Thanks for that interview. Very intelligent questions and I was riveted seeing you both navigate these and attempt to answer them through your lived experiences. Experiential wisdom “Gyan” is superior to learnt knowledge or read text- so i was happy to see limited name dropping :) I felt compelled to reach out as I work for adidas (“impossible is nothing !” ) , i am a Yog student and I have attended several Tony robbins seminars including DWD in FL where he quotes Rohn and conducts meditative practices weaned from hinduism. I am going to address a few things in the video. 20:44 TVW " ....the more we search for god and serve our fellow man..." While service and charity are clearly a path to a higher life experience , it can't be selective. "It is our duty, to defend, protect and care for all those weaker than us"- Vedas .This includes beings that are voiceless and cannot ask for charity. At least us humans can take ourselves to a soup kitchen.So if one wants to truly experience emancipation, serve unconditionally. 21:46- TVW "Yogi's sitting in a cave and meditating - how does this exist when there is all these noises and you have a normal life" What the world understands as "Yog" is deeply flawed. It's even mispronounced as Yoga. Practicing bendy excercises does not make one a yogi- ask a gymnast if they are peaceful. It's a sad state of affairs when the modern man is looking for answers and these "yogis" are charging them a per hour rate for prescribing a downward dog. "Yog chitta vritti nirodh"- Patanjali Yogsutras,5000 yr old sanskrit text documenting the yogic principles, says that "Yog means silencing the tribulations of the mind". Travis asks about meditating in a cave- and yes one can choose to do that, but real yogis are in this calm state everywhere. A cave or a dinner party with guests is just change of geography. The mind can be stable or unstable in both. 21:50- VB "What is all the enlightenment in life worth if you don't get a chance to love on other people, you might master your breathing ..." I am curious to hear what you consider enlightenment. Have you met an enlightened being? Or is this a concept derived through reading about people claiming they're enlightened? Love, hate, joy, sorrow are all temporary states of mind- and exist in duality. They are opposites of each other.If you feel love, eventually hate will follow. Sorrow is just an absence of Joy. Does this mean we sit in isolation? Not at all , the real journey lies in seeing this temporary duality and continuing to seek anyway . "Tamaso ma jyotiragamaya- take me from darkness to light" There are several more points which i want to address but the brevity of the comment section doesn't allow that. If all this pricks your interest or if either of you want to learn about what i know or how i know or disagree , feel free to reach out to me on IG @shiv__angi . Thanks again for asking these inquisitive questions and putting thoughts into words for everyone . I was quite impressed by the inquisitive nature of the interview and hope I can contribute in some tiny way .
Wow! Thanks for your contribution. Thanks also for really hearing our discourse as it was rather than some transmutation through a dirty lens. That's not a skill I see often.