
Vestas Wind Systems - Promotional Video 

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Vestas wind systems - promotional video played before Quarterly Report Q1 2007.
15 may 2007



26 сен 2024




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@jentify 14 лет назад
I think it's cool to see a bunch of these! If I had one in my yard I would save so much on my electricity lol
@1MinDLesS1 16 лет назад
this video was well put together. its catchy and has good colors.
@diskofil868686 13 лет назад
Keep up the great work!
@saltyshoelace 16 лет назад
This company is really incredible. I wish the state that I live in (Michigan) would take note...
@Brd1515 15 лет назад
i hate when people complain about the way that these things look...i think they look great, i stare at them whenever i drive by
@HansNien 16 лет назад
Saltyshoelace said it for me. I am dutch, but when I see what a Danish company can do with wind turbines, it should be better to say that a windmill (or turbine) is from now on more part of the Danisch culture rather than the Dutch. Very nice to see.
@Bboy8989 13 лет назад
Yeeah, It's great! Thanks!
@NoEcologyNoEconomy 9 лет назад
Thanks, Vestas, for destroying so many vistas and making a business model of it.
@revhard05 16 лет назад
yea, I am a amateur still in school. In thermodynamics we are covering the equations around work and power. In electronics we are covering generators. So it interested me in windmills.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
The max size is usually 50Mw. They are modular, fast setup, modern (no archaic manuals or incidents requiring engineers to fly in from overseas), simple, and reliable. Further, the EPZ (protection zone) in case of incident is: ZERO feet! They can contain ANY incident because of their comparatively tiny size. Whereas the EPZ for the old HUGE plants was tens of miles, at least 30 if i remember correctly according NRC. These new, small reactors are made by NuScale and others, check 'em out.
@myOnnItt 15 лет назад
A recent project in Aroostook County, Maine, USA cost apprx. $58 million for 28 turbines, a little over $2 million a piece installed
@GraemeMurphy 15 лет назад
Had a block put on planning permission for a wind farm in my area unless it uses non-Vesta's turbines. Solidarity with the Isle Of Wight workers. We will cost you dearly as the fight will go on forever. We will not roll over on this one.
@NoEcologyNoEconomy 11 лет назад
Your LOUD CAPS YELLING is about as subtle on the landscape as these spinning eyesore skyscrapers. It's fitting.
@sonick808 16 лет назад
how come the video doesn't show the piles of birds at the base of the mill ?
@Brd1515 15 лет назад
i think those red things on top of the turbines at "Hornes Reef" are helicopter pads...thats how they reach the turbines
@mauriciobarrera7837 10 лет назад
@Plamen2007 16 лет назад
woohoo go Vestas !! c(:
@revhard05 15 лет назад
is there any comparison to a nuclear power plant or a hydroelectric dam, i think the nuc power plants are in the 1000mw.
@revhard05 14 лет назад
Small is a relative word, what do you mean by small?
@revhard05 14 лет назад
So the total "power" output is " X "?
@sonick808 16 лет назад
Wait and see what happens to the eco-system when all the birds are felled by these air-blenders. These things are hell on avian populations.
@alanhowitzer 16 лет назад
What's on the back of the turbines at 1:35?
@NoEcologyNoEconomy 11 лет назад
They're a major industrial blight on the landscape no matter how you spin it. Drawn images of wind turbines (e.g. on cereal boxes) make them look like quaint old windmills, belying the fact that they're often 400 feet high and dwarf local natural features, especially when installed on ridge-lines for maximum utility. There's good reason why they get consistently negative reactions from locals; that is, the ones who don't sell-out and sign agreements not to speak ill of them. It's like bribery.
@sonick808 16 лет назад
I'm certain your figure is correct. Oil spills do not occur with impunity 24x7. The Valdez spill was in 1989. Do the math. Many of the spill victims can be saved with rescue efforts by volunteers. The breadth of species killed is far more wide with these air blenders. The ratio of power output to mortality rate is pathetic for these ugly eyesores. You're right, "some people" are so ignorant. Those that begin their rebuttal with a personal barb and end with a barb are usually "some people".
@jentify 14 лет назад
at 3:26 is probably a water crane that will put the towers in the water
@revhard05 14 лет назад
@cbrunner8331 source your info?
@revhard05 16 лет назад
the debate here in america is weither or not the windmill should be subsideries of the government. So obviously cost per watt is a issue. However i have not seen a projection of what one windmill cost, anyone have one handy?
@sonick808 14 лет назад
The delivery infrastructure is also in need of upgrade, BAD. Certainly more in need of overhaul than healthcare, that's for damn sure. Can't get any public option MRI's if there's no electricity.
@revhard05 14 лет назад
You dont have any idea about what you are talking about. The new nuc plant designed by westinghouse AP1000 has been approved for every country it has been reviewd in. Im sure if their was a chance one or two of the countrys might have disapproved, dont you think?
@nikos833 14 лет назад
Belle le turbine della vestas.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
In summary (and my final comment): the new, SMALL nuclear plants in a strategic, partial-mesh array are proven to have 0 safety risk due to the small amount of material. The max output per plant is 50 megawatts. Placed strategically, this is the only viable solution for the insatiable electricity use including future growth. We also need to upgrade delivery. Anyone who is against feeding the grid must decide between electricity, and going back to the dark ages. Your choice. Signing off..
@1PAcouchpotato 16 лет назад
I dont think id want one of those in my yard. Or near my yard.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
exactly. with EVERYTHING optimal, one turbine can barely make 2 Mw. 3 tops on a rebuild w/ new coils etc. Too many moving parts. I used to drive past the huge farm in PawPaw, IL while driving back and forth to Rockford IL on I-39. 90% of the turbines weren't even turning due to unfavorable conditions, disrepair, etc. It was exciting when it first came out, but it is already a flagging technology. We NEED small, modular nukes. That is, unless something comparable is discovered.
@sonick808 16 лет назад
Houses don't have blades that slice through the air at high rates of speed ? Use google, the avian mortality issue is thoroughly documented. Nice subtle jab there at the end.. good one!!! jagoff
@hlpmeplz22 14 лет назад
How about a nuclear power plant? Would that be a nice lawn ornament for you?
@revhard05 14 лет назад
so thats 2.6mwh per and nuc plant makes what?
@revhard05 14 лет назад
more like 2 to 3 million
@sonick808 14 лет назад
Oh definitely. They're a hot commodity. Look at who invests in them: old money dynasties for one; movers and shakers for sure. However. The grid is going to collapse without SERIOUS generation power, and wind turbines make a lilliputian amount of power for the footprint they have. You say it takes years to recoup on nuclear..... it takes damn near as long to get the land allocated for these turbines with all of the "not in my back yard" and eminent domain suits. Nuclear = fast, POWERFUL power
@ccook1981 14 лет назад
by code in canada they have to be 400m away from any home
@LuxuriousLuxembourg 15 лет назад
1 billion from wind power?
@revhard05 14 лет назад
The united states has more uranium than the middle east has oil, Im not trying to bash the windmills because their windmills i hope they can work however in the future if technology helps produce a 100 mw wind tower, lol, good for it. However, With newton in mind, How can you get that much power from a wind tower? i would like to see 100mw wind mills, that *might work, but How can you get the same amount of power from.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
15 rpm measured at the rotor center puts the speed of the blades and blade tips at upwards of 100mph! Far too fast for the birds to negotiate. People dying doesn't mean we should kill birds too. RE: Nuclear power. Look into modular
@myOnnItt 15 лет назад
yep they have money for that stuff. buy Vestas stock. I did.
@myOnnItt 16 лет назад
But what are pollutants from coal burning doing to the ecosystem? How about all that waste coming from nuclear power plants? And how are wind turbines more ugly than the gray haze of smog that blankets the industrialized world? Birds are a concern, but clean air and water is a necessity for the entire planet. Next time you see a wind turbine, think of it as a soaring monument to our ingenuity, our engineering, our will to create a cleaner world, and our appreciation of all living things.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
My only interest is in stable, cheap electricity for the people. Turbines just don't offer that. They're neat for autonomous complexes and such, but the national grid ? A drop in the bucket. As far as those solar towers with the molten material generating steam, those show real promise. We'll see if it bears fruit or not. My concern NOW is that the grid is VERY old and rickety and will collapse under it's own weight in 20 years. Lucrative or not, we need to feed the grid. modular nukes can.
@sonick808 14 лет назад
company i work for ? the company I work for has over 150,000 employees. Wrong guy. Again, I'm talking about REAL power for a floundering grid. You obviously don't understand the scope of the demand vs. the trickle of power these turbines provide. Like i said, these turbines are cool for small, self-contained complexes with predictable future needs (AND having been studied by audobon society for migratory paths prior to placement). Anyway, we need REAL power fast to avoid collapse
@myOnnItt 16 лет назад
honestly, though, don't cars kill millions of birds every month? I have visited a wind site several times and have never seen one dead bird. I admit they do kill the occasional bird but it certainly is an acceptable tradeoff considering the pollutants these machines offset. Perhaps some wind sites are poorly located? Maybe. But I can't think of one good place to put a nuclear reactor or a belching smokestack. Can you?
@catimaldey7485 2 года назад
Old mechanical technology with gallons of oil. Easily surpassed by new technologies. Its only marketing
@revhard05 16 лет назад
hell pad
@sonick808 14 лет назад
The future is going to be either: 1) Complete failure of the coal-fired and hydroelectric grids by 2020 or 2) Many small, modular nuclear power plants with a max output of 50 megawatts, configured in a strategic partial mesh configuration. You should know this as FACT if you truly have a master's degree in energy. These turbines aren't worth a shit. low output. low ROI. High maint. cost. Bad for the ecosystem. The only new tech. with promise is solar capture towers / boiling salt / steam
@GraemeMurphy 15 лет назад
Reinstate the 11 workers sacked for occupying the IOW plant trying to save their green jobs manufacturing wind turbine blades.
@revhard05 14 лет назад
You cant even back up what your trying to prove if it is anything at all. If you do "know very well what your talking about" you can answer my question So masters o' energy answer my question? Compare units of nuclear power to units of windpower, in terms of MONEY? lets hear it!!!!!!!!! masters of energy? YEA from an online college based in India, pffff
@revhard05 14 лет назад
i call B.S.
@agentsas55 16 лет назад
well see some states just dont have the wind required to run these things... all what you saw usually have a good stream 24/7... Michigan may be one of those states that just doesnt have enough wind... but im not sure, I wish MO where i live would get them also but we jsut have incensistant wind
@revhard05 16 лет назад
power = energy/time
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