6 лет назад
I mean, to me @The Man From Krypton, the sequel films are just badly written, and Luke's character is maimed to fit a mold he doesn't fit. I have no interest at this point in anything the sequels have to say about Star Wars, the Force, and especially the original cast.
@thinkwithurdipstick 5 лет назад
I don’t think the issue was with the stoicism of the jedi or the ways in which the jedi went about interacting with the force, but rather that they had let their hubris overshadow the jedi’s role. The prequels hint at the fact that the jedi had kind of corrupted the way of the jedi, especially during the series of the clone wars. Ultimately it seems the jedi way is supposed to be the correct way to go about using the force, but the jedi order itself became egotistical and started to abuse their power.
@K4113B4113 5 лет назад
Give this man a trilogy right away please!
@p.bamygdala2139 5 лет назад
The Man From Krypton Answer: RJ is a sociopathic narcissist and Hamill wanted the money
@lupdin2716 6 лет назад
It broke new ground!
@schocktrooper7557 6 лет назад
Lup Din I broke the high ground
@shecklesmack9563 6 лет назад
I cried the whole time!
@CteCrassus 5 лет назад
The most hilarious thing for me is that once a character is no longer useful to the plot he doesn't just die; *HE EXPLODES.* Random Imperial defector finishes stablishing the uplink; Stormtrooper throws a grenade and he explodes (and somehow the ship blowing up doesn't sever the connection because reasons). Blind-Guy-Who-Isn't-Really-Blind finishes pulling a switch; A starfighter bombs his position and he explodes. Machinegun attached to a guy finishes mowing down all the Death Troopers; Last survivor throws a grenade and he explodes. Rebel Girl and Terrorist Dude finish uploading the plans to orbit; The Death Star fires and they explode. The only exception is the droid, who actually gets shot to death.
@AvengerAtIlipa 4 года назад
That's probably because watching a person get shot would make the movie rated R or something. Cutaway explosions are a go-to PG death. Excessive violence against droids and faceless stormtroopers is a great way to slip fan service past the censors.
@CteCrassus 4 года назад
@@AvengerAtIlipa Darth Vader butchering a corridor full of terrified rebels didn't make the movie R-Rated and it's *WAY* more graphic and violent than the spark-filled blaster hits are.
@AvengerAtIlipa 4 года назад
@@CteCrassus Watch that scene again. It doesn't actually SHOW any of the blows connecting.
@CteCrassus 4 года назад
@@AvengerAtIlipa It definetly shows Vader redirecting blaster fire to people's chests, or slicing the back of a telekinetically slammed navyman with his lightsaber. Additionally, the first 15 minutes of A New Hope didn't earn it an R-Rating and it showed lot's of people being shot to death and one getting his neck audibly crushed.
@AvengerAtIlipa 4 года назад
@@CteCrassus Idk what to tell you. Someone brought up the PH explosions and I explained why. The reason ANH was rated PG is because PG-13 didn't exist back then. It was either G, PG, or R (or X because pornos were still shown in theaters back then).
@supreme12 6 лет назад
My love of star wars died with Luke Skywalker!!!
@Rainbowhawk1993 6 лет назад
supreme12 Just keep to Legends and play Knights of the Old Republic and The Old Republic after that. That’s what I’m doing.
@nathanjora7627 4 года назад
supreme12 ... wait, you mean you liked TFA ?
@UnCreativeDeconstructionism 4 года назад
I stopped at VI.
@plijuh123 6 лет назад
Keep these up, they're really good copies of the real thing.
@irredeemable8040 6 лет назад
Unlike Star Wars.
@gumdeo 6 лет назад
@DrScooterJones 4 года назад
@enixtm 6 лет назад
You're a better representation of Plinkett than Disney Star Wars is a representation of Star Wars.
@marie-angeavohoueme2077 6 лет назад
Mihai Radu
@username45739 2 года назад
Now THAAAAT's a hiiiighhh baaaaar
@Derek_The_Magnificent_Bastard 6 лет назад
LOL, the BLUE MILK! That's exactly was my reaction to it. HEY EVERYBODY, ITS BLUE MILK! YOU KNOW, LIKE THE BLUE MILK WE SEE LUKE DRINKING WITH UNCLE OWEN AND AUNT BERU IN STAR WARS. BLUE MILK! I love the not-so-subtle way they inject fan service in this film. It was about as smooth as the back of Forrest Whitaker's neck.
@nathanjora7627 4 года назад
Derek D ... it was literally just on the screen. Not even in the middle of the screen. It was as much a piece of continuity as fan service. « Not so subtle » is what TFA does when it has a discussion being interrupted by the falcon’s holo chess. I don’t actually know the name of that game, but you probably know what I’ll referring to, the game Chewbacca and C3-PO were playing in... epIV I think.
@joshuaforschen2109 6 лет назад
Uh oh, looks like Plinkett is going to be dethroned by a betterer uh... what do we call this guy? Plunkett? - Subscribed.
@cypheir 5 лет назад
Lol... Plunkett was my Bacteriology professor in college...
@thechallenger752 5 лет назад
@kerrychristensen7204 3 года назад
@@thechallenger752 👍
@sheabutter3260 3 года назад
@@thechallenger752 that just reminds me of Luke Skywalker's clone "Luuke" which inherently makes it the perfect name
@thechallenger752 3 года назад
@@sheabutter3260 that’s why I chose it. I read EU stuff and learned they did that for clones and thought it was pretty ridiculous.
@Chupacabrathe2nd 6 лет назад
Lucas's idea of balance was like of an ecosystem and not a scale. The basic idea was that the force in its natural state was balanced and that the dark side is an unnatural cancer. The idea of a light side is entirely an EU idea. There's not "light side" in Lucas's films. The phrase never comes up once.
@mrbubbles6468 6 лет назад
The dark side is perfectly natural though, the original films make this clear. It is all about balance. The prequels go to great length to show what happens if you fear giving into emotion from time to time. It bottles up until it explodes badly.
@TheAwesomeDarkNinja 6 лет назад
Alberto Barbosa THANK YOU. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the Dark Side as a cancer to the Force.
@TheTarikL 6 лет назад
Mr Bubble natural? You mean, when Vader or the Emperor tempts Luke is a natural thing? Or like when It comes to kill someone to achieve your easier goal is natural? Goal meaning conquering the galaxy and sorts? Goal meaning killing millions of innocent? I'm sorry but the original movies never thought the Dark side as natural thing
@TheTarikL 6 лет назад
Ecosystem or flow of the universe If you will, its really about It.
@YTPrule 6 лет назад
Pretty much this. Originally, it was just Balance & Dark side. That analogy of cancer is exactly correct. To say that someone has an "imbalance" of healthy & sick & thus should inject themselves with some disease to achieve "balance" would make anyone confused. Similar here. The Dark side is the imbalance, just like a foreign disease is unnatural to the body's normal state. Getting rid of it completely is what makes balance.
@exertoins7084 6 лет назад
This channel is really underrated I think. This is seriously impressive work. In terms of quality I would say they are at least close to on parr with RLM's Plinkett reviews. I do not know why you don't have more views or subscribers.
@Bluehawk2008 6 лет назад
If he created his own character or used his natural voice, people wouldn't dismiss it immediately.
@powersonic0123 6 лет назад
But if he did that, the charm would be kind of lost.
@denkerbosu3551 6 лет назад
Bluehawk2008 Is RLM going to sue this guy and you are their lawer? This shit is better than the last 2 Plinkett videos. I am ok with Mike leaving the character yo someone else when he oost touch.
@jackarack5528 5 лет назад
Mauler brought me here and i am glad he did.
@tastyloaf5487 5 лет назад
@@jackarack5528 Me too! I love this channel.
@sursurrus 6 лет назад
they had 15 minutes left at the end so they broke down Lucas's thematic understanding of the Force, pointed out the oversimplification vs existing Eastern Philosophy, proved he didn't understand his own creation all that well with the idea of 'balance' and then demonstrated that Disney is so artistically bankrupt and morally corrupt (a running theme throughout) that the very idea of an objective good terrifies their evil money grubbing hearts. The only reason Rogue One _might_ not go down as one of the biggest artistic failures and hands-down worst all-around movies released at its production budget is that Disney has dozens more SW movies to butcher.
@maxmuller8633 3 года назад
None of your point connect to a point. You're saying random shit just to act smart, really?
@aolson1111 2 года назад
I hope you weren't one of those idiots that freaked out when the EU was wiped out, because Grey Jedi existed long before Disney.
@Gotterdammerung05 2 года назад
@@aolson1111 yeah but grey Jedi were some edge lord stuff to begin with. I mean I liked Kotor 2 but let's not pretend that Kreia was particularly deep or interesting. The Jedi, as portrayed by Yoda in Empire were absolutely supposed to be a force for objective good.
@golgarisoul 6 лет назад
Star Wars is gonna be ruining Christmas as long as we live.
@thathandsomedevil0828 4 года назад
@michaelshadley6996 6 лет назад
Kathleen Kennedy looks just like Michael Myers and she is stabbing Star Wars to it's DEATH!!!!
@Marmocet 4 года назад
"It's" = "It is".
@HolyknightVader999 6 лет назад
Here's an idea: maybe instead of killing Galen, the Rebels should have wanted Galen to be captured by the Alliance. That way, they have a walking, talking Death Star schematic that they can lean on to make weapons for them. The Rebels just taking him out mafia-style makes them look like a bunch of terrorists.........they make the Empire look positively good by comparison.
@graveofmonsters4076 6 лет назад
The rebels lack the resources to make new weapons. Their original concept was people looting scrap yards for ships to fight in.
@HolyknightVader999 5 лет назад
Bullshit. Rich senators were leading them from the start. It was a rebellion of the Second Estate, who never lacked for cash.
@eros5420 5 лет назад
You know how Plinkett did the whole 'discribe the character' between the OT and the prequels... well i dont even remember any of the names of the people in Rogue One.
@bloodysimile4893 5 лет назад
Smart person: Capture Galen at any cost because he knows all the advance technology of the empire and is sympathetic to our cause. Disney: He a white man who create the Darth Star against his will: Kill him!
@davidh.4944 5 лет назад
It seems that people continue to misunderstand the flaw in the Death Star, and how it was used to bridge the two films. It wasn't the exhaust port that Galen Erso sabotaged, it was the reactor core. He made it purposefully unstable so that it could be easily overloaded to explode. That's all. He had no say in _how_ it could made to overload, only that it could. _Rogue One_ thus does not directly contradict the lines in _A New Hope_ about "hoping to find a weakness", and also clarifies how were able to locate the exhaust port vulnerability so quickly. They had a general idea of what to look for already - some way to create a power surge in the reactor - but they didn't know exactly how (or if) it could be done until they had the plans in hand. I would imagine that, in a station of such complexity, there were actually dozens of ways to do so, but almost all of them required being _inside_ the station at the time. They just got lucky and found one access path to the reactor that could be targeted from the outside, if they could just manage that single lucky shot. I think this was a rather clever plot device myself. It connects a few dots that were unclear before, but doesn't override that fact that in the end it was still Tarkin's overconfidence and Luke's trust in the Force that led to the Death Star's destruction. Now, as for my personal opinion of _Rogue One_ as a film, I didn't love it, but I did like it. I feel like it kept to the spirit of the originals much better than the other Disney productions. It held closer to the same kind of traditional mythopoetic story arcs as the others (in this case self-sacrifice for a greater good), and didn't just coast on Star Wars nostalgia like TFA, or try to deconstruct it like TLJ. That said, it was certainly far from perfect. I agree with pretty much all the criticisms given here. Forgettable characters, poor pacing, and a confusing script that was the obvious victim of executive meddling and script-by-committee. Still...overall I give R1 a solid 'B': Good but not great. Entertaining enough to forgive it it's flaws.
@MrSwitchblade327 5 лет назад
These people are just haters man. They hate themselves and everything else
@CClausen85 5 лет назад
@@MrSwitchblade327 Everything else? Um how about no. I don't hate the OT, I don't hate strong female characters (Trinity is badass, etc) and I don't hate everything. I hate shit stories, badly written characters with no clear motivations, and exposition written like it's still in bullet point form. ESAD,M
@ryanbigguy 6 лет назад
You do not get near enough attention man.
@TitoSilvey 5 лет назад
Right, so I like this, I really like this, but well done acting from Felicity and Whitaker? I can't tell if that's supposed to be a joke Also, about the Kyber/EU stuff: I cannot express how livid it makes me that Disney would first make everything non-film related not cannon, only to then go steal those same ideas and put them into the films as their own new ideas without giving the original creators any credit. Man. Fuck Disney.
@nathanjora7627 4 года назад
TitoSilvey ... Honestly not me. Well, not in principle. The EU was never entirely scrapped to begin with, it was reclassified as legend, meaning that theoretically anything could be resurrected from the start. What’s more, considering the mess the EU was, I wouldn’t have had any problem with Disney making everything a blank slate, if it was in order to take time to only take the cream of the crop from the eu, and adding its own stories in between and besides, which seemed like it was what they were going for.
@KeldorDAntrell 4 года назад
The EU stuff about Kyber crystals was shite anyway (not their existence but what they were meant to do or be). I would interpret the crystals - if Lucas insisted that they are a thing used by jedi - as merely having a property necessary for making the most reliable lightsabers i.e. other crystals were used early on but they eroded too quickly rendering the lightsaber non-functional or had an atomic structure that produced a blade that was unstable and liable to fail at any time. I believe the films (specifically TPM and Attack of the Clones for different reasons) strongly suggests that the power and significance of the lightsaber is down to the jedi entirely rather than the kyber crystal i.e. whatever the crystal, the energy blade of a lightsaber is next to useless as a cutting tool because it has no substantial power source; the energy required to cut through anything would need a massive battery which would have to be connected by a cable to the hilt. With the tiny power source lightsabers have in the handle, the blade can only be sustained for a short time e.g. an hour and that is without using it. It would only be good for cutting enemies in a very limited way and no one uses swords any more. Thus, no one uses lightsabers - except the jedi who most people have never met and probably largely disbelieve. How do the films support this theory? Well, Attack of the Clones shows the use of lightsaber technology in the clone army ships that attack Count Dooku in the geonosian arena towards the end of the film, laser lances that sythe through anything BUT require a massive ship to power and which cannot be sustained for very long; and in TPM, Nute Gunray expresses wild astonishment at the fact that Qui-Gon is easily cutting through the blast doors with his lightsaber. Gunray expected that those doors would be inpenetrable to the jedi *despite knowing that they had lightsabers* . So he must have had reason to think that they couldn't cut through those doors. Clearly in the hands of a jedi there is some other power source, an apparently supernatural one, powering the lightsaber; and we all know what it is.
@Gotterdammerung05 2 года назад
@@KeldorDAntrell I've always found the explanation of lightsabers as requiring crystals at all to be a bit silly in the context of Star wars. Their lasers have long since been established to actually be plasma (tibanna gas) and the lighstabers look and behave basically the same. Even the sound they make when they turn on and off is like a loud hissing/screeching, which is incredibly similar to the noise a plasma torch makes. To me it always made the most sense to conceive of them as some sort of plasma torch blade, the magnetic field around it being responsible for deflecting other sources of plasma.
@AkosKovacs.Author.Musician 6 лет назад
Did you recognized that the term "Light side" never mentioned in the OT, I don't even think it was in the Prequels, just a thought.
@mrbubbles6468 6 лет назад
Ákos Kovács The Prequels did not mention anything about a ‘light side’.
@AkosKovacs.Author.Musician 6 лет назад
Mr Bubble see? I was right.
@nsl_black8053 5 лет назад
But isn’t that logical when there is a dark side?
@nathanjora7627 4 года назад
NSL black Not really no. Sure, light is the usual foil to dark, but you don’t need anything to be light to have a dark side. Literally anything can have a dark side as long as the normal side isn’t dark too (yeah, I know, kinda obvious -_-). And there is no necessity to have what we commonly mean by « light » side (that is to say « another half » of the force) simply because the dark side exists. In other words, sure, a « dark » side implies a « light » side, but it doesn’t imply that the dark side « complete » the light side in any way, or that the dark side is anything else than a corrupted version of the force. In other words, you just have the normal force, and the dark side. You can call the normal force the « light » side if you want... but it’s still just the normal force.
@Debicus 3 года назад
Exactly. In the OT, there was never a "light side." It was just "The Force." The dark side was just a corruption of the force.
@dragonknightleader1 6 лет назад
Hooray for Clone Plinkett!
@monty7614 5 лет назад
Who the fuck is plinkert and why is he the only RU-vidr allowed to make star wars reviews
@jamiemerian9736 6 лет назад
Fan Theory: HackFraudMedia is being groomed by RLM to replace Mike; who cant keep hiding his early onset dementia, Rich Evans is actually Snoke, and Jay is the Love child of Plinkett and a very intoxicated late 1970's Carrie Fisher. . .
@dragblacker557 6 лет назад
Then who would Josh and Jack be?
Josh is Jake Skywalker, Jack is Luke Skywalker.
@wildsea2061 6 лет назад
Jack is obviously Jar Jar
@shecklesmack9563 6 лет назад
>very intoxicated late 1970’s Carrie Fisher Lucky bastard.
@ethanmoon3925 5 лет назад
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." The good guys giving up and staying home doesn't make the bad guys stop doing bad shit. Don't worry about "balance", do as much good as you can and it will probably be barely enough to overcome the evil.
@username45739 2 года назад
@dont-touch-mepg1392 Год назад
MAGA!!!! Lol
@gumdeo 6 лет назад
A story that didn't need to be told, featuring totally forgettable characters.
@xp8969 2 года назад
Yet still the best Star Wars movie Disney made
@EpcotResterHouse 5 лет назад
Hackfraudmedia is Mike Stoklasa. This is not an impersonator, this is Stoklasa. The extreme high quality, the deep research, the editing, the writing, the cadence, the style, the obsessive details, it's all too perfectly spot on to the Plinkett reviews. This is Mike Stoklasa's secret You Tube channel
@jewl0rd 5 лет назад
I was wondering if that was the case, still not sure tho.
@srj34 5 лет назад
That's not Stoklasa's voice.
@dylanf3108 4 года назад
srj34 It’s very close to Plinketts voice but I can hear a slight difference. This voice is slightly more nasally.
@magiguy102 6 лет назад
The thing that stuck out to me so much in the movie was how effective K2SO was. He fought off multiple stormstroopers while defending a control console thing, and yes, he was eventually defeated, but he was incredibly competent in combat. And he's just a reprogrammed security droid. Why do the empire even need troopers? A handful of human captains could lead squads of these deathmachines and actually get shit done. Why don't the rebellion reprogram more of these guys? Seems like getting more empire security droids should be a top priority, given how well K2SO fights. He's a pretty big step up from 'Roger, Roger' and the Bionicle Balls.
@TheNefastor 2 года назад
Just one of a billion holes in the so-called "Star Wars lore".
@konankunoichi94 2 года назад
In the recent book of bobba Fett episode about the mandalorian returning there was a flashback where the empire bombed mandalore and used those droids and probes to attack the planet. Make sense, but yeah it also would have made sense to use them elsewhere tko
@username45739 2 года назад
"He's a pretty big step up from 'Roger, Roger' and the Bionicle Balls." Nah those were just as effective.
@Lobsterwithinternet 10 месяцев назад
Because, as described in other media, robots would end up gaining sentience and revolting. It's why there are restraining bolts and memory wipes.
@CESSKAR 5 лет назад
All the Tarkin/Vader dialogue scenes are completely idiotic and dispensable.
@janbrzechwa734 6 лет назад
That idea of Vader taking a bath is so stupid. I always thought that being trapped in metal armor was a part of his character - feeling pain of his burned body, constantly reminding him of his fucked up life etc all that never let him get away from the dark side. But now he can chill and relax in a ""Bacta tank™"" Why just not use a damn meditation chamber from ESB?!
@spleen5527 6 лет назад
All provided by the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. EmPalSuRec
@LoN3wOlF5tudi0s 6 лет назад
Wtf, that shit is in the movie?? So glad I skipped Rogue One. I think learning about this has officially put it in the same category as Suicide Squad, Fifty Shades and Shitbusters for me; movies that I will _never_ watch.
@geneparmesan8748 6 лет назад
To be honest I like that they actually put something new in, that tried to show us something we didn't know about an original character. If they just did the meditation chamber again then we'd all roll our eyes and yell "MAKE SOMETHING NEW!"
@SciFiFan2012 6 лет назад
OT: Bear with me, it popped into my head while reading the reply about Vader. Why couldn't Kanan from Rebels get healed in a bacta tank, or cloned eyes or cybernetic ones? The rebellion was still strapped for supplies in ESB but Luke still was able to get a cybernetic hand to replace his own hand.
@bloodysimile4893 Год назад
@@geneparmesan8748 if the wheel works, then you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Darth Vader just show in meditation chamber wouldn't have been deal breaker. But the bath leave vader completely valuable to an outside attack, having to remove his arm and legs to take a bath. So wouldn't Vader fortress be a secret from everyone expect the emperor from unexpected visitors while he was busy?
@ultimateblaze23 4 года назад
Recently I keep seeing people say this is the "good" Disney Star wars movie, I am so confused and was at the time. It's a boring mess.
@WAX1138 5 лет назад
Felicity Jones is one of those strange cases where at one angle she is attractive and from another angle derpie & homely.
@NexusKin 5 лет назад
Kind of like Emma Watson!
@kintamas4425 3 года назад
@@NexusKin wait really? Didn’t Hermione- I mean Emma Watson, accidentally overwrite the part of Hermione being supposedly comely but instead pretty cute and then hot when she got older? I probably shouldn’t say this as fucking 19 year old but I thought all this when I was much younger.
@freman007 6 лет назад
Apparently the idea of "balance" in the prequels was that the Jedi should be able to kill off the Sith completely, not that the Sith should be considered a balance to the Jedi.
@magnes1410 6 лет назад
Exactly! So many "fans" don't understand basic things about force in Star Wars. George Lucas said himself that balance in the Force means Jedi defeating Sith. NOT equal number of Jedi and Sith. "That's not how the Force works!".
@jennifermoriarty2188 6 лет назад
A balance of extreme ends..or finding the grey area between the jedi and sith
@freman007 5 лет назад
The Jedi are calm, defensive, passive. Balanced. The Sith are passionate, ambitious, aggressive. Unbalanced. Therefore to create balance they have to get rid of the unbalanced part. There's no such thing as "grey" Jedi because there's no balance between being balanced and unbalanced.
@SolMuun 6 лет назад
Are you sure you're not the real Plinket? ^^ This review is too good. A couple of things I wanted to point out: 1. The reason why Tarkin and Lela are such bad paint-overs is that the frame rate for the CGI is slower than the live action so it doesn't synch up very well. 2. The scene were Vader killed the Rebel soldiers is actually lifted from the Clone Wars cartoon series; there's a scene where Anakin (not Vader) is killing those stupid Trade Federation robots in precisely the same manner as you see it in Rogue One. Yep, they ripped off a cartoon series about Star Wars. Are we having fun yet?
@peppermillers8361 6 лет назад
Honestly, ripping off The Clone Wars is not a bad thing.
@Scottthebassplayer98 6 лет назад
Wait when was that? Are you talking about the scene where the battle droids are comically afraid before Anakin enters to face Cad Bane? That hardly seemed lifted from the show, especially since the scene in the movie was not comedic in the slightest.
@AlexMrShot 5 лет назад
I don't recall any of that in the 2008 series. Unless you're talking about the 2003 show
@PViolety 4 года назад
“A series of vaguely related fetch quest does not a good story make.” That’s funny because the script leaks for TROS is said to have several fetch quests happen.
@BBQsaucemix 6 лет назад
Very good impression of Plinkett's style. I especially like the last part where you address the force.
@parkerbeck3580 6 лет назад
I just rewatched this video, and your take on the "balance to the Force" issue (1:11:15 to 1:23:09) is probably the best explanation and condemnation on the entire internet. This might be the worst, and yet least understood problem of the new movies (prequels and sequels). They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. They want balance in the Force, and yet they still want Good to win. It's like you say, a total contradiction.
@TheG00se81 6 лет назад
actually Jedis would/should seek balance, while Siths are tempted by extreams. They want to be come the best, strongest, most powerful, e.g. (Onley A Sith deals in absolutes) ;^) But the new regime at Lucas Film has its own plans with this franchise.
@dantobias9164 5 лет назад
Im just sad that sence RoTJ .. the force have over speculated sucked out i simplicity and coolness.
@kwameadu0075 5 лет назад
Lucas says the prophecy was fulfilled when Anakin killed the Emperor. The imbalance is caused by the Sith. It is Disney that doesn't understand the concept and is using it as meaning there should be half light and half dark.
@DickDickstein 5 лет назад
They want it to be like COMMUNISM. Everyone is the same! Rabble Rabble.
@thinkwithurdipstick 5 лет назад
“Balance” as far as the force was concerned was always akin to peace and harmony. The sith caused an imbalance in the force and threw it into disarray. It was the role of the jedi to keep peace and thereby maintain balance in the force throughout the galaxy. If you are familiar with the stories pre 2012 then that was pretty self evident. The only people that would think balance means equal amounts of good and evil are people unfamiliar with the universe and lore
@Survivor108 6 лет назад
Fantastic video man, very obvious you put a ton of effort into this and I enjoy your videos as much, if not more than RLM's! The meta elements are hilarious and well done too. I'm more excited for your Last Jedi review than the film itself unsurprisingly, lol
@robashlicarrafa4876 6 лет назад
Lol, isn't it amazing that someone would devote so much of their time to something they didn't like?! If he spends an hour and a half on this I couldn't imagine how much time he'd waste talking about something he liked ha ha.
@stsr11 5 лет назад
I liked R1. At least it looked and felt like SW and had believable characters, with story arcs and relationships that grew. The Empire were menacing and competent, Crennick was a little weak (I have zero idea why Ben Mendelsohn is popular). K2SO was brilliant, Forest Whitaker was bad (for such a good actor). Ms. Jones correctly plays a damaged, mistrusting, withdrawn character. Nobody likes or trusts anybody to begin with. The relationships they form are credible. Did it have some problems - yes, but compared to TFA and TLJ it's a masterpiece. I've seen episodes of the Animaniacs with more impact.
@JayMaverick 5 лет назад
Without checking imdb, can you name any other characters than Jinn Erso and K2S0?
@stsr11 5 лет назад
@@JayMaverick yeah, Cassian, Galen Erso , bodi and saw garrera. Not the blind guy or his sidekick. I have watched it a few times though and would not have remembered all those on first view. Compare R1 to TFA & TLJ. The characters are open, trusting, perfect, you can join the resistance just by saying it, and when you do - they'll trust you with information and missions after just 2 minutes and take you to their secret base, nobody guards information or tries to avoid detection. It's like it was written by an 8 year old that doesn't understand the world. "I'm a scavenger that cares about highly valued and sought after droids and shames other scavengers who attempt to profit from their bounty." "I'm a 900 year old alien, that has decided the best use of my considerable life experience is to supply alcohol to the public and when an old friend (trying to avoid detection by the 1st Order) comes into my establishment - I'll announce it at the top of my voice across a crowded room." "Here kid, we've known each other for 90 seconds have Luke's light sabre" "I've lived on a desert planet since I was 4, but I can swim!" "My teeth, hair and skin are perfect and I look and sound like I was raised in Kensington despite having to trade scrap metal for food all my life." "I've known you for 25 minutes, but I'm going to cry at your death and being an abandoned child, scratching out a hard and brutal existence on a harsh planet hasn't made me even slightly emotionally withdrawn." The list is endless. These films are idiotic.
@ProjectRedfoot 6 лет назад
I didn't realize until recently that "aspiration" was a medical term. Makes the joke better
@tomservo9254 4 года назад
Hey man, it's not E;R's fault that there's a LOT of gems buried on set
@UridonTheMaster 6 лет назад
after rogue one, idk if I'll even pay to see 8 or 9. definitely not for solo
@denkerbosu3551 6 лет назад
Uridon so, what did you do about 8?
@UridonTheMaster 5 лет назад
@@denkerbosu3551 I goofed and paid to see 8. Biggest waste of 10 bucks ever
@sajaak940 5 лет назад
RiP. I made that mistake as well. Going to boycott 9 like I did Solo and read the plot on Wiki since I'm actually curious what JJ does to try and fix the hot mess he started. Rogue One is the only good Star Wars film from the Disney Era,
@AlexMrShot 5 лет назад
@@sajaak940 >didn't even watch Solo >RoGuE OnE Is ThE OnLy GooD oNe
@curtiskretzer8898 4 года назад
I do know.OUT!!!🖕MOUSE HOUSE!!!
@zenhaelcero8481 5 лет назад
My biggest issue with the movie is the break in continuity with Vader's line, "Several transmissions were beamed to this ship..." I recognized that problem immediately upon seeing the movie, and it has been pretty frustrating that so few people point that out.
@srj34 5 лет назад
Maybe Vader was feeding Leia disinformation to see what her reaction would be.
@turtleboy1188 6 лет назад
The Virgin RedLetterMedia vs The Chad hackfraudmedia
@JericoVildoza 5 лет назад
Lol what are you new?
@warzIbanez 6 лет назад
Reminder that it was Kyle Katarn that actually stole the Death Star plans, commissioned by Mon Mothma herself. Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure the Geonossians had initially designed it as well.
@321lainez123 6 лет назад
warezIbanez I would have paid double to watch a dark forces movie rather than the minoriteam.
@robashlicarrafa4876 6 лет назад
Luckily for Poggle the Lesser, Tyranus prevented the Death Star's design from falling into Republic hands when he safely delivered them to Darth Sidious on Coruscant, keeping the Geonosian dream alive.
@Mythos_Musik 6 лет назад
Abraham Lainez Totally agree. I loved that game.
@321lainez123 6 лет назад
Oddball I was so disappointed because when I heard jyn erso my mind heard Jan ors then I heard the name again then... Sadness happened
@Mythos_Musik 6 лет назад
Abraham Lainez Oh no... awful
@rexremedy1733 6 лет назад
The „and then, and then, and then“ problem was introduced to me when I was in 5th grade! What does this tell about modern movie plot writing?
@rexremedy1733 3 года назад
Sorry. I have to correct myself. It was second or third grade actually.
@pizzaismyreligion3955 6 лет назад
this was a really superb dissection, well done!
@GamePlayMetal 6 лет назад
I like that you're one of the very few critics who pay close attention to music. Kudos to you, fake Plinkett.
@p.bamygdala2139 5 лет назад
Oh no, what happened to Plinkett 2? Not to worry. No one’s ever really gone.
@SunsetStarship 6 лет назад
Nailed it man. Especially the nature of the Force. From what captured my imagination as a child to what they've turned it into by committee. Can't wait for the next one! :D
@username45739 2 года назад
They changed it in this movie from one type of magic to a slightly different type of magic, nothing in it "looked like committee" you smart alec
@VarvasNukka 6 лет назад
Who said a copy can't rival the real thing.
@skunk12 5 лет назад
16:29 OMG! Whats wrong with yer face?? Never gets old.
@Dodovacer 5 лет назад
Really never gets old.
@skunk12 5 лет назад
@@Dodovacer only YOUR face gets old!
@MegaMech 6 лет назад
Rogue one was 100 times better than episode 7. A thousand times better than episode 8. Episode 8 was worse than the phantom menace. You have to remember that even though the phantom menace is terribly flawed, most people applauded the film after seeing it. It wasn't until certain arm chair critics that people started rethinking the phantom menace. I like rogue one, the main thing is they didn't tick the character box. Coming out of the movie I didn't remember the names of any of the characters. They weren't memorable at all. The ending cutscene doesn't make sense cause they're suddenly on the beach. It leaves you wondering if they could have gotten off the planet, they just didn't try. They should have been vaporized like thirty seconds after the plans were sent. There were some boring parts, some parts that were like "why, this isn't doing anything for the movie" and the dumb AT-AT's on the planet that held the deathstar plans were... Dumb. They shouldn't have been in the movie. If anything, the empire should have let it's guard down on the planet or something, and that should have been a good contribution to them getting into the room with the plans. I didn't even remember Jin's name. Even though it's related to a kind of alcoholic drink. It's just a weird name. And it's not that you can't use weird names, jus' gotta do it right. Conclusion: Rogue one, not perfect, sometimes too much stuff (ex. spaceships), characters sucked. But the story was a pretty decent story, and it was cool seeing the moments before a new hope. 51:00 ish. I have to respond to how darthvader did things. While I mostly agree with what was said, after episode 3 it was darthvader's lifegoal to destroy all the remaining jedi. So yes, that scene should have had storm troopers or something, but I think it made sense for vader to being wrecking things. Vader was a lot different than tarken for instance, who probably never got his hands dirty. Vader probably consistently assisted his troops in the front lines. Although, probably never really cared about his troops in any meaningful manner. 53:10 so it would make more sense, if the main characters (stillll don't know their names) didn't die on the planet, but escaped, and darth vader's troops captured them, and then darth vader killed them both. Then you would have darth vader acting in a consistent manner to the other movies and have a reason to show him off.
@rybread1346 6 лет назад
MegaMech the moment you defend phantom menace is the moment anyone with half a brain stops listening to you
@56jklove 5 лет назад
Honestly that darth vader ending was awesome
@pcuimac 5 лет назад
Isn't it ridiculous how a Star Destroyer can park in the air without visible effort, but can't accelerate beyond sone 5 miles per hour? It has perfect anti-grav, but at the same time has gigantic inertia? This isn't SciFi but bollocks.
@TheOJDrinker 5 лет назад
Well gravity and inertia are 2 different things, just both related to mass. Cancelling out gravity wouldn't necessarily affect inertia at all.
@jediphillip4 6 лет назад
*Can't wait for the next review in the next 6 years*
@jebes909090 6 лет назад
12 years
@cashomnitrix 6 лет назад
@KaosNova2 6 лет назад
You are hillarious, can't wait for you and ponstory games to come out with a Last Jedi video
@garlicxlr 5 лет назад
KK: "I saw this delightful movie yesterday. Inglorious Basterds. Why don't you... Why don't you make Jyn more like Shoshanna." Writer: "What!? No! We already started shooting. Do you have any idea what it'd cost to--!" KK: *You're Fired!*
@NameCallingIsWeak 5 лет назад
You're more clever and less vulgar than Plinkett. He can take a hike. I really like your reviews. Thank you.
@xp8969 2 года назад
I recognized Pinkett's voice so I clapped!! 👏👏👏
@reuvengershon6625 5 лет назад
They went back to their greatest inspiration Ralph Mcquarie for the Vader castle and then did the opposite. His drawings were of a castle surrounded by snow and clear skies, not a fucking Volcano.
@matane2465 5 лет назад
They ripped off a bunch of his designs for rebels too.
@erictrobin 6 лет назад
You make Plinkett reviews way WAY better than Disney make SW movies
@username45739 2 года назад
Now THAAAAT's a hiiiighhh baaaaar
@jakkuhl6223 Год назад
After watching Godzilla 2014 for the first time, I no longer think Edwards was brewing up some masterpiece before the Rat intervened. Spectacle is all the man knows, which is why that movie disintegrates after Bryan Cranston is killed off. It also shows that he won't stand up to bad writing.
@energ8t 5 лет назад
Let’s all just stop f*cking around and get someone like Nolan to craft a slapstickLESS, entertainment focused, dark Star Wars.
@TheMaxibon1 6 лет назад
Your reviews are great!
@kennethostrer735 5 лет назад
I've said it once and I'll say it again : I love Plinkett/Mike/RLM, but HFM is the equal of them now. That's the highest praise possible. Kudos!
@leonfdawson 4 года назад
24:10 *Wears helmet *Gets sand kicked in face *Shields face from sand anyway derp
@ydin9 5 лет назад
I like how you mentioned E:r just before you up your clip game with stuff that imitates his. And the way you use Half in the bag clips. It's nice touch on the whole being a clone of one character and adapting others while throwing salutes to the source. I'm sure eventually you'll find your own voice too (though these Star wars reviews really need a plinkett or a fake one), and your scripts are solid. Next review soon, hopefully!
@mikewazowski350 5 лет назад
This movie is completely flawed on so many levels. The worst flaw is the ending which does not sync up with A New Hope. It is another example of writers and a director who had no attention to details.
@mikewazowski350 5 лет назад
In the beginning of A New Hope, Darth Vader says that there were data transmissions sent to Princess Leia's ship. Later the movie has the argument between a officer (the choke scene) where he says "data tapes" In the end of Rogue One, you have a disc being sent down the hallway, which Darth is attempting to recover. They get it out to the smaller ship. The flaw is that they got the data out to Princess Leia's ship via a disc, which Vader knew about and was attempting to recover. The transmission was from the planet to the larger ship. Later in A New Hope, he says the "transmission" line. This is not possible. The ship for Leia was smaller and in the bay of the larger ship. It did not receive the transmission, but it did receive the disc. Stupid writers and directors.
@mikewazowski350 5 лет назад
Kathy Kennedy is the reason for everything sucking ass in Star Wars.
@dragblacker557 6 лет назад
The point about the Stormtroopers might be a result of the filmmakers being too influenced by fans' perception of character like them. The masses' consensus is "Stormtroopers and their armor are sooo useless" and the film takes that to heart with scenes that go "yeah we know". And the masses go "yep that's right". Or at least their brains do. It could also be that the masses and current filmmakers were brought up on a different type of media than the generation that made the classics they love. The people who made the "groundbreaking, against-the-norm, controversial, etc" films were under the tutelage of the generation before them, the generation that they now satirized (if that was the type of movies they grew up to make) or otherwise defied by being different. The generation after them grew up on the "different", the "irreverent" without knowing or understanding what the original material or culture was.
@Rosstisery 6 лет назад
Hey E;R is good.
@vman339 6 лет назад
He is but he's so hilariously and vocally political in his videos he ends up turning off (and turning on) a lot of audience.
@SpaghettiToaster 6 лет назад
he's not political, he makes funny jokes.
@vman339 6 лет назад
You're implying funny jokes can't be highly political in nature.
@SpaghettiToaster 6 лет назад
I'm not. I'm saying that making political jokes in a video is not at all the same as "being vocally political". I can make any political jokes I want in a video without betraying anything at all of my political views. So if anything, E;R drives people away for not liking his humor, not by being "vocally political". Semantics, I guess.
@vman339 6 лет назад
Fair enough.
@tlrlml 5 лет назад
50:30... That ship was going to light speed... how did that Star Destroyer survive... The rebels must not have the light speed ramming technology yet!
@butcherpete2182 6 лет назад
I like how when you say "All-powerful being" (1:12:56) you show Rey. XD Well done.
@mannySABEEEE 3 года назад
Please activate the subtitles, so I can translate them into Spanish and enjoy the video in my language or any other language if someone else needs it. It would be very helpful, thank you.
@dhanveerteeluck2751 6 лет назад
I think the prequels are better than any of the Disney SW movies...
@gumdeo 6 лет назад
Especially episode III.
@zackerolo2 6 лет назад
You're pretty much spot on with the piss poor quality of these movies.
@427Arbok 6 лет назад
Personally, I feel like this movie would've worked better if Krennic was played as something of a tragic villain and had more to do with the project than simply organizing it-suppose he was originally a weapons tech who was promoted due to an aptitude for leadership. Then let's say he has a more solid moral code than others in the Empire, which he could show in the openning scene: Galan concedes that he will work on the project (it wouldn't be called the Death Star yet, for reasons we'll get to later) as long as they let Jyn go. One of Krennic's guards/lackeys protests, suggesting that taking Jyn hostage would guarantee Galan's cooperation indefinitely, but Krennic would wave his hand and say "I know Galan. He will keep his word," and even order that some of his shuttle's supplies be left at the house for Jyn to use. Krennic could also have more deluded motivations for designing the space station, particularly that he lost his own wife and child not long beforehand and began to think of the project as his own child. At this stage in design, the station would've had different specs-the main superlaser would have been far less powerful, designed for dealing with star ships. It would later be revealed that the planet-killer weapon was designed by someone else and that Tarkin was always intended to take command, as they needed Krennic's skills for the design but also knew he would never agree to build (let alone use) a weapon capable of destroying entire planets. This would drive Krennic to the brink and he would begin his own betrayal of the Empire, pulling the strings in secret to position himself and Galan could be captured by the Rebellion, at this point hoping that Galan (who he knew to be disloyal to the Empire) had engineered some fault in the station to sabotage it. Jyn, in this version, would be a character who's a little more reminiscent of what Rey ended-up as in Force Awakens-a hopeful girl who joined the Rebellion hoping she'd one day save her father from the Empire. Jyn's conflict with the Rebel leaders makes no sense for the story and is wholly unnecessary for her character. Rather, she'd be a top-performer among Rebel forces, thanks to her strong motivations. While participating in a raid on an Imperial research base, she would unexpectedly capture both Krennic and Galan, partly thanks to Krennic's betrayal. Krennic would be the one to confirm the weapon's existence to the Rebels, and his presence would provide some actual, very legitimate reasons for turmoil-Krennic is an Imperial officer (?) after all, and just because he's helping them doesn't make that all hunky-dory. Some might even think it's a trap. Where the movie goes from here would be up to it. It could give Krennic the plans when he lets himself be captured and simply spend the rest of the movie sorting-out internal conflicts, skirmishing with the Empire, running blockades, and making sacrifices all to get the plans to the base on Yavin IV, effectively making the rest of the film a massive chase sequence. Alternatively, Krennic might only have his original plans for the station, which would not contain Tarkin's revisions and might not have Galan's built-in weakness, forcing them to make a daring raid on an Imperial base similar to what we have in the movie, only, with Krennic's aid, the infiltration could be done much more plausibly. Altogether, this would make the movie far more personal, present a greater variety of internal conflict, and ultimately would allow for more meaningful conflicts and drivers for its characters. It wouldn't fix everything with the plot of Rogue One, but combined with some trimming and tuning from someone with even a minimal amount of artistic talent, it would turn it into a serviceable film. As it was originally, Rogue One felt exactly like what it was: a corporate contrivance masquerading as a movie in a popular franchise. It never felt like it was trying to do anything artistic or meaningful, or indeed anything at all besides bolster ticket sales with obvious fanbait and occasional spectacle.
@427Arbok 6 лет назад
And I will further agree with the point at the end of the review-that Rogue One steals value from Episode IV instead of adding to it. Further, I think the idea that it was known that the Death Star had a weakness depletes the achievements of the Rebels who stole the plan. It's a story that you just don't tell because whatever the audience imagines happened based on A New Hope is better than anything anyone could create. Moreover, the idea that these rebels stole the plans and ran them, transmission to transmission, most of them sacrificing everything to get the plans to Yavin so the Alliance could analyze them to _find_ a weakness it might not even have is far more heroic than what this movie presents. Further, again, the idea that this is a plothole is so monumentally stupid that I don't actually have words to explain it. You can't make an invincible superweapon-it's just not possible to armor everything against every threat. Essentially, the fact that there is a weak spot isn't the problem, the problem is that the attack squadron made it there to begin with-after all, a weak spot is only a problem if it can be hit. If the Empire had actually fought like they meant it, the Rebels wouldn't have had a chance-but hubris isn't a plot hole. Altogether, the idea that the Death Star was intentionally sabotaged is not only unnecessary, but it creates a plot hole that wasn't there before: if Galan was trying to sabotage the design, why not build-in something far more sure-fire? Engineers and weapons designs often have catastrophic malfunctions appear in testing; it's hardly a rare thing even when the designers _aren't_ trying to sabotage their work. So, if you skimp the cooling systems to "save space," it'd probably make it into the final build and could cause the station to blow itself up during testing. Boom. Gone. Just like that. No trench run required.
@srj34 5 лет назад
I'm kind of hoping you don't have a real job and that you're planning to start doing YT videos, because both of your comments are just brilliant.
@GiganFTW 6 лет назад
Even though your copying Mr.Plinkett it's fine because he dosent do it anymore so somebody has to do it!
@monty7614 5 лет назад
Delete this stupid comment
@Yuni-is-Schrodingers-Fox 5 лет назад
You're* and I agree with the reply above mine.
@MasterDecoy1W 5 лет назад
Thank you for that segment about the exhaust port. I've probably written a small novel's worth of words trying to explain to people why this is such a disrespectful treatment of the first film. There was no plot hole, and the people who claim it is are dealing with a perception warped by repeated misinformation. This retcon just completely cheapens the accomplishments of A New Hope.
@username45739 2 года назад
Huh there was a plot hole
@williamcronshaw5262 2 года назад
People who say that the Death Star having a glaring weakness in it's reactor is a plot hole don't know what a plot hole is. A plot hole is a contradiction in the story, nothing in cannon contradicts that the Death Star would have a weakness therefore it is not a plot hole. The worst you could call it is a contrivance, and Rogue One makes it even more contrived. Because now the presence of a weakness was intentionally placed there by the designer to exact revenge. He also made it pretty much impossible to exploit for anybody but a Jedi even though they're extinct (though disney cannon continues to stretch the definition of the word extinct).
@username45739 2 года назад
@@williamcronshaw5262 It contradicts the notion of the Empire being really competent, which I guess is up to debate whether they were supposed to be smart or arrogant; however the way they don't bother to analyze the plans themselves (unless they had no copy?) to see whether there might be a potential weakness, despite taking the task of getting it back from the rebels very seriously, is kind of a contradiction.
@williamcronshaw5262 2 года назад
@@username45739Like I said It's a contrivance, not a plot hole. I'm not sure why there's a debate between incompetence and arrogance when lines in A New Hope clearly point to arrogance. Remember during the battle of Yavin 4 when an officer tells Tarkin that they've analyzed the Rebel's attack patterns and determined that there is cause for concern? He then asks Tarkin if he should prepare an escape ship and Tarkin responds "during our finest hour? You greatly overestimate their chances." That's a pretty clear cut example of arrogance to me. And yes, that's a great example of how Rogue One takes a minor contrivance and makes it feel even more contrived.
@username45739 2 года назад
@@williamcronshaw5262 I was only talking about ANH (since R1 contradicts it in more than 1 place). The way they wait until the very end with this, and don't analyze the plans while also chasing the rebel spies, contradicts the way they've behaved until then; in isolation, sure, Tarkin's being arrogant there - however even then, it's unclear whether he's wrong or not, cause the difficulty/impossibility of hitting that target was established in contradictory ways as well.
@ErikCB912 4 года назад
Thank you! Finally someone who gets it! The exhaust port is not a plot hole. It’s a result of the empire’s arrogance. They were so stubborn to the point that they believed that nothing could stand up to the Death Star. They didn’t see the open exhaust port as a problem. That’s why Tarkin reacted the way he did when the officer told him that the rebel’s attack patterns could cause a danger. And of course, as mentioned in the video the tension is high because it’s a 1 in a million shot instead of exploiting a sabotaged weakness.
@MoonsingerMedia 5 лет назад
Completely agree with the point about the music cue when they're climbing in the data vault .. I'm a composer for film and I was beside myself that such an awful piece of crap was written in a star wars film!
@itsd0nk 4 года назад
He had like 3 weeks to compose it. Or some unrealistically short amount of time.
@Marmocet 5 лет назад
Any of the prequels > Any of the Disney Wars movies
@Dodovacer 6 лет назад
God I love your imitation videos my fellow hackfraud!
@redwaldcuthberting7195 5 лет назад
That scene with the TIE fighter rising up when she's stuck on the platform was an awesome shot. Shame it wasn't in the film...
@JustAnArrogantAlien 5 лет назад
This movie, more than any other Star Wars movie that Disney released, seems to have been embraced by the fandom. I personally have never understood why. This movie fell flat for me on _many_ levels, and I find that I have indeed forgotten most of it over the months since I watched it. Thank you for shining some strong critical light on this thing. You're one of the few RU-vidrs I've found who's done so.
@yum33333 6 лет назад
I have to agree... I don't remember any of the character's names either, not even the main character. They really didn't have any personality at all.
@kelp7060 5 лет назад
I like to think Mickey's locked up in a cage and treated poorly like the rest of Disney's franchise since I don't see this new Disney as the real Disney. Like every other popular franchise, he used to be good. Great review mate.
@KingToll 6 лет назад
"all powerful being" *clip of Rey* Classic!
@alhyde1269 5 лет назад
Maybe it was a different "Buttface" than the one in Mos Eisley. Maybe there's a whole race of "Buttfaces". ;-)
@aquelescaraaaaaaaaaa 6 лет назад
You earned a subscriber, truly wonderful stuff.
@Gotterdammerung05 2 года назад
Really lucky that Guy McAccent got away with being the only member of the entire Imperial military to have facial hair without anyone noticing and asking why he wasn't following what are obviously the dress regulations.
@mAcroFaze 5 лет назад
24:10, wait, did that Stormtrooper just react to sand hitting his eyes whilst he's wearing a helmet..?
@XtoriezNovel 5 лет назад
22:04 The little Asian girl that got rescued is intended to be a young Rose from The Last Jedi.
@RodrigoTechador 4 года назад
You're the only other person besides myself who's ever seemed to notice that, but yes, it's very clearly her.
@johnellizz 5 лет назад
This gives me a new appreciation for David Prowse for animating Vader so impressively.
@HolyknightVader999 5 лет назад
Actually, the Jedi is supposed to be a religion. They weren't just random Samurai running around with no Daimyo; they were a religious order from the start. They weren't fucking ronin, otherwise the Empire would have no reason to hunt them. Tarkin even told Vader "You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion." Not to mention that the whole concept of Chi and Yin/Yang has no evil sides; the dark and the light are just two sides of a balanced person. Yin and Yang were meant to work together, whereas the Dark and Light Sides of the Force constantly clash. If that was the case, then there'd be no difference between Vader and Kenobi aside from costumes and robot arms; they'd both be just taking their powers from one side of the Yin/Yang dichotomy or the other, and neither of them would be good or evil. The Jedi uniform Kenobi was wearing was a mix of Franciscan and Buddhist attire, with the Franciscan robe over the robes of a Zen Samurai. Them giving up their attachments to work for the greater good was something many Christian mendicant orders did, and Luke's whole campaign to absolve his father of his sins is a blatantly Christian theme; a Buddhist would have no problem decapitating Vader and wouldn't give two shits that there was some good in him; they'd have killed him and be done with it for all the evil he did. It was only the Christian ideology that preached forgiveness of such evil people because there was something inherently good in them.
@bailord8249 6 лет назад
was 20x more excited for this than any RLM vid
@KneelB4Bacon 5 лет назад
26:41 _"Weapon confirmed"_ 27:12 _"We have no idea what he's building for the Empire."_ I agree. This writing is idiotic. Do the Rebels know what Krennic is building or NOT? If the Rebels DON'T know what Krennic is building for the Empire, then why are they trying to KILL him? And if they DO know what Krennic is building, then why aren't they trying to capture Krennick alive for interrogation?
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