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(3 Dec 1996) Eng/Viet/Nat
After nearly thirty years, U-S Senator John McCain returned to Vietnam to meet the man who saved his life.
McCain was shot down while flying sorties over Hanoi in 1967.
A Vietnamese man who witnessed McCain's plane crash into a lake rushed to the aircraft and pulled McCain to safety, risking his own life as bullets continued to rain down during the battle.
This is the place where U-S Senator John McCain fell out of the sky nearly thirty years ago.
His Navy fighter-bomber was hit from enemy fire as he was flying sorties over Hanoi.
McCain bailed out, hoping to safely land on soft ground near Truc Bach Lake.
Seriously injured, he landed instead in deep water as heavy fire continued to rain down around him.
McCain felt certain he would die.
Then he saw the face of the man who would save his life.
29 years later, McCain got to see that face again.
SOUNDBITE (Vietnamese)
"Oh my God, 29 years and now we see each other again!"
In an emotional reunion, retired Vietnamese factory-worker Mai Van On met with the former Navy pilot whose life he saved during the war.
On, now 79, described how in October of 1967, he was eating lunch at his home next to Hanoi's Truc Bach Lake
Suddenly American fighter-bombers shrieked low overhead, followed by the destructive chaos of bombs, machine-gun fire, rockets and explosions.
A plane was hit and its pilot bailed out over the lake.
SOUNDBITE (Vietnamese)
"I looked up to watch it as I was sitting in the shelter. I wanted to run out of the shelter, but the people there didn't agree. They said I'd die if I went out when the aircraft were shooting crazily like that. The bullets were falling like rain on the lake.
On's countrymen urged him to let the pilot die rather than risk his own life saving him.
But On didn't listen.
He jumped from the shelter, grabbed a large bamboo pole and plunged into the lake.
SOUNDBITE (Vietnamese)
"Four other American aircraft were coming down to look for him, but the Vietnamese guns were shooting so hard the aircraft had to fly back up."
McCain recalls being semi-conscious, with his leg and collarbone broken.
He sank beneath the lake's surface, and all On found was his parachute.
SOUNDBITE (Vietnamese)
"I held the bamboo under my armpit, grabbed the parachute and pulled it, and then I saw the head of the pilot popping up."
When they reached the shore, On rescued McCain again, this time
from an angry crowd who wanted to beat the pilot and push him back
into the lake.
Having survived his fall, McCain suffered for the next five years as a prisoner of war in the "Hanoi Hilton," .
But On's troubles were only just beginning - he faced isolation from neighbours who were angry with him for rescuing a hated American pilot moments after he'd been attacking them.
SOUNDBITE: (Vietnamese)
"I don't hate him. When he was in the sky, he shot at us. But when he fell into the lake, he was in danger. I had to save him. How can you hate someone who's in a situation like that?"
McCain warmly thanked the man who rescued him, and expressed pleasure at meeting him under happier circumstances.
"Obviously he's in very good health; I can tell that by the way he greeted me."
SUPERCAPTION: U-S Senator John McCain
The American friend who arranged the reunion says that now, years later, On sees a larger purpose for what he did that day in 1967.
SOUNDBITE: (Vietnamese)
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@vietlebaohoang4887 4 года назад
The Vietnamese Vet: oh my god, it has been 27 years since i last saw you, i miss you tremendously, after that he describe how he save John Maccain
@tycute21 3 года назад
I’m missed John McCain He is good man and cared for all people’s. Regardless what party, he work for country first not for the party. Buddha blessed him. ❤️
@michaelpham4238 6 лет назад
RIP McCain. The Vietnamese man in the beginning was saying "oh God, oh heaven.. something something I recognize this face/man"
@MalMilligan 4 года назад
There is obviously a lot more to this story. I believe Mr. On was "discovered" in Hanoi by Joe Bangert and then Joe asked Chuck Searcy to call McCain's office and see if he would meet with him on one of his next visits to Hanoi. And McCain did which was nice. McCain's version of being shot down is very different in some details from the way the Vietnamese describe the events. I read 3 of McCain's books and I've been to Vietnam 11 times since 1993, and I'm also an X-Navy guy, so I've been fortunate to hear both sides. So the parts that are now more or less agreed to are that Mr. On, weighing in at less than 100 pounds when wet, did fish McCain up to the surface of the lake while he was probably unconscious from the ejection and tangled up badly in the chute. The second part is that the locals were going to kill McCain on the spot, and On stopped them over and over again. Humanitarian... yes, perhaps... but live pilots were also much more valuable than dead ones. McCain also angered the crowd because he broke the antenna off his radio and those things were considered to be the Holy Grail by the North Vietnamese military command. I heard that if a pilot did that, they could be executed on the spot by law. I also heard that McCain waived his .45 at the crowd. A crowd of old men and farmer's wives. They thought that was dumb - he had zero chance for an escape and he had just dropped bombs on their neighborhood which they all witnessed. They might have killed McCain for that as well but On wrestled the gun from him and prevented the crowd again from killing him with rakes and old guns. It's been decades since I read McCain's book "Faith of My Fathers" but I don't think he remembered the events of his capture as clearly as the villagers. He ejected going incredibly fast and the canopy did not actually open properly so his head went through it. He broke multiple bones and most likely had a traumatic brain injury like a concussion. Both men are now passed.
@puglessmcarthur5613 2 года назад
Appreciate your insightful comment. I’m a navy vet as well. Do you know anything about the PAC Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain? Vietnam vets claiming McCain talked to the Vietnamese in his captivity. Seems like one of those things that we’ll never know for sure, but it does make me scratch my head. Why do many prisoners didn’t make it back and he did.
@MalMilligan 2 года назад
@@puglessmcarthur5613 I'm not familiar with that group but McCain signed the confession that was forced on every American POW and many of the guys who refused to sign the confession died from torture. McCain later wrote that signing was the low point of his life. He was actually one of the religious leaders of his POW group and that in my mind was probably a big factor in him living. I hated what McCain did to the conservative movement when at the end of his life he hated Trump so much he did things like side with Obama Care which he had fought against for 10 years. But as objectively as I can be from all the information I've been privy to, I doubt he worked with North Vietnamese at all while he was a prisoner. He used the blatantly racist terms "Gook" and "Gooks" to refer to prison guards until late in his life when it was not politically correct. The biggest beef many have with McCain is that during the USS Forestall fire where 134 Navy men died, he spent the first 4 hours in the Wardroom. If you ever saw the real Navy footage, the start of that disaster was the aircraft he was piloting was hit by a missile from the aircraft in front of him while they were on the deck getting ready to launch. He was pulled from his cockpit while his plane was in flames by a Chief who was killed seconds later by a 500 pound bomb exploding on McCain's plane. McCain was in a state of shock physically and mentally. A lot of guys thought that was his defining character event... malingering in the Wardroom. I think he deserved to take a few minutes to regroup mentally, but waiting 4 hours to get in the fight was too long. Many felt his father and grandpa's legacies were the only thing that kept him from being written up, but you know the military is not supposed to be General Patton slapping an enlisted in the face for refusing to fight. There is somewhere in the middle that's appropriate. 4 man fire hose teams going into a pyro fire in a bomb magazine had a 45 second lifespan at the height of the fire, and team after team ran in there knowing they had no chance of survival, but they instantly gave their lives to save their buddies and to save the ship. I personally could not have known that and then done nothing. But I just don't know if I would have written him up if indeed he spent 4 hours in the wardroom. Probably not.
@MrJames-tw3so 3 года назад
thia clip brings me so.much joy,this the world I wanna live in.
@bruhmomento_2197 4 года назад
At first he greeted the man saying he hasn’t seen him in more than 27 years. At the lake he explained how bullets kept raining down at where the plane crash from the VC side, so he had to risk his life just to get over the river to pull him out safely
@thENDweDIE 8 лет назад
As a POW, whilst being interrogated, John got stabbed in the balls & still kept his mouth shut!!! Damn impressive!
@thENDweDIE 8 лет назад
WillieG it was a bayonet if I'm not mistaken
@betsybean4054 6 лет назад
Well...they didn't cut his nuts off...Cindy proliferated...thank goodness...what wonderful children he produced after having his balls impunctured! John is the toughest man on earth. Everything is possible through God.
@Red_Lune 4 года назад
I was kicked in a ball and it was so wretched that you guys couldn't open your mouth to complain about it... About the fucking pain
@mauricefricke6236 3 года назад
@@betsybean4054 Idk why but your comment made me laugh.
@12345balla12345 6 лет назад
I wish there was subtitles so I knew what he was saying in Vietnamese
@vivile301 6 лет назад
The audio is kind of hard to deciper , but I can tell you the essence of what he said. When he hugs McCain he just says something like, "Oh my god. MY GOD. Wow wow since 1975 almost. Oh my god!" Then, as he is still sitting beside McCain giving an interview, I believe he's explaining when he first noticed the plane in the sky. To give context, he goes on to say that when it was happening, it wasn't unusual for planes to land in the water. There were a ton of planes in the sky and it was raining so much that the water just looked like huge ripples everywhere. Then the vid cuts off, so I don't know what he goes on to continue to say. Then they show the lake where McCain's plane went down and the old Viet man is explaining more. He says that 3 or 4 American planes were flying low quite close to the water. From what I understand they were trailing one another. Then Viet planes came (I think attacking) and the American planes couldn't come down anymore. (?) Then the vid cuts off again back to the interview room. The Viet man says something like " (Something) was clamped/stuck under the armpit." (I think this is in reference to when he got McCain out the plane.) There's a part I don't understand. Then he says something that I only understood partially so this translation might suck, but it was like, "His plane came down from the sky like that, he could've been already dead, what would I have found?" or "His plane came from the sky, there was a good chance he was dead, (something having to do with the word "look for/find", and "what more (could I have done(?)) At the end bit, where he's joking, I think he says, " I'm gonna say this little bit, okay?" and then says something along the lines of "You're as handsome now as you were when I found you in the plane". I hope someone who knows better Viet than me can fix these translations. They are far from perfect and I may have lost a lot of language based nuances. I also guessed a lot. Sorry if anything is incorrect!
@vaneepham5847 4 года назад
Vivi Le what an awesome translation
@peterrodby2786 3 года назад
Why? The man knew what he was saying.
@roslanhassan57 3 года назад
@@vivile301 9
@onefull1 2 года назад
@@vivile301 Thank you very much for the input you’ve provided. I was as curious as can be to know what was said by the elder Vietnam gentleman.
@quanghuynhwong8686 6 лет назад
Mc Cane shoulda Compensate The Man Saved his life
@nicknguyen2491 3 года назад
Compensate him S ,ask him?did he beats up McCain? I'm sure he did.
@xdgs567z 3 года назад
I’m pretty sure he got compensated by John McCain but off camera
@huntermcdowell3109 3 года назад
He Did, he helped turn America lnto a socialist country before he died
@stellajanehello1582 Год назад
@@xdgs567z actually he didn't get anything of compensatory value and Mr On died a very sad man, forgotten by John McCain
@johnalden5821 3 года назад
I like people who get captured, and then rise above their experience to become great statesmen. It's the people who have no character, but think they are somehow leaders, who are the real losers.
@xdgs567z 3 года назад
We need more respectful leaders like John McCain who are able to show that we can set politics and past history aside and still be friends
@q.taylor2921 6 лет назад
Subtitles would have been nice here...just saying.
@Conn30Mtenor 2 года назад
Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that conversation.
@traceywilkes7870 7 лет назад
Vietnam was horrible & the POW's were tortured and starved. Why do people judge John McCain? He survived that makes him a Hero ... we have no clue what that war was like and the mental torture he endured... he is not perfect and has made many mistakes. I don't agree with him politically but will never deny his bravery and his service and love for America.
@jessicamoore6801 6 лет назад
Tracey Wilkes torture? As if the USA dont torture their prisoners, making you eat the guards cockmeat sandwiches at Guantanamo bay. It's horrible to be a prisoner anywhere.
@stureremil1942 6 лет назад
Bombing third world countries?
@easyaccess1111 6 лет назад
Tracey Wilkes I don't wish torture on anyone, and I don't endorse people calling McCain a "songbird," I think that is messed up. But, if you are capable of having empathy with people who are not from your country, and you understand what McCain did with his tremendous power in congress...how the hell can you not judge McCain??? (not saying you don't care about kids getting blown up, maybe you were not aware). He is responsible for the deaths of over a million innocent people, mostly children. He used his clout to secure congressional funding for carpet bombing Cambodia in 1973 (there was no reason to bomb them). That killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. He pushed for every offensive war of choice ever. He didn't just mess up on a vote, he INTRODUCED bills and WROTE policy to invade countries like Iraq. Unlike other senators he served as a pilot, so he knows how indiscriminate bombing campaigns work. Because of him, kids all over the Middle East got Depleted Uranium and White Phosphorus dropped on them. Then on his death bed (six months ago) that immoral psycho lied about the Yemen War and shilled for the Saudi regime, and used his influence to kill the bill in the Senate. Now even after he is dead that piece of shit made sure 100,000s of Yemeni kids will slowly starve to death. That is his legacy. If you know these facts and you do not judge McCain, you are a jingoistic psychopath who doesn't care about massacring innocent kids.
@br549lyfld9 6 лет назад
My father was a mp in that war.
@erictaylor5462 6 лет назад
"What did he say?" I don't speak Vietnamese, but I'd bet what her really said was, "Holy shit! You got OLD!" That's what I thought when I accidentally ran into my 5th grade teacher... 35 years after I finished 5th grade. I didn't SAY it, of course, but I sure though it. I think she was around 25 or so when I was in 5th grade. Might have been even younger. So she would have been about 60.
@Notreally2515 3 месяца назад
The bird often used when the vietnamese talk about John Mcain. May mean that somebody is revealing secrets. For instance if a Someone of czech descent in America is revealing secrets of international communism a American communist agent will start singing czech songs? maybe even go on tour in the Czech republic. and use other identifying markers to raise awareness that someone is revealing secrets. Not sure if the song "listen to the music" is related to this vietnamese strategy?
@aliasxr 7 лет назад
Mouth shut? The Vietnamese didn't nickname him songbird John for nothing...
@cebollasconchicle382 3 года назад
El buen samaritano.
@carlitobrigante6304 4 года назад
Hi Chi Minh saved John McCain's life ?
@lime1819 4 года назад
How did he meet John McCain in 2000 when he passed away in 1969 lol
@randyroberts4633 6 лет назад
we will never know how he was treated. they claim he was given preferential treatment because of his father and grandfather being admirals. they say he was treated well. he says he was tortured. he did go against the strict code that captured military personnel are supposed to go by when he made that propaganda recording. if he's a liar how can anything he says be believed.
@ErnieAlgorriernietheattorney 3 года назад
Yeah McCain skated through the Hanoi Hilton. Got room service and massage too because they knew he would become a senator and run for president and vote against a health care repeal that would offend Trump.
@martinferland713 3 года назад
@@ErnieAlgorriernietheattorney hahaha awesome
@peterrodby2786 3 года назад
Subtitles would have really helped. The Vietnamese are sorely mistaken if they think their language is global.
@bamboo9666 3 года назад
So you want him speak English?
@vybui6686 3 года назад
Không bik tiếng vn thì biến!
@indignumgratia 3 года назад
This was from the Associated Press, so you can thank them for not providing viewers any type of translations in the way of subtitles or voice overs. The Vietnamese don't assume anything about their language. Actually, many of them nowadays learn English in their schools and speak it fairly well. What other languages do you speak, Peter, besides English?
@poorlivesmatter6882 3 года назад
He was a good guy, but John McCain should of never flown any planes! He was a terrible pilot wat before the war!
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