
Ways to Get Better at Yu-Gi-Oh 

APS Amplifier
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@gaaraofthefunk265 11 месяцев назад
I remember when I was a teen in the mid-2000s whenever I wanted to try out new cards or new decks, I would take index cards and make crude proxys to test with.
@tylerkovalskas9780 11 месяцев назад
Same here
@casulscrub5978 10 месяцев назад
We are brothers
@DosenbrotWTF 11 месяцев назад
1) 01:00 - Read articles - expand your knowledge by reading and being up2date 2) 02:48 - Net-Decking - use precon decks to build a strong foundation 3) 04:30 - Physically - hold the cards in your hand 4) 05:20 - Let it playout - Even if they beat you, let it play out and learn from it - do not give up 5) 08:10 - Less complain more adept - Don't be annoyed so far, learn from it and try to work around it
@fancywoober2556 11 месяцев назад
Im happy you gave good advice to foster positivity. I know it can be hard to not feel like the game is not as good as it could be. Im an old school player that plays currently still. Giving these tips definitely helps newer players and maybe those who play online only. Great video Paul!
@apsamplifier 11 месяцев назад
Just wanted to give you guys some methods that helped me get better at Yu-Gi-Oh way back when!
@ilyafoskin 11 месяцев назад
Playing out the combos in paper is a good tip I didn’t think of. I only play in paper anyway but I hadn’t thought of it as building muscle memory before. It’s definitely true though. Sometimes the muscle memory alone gets me through parts of the combo. Then when there’s a unique board state in the middle of a game where I can still arrive at the combo from different starting pieces but I haven’t practiced such a niche scenario before, my hands don’t know what to do
@inviitewiicka 11 месяцев назад
Please make more content like this
@StingerFloo 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing these tips ! I been playing Master Duel a good amount lately and I want to start playing in person locally so I definitely appreciate this video !
@VictorTAnderson 11 месяцев назад
It's always nice when good players give back in ways like this ✅
@pv-trooper8660 11 месяцев назад
Big fan! Thanks for the advice I feel like I needed this
@percival4554 11 месяцев назад
You should do 2 more videos of tips for intermediate and skilled players. Also maybe a Masterduel exclusive version of this, because personally I (and many others) play masterduel exclusively because not everyone has the disposable income to invest into physical cards.
@TheG107 4 месяца назад
As a new player/dueliest starting yugioh more or less for the first time. Knowing the basic rules (summoning, tributing, attack, defense) Figuring out the knitty gritty details of play by play. (phase to phase) what can be done and activated. What requirements are needed to activate. I picked up the x3 traptrix structure and just needing to know how to pilot the deck the best possible way. overall i wanna play to have fun AND win as much as i could! be it with a budget or splurging (from time to time) on cards :)) you guys are the best and what made me get into yugioh
@tsohgallik 5 месяцев назад
That Tip about being in a tournament and staying in until you're done is SOOO true😅 I went to YCS Los Angeles and didnt know how the Tournament "worked" apparently even though I lost I was still listed in the Tournament but didnt know this at all. Once I checked the Konami ID account it showed I had lost a couple more times than before.
@SetSailTCGQueen 11 месяцев назад
Great video. Those are some good tips to get good at playing yugioh.
@apsamplifier 11 месяцев назад
Glad it was helpful!
@emissaryofcharybdis105 11 месяцев назад
I think there's nothing more important than really spending time with an archetype and learning all of its little quirks. This will also show you what its shortcomings are. It's easy to just say/listen to someone say that an archetype sucks, but if you do that, you'll be disregarding a lot of really cool and surprising stuff that can trip people up and keep the game interesting. A second bit of advice I would give is to also do this with more than one archetype. Don't be a purist with one thing, because when that one thing can't keep up, you'll grow to resent the game because you tied your identity to it. Way too many people do this, and I've been guilty of it in the past as well. Learning multiple archetypes you have an interest in also can help bleed into each other with cards that can be swapped and combined.
@romkin1197 11 месяцев назад
I love Dark Worlds and when the new Structure Deck dropped in the OCG with all the cards that were on Ygo Omega, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to break Dark Worlds with him on his stream. I said absolutely! I read Dark World Accession and noticed it can bring out any fiend fusion monster. So I looked at the card pool and saw Plunder Patrol in which I passed, then I saw Despia. I then looked at the rest of the Despia cards and noticed Tragedy can trigger off of being discarded by card effects, I then looked at Branded Opening which can trigger my Dark Worlds, so I made a Despia Dark World deck. Played against a D/D player and I basically told him that he couldn't play yugioh and the deck synergized so well with each other's engines. My friend saw the deck in action and wanted to try it out and he went against the same D/D player that I did and that D/D player learned from his mistake and told him no. Which I find to be funny.
@SalazarSlytherin-es9bo 11 месяцев назад
Yup. Both points are important, but it’s a shame that most archetypes don’t have guides, you’ll have to really dig RU-vid, or the web to find a deck guide for certain decks. I just began playing Sunvine/Sunavalon (by just began, I mean I started yesterday) and it was hard finding a GOOD guide. Especially one that plays a deck pure. Additionally sticking to a single archetype is literally a death sentence. When I started Yu-Gi-Oh, I clinged to pure Blue-Eyes. It was alright I mean, but nothing a great, it’s always great to try out new decks. I’ve now tried out, Shark-Barian, D/D/D, Sunvine, A-Z, and I’m working on Fluffal now.
@ThoughtsOfaRambler 11 месяцев назад
What I like to do is build the deck myself base it on how I would play it then net deck how others build it. I eventually have a deck that’s mines based off of multiple people. Then when I’m comfortable about the deck list. I watch tons of gameplays with the deck to get an eye on strategies and match ups. During that phase I also play the deck on DB, master duel, locals and etc.
@kelvinhernandez4714 11 месяцев назад
My biggest trouble for me is knowing what to side from your main deck with your side deck. Like do I just side my hand traps or do I also side some of my main engine cards too?
@Protocurity 11 месяцев назад
There's some caveats to just letting things play out. The first is that you'll encounter people who will get really ticked off for wasting their time. The second are people who realize you aren't going to surrender, and thus deliberately waste your time just to spite you.
@KiiroSagi 11 месяцев назад
The best advice I can give to anyone is to understand card advantage. Card advantage is the heart of YGO. Good cards create advantage and bad cards do nothing aka lose you advantage. Also think of bricks as cards that lose u advantage so while u might have a hand of 5 cards, each brick is a -1 to that hand.
@thegamingchannelxd9547 11 месяцев назад
now i am master of the dark arts
@xCorvus7x 10 месяцев назад
Playing games out also gives your opponent more opportunity to make mistakes that might actually let you win.
@DickDarkie 11 месяцев назад
Paulieeee my boy keep going with this series do one for master duel duel links and maybe some modern vocabulary ie "net decking"
@HectorCotto97 11 месяцев назад
To be honest I don't really care for the whole competitive side of Yugioh, I enjoy playing the card game and collecting the cards for sure but I'm not really interested in winning tournaments or anything like that. Also I'm not of fan of the "meta" side of Yugioh either. I don't like the idea of simply copying whatever deck of the week won a tournament or whatever. Personally I find enjoyment from building my own decks from the ground up and seeing what works and what doesn't, I just find it more satisfying than just imitating whatever someone else created for a competition or whatever. I just find it more satisfying to play with a deck that I personally put a lot of time and effort into rather than use one that someone else created, even if my deck ends up being weaker I'd rather use a deck I can call my own.
@HEROEDITZ12 11 месяцев назад
I'm new to yugioh well not new new but still learning all the mechanics of the game and sometimes i play cards im not supposed to and then i get nervous and end up forgetting to use certain cards plus im using 3x structure decks i suck honestly and i always lose at locals I've never won a game but it's only been a month so im not giving up
@kingkhi20 11 месяцев назад
Might Guy said it best, “Do you know the 50th move?” Scoop phase is an example of this 😂
@aybekfaizi608 11 месяцев назад
Instructions Unclear, I am now in the Shadow Realm after losing a duel to some kid
@animeknight99 11 месяцев назад
Informative video 👍
@kevinc.8885 11 месяцев назад
@Wenzan3pm 11 месяцев назад
Tbh thanks to youtube finding guides are way easier now.
@1fulsniperlegend 6 месяцев назад
I currently run a cyber dark dragon deck and it’s pretty good so far
@ryanpinkus1338 11 месяцев назад
I used to play in tournaments back in like 2008 and the biggest tip is that you must learn how to lose without letting the disappointment cloud your reasoning. Losing sucks, yeah, but the moment you lose you should be thinking about the match and not just dwelling on the loss. Otherwise you just end up in this downward spiral of self loathing, having learned nothing. And if you don't learn from your losses, you will lose again.
@1fulsniperlegend 6 месяцев назад
I would lose a lot so I try to make my decks very fast so I’d win faster but I’m wanting to change my strategy up to be a better player
@DavidEllner 11 месяцев назад
The staying to play regardless of not topping I wish more people did. That’s what makes me dislike a lot of tournaments. Like I’ll go like once a year since it’s very time consuming, but when I do make the time I feel like it gets ruined by people people right before the round and then you’re just sitting and waiting for a next round hoping they are there.
@Yuan3627 11 месяцев назад
It's somewhat understandable if you run a lot of hand traps and don't see a single one. Yet, they still should let the opponent get 1-2 turns to see what's being played and let them have some fun by actually playing their combo in a real game. But no, it's you win turn 0 or you scoop because you don't want to "waste your time."
@HectorCotto97 11 месяцев назад
The last time I was in a tournament I didn't encounter any toxic players, heck everyone I met was pretty chill and respectful. The only thing that annoyed me was the actual games we played. Not because they were all better than me but some of them introduced me to the new Yugioh meta and I'm still upset. At least 2 of those guys spend SOOOOO much time doing combos after combos after combos all in *1 TURN* , so much time went by while they were doing that that I actually dosed off mid duel only to realize we were still in the same turn and that they weren't done yet. They seemed like cool guys but damn did they give me a hell of a wake up call.
@AdrianRamirez-tj3st 10 дней назад
If feels frustrating to learn so many deck , im barely starting and sometimes i play until late night and when i try to keep i keep thinking on yu gi oh lol , but i feel that little by little im learning , also timing and ruling is getting on my nerves
@horith8033 11 месяцев назад
Thank you
@Carlos.Rivera 11 месяцев назад
Build/copy current meta, profit
@vileluca 11 месяцев назад
basically this
@romkin1197 11 месяцев назад
Point 1: Pojo Forums do still exist (somehow), I have heard some mixed things such as that Pojo is a bad place to get better, but I don't know how it got that reputation by some people. As for Archetype Discords, they can be hit or miss. Some of them can be very elitist however the ones I been in are really chill. I do run the RDA discord and we don't really have that type of problem. Point 2: As for Net Decking, only casual elitists actually frown upon Net Decking. There is nothing wrong with Net Decking as it can provide a strong base to learn a deck. Back in MR3 I Net Decked a Metalfoes Deck that toppd in the OCG (the deck hadn't been released in the TCG), and it really helped me learn the deck and what to do with it. Then when it was finally TCG legal I had converted it with a TCG mindset and the deck had a 90% win rate. The boards I'd make at the time would just prevent the opponent from even playing. Now I'll admit, I did run Pot of Riches in it cause on paper it was a good card for the deck, however in practice it only came up like 1 or 2 times so I was stubborn and kept it cause it never hindered the deck. With that being said, if I was to play a Time Wizard format I would recreate the deck and remove some of the blatantly terrible cards from it. I will say now a days, I do not Net Deck simply due to the fact that I can build almost any deck with little to no issues by creating a very basic build. Point 3: I actually do get what you mean when you say you like the physicality of the cards when playing them. Few times a week every week I end up practicing my combos for my decks that I do have IRL and playing the combos out to their fullest potential just because I find new combos I wouldn't normally do and it helps to see what the deck is really capable of if everything goes right. My biggest habit is getting ahead of myself though, where I know what I want to do, but I end up skipping a step and I'm trying to break that habit. Point 4: I can 100% agree to letting things play out. Many times even on Master Duel where my opponent would normally have game, they'd end up screwing up their combos and they wouldn't be able to kill me for whatever reason and I would punish them HARD for it. The same can happen IRL, even if the opponent has a hand, there could always be a Nibiru for instance, and if you summon 5 times well I hope you have a negate. When you are more seasoned, I can understand why a person can/will scoop. Back in my first regionals in 2012, I didn't know how Yugioh tournaments worked and I thought if you lost you were out of the tournament. No one told me this wasn't the case, so after 1 game I lost. But I still had fun cause I was playing against other players who dropped out just for fun, did some Duel Terminal stuff. It was such a cool experience. Point 5: Self Reflection is a really good tool. Quit placing blame on other things and look at what you did wrong. I never blamed my opponent for playing certain cards and I always tried to adapt. My ability to adapt really came down to playing Dark Worlds as you're very RNG dependent based on what you draw and what you discard off the dangers. Also I even adapted to my own "misplays" where I turned a bad situation cause of my misplay into my advantage, almost like I unlocked a new combo line. Basically it's good to improve, adapt, and overcome adversity.
@Zensei_Tensei 11 месяцев назад
How do you like the red dragon archfiend deck?
@DroTesfaye 4 месяца назад
I am playing Duel Links on the Nintendo switch and I cant beat Valon as Joey Wheeler. The seal of orichalcos has me beat and it got me beat. I wanted to do it on my own but I came to this search so I can win.
@Weareonenation303 11 месяцев назад
True YGO chads read their cards.
@TheKidblazer1 11 месяцев назад
mine was trial by fire ranked in md and it sucked ass
@philiplindsay3768 11 месяцев назад
Keep that good work up all because and be safe master Philip Jon Lindsay Jr is out out
@Inspireflyer 11 месяцев назад
No heart of the cards?
@TheRagingfang 11 месяцев назад
Untrue. The real way to get better in yugioh is to send your opponents to the shadow realm. For real though i like your videos i learn from your videos i enjoy the mellowness of your videos and everyone in the channel instead of the overreacting of others.
@j.w.7608 11 месяцев назад
Would these ways apply to master duel as well?
@apsamplifier 11 месяцев назад
Generally, yes. Maybe not the physicality part of course lol
@gerharddamm5933 11 месяцев назад
Tried to get to masters this season but I’m stuck at Diamond 1 😢
@yandhi_6382 11 месяцев назад
Thats good. I peaked at Diamond III
@FakeHeroFang 11 месяцев назад
Made it to master 4 with Ninja this season. It's not really a big deal, don't sweat over it. Getting to tier 1 of plat and beyond shows that you at least know what you're doing. The rest is mostly time and a bit of luck. I know I could have pushed further if I felt like putting the time in, but I chose not to.
@tylerkovalskas9780 11 месяцев назад
​@@FakeHeroFangi made it to diamond 2, using 60 card thunder dragon bystials chaos, but then i had absolutely the worst luck humanly possible almost every single game. Every single time I bricked, and the opponents got as lucky as humanly possible. I wasn't even able to use a single card i drew solely because of how unlucky i got. I love Yu-Gi-Oh but master duel is currently in the absolute WORST meta I've ever seen in Yu-Gi-Oh in my entire life. I know winning is not everything, but master duel almost always does this to me. I don't understand why my luck is so terrible....🤬😭
@M_M386 11 месяцев назад
I only reached platinum 3
@tylerkovalskas9780 11 месяцев назад
@@M_M386 that's still good.
@SuperDragonDan 11 месяцев назад
how to get good at yugioh....throw lots of money at it
@brucwayn6403 11 месяцев назад
Last time played regularly at locals was in 2015 i went to my local shop once in early 22 and it was just toxic Now my ? For a player thats been gone since 15 but has a few modern decks that ive put a small summ into how would you suggest i relearn how to play the modern game Thnx
@michaelh.1484 11 месяцев назад
I can say from someone who took a break since 2010, like the edison format is what I'm familiar with. I've been taking the Dark Souls approach. I actually embrace losing only to learn from the losses, and become more familiar with what everyone uses. And doing digital through master duel I don't have to worry about the toxicity at locals. Like getting laughed at for wanting to get back into playing. I still collect structure decks, certain booster sets, and singles. But yeah that would probably be my advice. Treat it like a roguelike and have fun at your pace.
@romkin1197 11 месяцев назад
The only way to relearn is just by playing the game. Look at what the top decks are, look at what boards they can do, find what staples people use. A lot of stuff really hasn't changed all that much.
@Raytheharbinger0 4 месяца назад
Net-Decking is fine, just don't blatantly copy and paste a deck and then never change anything. The game has never been about originality but every single Yugioh player can agree that one of the funnest things is being creative with decks. If you disagree with that then you really are missing out and limiting yourself.
@johnfkennedy129 11 месяцев назад
Tip no.1 play kashtira
@walterlopez5054 11 месяцев назад
I think expectations of "original decks" vs netdecking have fallen off in recent years as the game becomes more and more archetype based. And we get fewer and fewer individual "good cards"
@romkin1197 11 месяцев назад
I wouldn't say it's fallen off. Casual Elitists still use it as an insult.
@midou1088 11 месяцев назад
Net decking ruined creativity and originality but nothing we can do it was bound to happen
@TheKaijudist 11 месяцев назад
Its 2023 my guy
@vileluca 11 месяцев назад
@@TheKaijudist He's still correct my guy.
@romkin1197 11 месяцев назад
@@vileluca He isn't correct at all. It didn't "ruin" anything. That's just his opinion that he cannot back up and pass as facts.
@alexwalsh7616 11 месяцев назад
Lol… good 😏
@ArisePass 11 месяцев назад
You are not good at yugioh though I'm confused 🤨
@apsamplifier 11 месяцев назад
@ArisePass 11 месяцев назад
@@apsamplifier what was confusing about what I said?
@bleack8701 11 месяцев назад
​@@ArisePassman's master at master duel. He's at least good
@ArisePass 11 месяцев назад
@@bleack8701 not really the amount of misplays and people not knowing what decks do and the just clicking yes to everything is everywhere in master rank. In TCG this bozo can barely top 32 a regional.
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