
Was the Infinite Tsukuyomi a Valid Solution for Peace? 

New Horizons
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@New_Horizons 2 года назад
Discord: www.patreon.com/user?u=73709846
@ketto2034 Год назад
Well that’s more obito fault they didn’t join him a few would just look at the land of silence
@dytgyfgyffuh243 Год назад
Madrara was right end 33 proves it
@dytgyfgyffuh243 Год назад
Many of villains were right pain was right about the cycle of hatred madrara was right about the shnobi system being hell zabuza was right about shnobi being used by thier village and people and neji was right about destiny naruto is the child of destiny they had a better understanding about life than naruto kishimoto himself said that naruto is too naive and idealistic he thinks that friendship can solve every problem
@123dan165 9 месяцев назад
As much as I personally would love the infinite tsukuyomi. It has two flaws when applying it to the real world, firstly, you have to think about whether there's people who deserve an infinite tsukuyomi like criminals and other bad people. Secondly, we have to be aware of things outside of the genjutsu on Earth, like natural disasters, potential asteroids hitting earth, and whatnot as well as the reality that the universe is a finite existence it will come to an end. An infinite thing within a finite thing will ultimately come to an end when that finite thing ends as well. So to conclude: 1. Not everyone deserves it. 2. It's generally impractical. Edit: I also forgot to mention that it's unfair to deprive past and deny future generations of good people from experiencing the infinite Tsukuyomi. In regards to the inner peace paradox, I completely disagree since the infinite tsukuyomi is practically heaven true bliss also creates inner peace and your good experiences will infinitely be good it defeats any paradoxes.
@laurierhebert-jodoin5716 2 года назад
Reminds me of the matrix' explanation that they stopped making the matrix a perfect world because it led to too mqny humans realizing that something was wrong. Perhaps one could argue the tiny bits of conflict we saw Tsunade and Hinata's world were a failsafe from that hell. In other words, you would get exactly as much conflict as you need to be kept happy. Either way, good idealist/constructivist manifesto. Hope you do more of that!
@cliffbot638 2 года назад
That's a good point. In a way conflict is good way to get us to appreciate what we have. Those "failsafe's" could be their way of making sure they appreciate what they've been given.
@Little-Buster Год назад
The Infinite Tsukuyomi really is perfect. Really now, Madara was the true hero all along. He tried to save the world as well as us from boruto.
@raoufdali1049 Год назад
The infinit Tsukuyomi is a good and even one the best idea for the world peace and hapiness of every one : The Infinite Tsukuyomi was too good of a idea that even the author run from making the confrontation with Naruto ideology 1 Sasuke shielded team 7 against the infinite Tsukuyomi light this is one proof that the author didn't want Naruto to enter the dream world ( why didn't he make Naruto go inside and break through ? ) 2 Zetsu betraying Madara and confessing the "true purpose" of the infinite Tsukuyomi ( that was the escape the author gave to avoid that conflict) The question is why he did ? It simple because both Naruto and Madara visions are exelent Naruto want to live in the real world trying making it a better place day after day by resolving conflict and creating new connection between poeple but even the world will never be free from despair suffering... Madara offers a ideal world were you won't suffer and always be happy but it's a illusion The problem is , this philosophical conflict can't be solved both can be defended and both can be criticize But both work for the same purpose to creat a better world That is why he didn't choose one And I respect him for it he didn't want to make tipical end mangas with the heros affirming That they are right but rather letting the question be
@benwelsh5265 2 года назад
Fantastic video, it's a topic I used to think about a lot during the manga's original run and the final arc. It really was disappointing when the Infinite Tsukuyomi was reduced to a method to acquire chakra and create a slave army. I like it when the villains' goal actually makes you pause and wonder "but wait what if they're right." Madara does make a pretty compelling case given his life experiences, knowledge and lets face it overwhelming charisma. A dream world full of only good things. But the problem is that without the bad things there's no contrast for the good things and so the good things lose any sort of meaning. Madara even sort of acknowledges that during his brief conversation with Tobirama that separating such basic causal nexuses would cause people to stop being human. The infinite tsukiyomi was more of a last resort/hope to remedy what Madara viewed as a reality incapable of change and dominated by the cycle of victors and losers. While his pessimism is both justified and very relatable at the end of the day there's an inherent cynicism at its core that makes it ring hollow at least to me. What meaning do dreams have if they're not actually achieved just handed to you through genjutsu? How can one claim to have brought peace when the entire solution is predicated on the idea that making peace an actual reality is impossible? How can Madara Uchiha, a man who laughs with joy at being able to experience real battle and conflict ever be satisfied with an illusion? Deep down I think both Madara and Obito knew they were lying to themselves but after losing so much and yearning for things they'd lost they confused escapism with altruism. The irony here is were I living in a world as hellish as the Narutoverse I probably would side with the plan because it's not like I don't get the extremely attractive appeal of what the IT promises but I think I'd be self aware enough to know I was doing it because I wanted it and not even bother with the 'it's for the greater good of everybody' spiel Obito and Madara use. Naruto would probably talk no jutsu my ass in record breaking time.
@tjayythedon3270 2 года назад
I think it’s just shows that if something is too good to be true it usually is. Madara wanted the world to take the easy way out and almost ended up enslaving the world. It’s like playing video games and eating hyper palatable foods to find happiness rather than chasing your dreams and goals while making friends. The first option is easier but The second is a far more fulfilling and long lasting happiness.
@Sweetdude64 2 года назад
In Madara's perfect world that universal principle would just be different. So you wouldn't need to experience bad things to appreciate the good. You just inherently/naturally would.
@raoufdali1049 Год назад
I do think that the author himeself choose deliberately to change the fact about the Infinite Tsukuyomin and created the problem with the Zetsus and Otsutsuki to avoid giving a answer to the ideological confrontation between what Naruto and Madara views of the best world Maybe he didn't want to give a answer or he didn't find it But I do think the bad ending of Naruto manga is because of that reason Naruto and Madara visions are both good both can be defended or criticize but we can't say one of them is better And I do respect Kishimoto Sama to not just side with the main character ( by making Naruto beat Madara ) at the same time he can't make Madara win and side with him ( so he decided to avoid the confrontation completely )
@ekayn1606 2 года назад
You could have the perfect amount of negative experience to make you enjoy the positive experiences.
@fellowkrieger457 2 года назад
Thanks for outlining these paradoxes. I would like to add practical flaws from the infinite Tsukuyomi : - As you said it basically create too infinite isolation. We are no longer connected to each other but to makeshift portraits of people. - For instance, what if you start to realize you're very close relatives or friends don't act in their natural way, just to fulfill your needs? Doesn't this break some kind of suspension of disbelief for the dreamer? Like a Truman show situation. - Some petty example would be Karin. She would be in a relationship with a duplicate of Sasuke. She might even self-consciously realize this situation is not believable, since it never happened in reality, he even tried to kill her actually. That might trigger for her to mistrust the infinite Tsukuyomi. But she would be trapped there regardless. There is no turning back from the infinite dream. - which leads to a major point. You don't have the choice to come back from your initial choice. The infinite dream is a one way ticket. Even against your free will. Another huge problem in this world : what happen to fundamental values? - The people in this world, more or less don't really have a free will. From a dreamer perspective, it's a factice world that evolves purely around the needs of one being. If you seek blindly with obstination for something you shouldn't achieve, then this world might fill that need for you, regardless of whether or not it should happen, or it respects or not fundamental concepts like justice, merit etc etc What if you dream about ruling over the world and have people be servants to you? Then you just turn into a worse version of yourself. - If you hurt somebody in that dream would you be punished for it? If yes, which extent? Can people disagree with your choices if they are repulsed by what you choose. Or do their will to enter in conflict with you, is always subdued to the need of your absolute protection? What if you cross a red line? Is there a sentence of prison for the dreamer, or is he completely untoucheable and stop the notion of justice around him. Or probably your actions are restricted to the extend that prevents the creation of conflicts with others. Either the justice bend to some extent to your needs, or the world prevent your acts to violate the need to avoid conflicts.
@trutyatces8699 2 года назад
All of those flaws are acknowledged by Madara to some capacity, hence why he made it so suitable conflict exists in the Tsukyomi. You don’t notice a lack of conflict if that conflict is present.
@HC-gm4fo 2 года назад
Every problem you mentioned is solved in one’s own mind
@artist0154 2 года назад
@@trutyatces8699 yeah Killer bee's perfect world have a lot of conflict but at the same time they are heroes, despite being vessels for demons
@fellowkrieger457 2 года назад
@@trutyatces8699 It's not because we don't see the system collapsing in a subset of episodes that there are not flaws in the system. An analogy would be, people just assume that Madara can handle a complex software that can manage their happinesses without having any type of bug for all eternity. And then we observed in a short period of time the lack of bug conclusion bugs will never occur? Sounds fishy.
@trutyatces8699 2 года назад
@@fellowkrieger457 all I hear from you are empty assumptions. Show me such a bug and then maybe that argument can be taken seriously.
@osirisygo9870 2 года назад
I wouldn’t mind being in an infinite tsukuyomi. It’s not real but I think it takes away all the pain
@aiya5777 2 года назад
killer bee's tsukuyomi world is full of conflicts and pain but they feel good for body, like sex it feels painful but good lol
@Memerproductions 2 года назад
In my opinion I think infinite tsukuyomi would be better than reality, I personally would like it
@helena1425 2 года назад
Yeah,i would visit differnt anime worlds😂
@xxcridonxx7614 2 года назад
I would like it too. Reality is nothing but pain for me
@clarkdark2906 2 года назад
All you kids trying to be edgy and shit how would you like it if the entire universe died except you, stuck in place, still conscious forever but you can’t do shit except want to die? That’s what Infinite Tsukuyomi would be like. Nothing ever changes you’d be lonely forever and never feel excitement again. Learn from Saitama bro
@trutyatces8699 2 года назад
@@clarkdark2906 have you ever visited R/peoplef#ckingdying? That is what you sound like unironically. You don’t even seem to understand what the Tsukuyomi even is either.
@areumad9565 2 года назад
@@clarkdark2906 it’s nothing like that your living but just not in reality. Some say that’s we are right now. What u said was more like the guy who got put In stone to float around space forever in jojo
@Tuxedo_Mexican 2 года назад
Enjoyed listening to the longer ramble and breakdown of characters mindsets and philosophy. Personally I’ll always side towards the Infinite Tsukuyomi being a sham. Living in your own dream world can’t be true peace, it takes away the human factor that forms bonds between other people being different from yourself. Finding common ground and companionship with those around you no matter the individual differences is one of the key themes to Naruto and I think that perfectly reflects the opposition to the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
@New_Horizons 2 года назад
I wish someone had challenged Madara on this like Nagato was challenged by Naruto. Not a talk no jutsu, but just someone telling Madara something more than just "it is fake". Itachi talking to Madara about it would be entertaining.
@TheEternalFlame57 2 года назад
@@New_Horizons it’s kinda funny but someone did challenge Obito about this. Which was the Mizukage. The Mizukage said “That’s not a paradise, that’s just an escape” or something similar to that. But it was never focused on
@deantegroves6197 2 года назад
@@TheEternalFlame57 true, he did.
@deantegroves6197 2 года назад
@@New_Horizons yee, itachi and madara in any capacity would be great.
@deantegroves6197 2 года назад
Yessir! I feel like this is a philosophy that most of the audience doesn't realize, whether they subconsciously lean one way or the other.
@markmiller2025 2 года назад
I appreciate philosophical Naruto content the most, thank you for making videos like this.
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
Personally, I disagree with the notion that says “you can’t appreciate good things unless you’ve experienced bad things”. This is the equivalent of a rich guy giving away all his inheritance and wealth just to appreciate simple things like food and clean water. Realistically, No one looks at a beggar and envies his life because the beggar would have a greater appreciation of the good things. I’ve had friends who were more fortunate and less fortunate than I was, and not ONCE have I envied the life of the less fortunate. As someone who grew up in a third world country, BELIEVE ME when I say “there’s NOTHING to be desired in suffering”. Anyone who is telling you to appreciate your suffering is lying to you, there are simple words made to help you cope with your struggles.
@adewalemandeylah4974 2 года назад
Bro I don’t think we’re third world tho😂😂idk we probably are
@Leled1lyly 2 года назад
@@adewalemandeylah4974 other countries exist
@RheemQ Год назад
@@adewalemandeylah4974 Well, if you're in the West you'll be there shortly with the food shortages rising and diesel shortages growing.
@dytgyfgyffuh243 Год назад
I agree and madrara was right end 33 proves it
@dyzery2907 4 месяца назад
I think you misunderstood statement, not appreciating good thing without experience of bad thing does not equal of going from good thing to bad thing to appreciate thing you already have/can easily get. If you get good thing by default, ex. being born into wealth without experiencing life as "lower class", you can't appreciate it because you do not have experience of the thing that is worse.
@nigeltube9585 Год назад
I accidentally left the video on and came back and now we're on mantis shrimp.
@WTFiTzFlow 2 года назад
THIS CHANNEL IS SOOOOO UNDERRATED!! I’m glad I can enjoy the ride from the beginning. I hope you can make it big and live your dreams in reality/while still awake. 🙂
@andrewsigler7437 2 года назад
This is under the presumption that the Infinite Tsukuyomi doesn't supply its captors with adequate negative stimuli to offset their positive experiences. We saw as you said some minor negative experiences occur within the brief glimpses we get in the manga. And in the anime, we see that Yamato's dream actually has Kabuto show up as an antagonist for him to overcome. It could very well be that the "perfect" dream world was actually created so that it was perfect in the way that you'd imagine it should be, and not infinitely indulgent. If this was the case, what argument would you make against it?
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
True, he overlooked that fact. Well said 👏
@XGoken 2 года назад
Yeah, most people seem to overlook this crucial detail
@Sweetdude64 2 года назад
That and this is also to assume that the variables of the universe do not change. In the infinite tsukoyomi, you just wouldn't need negativity to fully understand and appreciate the positive stuff. It just wouldn't be a factor because the rules of the universe are inherently altered.
@prestigini3150 2 года назад
Finally someone based!
@ohnoanyway6096 2 года назад
finally a person with a working brain
@sharifbrown3567 2 года назад
Would I be fine dying in what's essentially my sleep if I get to accomplish all my dreams in the Infinite Tsukuyomi? Honestly, I could see it.
@an0rangutan 2 года назад
His idea was valid, the 2 issues people have is that it isn't real (as if that means anything) and that Madara didn't ask nicely. If some savior type character showed up in the real world and said "I will save the world from all hatred and pain and put everyone into their ideal dream" I have no doubt the majority would say okay and if they didn't, they're hypocritical. People constantly find joy in things that aren't real by playing games, watching shows or movies, rejecting reality at every angle if it doesn't satisfy us or make us happy, we serve our emotions, not logic or what reality ought to be. Itachi even says reality is equivocal. So yeah, Madara is totally right and the Shinobi world is just unreasonably stubborn. However, if the Infinite Tsukuyomi itself is imperfect and cannot provide what it is supposed to based off of how the human psyche is, then the whole thing would fail anyway. But if you get annoyed in the infinite Tsukuyomi, like if you have no challenges, wouldn't it create challenges? Ultimately if suffering or struggles make you happy, wouldn't the Infinite Tsukuyomi create those things?
@New_Horizons 2 года назад
it depends on how the infinite tsukuyomi was programmed. Would a character really desire something adverse to happen, like a death? I doubt it. And Madara wanted to create a world with no suffering at all. So I don't think he would allow the dreams to have suffering.
@Harrywu-os4of 2 года назад
@@New_Horizons isn’t it programmed in the way that people would have the most positive experience? Did Tsunade desire Jiraiya giving her brother his books? Great vid still
@ale-xsantos1078 2 года назад
A critic to your point: We're driven by emotion, yes, and we enjoy fiction But at the end of the day we still want a reality to fall back on Likewise while we develope things like VR, which might as well be the real life Infinite Tsukuyomi, we still want to be able to take a time off(not be 24/7 inside a game) and have real relationships I dont think humanity needs suffering either, just contrast You dont need to be in pain to feel pleasure or happiness, but you do need a contrast between those things and your "default" state(and perhaps your state of pain) in order to know they exist and are valuable Struggles and challenges likewise are a matter of contrast, you dont need to face the horrors of a real war to be entertained, a game of Call of Duty might just be enough to give you that without the cons - but you still need contrast The issue with Madara's plan is that He would force everyone into a dream reality that likely lacks contrasts without any exits and where all relationships are a forgery while he enslave them all irl A correction to this would be have the Infinite Tsuyomi have contrasts and artificial challenges like a videogame without the need of pain or suffering, while also letting people leave it at any time they want to have real relationships in the real world Madara still would be the ruler of the world since he controls the dream everyone wants to be in during their leisure time and could end & prevent any conflict in the real world from escalating into a violent-destructible one by throwing the offenders back into the dream That way Madara wouldnt be enslaving humanity and forcing everyone to live inside his ideal reality, but rather the benevolent despot(and perhaps indeed the saviour of the world) that offers everyone free access to a Virtual Reality Sandbox(during the *feudal era* mind you) with everything they need to keep themselves happy & entertained during the day before "going home" at night and the only price for it being that those who start trouble in the real world are "punished" by simply being involuntarily thrown into the VR for some time as a way to ground them, *far* from a tyranny Madara's goals and plans werent wrong, he just was not being very practical or empathetic about it, which is understandable for someone who lived his entire life as a child soldiers during a warlord period However without these corrections I mentioned his plans would actually create suffering in the form of distress for those forced to live inside his dream while their real selves work 24/7 like plantation slaves for their Uchiha overlord, *far* from ideal The world Naruto created after the war, while not ideal either, is far better than that It's a world where he single handely ended the feudal era by *starting a industrial revolution on his own* and turning the villages into real nation-states instead mercenary armies for daimyos Not only that but democratic nations with real elections for the head of states(even if still militarily-driven) and through his overwhelming strenght he made all these nations cooperate and use diplomacy rather than war to solve their issues, forming a UN-equivalent right at the start of the shinobi industrial era In the real world that would be like if someone pulled a Napoleon *in the Medieval Europe* conquering the whole thing and reordering the countries into modern nation-states, then pulled a Bismarck on top of that consolidating & industrializating the whole continent and afterwards estabilished the League of Nations to peacefully deal with any disputes instead dictating everything from a position of authority Or if we were to use Japan as an example since it inspired the series If Oda Nobunaga lived finishing his unification of Japan, pulled a Meiji and created the Modern Japan we know today in the 1500s without commiting any war crimes along the way This just shows how Naruto is a beast and a incredible leader (Also a fictional character, I know) Will his peace era last forever? Probably not, but his legacy and "Will of Fire" ideology most certainly will And while Madara's plan *with the corrections* maaaaaybe could have been better(and doesnt necessarily contradicts Naruto's ideals, if anything it could complement them by giving his already better-off world a source of unlimited entertainment and a countermeasure to any future conflicts), Naruto's achievements far surpass Madara's and the plans of any antagonist or political leader shown in the series, he's just that great
@IIIISai 2 года назад
@@ale-xsantos1078 Woah
@Sweetdude64 2 года назад
@limbo9993 2 года назад
I honestly think that it would. I agree that without struggle, life becomes significantly less meaningful, but wouldn't the Infinite Tsukuyomi just make your life have just enough suffering to be enjoyable? It seems to just go along with what ever you want, so wouldn't it give you struggle if you wanted it, even if it was just subconsciously? Madara may not want suffering, but he doesn't seem to control everything in the genjutsu, and if he saw that you wanted to suffer a little, he might just let you be, because your dream would have no effect on anyone elses. But that's just my opinion.
@fellowkrieger457 2 года назад
And what if you want something you shouldn't have? Is the dreamer gonna be punished for it? Like, in Orochimaru dream world, does he have an unlimited amount of human subjects of experimentation? Otherwise, are the dreamer's needs just fulfill with what Madara thinks he should have? Does a dream world allows kidnapping?
@limbo9993 2 года назад
@@fellowkrieger457 No punishment. The Infinite Tsukuyomi's dream worlds are not connected. So, no matter what you want, it would affect no one else. The Infinite Tsukuyomi is based on the mind of the victim, not Madara. He could control them, but I doubt he would. Everyone would have everything that THEY want, so I don't really think he would care. His entire goal was to sever the fate of the word, to be rid of the consequences of one's actions on another. So as long as you affect no one else, he would most likely leave you alone. The dream world allows whatever you want, even if you don't know that you want it. At least, that's how I interpret it.
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
I genuinely believe this because we saw Lee fighting Naruto and Neji but was dirty afterwards which means he struggled to defeat them. I believe if a character desires conflict, he would get conflict in his world.
@rabbss830 10 месяцев назад
​@@charleschiemekaekeogu6908then madara was a hypocrite then?
@123dan165 9 месяцев назад
As much as I personally would love the infinite tsukuyomi. It has two flaws when applying it to the real world, firstly, you have to think about whether there's people who deserve an infinite tsukuyomi like criminals and other bad people. Secondly, we have to be aware of things outside of the genjutsu on Earth, like natural disasters, potential asteroids hitting earth, and whatnot as well as the reality that the universe is a finite existence it will come to an end. An infinite thing within a finite thing will ultimately come to an end when that finite thing ends as well. So to conclude: 1. Not everyone deserves it. 2. It's generally impractical. Edit: I also forgot to mention that it's unfair to deprive past and deny future generations of good people from experiencing the infinite Tsukuyomi. In regards to the inner peace paradox, I completely disagree since the infinite tsukuyomi is practically heaven true bliss also creates inner peace and your good experiences will infinitely be good it defeats any paradoxes.
@OurDarkGoldenHero 2 года назад
The biggest issue with Infinite Tsukuyomi is that it offers a dream of perfection. But true perfection (has you pointed out in your water and thirst example) is a paradox. Being perfect and remaining perfect deprives you of the pleasure of being perfect. That is to say, if there are no obstacles in your way, you will not appreciate what you have. Life is meaningless. The irony of Infinite Tsukuyomi is that although it is ideal in offering "true peace," it's more than likely to end in suffering regardless because of its perfection. Taking away the concept of everyone turning into White Zetsu, I think these dreams will eventually turn into nightmares where people trapped will start to seek substance. Like a gamer too good at his hobby seeking a challenge. He's been through it all and wants something new when it comes to gaming. Originally, he could have hated the idea of going outside and exercising, preferring the safety of his home. But when suffering enough from being deprived of the human experience, he might just give it a try and even enjoy the challenges exercise could give him. Just as an example.
@aetherialbeing4223 2 года назад
Wouldn’t there be conflict in the Tsukuyomi though, like there is in the anime filler? It also doesn’t appear to work like going “I want a cup of water” and it instantly appearing, it seems to be a balance between peace and conflict
@tonnytrubac87 2 года назад
As we saw with Yamato it does give you struggles meaning it does provide happiness with plenty of conflict.
@Varun37251 2 года назад
Well if the Infinite Tsukuyomi is really a perfect world, wouldn’t you have those challenges when you need it? Conflict will come if you need it? And happiness and joy ofc will come if you need it. Ngl if it weren’t for the whole Kaguya thing (which tbh kinda ruined it) I would be on Madara’s side
@aetherialbeing4223 2 года назад
@@Varun37251 the worst part of Kaguya is that makes sense, she’s a direct response to Madara, being that he was consumed by the hypocrisy he fought so hard to end, ultimately losing any sight of himself. The issue is that she doesn’t have a personality if her own and her only actual bit of lore is that she misses her children or something lmao. Madara would have been perfect, Kaguya makes sense, Kishi just fucked her up
@langadube9611 Год назад
The Infinite Tsukuyomi gives you exactly what you want. If you want a boring vanilla world you'll get that, if your bored of that it will give you a conflict to overcome. It's tailor made for you.
@high_define 2 года назад
I found this to be an enjoyable video. I've talked about the subjectivity of reality before and explored it years ago, so to see you on a video talk about it felt refreshing. It really is a thought-provoking subject. You're right about how the dreams the characters have don't remove conflict, but the dreams are their perfect world. It makes me think about Madara telling Tobirama to desire peace without conflict would make people stop being people. Conflict isn't necessarily something that people hate. It just depends on the conflict. I think the real consequences of the world we live in vs a dream world is how the dream world is abstract while the real world is concrete. One's dream is another's nightmare in the world that we perceive as real, but in the dream itself it's your life and only yours.
@HC-gm4fo 2 года назад
He could have made a nightmare realm, Madara was truly a good guy yet corrupt
@criticaledition9199 2 года назад
The dream world would more than likely allow you to experience "thrist so you can enjoy it being queunced " and etc A perfect world would account for this And if it doesn't its a genjutu that madara can control to do just that, just felt like a cop-out to say no because my headcanon believe this is how it works So i ask if doesn't create this hypothetical paradox would it be a solution?
@ninj-as7710 2 года назад
Yeah, else it wouldn't be perfect.
@Sweetdude64 2 года назад
Exactly. Madara's infinite tsukoyomi isn't just "reality, but peaceful" but rather it is the objectively absolute version of our objectively flawed reality. So there literally can't be any downsides. There are no paradoxes. New Horizons is just wrong :P
@jspeer419 2 года назад
Wow I look up was madara really evil, last night.. today this is uploaded. You do not disappoint new horizons..!
@Jaymariota27 2 года назад
I mean the Ninja World was still somewhat fucked up after the 4th Great Ninja War so yes the Infinite Tsukyomi makes sense, especially if you got Otsutski level threats running around
@kiyomi5583 2 года назад
It was only temporarily as even if it succeeded. Momoshiki and Kinshiki would have come for Madara eventually and likely destroyed him and so on. There's also if Jigen was proven to be around in the background or Isshiki. So honestly Madara wasn't going to be able to hold the genjutsu together forever.
@smileyp4535 2 года назад
I think In real life I think access to an infinite tsukuyomi would be a good way to temporarily allow people to live out their dreams and then bring them into reality or show people selfish desires so they can move past them, it could even show people how progress can only come from actual conflict (not nessisrarily violent conflict though) bit different ideas coming into the world, you can't come up with anything new if you don't have access to other peoples idea's
@nowhre Год назад
That makes no sense once you shove a brain into the matrix it makes no sense to make them come back
@romano-britishmedli7407 Год назад
A very well structured and interesting video. Just some thoughts from my end: I wouldn't necessarily argue that the people inside the Infinite Tsukuyomi dying is bad. I guess it depends on the circumstances of each death. If you peacefully fall asleep in the Infinite Tsukuyomi (of course before it getting stale like New Horizons described), then this might be better than growing up and dying as a tortured civillian in a warzone. Even if Madara is right and people cannot immediately understand each other, I think that this i exactly why communication is so important to (at least beginning to) understand each other! (I have to think about the procedure/importance of debates in demcracies, and the concept of "agree to disagree", versus dictatorships where the dictator's will is imposed on others.) This video got me thinking about Buddhist Philosophy. While I think that it definitively has a huge point in desires causing suffering (not necessarily the bad situations themselves), I personally still disagree that after letting go of desires, there will be no suffering. Feeling pain and arguably a fear of death Ithink are strong counterexamples to this. I think there are just some things that are (somewhat) objectively worse than others, so the desire to end these things is objectively more sound than for other things. An example would be the desire to escape a miserable life of poverty, abuse and mistreatement versus the desire to regain a lost arm or a dead relative. The second set of situations can be overcome (and many people do so), but I'm not so sure about the first one. If we could make every situation acceptable by letting go of desires, does this also include hell (defined as a place of constant torture)?
Naruto is based on Buddha
@SasukeUchiha-pr5zs 2 года назад
If the Infinite Tsukuyomi was real I'd be down for it. Infinite power, money, sex, the finer things in life. What's not to like about it? I saw Naruto as the villain in disguise once the plan was revealed. He was constantly getting in everyone's way to happiness. At least until it was shown to be bullshit. But if it was real, Naruto would still be the villain to me.
@ugurguneri6469 2 года назад
you have the name of sasuke uchiha im not surprised you think someone who fights for free will is villain
@SasukeUchiha-pr5zs 2 года назад
@@ugurguneri6469 Why wouldn't you have free will in the IT? From the glimpses we've seen of everyone's fantasies, can you honestly tell me the real world would be better than that? Were they all not happy? It doesn't matter whether it's real if they can't tell the difference. It's the same as not being able to wake up from a dream, in which case that dream becomes your reality. Naruto is my enemy because he fought against that. I'm glad he did because it was all bullshit. But if it had been real, now you know why I see him that way.
@ugurguneri6469 2 года назад
@@SasukeUchiha-pr5zs it's not in it. it's the way madara forces everyone to live their "perfect" dreams. Even if the outcome wasnt slavery and death it's still wrong
@SasukeUchiha-pr5zs 2 года назад
@@ugurguneri6469 Yeah, I'm not with that high moral ground shit. Everyone living their perfect dream is an ideal world to me. A reality only possible in the IT.
@ugurguneri6469 2 года назад
@@SasukeUchiha-pr5zs congratulations
@ultragigachad8623 2 года назад
This video is extremely underrated. and I'm not just saying that because I liked it. It truly is an amazing video!
@anime_world6684 2 года назад
This video reminds me of Jedi and sith which just got me thinking about Jedi closing off there emotions but the reasoning to it
@Jilted84 2 года назад
Madara was a great person he tried to save us from boruto
@cheviidevii 2 года назад
The 4 Greatest And Real World Applied Speech In The Narutoverse. 1. Itachi Speech To Sasuke On Reality And Illusion. 2. Pain Speech To Naruto On Justice. 3. Madara Speech To Obito On Wake Up To Reality. 4. Tobirama Speech To Sasuke On Uchiha Greater Love Can Evolve Into Greater Hate Which Can Be Applied To Real World As Well. *Notice How All These Guys Are Practically A Villain Of Some Kind. However, The Only Thing That Makes These Guys A Villain Is The Amount Of People They Killed Not The End Goal They Wanted To Achieved. It Just Shows You That Humans In General Are Stubborn And Even If Your End Goal Is The Most Logical And Best Approach Their Will Always Be Some People Who Disagree Which Forces You To Either Cut Them Down Or Be Cut Down By Them* It All Comes Down To Faith. Have Faith In A Next Man's Dreams Can Sometimes Be The Key To Success.
@123dan165 9 месяцев назад
As much as I personally would love the infinite tsukuyomi. It has two flaws when applying it to the real world, firstly, you have to think about whether there's people who deserve an infinite tsukuyomi like criminals and other bad people. Secondly, we have to be aware of things outside of the genjutsu on Earth, like natural disasters, potential asteroids hitting earth, and whatnot as well as the reality that the universe is a finite existence it will come to an end. An infinite thing within a finite thing will ultimately come to an end when that finite thing ends as well. So to conclude: 1. Not everyone deserves it. 2. It's generally impractical. Edit: I also forgot to mention that it's unfair to deprive past and deny future generations of good people from experiencing the infinite Tsukuyomi. In regards to the inner peace paradox, I completely disagree since the infinite tsukuyomi is practically heaven true bliss also creates inner peace and your good experiences will infinitely be good it defeats any paradoxes.
@emcee7777 11 месяцев назад
Easily the best video on the infinite tsukuyomi topic. Great analysis man
@karlmoussa710 2 года назад
"We end (our inner) suffering by ending our desire forbthe suffering to stop , and transforming it into something positive to learn from" I love this
@cinemaster9012 2 года назад
Itachi’s Tsukoyomi could manipulate time and space, in the books he made his girl friend live out her entire life in a fraction of a second and ended her life, how long were the shinobi forces in the Infinite Tsukoyomi, it must’ve felt like an eternity to them. Why weren’t any of them mentally broken, being woken up from peace only to be on the battlefield again, surrounded by their dead Allie’s.
@deep_and_profound_topics 2 года назад
would’ve been really interesting. kishi was not thinking that hard
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
Kishimoto avoided every dark aspect of Naruto, you want to tell me out of all those people, no one cursed Naruto and Sasuke for waking them up from their ideal dream? This is why I believed he added the Zetsu thing so that people would have a reason to hate the infinite Tsukuyomi. Kishimoto couldn’t prove why Madara was wrong.
@gamescentrel2951 2 года назад
there's a Naruto novel that covers this but I can't remember the name of it
@Vietmac1993 2 года назад
@@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 there were people who believed Madara was right. It was in a light novel. I forget what it was.
@Sweetdude64 2 года назад
They were. Read the Sakura, Kakashi Hiden and Kakashi Retsuden novels, lol. Sakura had to set up mental health clinics around the world for these people to have years of rehab from their PTSD. Also, many abandoned their villages and went to the land of silence to form their own organization that followed Madara's ideology because they realized after the fact that they actually wanted to be a part of the infinite tsukoyomi and that they were wrong and Madara was right lol. There were multiple of these organizations because there were thousands of shinobi who agreed. One of these organizations were referred to as ‘The Sons of Madara’ and one of the members, Garyo, openly confronts Naruto on this - to which Naruto STILL does not have a counter answer to Madara's solution. In fact, Garyo extensively explains his ideals, “To rid the world of war and realize ultimate justice, there is only the Infinite Tsukuyomi. It is true that Madara is dead. And the Infinite Tsukiyomi was also consigned to eternal oblivion... However... his ideal must not die. We may be forced to use other methods, but we will approach Madara’s ideal step by step” (Garyo). Also, “What is ultimate justice? It is the equality of all people. All unhappiness in this world arises from inequality. So then what should we do to realize this equality? We must control the freedom of the individual. The freedom to earn money, the freedom to possess more than others, the freedom to have it easier than others-I fight to control freedoms like these. And if our experiments go well, other lands will endorse us and our ideals. All freedoms in this world will be controlled. This is the true meaning of Madara’s ideal, a new world order” (Garyo). Naruto's response is naiive and literally just not true, lol “There are no hidden villages in this land, you know. Killing people who don’t know the first thing about fighting… You’re the ones who brought hatred and sadness into this country. It used to be a peaceful place” (Naruto).
@spaceghostmello7843 2 месяца назад
11:51 “ Joy wouldn’t feel so good if it wasn’t for pain” - 50 Cent
@abhii775 2 года назад
As Gojou Satoru said, "When granted everything, you can't do anything"
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
Completely different circumstance but go on, lol.
@abhii775 2 года назад
@@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 not really, lol
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
@@abhii775 Gojo said that while bombarding Jogo with tons of useless information, PRETTY sure the circumstances were different, lol.
@abhii775 2 года назад
@@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 was I talking about the circumstances my brother? Learn to look into the meaning of words
@GaionSputro 4 месяца назад
​@@abhii775 Atleast people are happy in there.
@spit-fire 2 года назад
holy moly this guy is wise
@loliH9 2 года назад
>swagkage: *KAKUZU'S RAW MULTICONTINENTAL DURABILITY* >new horizons: what are colors?
@8casso 2 года назад
It it has all desires, once you desire conflict, it would happen. As we saw with tsunade
@VersacePokemon 2 года назад
This is the best video I’ve seen in a long time
@Jaymariota27 2 года назад
The Stone Village Kage wanted to start a 5th Great Ninja War so Naruto version of peace didn’t really last
@ettcha 2 года назад
Ever since I 'discovered' Naruto in my early 20s, I've been on a sliding scale. At the beginning, I would have said 'hell no'. However, at this point in my life, I'm at a solid 'maybe'. Give me a few more years and I might be first in line for the one way trip to dreamland, even if it ends in Zetsuhood!
@thebowiththemost119 Год назад
You ok dude?
@ettcha Год назад
@@thebowiththemost119 Haha, yes I am! Somehow...
@thebowiththemost119 Год назад
@@ettcha well that’s good. But if you need someone to talk to, I can try
I would too. A perfect dream world? Sign me up. It essentially becomes reality at that point
@GaionSputro 4 месяца назад
​@@theonlythingihavetosayis9333 The comment above you make me think about how the real bad guy really is.
@keonr1 2 года назад
Itachi is explaining that genjutsu works when someone is able to make their fantasy your reality. It's fitting seeing how he is one of the best genjutsu users in the series.
@Jǫkull_Rjúfari 2 года назад
what happens if what it means by everyone's ideal world as in there is still suffering but a greater reward from that suffering, for example when [Spoiler warning for boruto] Kurama died so that isshiki could be defeated and so the will of fire can be continued. So what if Boruto is actually Naruto's dream world, well that's what I think the infinite Tsukuyomi is
@ldetalksbasketball3443 2 года назад
This video is so well done
@HC-gm4fo 2 года назад
The matrix says the human mind will reject any dreamworld
@celestiazero1713 2 года назад
Everything is better if Kaguya didn't exist! And Kishimoto was forced to write more so he introduced Kaguya so instead I like thinking Kaguya as the final complete villain completely written off and the whole Otsusuki rebirth things didn't happen. It makes everything better.
@sunflow57 2 года назад
Hell, I wouldn't mind living in a dream world where everyone does what I want and everything goes my way, to be honest.
@k-kashsuccafree7185 Год назад
Yea it sounds hella nice and all but you’ll be to weak,soft, and spoiled yu gotta get yo hands dirty also enduring all the hardships
@Astro-kp1rz 2 года назад
Only recently found this channel been loving binging the videos!
@WesleyZ3 2 года назад
A false reality is not the solution. You need the low to appreciate the highs. No one lives a life without setback but because of those setback they push us forward for a better tomorrow.
@RheemQ Год назад
That is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Basically you want to people to enjoy suffering so they can appreciate peace somehow. What are you a Buddhist? Why do so many people believe suffering is a good thing? Newsflash, it's not!!
@quevonrichardson1627 Год назад
So pain was right about everyone needs to experience pain to understand one another
@@RheemQ funny thing is Naruto is based on Buddha
@RheemQ Год назад
@@giornogiovannatheultimateb8553 Some things yes but it's never alluded that they want to glorify suffering as good hence why most of the villains like Obito, Pain, and Madara have tragic stories.
@@RheemQ thing it annoying me how a teenage who never experience suffering like sasuke and obito and pain was able to convince them with just talking
@lordofthesages 2 года назад
I may be the only one who thinks this. But I think subconsciously Madara couldn't care less about the Infinite Tsuknomi. I believe he simply needed justification for his losses in life and a reason to quite literally keep on living. Think about it, the man actively uses some of the widest scale attacks with no regard for the number of casualties. The best example is when he and Obito took control of the 10 tails and Obito just wanted to transform, but instead Madara just wanted to see how much damage the Jubi could do. Also if he truly wanted peace, why would he constantly want to take the 10 tails away from Obito, unless for selfish pride. And finally Madara does not active the Infinite Tsuknomi until Naruto and Sasuke have him on the back foot and is 100% going to lose.
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
You’re wrong on so many levels….. First of all, Madara came up with the idea of infinite Tsukuyomi, Zetsu didn’t put “infinite Tsukuyomi” on the tablet so the idea was entirely Madara’s which makes the plot twist stupid. So saying Madara doesn’t care about infinite Tsukuyomi is just wrong. You’re implying Madara didn’t care about true peace but that’s also wrong. Madara is one of the few people who would want true peace in Naruto, right from a young age, he had lost three of his brothers to war, his last brother died, his entire family died, his clan rejected him despite having their best in his mind, the village had rejected him in a way, even his best friend had rejected him. Madara had no personal connection left, he wasn’t doing it to be with a loved one, or to reclaim what he had lost but he was doing it for the world. This is where he and Obito are different, Obito’s primary concern was himself, Madara wanted to save the world. When he got revived in the war, Madara didn’t attack first, the alliance did. Madara was told the alliance refused to give up the beasts so he attacked back. And Madara wanted to put Obito in his dream world to make up for what he had to do to Obito in the past.
@BigK12qS 2 года назад
havnt watched the video yet but based off the title no lmao it kills you, being in the infinite tsukuyomi is just the divine tree sapping your chakra madara and obito had no idea about that
@trutyatces8699 2 года назад
“havnt watched ghe video yet but-“ Not even gonna finish reading. It is clear you have nothing of value to say.
@BigK12qS 2 года назад
@@trutyatces8699 but you reply? at 1:20 ish he agrees with me lmao it wasnt a valid idea in the show, its about the philosophy behind it kiddo
What do you think happens in the infinite tsukuyomi?
@jbark678 2 года назад
I guess we know what Madara's stand name should be. Great intro for a great video.
@austinherzog8465 2 года назад
Video idea: How Danzo would do in Hiruzens place vs Orochimaru 👀👀👀
@shadowrealm3245 2 года назад
Wouldn't itachi agree with Madara since he put his gf in a lifelong genjutsu that's basically the infinite tsukyomi?
@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 2 года назад
Itachi SHOULD agree or else he would be a hypocrite.
@raijin7793 2 года назад
if we replace Obito with Itachi then itachi will follow Madara's plan
@dancorneanu9144 2 года назад
@@charleschiemekaekeogu6908 He was. He never denied he was and later on, regretted many of his actions.
@aiya5777 2 года назад
itachi never had any gf lol its just a girl who had a crush on him
@aiya5777 2 года назад
itachi's one and only gf is sasuke
@5t3v3zzzzzz 2 года назад
Amazing video ...i just realized sasuke and madara are kinda flipped.. As u said madara needed to break the cycle and accept the negativity and not be bitter like Sasuke did....and Sasuke wanted to be the main villain everyone joins together and creates unity to defeat like madara was ...wow i never realized that thanks
@YoungCisto 2 года назад
Great video!🟡💯🔥
@Reality-Distortion 8 месяцев назад
1. But if good can't exist without bad, then the reverse would also have to be true. And I think there are enough tragic characters in fiction, to make it unnecessary to give examples that you can have life composed of exclusively suffering and yet it's all still bad, despite no good there being to contrast it. Therefore it seems baseless to assume that world of only good is exposed to this haunting "diminishing return' effect that would make us so habituated to only good and make it ultimately not be good at all. Yeah, it'd certainly be not AS good but to say it'd transform into hell is something you'd still have to prove. And if you want to say that we'd still suffer a great loss of all those happiness factor - to worry about that is the privilege of only those who managed to make something out of their live in their world. Something not attainable to all the countless people who had circumstances akin to those of Haku or Yahiko for example but being completely ordinary. Sequels to the series such as Kakashi Hiden or Sakura Hiden recognize and explore those issues, as quite the portion of society regrets or even despises Naruto for stopping Infinite Tsukuyomi. 2. There isn't really any proof in the series that Infinite Tsukuyomi creates simulation with exactly 0 conflict. I think your interpretation of subconsciously desired negatives that Ino or Tsunade disapprove of outwardly is valid, however it still doesn't really tell us that manga takes a stance of whether IF removes or keeps any forms of conflict. Anime definitely thinks it keeps them, since even Karin's dreamlife is pretty miserable (even if we take only present into account). My interpretation would be - if Infinite Tsukuyomi is intelligent enough that it can read our whole past, traumas, beliefs, thought processes, subconscious and unconscious to create the perfect life, then why wouldn't be intelligent enough to know that humans at their core need some extent of struggle and keeps only tragic catastrophes out of their lives? 3. It's not about Hagoromo being detached of desires or emotions, it's about Hagoromo actually questioning whether or not his ninshu way is just naive and maybe it's Madara, Indra and Kaguya who were in the right. He verbatim considers such possibility. I don't think even Kishimoto has a definitive stance on the matter, since Kakashi and Hashirama both admitted to Obito and Madara after their respective defeats, that they are uncertain of whether their path was right or wrong. Nevertheless, this is still by far the best shot at tackling this topic I've seen on youtube.
@wasteband7582 2 года назад
Without the whole white zetas shit, I have no doubt that it is one solution to our problems. Me personal would like to escape this reality to see how far my imagination takes me. Depends on who you ask as well because if you are proud of your life then you wouldn’t want it to erase as well.
@selfimprovement5873 2 года назад
This wouldn't erase your life WastBand. It would amplify it. Imagine everything you want in the palm of your hand...
@ugurguneri6469 2 года назад
@@selfimprovement5873 at the cost of everything
@rabbss830 10 месяцев назад
​@@selfimprovement5873at the cost of everything you've achieved in the real world. Dream are only temporary and forgotten, what we do in real world will have longer impact even after our death.
@nhlanhlavusumuzimsibi867 2 года назад
If there's no peace ✌️ without bad. Who has the role of being bad in order to make others enjoy peace? And are they going to be happy that they badness is always being stopped by the good guys? If not true peace is death
@tomzydaone8976 2 года назад
This video is probably the best you ever made, Keep up the good content man 💯
@Nrev973 2 года назад
I might listen to this twice more 🙌🏾
@Stockfish1511 2 года назад
What if i told you madara won and everything in boruto etc is just dream
@raijin7793 2 года назад
no lmfao
@aiya5777 2 года назад
I wouldn't be surprised
@iliebalica4012 Год назад
Nice intro
@MaesterSilva 2 года назад
Hell is straight to the point. Happiness is a journey of ups and downs.
@tsukiyami7101 2 года назад
your video was so amazing I love to philosophical and psychological analysis on the infinite sukiyomi and I agree 100%, too much of any good things bad for all those people would like sweets yeah I know you can't eat that much sweets😹great vid keep up the good work Horizon.
@blackzero786 2 года назад
The Infinite Tsukuyomi was created to form an Army of White Zetsus.
@chikipichi5280 2 года назад
It would be but a perfect dream world is just a dream in the end so it's all meaningless. But it certainly beats a living nightmare.
@nhlanhlavusumuzimsibi867 2 года назад
I'd like correct you when you say that eventually become boring because you'd be getting everything you want. even if you don't want to get everything you want. The infinite tsukunomi will solve the problem and always give you your desire. For example look at how itachi killed his girlfriend at the uchiha masicar even when she was out of tsukunomi before she died she thanked itachi for giving her joy even if it wasn't real
@VeniceTrojan 2 года назад
Excellent video
@Rikirie Год назад
My question was always what happens when day comes...because it isn't like the moon just stays all day.
@Lee99jl 2 года назад
Nice video brother
@zelz3011 2 года назад
RARE AND ODD MOMENT??? NONI?! All existences in their own Reality... Words being words... Sounds... All meanings... Color... I see... Interesting video...
@gogetawhatif8138 2 года назад
Getting something everyday is great
@neyoamx 2 года назад
hey, just wondering what do you use to edit?
@vutebeats Год назад
holy sh*t im having a mid life crisis
@ShonenGoon 2 года назад
You would make a great philosophy teacher
@tommyg4842 2 года назад
This the type of discussions I like not really what ifs
@tribopower 2 года назад
Speaking on water made my very thirsty, and that water did indeed taste better
@matsbreitmeier9248 2 года назад
The Zeppelin Intro 👌
@kirilhristov9024 2 года назад
This guy made me question my whole life wtf
@topcat59 2 года назад
Great vid.😺
@Little-Buster Год назад
I see now. I should be grateful for my own suffering and hardships in life.
@sir_mystic4127 2 года назад
If we all believed in the same thing then yes there could be peace
@vfinity9035 2 года назад
That’s all nice and all but that dress is still gold and white.
@giovannimartin8290 2 года назад
This was deep definitely 💯💯
@dannytheduck7682 2 года назад
There’s an after life in Naruto, we’ve confirmed that with kakashi talking to his dad and the 6th paths ghost, so after dying imagine the daughter/son life we created was all fake, the wife/husband doesn’t love you back, you never had anything between you guys, it was all in your head that would be a horrible life in the after life. you’re practically alone after cause all the things that happened were fake especially if the people were young and they never got a chance to meet more and make friends so these people would be all strangers to each other or know a different person from the actual person
You mean pure land?
@jakebailey5834 2 года назад
do How Orochimaru and Kabuto & Sage Kabuto do in Sasuke's Position at The 5 Kage Summit
@oflameo8927 2 года назад
Infinite Tsukuyomi fails for the same reason other matrices fail. People won'r accept inner piece.
@trutyatces8699 2 года назад
And yet the Matrix is successful because it chooses to do the exact same thing Madara is.
@danpatrickth2759 Месяц назад
Yes, it would be better than reality because people love lies anyway.
@B47UH4N99 3 месяца назад
Basically AI Last Level
@bj_cat103 Год назад
it's not better since it's not the reality. It doesn't matter if you think that ideal life it real, it's not
@polariluma 2 года назад
Good stuff. I'm of the opinion that wanting the dream is to be weak but i know ppl don't like hearing that.
@Cyrax4d 2 года назад
Squidward sort of experienced this in Squidville. To much paradise he said
@aiya5777 2 года назад
you should check out killer bee's tsukuyomi world
@GaionSputro 4 месяца назад
Far comparision
@lincolnhaldorsen5649 6 месяцев назад
I disagree, when I have long periods of my time when I have nearly all the things I want, I feel great! The plan does eliminate material suffering and spiritual. You have bonds of love and community and friendships and you get all the alcohol and drugs and gambling and money you want. It’s the best of both worlds.
@MaesterSilva 2 года назад
Hell is simple Paradise is relative
@user-yr8oy1we6x 2 года назад
What about Sasuke's idea of making himself the villain so ppl can have a common enemy (it worked in the war ark)
@adeolababatunde7758 2 года назад
I've been saying this.
@dancorneanu9144 2 года назад
And what stops the suffering exactly? The conflict and pain still go one way and there are still minor conflicts, as many would not get involved in that one. Sasuke isn't trying to stop the conflict, he is redirecting it. The people would still suffer and hate, die and war, otherwise his image of villain would disapeer.
@emrymg 2 года назад
Language is both the best thing that we could have imagined, and the worst. Tower of babel...
@thebackbencher6324 2 года назад
Please make a video on hardwork theme of naruto and a video on Rock lee, did his hardwork pay off in the end
@okihanakyru4503 2 года назад
Well Said
@inyalgaico1563 2 года назад
it's not an argument on reality but on value real is infinity better than false for that peace i suffer stagnation i cant grow past my memories
@dan-qi6ed 2 года назад
in naruto theres only peace if black zetsu danzou and a few otsutsuki stop existing
А вы играли в school boy runaway?
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