
Various Tangential Reasons I'm Worried Squirrelflight Won't Make It 

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5 авг 2023




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@katstronaut 11 месяцев назад
If Squilf makes it, we throw the hugest fandom celebration anyone has ever seen. Edit: Oh yeah, she made it!
@Littlefox1213 11 месяцев назад
Hell yeah, and Bramblestar isn’t invited
@legrandliseurtri7495 11 месяцев назад
Imagine if she becomes leader and then dies in the very next book.
@katstronaut 11 месяцев назад
@@legrandliseurtri7495That'd be even worse because our guards would be down.
@Mx._M_o_t_h 11 месяцев назад
@@legrandliseurtri7495she better not
@franciscalopez6853 11 месяцев назад
Bro i have like a hole map in my mind of squirrelstar i need this to happen (sorry i'm not english native)
@descendresforza2381 11 месяцев назад
Also, Doestar trained Pinestar, who I believe trained Sunstar? Who trained Bluestar, who trained Firestar, who trained Bramblestar. It may not be a typical version of a dynasty, but I think it would technically count as far more than a dynasty than Squirrelflight taking over after Bramblestar decided he didn't want to be leader anymore, just because her father was a leader.
@nathanielmandrake1500 11 месяцев назад
Small correction, Mistpelt was Pinestar’s mentor and Sunstar’s mentor is unknown because he never canonically appeared as an apprentice, just a kit.
@dovewingseyesaregreen5664 11 месяцев назад
Well by that logic then no one can pick up where Bramblestar left because Berrynose was his only apprentice. It’s free game unless you want Cloudstar, Firestar’s only other living apprentice, or Cinderstar, the reincarnation of his dead one. Actually let’s do that, I wouldn’t mind Cinderstar if Squirrelstar doesn’t work out.
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
Cinderstar would be fun. I think deputy nightheart is probably an inevitable option if she dies though
@Lemonade_29 11 месяцев назад
​@@Moonkitti i also think Cinderstar is great. Because she is a great character not like her mate lionblaze. But i would like any leader unless they turn into onestar.
@professionalcatperson2177 11 месяцев назад
​@@MoonkittiAlso, Cinderstar would be such a cool name!
@TheLimeCrimes 11 месяцев назад
To expand on that 'rejected by Starclan' thing, it's 100% possible that Starclan will refuse to make Squilf leader because she raised Leafpool's kits. They already made a huge deal about it in her super edition. They literally try to send Leafpool to HELL for doing what she was told. it's likely they'll pull a reason out of their ass like "She broke the code so in good conscious we can't give you these nine lives"
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
that would be wild considering who told her to do it
@siliconsulfide8 11 месяцев назад
...and the fact that Blackstar got to be leader. Sure, a bunch of time earlier and a different Clan (though does the 2nd one mean anything?), but still. EDIT: He might've been sorry/doubting if he should have the chance to be a leader (at least maybe near the end of the ceremony?) and planning to be a good leader for his Clanmates, but why wouldn't Squirrelflight want to be a good leader as well? Do they have a good reason to forgive him but not her? (What would Starclan expect an apology for, if anything, actually? Adoption? That's not a bad thing. Going behind the leader's back? Did they really expect an apology for that with Firestar? Lying to her Clanmates? Was Starclan ever mad at that in particular when it comes to the kit situation?)
@SliceOfPiee 11 месяцев назад
It makes soooo angry to even think about thatttt, i want to like starclan but GOSH
@thedarkfroggy 11 месяцев назад
@@siliconsulfide8 EXACLTY blackstar was deputy under brokenstar and tigerstar and murder a bunch of cats but starclan just made him leader like "whoops, well its in the past soooo obviously he a great cat now..." like even the cats he killed gave him lives
@spoontyphoon8997 11 месяцев назад
That would be so infuriating, especially when cats like Brokenstar and Tigerstar, who literally KILLED other cats gets to be leader. Or Bluestar, who broke the code by having half clan kits- they let her be leader, even though she broke their dumb rules. Hell, Yellowfang broke that rule too, and she's partying it up in Starclan anyway. She's even the one who told Squirrelflight to take Leafpool's kits (that Starclan themselves pressured her to have.) If they reject her as leader over that, which happened SO LONG AGO anyway, and after all the bullshit she's been through already, it'll be the biggest writing mistake the Erin's have ever made. Especially if they don't address how stupid it is in the story itself. IF that does happen, I would hope they point out how stupid, hypocritical, and flawed Starclan is in the books themselves and this leads to a sort of revolt against them- I mean, the arc is called "A Starless Clan" after all. Come on! Shake things up! We have so much to work with on the whole "Starclan is bad" concept. It'd be so interesting- but it wouldn't shock me in the slightest if they were too afraid to shake up the books' status quo.
@TheRibottoStudios 11 месяцев назад
The biggest reason I'm worried is because the writers themselves have said she would never become leader. She's going to die before she gets her lives, the question now is how.
@dollybeagle 11 месяцев назад
Because i know the erins, I would say she might get killed by dogs/badgers. There is another thing that came into my mind which is that StarClan themselves might not accept her as leader
@ChaptersOfDeceit 11 месяцев назад
That was a while though, they could have changed their minds.
@TheRibottoStudios 11 месяцев назад
​@ChaptersOfDeceit they've also said RECENTLY that they like making her suffer and putting her through the ringer because "we like seeing her persevere" but thing is....she doesn't? She almost always loses. So why? What's the point in making her suffer?
@nonomen6665 11 месяцев назад
Did they actually say that? Or is it like how the writers "said" Brambleclaw wouldn't become leader after Last Hope, where people misinterpreted what they actually said and changed it to something completely different?
@geministrial950 11 месяцев назад
@@TheRibottoStudios Female suffering as spectacle. Theres a great video about this concept by Final Girl Studios and I think a lot of the tropes ring true in Squirreflight's case. The Erins love seeing their female characters suffer simply because its seen as necessary for them to do so in order to deserve even the smallest of good things.
@WhereFernsGrow 11 месяцев назад
I hope they write her well, she deserves to be written good!!!
@rivermayrene 11 месяцев назад
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
I think it'll be funny if she's written bad
@Nennabear 11 месяцев назад
@@MoonkittiI’d like her to prob be battle-thirsty, best type of leader in my eyes.
@thedarkfroggy 11 месяцев назад
@@Nennabear fr i hope she and leafstar team up and go on a murder spree lol
@Littlefox1213 11 месяцев назад
@@thedarkfroggyMan I wish she were Leafstar’s deputy
@kateb6699 11 месяцев назад
Squirrelstar life predictions Leafpool - Loyalty (they were v supportive of each other throughout their lives) Graystripe - Sacrifice (he died to Ashfur in her place) Hollyleaf - Integrity (or just doing what you think is right. I forget the word for it) Firestar - Leadership (important quality for being a leader) Dandelionkit - Motherhood (so she can nurture her clan) Juniperkit - Motherhood again Dustpelt - Power drill Shrewpaw - Clout
@thekillerkitten5123 11 месяцев назад
those last two are perfect 😌 I do seriously love those ideas though!
@lazzylake 11 месяцев назад
Ooh, yes! This is a cool idea! I personally think Larksong would be a good choice too (Sparkpelt's mate, sorta important in Squilf's hope) I think that would be really interesting! For Hollyleaf, I think justice would be cool since she killed Ashfur after he threatened to spill her secret.
@silber_lowe 11 месяцев назад
This is a great idea, but I’d make Sandstorm give Squirrelflight motherhood life instead of juniperkit
@kateb6699 11 месяцев назад
@@SaraMoustamandi @silber_lowe I wanted 2 give Sandstorm 1 but I couldn't think of anything 😭 she can replace one of the kits and give her a life for motherhood (or sand)
@kateb6699 11 месяцев назад
@@lazzylake Ooo, I like those ideas! Justice works v well for Hollyleaf, I remember it was something she valued when she was alive as well. I really like the idea of Larksong giving her something as well, I'm not sure what though... Maybe love, bc of his relationship with Sparkpelt?
@beetleboii2575 11 месяцев назад
If she dies I want Bramblestar to die too. Just let these characters rest writers, PLEASE. But if she dies then her coming back to life just feels so pointless and a waste of time. However if she becomes leader my bitter butt kinda hopes it doesn't last for six arcs. We need to start getting rid of these older characters instead of dragging them back into importance. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight feel like they've gotten this treatment the worst and it gets so draining. I just want to have a new cast of characters, not focus on their terrible relationship
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
I think with Bramblestar as he is now, if she dies it'll be a "path to deterioration" arc for him following.
@Lugialuvr 11 месяцев назад
Sadly it wouldn't be impossible for them to 'save' a cat from death and then squander the opportunities of them being alive I'm still salty about them bringing Hollyleaf back making me sohappy and excited only to then kill her immediately. I really hope they don't pull it with Squilf but sadly it has happened b4
@beetleboii2575 11 месяцев назад
@@Lugialuvr Oh yeah, the writing of the series is... not the best to say the least and I feel like having multiple writers doesn't help in the slightest. From what I remember they don't really have any in depth description of characters. I don't think that's changed anyway
@beetleboii2575 11 месяцев назад
@@Moonkitti It could either be an interesting route to take or a downer to read. Then it feels like that whole thing would become a subplot and take away from the Riverclan plot. Guess that's just what happens when you've got multiple POVs with some of them being on the opposite side of the map (It's also been awhile since I read this arc so maybe there's things I'm missing/forgetting that'd tie it all together)
@leomonade5583 11 месяцев назад
They have already made the "nightheart is soooo similar to firestar" thing. I can see them making Nightheart a very young deputy to a deranged and traumatized leader they basically get to babysit to stop from making bad decisions. And then becoming leader. It would be a fun plot to revisit but I also hope it doesnt come at the cost of Squirrelflights life.
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
I’m kinda hoping they make it more of a parallel to Tigerstar and Scourge. By that I mean I want Squilf to kill Bramblestar, so StarClan can’t reject her or short her on her lives. Bramblestar is annoying to read about nowadays anyway, and seeing Squirrelflight snap and just get rid of him herself would be awesome to read about.
@araceliabundez6886 11 месяцев назад
@@abigailkondoudis5772 If Bramblestar dies like Tigerstar that would be so amazing, but if were continuing with the Nightheart to Firestar parallel then in this case Nightheart would kill Squirrelflight which can be fun. Though I still like the the Bluestar and Firehart dynamic idea but not with Bramblestar. Imagine squilf in the role of leader rather than Bramblestar. I could absolutely see star clan pulling some shenanigans on squilf and that being her rejection of starclan moment like Bluestar. I too would love to see her just snap.
@SylvainJoseGautier- 11 месяцев назад
@@abigailkondoudis5772 If she kills him, I don't think StarClan would accept her? EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot how the Erin's don't like sticking to the code
@tizzyhizzy. 11 месяцев назад
@@SylvainJoseGautier- they accepted brokenstar, who killed his father to become leader. starclan's pretty silly, i could see it happening.
@SylvainJoseGautier- 11 месяцев назад
@@tizzyhizzy. true lol
@crumb.crumblet.S.crumbington 11 месяцев назад
these videos r the only things that keep me involved with warriors… i get so excited when u upload a long video i love ur stuff sm
@itzgeni 7 месяцев назад
crumb? :D
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
At this point, I am genuinely hoping Squirrelflight snaps and pulls a Scourge. Just takes all Bramblestar’s lives at once. Tiny angry cat with a white paw killing a Tigerstar clone that they hate/has traumatized them, plus Scourge is her uncle. Then StarClan would have no choice but to giver her her lives, and we know they have no problem giving lives to cats when they killed the last leader. (They let Brokenstar be leader for crying out loud) That would be a fun parallel, and maybe reinstate just a tiny bit of my faith in the series. But we can only hope at this point .
@gingertumerictea753 11 месяцев назад
I too, would love to read that
@uglyfense7754 11 месяцев назад
Least biased Bramblestar hater. Also, he's letting her be leader anyway, what would be the point?
@Sparkle8205 11 месяцев назад
Now that’s a fun AU to think about OP
@nuclear_bonsai 11 месяцев назад
I remember someone's theory/headcanon that Squirrelflight is Scourge reincarnated and I like it. I wouldn't mind if she ends up following his footsteps.
@billcipher8645 11 месяцев назад
​@@nuclear_bonsaiI think it would be interesting but prove Bramblestar right in a way so just because of that-Squilf should never become evil
@z0mbieKats 11 месяцев назад
To be fair, Squilf has always been screwed over by the writers (and the fandom for that matter). I wouldn't be surprised if she never became an official leader for the same reason Ferncloud was killed off
@Lion_Thunder 11 месяцев назад
Ikr it’s really annoying especially the fact that she came back to life to her bad husband and life instead of staying in starclan with her loving family
@Barnacl3_Boi 11 месяцев назад
I definitely think the fandom can be partly blamed if she does die, years ago she was a very polarising character (though of course fandom opinion has shifted since then). Mind you I’ve been in the fandom since 2006 and it was probably a fair few years back that she was hated; becoming a bit senile like the ol’ Bramble himself these days! Let’s remember that Leafpool was also a beloved character and the writing team’s darling before she was abruptly killed-off, too
@clarehidalgo 11 месяцев назад
@@Barnacl3_Boi She's like 9-10 years old which is like in her 50s-60s in cat years she isn't gonna be senile unless the writers are screwing her over
@Barnacl3_Boi 11 месяцев назад
@@clarehidalgo I meant that I’M senile 🤣
@Wolfhowl20speedruns 11 месяцев назад
Squirrelflight wont die. If you tell yourself that she wont. Sandstorm will give her a life as her mother. We also need a talking video on Sandstorm Moonkitti!!!
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
That would be awesome. And hopefully Juniperkit and/or Dandilionkit gives her a life, because otherwise those two existed for absolutely nothing. A life for adventure or power or courage or something would be pretty cute for those little babies to give their mom.
@ashdoesarts 11 месяцев назад
Ok this is kinda off topic but still a bit on topic but something that bothers me is that people try to justify any mistreatment towards her with "She disobeys her leader and goes behind his back." and everytime I see that I just think "Ok? So did FireStar." He did the same thing for the same reason multiple times and that was always seen as something great about him. It was one of the big things about him. Why is it when Squilf does it, its so wrong and justifys her being treated terribly? Also this entire thing recemented her parallels with FireStar. Idc if he scolds her for disobeying BrambleStar screw that Arc 1 FireStar would have gone off on BrambleStar for alot of the shit he did and stood by Squilf til the end(SandStorm goes off on AshFur in the books, let FireStar scold his old apprentice)
@spectacularslowpoke6018 11 месяцев назад
I once saw a Squilf hater say the difference between her and Firestar in that regard is that Squilf is “arrogant”
@No-longer1 11 месяцев назад
My bet the difference is that it's a romantic relationship, with both ties into romance being treated with more weight than familial or platonic relationships, and people projecting bad partners they have had on squirelflight.
@littlemoth4956 11 месяцев назад
@@No-longer1 It might also be plain misogyny.
@flatline-timer 11 месяцев назад
It's misogyny. It's always misogyny.
@foxygrin 11 месяцев назад
The books can't seperate their romantic and professional relationship either, so...
@chad_gives_up9384 11 месяцев назад
hi moonkitti, i’ve watched your content for a long time. i am a fellow abuse victim and i was in a eerily similar situation as you. its sucks to see the writers do brambleclaw like this, as he was my favorite character. i hate bramblestar personally i wish he just didn’t become a leader or anything like that. i feel content with the way you explained the abuse i went through, an example is me playing a game he really hates behind his back, he then got extremely mad, went into my account and got rid of everything i had and then guilt tripped me and blamed me for his issues and for not supporting him. i was 15. he was 17. i was a kid with undiagnosed adhd and who didn’t like people with power. thank you for all your content about silly cat books :)
@taeko3508 11 месяцев назад
Okay so before I even watch the video : Knowing that there is catbloodthirsty dog around the way to the moonpool without any Thunderclan cat knowing about it ,I think Squilf is going to be killed by those f*ckers. Bramblestar would probably lose a few life (until he only have one left) I hope she won't die because I love her but knowing the team of writers we are absolutely not safe of her death. But if she was to get killed, I hope and pray to God that she won't become another horrible Starclan prophecy cat (I'm looking at you Yellowfang and Bluestar !)
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
If they don't resolve the random dog attack thing with more detail in the future it's going to be super weird
@taeko3508 11 месяцев назад
@@Moonkitti There is no way the dog attack on Curlfeather was not planned by someone so I think they are going to appear again in the arc (or it would just be very silly and convenient otherwise) If Squirrelflight was to die ,it could be because of them. And about the video, I really don't think Bramblestar is going to kill Squilf. He is in a very dark place but I think it would be too violent and creepy, even for warrior cats. And of all cats, I don't think Leafpool would be the one delivering such a message to Bramblestar
@RACCONSSSSSS 11 месяцев назад
@snazzyidiot 11 месяцев назад
@@RACCONSSSSSS very insightful
@availian 11 месяцев назад
I feel like Shrewpaw would give her a life for like idk guidance or vitality
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
That would be sweet. Hopefully the writing team remembers his existence. And hopefully Juniperkit/ Dandelionkit show up, because otherwise they really existed for no reason. A life for love or power or playfulness or something would be really cute. And maybe Foxleap would give her a life too since he was her apprentice.
@siliconsulfide8 11 месяцев назад
@@abigailkondoudis5772 A life for optimism, perhaps? To always see the good in the bad?
@Cali_wcGacha 11 месяцев назад
Imo they need to stop changing personalities period. I get that if they become leader they may be a bit more strict or power hungry, but some of these characters traits are just thrown in the dirt. I've been disappointed so many times while reading these books, I like when bad things happen. It's fun, I'd be too boring without it. But c'mon, cool things can happen without changing characters in every other book.
@apricot8246 11 месяцев назад
And when they die! It's so annoying seeing one of my favourite characters die and become a massive asshole
@Cali_wcGacha 11 месяцев назад
@@apricot8246 Fr I agree
@apricot8246 11 месяцев назад
@@Cali_wcGacha *Cough cough Leafpool cough cough cough Yellowfang cough cough*
@Littlefox1213 11 месяцев назад
@@apricot8246Yellowfang was possibly the worse, I swear she’s not the same anymore. She seems much more in-character in her own super-edition
@apricot8246 11 месяцев назад
@@Littlefox1213 You know it's bad when the character acts the most like herself in her super edition, *the same super edition that's considered one of the worst written Warrior Cats books ever.* And the reason I included Leafie was because I just hated the superior attitude the Erin's gave her in ALITM. Like she really just said "nuh uh uh no heaven for you, you disgusting creatures" to the cats that just risked their lives/died for the clans. I mean so did everyone else but it being her specifically just gives me the ick.
@camie2075 11 месяцев назад
Fellow abuse victim here. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I also went through something a little similar and my abusive ex would tell me I'm the only one keeping them from offing themselves and/or harming themselves. They'd also use their bad home life as an excuse to guilt me into staying. That's just scratching the surface but you get it. Anyways reading Bramblestar's disgusting behavior always rubbed me the wrong way and now I know why lol. Squirrelflight has been the series' emotional punching bag for so long it would not surprise me in the slightest if she was just killed off. "A woman in a position of power over her partner? The horror! 🥺" /s I also would not be surprised if Bramblebutt got insecure about Squilf becoming the equivalent of the breadwinner and using that to abuse her further, which is something that is unfortunately very common in hetero relationships with real people :(
@bangles7437 11 месяцев назад
The exact same thing happened to me aswell, I hope things are better for you now ❤
@TwizzlerLizard 11 месяцев назад
I really hate that they are showing this type of abusive behavior in a children’s book series, without CLEARLY stating that these behaviors are bad. Children may see this and think that this is normal for a relationship
@camie2075 11 месяцев назад
@@TwizzlerLizard I know right!? When I read the second arc in middle school I thought Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw were so cute together and didn't see the signs. Maybe if they had made it clear it was abusive I would have been able to tell in an earlier stage that I was being abused later on
@ShadowMewEmberX 11 месяцев назад
Same thing happened to me (except they were Internet friends and not people I was dating, thank god). They'd wait for me to come online and ambush me, monopolize my time, and take offense if I spent time with anyone else. Threatened suicide and self-harm and all the nine yards. Bramblestar's abusive tendencies in this book finally sank in after Moonkitti's example. :c
@BuzzoBeee 6 месяцев назад
@@TwizzlerLizardand the fact the authors don’t think that it’s unhealthy. They thought they were making it a non-boring relationship with the silly little fights
@Answeredriddle 11 месяцев назад
Squilf theories aside, I wanted to take time to appreciate the inclusion of your own experiences. I know how hard it can be to talk about these sorts of things, but I feel younger audiences will relate to and better understand what you’re saying by grounding it in a real life example. Abuse manifests in many different ways beyond physical, and I hope folks can learn that no one deserves to be treated like this. They may not be experiencing world ending consequences in the realm of cat politics, but they may experience something akin to your ex’s actions, and it’s important to know it’s not okay and that the behavior is abusive.
@almondtofuchan3157 11 месяцев назад
I’m worried Starclan might just go by Nightstar logic and be like “uhhhh Bramblestar is still technically alive, so we can’t give you your nine lives go fuck yourself” which honestly I would not put it past the writers to try that again (even if it’s dumb)
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
At this rate, the best I’m hoping for is that she snaps a pulls a Scourge. Bramblestar deserves it at this point
@ellag3265 11 месяцев назад
Nightstar was rejected because he wasn't previously deputy, but Bramblestar is showing up himself to hand over the leader position -- I mean, they let Sunstar become leader during Pinestar's retirement. If they don't it'll be totally hypocritical. That doesn't mean they won't do it of course but I'd call bs.
@mirosawanowak3427 11 месяцев назад
​@@abigailkondoudis5772nah that would be weird as fck. Squilif isnt that kind of person.
@SliceOfPiee 11 месяцев назад
If squilf doesent become leader, firestar will somehow
@lemonballs 10 месяцев назад
his spirit will enter hers and lead the clan
@sc0urgesclaws 11 месяцев назад
knowing how little main characters we have left, she’ll probably live
@thedarkfroggy 11 месяцев назад
ik but we still have ivypool and im soo hoping for Ivystar lol
@deerprynce 11 месяцев назад
hi I wanted to make this comment but I’m bad at wording so here we go several years ago I was in an abusive relationship which ended in sexual assault. I had only been in one relationship prior, and I was rather young, so I didn’t realize it wasn’t okay. My parents didn’t realize either until it was too late. My situation is close to yours. I cried. I am upset that these very real, very serious issues are nonchalantly thrown into these books. thank you very much. i am happy that you’ve healed. your art makes me happy. thank you.
@NinyaBOT 11 месяцев назад
Squilf has always been super personal to me too cos of her shortness and relationship issues, etc. there were multiple times I had to pause the Bramble Is Worse video because explanations and cycles and what not brought be back to dark places with, much like you said, much much scarier men than Bramble even. Had me tearing up a lot pfff. She's the only character I've ever considered a "kin" because of how personally she hits me (though honestly idk if I use that the same way others do) I'm rooting for Squilfstar sm, even made that name my main on twt. I'm still confident as hell she'll become leader, I'm honestly more worried that they'll severely dumb down or under utilize her character as a leader after this arc- as in like, yeah, she'll be leader, but they just wont really focus on her or something, like they did with Mistystar. Imagine how insulting it would be for them to just start ignoring Thunderclan as soon as she becomes leader. It feels like something they'd do though I wouldnt be shocked if she does die, but i truly feel like she will survive and make it to leadership, i really really really feel like her becoming leader is going to also be a "thing" to Nightheart, I think his grandmother also being in firestars position is going to pressure him further, its gonna become a plotpoint. I see more they can do with the plot by making her leader and way way way less they could do if they killed her off Also!! Warrior Cats love to allude to things, and I think Nightheart pointing out how much of a leader Squilf looks at the gathering before even being one was a clear sign too
@ChiseledDiamond 11 месяцев назад
You know a series is bad when the whole fandom is better at keeping track of the events than the authors
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
I just hope that they remember some less important cats for her leader ceremony (assuming she survives) Shrewpaw, Juniperkit/Dandelionkit, and maybe Foxleap, but sadly I doubt it
@fozzyspots 11 месяцев назад
@@abigailkondoudis5772And Dustpelt as her former mentor! It would be SO CUTE for Firestar, Sandstorm and Dustpelt to all be in the same room together again - I’d love some old, fond bickering during their baby’s lives ceremony :’)
@vanillaandbazel6810 2 месяца назад
@@fozzyspotsHoneslty (and I know I’m way late and kms till reading the broken code) but like didn’t Graystripe die for Squilf? So like (and ik nobody rlly likes Graystripe but let’s just throw it out) he could give her a life to and we could just have Ravenpaw pull up lol and have the original five.
@kristaberta7922 11 месяцев назад
I really hope they let her become leader. Book after book, Squirrelflight has done nothing but suffer. And we just had a whole plotline in which she couldn't rise to power- them doing it again would just be bad writing.
@Romanticoutlaw 11 месяцев назад
bad writing in the warriors books? It's not like they've done that before... 😂
@KittyKatty999 11 месяцев назад
Moonkitti is truly Squirrelflight's strongest solider! ^w^
@foxygrin 11 месяцев назад
Fucking "CAN YOU CONNECT ME TO JESSY WARRIORCATS??" just floored me, oh my God
@dollybeagle 11 месяцев назад
While I do wanna believe that she will live, I do believe that the Erins will simply fuck it up by killing her. Right now, we can simply just hope.
@mirosawanowak3427 11 месяцев назад
I love Squilif but isnt she too old to be a leader? I dont want another Mistystar.
@zedbody 11 месяцев назад
I think the last arc I got to was omen of the stars... you're telling me Squirrelflight is STILL alive??? It's funny how the cats' lifespans seem to be so directly related to their importance lol
@wishgoeswild7832 11 месяцев назад
I want squirrelstar so bad, but it as you said, seems too good to be true, and I'm scared the writers are going to throw squilf again and this time she doesnt live. Anywho!!! excited to see your content more and i adore the talks you do keep it up!!
@rorytelling 11 месяцев назад
Man. I do not want to be around the one time Squirrelflight breaks the warrior code and it's actually a bad thing. People already act like she's evil just because she's snippy. Imagine her *gasp* making a real mistake
@milks-thoughts 11 месяцев назад
Squirlf is genuinely such a good idea for lead?? Like we CONSTANTLY see her keeping peace VERY easily. Literally firestar Jr. and we love that for her
@LilacPupp 11 месяцев назад
If youre wondering, this is all of the leader "dynasties" so far in WC are in terms of Genetic Relations: Skystar/Gray Wing - Thunderstar - Owlstar (they are adopted brothers im counting it Lightningtail died b4 becoming leader) Cloudstar???-Oakstar - Pinestar - Tigerstar I - Bramblestar - Tigerstar II Bluestar/Crookedstar - Mistystar - Reedtail (had he lived. also Oakheart, Stonefur, and Whitestorm were deps) Raggedstar - Brokenstar - Rowanstar- Tigerstar II (Raggedstar is Rowanclaws uncle apparently) Firestar - Squirrelstar if she isnt die.. Windclan literally has 0 leader dynasties just deputy ones in Ashfoot/Deadfoot - Crowfeather but not really lol Same with Skyclan :P Thats all i could really find, if im missing cats let me know!
@Eclipse-x6z 11 месяцев назад
Jayfeather is the only cat that can be a fan favorite and still survive for a very long time.(if Sparkstar,Lionstar,or Ivystar happens im completely stopping reading the books.)
@zoybeanisawesome8947 11 месяцев назад
Ivystar, I have no problem with. LIONSTAR AND SPARKSTAR is a real problem
@Mimikai4884 11 месяцев назад
@@zoybeanisawesome8947Especially Lionstar, since we literally had the last arc showing us that he probably shouldn’t be placed in a position of higher power, so to have Lionblaze become leader would just be “Then what was the point of showing us that he isn’t the best cat to lead a clan”.
@wren518 11 месяцев назад
@@Mimikai4884 idk i feel like Lionstar could work as maybe a villain type leader, or like a super battle hungry leader
@Eclipse-x6z 11 месяцев назад
I have a problem with Ivystar because her attitude is no better than Sparkpelts or Sandynoses. She doesn't really deserve to be leader in my opinion, she only spied on the dark forest but she didn't really give any useful information, she never told anyone,even the three, about what was going on.She wasn't supportive of Dovewing at all and even guilt tripped her. If we had Ivystar she would be a clone of Sparkstar.
@HiHi-lt1cb 8 месяцев назад
Here after reading Thunder!!!!
@portpebble5097 11 месяцев назад
If Squirrelflight actually become Squirrelstar I will buy the next warrior cats book and read it, something that a good portion of the fandom has not done for a while now
@keyravens 11 месяцев назад
Personally, I think Squirlf will become leader, but she won't last long. I see two possibilities: (1) Due to some weird situation with StarClan, Squirlf will receive very few lives - maybe only one. She will die by the end of the series. (2) For whatever reason, she will really struggle with leadership. Maybe her clan still won't respect her, maybe she "can't handle" the horrors of war, or whatever. She will retire by the end of the series, and join the elder's den alongside Brambleclaw.
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
I totally see these two happening. Especially with StarClan's obsession with watching Squilf suffer.
@nicole1063 10 месяцев назад
squirrelflight is still fucking alive??? yooo i havent read the books in a few years i lowkey thought she was gon be dead by now
@lemonballs 10 месяцев назад
she's alive but leafpool isn't :(
@JustDuckiest 11 месяцев назад
I'm worried that the sacrifice omen at the end of Shadow dosen't mean Bramblestar needs to give up his position. I have a bad feeling Squilf is going to die, and Bramblestar's sacrifice is going to be having to lead despite his condition and losing his mate and deputy. I hope I'm wrong. Squilf is my favourite. If StarClan fucking REJECTS her I'll riot. I'd rather she was killed honestly. Stop torturing her. Or just give us Squirrelstar. edit- wrote this comment before finishing the video. Moonkitti agreeing with me is validating my fears and now I'm scared
@FictionalCatEnthusiast 11 месяцев назад
Don’t worry guys I will stop her from dying.
@FictionalCatEnthusiast 11 месяцев назад
I am truly that guy.
@Moonkitti 11 месяцев назад
Thanks I look forward to seeing you in book 4
@ChaptersOfDeceit 11 месяцев назад
The Erin's love for Firestar will ensure Squirrelstar. They want to keep his legacy going on, soo unless they appoint his grandson lionblaze(please no) or his great grand niece ivypool, who'll take the crown.
@samanthafrost4386 8 месяцев назад
OMG I'm halfway through THUNDER and I have feelings
@Mrdrprfr 10 месяцев назад
I hear Ivypool and Lionblaze as frequent suggestions as alternate future leaders, but I wonder... what about Cinderheart? She starts off as a young cat whose paralysis crushed both her legs and her dreams, and on top of that suffered a young and painful death from a badger attack. Then she's given a second chance at life, and nearly meets the same fate again, but she perseveres and finally lives up to her true potential, given the ultimate reward of the nobility of leadership. There's some interesting metaphors behind it too. After all, the previous leaders were Firestar and Bramblestar. When a bonfire burns in the forest, the *fire* inevitably dies and the *brambles* that fueled it are permanently damaged. But what remains in their place? The cinders of the fire, able to refuel the bonfire and let it shine brightly in the forest once more.
@catz5377 11 месяцев назад
All I want is for things to make sense in these books. Like I just want StarClan to actually be consistent in their powers, values and motives, and I want the authors to STOP turning characters into completely different people in every arc. Consistence is really important to me and it makes the story better because it makes it more believable.
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
Ong. The writing in these books is God awful. Someone needs to rewrite the entire series ☠️
@XxxYoursTrulyxxX 11 месяцев назад
I stopped reading at River, then heard "Squirrelflight leader" and thought "did i stop reading as they got good? Did i do that?" So given that my only other source for Warriors news is Tumblr, it's nice that you're making videos about the recent stuff because I really don't want to read the books anymore. Partially because I'm just tired of them being disappointing ("come on, they've got to get good now- nope. How about now- nope") but also because of how much the Bramblestar thing hits much closer to home now than it did then and i just don't want to read that.
@Foxett25 11 месяцев назад
We better get squirrelstar, and not someone else who would just be cliche (another firestar clone, ect)
@quince3664 11 месяцев назад
You truly are everywhere
@WrenEclipse. 10 месяцев назад
I don't think the Erins will kill Squirrelflight, I think they will use her to showcase the new changes to the warrior code where a leader can be forced out of leadership if the clan agrees that they are incapable of preforming the job well, which seems incredibly likely to me because every time Squirrelflight assumes leadership, despite seemingly doing the job better than Bramblestar, Thunderclan continuously disrespects her, saying things like she isn't actually the leader because of this or that, stuff they seem to already be implying before Bramblestar has even given up his title.
@thatonepotato276 11 месяцев назад
Im watching from five miles away with a pair of binoculars, waiting for the impending doom
@catharine_li 11 месяцев назад
Personally I expect Starclan to deny her. I don’t really expect her to die after Squirrelflight’s hope and her choice to live being such a huge plot point but I think Starclan will refuse her
@Sparkle8205 11 месяцев назад
I’d love for squirrelstar to become real, I am a huge fan of squilf and want her to see her happy and as leader. But knowing the Erin’s it’s doubtful it’ll happen, yet I still hold out hope. If she doesn’t become leader I hope the fandom riot is massive- especially since tigerheart became leader despite DYING… so like why can’t squilf??? However, there’s always your points at the end of the video, which does give me some hope.
@danascully7997 11 месяцев назад
I’d love to hear who you want in Starclan to give Squirrelflight her nine lives! I’ve also been thinking about that.
@russianbaguette5032 11 месяцев назад
I think the last book cut off where it did because they're going to find Frostpaw along the way to the Moonpool; the blurb for one of the future books makes me think that ThunderClan finds her and not WindClan. At worst Squirrelflight's ceremony would be delayed to take care of Frostpaw, but I hope she'll ultimately become leader afterwards.
@julieta8558 11 месяцев назад
Im going to break the fourth wall and try to save Squirrelflight
@Lemonade_29 11 месяцев назад
I'm so scared because Squilf is my favourite warrior cats character and i will definitely cry if she dies. Ngl i'm already in a crying situation to know this. I want her to be the leader so hard and if Erins kill her or something, i will be so done with these books. It is so stressful to all Squilf lovers. I don't actually like the newer characters tbh and if something like this happens (i wish it doesn't) i will always remember the old memories of squilf and we all will make many animations/MAPs. But if something like that doesn't happens, we will still do that for the celebration and i will still cry in happiness! But- i hope so... Edit: 13:27 Oh god. I can't believe something like that happened. It's so bad and traumatizing to hear about. You been through so much. But remember one thing, Moon, we love you, we all do love you.
@sunnymist_wc 11 месяцев назад
Yk it’s a good day when Moonkitti posts.
@MYHERO_2AM 11 месяцев назад
Squilf is my favourite character i’m gonna be heart broken if anything happens too her 😭
@BlitzChanSaysHi 11 месяцев назад
I also don’t think she won’t make it because Splashtail’s actions are leaning towards violence, and Berryheart will get exiled for treason, according to the next book’s description. I think either of them will kill her, or worse, they might team up.
@BuzzPrincess12 11 месяцев назад
considering Bramblestar mentioned losing his last life, I think what might happen is that he's going to sacrifice himself so that Squirrelflight can become leader
@NellaJade 11 месяцев назад
I know you said that you're fine now, but I really do want to express my empathy and apologies for the toxic relationships you've been a part of, Moon. It makes a lot more sense as to why you despise Bramble's and Squilf's relationship so much. I definitely admire you for having the courage to come out and talk about your own experiences. It's things like this that make you an even more honorable creator in my eyes.
@cringeworthy4755 11 месяцев назад
I love moonkitti's new approach to the new Warriors. Preparing for possible misery with misery, just as our lady and saviour MJ preached ❤
@Aspendeadchannel 11 месяцев назад
If squirrelflight dies as a fandom, we’re marching towards all the Erin’s, circling them like birds, and devouring their souls
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
Bold to assume they still have them
@Simpfor2Dcharacters 11 месяцев назад
0:21 i like how Firestar looks like a cheeto puff and Squirrelflight looks like a hot cheeto 😂
@SaoirseKeane-ei9ed 11 месяцев назад
*me if Squirrel flight dies* I'M GOING THROUGH a A MID-LIFE-CRISTIS!!!
@misfits9294 11 месяцев назад
edit: On my actual thoughts on this in regards to the plot (sorry about the tangent) I am 100% convinced the series will pull a "Oh, but Bramblestar was the true leader all along, he just needed to believe in himself!", whether in this book, or the series ends with that. This is a terrible idea. No one wants this. It goes against the lore we have. But the writing team never cared about that, they will use this as an excuse to further Bramble's story over her own, because they have done this already multiple times in the past, and with other female characters. I do personally like the cycle of abuse as a concept, because it really IS often the case that abusers will try to "change" their behaviors and try to make things calm and happy to keep this relationship. It's a control move in of itself (see: lovebombing), and never lasts. That's the kicker here; an abusive person has patterns of behavior that, unless they actively address and work on it, means they will ALWAYS come back to it, and thus the relationship will always be abusive. I do agree this doesn't apply to all abuse stories, but the fact people are using this term to belittle abuse victims, and say they're overreacting or what they're going through isn't real, CLEARLY don't know what they're talking about or what abuse is. Even if there's a "calm" in cycle, if it always comes down to those same abusive patterns, same hurt, then it is abusive. Honestly it helps me make sense of my own story as a victim of abuse, but I totally get why people are phasing out of it or why they may not feel it is fully accurate.
@kmerj7423 11 месяцев назад
I really hope that even if she dies, she gets a realization she was mistreated by Bramble. Like she speaks about wanting be leader, feeling she could do a better job, and Bramble tells her she’d have to kill him to get her lives which ends up being Squilf’s breaking point for their relationship. Going through some kind of finding herself lone journey to find out that she’s a person outside of Bramble and deputy would be great even if she dies on her way to her lives.
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
Honestly I’d love to see Squilf kill Bramblestar, it’s not exactly in character for her, but the authors probably wouldn’t care, and her pulling a Scourge would be awesome to read about
@fizzydizzystudios4768 11 месяцев назад
Hey Moonkitti, I’m sorry you had to go through that. You didn’t deserve it, no one does. We’re all glad you’re okay now. Keep thriving! 💕
@rat-chan9000 11 месяцев назад
Heyy, could you make a video talking about falling feather and jackdaws cry? I feel like they're one of the most underrated characters in warrior cats. They deserve some attention since their story is really tragic and has alot to it, i think it'd make a great talking video!
@loftwyng131 11 месяцев назад
Screw it, I want every single leader to die / step down in this arc. Give us Hawkstar, Squirrelstar, Cloverstar and Crowstar. Hell, make Splashtail leader to spice things up.
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
Ong. We need new leaders.
@rainbowfyer8043 11 месяцев назад
In terms of who would give Squilf her lives, I'd say Firestar, Sandstorm, Hollyleaf, Leafpool, dandelionkit or juniper kit (probably not both), maybe Feathertail, maybe her mentor Dustpelt and/or Graystripe, not sure about the rest. Larksong or Flickerkit maybe? I think it'd be really cute if shrewpaw gave her a life as well.
@Hadeshy 11 месяцев назад
Luckily Ashfur is dead or he would've showed up
@birb70 11 месяцев назад
@@HadeshyAshfur giving her a live would be funny af I'm kinda sad we don't get to see it 😭
@Hadeshy 11 месяцев назад
@@birb70 "I'm giving you a life of fidelity, so you nevere forget what you've done to me" Yellowfang feeling Jayfeather juging her upon hearing those words.
@leomorris7573 11 месяцев назад
8:14 ocelot sighting (hearing?)
@picat3422 11 месяцев назад
Honestly it’s kind of sad how the series kinda just went downhill after the new team took over. I really loved warrior cats but after all these problems that either already existed and they just amplified it or they created new ones, I don’t even know anymore, I don’t really bother to read the new books now because I know it will just make me more upset about what the new team is doing. It kind of sucks but warrior cats will still be a part of me, I love warrior cats but the new team is just upsetting.
@ThatArtisticBookwormYT 11 месяцев назад
See, I don't want Squirrelstar... but I don't want dead Squirrelflight either...
@yumekoslefttoenail6746 11 месяцев назад
if squilf dies, warriors is over also i stg she better live if she "dies", if tigerheartstar can do it, so can squilf
@Littlefox1213 11 месяцев назад
Imagine if the authors just realize how bumped everyone is about Squirrelf dying (if they kill her off) and bring her back a book later
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
​@@Littlefox1213Probably not. As Moon said in the video, these books are written about two years prior to their release dates, so it's very likely for Squilf to die and never come back.
@tigerpeltofwindclan8431 11 месяцев назад
I am terrified, this is inevitable to be what happens.. and I absolutely hate that I have to worry about this so much.
@honeypots8787 19 дней назад
haha take that moonkitti! throws up from stress like a weary chihuahua
@hayhead.d 11 месяцев назад
Moonkitti I love your videos so much like I get so excited for every one
@Tururruuuuuuuuuuuuu 11 месяцев назад
If she dies, I die with her.
@clovermagpie4090 11 месяцев назад
I’m going to throw a massive hissy fit if bramblestar outlives squirrelflight
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
Me too omg 😭
@ascent9374 11 месяцев назад
I love the old man voice you give Bramble 😂 was near the end of the vid a lil on edge abt Squilf dying and I couldn't help but get this big goofy smile on my face❤
@Romanticoutlaw 11 месяцев назад
the tiger/fire dynasty is inevitable. I strongly believe every thunder leader we see in the next ten years will be of that lineage, and only related deputies will be the ones who get promoted. But I'd love to be proven wrong
@taeko3508 10 месяцев назад
Maybe not Ivypool might be our only hope. She is one of the very few relevant character unrelated to Firestar in Thunderclan (Or she is very distantly related since her grandpa is Firestar nephew)
@aaronsapprentice 11 месяцев назад
As someone who gets really attached to specific characters and has been waiting over 2 years to find out if that character will be okay or not (as well as a theory I have had regarding that character for /5/ years) I understand how difficult it is to stew on this. I applaud you for being able to except the worst case scenario though because I feel if I could do that I'd feel a lot more at peace. Personally I feel Squilf will be okay, but I also haven't read Warriors under the new team, so I understand your concerns.
@snowscapeddreams6300 11 месяцев назад
homestly i feel like even if she dies they’re ( the writers ) gonna continue to bully her.
@Lion_Thunder 11 месяцев назад
Yeah I feel like they'll some how kill of her ghost 😢
@MartiniiYeah 11 месяцев назад
Yeah :( The writers are probably going to make StarClan put Squilf on another trial or some stupid shit, and they won't allow her into StarClan.
@Lion_Thunder 11 месяцев назад
@@MartiniiYeah or say she broke the code so much she goes to the darkforest
@itznptime806 4 месяца назад
​@@MartiniiYeah oh hell no, if they can allow Yellowfang(broke the med cat code), Rainflower(abused her disabled(??) son) and ASHFUR(literally everything) of all cats into starclan, then them not letting squirrelflight into starclan is just the starclan cats being dumb 😭
@Gayfeatherwarriorcats 11 месяцев назад
yay!! new video!! :D also I might spent some of my birthday money to become a patron!! I've wanted to support you for a long time but just haven't had the money :((
@deweyr_fisher 11 месяцев назад
The objectively unhealthy romances in the series plus all the forbidden romance plots is what made me stop reading some months ago. I wish the new authors would stop making plot decisions that everyone hates and move the conflict out of ThunderClan for once. We could have a massive blackmail scandal, some rogue/kittypet relation plot points (that actually force the Clans to confront their discriminatory tendencies instead of routinely utilizing the ‘you’re one of the good ones but only because your existence benefits us’ trope as a crutch) I don’t want to be hyper-critical, but there has to be either a storied lack of self-awareness or some intentionality behind these continued controversial decisions. The implications of sexism, the blatant ableism, and the justification of colonization, and other assorted things speak for themselves. I honestly don’t see how these things continue to happen.
@TempestMidnight 11 месяцев назад
I know I'm a little late to commenting (eh four hours isn't THAT late), but the "prophecy" Leafpool gave that Bramblestar must make a sacrifice... it might mean he'll have to decide between saving Squirrelflight and him dying and letting Squirrelflight die so he can remain alive.
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
Let’s hope that’s what it is, because I don’t care how Bramblestar dies, I just want him gone. I’ve been wanting Squirrelstar since forever. And who knows, maybe Bramblestar will give her a life for self sacrifice or something, that would be fun to read.
@lemonadeoriginal6400 9 месяцев назад
I’m sorry that you had to go through what you did, Moon, but I want you to know that we stand by you no matter what happens! Thank you for making my day every day and I will stand by your side, even though I’m just a comment 😅
@emilymonahan5232 11 месяцев назад
can you make a video about how sunbeam has changed as a character?? i feel like she _already_ is completely different because of nightheart... like she doesnt think of anything else anymore. i thought that initially, when he left her behind in shadowclan, she would build up some sort of resentment towards him-- like she has a line where shes like "my mother was right all along..." AND THEN SHE _GOES TO THUNDERCLAN_ TO TAKE HIM BACK??? HUH?? WHERED THAT COME FROM??? especially since her line of thought was "well whorlpelt is right wing and flaxfoot keeps mansplaining stuff to me, so i guess i have no choice." ITS DEPRESSING?
@Barnacl3_Boi 11 месяцев назад
Honestly, I'm just happy with whichever plot development results in the most drama in the books >:)
@JustDuckiest 11 месяцев назад
I didn't know Dovewing was your favourite, Moon! I truly thought it was Squilf
@sofiabenavides8046 11 месяцев назад
I won't be able to get over it if she dies, that time she almost died on Power of Three due to her very bad wound I cried so hard, I've never cried like that for a character before. She needs to make it! I won't be able to go on without her 😭
@savannahbugg 11 месяцев назад
Ty for talking about the myth of “mutual abuse” I think it’s really important.
@etchysketchy3141 11 месяцев назад
Honestly if Squirrelflight dies I'm done. I get that there are new characters coming and they need focus, but there's no reason she can't be leader and just be in the background, doing amazing leader things and then dying. IF she dies, both her and Bramble better die, but if he lives and just suddenly shapes up and returns to being leader I will be livid, but honestly even if they both die I just might be done. Sqilf doesn't deserve this. The writers know she doesn't and if they want to be that blatantly contrary against their fans then they can deal with said fans no longer supporting them.
@abigailkondoudis5772 11 месяцев назад
All hail Squirrelstar!
@girlrotom 11 месяцев назад
can you talk about splashtail’s entire deal? it’s obvious he’s going to be a massive antagonist based off the spoilers and im curious to hear your thoughts on him since he’s so young
@vanillaandbazel6810 2 месяца назад
I hope Squilf (knowing she is leader now) is written as like her younger rambunctious self. Like she doesn’t think, she just pulls a young Squilf and charges head on into any conflict and the Clan just fully supports her because we all know ThunderClan are just brainwashed into doing whatever their leader says. Oh and like Jessy should honestly just show up and be like “Oh Bramblestar!!!” And then at that point Brambleclaw just dies from an old man heart attack and the whole Clan cheers. (This is completely plausible in my mind.)
@evelynnjones5442 11 месяцев назад
Imagine if tigerstar 2.0 goes and kidnaps the two cats and might even kill bramblestar to get more or all of thunderclan territory
@snurvy 11 месяцев назад
I am honestly here for Squilf becoming leader and going "now it's my turn bitches" and taking noone's shit! That being said, this could mean she'd probably not listen to advice and therefore not see the whole story. It would make her decisions reasonable and in character while still being not so good ones.
@misty_mellow 11 месяцев назад
Squirrel'flight: i will become leader... Right? The Erins:.. Uh... Maybe...
@pantherbeastly3934 11 месяцев назад
This is a nice video, but I don't really agree with the idea that changing Squilf's personality to be more incompetent or antagonistic as a leader would be a great thing. Considering her whole arc of doing everything in her power to defend her clan mates through compassion and her fighting to have her voice heard, her becoming another awful leader that only exists to generate "juicy" conflict would be a huge let down. This character had been made to suffer over things that male characters would usually be championed for in the end, and assassinating her personality would be proving the sexist biases against her from a part of the fandom right, and would almost justify all the awful things Bramblestar said to belittle her in her super edition. I understand that conflicts are what make stories interesting, but there's still a way to generate a good story without ruining Squilf's character. In fact, I believe that her becoming leader could be a great way to regain her more feisty and somewhat contrarian personality to where it would be used as a good thing instead of a negative. Naturally, this would cause her to butt heads with more traditional leaders like Tigerstar, and could build a narrative around her clanmates learning to respect her more. She can even learn the importance of a democracy in clan culture that could cause views to shift in interesting ways. Instead of rooting for character assassinations to generate superficial drama, we should be pushing for the writers to think outside the box and to expand the characters they already have. Turning Squirrelflight into another Onestar or Bluestar would stifle that potential and invalidate all the growth she's gone through in my opinion.