
"We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period!" 

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Video of Dr David Deming's statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on December 6, 2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period". A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph.
The Medieval Warm Period - A Global Phenomenon:



8 сен 2024




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@dalef9441 5 лет назад
Insanity. 30 years of zero change in the temperature but people still believe it.
@axeman2638 5 лет назад
many of them are under 30 years old.
@BeeeeeeFreeeeee 4 года назад
at 1:20, for the money shot
@srmatte1 Год назад
Wiki temp and climate graph do not include the medieval warm period. It does not show any change at all.
@jimmoses6617 7 месяцев назад
God Bless this man.
@khfan4life365 3 года назад
The climate has changed and will always change. It’s not caused by humans or technology. The Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age proves that.
@PaulJones-oj4kr 5 лет назад
Mann, at the IPCC, did the bidding of the UN, by "adjusting" data to fit the desired UN position on climate change, ie, that atmospheric warming is occurring and that this trend will cause havoc to the global community.
@gerkmonster1 Год назад
Scaring people pays well.
@4TIMESAYEAR 8 лет назад
Thanks for posting this....(and thanks to Paul Carfoot for tweeting it); will try to make sure it gets many, many more views.
@TheKitchenerLeslie 13 лет назад
@ModernPlague That's one of the most succinct ways I've ever seen it put and should be a good conversation starter when trying to wake people up.
@rickzw67 10 лет назад
What caused the medieval warm period. Can a AGW proponent please explain?
@markw4206 7 лет назад
Easy to find, if you're sincere about wanting to learn. Which you obviously are not. www.newscientist.com/article/dn16892-natural-mechanism-for-medieval-warming-discovered/#.U_u4rWMXPl8
@daman7129 6 лет назад
@@markw4206 it doesn't mention anything about solar cycles? That affects our climate too and I believe it had a lot to do with the medieval warm period.
@imaweerascal 2 года назад
@@daman7129 So your complaint is the expanation from science doesn't fit with the one you made up based on... nothing?
@eddy4688 2 года назад
@@imaweerascal He didn't make a complaint, nor did he base what he said on nothing. You utter weirdo.
@Blogengezer 13 лет назад
cont: about the reported warming aspect of temps. NM USA just experienced the lowest temperatures recorded..ever. -36 03 Feb 2011. In 1971, about the time of the returning Ice Age 'Crisis', NM experienced -20... for one week. The fact that the desert southwest of the US is repeating history, seems to have no effect on the AGW promoters. Tell the thousands of NM residents that have lost considerable assets, that it is due to the 'Crisis' of AGW. Cut back on 'Energy' because of CO2?
@KevinKimmich44024 2 года назад
Unfortunately we all died already because there are too many CO2s. This video did not age well. We are all dead because the avg temperature increased 0.5 degrees. I am going to glue myself to a painting now.
@fudgebarjohn 12 лет назад
"I refuse to believe this" lol, go ahead and admit it eh? I decided to go start my car u pand idle while I smoked a cigarette to undo your efforts to use less carbon for the day.
@TheSynthwaveMisfits 4 года назад
*"I should be back in school."* - Greta Thunberg What a lie.. we all know you would use any excuse to skip school.. you're a kid after all.. unless you're a robot. I bet she's angry at the fact a real humanitarian won the nobel peace prize instead of her.. HOW DARE YOU!! If it gets any warmer here in Ireland I'll open up a vineyard. 😁 *winning*
@Frumibandersnatch 13 лет назад
@wimahlers Re: Really? Why not go to the peer-reviewed scientific literature instead? Why not go to the peer reviewed papers? Because the "peers" are the very same that say " We Must Get Rid Of The Medeivel Warmng Period", That's why.
@wimahlers 13 лет назад
@Blogengezer, What has all you have said got to do with either MWP or AGW? Please explain.
@vmgqie 12 лет назад
excellent video, we have been brainwashed into believing AGW fairytale, well not me buddy I have always known it to be a lie and here is another piece in the puzzle, thanks again mate
@karolinahagegard 3 года назад
Well, if you've "always" known it, then I'm not so impressed... 😏 You probably have your own, personal reasons for wanting it that way! Me, I was in the Green Party of Sweden for 18 years!!... Believing in AGW was a religion! 😅 (And still is, of course. To those who are still there...) But I figured it out, in the end. In conflict with nearly everyone I know!... 😛 Can I hear a: 👏👏👏?
@jackreeves7 Месяц назад
Its not a fairytale though
@marylingrover9629 11 лет назад
That's no way to talk to a retired University Professor.
@slimmpiknz 13 лет назад
the ice caps melt and reform every year, the university of illonois have measured GLOBAL sea ice, you can see from the graph the mean sea ice has not changed and sits at approx. 22 million sq kilometers. I tried to include a link but it didnt work so you can search it got yourself
@jackreeves7 Месяц назад
A lot lower than in the past
@AnnOminous7 8 лет назад
Deming never revealed who this 'leading scientist' was.
@cookedfpv Год назад
lol, with "context" warning by youtube about what the un says. fits
@BellaLunaJessalynn 13 лет назад
@heavymetaldeath4life HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sorry couldn't help it :p
@Beerenkomplott 12 лет назад
Maybe I need glasses, but the first picture 4:26 shows that from 1000-1350 it was WARMER than in 1900. While the second picture 4:30 still shows that medieval was WARMER than the y 1900. And first pic has no description, second pic is just Northern Hemisphere. Dafuq?
@heavymetaldeath4life 13 лет назад
@Brdstfff Irrelevant. You're not addressing the science.
@vrooomie1 12 лет назад
Planet "not warming?" Are you actually capable of rational thought?
@blackadderthe4 12 лет назад
'Proof is obvious in ALL the ice cores' so where are the links to your evidence?
@ncdave4life 4 года назад
MrOTLChamp is right. Law Dome ice core data (from Antarctica) shows atmospheric CO2 level peaking during the MWP, then falling to a low during the LIA. If you think the MWP was limited to the North Atlantic region, then how do you explain it showing up in Law Dome (Antarctic) ice cores? Here's the data: www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/law/law_co2.txt Scroll down to to "75 Year Smoothed", then keep going. Watch CO2 rise to 284.1 ppmv ≈1170 (MWP), and then fall to 275.3 ppmv ≈1615 (LIA). The amount of warming needed to cause an 8.8 ppmv CO2 level drop in just 445 years (MWP peak to LIA low) is at least comparable to the amount of warming we've seen since the LIA. Here's how we know that. During the glaciation cycles, as temperatures fell, CO2 levels also fell, but the response time was longer than that. From interglacial peak temperature to glacial minimum temperature, which is thought to have corresponded to a global average temperature change of at least 6°C, the atmospheric CO2 level dropped by about 90 ppmv, but at least half of that CO2 level change was probably cause by ice sheet burial of sequestered carbon. If 6°C of cooling could cause a 45 ppmv CO2 change, then an 8.8 ppmv CO2 level change implies at least 1.2°C of cooling -- and probably more, since that was over just 445 years. 1.2°C is similar to the warming we've seen since the LIA, which suggests that the MWP was at least as warm, on average, globally, as the current climate.
@wimahlers 13 лет назад
@ScootleRoyale, . "go to CO2 science.org there's hundreds of papers ...." . Really? Why not go to the peer-reviewed scientific literature instead? Like, for instance: bioone. org/doi/abs/10.1579/0044-7447-29.1.51 Tip: Look at the history and board of directors of this site. And compare that with your referenced co2sience site. I also strongly advise you to investigate the Idso family business, their subject matter knowledge, their financers, and rebuttals of their website.
@heavymetaldeath4life 13 лет назад
@ScootleRoyale "On average the artic is receding yes but the antarctic is growing so its balancing out." No it's not balancing out just like that. Snow cannot turn back to snow. At this rate, we're turning snow to cold water to ice. Artic is melting at an accelerating rate since car was invented. "And the icecaps always melt. You see we have a thing called seasons lol." I KNOW! But seasons should not affect North and South poles to that extent. Accept mankind is responsible for this shite! :D
@wimahlers 13 лет назад
@Frumibandersnatch, . " The context is data manipulation then? Yeah, that is a bitch..." . No! That is NOT the context. The context is that you CLAIM the data is manipulated, In the same style and fashion, and virtually using much of the same data, as Monnckton does. As shown and explained in the following youtube reference: watch?v=duxG4lyeSlc (time: 5.50 and following) Mind you, this is just ONE example. But it is true for any and all data contested by deniers. Including the MWP.
@JohnKater1971 11 лет назад
Gee I don't know, he seems to be happy to have quite a loose tongue against people more qualified than himself. The gates were not opened by myself.
@FlyJohnny100 10 лет назад
Anyone with an inkling of the massive historic changes wrought by known climate change is much less certain of the future than this guy. Spend some time checking out the shipping manifests, financial records and documented history of the little ice age. We live on a knife edge of climate; the colonization of north America, plagues, religion, agriculture and man's evolution were all hugely influenced by minute changes in weather. The idea that climate is probably stable and even better if it's getting warmer is hilarious.
@KevinKimmich44024 2 года назад
If we live in a knife edge then who cares? If it's inherently unstable and the range of temperatures that humanity can thrive in is limited we are screwed no matter what. I guess it's a problem of having your crisis and eating it too or whatever. It's a big fraud.
@heavymetaldeath4life 13 лет назад
@Brdstfff Sir, I'm willing to consider your view if you can refute global warming scientifically. I don't care if you have a degree, you could be a chav for all I care. But please do support your arguments with proofs and sources.
@FannomacritaireSuomi 6 лет назад
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