
Virgin Mary Apparition in Castleconnor, Co. Sligo, Ireland 1985 

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22 окт 2024




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@janeboylan-odowd159 3 года назад
Actually my parents took me up there during the sightings (under duress I add) and as I sat on a hay bail in pure teenage scepticism a ball of flames appeared in the sky! It was 930pm at night and even I was taken aback.
@laurielovett8849 2 года назад
A fireworks sent up of course,balls of flame me arse wouldn't it be a nice little milk cow for the town, people coming from near and far,and buying souveneers , No way doubt the four liars oops visionaries will do well out of it,whilst laughing up their sleeves .Remember the other moving statues,well they all died out. I went to view every one of them,and not one of them moved an inch. Its mass hysteria and the clergy play on it. If we hadn't got the Christian God, no doubt the people would be standing open mouthed staring at a statue of a moving Jupiter. Innocent people,there has never been and there will never will be moving statues
@ericscahill599 2 года назад
Was that 930 am, Ad or 930 BC?
@paulbizard3493 Год назад
Fantastic. Can you describe the ball of flames?
@BabyCowGoingmadinafield 5 месяцев назад
@@paulbizard3493 It was a ball shaped and made of flames lol
@paulbizard3493 5 месяцев назад
@@BabyCowGoingmadinafield Thank you ! Lol
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
Hail Holy Queen Of Ireland And Heaven Our Blessed Lady Mary.☘✝️🇮🇪
@seancullen99 3 года назад
"Other sightings were listed such as balls of fire, hosts, and even the smell of flowers"...I would have thought the smell of flowers outside was the least crazy thing there LOL!
@bighands69 2 года назад
Depends on how strong the smell is.
@laurielovett8849 2 года назад
Dealz do a great line in floral room sprays. Apparitions are a great money making lark
@johnking5174 3 года назад
0:34 - "Members of the clergy for the most part stayed silent" = Now, haven't we heard that phrase millions of times?
@uisce_blu 3 года назад
Maybe, Ireland should have taken more heed then. Maybe things would have been easier now
@martinkent333 3 года назад
The Irish love being silly. Well run governments need sobriety and Ireland has clowns. Sink the blarney stone in the deepest ocean or put it on mars. Put it on tour outside the world's parliaments and let the public get selfies. Encourage the civil servants to come out and kiss the stone and cause another world war. Ireland needs silliness. So put the legislative assembly in clown costumes and all the city counsellors and mayors and mayoresses, too.
@Tacoman1967 3 года назад
Would it be the protestant Mary that appears in N. Ireland or is it a traveling mother?
@huub1989 2 года назад
Faith is very personal. Each to their own.
@elzorro7of9 2 года назад
So is mental illness.
@odonnabhainiverssen5006 3 года назад
Symbols that remind us of our common beliefs and culture and bring us together in communion to openly show gratitude to God acknowledging there is something greater than us as individuals ... Who can criticize this? divinity is mirrored and amplified the more we spend time contemplating the divine the more time we spend with God. When we mirror God to eachother then we experience a bit of the divine on earth. Nothing wrong with mirroring God back out to the world any way we can.
@martinkent333 3 года назад
Can we fuck Jesus when he returns, dude? Does the saviour of mankind suck cock?
@iamachildofgodministry9360 2 года назад
@@martinkent333 no fear of God You will perish if u don't turn to christ if not u will burn in Hell
@martinkent333 2 года назад
@@iamachildofgodministry9360 2 billion Buddhists and Hindus suffering from eternal hellfire, Dumbfuck? How stupid are you, Rube?
@martinkent333 2 года назад
@@iamachildofgodministry9360 Brainwashing makes your Holy Water enema special?
@laurielovett8849 2 года назад
More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than in all the wars,and tortured, did you ever hear of the Inquisition, went on for hundreds of years right into the 19th century. Teaching of religion should be abolished in schools,its brain washing children. If they want to become religious later in life well that's their funeral.
@annoconnor2735 3 года назад
It is better to believe than doubt. Pray for discernment and you will become enligtened. Remember to pray for the protection of the blessed blood of Jesus. God's Holy mother will lead and direct you and guide and protect you.
@laurenceoconnor6499 3 года назад
"No one comes unto the Father except through Me." Jesus Christ Mary is a creation and not Creator, ergo, she can do nothing for you. Mary will face Judgement as will all humanity.
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
@@laurenceoconnor6499 Wrong Blessed Mary Was Brought To Heaven Body And Soul During The Assumption. As The Angel Gabriel Said Hail Full Of Grace The Lord Is With Thee.☘✝️🇮🇪
@beachdetectingireland3984 2 года назад
@@odonnchada9994 any proof to back up that ludicrous claim ?
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
@@beachdetectingireland3984 Yes But Its Only The Faithful Who Can Witness It. The Likes Of You Will Know In The Next Life But It Will Be Too Late Because Your Soul Will Be Sent To Hell.😥☘🇮🇪
@laurielovett8849 2 года назад
@@odonnchada9994 See the threaths are starting already, the Christianity you prided yourself on,didn't last very long ,did it
@elbenni8786 2 года назад
They imported the statues from protestant England, blasphemy,
@rocon86 2 года назад
These type of things don't happen these days, I wonder why?🤔
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
No One Good Enough To See Them.😉☘🇮🇪
@annehat4833 2 года назад
Maybe because its rubbish....ppl more awake these days...not so easy to fool !
@eddkennedy6458 2 года назад
@@annehat4833 They cant be that awake most took the JABS.
@annehat4833 2 года назад
@@eddkennedy6458 in defence of those who took the J of which i was in a position to not have....others lives were affected...they have mortgages...childen ect.....these poor barstards were not given a choice....whoever is running this shithole need to go....we have been fed nothing but lies for centuries....all to keep us in fear...for them to control.....and ANYTHING. from the media is via them.....serial murders....serial rapes...shootings !...all psyops....to control us with fear.....and they have no intentions of stopping....therefore i watch nothing the TEL A LIE VISION has to say....sorry will get off my soap box now....just enjoy what you have xx
@laszmesz1958 Год назад
@dsav1976 3 года назад
You can't beat tea and sangwiches
@NMDecember1 3 года назад
Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. #beginningofsorrows #Matthew715 Jesus is our only protection please cling to Him as you would a life raft from a sinking ship like the titanic as this world as we know is sinking and will be worse after #rapture when the 7 year tribulation will be so bad unless God shortens the time no flesh will be spared until Jesus returns at end of 7 years. Isn't it strange the apparitions don't mention this IF they were true. #everykneeshallbow as saviour OR judge but we can't change our mind and repent in the next life and those that rejected Jesus as Lord and Saviour WILL stand before the judgment seat of Christ not the judgement seat of Mary, saints, good intentions and Jesus just judgment seat of Jesus as HE ALONE paid the price for our sins✝️🩸🦁. I hope I will see you there on the right side. #john316
@adrianc1264 2 года назад
Judge not others ...
@anonUK 2 года назад
"Nurse, I told you this patient shouldn't be allowed in the Chapel! It always sends some of them over the edge. Now, is the priest in the ambulance yet?"
@Moondogg111 2 года назад
Images placed in the minds of the people by the British establishment. Rome and Britain are two sides of the same coin.
@YoutubeUser.. 3 года назад
1:20 Blessed virgin Mary looks about 6 months pregnant here.
@react-- 3 года назад
Those girls had a crafty joint and got caught.
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
Shut Your Auld Face.☘🇮🇪
@johngilmore6688 3 года назад
Oh dear, this is just embarrassing! The Clergy stays silent, whilst the locals coin it for decades to come, from superstitious pilgrims searching for something. Sad.
@Dreyno 3 года назад
It’s clearly bollocks. But there’s no locals coining anything there. It’s off the beaten track and there’s not a single shop or cafe there. Knock on the other hand ..............
@johngilmore6688 3 года назад
@@Dreyno They may have wanted it to be another Knock.
@kylemyers971 3 года назад
@@johngilmore6688 No, they were just unsure about its authenticity so they remained silent. They did the same for Knock too, until an abundance of miracles happened which forced them to open up an investigation.
@johngilmore6688 3 года назад
@@kylemyers971 Whatever did they find?
@kylemyers971 3 года назад
@@johngilmore6688 They found that the testimonies of those who witnessed the Apparition at Knock were trustworthy, and thus they permitted pilgrimages. If you're interested in an in-depth analysis of Knock and the clerical investigation, I'd recommend the book 'The Apparition At Knock: A Survey Of Facts And Evidence'.
@nigelrossiter6013 3 года назад
@martinkent333 3 года назад
Folks who wait twenty centuries for a son of a virgin, are insecure that they bet on the wrong pony. So when Mary apparitions etc happen, then pilgrims flock.
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
You Have A Mad Forehead.💚
@gungagalunga9040 3 года назад
2021 Moving Statues = Wearing masks in the hope of protecting oneself
@michaelwalsh9145 2 года назад
Plenty have been fooled by that also taking experimental injections that the manufacturers are cleared of any liability if there are side effects but they still believe the government wants to keep them safe.
@dechannigan2980 3 года назад
Google 'the Second Commandment' Several verses in the scriptures condemn idolatry worshiping graven images and man made effigies. God is spirit worship God in spirit and in truth..
@johnfortune3432 3 года назад
Big difference between worshiping someone and honouring them. Catholics honour Mary and ask her to intercede. Not worship.
@gabymorketchup5045 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jVDSyQFIE4s.html ❤️🕊
@69Jackjones69 2 года назад
0:50 must be drunk, they're driving on the wrong side of the road
@oudekelt8619 3 года назад
het kiezen voor een sterkere toekomst voor haar kind is iets wat in haar mogelijkheden ligt .. maar funest als je teveel power in 1 predikend persoon tesamen brengt .. ontaard altijd in dwangvormen .. in elke kerk draait het om geld .. daar is haar kind op tegen .. andere predikers volgen hem op !!!!!!! .. en kerken ontstaan uit steeds andere predikers ..
@oudekelt8619 Год назад
bedankt voor het liken 2023 ++++++
@maSHEALY 2 года назад
Daft Ireland
@edmundpower1250 Год назад
It's 1985
@johnhennessy8903 2 года назад
18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense. 21 For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God for [f]an image [worthless idols] in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25 because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing. 28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, 29 until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them.
@skysounds101 5 дней назад
Lovely memories
@irishboer7124 3 года назад
Last years of the goberloos being in charge...
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
Hail Glorious Roman Catholic Saints And Martyrs Of Éireann.☘🇮🇪
@anthonywhelan5419 3 года назад
Get out those pots and pans and shake, rattle and roll. Hindus can get just as excited about their idols as well.
@martinkent333 3 года назад
Our Jesus Freaks can't compete? Really?
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
The One True Faith Has Countless Signs, Wonders And Miracles All Other Evil Fake Religions Have Nothing. Bless Those Who Dont See And Still Believe.☘✝️🕊🇮🇪
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
@@martinkent333 Your English.
@jamesfagan7823 3 года назад
This rubbish could only happen in back word Ireland
@thet1375 3 года назад
What would you call Ireland today??? A communist, liberal globalist dump but sure at least we're not "backwards" anymore 🙄
@martinkent333 3 года назад
@@thet1375 Repository for brainwashed Jesus freaks? Island of drunks, ignorant zombies and clowns? All of the above?
@patriciabyrne5089 3 года назад
@@thet1375You don't know what Communist is if you think Ireland is one.
@thet1375 3 года назад
@@patriciabyrne5089 Ireland has one of the most strictest restrictions in the whole of Europe. Other countries opened up long before complacent Ireland. Friday 22nd October was just a date to make people think life would be normal again. They are talking about extending covid certs to get into bars and restaurants, not to hard to see where this is heading. Soon it will be everywhere "show me your papers please", they said once enough people where vaxxinated they would open up, now they are saying everyone needs the booster because cases are rising and ICU numbers are up. It was also reported that complacent Ireland has the highest vaxxination rollout in Europe, yet cases are rising?? How do they work that one out? Does the vax not work or are the vaxxinated getting covid? None of this makes any sense. Remember Guards stopping people to ask where they were going? Fining people for walking on the beach or scenic routes? Fining people for driving past the 5k restrictions? Fining families for having relatives over? Tell me none of this isn't communism, we are allowed to do nothing, yet go across the border and life is basically back to normal.
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
You French Pagan.
@iamachildofgodministry9360 2 года назад
Repent and believe in Jesus and turn from your sins And only pray to cgrist not Mary There is only 1 intercessor between God and man and that's the man christ Jesus
@huub1989 2 года назад
Faith is very personal. Each to their own.
@beachdetectingireland3984 2 года назад
Faith is gullibility. Fact .
@huub1989 2 года назад
@@beachdetectingireland3984 kind of you to set us all right! Lol
@beachdetectingireland3984 2 года назад
@@huub1989 what other decicion in life would you base on faith , none , faith is justban excuse people use when they don't have a good reason to believe in something
@odonnchada9994 2 года назад
Faith Can Move Mountains.☘🇮🇪
@beachdetectingireland3984 2 года назад
@@odonnchada9994 not true , there's not 1 example of faith ever moving anything, none , zero , zip , zilch , Nada .
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