
Was Mary A Virgin? 

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A historical presentation of the virgin birth accounts of Jesus, and the perpetual virginity of Mary.
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Graphics by Mark Banas. Images in public domain.
Video editing software: HitFilm Express
Idea source attributions:
John Dominic Crossan, Bart Ehrman, Paula Frederickson, James Tabor



28 сен 2024




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@danielmeadows3712 3 месяца назад
Who are you? Do I believe you or 2000 years of Christianity.
@TenOnReligion 3 месяца назад
It's not about belief but a historical perspective. Much of the 2000 years of Christianity did not know about the gospel writers' use of the Septuagint to frame the birth narratives of Jesus. These texts were written probably 50 years after Jesus died and are not contemporary with his birth.
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
@@TenOnReligionoui, mais ce que vous semblez ignorer, c’est que ces écrivains se sont renseigné à la source ! Vous n’allez pas nous faire croire que vous savez bien mieux que ce que savaient tous les contemporains de Jésus à Nazareth et dans les environs! On ne vous croit pas, on vous prend pour des créateurs de fables, des affabulateurs, ou pire encore, pour des menteurs !
@theotheoth Месяц назад
Don't believe this guy or the 2000 years of Christianity (as if 'Christianity' itself has one singular reading). Instead, enquire within -- read up for yourself. A lot of church interpretation of scripture can quite clearly be seen to be bogus if you just put in some fairly basic level detective work.
@danielmeadows3712 Месяц назад
@@theotheoth which ones a bogus ?
@theotheoth Месяц назад
@@danielmeadows3712 Start with the one we have here: the Hebrew word "ha-alma" means "the young woman" -- it was mistranslated as "virgin." Hebrew has a word for virgin and this is not it. Also note the definite article "the": they were talking about a known woman involved in the current story. King Ahaz is under attack now, and the prophecy tells Ahaz that the woman is about to give birth and that child will save him from the invading nations. A baby born 700 years in the future is not going to be of any use to Ahaz. Besides, in no gospel does anybody call Jesus Emmanuel. (The church elders know this makes no sense at all, but their minions seemingly have no option but to keep peddling it to their flocks, almost all of whom never really read up for themselves.)
@jvlp2046 12 дней назад
Some said STUPIDITY?... If that was true... Luke 1:36-45... narrates that Mary visited her "COUSIN" Elizabeth... it should be narrated that Mary visited her "SISTER" Elizabeth, since no Hebrew word for COUSIN... So, why then, when the R.C.C. translated them into LATIN "AS IS" (Fratres/Sorores) knowing they meant COUSINS or RELATIVES?... so why then, the R.C.C. never correct them in the first place in the 4th Cent. A.D.?... well, that was the TRUE (Real/Authentic) STUPIDITY including the one who said it previously from his initial comment (@bernardauberson7218)... The Greek Scribbers/Translators of the 1st Cent. A.D. also did the same thing, they wrote "AS IS" (Brothers/Sisters), instead of COUSINS. The 1st German and English Scholars/Translators in the 15th to 16th Cent. A.D., also did the same thing, they wrote "AS IS" (Brothers/Sisters), instead of COUSINS. And, the rest of the World's languages, translated in their own Native TONGUE, wrote the same thing "Brothers/Sisters," instead of COUSINS. In conclusion, if that was the case, why does no one dare to correct the TRANSLATION into COUSINS" if that was true?... It should be translated... "Your Mother (Mary), and COUSINS are outside, looking for you." (ref. Mark 3:31)... but still wrote "BROTHERS / SISTERS." The TRUTH is, "BROTHERS / SISTERS" were the True Context and Meaning of the Holy Scripture (Word of God)... logically speaking... Anyone who ADD/S or SUBTRACT (take away) from this Book (written WORD of God / Holy and Inspired Scriptures including God's Prophecies) will ADD plagues to them, and their NAMES will be removed (erased) from the TREE OF LIFE"... (ref. Rev. 22:18-19)... Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically and Logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
@bernardauberson7218 12 дней назад
@@jvlp2046 In english, v.36 “Elisabeth your RELATIVE “ said the bible , orthodoxe bible, not sister ! Not Sister! What kind of bible do you have ? The Church sais Mary don’t have sisters ! You are wrong and stupid ! Every time that you read brother, they are not brothers of the same mother, because the Church said Jesus has no brother at all, and all Nazareth and Jerusalem know that perfectly! Are they all liards ? Stupid. Just one exemple: Acts 1; 13 “Judas the SON of James” ! If, Judas is disciple of Jésus, he is more 20 , or 30 as Jesus , and James, his father is 40 or 50 years old : he is older than Jesus ! Or, when Jesus was 12 He went with his parents to the Temple in Jerusalem! But where are his brother(s)? No name of them ! Of course He has no brother ! If Mary has 4,5…7 sons ! Mary was 27 at this time ! Could she bears all this children when Joseph shall die a year later ! It’s blasphemy ! All what you try to say about cousin is completely insane !
@HenkVeenendaal 16 дней назад
Nice explanation. Another problem is of course that if Jesus was the son of Mary, he would be of her tribe and therefore of the priestly tribe. But if he was the son of Joseph, he would be of the Royal lineage of the tribe of David. If Mary didn't get pregnant by Joseph, Jesus could never be the Messiah, because the Messiah is said to be of the tribe of David via Joseph. There is no way around this. But it is a nice attempt by theologians in those days, especially for believers who were not jewish, to make Jesus both Priestly and Royal. It just never works that way. It's a story that will never work.
@jvlp2046 2 месяца назад
Not even in the LATIN VULGATE, the words "Brothers and Sisters" were used and not the words COUSINS, RELATIVES, or BRETHREN (Brotherhood)... Two (2) Gospel Writers (Matthew and Mark) ATTESTED to this matter but the R.C.C. totally rejected this matter... St. Paul warned us all, "DO NOT GO/EXCEED TO WHAT IS WRITTEN."... (ref. 1 Corinthians 4:6)... St. Paul also said, "Let God's CURSE (Anathema/Condemn Eternally) be upon those who taught and preached different Gospel other than what the Apostles had taught and received from them... (ref. Galatians 1:8)... Are the R.C.C. more better and knowledgeable than the Apostles of Christ Jesus in the 1st Century A.D.?... NOPE... They created many HERESIES (Blasphemy) against the Word of God... TRUE WORSHIPPER, worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH... without the R.C.C. Idols/Images/Statues and Dogmas of Blessed Mary... The True Worshipper of God (True Christians), loved, respected, honored, and acknowledged the Blessed Mary in the Biblical Way... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
@@jvlp2046 Pauvre ignorant, à Nazareth , on ne parlait pas latin, mais hébreu depuis des générations et des générations et c’est dans cette mentalité hébraïque qu’il vous faut lire le texte ! A ce niveau-là, je doute de vos capacités à être un vrai adorateur en esprit et en vérité ! Au vu de tous vos contre-sens ! Un simple hérétique de mauvais aloi ! Quoi ? Vos critiques de la Sainte Eglise catholique peuvent se retourner contre vous ! Vous , qui en 5 siècles n ‘avez produit aucun saint, aucun homme porteur de la lumière incréée, baptisé dans l’eau polluée du lac ou de la rivière, faux baptême… qui ne communiez jamais qu’avec du vent et tant d’autres inconséquences! Ce n’est en rien en votre faveur ! Désolé mais … ?
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
Ce discours est idiot ! Bien sûr qu’il est d’une ignorance crasse ! Il ne sait donc pas que le mot cousin n’existe pas en hébreu ? Il lui faut en remettre une couche sur sa stupidité ! Voyez donc ! S’il,pouvait imaginer une jeune fille qui a passé déjà 12 ans au Temple ??? Connaît-il dans son entourage une femme qui aurait assumé 6 voire 9 grossesses pour mettre au monde tous ces fils et ces filles , frères et soeurs de Jésus ? Allons donc ! Ajoutons aussi que l’espérance de vie à cette époque ne dépassait pas 40 ans ,alors, vous comprenez bien la stupidité de cet hérétique borné !
@vijayyesu6677 10 дней назад
Shalom Iam indian also christian How to confirmation mary a Virgin
@chriswalls5831 Месяц назад
Yes was a virgin but had other kids afterwards
@bernardauberson7218 29 дней назад
@@chriswalls5831 c’est incroyable qu’on puisse dire n’importe quoi, et pire encore sans aucune réflection intelligente ! Notez donc, quand Jésus vint au Temple à 12 ans, Il y vint avec Ses Parents, mais où sont passés Ses petits frères ! Normal, Il n’en a pas ! Tout Nazareth le savait, sauf vous , ignorants ! Vous soutenez donc que Marie , qui a cette année-là 27 ans, devra encore assumer encore 5 voire 8 (avec les filles) grossesses ! Vous imaginez votre idiotie crasse ? De plus St Joseph va mourir sous peu , alors , avec qui ? C’est un énorme blasphème contre l’Esprit !
@johnpro2847 5 месяцев назад
I actually believe your take more that the praying class explanation..amen.
@trommelbiel 2 года назад
The virgin Mary was never created to have kids outside of Jesus. St. Joseph understood that very well.
@peppernbo Год назад
@trommelbiel Год назад
@@peppernbo The bible did not touch on every topic. Not every holy book made it to the bible. The bible was compiled by the Riman Catholic Church and they also know a few things that protestant don't. For example that James write a book where he clearly alluded to the perpetual virginity of the blessed virgin Mary. This knowledge and tradition has been known for over 2000 years. Saint Joseph was a widower when he married the Virgin Mary and he was already an old man. If Jesus had biological brothers and sisters why would it be necessary for Jesus to entrust the care of his mother to saint John?
@peppernbo Год назад
@@trommelbiel you may be right but i wouldnt go as far as to say mary wasnt created to have kids--but who knows. there is alot of mysteries in the bible
@trommelbiel Год назад
@@peppernbo Yeah the bible has some mysteries but probably 99.99% have been unveiled as the end approaches. Once again if Mary had other children, male or female Jesus wouldn't need to entrust the care of his mother to a disciple. No, Jesus had no biological brothers or sisters. It is difficult to understand this mystery in our hypersexualized world how a married woman could still remain a Virgin after marriage but it is not difficult for God. The Virgin Mary fully understood her role as well as saint Joseph.
@peppernbo Год назад
@@trommelbiel i agree with you most likely but we will never know 100 percent sure . possibility that she only had one other kid after jesus and that child maybe had died for some reason or wasnt able to take care of her.
@mehowop 14 дней назад
@elizabethmonroe5791 27 дней назад
Not after he split her womb to be born.
@elizabethmonroe5791 27 дней назад
Maey and Joseph had other sons and daughters after Jesus was born.
@jvlp2046 5 месяцев назад
I do not believe in the PERPETUAL VIRGINITY of Blessed Mary while under oath to God from the Sacrament of Matrimony/Marriage Vows... Anyone who practices and accepts freely the "Vow of CELIBACY" permanently while under their Marriage Vow is guilty of committing a SIN against God... However, I do believe in the VIRGINITY RESTORATION when Blessed Mary became a WIDOW of St. Joseph and became a "Free Woman" once again before she died... WHY need for restoration?... To forever remind us all till eternity that a VIRGIN MAIDEN gave birth to the "PREPARED BODY" created by God (ref. Hebrews 10:5) through the Holy Spirit, the Son of God (Christ Jesus) and not just a "HA ALMAH" (The Young Woman) Prophesied by Prophet Isaiah. (ref. Isaiah 7:14)... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen and Amen...
@lucillebonds2196 4 месяца назад
When St. Bernadette asked the Lady in the Apparition of Lourdes who appeared to her to identify herself. This was the question of the Bishop she should ask to know her identity. So our Lady told her "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION." This is to confirm the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception which was made by Pope Pius ix few months before the Apparition. As we were told that St. Bernadette was illiterate, did not know how to read and write so she has no knowledge about this Dogma. Why did she not identify herself as the Mother of God as she always do in all of her Apparition except this Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes.
@jvlp2046 4 месяца назад
@@lucillebonds2196 Did you see the deception here?... Pope Pius IX proclaimed first the Immaculate Conception Doctrine/Dogma created by the Roman Catholic Church on Dec. 8, 1854, almost two (2) years before the Apparition of Blessed Mary to Bernadette Soubirous existed between February 11 to July 16, 1858, in Lourdes, France... and not just a few months as you had claimed... If the Immaculate Conception is TRUE, would it be more reliable, authentic, realistic, more agreeable (undebatable) to know "FIRST" from the Apparation of Blessed Mary to Bernadette before it was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX about that Dogma... Logically speaking, It must be REVELATION come first, before PROCLAMATION... Aside from that, why was the Dogma not revealed to the Apostle or after the Death of Blessed Mary in the 1st or 2nd Cent. A.D.?... that took almost 1800 years, before the Roman Catholic Church proclaimed the Dogma in 1854 A.D., followed by the Apparition almost 2 years later in 1858 A.D. ..,. that was VERY ODD... Therefore, perhaps, the Apparition might be the "WOLF in SHEEP Clothing," disguised as Blessed Mary... The Bible warned us, in the last days, there will be MIRACLES, SIGNS, and WONDERS (Apparition) to deceive many even the Elect (People of God)... Why would Blessed Mary allow Bernadette to kneel down (bend knees/prostrate) before her, when Christ Jesus and the Angels prohibited that act to no one, except for God alone ... The Apostles or Disciples never kneel down before Christ Jesus including to any Angels from Heaven... but to God (YHWH) alone... Take note:... BOWING DOWN means respect/honor acknowledgment while KNEELING DOWN (Bend knees/Prostrate) means Worship, Veneration, Devotion... unless you are working in the ground like the farmers, plumbers, etc... Facts and Truth of the Matters, Biblically, Historically, and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
@srich7503 2 месяца назад
@@jvlp2046 greetings: you said “Aside from that, why was the Dogma not revealed to the Apostle or after the Death of Blessed Mary in the 1st or 2nd Cent. A.D.?... that took almost 1800 years, before the Roman Catholic Church proclaimed the Dogma in 1854 A.D., followed by the Apparition almost 2 years later in 1858 A.D. ..,. that was VERY ODD...” Is it any less “odd” the apostles did not reveal which books were in the canon of scripture before they died in the 1st cent A.D. that took another 300 years before the Roman Catholic Church proclaimed the Dogma of that?
@jvlp2046 2 месяца назад
@@srich7503 Sorry, I truly did not understand your concern regarding what I've said and your point... please, elaborate more, thanks.
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
Bien sûr ! Mais considérez que vous avez alors, un vrai problème avec l’ Incarnation ! Pire encore , big problème avec votre propre virginité ! A coté de la plaque pour le dire plus simplement.
@jvlp2046 3 месяца назад
Apostles and Early Christian Churches in the 1st Cent. A.D. believed that Blessed Mary was VIRGIN before she gave birth to the Savior/Son/Word of God manifested into FLESH, named Jesus, but not after the birth... Blessed Mary claimed that she "KNEW NOT" her Husband (Joseph) till (before) she gave birth to their FIRSTBORN SON, Christ Jesus... (ref. Matt. 1:18-25)... Did God restore her Virginity after giving birth to the Savior till her death?... God never revealed that to anyone, neither Christ Jesus nor the Apostles revealed her PERPETUAL VIRGINITY to nobody... the R.C.C. claimed this doctrine for her... and called her VIRGIN MARY instead of Blessed Mary... Blessed Mary never claimed nor ever written in the Scriptures that she was PERPETUAL VIRGIN, and never claimed she had no other Sons and Daughters from her Husband, Joseph before he died... Does restoring Blessed Mary's Virginity have something to do with our SALVATION?... What was the Purpose why God must do such a thing for her?... According to the Bible, God (YHWH) does NOT have FAVORITISM (Impartiality) to those who do HIS WILL. (ref. Romans 2:11)... Christ said, "Anyone who does the WILL of My Father (God) is MY Mother, Brothers, and Sisters." (ref. Matt. 12:50)... Does God really want it for her, or that was what the R.C.C. wanted for her?... Any Biblical or written Proof?... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen.
@fantasia55 2 месяца назад
Church Fathers said Mary was always a virgin.
@fantasia55 2 месяца назад
Early Christians disagreed with your man-made traditions about Mary.
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
Vous avez le cerveau déformé par les réformateurs ! D’abord, vous ne comprenez pas ce que vous avez lu. Vous avez pour sûr un problème à votre virginité ! Son Fils premier-né ne veut pas dire qu’il y eu d’autre fils ! Si vous prenez l’ensemble “frères de Jésus “, vous oubliez l’ensemble vide : ZERO frère puis UN frère, deux frères etc. La preuve, Jesus, avant de rendre l’âme dit à Jean, voici Ta Mère ! S’il avait eu un frère puiné, c’est lui qui aurait dû prendre sa Mère chez lui, Loi juive oblige ! Comment est-ce possible que ignorez tout ça ?
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
Encore un énergumène évangélico- réformé qui se gargarise de versets bibliques! Mais vous vous broutez ! Ça n’a plus de sens ! Vous ignorez que les Evangiles disent que Jésus enseignait la foule, puis expliquait tout en particulier à Ses disciples ! Les Evangiles restent muets sur ce qu’Il leur a enseigné ! Vérifiez ! Saint Marc est très ‘parlant’ sur cela ! Mais, il n’y a que les Apôtres qui ont retenu cet enseignement ! … quI est transmis dans l’Eglise depuis plus de 2000 ans, c’est l’enseignement apostolique ou la Tradition que les hérétiques ne connaissent pas ! Tout cela rend vain tous ces discours stupides !
@jvlp2046 2 месяца назад
@@bernardauberson7218 You preferred to be a SELF-RIGHTEOUS person who knows more than the Apostles and Gospel Writers... Were the Nazarene Israelite Jews who knew the Family of Joseph, the carpenter very well, said wrongly to Christ Jesus, "YOUR MOTHER, BROTHERS, and SISTERS are here outside looking/seeking for you?" ...(ref. Mark 3:31 / Matt. 12:47)... There are 2 Gospel Writers (Matthew and Mark) who attested that they were Christ Jesus' MOTHER, BROTHERS, and SISTERS... and not BRETHREN or COUSIN or RELATIVES... Why does NOBODY use the word COUSINS in any English Translation Version?... Even in other FOREIGN Translations, the word COUSINS was not used in that passage... Even in the Catholic Bible with Imprimatur did not translate it into the word "COUSINS" if that was the true meaning of "Brothers and Sisters" in Hebrew or Greek Languages... Facts and Truth of the Mattes, Biblically and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ...
@ismaelmahmud6094 Месяц назад
Why is there not a chapter of Mary in the Bible?
@kitstr Месяц назад
The chapter numbers were inserted later.
@colinmul981 4 месяца назад
And she was still a virgin after birth with the Hyman still intact they state
@mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад
Was Mary a virgin?Yes--when she married Joseph. SHE WAS ALSO A JEWISH wife!!! She MUST follow ALL the mitzvot laws that apply to Jewish women!!! For Joseph-----Mitzvat #124 Not to withhold food, clothing, and relations from your wife. (Exodus 21:10) For Mary----#125. To have children from her. -If she did NOT obey. she THUS has disobeyed GOD!!!! Thus making her a sinner!!!! ---Also: what is the purpose of marriage?? To pro create!!! ----In Genesis 2:24 it says, “… A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” ONE FLESH!!! Being intimate!!! >>>1 Corinthians 7:5 Do not withhold yourselves from each other unless you agree to do so just for a set time, in order to devote yourselves to prayer. Then you should come together ... ---Quote any VOW of celibacy between them!!! ----Who claims Mary never sinned??? Did Mary??? NEVER!!! Why?? Simple. 1 John 1:8-10 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. IT IS the Catholic church that claims Mary never sinned.. That verse 1 John 1:8-10, then implies the Catholic church ARE LIARS!!! --Who claim Mary remained a virgin?? The Catholic church!! NOT Mary!!! By ORDER of GOD she MUST bear children for Joseph!@!
@mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад
quote----And she was still a virgin after birth with the Hyman still intact they state.. unquote Nearly impossible. That hymen WILL TEAR!!! However the size if Jesus at birth, the birth canal WILL expand to fit that size!!!
@trommelbiel Год назад
Saint Joseph was not even in Nazareth when the Virgin Mary was almost due to give birth to Jesus. If he did then your conspiracy theory could remotely make sense. Joseph was forced to return to Bethlehem following the Roman decree that required him to return to where he was born and Jesus was born shortly after. Isaiah prophesied the birth of Jesus 700 years before it took place and Joseph was never named as the Foster father by Isaiah so there was no need for Joseph to have planned the birth of Jesus to occur in Nazareth. The prophecy had to be fulfilled in one way or the other.
@mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад
quote---Saint Joseph was not even in Nazareth when the Virgin Mary was almost due to give birth to Jesus. Joseph was forced to return to Bethlehem following the Roman decree that required him to return to where he was born.. unquote So, he left her by herself to return for the census?? -----All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from [David]. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. ----FACTS!!!!! >>>>>
@billsoinski9136 19 дней назад
Who cares
@hornplayer1228 2 года назад
The account of the actual conception establishes that Mary was "overshadowed by the Spirit of a Most High". Modern spiritual teaching reveals that control of Joseph's physical body, while he was in a state of unconsciousness or trance, was taken over by Christ Himself for the purpose of the act of inseminating Mary. This was done with Mary's consent and Joseph subsequently had all his concerns allayed by an Angel. Possession of human bodies, whether by Heavenly spirits or spirits from Satan's realm, was a common place occurrence prior to completion of Christ's Mission of Redemption. Confusion has arisen from efforts to preserve Mary's status of "freedom from original sin" by trying to isolate Her from the sexual act by which everyone enters the physical world. She was a Heavenly Spirit who came into the world for the express purpose of providing the vehicle for Jesus's Mission. She took no part in the Heavenly rebellion against the Kingship of Christ which lead to The Fall and was thus " free from Original Sin."
@FigRko 2 года назад
Mary was fully human. One Father and one mother. Soooo…..
@childrenoflight3010 2 года назад
If you believe this you are very sick indeed the Christ impregnating His own mother
@_whataday_3231 2 года назад
This is so incorrect. Please seek clarity from God in regards to this topic..
@fantasia55 2 месяца назад
@ionlyemergeafterdark 4 месяца назад
Jesus had brothers. That means that even if Jesus was born miraculously Mary did not remain a virgin, assuming that Jesus ever lived which is a topic of debate.
@lucillebonds2196 4 месяца назад
Read Smalcald Articles of Martin Luther in 1571.
@alhilford2345 4 месяца назад
No. Jesus was an only child
@ionlyemergeafterdark 4 месяца назад
@@alhilford2345 There is a lot of text in the NT indicating that Jesus had brothers and sisters. At the very least, he had a brother James. Why do you issue falsehoods? I have read the entire Bible from cover to cover twice.
@fantasia55 2 месяца назад
​@@ionlyemergeafterdark James was the son of Clopas, brother of Joseph, meaning he and Jesus were cousins.
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
@@ionlyemergeafterdarkAlors, expliquez-nous pourquoi Jacques est plus âgé que Jésus, on le sait depuis plus de 2000 ans ( voyez les anales de l’Evêché de Jérusalem) Et, si vous savez lire, ouvrez encore le livre des Actes, 1er chapitre, Jacques a un fils Apôtre, c’est Jude, ou José! Si Jude est apôtre, il a plus de 20 ans , voire même l’âge du Christ ! et son père plus de 40 ! C’est clair,non ? Vous mentez effrontément, on vous disqualifie complètement …taisez-vous donc !
@lcurt5910 5 месяцев назад
Need to talk to someone who really knows the bible and the ancient scriptures
@johnflorio3576 3 месяца назад
I suggest Dr. Scott Hahn.
@roccocarlino067 2 месяца назад
Forget these fictitious copper aged virgin births events. Go straight to the source of origins of virgin births, the golden & silver ages of Bharat. The viceless pure gods & goddesses, the deities of heaven all gave birth through the power of yoga. All were viceless and pure, it was the viceless kingdom of heaven. Later in the copper age, impure kings & queens would worship pure kings & queens. All religions remember heaven on earth.
@grimknight1452 3 месяца назад
Obviously not. She had a kid. Thats how getting pregnant works. Either Joseph was the father or another local man was.
@kennyearthling7965 Месяц назад
Sure, but it's a story with magic, so why not?
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
Tu ne connais donc rien aux réalités spirituelles. Pauvre de toi !
@jvlp2046 2 месяца назад
The R.C.C. preferred to be a SELF-RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE who knows more than the Apostles and Gospel Writers... Were the Nazarene Israelite Jews who knew the Family of Joseph, the carpenter very well, said wrongly to Christ Jesus, "YOUR MOTHER, BROTHERS, and SISTERS are here outside looking/seeking for you?" ...(ref. Mark 3:31 / Matt. 12:47)... There are 2 Gospel Writers (Matthew and Mark) who attested that they were Christ Jesus' MOTHER, BROTHERS, and SISTERS... and not BRETHREN or COUSIN or RELATIVES... Why does NOBODY use the word COUSINS in any English Translation Version?... Even in other FOREIGN Translations, the word COUSINS was not used in that passage... Even in the Catholic Bible with Imprimatur did not translate it into the word "COUSINS" if that was the true meaning of "Brothers and Sisters" in Hebrew or Greek Languages... Not even in LATIN VULGATE... Facts and Truth of the Mattes, Biblically and logically speaking... Praise be to God in Christ...
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
Mais, vous avez tout faux ! Vous oubliez l’ensemble ZERO : zero frère, un frère, deux frères , trois…etc , de l’ensemble: frères de Jésus ! C’ est mathématique : ignorant à ce point le programme primaire ?… La preuve, le Christ en croix confie Sa mère à Jean, son disciple bien-aimé ! Ce qui signifie clairement qu’Il n’a pas de frère puiné ! Vous êtes un fieffé menteur, ou un débile.??? De plus, très mauvais en langues ! Ça fait beaucoup ! En hébreu, il n’y a pas de mot cousin ! Vous ignorez ça et vous faites ces théories insanes ! Quand votre pasteur vous dit : frères et soeurs , prions ! Ce pasteur est-il votre pere de sang ? Soyez un peu plus logique et perdez votre superbe !
@jvlp2046 2 месяца назад
@@bernardauberson7218 FYI, not even in the LATIN VULGATE, the word "Brothers and Sisters" was used and not COUSINS, RELATIVES, or BRETHREN (Brotherhood)... Two (2) Gospel writers ATTESTED this matter but the R.C.C. rejected this matter... St. Paul warned us all, "DO NOT GO/EXCEED TO WHAT IS WRITTEN."... (ref. 1 Corinthians 4:6)... St. Paul also said, "Let God's CURSE (Anathema/Condemn Eternally) be upon those who taught and preached different Gospel other than what the Apostles had taught and received from them... (ref. Galatians 1:8)... Are the R.C.C. more better and knowledgeable than the Apostles of Christ Jesus in the 1st Century A.D.?... NOPE... They created many HERESIES (Blasphemy) against the Word of God... TRUE WORSHIPPER, worship God in SPIRIT and in TRUTH... without the R.C.C. Idols/Images/Statues and Dogmas of Blessed Mary... The True Worshipper of God (True Christians), loved, respected, honored, and acknowledged the Blessed Mary in the Biblical Way... Praise be to God in Christ Jesus... Amen and Amen.
@srich7503 2 месяца назад
@@jvlp2046 If the “R.C.C.” “created many heresies” the please explain why ALL Bible believing people receive their rule of faith, the Bible, from her, the Bride of Christ… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, - the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, - the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century and ONLY the 27 books, - not only did they not agree but their individual lists of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time, growing in numbers of hundreds of “inspired” NT writings. Therefore, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved it by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
@@jvlp2046 Vous voyez l’Eglise avec la lunette déformante des protestants ! L’Eglise a 2000 ans de vie en Christ et vous autant de retard ! Et, pendant ces 5 siècles pas un seul Saints, pas de moines transfigurés … chez vous et, vous vous moquez ! Non ? Quant aux hérésies, on les retrouvent en masse chez les protestants: Nestorianisme, Arianisme… et tant d’autres actuelles sorties de cervelles étranges. : mormonisme, adventisme et témoins de Jehova …C’est par rapport à ces sectes que vous jugez l’ Eglise catholique ? pas très sérieux !
@josephlozano5935 Месяц назад
Have you ever read Acts 2:40 and following. It cites how the early community "dedicated themselves to the teachings of the Apostles". Don't forget... they did not have a Bible to rely on...just the Apostle's teachings which were taught orally as they went out establishing Christian communities. But when the time came when catholic bishops were putting the Bible together they focused on His teachings not necessarily his personal details. Orthodox and Roman Catholics continue to preserve the Apostle's teachings by holding on to them. In doing so does not make us a SELF-RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE. But those who have abandoned the Apostles' teaching and replaced them with their own man-made thoughts, ideas, twisted interpretations are the real SELF-RIGHTEOUS ONES.
@almazchati4178 19 дней назад
In OT, God was someone always ready and visible to save Israelites. They could touch him, invite him for dinner, wrestle with him, and he would fight for them in the battles. I suppose he was getting old, and decided to have a son. Satan did not want to deal with two of them at the same time, it would be unfair. Why did God need a married woman to have a child? He must have taught that experience is important. This whole thing seems to have been concocted by an inept student of mythology.
@grahamjohnbarr 18 дней назад
Seeing that she was 12 when she conceived, I'd say Yes.
@domingomelchor4902 18 дней назад
Why do you say, “BCE”? What common with CE?
@johnflorio3576 3 месяца назад
Yes, Mary remains ever-virgin. Read Mark 15:40 and John 19:25 and you will see who the mother of Jesus’ “brothers” was: Mary of Clopas.
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
J’ai déjà dit que Marie est entrée au Temple à l’âge de trois ans et y est restée douze ans, mais ça les protestants ne veulent pas l’entendre ! Il faut avoir un réel problème à sa virginité pour dire sans rougir que Marie étant vierge n’est plus vierge après la naissance du Christ ! C’est un blasphème, un péché contre l’Esprit : l’Esprit Saint descendra sur toi , dit l’Archange Gabriel dans sa salutation . C’est Saint Luc qui le relève, et vous, plus sage qu ‘un archange , vous osez affirmer la non virginité de Marie ! Quelle muflerie . Vous êtes sûrement nul en math : voyez, je vous rafraîchis la mémoire : dans l’ensemble “ frère de Jésus” vous oubliez sciemment l’ensemble ZERO, = zero frère, un frère, deux frères etc L’Eglise sait depuis plus de 2000 ans ce qu’il en est , mais vous pseudo chrétiens vous n’ignorez rien , vous savez mieux que quiconque, l’ orgueil vous étouffe ! Jésus n’avait pas de frère, tout Nazareth le sait, mais vous, vous ignorez , ce témoignage, parce que vous voulez ignorer l virginité perpétuelle de Marie, c’est votre péché impardonnable et éternel péché contre l’Esprit !
@almazchati4178 Месяц назад
Those chapters are added later, see Bart Ehrman. John has no idea.
@smeatonlighthouse4384 19 дней назад
Your statement is utter nonsense. Read Matthew chapter 1 verses 24-25. Joseph and Mary lived a normal married life with sexual relationship after Jesus was born. Truly she was a virgin UNTIL Christ was born, but that is where it stopped.
@johnflorio3576 19 дней назад
@smeatonlighthouse4384: Not even the original Protestants believed as you do. Read Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and the rest of them and you’ll see they all believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary.
@almazchati4178 19 дней назад
She was married and a virgin forever? Did she have pregnancy? How did Joseph respond to the illegitimate child? How about his/her clan?
@Vigula 18 дней назад
I suggest anyone who believes this chap listen to Brandy Pitre on the subject to find out why TenOnReligion is wrong. God bless, V
@TenOnReligion 16 дней назад
Brant Pitre is a Roman Catholic apologist. I state clearly that this is a historical-critical approach and not a Roman Catholic approach.
@Vigula 15 дней назад
@@TenOnReligion I think you'll find, if you watch Brandt Pitre on the subject, that his and the church's explanation is actually more historical than yours claims to be. God bless, V
@TenOnReligion 14 дней назад
History is based on evidence, not theology. Historians look for disinterested parties. Pitre's "evidence" is not based on disinterested parties. There is a clear theological agenda.
@jessaabraham 2 месяца назад
These religions Islam Christianity and Judaism they all considers women as a property than a living being. Even could be another animal that they owned. There is very little account of women in details as that of men than them being married off. You can see how this has impacted men today. Many will pay a huge lot for little girls even today.
@johnmphiri3746 6 месяцев назад
Like all other non Catholics You are wrong on the perpetual virginity of Mary.
@TenOnReligion 6 месяцев назад
As mentioned near the beginning of the episode, this is based on a historical-critical perspective and not a faith perspective.
@mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад
Was Mary a virgin?Yes--when she married Joseph. SHE WAS ALSO A JEWISH wife!!! She MUST follow ALL the mitzvot laws that apply to Jewish women!!! For Joseph-----Mitzvat #124 Not to withhold food, clothing, and relations from your wife. (Exodus 21:10) For Mary----#125. To have children from her. -If she did NOT obey. she THUS has disobeyed GOD!!!! Thus making her a sinner!!!! ---Also: what is the purpose of marriage?? To pro create!!! ----In Genesis 2:24 it says, “… A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” ONE FLESH!!! Being intimate!!! >>>1 Corinthians 7:5 Do not withhold yourselves from each other unless you agree to do so just for a set time, in order to devote yourselves to prayer. Then you should come together ... ---Quote any VOW of celibacy between them!!! ----Who claims Mary never sinned??? Did Mary??? NEVER!!! Why?? Simple. 1 John 1:8-10 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. IT IS the Catholic church that claims Mary never sinned.. That verse 1 John 1:8-10, then implies the Catholic church ARE LIARS!!! --Who claim Mary remained a virgin?? The Catholic church!! NOT Mary!!! By ORDER of GOD she MUST bear children for Joseph!@!
@johnflorio3576 3 месяца назад
Do you know who else believed Mary remained a virgin? Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley, Knox, etc.
@johnmphiri3746 3 месяца назад
@@johnflorio3576 You Protestants have less knowledge of the bible. We Catholics know the bible much deeper than you. I gave a talk to my fellow Catholics who were "Masacred" by Jehovah's witnesses over the same matter. They called me to explain and called the Jehovah's witnesses to the my presentation. I proved the perpetual virginity of Mary from the bible and THEY HAD NO WORDS at the end of my presentation. Let me ask you two questions. Why did Mary ask the question "How can this be since I am a virgin?" She was already betrothed to Joseph so why was she surprised at what the angel said? It is normal for someone who is betrothed to anticipation that she will have children, yet Mary asked that question. WHY? Second question is what do you understand when you read Leviticus Chapter 30 verses 1 to 15?
@Pablo-gl9dj 3 месяца назад
It is not relevant if Mary was a perpetual virgin. It has nothing to do with salvation or faith. Mary was a sinner who also needed a savior. Learn your basics.​@@johnmphiri3746
@haddow777 4 месяца назад
Ya, no. You do an okay job debunking an interpretation of what the bible says, but not so much what the bible actually says. For one, this nitpicky word obsession doesn't fit. Yes, the old Hebrew uses a word translated to young woman or young maiden, not the exact word virgin. Still, for one, that doesn't preclude her being a virgin. In fact, the fact that such a word is typically translated to maiden implies virginity. When a bride chooses a friend to stand with her at her wedding, she can choose a maid of honor or a matron of honor. Today, these titles don't mean much anymore, but for most of their existance in the English language, being a maid of honor absolutely implied the girl or woman titled was a virgin, or at least expected to be a virgin. In the English language, there were many different word associations to imply virginity ot lack of virginity. For instance, you would call virgins miss or nonvirgins Mrs. Today we are told this is associated with their marital status, but in history, it was definitely associated with virginal status. As for the or stories of beings also being sons of God's, that doesn't play well with what the bible actually says about Jesus. Not what many religions say about him, but what the bible actually says. The bible doesn't claim God someone had sex with Mary and they had a child together. No, Mary was really nothing more than a surrogate mother. The bible claims that Jesus already existed before his birth as a godlike being. That's another term for angel. It says he have up that existance to come down to Earth and be placed in Marry as a human, to live an actual human existance. The key reason why Mary had to be a virgin, wasn't to fulfill an old prophecy, but was because the entire reason for Jesus coming down to Earth. He had to be a sinless human. He was the new Adam, as such, he had to be like Adam, a sinless human being. Adam, after sinning, was stricken down. The bible doesn't get into specifics how, but from our current day scientific understanding, it strongly implies that a genetic flaw was given to him. A fatal one that was so deeply embedded that he passed it onto all his children. Something our current scientific knowledge tells us is that when a fertilized egg is placed into a woman's womb, it shares non of her DNA. Also, funnily enough, a surrogate can be a virgin mother. It happens today. We just don't call it a miracle. Why the virginity was needed. It had more to do with Jesus being sinless, or in modern terms, perfect, than to just fulfill prophecy. If Joseph had been married to her beforehand, many would have claimed it was simply the birth of two sinful imperfect humans and his status would have been questionable. Also, the bible doesn't claim that while on Earth, Jesus has a deity like Hercules. While it claims he was a sinless human, it only claims he was a human. There are many passages that claim he was more, sure, but that was outside his Earth existance. Before he was born, he was an Angel. When he was raised, it wasn't as a human, but he was given back his original angelic existance. Angels in the Hebrew scriptures were shown all the time appearing in human form, but not actually being humans. That was how Jesus was able to change his appearance after being raised. He was an Angel, or godlike being again. Later, because of his faithful sacrifice, he was elevated above other angels as God assigned authority to him. Authority of kings judge, priest, and god. So, it is true that Jesus post resurrection can be called a god, it is as a title more than a name. In the bible, being a god meant you had power over whether others lived or died. Judges in Israel were rightly titled gods. Jesus is a god in the same way Moses was God. God told Moses he was making him God to Aaron and Pharoah. This meant that God was sending Moses in his name. When Moses spoke, he was speaking what God told him to say and with God's authority to say those things. They were to be taken as if spoken directly by God. Jesus in the bible many times said he spoke, not his words, but the words of his father. Even in his kingly splendor in the book of Revelations, he claims to do and say only the things God commanded him to say and do. The entire reason for Jesue existansr to be a sinless human who died without sin, to balance the scales for Adam's sin. The law stated a life for a life. If someone's innocent life was taken from them, it demanded the price of a life. Still, Jesus had to be born in the promised line. This is why Joseph was still his father. Just because Joseph didn't actually father Jesus, he was legally his father. It fulfilled God's promises to his ancestors. I get that many come to the bible with the idea or it not being inspired already firmly entrenched in ther minds, so all of this will sound like nonsense to them. That is okay. This was merely point out that much more of the bible than they think spoke to Jesus. The man who would bruise the serpent in the head. Abraham's being asked to act our sacrificing his son was a method of conveying to him the import of the cost to God of the promise he was making to him. How, he would bless Abraham's offspring by actually sacrificing his son. Note that angels were also known as sons of God. The later promises to various men down through Israel like to David. How Jesus sinless nature was prophecised by unleavened bread being used at Passover and in sacrifices. Leaven was a symbol of sin. Or the blood used to save the Israelites in Egypt or in sacrifices. Many like to claim it is blood magic, but it actually was just a prophetic symbol of Jesus spilled blood. Even the design of the temple was a prophesy of Jesus. It's physical design was a way of describing man's relationship to God and when Jesus died, the curtain in the temple was torn, showing a change in the nature or man's relationship with God. Jesus as the High Priest of heavenly Jerusalem could freely enter into God's presence as he was sinless unlike all preceeding High Priests. In any event, it was about more than the translation of a single word in an ancient text.
@lucillebonds2196 4 месяца назад
When Archangel Gabriel told Mary that God wanted her to become the Mother of God. He answered the angel how could it be because she knew no man meaning she is a Virgin. Try to understand the words of Scriptures. You don't need to write a useless lengthy argument because the answer is so direct and simple and it's just in the corner of your eyes.
@alhilford2345 4 месяца назад
@haddow777: WOW !!! You have a wild imagination! Very entertaining! But not true!
@camilleespinas2898 4 месяца назад
I have a hard time following you sometimes . You speak so fast and the lip smacking and noises throw me off .. otherwise I find your research fascinating and at times mind blowing !
@TenOnReligion 4 месяца назад
Thanks for your comment. This episode is a few years old and the production quality is lower. Maybe the captions can help?
@theotheoth Месяц назад
Read the transcripts.
@huddan6137 Год назад
Very enlightening. Thank you for your teaching.
@bellottibellotti9185 2 года назад
do a little more research about the early chrurch fathers
@doungellendous6430 Месяц назад
The Bible says! Mary had child,so call Jesus. A Mother can't be virgin 😊
@MrRevelation-j4u 20 дней назад
"A Mother can't be virgin". Not strictly true, e.g In vitro fertilization (IVF)
@bernardauberson7218 12 дней назад
@@MrRevelation-j4u Eh, et pourquoi pas ! Tu n’en sais rien, alors tais-toi !
@bernardauberson7218 12 дней назад
@@doungellendous6430 Eh, et pourquoi pas ? Tu n’es pas gynécologue ? Alors tu n’en sais rien ? Sûrement ! Alors , humblement avoue ta méconnaissance ! Et, tais-toi !
@MrRevelation-j4u 12 дней назад
@@bernardauberson7218 "Alors tais-toi !" Comme c'est impoli. Votre Bible vous a-t-elle enseigné de telles manières ?
@anthonyeaton5153 2 месяца назад
Didn't Jesus have brothers?
@bernardauberson7218 2 месяца назад
Comme la plupart de ces perroquets, qui ne comprennent pas ce qu’ils lisent, mal formés et ignorants, ils oublient que dans l’ensemble “ frères de Jésus”, ils oublient l’ensemble ZERO ! Zéro frère, un frère, deux frères, trois frères…etc C’est mathématique, fils d’ignorants ! La preuve, Le Christ en Croix, confie Sa Mère à Jean ! S’Il avait un frère puiné, c’est lui qui devait prendre en charge sa Mère , c’est la Loi juive, on ne la transgresse pas ! Où donc , dans les Ecritures, lisez-vous Un tel fils de Marie ? Nulle part ! Seulement frère des Jésus ce qui équivaut à cousin, ce mot inconnu de l’hébreu ! Ce qui prouve encore leur parfaite ignorance ! L’Eglise a transmis fidèlement depuis plus de 2000 ans le témoignage des contemporains de Jésus à Nazareth ! Ces ignorants ont plus de 1500 ans de retard et ils veulent nous enseigner ! Mais c’est gonflé!
@bernardauberson7218 Месяц назад
Est-ce que vous avez encore une cervelle pour réfléchir à ce que vous lisez ? Juste un exemple, et, il y en a d’autres ! Jésus à 12 ans monte au Temple avec Ses Parents ( c’est dans l’Evangile, cherchez !): on ne donne aucun nom de Ses frères ! Bien sûr, Il n’en a point, ensemble zéro en math ! Et tout le monde le sait à Nazareth et à Jérusalem , sauf vous , ignorant ! Et vous voulez que la Vierge assume encore 6 , Voire 8 grossesses : elle a ,en ce temps-là , déjà 27 ans et Saint Joseph va mourir quelques années plus tard . Mais , stupide à ce point, ça me dépasse! Des bornés .
@pnakogee55 2 года назад
It's inverant whats important us Hesus. Even though Jesus has brothers and sisters and have also half brothers. Why we came from the creator. Your God made us by dirt before we get dirt. We wete angles thats Why Jesus say we will be angeks and sibs and daughters of God only after you die. In Indian belueve we are already sins and daughters of our creator Our father and only true father give us each a plan. Your bible are not translated properly to English and Jesus is not white. He's a Jew.
@slottibarfast5402 4 месяца назад
Mary lied. Did Joseph buy it ? Maybe he thought it might be fun to have a son of god around the house getting free stuff from wise men, turning water into wine, etc. unfortunately for Jesus such talk can create psychological damage to young minds and even though it might work for a time, eventually you will run up against Rome that does not have a sense if humor. Jesus was not the first, and not the last to have divine visions of self. A few slip out of the net and start a new religion.
@lucillebonds2196 4 месяца назад
How could she lie? She never uttered a word to Joseph that she was pregnant. It was through the Angel that Joseph knew of the pregnancy of Mary. So where did she lie? I think you are the liar!!!
@johnpro2847 5 месяцев назад
These days Mary would be considered jailbait..amen
@mitchellosmer1293 3 месяца назад
quote----These days Mary would be considered jailbait.. unquote So you remember Jerry Lee Lewis???? He married his first cousin!!! NO LAW against it at the time..!! She was age 13/14!!!!??? Most states allow marriages at age 14 with consent of a parent!!! My mom and dad were married when she was age 14!!!! My grandma signed!!!!! -----The age of consent at time of Jesus was age 8 for females!!!!!!!!!! --hat was the age gap between Mary and Joseph? In 1st-century Palestine, the ideal age for marriage, for both women and men, was during late adolescence. Men, however, often married a bit later, sometimes even as late as 30. We can probably assume, therefore, that when they married, Mary was between 14 and 19 years old while Joseph may have been in his 20s. >>> What was the youngest age of consent? Abstract. In 1899 the age of sexual consent in some American jurisdictions was 9 years. It has ranged from 7 to 21 years and at present the range is from 11 to 18 years. >> Did Jesus have siblings? Certainly, the Bible mentions some of Jesus' siblings by name (Joseph, James, Judas, Simon - Mark 6:3). There is even some speculation that the latter of these three were three of the apostles. (ie. James = James The Less, Judas = Jude The Obscure, Simon = Simon The Zealot). >>>>What is the lowest age of consent in the world? The lowest age of consent is in Nigeria (11), followed by the Philippines and Angola (12). The age of consent is 13 in three countries - Niger, Comoros, and Burkina Faso >> What age did people get married in Jesus time? Sorry, Roy Moore. Joseph Wasn't Twice Mary's Age. - POLITICO ... In fact, according to Jewish law and customs of the day, Mary and Joseph probably would have both been young when they married. “Girls were usually engaged sometime between the ages of 12 and 15, and would be married sometime thereafter, at 15 or 16, and boys would have been 19 or 20,” >>
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